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  • File : 1314147562.png-(478 KB, 553x943, CommanderQuestPostOne.png)
    478 KB Commander Quest CXXVII Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/23/11(Tue)20:59 No.16041273  
    >Last Time: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/16018745/
    >Join the IRC on Sup/tg/ at #CommanderQuest
    >We have a (skeletal) wiki! http://thugaim.pbworks.com/w/page/22231052/FrontPage

    Overlooking the camp, you see Kyria chiseling runes into a stack of sickles, as Laelith drills her fire elementalists in the use of sickles, under Uurists watchful eye. Sighing at the fact that it is always the training field where interesting things are happening, you notice Lena with a stack of looted tent poles from the ruins of the Uurlanthi camp, and a small pile of herbs you recognize from Blackbirds supply. Next to her sits Catalina, a pile of bones, mostly vertebrae, and a single emerald before her. Though both girls are moving slowly and thinking, it is clear that they will both be ready to do... something, soon. Across the camp you see Sansa and Jayne leaning against an autowagon, a few sheets of parchment before them, and the latter's personal messenger eagle perched atop the wagon they are leaning against.
    >> Generic 08/23/11(Tue)21:03 No.16041324

    See what Sansa and Jayne are up to...

    it likely involves the wedding, and we'll have to deal with that at SOME point (as well as attend it!)

    And we can totally invite Lennis + son!
    >> Maximus 08/23/11(Tue)21:05 No.16041344
    I think we should hit up Kyria and see what exactly she's doing and get an idea on how her rune work is going in general. See if she wants us to hit the library to look for any info on runes for her.
    >> Brick 08/23/11(Tue)21:16 No.16041464
    Lets see what Kyria is up to.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/23/11(Tue)21:30 No.16041636
    Smirking you make your way over to Kyria "How goes the work, love?" you ask her, dropping down into the seat next to her under the late afternoon sun.

    She smiles, lifting one of the sickles up, and striking it on the table. The blade bursts into flame, healthy and orange, despite the lack of food for it. "Quite well. I will finally be ready to begin teaching apprentices once we return home... though some more tomes to work with would be nice."

    Still smiling, you wait until she is not etching a rune into a blade and wrap her in a one-armed hug "I knew that you would be able to master this, love. Now, what exactly are you doing?"

    She returns your hug, before hefting her chisel again, and resuming her work "Crafting sickles for Laeliths fire elementalists. It is quite unlikely that we will be able to acquire enough arcane torches for all of them, so this was her solution. Though these are far from perfect..." she trails off, unhappily.
    >> 風林火山 08/23/11(Tue)21:34 No.16041683

    "It sets things on fire, how is it not perfect?"
    >> Maximus 08/23/11(Tue)21:38 No.16041728
    "They're far better than the runed sword you had me try in the past. Don't expect works of art just yet Kyria. You have lots of time to perfect your craft. I was curious - do you think you could make runes that could stop someone from using any arcane powers?"
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 08/23/11(Tue)21:46 No.16041827
    Seconding this. I would very much like nullification restraints, since we're only going to have more magic-using prisoners as time goes on.
    >> Brick 08/23/11(Tue)21:46 No.16041830
    "The progress you are making is astounding. Were you thinking of any tomes in oarticular?"
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/23/11(Tue)21:53 No.16041909
    You raise an eyebrow at the busty dwarf "It sets the blade on fire well enough. It doesnt melt the steel, I dont see how it isnt perfect. Besides, one cannot expect to..." you trail off as Kyria looks at you with the same glare she levels at Laelith when they get into arguments over the nature of perfection.

    Stifleing the urge to sigh and shake your head, you allow Kyria to answer "The runes degrade over time. The blades, well, our maniples smith is acceptable, I suppose. However, look closely at the blade I just showed you."

    You heft the sickle, and, being careful not to touch the still hot steel, you look at it more closely. The blade lacks the razor-sharp glint its siblings have, and the edges are showing the signs of having been burnt. You shrug "Light damage from being burnt, nothing worse."

    Kyria shakes her head "On top of my inability to re-create runes that do not degrade, I cannot create a blade that could withstand more than a single battles worth of use without being ruined. Which is why I did not forge the sickles myself, these will need to be replaced every battle." You nod, realizing why there are so many more sickles than you have fire elementalists.
    >> Maximus 08/23/11(Tue)21:55 No.16041941
    "Perhaps we can find something back in Dragonsreach on runes in the special part of the library. A clue as to what you need to do to make them permanent might be there."

    Also, I again say we should ask if she can make runes that we can use to stop people from using their powers.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 08/23/11(Tue)21:58 No.16041982
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)21:59 No.16042000
    If she made them out of better material, perhaps... or simply forged something other than sickles. I mean, simple metal clubs would at least eliminate most of the required forging work (though not the runing) and would be far from ineffective in battle.
    >> Brick 08/23/11(Tue)22:02 No.16042036
    Also ask her if there are any tomes in particular she is interested in

    They might also have some in the Dutchey. We could ask someone trusted there to look.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/23/11(Tue)22:18 No.16042208
    You smirk, setting down the sickle "Perhaps if a different material were used some of the issues would be mitigated. AS to the tomes, what are you looking for?"

