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  • File : 1307325784.png-(478 KB, 553x943, CommanderQuestPostOne.png)
    478 KB Commander Quest XCVI Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 06/05/11(Sun)22:03 No.15169758  
    >drinking is good for you!!
    >last time: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/15118555/
    >the irc on sup/tg/ is #CommanderQuest

    Three days after screening Quintus' maniple, you pass the Degnarian border, though the other maniples are still more than happy to continue riding with yours all the way through to DragonsReach. Things remain quiet, with you spending most of your time helping Laelith train in Quintus' fledgling cadre of elementalists. It goes smoothly enough, though once the lith elf finishes her small manuals to distribute to the elementalists you begin to get the feeling that you could be better spending your time... somehow. You simply cannot seem to remember what that is, exactly.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)22:06 No.15169787
    Check on Spuria's aide to find out how he turned out, and, if he's fine, try to wrangle screening Spuria's maniple too for arcane talent.
    >> Maximus 06/05/11(Sun)22:06 No.15169788
    Hmmm. At this point I think we should either talk to Spuria/see how her aide is doing or hit up Degrian to assign him a new project.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 06/05/11(Sun)22:10 No.15169839
    See how Spuria's aide, and all of the wounded are doing. Have our chief medical officer compile a report on how many soldiers' lives were saved by Life elementalist doctors, and compile a report concerning how many, and by how much, our use of life elementalism accelerated return to active duty of wounded soldiers.
    This is the kind of information that the Second would want; concrete proof of the uses of the arcane.
    >> Space Thor !FqTT4/H0Zo 06/05/11(Sun)22:11 No.15169859
    >Guess I'll go ahead and put my trip up too

    Oh, and I believe there was some discussion about joking with Blackbird about the whole "I want corpses" incident.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 06/05/11(Sun)22:11 No.15169861
    I am still voting for giving Degrian the "Mass Production Model Auto-wagon" as the next big project for him.

    Also, have Kyria experiment with runeforging.
    >> Maximus 06/05/11(Sun)22:13 No.15169873
    I'm slightly concerned about making it mass produced to be honest. Mostly along the lines of other commanders being incompetent and losing them so the enemy is able to reverse-engineer their own. To be fair, that could happen even with ours but if we make it easier to build and maintain them, it's even more likely to happen. However, it would greatly help out our side... Hmm. Must think on this until we talk to him.
    >> 風林火山 06/05/11(Sun)22:15 No.15169883

    Rather than this, I say the mass production of the auto-loading crossbows and ballistas come first.

    It'll actually be easier to get support for this when the field commanders can see the amount of ordinance being put out. Once they're behind a project, it'll be easier to get them to back up for future ones.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)22:17 No.15169898
    I have never followed Commander Quest, but seeing this post I have to ask:
    Are we forcing the roman empire into an Industrial revolution via ideas we don't even know?
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 06/05/11(Sun)22:17 No.15169903
    You sigh, and, expecting confrontation ride out under the hot midday sun to the wagons Spurias soldiers are riding. You find her calmly riding atop her horse at the front of her maniple. Her face is set in a stern mask, her eyes icy as the muscular woman salutes you as you approach. "Have you come to gloat of the prowess of your arcanists then?" she greets you, not sounding particularly pleased, though the displeasure does not seem directed at you. "though I suppose I do owe you my thanks for lending your elementalists to save my aide, so you have it." the Commander continues, the direction of the ire clearly not you.

    "She survived then?" you confirm, trying to think of how to gently broach the topic to Spuria.

    She nods, woodenly "Barely, but she will fight and walk again." the woman then looks at you, anticipating you to reply, and clearly not overly pleased about it.
    >> Space Thor !FqTT4/H0Zo 06/05/11(Sun)22:18 No.15169913
    It's closer to if the Roman Empire had survived until the Feudal era, and is now knocking on the Renaissance tech-wise. It's not straight up "STEAM POWER 150 AD LETS ROLL."
    >> Maximus 06/05/11(Sun)22:20 No.15169935
    "I'm glad to hear it then. I wouldn't want to imagine what the loss of my aide would be like. I was curious on how you thought the battle went and whether you know if the Guild has been involved in this war prior to this battle?"

    Bloody hell. Interrogate that guild prisoner after this.
    >> 風林火山 06/05/11(Sun)22:21 No.15169943

