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  • File : 1310519197.png-(478 KB, 553x943, CommanderQuestPostOne.png)
    478 KB Commander Quest XCI redux Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 07/12/11(Tue)21:06 No.15560558  
    >last time: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/15508281/
    >the irc on sup/tg/ is #CommanderQuest
    >well, I guess 4chans being down covered for my having to work late, haha

    Out in the camp, the mood is its usual pre-battle self, tense ordered chaos, lots of shouting and running. Degrian is shouting at his engineers as they load the four heavy repeaters that were not pressed into use for camp defense onto autowagons. Kyria is sitting near one tf the autowagons, carefully and slowly etching runes into the channel of a steambow, her repeater propped up against the wagon, were her work not so difficult you would feel no choice but to interrupt her, with how cute her face is when she is concentrating that hard... but her chisel looks rather sharp, so you decide not to.

    A ruckus deeper inside the camp draws your attention, and when you turn, you see a rather frustrated looking Aurelius walking towards the command staffs tents. Slung over his shoulder is Lena, conscious, but clearly unhappy, from the looks on the other soldiers faces, the men are on Aurelius' side. You smile at just how true all of yo7ur rhetoric about the maniple being a family is... and Lena is clearly the youngest, and most guarded sister of the clan.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 07/12/11(Tue)21:07 No.15560569
         File1310519271.png-(827 KB, 3904x868, Pantheon v2.png)
    827 KB
    >scratch the copied line, how about a "lets try this again"

    By midday the force is marching, Kyria having just finished her inscriptions on the steambow as your soldiers load onto autowagons. Not an hour later, you are standing besdie the other commanders, all of them holding lenses too their eyes, clearly eager to return to their maniples, and nervous about what is approaching. "Grass, a wall of grass." Renol states, vocalizing the obvious.

    Commander Agrenus frowns, and closes his lens "Life elementalists no doubt, that will make any archery a difficult task."

    Salvius apes Agrenus "And the air is drying out as well. Gabriel, we should move your rangers to the fore, I think." Behind you, the autowagons are prepared to move along the Degnarian lines, and Kyrias rangers are set for their task as well.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/11(Tue)21:12 No.15560618
    "Hopefully our aerial cavalry can give us some idea on where their units are moving amongst the grass. And with the grass grown high again, I'll have to let Blackbird loose and get to work soon."
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 07/12/11(Tue)21:15 No.15560665
    How is the longer grass arrayed? Does it completely encircle us?
    Does it flank us?
    Or is it just in the center of the battlefield?
    Because I'm tempted to just fall back maybe 20 yards and burn it all.
    >> GoldPanda 07/12/11(Tue)21:18 No.15560689
    Get Autronius, Laelith, Crestus, and Blackbird here.

    Have Autronius project a firestorm image to the enemy host.

    Have Laelith and other fire elementalists throw up some small fireballs to augment the illusion.

    Have Crestus try to reverse the grass growth, at least within the firing range of our repeaters.

    Have our enhancer life elementalists provide support to whoever needs it.

    Tell Blackbird to take his men and do what they do best in tall grass.
    >> Maximus 07/12/11(Tue)21:25 No.15560778
    Burning will be bad. That's going to spread everywhere.

    We should see if he even can do an illusion like that and I think using Crestus like that is a waste of his stamina. No doubt they have multiple life elementalists doing this and he'd only be able to stop the growth at a certain range and only a small area of their approaching line. We're better off waiting for this attack to be done and then take advantage of the grass with Blackbird.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 07/12/11(Tue)21:37 No.15560884
    >Burning will be bad. That's going to spread everywhere.
    Yes, yes, I know. It's just a temptation.

    Though I would love to cause a plains fire while the Uurlanthi are in the middle of the grass field. I just want to see them burn.

    But yes, we need eyes in the sky.
    Also, if the air is drying out, they may try to start a fire themselves, and have it spread towards us.
    If they have enough water and earth elementalists, they could make fire breaks to protect their own forces.

    I very much doubt the Uurlanthi care about the ecology of the plains.
    >> Maximus 07/12/11(Tue)21:39 No.15560894
    Neither do I. I'm just hoping they don't get that desperate or our elementalists can deal with it.
    >> derp this is CXI not XCI Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 07/12/11(Tue)21:40 No.15560904
    You sigh, as the growing grass begins to move to envelop your lines. "My mystic may be able to use this development to our advantage, but I am not certain."

    Renol turns to face you "Its likely that they still have some slaves at the fore yet, there were too many camp followers left uncounted for after our last battle compared to Blackbirds report." you hear the wailing of several soldiers falling into one of the orcs traps "He is an incredibly useful orc to have around I must admit."

    You smirk "Invaluable at times. What do you gentlefolk think of setting fire to this wall of grass?"

