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  • File : 1300410507.png-(478 KB, 553x943, CommanderQuestPostOne.png)
    478 KB Commander Quest LXXVI Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 03/17/11(Thu)21:08 No.14279361  
    >last time: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/14255604/
    >the irc on sup/tg/ is #CommanderQuest

    As the eddible food on the beasts you felled begins to dwindle, and men begin to wander off to bed Sansa directs the coversation from the usual, pleasant topics you often end up discussing with Sansa and Kyria, towards those of work. "Commander, I have the bill if you would like to see it now. Also, after the last battle, some of the soldiers, they, well they are quite uneasy, to say the least."
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 03/17/11(Thu)21:20 No.14279468
    Take a look at the bill; it shouldn't be too bad.

    What are the soldiers uneasy about?
    >> Rillius 03/17/11(Thu)21:21 No.14279472

    Well looks like its time to raise morale, I suppose.

    Take a look at the bill, and then we can figure out what to do.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 03/17/11(Thu)21:30 No.14279562
    You extend your hand, chuckling "No need to switch to fomalities because the conversation has changed, love"

    "What about me?" Kyria half scandalizes, playfully.

    "Well, your not working, are you?" you quip back as you accept the parchment, looking it over

    "I could put her to work" Sansa teases, trying to ape your deadman face, and almost accomplishing it.

    "I might like that..." the dwarf trails off, Sansa chuckles, shaking her head.

    "What is it that the men are nervous about?" you ask Sansa as you set the sheet down.

    "Well, the return of the divine has become rather obvious to the maniple after our last engagement. They are naturaly uneasy about that development." your aid replies matter of factly.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 03/17/11(Thu)21:31 No.14279571
    -196th Legionary
    Gaius Rex
    -454th Legionary
    Cornelius Hoursch
    -98th Warlords
    Uurist Titius
    -76th Deadeyes
    Aurelius Caspius
    -50th Dwarven Scouts
    Finian Gaurush
    -65th Dwarven Rangers
    Kyria Esfelda
    -House Garlian Uursan Cavalry
    Lady Jayne Garlian
    House Morzitus Heavy Cavalry
    Balor morzitus
    -Blacktusk Raiders 75/75
    assorted gear
    -The Sunstorm (elves)
    Tyxia Nestad
    Splintmail, spears, kite shields, javelins
    -Celtron Guard (Dwarves)
    Denuk Tyshop
    Surecoats over mail, longswords, tower shields
    -Daimus Skywings
    Damian Corinth
    Chainmail, polearms, valkeries
    -Neftius Spearmen
    Trysha Morose
    leathers, spears, circleshields
    -Dentrus' Raiders (elfs)
    Boros Klars
    Leathers, combat axes, kite shields, javelins

    >derp, forgot the bill
    >> Maximus 03/17/11(Thu)21:33 No.14279588
    Hmm. Guess it might be time to address our men concerning the divine since they're starting to believe in it now. Might be easier if we spoke to the captains and had them speak to their men on their own rather than us going around and talking to each group of men. Although with Lena's voice amplification, perhaps we can do it on our own...
    >> 風林火山 03/17/11(Thu)21:38 No.14279626

    Our units look to be in excellent shape.

    Gather our captains. Speak with them regarding the concerns the men have raised so we can address them. Once we've done so they can speak to their men themselves.

    A full addressing of the maniple should wait until the current situation is resolved.
    >> GoldPanda 03/17/11(Thu)21:43 No.14279662
    Seconding this.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 03/17/11(Thu)21:46 No.14279686
    Agreeing with getting the command staff and all merc captains together to discuss our stance towards the divine.
    While each individual is free to act towards the gods and goddesses however they see fit in private, our overall stance towards the divine has not changed from the old Imperial policy.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 03/17/11(Thu)21:54 No.14279750
    You shrug "Gather the captains, I'll address them and they can address their troops."

    Sansa nods "So, I cant send Kyria off on some mundane task then?"

    "Now why would you do that?" the dwarf asks, offended.

    "Because your greedy." Sansa accuses evenly as she stands up to do the task you set her to.

    Kyria huffs "I share him with you well enough."

    Sansa blushes a little, not as much as she would have a few months ago, but enough "But you barely share me with him! Its... its..." your aide struggles for the right word, though Kyrias grin sends the raven haired woman off shaking her head. Your dwarven lass simply shrugs and goes back to eating.


    Your captains, and Sansa are all gathered in the command tent within the hour, most of them looking confused, though Gaius and Cornelius both look rather apprehensive. "We havent already spotted our foe again, have we? I was lead to beleive that their commander was more clever than that." the older of the two asks.

    "No, this is because of the gods return." Aurelius replies, a slight hint of condescension in his voice.

    "Bad news, that." Uurist announces, absolute confidence in his voice. Every dwarf in the room nods or signals their agreement.,though the others are looking to you for your take on the matter.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 03/17/11(Thu)22:00 No.14279805
    "The return of the gods is becoming more and more difficult to dispute. I wish to nip this before it become a problem for the maniple.
    "It has become apparent that along with the return of elementalism and magic, the gods are gaining influence in the world again. Since such is the case, we shall revert to the Imperial policy that was last in place when the divine was manifest.
    "Individually, and in private, what a citizen does concerning the gods and goddesses is their own business. They are free to spurn or worship them as is their own personal proclivities.
    "Our public policy, however, is that the gods are a potentially hostile, but useful, outside force. We will not go out of our way to antagonize them, however, we shall not bend knee to them either. The only one we do so for is the Emperor, and no other.
    "Any questions?"
    >> Maximus 03/17/11(Thu)22:01 No.14279817
    "Indeed, all signs point to the gods being back. We saw evidence of it back during our first campaign against Khalless and the return of elementalism likely isn't a coincidence either."
    At that point go into the same spiel we've told the people we've revealed the existence of the gods to already on how to treat them, trust in each other and don't just go worshiping the god blindly, etc etc.
    >> GoldPanda 03/17/11(Thu)22:06 No.14279864
    We have consensus.
    >> Maximus 03/17/11(Thu)22:08 No.14279884
    Indeed. We've said it so many times to different people separately, at least we've saving time this time by saying it to the captains. I imagine it might hit a nerve on those that think we should go back to worshiping them though instead of just treating them as we intend to.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 03/17/11(Thu)22:11 No.14279914
    If the reaction of Uurist and that of the other dwarves is any indication, it looks like the dwarves don't like the gods much any more.

    Pax, do we know in-character how the dwarves view the divine? They were on the losing side of the war at the end of the First Age; do they resent the gods for abandoning them and putting them on the losing side?
    >> GoldPanda 03/17/11(Thu)22:13 No.14279932
    The Dwarves are probably nervous about the gods returning, since they sided with the gods during the last Age and got screwed over.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)22:17 No.14279978
    "Gentlemen, ladies, it has now become quite obvious that along with the powers of the last ages, the gods are returning as well. No matter your personal feelings on the matter, that much is obvious. To be honest I had hoped for more time to prepare, but it is how it is. Know that they are powerful, this I can attest to myself, having spoken with them all before. Also know that just like any other powerful being, while their power demands respect it does not mean slavish servitude is wise or even preferred. Nor does it mean that they should be ignored or fought against simply for existing, however.

