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  • File : 1312912204.gif-(72 KB, 600x755, objectiv.gif)
    72 KB Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)13:50 No.15878092  
    Does anybody have that picture of the guy drinking cheap wine with a bread crust in his collar, with Objectivist literature propped up in the background? I want to use it as a character portrait for a Mage game.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)13:52 No.15878104
    >objectivism thread go
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)13:54 No.15878113
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    This guy?
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)13:55 No.15878119
    No but that's roughly the right flavour of fucking asshole that I was looking for.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)13:55 No.15878120
    seems to be lacking the cheap wine and bread crust in his collar.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)13:56 No.15878129
    I hate this person and I don't even know him
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)13:57 No.15878139
    some people just have a face that seems like it's made to be caved in.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)14:00 No.15878155
    >Spot "Loveless" manga on shelf

    Hah, he's a queer too. That's funny.

    (It's yaoi)
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)14:01 No.15878161
    well, he also reads Terry Pratchett at least...
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)14:01 No.15878163
    > Harry Potter
    > Halo novels
    > Hellsing DVDs
    > The Garfield Gallery
    > X-Wing novels

    Yeah, I don't think this guy's collection exactly screams stuffy literary pretentiousness. Expression makes him look like a douche though. Two to one his parents were all, "Oh Jimmy you're always reading your books. Why don't you pose for us in front of your bookshelf!"
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)14:02 No.15878168
    Douglas Adams... next to a Halo book

    I'll go get the pitchforks
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)14:03 No.15878173
    Wait a moment...

    How do YOU know what it is?...
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)14:04 No.15878178
    C'mon guys, he can't be all that bad if he likes Garfield.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)14:10 No.15878222
    Not that guy, but I know what it is because I have a little sister.
    >> no, don't have the picture 08/09/11(Tue)14:10 No.15878224
    I'm no fan of objectivism, but I dislike blatant straw men even more.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)14:14 No.15878252
    That man is clearly made of flower, not straw.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)14:18 No.15878277
    That guy has total douchefce.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)14:19 No.15878281
    fuck that bookshelf is so unorganized. I'd shoot myself if I found my books like that. goddamn.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)14:21 No.15878293
    Passing anon here, but I'm going to have to agree with you there. Holy shit, how does he walk in that room and not have feel irritated?
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)14:21 No.15878295
    It's actually a pretty decent series, with a pretty bitchin' (if hard to explain) magic system.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)14:24 No.15878314
    I want to see this picture.

    I need to know what he means by "with a bread crust in his collar".
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)14:25 No.15878322
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    I made some fan art
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)14:26 No.15878331
    wow what a fucking fag
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)14:27 No.15878339
    >Deliberately on show copies of what he considers books which are acceptable to like, such as Northen Lights and Sherlock Holmes
    >Martial Arts: Traditions, History, People, dust cover screwed up and discarded under it.
    >Full Collection of Star Wars Graphic Novels about the expanded universe shit.
    >Two copies of the Hitchhikers Guide, none of the sequels, no Dirk Gently.

    Seriously. Fuck this douche.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)14:27 No.15878342
    >Implying Objectivists aren't irl strawmen
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)14:29 No.15878352
    It's a teenage nerd.

    Did you think they were supposed to look suave and sophisticated?
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)14:31 No.15878374
    You just jelly cuz yo literature sucks

    Ya'll check it out,dis fag anon wanna dis mah brutha up in there, and why? Cuz he MAD! He's mad as hell, and lemme tell ya why he's bad.
    See dis guy >>15878331,
    he be chillin in his crib and den sum hot bitches drop by and be like "c'mon daddy we wanna play" and then they see his bookshelf and see he no got no stuffed animals with his books and they be like "Hahaha what a fag, c'mon Trixie lets leave this looser, I heard this guy shale has like, his entire top bookshelf stuffed with teddybears."