    Agrenus shrugs "They likely prepared for it, but it cant hurt. Just be certain that none of it comes back to our lines." And at that, the assembled commanders return to their forces.

    Wishing that you had not left Blackbird with the rest of the maniple, you return to your force. Laelith and the fire elementalists, and Agrenus standing near a wagon, Crestus off with one of your elementalist teams somewhere along the line. "Laelith, love, do you think you and the fire elementalists will be able to control a fire if we were to set one to this advancing wall of grass ablaze?"

    The willowy elf purses up her face in thought "We would have to work hard to control it, and any opposition would be working to a very similar end, but, baring any disproportionately powerful elementalists it will not burn us."

    You nod, satisfied "Autronius, would it be possible for you to project the image of a grass-fire into our foes minds."

    The crippled legionnaire shuffles uncomfortably "It is still nearly impossible for me to influence a mind I cannot see... and illusions are not my strong suit. I can try, but..."
    >> Maximus 07/12/11(Tue)21:50 No.15560975
    I think there's not point tiring Autronius out when he has no real confidence in the plan. As well, I personally still am hesitant to try to burn the approaching opponents. For now, I think we should stick with waiting and perhaps seeing if Blackbird would want to go wild now or wait until he has time to prepare the long grass more when battle isn't about to occur.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 07/12/11(Tue)21:51 No.15560980
    What if we use earth elementalism to create an earthen bulwark as a firebreak in front of our soldiers, THEN start the fire.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/11(Tue)21:53 No.15560997
    Be on our guard against could be assassins. The enemy could be moving hidden knifes in the dark.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 07/12/11(Tue)21:54 No.15561005
    Your suggestions are more easily put into action.
    Let's talk with Blackbird.

    Also, Pax, are our mercs in the air? Or are they still waiting to fly?
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 07/12/11(Tue)22:00 No.15561069
    >they are with the rest of your maniple, on standby... along with blackbird
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 07/12/11(Tue)22:03 No.15561092
    Alright, let's talk with Blackbird.
    Also, using our telescope, can we see if any of the Uurlanthi air cav have already launched? Or are they also on standby?
    >> Anonymous 07/12/11(Tue)22:06 No.15561125
    >the air is drying out
    I am concerned by this, though it might be simple paranoia. Their water elementalists must be moving that moisture- where is it going? I want our water elementalists to try and sense it. The Uurlanthi could be putting together sinkhole traps or something similarly nasty and had to draw the water from the air in order to get enough.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 07/12/11(Tue)22:22 No.15561285
    You shake your head "Dont push yourself then, you are here for any defence you can provide more than anything. Laelith, I will tell you if we will in fact need an inferno, but with how the air is drying off..." you trail off, keeping your nerves carefully in check "Kyria, make sure your dwarfs are ready, I will return before battle is joined." and at that, you had off to find the nearest cell of your elementalists.

    You end up finding Crestus, and the former chef, along with one of Wulfs pupils, and one of your own waiting anxiously in amongst one of Commander Renols legionary battalions. "Commander, how can we help?" the chef asks, after saluting.

    "The air seems to be drying out, where is the moisture going?" you ask quickly, the grass's pace picking up now.

    The felixsian shakes his head "Much into the ground, to feed the grass, and make earth elementalism more difficult. The rest is being gathered behind, but not used yet."

    You nod, noting how profusely Crestus is sweating, small twigs growing from the plant that encompasses most of his body from his hips up. "I take it our symbiotic friend is doing his best to slow the growth of the grass?"

    One of the nearby soldiers nods "Said something about there being too many enemy elementalists for him to win, not much after that. Commander Trentz, your soldiers will be able to neutralize the Uurlanthi elementalists, right?"

    You nod confidently "But of course, soldier. all you will have to worry about is killing dogs."

    By the time you return to Kyrias place just behind the front line, you are sorely wishing that the other Commanders had decided to meet the enemy closer to camp. At their current rate of advance, battle would be joined by the time you ride back from conferring with Blackbird.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 07/12/11(Tue)22:28 No.15561331
    I think it may be best to have a runner go to Blackbird, and tell him to begin attacking the side and rear of the enemy force.
    >> Maximus 07/12/11(Tue)22:29 No.15561341
    Honestly, I think we should leave Blackbird for now. From what we've seen, he's always done his best when he's had time to prepare the battleground or attack on his terms. Yes he would have the grass now but it's already filled with appraoching Uurlanth. I say leave him back there for now and let's just watch the beginning of the battle and throw our support where needed.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/11(Tue)22:34 No.15561375
    If we're planning to burn the grass, ever, then we don't want Blackbird in it.