    I will not dictate how you choose to follow, but from the conversations and encounters I have had with them it has become obvious, to me, that they have the potential to deliver both great fortune and great misfortune upon mortals as a whole. In ages past we offered them subservience, and then struck at them in a great war. Both are, I think, mistakes. I intend to treat them as I would equals, albeit exceptionally powerful ones. And I intend that no matter what, in the coming age the Empire survives and thrives... godly influence or not.

    I intend to become the voice of the gods on the council of praetorians, and ensure that we neither are made subservient to them nor war against them. If you believe this the correct path, I will ask for your support on it. That is all."
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 03/17/11(Thu)22:19 No.14279996
    You stand up to be better heard in the tent "Inded, the gods have returned. We saw hints of it dealing with Khalless, and wrote him off as mad. Again, when his cohorts struck at us, we figured them for fools. But now, we can no longer deny it; the gods have returned, and with them com all of the complications that near omnipotent beings with agendas create. Individually, to worship or not worship is your own decision as citizens of Degnar. Professionally, they are potential allies, or enemies of great power and should be treated as such. Remember when you deal with them that you are members of the Legion, and as such represent it, and I would rather not be smote for what one of my subordinates said. the empire functioned with the gods once before, and it will ocntinue to do so in the future, I trust that you will pass this on to YOUR subordinates as faithfully as you can remember." at that, you drop back into your seat, and wait.

    "How long have you known?" Cornelius asks, more curious than anything.

    "I do hope you havent thrown in with any of the bastards." Uurist adds.
    >> Rillius 03/17/11(Thu)22:20 No.14280015

    I'd leave out our aspirations at this point. No need to sound overly-ambitious and/or possibly nutters to our captains.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 03/17/11(Thu)22:22 No.14280026
    >as a race, the dwarves dislike and distrust the gods. Duchy dwarves becasue their shit got rocked by the gods (losing the entire surface portion of their kingdom). Empire dwarves becasue they were promised the world when they betreayed the humans to side with the Immortals, and ended up getting defeat, shame, distrust, and taxed extra. Every good little dwarf is taught to never trust the gods, and if possible avoid all dealings with them.
    >> GoldPanda 03/17/11(Thu)22:24 No.14280057
    "I felt... something, when I defiled Garugush(?)'s symbol during our first campaign. And no, Uurst, I haven't 'thrown in' with any god, nor do I plan to."

    No need to mention our ambitions, or the fact that we were trading favors with the Sun Pantheon.
    >> 風林火山 03/17/11(Thu)22:25 No.14280069

    Reply truthfully that we've known for some time about their return and that though we have taken their counsel and the information they provide has been useful, we have not, as Uurist says, 'thrown in with any of them'.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 03/17/11(Thu)22:27 No.14280087
    >"How long have you known?"
    I had suspicions near the end of the campaign against Khalless. They were confirmed enough for me almost halfway through our second campaign against House Stant. I didn't have any concrete evidence that I could show others, however, and decided to not press the issue until more evidence was worthcoming. I'll not do any evangelizing for the gods; my commission with the Empire and Legion were quite clear on that no-competition clause.

    >"I do hope you havent thrown in with any of the bastards."
    "Ha! You would sooner see me fighting on behalf of the Uurlanthi Mage-King! I am a Commander of the Imperial Legions of Degnar; my loyalty is to the Emperor and the citizens of the Empire, and no other.
    >> Maximus 03/17/11(Thu)22:28 No.14280104
    "Since our campaign with Khalless I had a good idea they had returned. I just knew it would be pointless to bring it up until there was more evidence beyond a band of what seemed like man men. In regards to worshiping any of them, I have done no such thing and don't intend to start worshiping any god."

    Don't think we should bring up we talk to them and take their counsel just yet.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)22:32 No.14280142
    "I have both known and spoken with them since our first battles with Khalless's men. As for having "thrown in" with them, no. It is my aim to treat them as equals rather than swear myself to them, and I have even conveyed as much to them in person."

    Guys, I think we should probably drop the bomb about wanting to become 7th here. As soon as word of this gets back we will start having rivals, and I want our maniple to support and advocate for us.
    >> Maximus 03/17/11(Thu)22:33 No.14280154
    Hmm. I suppose word likely will start to spread, even if it's just from soldier gossip. You might be right. I think it is time to drop the bomb.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 03/17/11(Thu)22:34 No.14280167
    >Guys, I think we should probably drop the bomb about wanting to become 7th here.
    No, I'm against that right now. Any such aspirations should be discussed after the successful completion of our mission objectives, and not before.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 03/17/11(Thu)22:35 No.14280176
    You shrug "I have had my suspicions since we found the sigil to Garagush during our first campaign, though I became certain just before our first battle using the mooneseye paste. As to 'throwing in' with them? I am almost insulted that you would even need to ask that my friend, I am a servant of the Degnarian Empire first and foremost, and would sooner die than throw my support to _any_ other power, be it mortal or divine."

    Gaius perks up at your response to the first quetsion "How did you know? What convinced you that they had returned?"
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)22:39 No.14280218
    "I am able to speak with them. It is for this reason, as well as my desire to see the mistakes of the past not repeated in either direction, that I have decided to attempt to gain the post of Praetorian of the Gods."
    >> Maximus 03/17/11(Thu)22:40 No.14280225
    Was wondering if someone would ask that question.

    "My first suspicion was when I destroyed that sigil. Upon doing so, I felt something notice me as odd as that may sound. Beyond that point, the gods have made their presence known to me in other ways at times I will admit."

    I still think we should wait until after we deal with the Uurlanth force before we drop the bomb we've talked to the gods but if people want to do it now, we can do it now.
    >> Maximus 03/17/11(Thu)22:44 No.14280262
    Eh I'll change my opinion to tell them we've spoken to them now.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)22:45 No.14280270
    Let's do it now. It will reassure the men to know that we are handling it, secure the support of our troops behind us in our bid for power, and when they get back and rumors start spreading they will include "Justinian Trentz is the man for the job, he slaps gods like bitches when they try to get uppity with him."
    >> Rillius 03/17/11(Thu)22:51 No.14280311

    Alright I guess it would reassure them to at least know we have a plan.

    >lationcy group.

    Captcha says we should tell the captains to keep it under their hats though.
    >> No Gods Or Devils, Only Mortals 03/17/11(Thu)22:54 No.14280341
    Are you sure that it won't be seen by our men as their commander biting off more than he can chew? We're not even a cohort commander yet, and we're already talking about becoming a Praetorian?
    Maybe you're right, maybe it'll help reassure our troops.