    "Excellent. The empire needs it's young blood to grow and mature in order to survive. To have caught your eye, she must have been exceptional."
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)22:21 No.15169946
    So the ideas are already in the setting, and no metaknowledge is being used? that's really all that would bother me. I'm all for teching up, but only within reason.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 06/05/11(Sun)22:24 No.15169968
    Gnomes and the race that Degrian (our chief engineer, I can't remember his race) are already at steampunk levels.
    It's just that they're isolationist that their technology hasn't gotten out. That and the gnomes are trying to stay out of everyone's sight until they can finish building their army of self-motivated war constructs and steam tanks.
    >> Space Thor !FqTT4/H0Zo 06/05/11(Sun)22:27 No.15169987
    It's basically that we have an engineer from a higher-tech race that's working for us, and we kind of bounce ideas off of him, and he makes work what he can.
    >> Maximus 06/05/11(Sun)22:33 No.15170036
    Eh. Go with this for now if you need consensus Pax. Won't hurt to get her talking about her aide for now. Maybe we can even start talking about Blackbird and his awesomeness.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 06/05/11(Sun)22:33 No.15170037
    Seconding this. We don't want to rub it in her face or anything.
    >> Space Thor !FqTT4/H0Zo 06/05/11(Sun)22:35 No.15170062
    I'll third this.
    >> Laurentius 06/05/11(Sun)22:35 No.15170063
    sounds good to me
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 06/05/11(Sun)22:36 No.15170065
    "Excellent news indeed. It would be a shame for Degnar to lose more soldiers and officers than need be to this war." you reply evenly, not rising to her agitated level. "And I simply wished to hear your opinion on the battle you see. The Guild Lands declaring for Uurlanth, how the battle itself went to your eyes, and yes, the arcane." you finish.

    She huffs "The Guilds fighting with Uurlanth is worrisome at the very best, and has the potential to be disastrous." her voices tension seems to drain at the discussion of the more normal military matters, and she makes no effort to hide that. "Hopefully the First Praetorian will be able to convince the Duchy to join Degnar. Aside from the arcane the battle itself was a success, and only as bloody as it was due to the elves and arcane, in my opinion. As to the arcane, I simply hope that we will be able to move past it without stooping into its insanity for too long." Spuria finishes, her slower, more relaxed voice becoming slightly more agitated towards the end, though notnearly as much as it was when you first began conversing with her.
    >> Maximus 06/05/11(Sun)22:39 No.15170105
    "If you have no desire to see our armies use the arcane, how do you think we should deal with it when our enemies use it against us?"
    >> Space Thor !FqTT4/H0Zo 06/05/11(Sun)22:44 No.15170148
    I'll second
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 06/05/11(Sun)22:44 No.15170151
    It's a fair question, she should at least consider it.
    >> Laurentius 06/05/11(Sun)22:45 No.15170155
    >> Taffer 06/05/11(Sun)22:45 No.15170163
    I'll second this. It'll be interesting to say the least.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 06/05/11(Sun)22:47 No.15170173
    "As the Uurlanthi use arcanists more, and as those with the power begin to become more prevalent, I can see no other option than to implement policies to identify, train, and properly deploy any arcanists which are born in Degnar.
    "My chief medical officer is assembling a report on the effects of employing life elementalists to aid the medicae. I can forward the report to you once it's completed if you like."
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)22:49 No.15170204
    "I understand your hesitance about the arcane. We've operated in a certain way for so long, trusting only in things we could easily measure. Strength, speed, skill, tactics. When the man or woman next to you can suddenly incinerate half of a combat unit single-handedly, it's a scary thing. But then, that eventually leads you to the thought that our ancestors were no strangers to this unquantifiable power. Infact, they had to use it to survive, because the things they were fighting possessed no compassion nor remorse."
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 06/05/11(Sun)22:51 No.15170226
    You sigh "If you would rather the Legion not utilize the arcane, how would you see us counter it?"

    Spuria shakes her head "The runes you have one of your captains looking into, perhaps. Some rarer materiels are rumored to negate or slow the effects of elementalism. It is plain to me now that our foes poses greater potential for the arcane. Every time in history that Degnar attempted to imitate Uurlanthi traits or tactics, it has ended in disaster. Our own counter to this new strength our foe possesses will become apparent in time, I am certain of it."
    >> Laurentius 06/05/11(Sun)22:56 No.15170281
    "so your plan is to wait until something other than the arcane presents itself? would you pick up a uurlanthi sword if an uurlanthi soldier was bearing down on you? Or would you wait until a better weapon presented itself?" Also we should start trying to discover the roots of her hatred for the arcane. My bet is a childhood experience
    >> Maximus 06/05/11(Sun)22:56 No.15170282
    "As certain as you may be, until this new strength arises Degnar and her people may be too devastated by this war and the Uurlanth's use of the arcane to recover from it. The arcane has already allowed me to win battles with far less blood than I should have. And rest assured, we are not copying the tactics the Uurlanth are using. If we were, we'd be releasing things better left dead back into the world."
    >> Taffer 06/05/11(Sun)22:59 No.15170308
    The problem with those is that we need time to research and develop them, either dwarven runes or these rare materials you speak of. Time Degnar does not have, especially now with the Guilds having thrown in their lot with Uurlanth.
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 06/05/11(Sun)23:01 No.15170328
    FFF... can we still say something like this?