    I suspect that they're using that water reserve to ensure that they'll have a decent firebreak on hand when we set the grass aflame, by the way. We'll see how that theory bears out.
    >> Starshadow 07/12/11(Tue)22:47 No.15561498
    If we have time, I say we send some of our fliers back to camp and have them seed the ground with caltrops. Not directly on the enemy, but while they scout they can drop them directly between us and the advancing forces at the farthest reach of our missile weapons.

    If done properly this would create safe and dangerous avenues for the enemy to move, and cut down the amount of blind-firing we need to do.
    >> Maximus 07/12/11(Tue)22:57 No.15561589
    I'm going to say no for now. Mostly because their front line will likely be slaves and it seems like a waste to use it on them Secondly it might mess up anything Blackbird would have planned if we let him loose in the grass. I think that can wait for now.
    >> Maximus 07/12/11(Tue)23:05 No.15561657
    In the interests of moving on, fine let's do this. Since no one else seems to want to post tonight.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 07/12/11(Tue)23:07 No.15561671
    No. The first wave will be slaves, and a waste of caltrops on them. Besides, it might interfere with Blackbird.

    Just get the AA crews ready.
    >> Laurentius 07/12/11(Tue)23:12 No.15561722
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 07/12/11(Tue)23:16 No.15561756
    >gah, just gonna move ahead since we're moving so slowly

    As you think, you realize that inactivity truly is anathema to you. Before long, the advancing wall of grass halts. Seconds later repeater and archer fire begin to lance into the overgrown plants. Shortly after that, slaves burst forth from the grass, dying in droves, their primitive weapons and ragged cloths doing them no good. They make it nearly half the distance to your line before it becomes obvious that they all are to die, and some begin to flee. What breaks through the grass next shocks you. Mercenaries, in heavy armor. Commander Renol happens to be standing near you, firing his longbow idly into the too close drove of slaves. He growls "It would seem that our foes had hidden more than their slaves amongst their drove of camp followers and slaves." he hands you his bow and draws his blade, moving towards the front line grimly.

    The mercenaries had dropped their tower shields, so most of the arrows were ineffectual, but bolts of lightning hurled at them more than made up for that. As you center yourself, the enemy arcanists begin to return the favors being distributed by your own, slowing the overall rate of arcane deaths as the two groups set into each other.

    the enemy force, having closed more than three quarters of the distance to the Degnarian lines, makes contact very quickly, and in synch with the aerial combat beginning, and the actual Uurlanthi soldiers emerging from the grass, though behind another wave of mercenaries. As the insane steel song begins to echo across the plains, you fucus yourself, ready for battle.
    >> Maximus 07/12/11(Tue)23:20 No.15561804
    rolled 68 = 68

    Well then. Let's make sure our rangers mess up some Uurlanth air forces and I guess let's see if we can focus on taking out some of their elementalists. If we have no idea where they are, let's start spiking some of their heavier armoured troops. Rolling elementalism.
    >> Generic 07/12/11(Tue)23:31 No.15561922
    Concentrate Actions, we should use them.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 07/12/11(Tue)23:33 No.15561942
    You push out with your will, and attempt to break up the central group of mercenaries. Your attempts at caution to avoid harming friendly soldiers leaves your attack comparatively weak and ineffectual however. It does, however, provide an opening for Malcius' soldiers to begin parting the heavy infantry themselves. Behind the slowly bulging line, Gabriels warlords and berserkes are shouting and bashing their weapons together or against their armor, like so many beasts at the arena, Gabriel at their head.

    Above you, the flying cavalry dip and weave, forming a web of death in the air. On both sides javelins and crossbows are being ineffectually used, and it would seem that many of the riders are doing their best to re-create the effect your repeaters had on aerial combat than others. You see a Degnarian rider drop one of his many crossbows, clearly thinking it empty. However, the weapon strikes the rider below him, and kills his mount when it fires.

    You notice that the flanks are still growing westward, and Commander Salvius men are already busy with the northern flank mostly, as the ones to the south had been engaged by the main Uurlanthi thrust.
    >> Maximus 07/12/11(Tue)23:38 No.15561997
    Focus our elementalism on the flanks that are still growing? I assume this is still something the other maniples are supposed to take care of. Someone else roll since I can't seem to roll tonight.
    >> Maximus 07/12/11(Tue)23:47 No.15562063
    rolled 68 = 68

    Rolling then since no one else is...
    >> Generic 07/12/11(Tue)23:48 No.15562077
    rolled 39 = 39


    rolling for elemental concentration

    prepare to attack enemy elementalists if we can target them,
    if not, target same merc unit as last time
    >> Starshadow 07/12/11(Tue)23:56 No.15562173
    rolled 68 = 68

    rollan for command. Target enemy fliers whenever a shot presents itself. Otherwise try to hit unshielded infantry.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 07/13/11(Wed)00:01 No.15562211
    Again you lash out at the center of the Uurlanthi line, and again your efforts are curbed by your care to not injure any friendly forces. The line is bulging painfully close to breaking, and Gabriels soldiers are quickly reaching a frenzy, though it is by no means a slow process.