    Or maybe it will make some of them think that we've secretly thrown in with the gods and that we're a liability for the Empire.
    >> Maximus 03/17/11(Thu)22:57 No.14280356
    It might. It might not. We won't know and it kind of depends on the confidence they have in us and so far we've seemed like we know what we're doing. Hopefully it doesn't end up too bad.
    >> No Gods Or Devils, Only Mortals 03/17/11(Thu)22:59 No.14280376
    From the cultural overview that Pax provided concerning the dwarves, I don't think any of them will like our announcement.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)23:00 No.14280392
    I imagine they'll be fine with it. "Fighting for us against the desires of the gods." as it were. That's how we can spin it to the dwarven population in our political campaign.
    >> Maximus 03/17/11(Thu)23:00 No.14280393
    With the way we've worded it though, it might not be as bad. We've made it clear we're not walking into any deal with them expecting the world. We have just listened to what they have to say and if their aims match ours, we may do what they want.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 03/17/11(Thu)23:03 No.14280416
    You shrug, as if the whole matter is of no real importance "I could feel their attention on me from when I disrupted Garagush' sigil. I have been granted visions by them, I can even commune with them when I wish too. Once I realized that they were returning, I thought it best to ensure that they have no undue anger or devices on my Maniple or homeland." the room seems to freeze as you continue to talk "I suppose I will need to calm the goddess who just had one of her first mortal servants after several millennia without one killed by us fairly soon."

    After a few moments Finian opens up "That easily, you'll just, talk to a possibly angry goddess, convince her that she _shouldn't_ punish us for slighting her?"

    You sigh "Talking with them is the easy part, its making them realize that things will not be as they were before the Great Revolution once they have fully returned to their power that is difficult, even that is not _so_ bad. By my estimate, the Praetorian of the Devine, 7th when the office becomes official again I would suppose, will not be all that difficult."

    You hear the dwarves grumbling amongst themselves, though after one of them utters "means I wont have to do it myself" they all seem to more or less accept your announcement.
    A few minutes later, Sansa opens up "So, what were these visions you had?" After a few moments the entire group seems to perk up with curiosity.
    >> No Gods Or Devils, Only Mortals 03/17/11(Thu)23:07 No.14280459
    "One in particular had the First Emperor and the first Uurlanthi Mage-King fighting alongside one another beneath Rhana's banner, facing off against Garagush and his minions.
    "If she can get our two peoples to fight as one together, that's a feat that I'd like to see a goddess attempt."
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)23:08 No.14280481
    Go ahead and tell them, I suppose. Both the visions and what they mean. Might as well finally let everyone know we're going to be facing a big war and lots of undead eventually.
    >> Maximus 03/17/11(Thu)23:10 No.14280503
    I think we should leave the undead one out for now. The gods, the Uurlanth and undead might be too much. Can't overwhlem them. Let's just mention the first vision and then mention how they have sent warnings or other messages like how we were alerted of a trial which was the slaves the Stants were sending.
    >> Gloquenteentleman !yVrZbEGJ8A 03/17/11(Thu)23:10 No.14280506
    rolled 90 = 90

    I think we should come clean about our actual relations. Deals we've made, our aspirations, and etc. All of our captains are people we can trust and we even seek out their aide every now and then in matters.
    >> GoldPanda 03/17/11(Thu)23:14 No.14280549
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)23:16 No.14280574
    I'll agree with that then. First one and explanation for it, beg off on the second. Maybe say that we will discuss it with them later individually if they wish, but it's probably not something to deal with for now. That way we can inform the rest of our ladies but not worry about the maniple finding out.
    >> Maximus 03/17/11(Thu)23:18 No.14280597
    Just don't mention the other vision if we can. Easier than saying we'll explain later. Bring it up when we have things more under control and some real counters to it. Which makes me wonder, maybe we should be talking to some of the other gods about this undead issue.
    >> Gloquenteentleman !yVrZbEGJ8A 03/17/11(Thu)23:20 No.14280605
    rolled 6 = 6

    What about explaining our actual relations and the dealings we have had with them. Explain Kyria and etc... How we plan on approaching them.
    >> Maximus 03/17/11(Thu)23:25 No.14280658
    I figure we can tell them more if they ask. No point bringing things up if they don't want to know just yet.
    >> No Gods Or Devils, Only Mortals 03/17/11(Thu)23:29 No.14280710
    Agreed. No point in bringing up more questions when we have an Uurlanthi force to defeat.
    >> Laurentius 03/17/11(Thu)23:30 No.14280722
    Yeah, no point in mentioning the undead at least until after this campaign
    >> Servant of the Emperor 03/17/11(Thu)23:30 No.14280727
    Explain Kyria's sudden repair of her shoulder. "This was done on my request after receiving a boon from the goddess Rhana after not killing the slaves sent after us, the group we'd discovered Lena in. Colin can also owe his speedy recovery after our first battle with the Stant brothers to that boon as well. I did not ask either of you of that, and I am sorry if you are upset with me over it. But it was my decision as your commander to bring you back to full fighting strength.

    These talks are how i've also gained the intelligence of the necromancy threat, as those things are a perversion in the eyes of the goddess of death. That was intelligence given freely. I've not begged nor cowered before any of them, not once. I'll ask you to do the same."
    >> Gloquenteentleman !yVrZbEGJ8A 03/17/11(Thu)23:32 No.14280742
    rolled 1 = 1

    >These talks are how i've also gained the intelligence of the necromancy threat, as those things are a perversion in the eyes of the goddess of death. That was intelligence given freely. I've not begged nor cowered before any of them, not once. I'll ask you to do the same."

    This is what I primarily want. Just a reassurance.
    >> Maximus 03/17/11(Thu)23:32 No.14280746
    Definitely no. They have enough on their plates. They do not need to know about the undead yet, especially since we're trying to make it look like we have everything under control. Let's wait until we have more answers ready and they have come to terms with the gods being back a little more. Plus, I rather not tell them we used a boon to heal people unless someone asks.
    >> Gloquenteentleman !yVrZbEGJ8A 03/17/11(Thu)23:34 No.14280763
    rolled 75 = 75

    Yes, besides the undead, I just want to clarify again, the way we are dealing with them.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)23:35 No.14280774
    Gotta agree with maximus here. Troops only need to know the current foe they are fighting. We're the commander, strategy is left to us.
    >> Laurentius 03/17/11(Thu)23:35 No.14280775
    This without the mention of necromancy being an abomination sounds fine, we don't want to decry necromancy at the moment due to Rufus being one, a latent one at least
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)23:35 No.14280786
    No, telling them about the undead threat, when we have no effective counters yet, would only worry them more.