    also: "Well, the reason for the failure is simple, as it is something we possess that their commanders generally do not: empathy. They can send wave after wave of slaves and not bat an eye when they get killed. For us? Each life lost is precious."
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 06/05/11(Sun)23:05 No.15170368
    Seconding this, along with "I have absolutely no intention of mimicing the deployment methods that the Uurlanthi use for their arcane troops, or the paradigm that such protocols imply.
    "They may have the numbers and the sheer brutal-minded logic to send their arcanists to their deaths in order to eke out a minor advantage. The protocols and paradigm that I develop will be tailored for Degnar, not copied from Uurlanth."
    >> GoldPanda 06/05/11(Sun)23:07 No.15170395
    To do list:

    1. Train and formalize grenadier attachments to infantry units.

    2. Look into wider adoption of repeater crossbows. Take steps to prevent leaking the blueprints to the enemy.

    3. Experiment with anti-mage sniper attachments (with anti-magic shield ammo) to archer units.

    4. Aurelius and Blackbird to train snipers at marksmanship and stealth.

    5. Finian keep on translating/decoding texts.

    6. Kyria recruit rune-smith apprentices, who will produce anti-magic ammo. (And get her more time to actually captain her unit.)

    7. Degrian to look into mass production model of auto-wagons. Take steps to prevent leaking blueprints to the enemy.

    I'll be back after dinner.
    >> Generic 06/05/11(Sun)23:08 No.15170406

    "And Uurlanth's elven archers have greater potential than our own. Should we abandon the bow as a weapon as well? The enemy has always had numerical superiority in battle, but we counter it with skill and discipline. The arcane will have to be the same."
    >> GoldPanda 06/05/11(Sun)23:14 No.15170483
    One last thing before I leave:

    Tell Spuria about all these plans we're enacting, and have enacted: Degrian and Kryia's new weapons, runes, new tactics, etc.

    We're not using elementalism/arcane as a crutch. We're not using it just to be "anti-establishment". We're willing to try anything and everything against the enemy that our ethics will allow, and use what works. And we encouraged our own captains to do the same, and they've come up with some pretty good new tactics.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 06/05/11(Sun)23:18 No.15170523
    You pause for a while, considering your response. Clearly, the woman is set on not budging, but thoughts like hers... they are dangerous "I agree that we cannot simply take up tactics because they are used by Uurlanth. And I agree that stagnation has never been the Degnarian way, we were the first to take iron, steel, all of the metals, our tactics changed more rapidly, our government is more dynamic. However, by the time that solution, that allows us to circumvent the arcane is deployable it may be too late." again you pause, allowing the seriousness of your implications to sink in. "Were you unarmed and attacked, you would not hesitate to take an Uurlanthi blade from the ground, but would that force you to wield it as an Uurlanthi would?"

    Spuria shakes her head "I realise that your position is perhaps the logical one, and understand that we have no choice. However, one must always make their voice heard, especially when they are in the minority." now she sighs, her face growing longer "It seems that we are caught between the assassin, and the beasts pit on this matter. I wish you luck in your ventures to see us through to the time when I will not have to watch my friends maniple decimated by arcanists untrained and unready for battle, arcanists they felt forced to wield. Until that day, i will stand defiant to ensure that as the whole of the Degnarian Legion descends to madness, that some did stand against the pulling tide."

    You purse your lips, control your emotions, and reply "And hopefully, either my own runesmiths and engineers, or those of another, will be able to pull us from what you would call insanity before long." you offer her your hand, which she begrudgingly accepts, before you salute her and ride back to your own maniple.

    >so, what on that list do you want to start with, you should be able to get at least some of it done during the timeskip back to DragonsReach, just tell me what bits to do.
    >> Maximus 06/05/11(Sun)23:21 No.15170552
    I actually want to interrogate some of our prisoners from the Guild. We need to find out just how much they're doing to help out the Uurlanth.

    I also suggest we get back to reading that book on swordsmanship during the timeskip to the city.
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 06/05/11(Sun)23:27 No.15170593
    Interrogation time! Maybe we should bring Daesu along so he can give us some tips on loosening tongues.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 06/05/11(Sun)23:27 No.15170597
    Well, the repeater crossbow designs are ready for mass-production, more or less. I'm sure that unforeseen teething problems will appear once we attempt actual mass production, and they can be dealt with by the engineers at that time.

    Ask Degrian if he can modify the Heavy Repeater design so that it can be made ready for mass-production, even if it lowers performance.

    If Quintus and Spuria have any engineers in their maniples, we can have them learn from our engineers how to produce repeaters. Otherwise, we'll need to set up a factory when we reach the capital.
    >> Taffer 06/05/11(Sun)23:28 No.15170605
    Can we also do some sword training? Rolling for sword training if that's the case.

    Also, can we ask Collin if Bella is ready to learn one of the Seven stances. I think with her temperment and style, Valkyrie stance is most suited to her
    >> Taffer 06/05/11(Sun)23:29 No.15170613
    rolled 96 = 96

    forgot my roll
    >> Space Thor !FqTT4/H0Zo 06/05/11(Sun)23:30 No.15170622
         File1307331038.jpg-(65 KB, 640x480, 1301184242329.jpg)
    65 KB
    >> 風林火山 06/05/11(Sun)23:30 No.15170625

    We'll need to check in with Degrain.