    To your right, you see Commander Salvius' aid fire off his signal ring, asking for support. Seconds later enemy soldiers and cavalry begin to break from the grass. As the arcane duels continue in the center of the battle, a gout of flame catches the southern flank, and another signal goes up, red, requesting arcane support, specifically, fire elementalists.

    Above, the combat continues, this time, it is an urlanthi soldier you see failing in his attempt to rapidly load and launch javelins from an atlatl. The piece of wood goes flying after several javelins, striking a gryphon, causing the thing to wheel around and kill both rider and mount. As the battle above begins to thin out, two smaller groups of pegasi break off, headed for your autowagons. Much to your dismay, they make no effort to strike with their lances, instead, they begin to ready their Javelins as they dive in loose formation, taking careful aim as the rush and weave groundwards.
    >> Starshadow 07/13/11(Wed)00:02 No.15562233
    rolled 59 = 59

    command roll for archers and repeaters, point defense go!
    >> Maximus 07/13/11(Wed)00:03 No.15562248
    rolled 51 = 51

    Let's try this one more time. Elementalism on the cavalry that just popped out.

    In terms of command, I suggest we send Laelith and the fire peeps to help out where they're been requested and have our rangers nail the guys heading to us. Rest of the elementalists focus on the guys coming with the cavalry.
    >> Generic 07/13/11(Wed)00:11 No.15562316
    seconding max
    >> Laurentius 07/13/11(Wed)00:11 No.15562321
    sounds good to me
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 07/13/11(Wed)00:12 No.15562331
    Yes, send the fire elementalists where they've been requested.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 07/13/11(Wed)00:21 No.15562436
    You nod to Laelith, before again redoubling your efforts to break the Uurlanthi center. Finally the formation breaks, along with most of the mercenaries, as they scatter in all directions, seconds before the true Uurlanthi force hits. You sidestep a handful of arrows that came arcing over the main line of battle, and begin to fire your signal ring into the onrushing flyers. The defensive fire of your soldiers and siege engines is effective. But it is far from perfect, most of the shields built into all 6 repeaters are mangled and split, one team is halved, and a separate repeater takes a javelin to its mechanisms. Most of the pegasi knights die, however, and 4 of your 6 repeaters are still perfectly functional.

    At the center, as the last of the Uurlanthi forces step from the tall grasses, Gabriel leads his maniple fin its mad rush forward, spilling a river of blood, and crafting a bog of gore as they do so. It is by no means all Uurlanthi soldiers dying, but it is clear that the center is to be yours.

    Until a pair of twin mages step forth from the grass, one shielding with shining magic, the otehr striking with shadow magic. "Justinian" Kyria shouts to you "If you can get me close, I can kill them." Already the busty dwarf is slinging her repeater across her back, and drawing her steambow. To the south, everything begins to gain a red glow, as the fires created by the dueling fire elementalists begin to grow beyond their control, giving the entire flank a hellish appearance.
    >> Maximus 07/13/11(Wed)00:23 No.15562457
    Let's do it. I guess this is the first test of our mage hunters... Perhaps we should also try to elementalism the mages as we get her closer on Spite?
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 07/13/11(Wed)00:24 No.15562468
    rolled 89 = 89

    Do it. Elementalism to get their attention on us so that Kyria can get a bead on the mages.
    >> Maximus 07/13/11(Wed)00:26 No.15562477
    rolled 69 = 69

    Let's see if this is botch worthy because I'm getting sick of this...
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 07/13/11(Wed)00:26 No.15562488
    rolled 53 = 53

    Maybe botch?
    >> Generic 07/13/11(Wed)00:28 No.15562515

    Screw this. We're defending our homeland from invaders.

    Pax, can we roll to send a mental plea for help to Raynha? Because clearly we're going to need help.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 07/13/11(Wed)00:30 No.15562533
    >if you guys want, yes
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 07/13/11(Wed)00:30 No.15562534
    rolled 59 = 59

    No! Not yet! Things aren't so bad that we need to go crying to the divine for help!
    >> Maximus 07/13/11(Wed)00:33 No.15562574
    Agreed. The die rolls are getting damn frustrating though...
    >> Generic 07/13/11(Wed)00:34 No.15562596

    Are we to wait until our countrymen all lie upon the ground dead or dying before admitting that the pride of Justinian Trentz isn't worth such slaughter?