    And dat why dis boy mad
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)14:32 No.15878376
    I can't imagine I looked any less ridiculous at that age.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)14:34 No.15878400
    I can't stop raging.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)14:35 No.15878404
    You all just jelly that he got a nerd fangirl girlfriend before he even had to start shaving, and she wanted to take a picture of him when he was hanging out and looking for something to read.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)14:39 No.15878436
    But is this douche an objectivist?
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)14:40 No.15878439
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    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)14:41 No.15878447
    >deliberately atheist literature
    >terrible taste
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)14:44 No.15878463
    In my day we called them sociopaths
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)14:44 No.15878465
    >stuffed animals
    He's in his girlfriend's bedroom.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)14:45 No.15878469
    I think he's just a fag.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)14:47 No.15878487
    Who is the bigger fag? The fag in the picture, or the fag that decides he knows everything about the fag in the picture based entirely on what he happens to be standing beside at one moment in his life?
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)14:49 No.15878501

    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)14:50 No.15878513

    maybe hes a girl inside
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)14:52 No.15878519
    OP here

    As funny as this all may be, does anyone have the image I'm looking for?
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)14:52 No.15878520
    >Michael Moore
    >Two awful tastes that taste nonsensical together.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)14:56 No.15878551
    If you're stupid enough to buy into either of them then you're stupid enough to be capable of that degree of doublethink.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)14:56 No.15878552
    maybe hes inside a girl
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)14:57 No.15878560
    Not fucking likely

    He is more into the boys
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)14:57 No.15878564
    You know, I'm curious, has anyone actually ever gamed with an Objectivist? Do they rules lawyer? Make godawful mary sues? Suck up to NPCs?
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:02 No.15878594
    Once. It was awful. He couldn't roleplay any perspective other than his own, so was effectively playing a self-insert. He couldn't distinguish between IC and OOC either.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:02 No.15878595
    Nah man my boy be stylin on dem bitches like it's natural
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:04 No.15878603
    I played with some guys who became Objectivists mid-campaign.

    They only stayed in it to sabotage it to the point that the group disintegrated and the campaign was abandoned midway through, later claiming that they only "withdrew the value they had created in the game themselves" before going to one of their mom's basement to start their own game without the other players.

    They had to make all their own rules, but they said it was a much better game because it was all theirs.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:07 No.15878630

    Sorry OP, I know what you're talking of, and think I've seen it in /sci/ recently, but didn't save it...
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:12 No.15878655
    Could you describe it better than I did? I haven't seen it for months.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:13 No.15878667
    ...also, one of them stole my rent money ("for what we were forced to pay into the pizza and coke fund against our will"), and shared it out to the others. The rest of them said they didn't really agree with what he did, but still refused to give any of it back.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:18 No.15878696
    I'm assuming they were partaking of the pizza and coke?

    Also, how much pizza did you guys eat that it was the equivalent of a month's rent? Holy crap!
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:22 No.15878739
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    my face
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:26 No.15878769
    sounds like you got a case of the crazy ones. Usually they're the type that basically (ironically enough) worship Ayn Rand as a goddess, though even most of those types I've met wouldn't do that. Even less so among the ones that don't fall into that category.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:31 No.15878811
    >The rest of them said they didn't really agree with what he did, but still refused to give any of it back.

    Am I your friend? Because that is exactly what I'd do.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:33 No.15878826
    I never encountered a Objectivist. What are they?
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:35 No.15878843
    Sociopathic libertarians instead of just autistic.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:35 No.15878854
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:38 No.15878878
    you'd steal rent money and feel wronged by having to chip in on pizza money? man you are a tool of the highest calibre
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:39 No.15878886

    Oh. Wait a minute... I remember reading a bit of that awful book series Sword of Truth and I think the author tried to pull something like that there. I could be wrong, I stopped reading early.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:40 No.15878894
    I'm curious as to how they were "forced" into chipping in. Surely they could have just not contributed and either gotten their own food or brought some from home.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:42 No.15878920
    No, I would disagree with the other guy taking the rent money and passing it out to people (myself included) but I wouldn't give the my share of said money back.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:44 No.15878929
    Fuckwads like you are why I never use cash anymore.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:44 No.15878932
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    >They only stayed in it to sabotage it to the point that the group disintegrated and the campaign was abandoned midway through, later claiming that they only "withdrew the value they had created in the game themselves" before going to one of their mom's basement to start their own game without the other players. They had to make all their own rules, but they said it was a much better game because it was all theirs.