    Kyria shrugs as she sets her current sickle onto the pile of finished works "Anything older than the recent ones we have found. as to the different materials, I will have to test that, once we have more available."

    You raise an eyebrow "What of the mythia we procured from our fallen foes?"

    Kyria shakes her head "It has a painfully low tolerance to fire. I expect it would melt far too easily, and I doubt I would be able to reduce the intensity of the flames my runes create much further."

    You nod, sighing "Interesting." after watching Kyria work for a while longer, you ask "Do you think you would be able to craft any runes that would be able to craft any runes that would be able to block any arcane abilities?"'

    Kyrias work slows, until she sets her current sickle aside. At which point she draws out a sheet of parchment and begins scribbling on it. After a while she answers "I do not doubt that it is possible, but I know of no runes for that specific purpose, and with my current knowledge, any phrases I can craft would not be... fully effective, and clumsy at that."
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)22:19 No.16042217
    >Do you think you would be able to craft any runes that would be able to craft any runes that would be able to
    >runes crafting runes
    My god. The runic singularity is coming.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/23/11(Tue)22:22 No.16042245
    haha, its been a while since I derped that hard
    >> Maximus 08/23/11(Tue)22:23 No.16042246
    "Guess it's something I'll have to look in to then. Using these boxes, while amusing at times, is still annoying. Plus, it still leaves the prisoners as a threat if they can ever escape."

    Can't think of anything else at this point so perhaps move on to Lena and see if she's figured something out.
    >> 風林火山 08/23/11(Tue)22:30 No.16042310

    Rune factory... :D Automation for production of war materiel.


    "We'll need a way to counter Uulanthi's greater number of arcanist. If you look into the rune, I would be most grateful."
    >> Generic 08/23/11(Tue)22:34 No.16042347
    Ok, so we have steel rain arrows...
    and on-impact fire runes...
    combine them...

    >> 風林火山 08/23/11(Tue)22:35 No.16042351

    Seconded so very hard.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)22:37 No.16042376
    She made anti magic arrows that worked somewhat

    Hell yes
    >> Generic 08/23/11(Tue)22:41 No.16042426

    seconding, but ask her about flaming steel rain :D
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)22:58 No.16042576

    The end is nigh. And it will come in the form of flaming steel rain.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/23/11(Tue)22:59 No.16042587
    You look at the runes on the sickles again, pondering. After Kyria turns to look at you nervously, you ask "Do you think it would be possible for you to modify the iron stakes we have been dropping... to burst into flame after dropped, or when they strike their target?"

    Kyria scratches at her head, before replying "Both, though, I would need to craft a special crate to carry them if they were to ignite after being dropped... though if you wished, I could have them melt the steel before they strike the ground."

    You smile evilly "Either way, I leave the project in your capable hands, love." You plant a kiss on her cheek and rise to leave her too her work.

    Kyria laughs "Calm yourself, Justinian, you look entirely too much like Blackbird at the moment."

    Tempering your grin slightly you laugh "Innovation to me is like raiding to him." Kyria laughs as well, not denying or acknowledging the fact as you make your way from your dwarven lass to Lena and Catalina. The latter is now sitting quietly, emerald clutched in her hands, a slight green light flowing from her shoulders down to her closed hands, and the emerald within, intensifying as it moves down her arms. Before Catalina is the tome Lena found the technique she is presumably using, and before Lena is a clearly homemade tome, though it contains images of arcane designs. On top of that tome are several others, with much less elaborate designs depicted within, and descriptions below them. "Might I enquire as to what you are doing, Lena?" you ask her, sitting across from the two.

    the kharynchek mage shrugs "I am nearly ready to test these staves I crafted, and Catalina is... I'm not certain what she is doing, actually, just that it is not another Poofy. And, I believe I have found one of the key weaknesses of staves and external foci over using ones body."
    >> Generic 08/23/11(Tue)23:01 No.16042600
    just getting some of these ideas into the thread...

    possible fire rune uses (besides fire steel rain):

    -Commando grenades/bombs. Blackbird and Co. would be able to use these to disable/destroy enemy siege equipment, wagons, supplies, etc. Perhaps a small box with the runes on the inside? place it in an enemy wagon, stack of crates, or siege weapon/tower and give it a whack. If possible, wear a good glove and toss it after giving it a whack!

    - mangonel ammo? Give the boxes some barbs/hooks and launch with a shovel/pan at enemy units.