    If we can call for favor and get Raynha or Garagush to drop one of those helpful "no arcane powers allowed" down to negate those mages, we should do it and remove every bit of power from them, including their sight!
    >> Laurentius 07/13/11(Wed)00:37 No.15562630
    rolled 65 = 65

    test roll
    >> Generic 07/13/11(Wed)00:37 No.15562635
    rolled 64 = 64

    combat roll

    cover our dwarven lass so she can take the shot(s)
    >> Maximus 07/13/11(Wed)00:38 No.15562643
    rolled 23 = 23

    Potential botch?
    >> Generic 07/13/11(Wed)00:39 No.15562653
    rolled 83 = 83


    perhaps, with that roll
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 07/13/11(Wed)00:40 No.15562667
    rolled 63 = 63

    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 07/13/11(Wed)00:47 No.15562747
    You nod to Kyria, and the two of you surge forward, just as Gabriel signals for support in dealing with the mages. As you rush ahead, you begin launching stone arrows and rocks at the duo. Which most certainly does get their attention. Their attentions, and your doing your best to cut your way through the uurlanthi ranks to get to them, or to a point where Kyria can shoot them, means that the battle is beginning to dissolve by the time you have a vantage on the pair. Slowly, the fire on the southern flank is spreading throughout the tall grass that had just been grown.

    As you dodge a bolt of shadow, and stab an elfs throat, Kyria takes her first shot. The steel and wood bolt sails true, pierces the shield thrown up by the shining mage... and is bent aside just enough to only lodge itself into the arm of the shadow mage, causing him to drop his staff. As kyria takes out the small canteen for reloading the bow, you do your best to press against the two elfs bearing down on her, holding them to a stalemate.

    As the combat in the sky begins to dissolve, you see Salvius' men forced back into Commander Renols line, as some of the more understrength Uurlanthi units begin to retreat to the northeast. the arcane battles continue to rage, but it is clear that since the center broke, this battle was fated to be a Degnarian victory. A blade kissing the joint of your armor brings you back to the present. Your retaliation is swift, and comes in the form of a stone arrow embedding itself into the offending soldiers gut. Kyria takes another shot, and again, the bolt bends aside as it passes through the shield, though this time it goes into the leg of the shining mage.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 07/13/11(Wed)00:49 No.15562769
    rolled 40 = 40

    Stone Arrow barrage at the twin mages.
    >> Maximus 07/13/11(Wed)00:50 No.15562778
    rolled 94 = 94

    Combat roll.
    >> Starshadow 07/13/11(Wed)00:52 No.15562801
    rolled 55 = 55

    rolling for command. Our fliers and archers have their orders, lets see how well they follow them in our absence.
    >> Maximus 07/13/11(Wed)00:52 No.15562808
    Someone roll to botch this.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 07/13/11(Wed)00:53 No.15562815
    rolled 2 = 2

    Rolling for botch.
    >> Maximus 07/13/11(Wed)00:56 No.15562852
    rolled 46 = 46

    Second botch roll.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 07/13/11(Wed)01:07 No.15562968
    >thats your botch for the thread then

    You continue to slug back and forth with the captain of the elven infantry you had been fighting back. He is good with his falchion, you cant deny that... but you are better with your longsword. Kyria continues to plug away at the pair of mages, dodging their return fire as nimbly as you and your foe. However, your elementalism manages to end the fight. A small stone spike catches the elfs leg, immobilizing him, three strokes later, the elf is disarmed, and two after that, the elfs dodging fails him, and he is left short one head. Around you, the battle is breaking, the fire rapidly spreading, making pursuit all but impossible as the uulanthi forces flee.

    Kyria looks down at her bow, and pouts "I need a stronger phrase." she observes to no one in particular. By the time the field is picked clean, it is nearly sunset.


    when you return, most of the force is dead tired, and your own men are barely at the ready, Sansa stalking angrily from group to group keeping them from wandering too far from the wagons. Of course, your victorious return releases the force from standby, and Sansa from her unenviable task. The young woman visibly deflates, and without moving to greet anyone, begins to trudge back to your tent. "Kyria, wash-tent" a soot covered Laelith commands, grabbing the dwarf by her leather top and dragging her, leaving no room for argument.

    A sense of guilt quickly falls over you, and most of your soldiers as the rest of the camp trudges off to sleep. You accept the wordless agreement, and take the first watch, your own soldiers spreading out to cover the entirety of the combined camp quickly and efficiently.

    So silent is the camp, that you have no problems accepting the second watch, and that, is when you hear a commotion arise from the far north end of the camp. Shortly after that, a soldier dashes up to you "Commander, we require your presence." he huffs out after saluting.
    >> Maximus 07/13/11(Wed)01:11 No.15563005
    "Enemy infiltrators?" Might as well ask as we go with the soldier.
    >> Laurentius 07/13/11(Wed)01:11 No.15563008
    "what is it?"
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 07/13/11(Wed)01:16 No.15563069
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 07/13/11(Wed)01:23 No.15563142
    You nod "Infilterators?" you ask, as yuo follow the man at a brisk walk.