    Also, telling them that we used a divine boon to have two of our people healed would open up a whole can of worms, such as why we haven't used it to heal others in our maniple, or why we're accepting such favors in the first place.
    >> Gloquenteentleman !yVrZbEGJ8A 03/17/11(Thu)23:37 No.14280809
    rolled 63 = 63

    That shouldn't be /too/ much of a problem. I mean they understand that we have our own priorities and not everyone in the maniple is created equally.
    >> Maximus 03/17/11(Thu)23:38 No.14280816
    Pretty much what I was thinking. It's just causing unnecessary concern where it's not needed at the moment. I imagine the dwarfs especially will not appreciate the fact we've accepted a boon.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 03/17/11(Thu)23:41 No.14280846
    You drop your overly relaxed body language and respond more honestly "The visions were, interesting. Though it will suffice to say that they were dramatic, and pertained to events that are either in progress, or will happen in the future."

    Aurelius tilts his head "You were given information on the current war?"

    "Not so much that, as warned that it will not be a small one." you reply "As to the other one, we have enough to worry about in the present. suffice it to say that in my dealings with the divine I have laid contingencies for the events I have been warned of, and seen that some of us who were badly wounded or maimed healed. All of it traded for things I had intended to do before the deal was brokered." Your men seem to accept your response, though Gaius looks quite curious as to what specifically your visions were. However, the conversation devolves into guessing and accusing over who received divine aid from your negotiations. Kyria smiles and tries to finger Aurelius for most of the time spent in that conversation.


    As you leave the tent, playful argument still in full swing, you nearly bowl Rufus over, the boy sitting, anxiously waiting for you. "You, you said you would help me, and, well..."
    >> Maximus 03/17/11(Thu)23:43 No.14280882
    "Of course. I was just dealing with that topic on the level of my maniple since the last battle has made it obvious to most that the gods are returning. Let's get to that now then."

    We might as well get a general assessment on how the gods are feeling about us as well before we talk to Neshai. Been awhile and I'm curious on how things may have changed.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)23:44 No.14280886
    Okay. Our tent, then. Let's introduce this kid to Neshai.

    What could possibly go wrong!?
    >> Gloquenteentleman !yVrZbEGJ8A 03/17/11(Thu)23:46 No.14280914
    rolled 52 = 52

    Ah, yes, I just finished a meeting pertaining to the first thing on our to do list. The deities.

    We should probably take him to our tent and see if we both can commune at the same time and ask if they will allow the boy an audience with us.
    >> No Gods Or Devils, Only Mortals 03/17/11(Thu)23:46 No.14280921
    Yes, we may as well see how our latest brush against the divine has affected our standing amongst the pantheons.
    Then ask Neshai about her stance regarding non-undead raising necromancers.
    >> Laurentius 03/17/11(Thu)23:52 No.14280990
    "ah, yes. Come with me to my tent and we'll see if we can't get you in contact with them, I will have to contact them first and then I'll see if they are willing to talk to you. Also bear in mind, what we are doing is a state secret and you are not to talk to anyone under the rank of captain about it"
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 03/17/11(Thu)23:57 No.14281047
    You help him to his feet "Easy friend, I said I would, I simply had other tasks that needed attending to. Come, this is something best done inside." you lead the lad to your tent, and set yourself up in a meditative stance in the large, open area at the center of the space. After half an hour of tutoring, and helping the lad, you manage to help him slip into a proper meditative state. You, instead of simply focusing on the gods, focus on pushing Rufus to the divine plain you have become accustomed to.

    It takes more work than usual, but after a while you find yourself standing surrounded by the orbs representing each deity, Rufus awestruck at your side "I, what do we do now? What are they?"
    >> Maximus 03/17/11(Thu)23:59 No.14281070
    "Each orb represents one of the gods and from here you can either get an idea on how they feel or try to interact with one directly."

    I suppose show him how to get a sense on what the gods are feeling by doing it ourselves since we'd like to see.
    >> Laurentius 03/18/11(Fri)00:00 No.14281082
    tell him which orbs indicate which deity then introduce him to them
    >> No Gods Or Devils, Only Mortals 03/18/11(Fri)00:01 No.14281088
    Sure, let's do it. No sense in dancing around the issue.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)00:01 No.14281094
    They are... representations of the gods. Lesser avatars, you might say. All of them are represented here, and with a bit of concentration you should be able to see what they think of you.

    But first things first. Come, float this way... this is Neshai. She is the one you wished to speak with. Goddess Neshai, this is Rufus, a burgeoning necromancer. Say something, boy.
    >> Rillius 03/18/11(Fri)00:06 No.14281146

    Don't you think having a necromancer in the army is a clear breach of imperial policy? Its a preference towards Neshai...?
    >> Laurentius 03/18/11(Fri)00:15 No.14281242
    I'm pretty sure she isn't the biggest fan of necromancers, also we didn't know he was a necromancer when we picked him up
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)00:17 No.14281272
    Showing preference is in no way a breach of Imperial policy in the first place, and second she dislikes necromancers.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 03/18/11(Fri)00:21 No.14281318
    You shrug "Lesser avatars I suppose. With enough focus you can use these to get a feel of how different gods are feeling about you, or, if you are skilled enough someone else."

    Rufus still looks unsure "I dont know the gods"

    "Understandable" you reply, before launching into a brief description of each, getting your own feel for them as you do so. Nyetini and Raynha are both still very pleased with you, Eago seems like he would like to speak with you. Garagush and Jogra both approve of some of your actions, but still are not inundated with you, though the latter seems somewhat snubbed. Karythria and Lamynus both are angry with you, Neshai worried, and Baashek bored. "And that, is Neshai, the goddess of death and entropy. She is also the god who sees over the dead, and most folks afterlife. Go, have your conversation with her, I have other business to attend to on this plain, we can discuss what happens at a later time." Rufus begins to move towards the sickly green light steadily, but nervously. You turn your attention back to Eago and Karythria, not sure whom to speak with first.
    >> Maximus 03/18/11(Fri)00:22 No.14281334
    I say Eago first. I wonder why Neshai is worried... Maybe she'll inform Rufus for us.
    >> Laurentius 03/18/11(Fri)00:23 No.14281351
    Karythria first then eago
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)00:24 No.14281359
    Eago first. His answer to what is going on with Wulf will likely have an effect on our conversation with Kath.

    We should also make points to speak with Jorga, Neshai, Raynha, and Nyetini.
    >> 風林火山 03/18/11(Fri)00:24 No.14281364

    Do we even need to speak with Karythria?

    I'm for snubbing her totally.
    >> Laurentius 03/18/11(Fri)00:25 No.14281376
    and garagush, he apparently misses us
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 03/18/11(Fri)00:27 No.14281397
    Eago first.