    Lots of stuff to check on like the steam crossbows and the other things hes been up to.

    We'll also need to check up on our new airborne cav wing to see how well their reorganisation has gone.
    >> Taffer 06/05/11(Sun)23:33 No.15170643
    rolled 50 = 50

    I should have double forgot my roll. Sigh. I'm not gonna roll today looks like.
    >> Laurentius 06/05/11(Sun)23:33 No.15170645
    well I guess we didn't need that hand all that much
    >> Maximus 06/05/11(Sun)23:34 No.15170657
    rolled 64 = 64

    That's a great start to the night... Mayhaps we should botch it at this point since that's going to go poorly for us.
    >> 風林火山 06/05/11(Sun)23:35 No.15170665

    At least it can only get better from this point on.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 06/05/11(Sun)23:36 No.15170675
    rolled 96 = 96

    A botch this early in a session?
    >96 on sword training
    Yeah, let's botch it. Otherwise we'll trip over our feet during practice, cut our face and arm, and of all things, have it happen in front of the entire maniple.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 06/05/11(Sun)23:37 No.15170686
         File1307331445.jpg-(19 KB, 243x251, Why Do That.jpg)
    19 KB
    rolled 96 = 96

    Why did you have to say that?!
    >> Space Thor !FqTT4/H0Zo 06/05/11(Sun)23:37 No.15170687
    >Another 96

    Hang on, I need to find a suitable reaction image for this
    >> Maximus 06/05/11(Sun)23:37 No.15170691
    I love how despite all the work we put into swordsmanship we still always screw it up. So frustrating.
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 06/05/11(Sun)23:37 No.15170692
    rolled 35 = 35

    allow me to prove you wrong.
    >> 風林火山 06/05/11(Sun)23:38 No.15170699


    Thankfully today is not a combat session.
    >> Space Thor !FqTT4/H0Zo 06/05/11(Sun)23:38 No.15170704
         File1307331521.jpg-(146 KB, 1280x964, 1301339904430.jpg)
    146 KB
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 06/05/11(Sun)23:38 No.15170707
    rolled 72 = 72

    >96 twice in a row
    Okay, is the diceroller just doing this to mock me?
    >> Generic 06/05/11(Sun)23:40 No.15170716
         File1307331617.gif-(215 KB, 400x600, hatersgonnahateat.gif)
    215 KB

    > /tg/ dice hat trick
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 06/05/11(Sun)23:41 No.15170729
         File1307331704.jpg-(14 KB, 300x199, TG Dice - WTF.jpg)
    14 KB
    Fuck this, no more rolling from for tonight.

    You win this round, /tg/ diceroller.
    >> Maximus 06/05/11(Sun)23:43 No.15170740
    rolled 73 = 73

    The dice roller has learnt how to screw with us really well.
    >> 風林火山 06/05/11(Sun)23:44 No.15170758

    Hasn't it always been that way?

    I sometimes think we're still paying back some bank of luck for that 1,1,5 we got quite a while ago.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 06/05/11(Sun)23:49 No.15170790
    You decide to attempt to interrogate one of the Guild woarriors, and collect Daeseu to ensure that it is successful. Again, the elf is ready with his small box of "tools" though he has an additional jar, unlabeled, though clearly taken from one of your supply wagons. the horrific screams spewing forth from the tent you set the pair in at the outside of the camp are somehow worse than those of the assassins last subjects. A few hours before the middle of the night, Daeseu walks from the tent, smiling lightly, and bereft his jar. "I did not expect to find such an abundance of Lye among the looted supplies." he muses to you, the tents sole guard, after saluting you. "This is the beginning of the second portion of a larger alliance between the Guilds and Uurlanth, to the understanding of our captive. After the vanguard but before the main force. There will be some time between now and the Guilds proper deployment to the war, and that is all our new friend knows." at that, the former Bleak Raven salutes, and fades into the night.