    An autistic self-centered fuck by any other name...

    Yeah, "objectivist" is just another philosophy often bastardized by CHUD fuckheads because it provides an easy excuse for SUPAR SPECHUL SNOWFLAEK status. As usual, the vast gulf between the fantasy of the CHUD and the reality is a source of incredible irony; in this case, objectevist philosophy would advocate the brutal asskicking of the CHUD, since they are always and forever leeches who spoil games for other people and are, by nature, incapable of running them themselves.

    And thus otherwise unremarkable creeds get tarred with the cheeto stains of the CHUDs.


    >objectivism thread
    >intelligent replies

    Hot damn, /tg/, you make me proud.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:46 No.15878947
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    >I'd say it's wrong to steal money but then I'd refuse to give stolen money back to the owner
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:46 No.15878949
    >Yeah, "objectivist" is just another philosophy often bastardized by CHUD fuckheads because it provides an easy excuse for SUPAR SPECHUL SNOWFLAEK status
    Speaking of using things as justification, one guy I know uses Buddhism as his excuse for being a dick to other people because "it balances things out". That alone let me know that he doesn't actually know anything about Buddhism.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:46 No.15878954
    Guys, it's not a true anecdote. It's the plot of Atlas Shrugged.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:49 No.15878988
    I managed to read up to the end of the 4th book.

    Then fucked it off when it turned into Magic Hitler vs Magic Stalin with Bondage and Rape every tenth page and Objectivism ever third page.

    After the first book it seemed to turn into nothing more than a cross between a political rant box for retards and the authors own personal fap-fic.

    I felt dirty and used after coming to this conclusion.

    I am glad that i stopped reading when I did as after the 4th book it went Full Retard and in one scene i am told Richard Rhal rides down a mob of unarmed militant pacifists because they lacked moral purity.

    Terry Goodkind is the shittiest author ever.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:51 No.15879011

    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:52 No.15879028

    I remember something about Richard suddenly stopping with consuming meat and then some book later on it turns out it was just a phase.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:52 No.15879030

    Fucking /tg/ is so dumb sometimes, I swear.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:55 No.15879046
    He apparently knows more about Buddhism than you do.

    Buddhists have been pulling variations on that shit since time immemorial.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:57 No.15879071
    Not everybody has read the book, guys.

    One of the core principles is basically "don't be a dick to other people".
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:57 No.15879072

    ...the fuck's a CHUD?
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:59 No.15879086
    That's one of the core principles of Christianity, too. Actually, that's one of the core principles of pretty much every religion and every secular philosophical alternative to religion.

    ...and it's never very hard to turn it into a reason why it's okay to be a dick to THIS person, THIS time.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:00 No.15879099

    He must die
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:04 No.15879129
    >76 posts
    >no actual response to the OP

    Keep on truckin', /tg/
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:09 No.15879175
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    >One of the core principles is basically "don't be a dick to other people"

    Its core principles are remarkably easy to twist into supporting imperialism and mass murder.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:10 No.15879189
    Religions like Christianity contain language that can be interpreted to make it okay to hate gays and such. Buddhism's guidelines pretty much rule out being a dick to other people since the way to enlightenment involves not saying things that aren't helpful and saying helpful, but potentially hurtful, things in a tactful manner and at an appropriate time. It also involves "Right Speech", a part of which is not being verbally abusive.

    Tell me again how this can be twisted to mean it's okay to be a dick.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:11 No.15879199

    Why the hell would I want to read Rand's garbage?
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:12 No.15879207
    >implying people should automatically recognize that as a joke based on the plot of Atlas Shrugged, when most people haven't read it
    No anon, you are the derp. Add in the potential for overwhelming bullshit you can get by combining the worst parts of objectivists and pnp gamers, that story was completely believable as it was. After half the shit you see in the THAT GUY threads on here, that was pretty tame really.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:13 No.15879219
    Never start a thread with a picture more interesting than your topic.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:14 No.15879222
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    A more infamous and yet fitting example for taking shit out of context to justify your douchebaggery I couldn't find.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:14 No.15879226
    Screw you, Garfield is awesome.