    He shakes his head, you can see him perfectly well in the dark, thanks to your moonseye paste "Not... not quite." he replies.

    When you reach his destination, you find some 50 off ragged, tired, harried looking men and elves. None of them wear the same garb, or any lords color. A few have scraps of armor, some have sacks stuffed with what you assume is food, and coin. All were armed, but it is clear that the Centurions and Blacktusk Raiders that are currently surrounding them took those. "Please, we're not agents, dont kill us." one of them pleads, but another silences him, before turning to look to you.
    >> Maximus 07/13/11(Wed)01:25 No.15563166
    Can we do a scan on them to see if they have any hidden metal weapons?
    >> Laurentius 07/13/11(Wed)01:26 No.15563178
    strip them naked, full cavity searches for all and they stay under lock and key for the duration of the campaign if they want our protection
    >> Maximus 07/13/11(Wed)01:29 No.15563201
    Let's hear their story and be a little more discreet about it before we go to such measures.
    >> Laurentius 07/13/11(Wed)01:32 No.15563240
    I'm fine with listening to their story but we're facing an enemy that is known for infiltration tactics
    >> Maximus 07/13/11(Wed)01:34 No.15563259
    Oh I'm well aware they might be spies and such. I just figured there's no need to instantly strip em and search. Hence why we should subtly scan them first.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 07/13/11(Wed)01:35 No.15563275
    Let's get Autronius out here.

    I am not going to take chances that these are assassins, especially since these Uurlanthi lords are known for using such agents.
    >> Laurentius 07/13/11(Wed)01:36 No.15563284
    eh I'm fine with a slow build up to full cavity searches just so long as they happen. don't want to have people with bladed orifices running around the camp
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)01:37 No.15563301
    Agreed. Let's get our scanner here.
    >> Laurentius 07/13/11(Wed)01:37 No.15563302
    sounds good too
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 07/13/11(Wed)01:51 No.15563449
    You think for a while, chuckling when one half-whispers "It, it is him... all of them are his, look at their eyes." his voice somewhere between fear and relief.

    The same one who silenced the last one to talk turns to face the man "Silence. Yes, we wanted the Midnight Dragon, no, that does _not_ mean we are in the clear yet. The Hammer is here too, and he is known for killing more prisoners than he takes. Shut up and let me talk, or you'll be out on the streets when we get to Degnar, unemployed and a known deserter... from Uurlanth." the man backs up, silent and terrified.

    You clear your throat, after whispering to one of your men to retrieve Autronius "Perhaps you could begin with your name, and why you are here."

    The man chuckels, sheepishly "It is hard to talk with a man I cant see..." again, you clear your throat "Kwaid is the name my father gave me, not noble, not wealthy... not lawful either. I'm a mercenary captain. The coin was good after that last battle, and most of us expected to go home rich and happy. I was going to use my take to restart the Brothers. Rumors began to spread that the Lords were of the mind that coin could be recouped easier than their own soldiers. Rumors of conscription, another first wave attack... most of it stayed to the mercenary camp." He pauses as more sets of glowing eyes approach. Autronius and the man you sent to fetch him no doubt.

    You look at your mystic, and incline your head to the speaker. Autronius simply nods "Continue" you tell the captain.

    He sighs "Me and some other fighters... not many of them mine, but enough of us, were of a mind that we had better chances of survival as a mercenary band in Degnar. I was the only captain of the group so..." Autronius nods after a few seconds, the mercenary desertsers all looking at you. Or, near you, at least, none of them can see through the midnight blackness, especially on such a cloudy, moonless night.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)01:56 No.15563498
    "So, your story is, you are formerly members of Uurlanthi mercenary bands that decided to jump ship, due to unfavorable circumstances? Autronius, what do you make of their story?"
    >> Laurentius 07/13/11(Wed)02:03 No.15563567
    sounds pretty damned good to me
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 07/13/11(Wed)02:13 No.15563660
    You nod "so, you claim to be former Uurlanthi mercenaries, deserting for a better life, and to escape unfavorable conditions? Autronius?"

    The mystic looks to you "He is telling the truth. a few of them have stronger minds than others, and I would like to personally check them first. I see no reason to disbelieve them."