    You attempt to train and study for the rest of the ride to the capitol, however, the screams of the prisoner, and the functional, yet maimed and savaged form of the elf are still to strong in your mind to learn anything of use. How he had shaken, and pleaded for death, how the once strong warrior cowered from all other elves, and even his own reflection. What sort of monster did you find yourself, you continue to think, horrified.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 06/05/11(Sun)23:51 No.15170810
    Once you reach the bleeding heart of the legion, bedecked in midnight banners, crying their storms of crimson tears, you bid your comrades farewell, and ride on to your barracks. Kyria, Laelith, and Finian are quickly off finding assistants according to your orders. Blackbird, Gaius, Collin and Uurist are quickly gone to the arenas to replenish the orcs forces as well. You are quickly informed that Janos is at the Beast Pits, and that your debriefing with the newly promoted 1st Praetorian, praetorian of the Legion, is tomorrow at midday. As the morning sun continues to rise, you sit thinking on what you will do with your suddenly free day, the arythmic scraping of Degrian refining plans for more rapid and easy production on the other side of the officers dining hall accenting your pondering.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 06/05/11(Sun)23:52 No.15170827
    Well, since Degrian's here, let's see how things are going, and if he has any requests for more engineers or more materials.
    >> Maximus 06/05/11(Sun)23:54 No.15170844
    Check up on our mystic and then Janos. It's been awhile.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 06/05/11(Sun)23:56 No.15170864
    Oh Pax, was our Primus Ordinarius able to create that report that I asked for? I'm sure that the First would like something concrete like that.
    >> Laurentius 06/05/11(Sun)23:56 No.15170871
    >> Space Thor !FqTT4/H0Zo 06/05/11(Sun)23:58 No.15170890
    Probably the old Lacertan woman too, see how the academy's been going.
    >> 風林火山 06/06/11(Mon)00:00 No.15170913

    Look into our previously mention plans to set up an orphanage from which new elementalist and spies/assassins can be scouted and recruited.

    The money for this, though, should come last since it is a long term project. We'll do this only if we have the spare cash.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 06/06/11(Mon)00:02 No.15170929
    You sigh, leaning back in the chair "How goes your work, Degrian?" you ask him.

    He lets loose his whistling approximation of a sigh "Well, frustrating. Must make the simple simpler, not easy. Improving autowagon at same time. Going well. You wish to change project?"
    >> Maximus 06/06/11(Mon)00:05 No.15170958
    I assume we want him to keep on that. If he can improve the autowagons, all the better. Might as well ask him if he wants an expanded team.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 06/06/11(Mon)00:07 No.15170979
    "No, keep at it. These two items, and the repeaters, are weapons that extensions of things that are familiar to Legion commanders on both sides of the Arcane Question. It should be easier for the Sec-I mean, First Praetorian, to get them accepted and into production."
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 06/06/11(Mon)00:08 No.15170991
    Yes, ask him if he needs or wants an expanded engineering corps.
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 06/06/11(Mon)00:10 No.15171003
    rolled 32 = 32


    You know, that's an interesting point. Now that we're in town, we could spend some time looking for some more mechanically minded people unafraid of the front lines. Maybe some eccentric inventor whose been dying to see his work field tested?

    >rolling for Doctor Brown character
    >> 風林火山 06/06/11(Mon)00:11 No.15171012

    We already have an personal engineer's corp. Are we expanding that?
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 06/06/11(Mon)00:15 No.15171044
    Yes. The idea is to either expand the team we have in the field with us, or hire more workers and engineers to start up a factory in the capital that can manufacture advanced weapons for the war effort, giving us another revenue stream.
    >> Maximus 06/06/11(Mon)00:17 No.15171064
    Additionally people wanted to invest more in fire bombs and such. Something like that would best be done by an alchemist I imagine.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 06/06/11(Mon)00:19 No.15171082
    You chuckle, and shake your head "That is good to hear, and no, your current project is acceptable. It would be best to focus on weapons that are already familiar to other commanders, so that they can be easily moved into regular circulation for maniples on either side of the Arcane Question."

    Degrian nods, and returns to his work at your reply, quietly humming a strange tune as he sketches and writes. You set out to find Autronius, and are surprised to find him wandering the main courtyard. He is clad in a formal doublet and matching trousers, all of it the crimson and ebon of the Legion, with gold piping for the trim. His features are still scared, but that is the least strange thing about him, as he seems to turn to look in different directions seemingly at random. "Commander, how nice to see you. I assume your campaign went well then?" he greets you, saluting.
    >> Maximus 06/06/11(Mon)00:21 No.15171105
    "It could have been better in some places but we were victorious. You're looking much better. How has your training gone while we were away?"
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 06/06/11(Mon)00:22 No.15171112

    Who was this guy again? Was he the mystic?
    >> 風林火山 06/06/11(Mon)00:24 No.15171142

    Yes. The Magical Hobo.
    (It's Boxcar Joe)
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 06/06/11(Mon)00:26 No.15171152
    Seconding this.
    >> Gloquenteentleman !yVrZbEGJ8A 06/06/11(Mon)00:28 No.15171169
    rolled 16 = 16

    Well Autronius, we did as well as we could have in our situation. How goes your getting situated in the barracks now that you have had a decent amount of time here. Are you able to harness your powers more efficiently?
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 06/06/11(Mon)00:34 No.15171217
    You nod "Yes, as well as could be expected. It was extended twice in unexpected directions, but we were indeed successful. How goes your training, friend?"

