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08/21/11(Sun)01:34 No.16010101>>16009954
The Sheltered could not bear the hought of spilling fresh blood from their great protector... But Mitur'geam saw another way. He called upon his brethren, the Y'gonhiem hidden on Oandamp, to use their powers to extract from their new world a single drop of its purest essence through their alchemical magics. They did not disappoint, and even as The Shletered , and the Order grew tumultous with uncertain debate, Mitur'geam preserved this reverse-engineered drop of purest, freshest blood within an Oandampian crystal.
When he arrived however, he was too late. Lyulith had already been born, and his oath sworn. But, in this second drop of blood, there was hope to counteract this new, dark power... |