    Showing preference, aside from the typical "guide my blade" or "strengthen my shield" or "In exchange for a sacrifice of cattle and raising his banner above the battlefield, I invoke Garagush to aid us in our coming battle", was considered a breach of Imperial policy. Not a major one, but you were expected to do that in private, not in public.
    >> Laurentius 03/18/11(Fri)00:31 No.14281445
    we killed a follower of hers, we need to let her know that it didn't have to do with her.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 03/18/11(Fri)00:33 No.14281479
    I'm fine with calmly talking it over with her, but her portfolio suggests that she won't be remaining calm when we try to converse with her. Though I suppose it can't hurt to at least hear her insult us for a bit.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)00:33 No.14281481
    Interesting way to play it off to Karythria: "You are the goddess of cruelty, so surely you can see the pure ironic sadism inherent in denying such a pure vengeful desire. Dead at the hands of the one she hated the most, dreams and allies crushed and crumbling around her, virtually powerless. Is there anything more sadistic?"
    >> Laurentius 03/18/11(Fri)00:36 No.14281513
    I like this but I'm a little worried that it will come off as gloating
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 03/18/11(Fri)00:36 No.14281517
    You make your way towards Eagos sphere, and before long find yourself find yourself standing on a well worn dirt road, a man walking beside you "Welcome, traveler. I assume you have come to ask after young Wulf?" the kindly, well worn voice asks you from behind the tattered travelers robe.

    You nod "Indeed I have, would it be safe to assume that the Nomad Owl resting so near him is a servant of yours?"

    The robed figure nods, his friendly voice coming easily though he leans heavily on his walking stick "Indeed, the Nomad Owls, as you know them, are my faithful servants, well, a good number of them are. What of the boy do you wish to know, aside from that his journey has not yet ended?"
    >> Maximus 03/18/11(Fri)00:38 No.14281559
    "With what's happened to him, will there be any long-term effects or will he fine with enough time?"
    >> Laurentius 03/18/11(Fri)00:39 No.14281561
    well that of course is good to know, but I would like to know if you have any plans for the boy?
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 03/18/11(Fri)00:40 No.14281586
    "You and Neshai, you both have eyes on him. This will undoubtedly cause him grief; but will it break him, or harm those around him?
    "Beyond that, his relationship with you is a personal matter that I shall not pry into."
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)00:46 No.14281663
    Ask if he'll be okay, and if he and Neshai have any plans for the boy. But yeah, we won't really interfere... people can decide on their own about the gods. It's not our place to dictate worship.
    >> Laurentius 03/18/11(Fri)00:47 No.14281691
    except that we may have to pry into it, being his commander and all, perhaps we should say that we won't discourage his worship of eago so long as his worship doesn't cause him to disobey orders
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 03/18/11(Fri)00:49 No.14281716
    Insofar as it does not affect the maniple as a whole, or Wulf's ability to follow our orders, we will not interfere with the relationship between Wulf and Eago.
    >> Laurentius 03/18/11(Fri)00:50 No.14281734
    sounds good
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 03/18/11(Fri)00:51 No.14281743
    Fine, let's just all of these questions, then, and get moving.

    1. What's going to happen to Wulf and if there will be long-term effects.
    2. If Eago has any plans for Wulf.
    3. If the interest of Eago and Neshai in Wulf will cause problems for the maniple in the future.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 03/18/11(Fri)00:56 No.14281787
    You nod "I'm glad to hear that, though I would like to know what exactly befell the boy, and what your designs on him are, if you have any."

    The robed figure chuckles "I would like for him to be my first priest in this new age, though I know he has already turned from that road. he travels according to your maniples orders, not the whim of the road, and chooses a single mate, over the comfort of whichever fellow travelers would have him. I would still very much like his devotion however, and with what I have given him, I do not doubt that I will have it over my esteemed former wife."

    You cock an eyebrow quizzically "And what precisely did you give him?"

    The old god chuckles "Hope, hope to escape Karythrias torturous prison. Turned a cell in a sunken ship to a path through the aether, starting in the depths of the wenches realm and ending back in your own. However, you have much to do, and I would be bereft to hold your journey any longer. This is where we part ways, fellow traveler." the god continues walking ahead, leaving your field of vision long before you can respond. The path to your right reeks of saltwater and fish, to your left battle and blood.
    >> Maximus 03/18/11(Fri)00:58 No.14281802
    I say go right.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)00:59 No.14281814
    Order, to speed things up:
    1. Karythria
    2. Garagush
    3. Jorga
    4. Neshai.
    5. Rayhna
    6. Nyetini

    Nyetini for last, because it's totally time we started making the first flirtations with her. Seducing a goddess will likely take time, might as well start now.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 03/18/11(Fri)01:00 No.14281827
    Alright, let's go speak with Karythrias. Might as well get this over with.
    >> Laurentius 03/18/11(Fri)01:00 No.14281834
    Yeah Might as well deal with Karythria before Garagush
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)01:00 No.14281835
    So he's stuck in some kind of multidimensional labyrinth like near the end of Gurren Lagann. Joy.

    Thank Eago for his help, then let's go see what we can do with Karythria.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 03/18/11(Fri)01:08 No.14281895
    You shout out your thanks, and follow the seaward path. Before long you find yourself on a massive galleon. Its crew all manner of pirates and sailors, jollily going about their work; though every few minutes some prank, killing or fight breaks out, seemingly at random to an outsider such as yourself. After what feels like hours of working through the bustle of the busy ship on the stormy sea you make your way to the captains chambers. Inside you find a fair maiden, blond hair and slight features, save her ample bust and generous hips sitting in the captains chair. Her cloths however, are ancient, well worn and well weathered raiders garb, holding all manner of weapons close to her person. "Commander Trentz, how bold of you to come here. Do tell me why I should not punish you as I did your pet arcanist for your slights against me."
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 03/18/11(Fri)01:13 No.14281943
    >slights against me
    "Your follower attacked me, and I cannot be held responsible for cutting her down in such a case.
    "As it is, if you do not wish to converse with me, then I shall take my leave as I have other appointments that must be seen to."
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)01:15 No.14281962
    "I can hardly be blamed for doing everything I can to survive. I am but a selfish human, afterall.

    Surely you would have known had the widow wanted her revenge on me and Laelith, her only outcome would have been death."
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)01:15 No.14281967
    Take a seat.

    "Come now. Surely you know it was your misguided servant's fault rather than mine. I simply snuffed out her hopes and dreams, causing all around her to fall in and implode. Her last moments nothing but a cruel jape as she died at the hands of those she hated most, forsaken and outwitted when she thought herself strong.

    The irony is not lost on you, I trust. And all I did was simply defend myself. Next time I suggest a servant more likely to pick targets other than I."
    >> Maximus 03/18/11(Fri)01:17 No.14281978
    I can support this. Was going to post something similar but I think this does a fine job.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 03/18/11(Fri)01:26 No.14282068
    You drop into one of the comfortable looking seats, only to find it quite far from what you expected "I was simply rectifying your misguided servants folly. I allowed her to pursue me, thinking herself strong, waste all of the favor she had with you trying to overcome things she did not understand. I let her demise drag out, let its very nature turn her entire existence into naught but a cruel jape, before finally I allowed her to die. Truly, you must appreciate that?"

    the goddess forces a laugh, cold and malicious "Yes, but it was also a great kindness to your beloved elf, it allowed her to put a long, hard chapter of her life well and truly behind her. I loathe such behavior, though I may know of one who would adore such kindness." the goddess licks her lips before continuing "Tell me truly now, what is your purpose here?"
    >> Maximus 03/18/11(Fri)01:29 No.14282107
    "Firstly, what exactly have you done to my arcanist. Second, what will it take to settle things between us."