    I need a table to flip now. I have a friend who's into Buddhism, and she's one of the nicest people I've ever met.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:16 No.15879241
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    IIT: Neckbeards get asspained because they've been off /b/ too long to recognize a troll pissing contest.

    God, /tg/ mods are fucking retarded. /lit/ would have OP banned before the first 5 replies.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:17 No.15879253
    Cannibalistic humanoid underground dweller.

    They live in the sewers.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:17 No.15879255
    Yo, Zen Buddist here, what's going on in this thread?
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:18 No.15879261
    >The one that is used by a technician cannot go any further than killing, for he never appeals to the sword unless he intends to kill. The case is altogether different with the one who is compelled to lift the sword. For it is really not he but the sword itself that does the killing. He had no desire to do harm to anybody, but the enemy appears and makes himself a victim.
    This is what happens when you ignore entire sections of a religion for your own convenience.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:19 No.15879273
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    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:19 No.15879275
    Buddhist fishermen gather fish under the pretense that they're saving them from drowning underwater.

    You can twist anything into anything with a little work.
    >> Aibaleet 08/09/11(Tue)16:19 No.15879281
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    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:19 No.15879282
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    >Garfield is awesome
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:20 No.15879288
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    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:21 No.15879299
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    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:23 No.15879322
    >Buddhist fishermen gather fish under the pretense that they're saving them from drowning underwater.

    Are humans driven by desire and allow their desires to justify about anything? Yes, there are such humans. A-plenty even.

    Others try to mindful of their desires and to not be blindly driven by them.

    What does that have to do with the truth of Buddhism though?
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:23 No.15879324
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    >Spiderman thread
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:23 No.15879328
    >gather fish under the pretense that they're saving them from drowning underwater.
    This falls under ignorance, which Buddhism explicitly intends for a practitioner to overcome. While their ignorance might not be willful, the result is still bad karma (since they're ignorantly doing things with good intention but the result is ultimately bad).
    >> LaBambaMan 08/09/11(Tue)16:24 No.15879338
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    Are you trying to say he isn't awesome?
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:25 No.15879349
    Hell no. It might not be higher reading (it's a fucking comic strip), but that fat cat is what taught me to read when I was a youngin'.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:25 No.15879357
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    I, for one, welcome such a gentleman!
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:26 No.15879369
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    This is the best Garfield comic.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:28 No.15879387
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    >if I see that fucking Costanza one mo time
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:28 No.15879392

    Buddhism isn't about avoiding bad karma or accumulating good karma. It's about transcendence.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:33 No.15879447

    These people are not even ignorant. There is no way that a grown man could believe that fish drown in water and not on land, especially not one who works with them for a living.

    They are performing mental gymnastics to allow themselves to harm an animal while pretending that they haven't broken their moral philosophy which forbids harming animals.

    It has absolutely nothing to do with "the truth of Buddhism, though" it's simply a blatant refutation of the idea that Buddhism is immune to being twisted to justify violence and cruelty.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:35 No.15879467
    Fanfiction Friday is the best
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:36 No.15879483
    When it's twisted as such, it's no longer Buddhism. It is something parading itself around under the guise of Buddhism. This is the point I'm making. Claiming to follow Zen Buddhism while not actually following ZEN BUDDHISM.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:42 No.15879544
    >it's simply a blatant refutation of the idea that Buddhism is immune to being twisted to justify violence and cruelty.

    Buddhism is, Buddhists aren't.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:43 No.15879555
    The whole point here seems to be that it is being twisted and that that is the problem.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:44 No.15879568

    Michael Z. Williamson and Tom Kratman are two unbelievably sucky authors too.

    Williamsons books are in essence several hundred pages of incoherent, barely sane objectivism wank.

    Kratman i really could not say as i gave up reading after a few chapters.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:49 No.15879620
    They aren't Nips or stupid Americans trying to be cool by following a non-Abrahamic religion.

    They're the society that fucking invented this religion, and they'd been following it for a thousand years when your grandfather with sucking his mothers tits for sustenance. They practice it as much as anyone else. (Keep in mind, basically everything used in modern society has an animal murdered to produce it at some point in production, so American vegan Buddhists are still faking it.)