    Autronius smiles slightly, before returning his face to a more controlled demeanor "Well enough. my powers continue to manifest, as does my control over them. I will be of use to you before to long, Commander. As you can see, it is such that I can walk the barracks, and sometimes even brave the city long enough to purchase proper clothing for myself. Will you be needing anything of me?" he asks, after a brief pause.
    >> Taffer 06/06/11(Mon)00:36 No.15171236
    "No, I'm just happy you are well. Well... there is one thing. How goes the recruit elementalist training?"
    >> Maximus 06/06/11(Mon)00:37 No.15171240
    "Soon enough I wish to begin training my mind to resist others reading my mind. When you feel ready, I would like your help doing that. As well, an idea on what direction you've been training your powers would be appreciated."
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 06/06/11(Mon)00:42 No.15171265
    Seconded. We need to learn what skills and powers a mystic can manifest.

    After this, we need to see Janos about our finances.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 06/06/11(Mon)00:47 No.15171304
    You shake your head "Once your powers are greater, I will need you to help me train to shield my mind against the probings of other mystics, though for now it is enough to know that you are well, and that your training is proving fruitful."

    The man lets out an almost disappointed sigh "Thank you, Commander. I truly cannot thank you enough for the kindness you have done me."

    You nod, and make your way to the far side of the courtyard, and your front gate. Autronius already slowly pacing and, what you can only assume is training, himself again. You pause with your hand on the side door, considering whether to head to the outskirts of the city, and your elementalist academy, or to the entertainment district, to speak with Janos.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)00:49 No.15171318
    In order, let's:
    1. Tell him we will want to train our mind ASAP. Tomorrow would probably be good.
    2. Find Janos for an update on finances and the temples.
    3. Check on the academy, ideally find Laelith so she can walk the halls with us and give her thoughts on the trainee's progress.
    4. Send a letter to Rufus asking him how he's been getting along.
    >> Maximus 06/06/11(Mon)00:49 No.15171319
    Hit up Janos. I want an idea on what kind of income we have to work with and if he's managed to get a deal with the governor for land or he's talked to Rufus about stuff recently.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 06/06/11(Mon)00:49 No.15171320
    Go to Janos. We need to see how much money we can throw around.
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 06/06/11(Mon)01:03 No.15171411
    Say, Pax, what ever happened to the were-bulls? Also, what are we going to do about Vi? We need to see if she'd rather stay with the maniple or attempt a semi-normal life.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)01:07 No.15171435
    I imagine we've been checking on Vi and both Sansa and Kyra have been watching after her lately.

    I admit, we need to spend some time with her while we are on leave here. Show her the city, perhaps?

    Oh, speaking of the ladies; It's been a year and a half, almost two since we started romancing them and over a year since the official formation of the harem. I know /tg/ likes to take these things slow, but seeing as we ARE here in the capital it's probably a good time to see about formalizing this arrangement. As in, time to go buy some wedding/concubine rings.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 06/06/11(Mon)01:10 No.15171450
    You leave the complex and begin to make your way to the beast fighting pits. Lightly jogging feet signal someone approaching you, and you turn to see that it is Sansa, waving her arms to slow your pace for her "I realise you are working love, but your heading to the pits first, and with how busy we have been lately..." she trails off, suddenly looking guilty.

    You just kiss her, pull her to your side, and continue on your way. It is early afternoon by the time you find Janos, waiting at the side of a smaller fighting pit, which is crowded with spectators. A scarred, mean looking aurachnospecs waits, pacing and hungry looking though Janos looks very confident as he stands behind it. The cage opposite holding an equally grizzled looking plainsbadger, a cruel looking man waiting behind spits out "You wont have this tournies purse as well, Fetlius. Your spider will lose this time, Janos."

    Janos does not acknowledge the mans jibe turning and opening his cage as the overseer signals for the fight to begin. Sansa wanders off as Janos makes his way over to speak with you "So, commander, did you come to see my next victory, or for work?"
    >> Maximus 06/06/11(Mon)01:11 No.15171462
    "I don't see why I can't do both. How have things been since we've left?"
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 06/06/11(Mon)01:13 No.15171474
    "I take it the pitfights have been profitable?"
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 06/06/11(Mon)01:14 No.15171484
    "No reason I can't do both. How are you and Kaitlyn? I take it business is going well?"
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)01:17 No.15171500
    "A bit of both. How go the finances and land purchases?"

    Let's find Sansa and watch the fight together from an owner's seat while we discuss these things with Janos.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 06/06/11(Mon)01:32 No.15171603
    You look about, find and re-capture Sansa, before heading to the Owners seats on Janos' side of the ring to continue the conversation. "Both, I suppose." you reply, as you take a seat, and Sansa drops into your lap. "It would seem that your beast fighting is going well enough, how go your other ventures, and land purchases?"