    I assume that's why we're here at least. Might as well try to calm down an angry goddess if we can.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)01:31 No.14282122
    "The truth is, I wish to remain on at least speaking terms with all of you ten. My chance with Lanymus is long gone, and I accept that. However having two of you that angry with me will not do, and will doom both me and those around me."
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)01:33 No.14282137
    "In truth, I do not desire conflict with you or any of the other gods. The last time that happened, well, we all know the results. I have aspirations to become the voice of the gods in the Empire, and that will include you. I propose we set this incident behind us. I killed one of your servants, you struck down one of mine. We're square."
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 03/18/11(Fri)01:34 No.14282143
    "Will you pursue this matter? Will we be locked in constant retaliation at each other for perceived slights, or will we both be able to accept that battles between mortals using divine assistance will not count towards interactions upon this plane?"
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)01:35 No.14282150
    Let's not suggest that we will do favors for her to "abate her wrath" or anything like that. We didn't provoke the attack, and we sure as hell didn't provoke her ire by defending ourselves. I for one am against anything more than a "Let's just drop it and try to stay out of each others way."
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 03/18/11(Fri)01:40 No.14282198
    You answer curtly, keeping to business "I want to know what you did to my arcanist first. But foremost, I want this feud between the two of us settled, at least to the point where we can hold polite, honest conversation on manners important to both of us, nothing more than that."

    The beatiful goddess chuckles again "Your little mage? I simply stole that which was most dear to her away from her, as punishment for being so foolish as to fall for the ruse of my disciple." again, the godess laughs, slower this time, and in a lower tone "And settle this? Justinian, you settle things two ways, one is oh so very droll in its bluntness, the other? Well, I dont think you could handle me." the goddess reclines in her chair, resting her smooth, pale legs on the desk before her.
    >> Servant of the Emperor 03/18/11(Fri)01:41 No.14282207
    Mention the temples return and restoration that will be done by our hand, her one servant may be struck down now, but there will be many more thanks to you.

    Call it paying her back, with interest.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)01:41 No.14282211
    ....Wait. Is she suggesting we do her?
    >> Servant of the Emperor 03/18/11(Fri)01:43 No.14282236
    I believe so. but i worry about God Clap.

    try to change her opinion by using my above post
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 03/18/11(Fri)01:46 No.14282258
    >Well, I dont think you could handle me.
    That sounds like a challenge to me.
    I'm tempted to have Justinian try, just for laughs.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 03/18/11(Fri)01:47 No.14282272
    >build temples to goddess of pirates and raiders
    Are you sure that's wise, especially from our position as an upholder of the law and enforcer of the Empire's Order?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)01:50 No.14282298
    Justinian loves his women, but he deplores sluts.

    Stand up. "As much as it saddens me, I'm afraid I'll choose the former. I would prefer for us to stay out of one another's way, especially as we are even 1-for-1 on underlings. But if that is impossible now, perhaps we will be able to settle it some other time."
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)01:51 No.14282308
    As the Praetorian of the Aether, we can't be prejudiced in the matters of what worship is allowed, so long as those worshiping to not behave in socially destructive manners.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 03/18/11(Fri)01:53 No.14282339
    "While I am tempted to enjoy some more of your company, I am afraid that duty calls, and that I cannot leave my other appointments waiting.
    "Perhaps we can work this out another time, then."
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)01:53 No.14282341
    I agree with Gods here on the temple thing. Point out to her that we aren't inclined to restore worship of gods who are actively hostile to us, but don't make promises about building them for her. We're not going to be extorted here. If she wants to bury the hatchet and maybe get in on the rebuild, that's fine. If not? Her loss.

    Also, no to nailing her. Hot as she is, our goddess-wife shall be Nyetini. She won't stab us in the back for laughs.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 03/18/11(Fri)01:55 No.14282357
    We can advise the Empire on the subject of what worship is legal, but it is ultimately up to the Emperor, and not us, to make that determination.
    >> Laurentius 03/18/11(Fri)01:57 No.14282373
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)02:02 No.14282422
    We can damn well choose what temples to restore with our own money, however. And thereby control who gets all the early worshippers and expands the fastest, thereby taking the firmest hold in the new age. Sure, we won't be restricting anyone's worship, but we will basically be slamming the door in her face and laughing if she fucks us over.
    >> Gloquenteentleman !yVrZbEGJ8A 03/18/11(Fri)02:06 No.14282456
    rolled 41 = 41

    we would not like to be prejudiced about how we do business later, we need to make it clear to her that the times are different, and they cannot just do or take whatever they want without consequence

    Also, hit on her a wee bit, I'm sure she'll enjoy it, that or we could be the hard to get one in this relationship.
    >> Gloquenteentleman !yVrZbEGJ8A 03/18/11(Fri)02:09 No.14282494
    rolled 52 = 52

    we should also make fun of her for being proud that her "disciple" managed to fool a only just now out of pre-pubescent mage girl with no experience in her field

    Oh how far she has fallen
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)02:10 No.14282499
    No, she's the goddess of cruelty and deception you fool! We hit on Nyetini. This bitch gets left high and dry.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 03/18/11(Fri)02:10 No.14282501
    Now, it is your turn to chuckle "As tempted as I am to prove you wrong, I do have other appointments to attend, so you will have to settle for the droll method. We are even as far as smote followers are concerned, I would think that would be enough to end our dispute. If not, I do intend to begin restoring temples back in my native realm, and should you agree to show me no more overt ill will, and not direct your followers towards me past their own mortal designs; I will not place any undue delays on the restoration of your temples." you reply, your tone businesslike and even.

    You feel an ice-cold spike lancing through your mind, and the pirate queen before you eases out of her seductive position and returns her face to its natural, cold, uncaring mask "You are more clever than I had expected, Justinian Trentz. Very well, I will agree to your terms, be on your way before i decide to act on the things in your mind." you nod politely, rise from the chair, and make for the deck of the massive ship again. The crew looks confused when you return to the deck, but you ignore them, instead simply stepping off of the edge of the ship.