    Quit No True Scotsmanning at me.

    "Americans aren't really Christians or they wouldn't have war."

    "Actually, neither are South Americans, or Europeans for the same reason."

    "China isn't Buddhist, look at all the shit they do he'd disapprove of!"

    "Israel isn't really Jewish, God clearly said to stone the gays and they do not."

    "Mohammed was taught by a Christian monk and had respect for People of the Book, modern Middle Easterners are clearly not Muslims."

    Holy shit, everyone on the planet is non-religious.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:49 No.15879624
    >The whole point here seems to be that it is being twisted and that that is the problem.

    The world is not perfect and as has been said before anything can be twisted. It happens more often in a society that isn't vigilant.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:57 No.15879721
    This is the best thread on /tg/ right now

    Well done OP and >>15878113, you are heroes
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:00 No.15879753
    The Germans have a word for that. It's
    Backpfeifengesicht: "a face in need of a fist".
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:03 No.15879788
    I have the bound collection of the Hitchhiker's Guide series with all of the novels in one tome but it only says "Hitchhiker's Guide" on the side. If we're being fair.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:04 No.15879802
    This always annoyed me with Hitler, everyone said he was non-christian because of what he did to the jews but thats what Christians do, kill jews
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:08 No.15879843
    >Keep in mind, basically everything used in modern society has an animal murdered to produce it at some point in production, so American vegan Buddhists are still faking it.

    There is literally no possible way to live in a first world country and not use a product that at some point uses pig product. Muslims and Jews are impossible.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:13 No.15879901
    The anti-pig thing was really just to avoid parasites. In the modern world muslims and jews should recognize that and not care. In my experience, most jews will eat pork, and only the orthodox or people with sudden urges to reconnect with their heritage will abstain. Idunno about muslims.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:14 No.15879907
    Gelatin used to be made out of horse bones, but is now primarily rendered from pig skin.

    So. No gelatin caps. And no marshmallows or gummi bears.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:15 No.15879914
    >no gummi bears
    And here I thought I was being orthodox this whole time. Maybe I should cut my hair.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:19 No.15879959
    Yep, pig skin.

    Does anyone know what kind of bone charcoal they use to refine white sugar?

    I'm sure either Hindus or Muslims+Jews are fucked on refined sugar.

    You can still drink soda pop though, that's high fructose corn syrup.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:22 No.15879992

    A year or so back i saw a report some woman had made, tracking where every single part of a pig went when it was butchered, it was insane, it was used in hundreds of different products.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:23 No.15879996
    High fructose corn syrup is made by chemically breaking corn starch down into dextrose, and then using enzymes to convert the dextrose to fructose (then they mix fructose syrup with dextrose syrup, usually to achieve a 55-45 split).

    The enzymes to make the fructose are extracted from pig offal.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:25 No.15880014
    We should all thank the Pig God for the gifts he bestows upon us.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:35 No.15880124

    So no sweets whatsoever.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:38 No.15880157
    Actually, that was a lie.

    I also like to take a sharpie to the supermarket, and go around scribbling out Gs on the "100% Angus Beef" Top Dog hot dogs.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:46 No.15880227
    Oh! How lucky for those anons of Jewish or Muslim descent who enjoy a good Mr. Pibb.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:58 No.15880327
         File1312927084.gif-(149 KB, 180x283, 1312602503471.gif)
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    >Holy shit, everyone on the planet is non-religious.

    That is actually it. Most people just do whatever's convenient.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)19:00 No.15880887
         File1312930835.jpg-(59 KB, 259x800, Cultist_trolling_for_Khorne.jpg)
    59 KB
    Everyone is heretics!
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)23:03 No.15883824
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)00:06 No.15884507
    >They only stayed in it to sabotage it to the point that the group disintegrated and the campaign was abandoned midway through, later claiming that they only "withdrew the value they had created in the game themselves" before going to one of their mom's basement to start their own game without the other players.

    >They had to make all their own rules, but they said it was a much better game because it was all theirs.


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