    The mercenary captain shifts on his feet "So, will you allow us to continue our flight, or detain us?"
    >> Laurentius 07/13/11(Wed)02:16 No.15563677
    I think we should detain them for the time being
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)02:18 No.15563697
    Detain them for a while, I think we need a discussion between the other commanders on what to do with them. I don't want to make a decision like this unilaterally, when we are sharing command with 3 others.
    >> Laurentius 07/13/11(Wed)02:24 No.15563751
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)02:25 No.15563763
    I'm wondering if these are the guys Eago mentioned. Help any travellers you come across. Also, elementalism scan guys.
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 07/13/11(Wed)02:27 No.15563781
    "I'm afraid protocol states I must detain you. However, you shall be treated fairly at least until such time as we have determined the full nature of your group. Given full co-operation up to that point, and you shall be free men."
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 07/13/11(Wed)02:29 No.15563801
    Shiiit, you're right. Hmm... In that case, let's offer them stay with our camp for the night. We can offer them spare provisions and looted equipment on the cheap.
    >> Laurentius 07/13/11(Wed)02:29 No.15563803
    I think you're probably right, that said I think we should go with >>15563781
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)02:35 No.15563847
    Provisions - OK
    Looted equipment, it depends. No weapons or heavy armor, light armor is acceptable.
    >> Laurentius 07/13/11(Wed)02:36 No.15563857
    ok so heres my revised plan: we should scan and search them and hold them for the night and then, if the other commanders don't mind, send them on their way
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 07/13/11(Wed)02:40 No.15563895
    Alright, but if the other commanders want to pressgang these guys into service, we should be against it. Actually, why even mention them? We could let them camp for the night and if anyone asks, state they're a mercenary company that escaped capture.
    >> Laurentius 07/13/11(Wed)02:43 No.15563917
    sounds fine to me
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 07/13/11(Wed)02:45 No.15563943
    You sigh "I will have to consult with the other commanders, and my man will have to screen each of you personally, but provided that your story is true, you should be on your way soon enough. Until then, I will extend to you my hospitality... tenuously, and in such a manner that it will not tax my own supplies."

    The man across from you deflates in relief "I am glad to hear that, Commander." he forces a laugh "Perhaps I will work with you in the future even."

    You smirk "Perhaps you will. My men will be following you until you settle in at my camp, and you will no doubt be called the the Central Command Tent on the morrow."

    "Umm, we cant see a fucking thing." a different man... no, elf, interjects "Care to lend us some torches, we didnt bring any."

    You sigh "Lead them to our portion of the camp, its almost time to change the guard."

    By the time you reach your tent, you are bone tired, but as you drop onto the outside edge of the overly large cot you share with your ladies, Sansa stirs "Finally back..." she half mumbles, moving to drape her arm across your chest and to be closer to you, gaining her a disappointing half-moan from Kyria "Lennis sent out riders, Lenas still skulking,Bellatrixis..." she yawns, and drifts back to sleep, smiling.


    Late the next morning you are in the central command tent, breaking your fast with the other commanders. Of course, you are already fully awake, thanks to Jayne, and the other commanders are clearly jealous of you for that. "Bastards are good at getting away clean" Gabriel observes between bites of bacon and drinks of juice from a local fruit, one Lennis' men brought with them.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 07/13/11(Wed)02:46 No.15563949
    Malcius forces a laugh "Not good enough, though I suppose they would not be well known for their light infantry if they couldn't escape our legions."

    Salvius nods "It was a bloodier affair than we had planned for, but not as bad as some of the business on the Northern front."

    Gabriel takes another bite of bacon "That it was. I for one cannot wait for my elementalists to be done with their training." the other commanders agree with him, but are shortly cut off by Gabriel "Any news from the night watch, Justinian?" he asks, the last of you to fall to Malcius' casual manner, but he fell, nonetheless.
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 07/13/11(Wed)02:53 No.15564023
    Ok, so, big money question: do we tell them we have a deserting uurlanthi merc group, or tell a little white lie and state we found an escaped and returning group of Degnarian mercs heading for Dragonsreach?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)02:59 No.15564070
    Tell the truth and see their opinion. Mention how we have our mystic going through their minds and most importantly, make sure we question them for intel. See if they know anything about what the enemy is up to and how morale is in their camp or if there's anything else odd. Elementalist numbers or something.
    >> Starshadow 07/13/11(Wed)02:59 No.15564073
    full disclosure. This should be a joint decision given that they might affect the army as a whole.

    Since we did agree to protect travellers, lets push for amnesty.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)03:03 No.15564097
    I gotta agree with this. There is no real reason to lie to our collegues. Of course, we can pump the deserting merc for information about our enemies or how things are like in Uurlanth because of Degnar's victories, but no torture.
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 07/13/11(Wed)03:04 No.15564104
    Alright. Guess it looks like we tell, but push for amnesty.

    I'm going to voice the opinion that we should take their weapons so that they are no longer obviously an armed group of men (thus satisfying worries of our fellow commanders), but send a signed and sealed letter back to Janos that we owe these guys some weapons once they arrive.
    >> Generic 07/13/11(Wed)03:05 No.15564120

    As much as I want to help out Mr Travel God's travelers, we were sent here to stop Uurlanthi forces from reaching Degnar. Letting this group past regardless of circumstances goes against those orders.