    Janos beast puts a deep gouge in the gut of the badger, as the badger continues to tear away chitin and dig into its flesh, though Janos pays it no mind, despite the screaming of the crowd "This" he eventually responds as the roar dims and the wounded beasts part to observe each other again "has done better than I had expected. It ate" he chuckles, clearly at home in this sort of environment "the losses from some of the smaller test ventures I tried that failed, and has even gained me a sizeable sum of dragoons on top of that." Janos beast seizes, and severs, the badgers arm, though the other best responds in kind, hobbling the aurachnospecs with a savage bite, quickly crunching down the chitinous limb. "Now, would you rather hear the list of your foes here in DragonsReach that I have managed to assemble here in the pits and at the breeding houses, or how my scouting of temple and academy locations went; as we will not have much to speak of money until the large merchant caravan I funded returns, unfortunately late already, I might add."
    >> Maximus 06/06/11(Mon)01:35 No.15171625
    "Scouting first. Enemies can wait for now. You'd think I had enough enemies on the field of battle already."

    Also find out how long this caravan is overdue. Mini-quest time to get the caravan back in time? I want money.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 06/06/11(Mon)01:36 No.15171631
    "Let's hear about the temples and academies; enemies are something I have in abundance, it seems."
    >> Taffer 06/06/11(Mon)01:37 No.15171638
    Scouting first then foes and friends, and lastly, what's this about a trade caravan?
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)01:39 No.15171657
    Temples and academy locations first, enemies second. A dayum shame that we have enemies among the breeders, but hopefully we have some friends too. I honestly think Jayne's wing might have to sit out the next campaign, though since we have a long-term contract her doods will still get paid and such.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 06/06/11(Mon)01:59 No.15171828
    Sansa nearly leaps from your lap as Janos' beast bounds ahead and tears the throat from its foe. Janos tosses a coin to a young boy, even as a purse full of gold is dropped at his side "I suppose I will hear the results of your scouting first. Though these enemies..."

    "Are not new, my friend. I simply did you the kindness of compiling them all in a list for you, as well as weeding out the chaff and weaklings from the list." as Janos current beast finishes dragging its meal back to its cage, the boy pulls another cage, your maniple seal on it, the same as the one now occupied by a feasting beast, to the edge of the arena. "As to my scouting, it was... interesting. Most of the temples to Nyetini have since become brothels, and those to Eago inns. Temples to Danarius taverns and Neshai mortuaries. Most of the others are to deeply in disrepair to be saved, though the spaces for them are still empty." A new opponent, with some a paumer, the feline predator smaller than a sabercat, but viscous in mannerism and appearance nonetheless Janos pauses to set the takings for this exhibition match before turning to you to continue, as the cages open "Interestingly enough, the original Temple to the Ten still stands, in disrepair as it is, and unowned as well, not more than two blocks from the Dragonbone Palace. Depending on how well my caravan did, we may be able to purchase it without bankrupting you soon enough."
    >> GoldPanda 06/06/11(Mon)02:00 No.15171836
    Ruh-roh. I smell a rescue mission coming this way.

    Aside: See if Gaius, Cornelius, and Uurist would be interested in training/sparring with us and Collin. Those elven blademasters are starting to scare me. We may all have to start learning the stances.
    >> Maximus 06/06/11(Mon)02:03 No.15171855
    "I assume the former temples to the other gods cannot be obtained at this time then? How long is your caravan overdue as well? With the war going on and with what we saw in the north, it might be worth looking into..."
    >> GoldPanda 06/06/11(Mon)02:04 No.15171864
    >Original temple to the Ten
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)02:10 No.15171906
    Well, I suppose we should get on buying a few of the Nyetini and Raynha temples then. We were already planning to buy a forge for Kyria and workshop for Degrian IIRC. The brothels will probably be cheap considering how such establishments lower property value, and we can get right on converting them.

    Temple of the Ten is of course a priority, but we should get a couple Nyetini temples and a Raynha temple bought ASAP. With the amount of gold we have they should be minor expenditures considering how much a full year's pay is for people.
    >> Taffer 06/06/11(Mon)02:14 No.15171930
    I actually had a plan for the buying of the individual temples; which to buy first and so on. But with the emergence of the temple of the ten, we should get that first then get individiual temples.

    By the way my plan is to buy these temples in order,

    1) Nyetini
    2) Raynha
    We owe them the most among all the gods, and furthermore we promised they would be first.
    3) Neshai
    4) Garagush
    We don't want to be seen as too pro-Sun pantheon if we are going to aim for the seat of 7th Pretorian
    5) Eago
    6) Karythria
    7) Jogra
    8) Baashek
    9) Danarius
    10) Lamynus
    >> Generic 06/06/11(Mon)02:19 No.15171960

    Seconding Max's comment and the "Buy Temple of 10 first" plan of Taffer's
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)02:20 No.15171961
    We should buy Nyetini to start with (the former main Nyetini temple in the city if we can find it would be ideal) and then more to Raynha. I agree the Temple of the Ten is something to shoot for, but starting small would be best. Remember, it's not just buying these things; we're going to have to convert them back to temples as well. I suggest getting some income before we do the big Ten.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 06/06/11(Mon)02:24 No.15171984
    You turn to face Janos as the aurachnospecs and grey-black speckled paumer pace each other, the former smooth, predatory and feline, the later young, jittery and the epitome of insectoid anger in its shuffling side-steps. "So are these temples unavailable for purchase then?"