    You land in a ruined city, freshly sacked by the look of it. The clamor of battle can still be heard far off in the distance. All of the buildings not sacked and burning are tightly sealed, and you can almost feel the fear pouring off of them. A mountain of a man in black and gray plate armor strides up to you battleaxe slung over his shoulder "A boon was freely offered, yet denied. Is it common in the men of your age to deny gifts, especially such gracious ones?" the god asks in his deep voice, pulling his horned greathelm from his head, revealing a strong, muscular face, framed with wild black hair and a tremendous black beard.
    >> Maximus 03/18/11(Fri)02:11 No.14282507
    I think it's unnecessary when we're trying to solve matters between us. It'll only annoy her more and if we can get her off our back easy enough, than I rather do that then get the last word in. I just hope Wulf can get out of whatever he's in soonish.
    >> GoldPanda 03/18/11(Fri)02:12 No.14282514
    Yeah, let's not sleep with bitch goddess. Probably not good for our health.

    Plus, snubbing a woman is pretty cruel, right? She'll appreciate that.

    We're done here. Next god.

    (As for the temples, I propose temples for each Sun pantheon god, and a single, generic one for the Moon pantheon.)
    >> Gloquenteentleman !yVrZbEGJ8A 03/18/11(Fri)02:12 No.14282523
    rolled 51 = 51

    "Nay, it is an age where mortals would like to rely on their own power and will to resolve matters."
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)02:15 No.14282542
    "It is not, but I take pride in my abilities and facing my foes. It was no slight to you. He had the advantage, but that only made the victory that much more glorious, don't you agree? Even with all of his advantages, he was felled by my blade and the glory of the day was that much greater for it."
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)02:15 No.14282544

    That seems a bit hypocritical seeing as we used a boon from a different god to repair Kyria's shoulder.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 03/18/11(Fri)02:15 No.14282546
    "We have learned that not all things freely given come without strings attached.
    "Also, I believe in keeping fights between mortals just that; fights between mortals.
    "Would you, of all gods, deny me the right to defeat my enemies on my terms?"
    >> Maximus 03/18/11(Fri)02:16 No.14282555
    I second this.
    >> Gloquenteentleman !yVrZbEGJ8A 03/18/11(Fri)02:16 No.14282556
    rolled 61 = 61

    different circumstances that needed it's use then and there to fix something completely, rather than something we can do without and still get through with just a little more effort
    >> Laurentius 03/18/11(Fri)02:16 No.14282559
    "it would have taken some of the honor out of the fight had I accepted it"
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)02:17 No.14282570

    Ah, I see. That makes more sense.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)02:18 No.14282573
    Let's not insult him by saying "Stay out of our business, bitch."

    Let's just say that we didn't take the boon because, while it was generous, the victory was all the greater because of us punking him while he had the upper hand.
    >> Laurentius 03/18/11(Fri)02:18 No.14282575
    Actually I prefer this one over mine
    >> Servant of the Emperor 03/18/11(Fri)02:18 No.14282576
    Shout back to him in our powerful voice, "Did you not enjoy the powerful outcome anyway?

    Your offer was a kind gesture though, it was appreciated but i wished to do most things on my own. Strength of self if much better then the strength of gifts, because the gift only shows its power rather then the owner."
    >> GoldPanda 03/18/11(Fri)02:19 No.14282579
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)02:24 No.14282626
    "I had been worried, before the battle. Unduly so, it happened. However, once I had laid my traps, and saw Lord Wellis' forces fall upon them, almost as if on purpose, I knew it was a battle that could be won.

    It's a fact that few plans survive encounter with the enemy, but when they work, it's one of the sweetest wines, don't you agree?"
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 03/18/11(Fri)02:25 No.14282628
    You salute the god, a gesture he returns "No, it is not common, however, I learned early in life that few things are truly free. On top of that, to defeat a foe who is at an advantage, who shamelessly abuses the advantage, with naught but the strength of my own arm?"

    The armored god nods in approval "Well enough. Had you not been so, insolent, with the sigil my last mortal servant left in the city he stormed, I may have accepted such a response out of hand. However, as it stands, i feel you owe me an explanation for such a rude and unwarranted act of rebellion."
    >> Gloquenteentleman !yVrZbEGJ8A 03/18/11(Fri)02:28 No.14282653
    rolled 81 = 81

    "Before, I was in a state of ignorance of you and your associates hands in the world. I was worried, perhaps even a bit cowed at your servant's display. I took what I thought was the necessary steps to prevent possibly bad outcomes to my maniple, my family. I take honor in such actions as protecting my maniples. However, I am man enough to realize my mistakes and apologize formally. Think of it as my response to your offering of a gift that I declined as a repayment."
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)02:30 No.14282664
    "At the time, surely you remember, I had little to no idea of the gods. It was an unknown sigil drawn by my foe, on the site of a massacred city. To destroy it was what any warrior would do in an attempt to strike at his foe. I apologize if it offended you unjustly."
    >> Laurentius 03/18/11(Fri)02:30 No.14282665
    this sounds good to me
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 03/18/11(Fri)02:30 No.14282668
    "Ah, that. I am sorry to say that it was because of what your previous servant was doing. I thought that he may have been leaving behind markers for a greater ritual, or something that would prevent the repopulation of the city.
    "As the action of an insurgent against the authority of the Empire, it had to be erased."

    Sorry, bro, my bad, but your guy was being an ass, and it's my job to be a dick right back at him.
    >> GoldPanda 03/18/11(Fri)02:34 No.14282688
    "Rebellion? With all due respect, one cannot rebel against what he owes no allegiance to. My only allegiance is to the Degnarian Empire and my emperor.

    Having said that, I am a soldier. Whether I want to or not, I become your servant every time I draw my blade. So come now! Surely actions speak louder to you than mere symbols? Or have the ancients been very wrong when they described Garagush?"
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)02:36 No.14282699
    Yeah, big no on that one. Your comment is insolent and gives the finger to him when he is totally being a bro and asking "Why you do that, man?"

    Apologize and say that we didn't know at the time, and it was a strike against our foe. Garagush approves, +10.
    >> GoldPanda 03/18/11(Fri)02:38 No.14282708
    Come on. Back me up here, NGoDoM.

    We can't let Garagush assert dominance over us. Don't show him our belly! Stand firm!
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)02:40 No.14282710
    We're not acting weak or anything like that, nor letting him assert dominance. We're apologizing for giving him the finger when he hadn't done anything to us. If this is between equals then we need to apologize for our mistakes as well as have them apologize for theirs.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 03/18/11(Fri)02:41 No.14282720
    You bring up a good point, and we DO need to reinforce that we are not beholden to Garagush or any other god.
    That said, we don't want to get into another fight like with Karthrias again.

    Stand firm that we are a servant of the Empire, but offer an explanation of our action.
    >> Gloquenteentleman !yVrZbEGJ8A 03/18/11(Fri)02:44 No.14282734
    rolled 37 = 37

    "[insert explanation here], If it will make you all warm and fuzzy inside, I /guess/ I could apoligize. Would you like that G man."

    Proceed to punch in the arm like a bro.
    >> GoldPanda 03/18/11(Fri)02:46 No.14282752
    Explain it as a *misunderstanding*, NOT an act of *rebellion*. Two different things.