    Remember when Eago asked us what we'd do if we were asked to betray Degnar?

    We can't let this group past without being CERTAIN AS HELL they aren't a threat.

    We also can't hide this event from our fellow commanders, who must trust us with the lives of their men as well as their own, just as we must trust them.


    Inform the commanders of the group of uurlanthi mercs seeking asylum, and that we have a man verifying that their words are true.

    If we haven't already, have our mystic screen them, especially the ones with "stronger minds"
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 07/13/11(Wed)03:16 No.15564220
    You shrug "Just over 59 deserting Uurlanthi mercenaries bubmbled into our camp." the other commanders freeze, surprised by your nonchalant attitude about the event "So I seduced all the females, took all of their weapons and put them up in my camp to sleep off the soreness. the men were rather angry but..."

    Malcius snorts "So your men rounded them up at the end of second watch, you questioned them, and gave them free reign of your part of the camp?"

    Vibius laughs "I do believe that Justinians story was more amusing."

    You shake your head "I questioned their leader, and had my mystic screen them. He should be working at checking the others minds for infiltrators, and information."

    Gabriel chuckles, dryly, before responding "I would still like to question the leader myself. But we dont have the supplies to feed them."

    Vibius nods "As would I."

    You shrug "One of the mercenaries is a captain, we could bring him in for questioning if you would like. as to the rest of them, I would suggest that we take their arms and armor and send them on their way. I can re-arm them from the looted steel I have at my barracks in DragonsReach, and Degnar will have another mercenary band to fight Uurlanth with."

    Renol laughs "Killing the bastards with their own steel, and their own sons. I like it." his genuine joviality almost off-putting. "Yes, send for the man."


    Three hours later, Kwaid is sitting at the table hands holding his head up, eyes deeply bagged "For the last time, they kept us separate. I dont know how many arcanists they have. All I know is that they have enough melee mercenaries for at least half of a wave against the front lines, withholding archers from the count. do you have any questions that dont involve me counting past 20, knwoing about mages and their ilk, or the plans of the bastards that planned to use me as fodders minds?"
    >> Generic 07/13/11(Wed)03:24 No.15564286

    excuse the captain and check in with our mystic, unless one of our fellow commanders has other important business that needs attending?

    As for mystic talk: did he find any information or possible infiltrators?
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 07/13/11(Wed)03:26 No.15564296
    "Our mystic can confirm this. No need to push further. Once again, I must thank you for your cooperation, and apologize that the current situation dictates such a poor treatment of you and your men."
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 07/13/11(Wed)03:34 No.15564362
    OH OH!! Additionally:

    "I do have one last question. What sort of stories do they tall about the Midnight Dragon in Uurlanth?"
    >> Generic 07/13/11(Wed)03:43 No.15564434

    >> GoldPanda 07/13/11(Wed)03:46 No.15564456
    Since the other Commanders are okay with it, let's make it so and send the mercs on their way.

    Oh, and since this is a favor for Eago: Make them take the scenic route.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 07/13/11(Wed)03:47 No.15564463
    You nod "I see no need to push the poor man any further. Our mystic can confirm any information we need from them, and we can have these men on their way soon enough. I do apologize for our having to treat you and yours so poorly, but..."

    The captain chuckles "Such is life. Had it been a different group, I would no doubt be at the very best short several parts of my anatomy that I am very attached too. And your terms are more than generous." At that, the man departs the tent. Not long after, the meeting has dispersed.

    It takes Autronius a few days to effectively screen the mercenaries, as they cant be kept in any easily sorted sort of grouping. However, he is done soon enough, and his report verifies what Kwaid claimed. That these Lords kept their mercenaries in the same way Duchy farmers kept their fungus, in the dark, and covered in shit. All told, without their weapons, they are nothing but a group of harmless, frightened, self serving greedy bastards, their loyalty to the land that happened to birth them destroyed by those that would rule it. They seem happy to wait another day before setting off however, so you tell Autronius to re-check the more strong minded mercenaries before they depart.

    As the sun sets agian, and another patroll returns, tired and lightly wounded from clashing with a group of Uurlanthi riders and soldiers, you see a smaller group of riders approaching. If their head-wear is any indicator, you would say that they are the riders Lennis dispatched on the day of the last battle. Shrugging, you return to your training exercises, it may not be enough to improve, but it keeps you sharp and fucused while you wait for Uurlanth to make their next push. One, perhaps two more large battles and you hope to be able to strike at their camp and end this.

    >gah, I'm tiered so I'm gonna call it here
    >someone archive please
    >I'll be back Thursday at 9pm server time
    >if you have any CQ/setting questions just email me at [email protected]

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