    Janos shakes his head "The established businesses most certainly are, and I did not know your willingness to renovate, and how much you would like to pour into accurately re-building the appropriate structures." the Paumer leaps forth, lightning fast, missing the aurachnospecs by but a hair as the insectoid cave beast skitters aside. the shaggy mane of the paumer flowing as it lands on the terrace below the observation level, again, pacing the circumference of the pit, watching its prey.

    You nod "And the temples to Lamynus, Bashek, Raynha, Garagush, Karythria?"

    Janos shakes his head "Cheap whore-houses, gone, forges, mercenary barracks, and gone, respectively."

    You sigh, turning to watch as Janos aurachnospecs leaps at the paumer, but is unable to reach it. "This caravan of yours, how overdue is it?"

    Janos shrugs "Two, perhaps three days. And the man I hired to command it has been so very punctual in the past too." the paumer leaps again, alnding on, and slaying the aurachnospecs in the blink of an eye, silently relishing its meal to the delight of the roaring crowd. "Was the runt of the brood anyhow." your majordomo mumbles, tossing a much, MUCH smaller sack of gold to the pits proprietor, before handing you another list as he stands. "A few of the nobles you may have already known to be foes have fallen from power recently, but the tribunes and praetorians remain. You already know these men, but I thought it best you have the list, just the same."
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 06/06/11(Mon)02:25 No.15171990
    House Brontus
    House Zendion
    House Nartesti
    House Reglinan
    House Fortoni

    Estran Protus - 3rd Praetorian (internal security)
    Gareth Flount - 5th Praetorian (commerce)

    Rendius Clareth - High Tribune
    Belront Beren - High Tribune

    Sansa stands with you "So, love, do you plan to leave to speak with the head of our academy now, or do you have something else in mind?"
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 06/06/11(Mon)02:28 No.15172015
    Interesting. Any clues how we raised the 3rd and 5th's ire?
    >> Laurentius 06/06/11(Mon)02:29 No.15172027
    I think it's by dent of being close with the 1st.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)02:30 No.15172031
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Beren the guy we accidentally knocked out of his chair during the elementalism exam?
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)02:31 No.15172038
    Aw balls, the Preatorian of Spies is an enemy? Sigh. Nothing is ever easy.

    Well, tell Janos to look into buying the Nyetini temples and any of the Raynha temples that are either empty or struggling. We're willing to renovate, but we would prefer to keep the costs down if possible. If not, well, we consider it an investment. The former main temples and best positioned/largest temples should be priority.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)02:33 No.15172060
    Oh, and by "look into" I mean "do it" rather than just gather information like he has been doing for the past few months. Get those temples started now, we'd like the main Nyetini temple finished before we leave on our next campaign if possible because of the plan.
    >> Taffer 06/06/11(Mon)02:35 No.15172070
    The noble houses and tribunes we can safely ignore, I believe, but the 3rd and 5th praetorians will be a problem, especially in the areas they oversee (money and the ability to protect said money) are ones that we rely on for our ambitions.

    I think we will need to discuss this with the Second.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)02:38 No.15172096
    Maybe we should save up for the big purchase of the temple of the 10 though. That might be more important to grab at this point.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)02:42 No.15172113
    I doubt it. If we can't already buy it with the frankly enormous amount of wealth we already have then we would be better off buying the individual temples.

    We should of course look into buying the Ten, but from what Janos said it doesn't sound viable right now. I imagine there are going to be a lot of legal hoops to jump through from its proximity to the imperial palace alone.

    Buying the Temple of the Ten is something that we tell Janos to do and then go off on a campaign while he does it. Buying the Nyetini and Raynha temples is something we can do now.
    >> Generic 06/06/11(Mon)02:43 No.15172124
    Should we see if the valk riders we now have working for us can do a scouting run to look for Janos's caravan? Should let us know whats up, good or bad.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 06/06/11(Mon)02:43 No.15172126
    You smirk "Janos, see to buying at least one temple, or former temple, to both Nyetini and Raynha. Hopefully we will be able to move right into the Temple to the Ten and renovating that. Hopefully we will have at least one temple to each of the gods in our hands before long. And, keep up the good work my friend." you finish, before shaking the mans hand and heading off too check on the status of your arcane academy on the outskirts of the city.

    "I'll see to it before I return home, Commander." he replies as you walk off, sounding satisfied with himself, and generally content.

    >blargh, I'm still not quite human after the four day bender I was on with my buddy, so I'm callin it here tonight to ensure that I can wake up for work tomorrow.
    >someone archive please
    >I'll be back tuesday at 9pm server time
    >if you have any setting/CQ questions just email me at [email protected]
    >> Taffer 06/06/11(Mon)02:56 No.15172201
    This session has been archived.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)03:06 No.15172296
    About Vi: I'm not that keen on having to haul her with us every time we head out. She does however, possess that weird three voices thing. I'm thinking we should encourage her to become a singer.

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