    Different behavior is warranted for each god. I believe Garagush would appreciate men who actually dares to stand up to him, rather than fold and apologize as soon as he adopts a threatening posture.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 03/18/11(Fri)02:48 No.14282761
    You shrug, realizing that you are in your armor, blade on your hip and shield strapped to your back. "At the time, I was ignorant to your return. What I did know, was that it was an unknown mark left by my insurgent foe in a sacked and slaughtered town. It was the only way I could strike at my foe, and defend my maniple, my family, in one blow. Would it be fair to consider the gift you offered, that drain on your recovering power not taken, as an apology?"

    The brute of a god chuckles "Fair enough, I was already beginning to dislike the dwarf myself at that point. The sack was poorly done, innocents slain, resources burnt not taken. I will let it pass." Garagush draws his axe "I realize that you are a busy man, but could I interest you in a spar? I would test your mettle myself, as you have not allowed me into any of your battlefields yet, and they do leave me curious, after observing them." he explains, bouncing the blade on the ground.
    >> GoldPanda 03/18/11(Fri)02:52 No.14282794
    rolled 15 = 15

    Come at me bro.

    Combat roll.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 03/18/11(Fri)02:53 No.14282800
    rolled 20 = 20

    Combat Roll to see how well we hold our own.

    "I suppose I can spare some time. Though there is one amongst my retinue who I believe will give you more challenge, Collin is his name."
    >> Laurentius 03/18/11(Fri)02:54 No.14282814
         File1300431268.png-(187 KB, 800x800, advice justinian8.png)
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    inspired by IRC
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)02:55 No.14282826
    rolled 97 = 97

    Let's do this thing. Elemental roll.
    >> Laurentius 03/18/11(Fri)02:55 No.14282830
         File1300431342.png-(176 KB, 800x800, advice justinian.png)
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    also posting the template
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)02:56 No.14282836
    Bad roll, but now that I think about it this is a spar not combat. We don't need to use our elemental powers in this anyway, right?
    >> GoldPanda 03/18/11(Fri)02:57 No.14282846
    The dice gods would like to remind you that you just tried earth elementalism against an earth domain god.
    >> Laurentius 03/18/11(Fri)02:57 No.14282853
    can we just not use elementalism in the spar?
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 03/18/11(Fri)02:58 No.14282860
         File1300431517.jpg-(19 KB, 243x251, Why Do That.jpg)
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    This is a friendly (albiet intense) spar with the God of War. He is not going to like it if we pull elementalism shenanigans on him when this is supposed to be a straight up melee fight.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)03:01 No.14282881
         File1300431671.jpg-(63 KB, 360x360, GIANT-ENEMY-CRAB-is-it-female.jpg)
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    Agreeing to this.

    Also, inspired by chat in IRC a couple sessions ago.
    >> Servant of the Emperor 03/18/11(Fri)03:01 No.14282887
    I agree, this is a freindly spar.

    A friendly spar that i hope he will shrink himself for.

    See if we can mock Khalless' poor attempts as war that a runt fresh from academy could beat him headedly, and also subtlety weasel a little bit of info about the cult during the spar. just talking back and forth between punches.
    >> Laurentius 03/18/11(Fri)03:02 No.14282890
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)03:02 No.14282895
    This isn't an anime, you don't talk while fighting.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 03/18/11(Fri)03:04 No.14282906
    We're a mortal fighting a god in his home plane. I don't think we will have the luxury to speak while fighting.
    >> GoldPanda 03/18/11(Fri)03:08 No.14282933
    Ask him for intel after the spar.

    Can't hurt.

    (Asking him can't hurt. The spar probably will.)
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 03/18/11(Fri)03:16 No.14283002
    You smile, and draw your blade as you ready your shield "I have enough time I suppose, and the need to work off frustration as well."

    It feels as if stone is entombing your mind for a moment "She would have taken from you more than she allowed, at least in that situation. But when you take the bitch by surprise..." he smiles lewdly as he drops into a strange stance. You rush the god, no fear in you, somehow. the axe moves lightning fast, catching your leading strike, re-directing the follow-up, and crashing into your shield once your blade is out of position. Undaunted you push back onto the offensive Two more blows are deflected by the great battle-axe, and a third allowed to bounce harmlessly off the gods armor. You realize a second too late that it was allowed, as a massively powerful two-handed chop bears down on your shield, hewing it in one swing. You manage to dive away from the follow through, and again you come up swinging, the gods block leaves you inches from his face, your glade screaming as it grinds against his axe from the exertion the two of your are putting fourth. But for that brief second, your attention is locked on the deities eyes, a barely controlled fire burns in them, all rage and hatred, malicious intent and uncontrolled violence. At the rims, you can almost see tears forming, the sanity, the sadness that keeps all the worst things of a soldier, the worst traits of this divine in check. Before you can puzzle it out, however, the two of you throw each other back. You quickly rise, and drop back into your ready stance, and rush the god again.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 03/18/11(Fri)03:17 No.14283014
    This time though, he isnt holding back, striking like lightning, he has your blade gone, feet no longer planted on the ground, and a few moments later, backside sore. When your vision clears, you accept the proffered hand, and are surprised to see Garagush' face back to the amiable, mirthful soldier you had just been speaking with but a moment ago "If you want a better challenge, you should try my companion Collin." you offer as you collect your blade and the remnants of your shield.

    "I think I will, now which of my fellow deities would you like to see next? I will save you the walk, not that it truly effects how tired you are in this realm." the burly god replies, chuckling.
    >> Laurentius 03/18/11(Fri)03:18 No.14283019
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)03:18 No.14283022
    Neshai was looking worried about something. Let's give her a ring.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)03:19 No.14283026
    Let's do Neshai next, then Nyetini last.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/11(Fri)03:19 No.14283029
    I am assuming we want to talk to Neshai?
    >> GoldPanda 03/18/11(Fri)03:19 No.14283034
    Follow ze plan!

    1. Karythria
    2. Garagush
    3. Jorga
    4. Neshai.
    5. Rayhna
    6. Nyetini
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 03/18/11(Fri)03:22 No.14283046
    Neshai because we have business, then Jogra because we don't want any of them feeling snubbed from our side.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 03/18/11(Fri)03:27 No.14283070
    You smirk, as you begin to realize just how sore this may leave you once you are back in your body "Jogra, if you would. With my ambitions, I think I had best talk with all of you sooner rather than later."

    Garagush chuckles "The prospect of a soldier in high office is one that I am both terrified and eager to see the result of." At that, he smashes the haft of his axe against the ground, and you can feel yourself being pulled to some other realm. Before you are fully gone, you see the massive god fiddling with his armor, fishing out some small, dainty object that you cannot see in any detail before you are somewhere else.

    >blargh, I'm tired and have shit to get done tomorrow morning.
    >someone archive please
    >I'll be back sunday at 9pm server time
    >if you have any setting/CQ questions just email me at [email protected]
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 03/18/11(Fri)03:33 No.14283108
    Thread has been archived.

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