    - heavy repeater ammo: specifically anti-siege tower ammo. Perhaps have hooks/bars near the back end to keep the bolt from over penetrating? Tip with anti-magic heads to deal with mage shields.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)23:01 No.16042610
    "Really now? Please, continue."
    >> 風林火山 08/23/11(Tue)23:02 No.16042617

    "Really? Do tell Lena, what weakness might this be? And did you make that tome yourself?"

    We should bring Catelina on a little tour of the divine realm after this.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 08/23/11(Tue)23:05 No.16042634
    We did tell her that we would help her meditate.
    >> 風林火山 08/23/11(Tue)23:17 No.16042754
    Also, fyi.

    We're about one month away from CQ's 1st Anniversary with 127 quest Threads.

    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/23/11(Tue)23:18 No.16042776
    You raise an eyebrow "Really? and what would that be?"

    Lena frowns "Staves are far to small a space to have a design that provides more than one effect, to begin."

    You glance over the tomes on top of the rougher one, than the rougher one, which was clearly not written by a professional "You made that bottom tome yourself then?"

    Lena blushes a bit "With Wulfs help... it was up to him to copy down the designs after we knew that they worked."

    You nod approvingly "And the other weaknesses of staves?"

    Lena shrugs "I will discover those soon enough... but having the focus not being your body is much more likely to lead to a... soft, mage. Having to gesture to cast instead of waving about some piece of wood..." she trails off, realizing that she is rambling "Would you mind observing my tests? I would rather have someone on hand should this go poorly..."
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)23:23 No.16042826
    "I would be happy to help"
    >> 風林火山 08/23/11(Tue)23:23 No.16042831

    "Of course my dear. I would not want to see you hurt."
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)23:24 No.16042843
    "Of course, although having a life elementalist on hand strikes me as more useful if something goes wrong."

    All our life elementalists are probably still pouring all their energy into healing wounded people, though. No way have they gotten all our injured back in action after just a couple days.
    >> Maximus 08/23/11(Tue)23:27 No.16042873
    Yeah no reason not to help out.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/23/11(Tue)23:45 No.16043055
    You smirk, nodding "Of course, my dear. Lead the way."

    Lena nods, thankfully "Hold these." she says, handing you the bulk of the staves. Bewildered, all the more you can do is accept them. seeing your face, Lenas screws up "I... that wasn't something I wasn't suppose dot do, was it? I didn't mean to insult you, or..."

    You chuckle "Of course not, I said I would help, and holding a few staves isn't too terribly hard."

    Lenas flashes a nervous grin before heading off to a clear area of the training field. After a few moments, she takes a deep breath, and, with the plainest staff fires a simple arcane bolt straight into the sky. when nothing happens, she takes a deep breath, and after a few more tests tosses the thing down, triumphant, yet, disgusted somehow. "There should be another with a design very similar to that one on it. If you would?" you nod, handing the girl the staff.

    She takes a deep breath, and again, fires an arcane bolt skywards. she takes another deep breath, and, you swear you can feel a wind, just the same as with her second firing with the first staff. With a small crowd now watching the show, clearly men from other maniples, as you have seen Lena preform far more interesting arcane feats. And then, as the bolt spits from the tip of the staff, the tip bursts into flame. The conflagration rapidly travels down the staff, and, after less than a second of travel, just as the girl tosses the staff from her grasp, it explodes, sending wooden splinters out in all directions, and throwing Lena back several feet. As Lena groans everything seems to freeze.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/11(Tue)23:49 No.16043111
    heroically dive towards Lena in an attempt to save her and look really badass while doing it, please.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 08/23/11(Tue)23:50 No.16043128
    "Hmm. Needs more work. Could be useful to throw into enemy ranks in a pinch, though."
    >> 風林火山 08/23/11(Tue)23:52 No.16043141

    Go to her. Seconded.
    >> Brick 08/23/11(Tue)23:53 No.16043167
    Go to her quickly, shout for a medic
    >> Laurentius 08/23/11(Tue)23:56 No.16043191
    i f>>16043111 doesnt' work then do >>16043167
    >> Maximus 08/23/11(Tue)23:57 No.16043197
    Yeah time to see if the girl is okay.
    >> 風林火山 08/24/11(Wed)00:04 No.16043278

    Doubt we have time to do that.

    Stave already exploded.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/24/11(Wed)00:09 No.16043318
    You sprint over to the prone girl "Medic!" you bark, worry written all over your face.

    Lena groans and replies "I'm fine... I just, I just need to lay down for a bit." You look the girl over, and, save a few splinters the size of her fingers in her hands, and cuts on her face, she looks to be fine.

    "What happened?" you ask, waving off Jayne.

    Lena forces a laugh "Nothing I didnt expect... maybe I should have been creating shields instead of trying to show off..."
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)00:15 No.16043370
    "As someone who has been injured many times while showing off, I must agree. I'd be much more cautious if I couldn't count on Jayne making healing every last injury so enjoyable."
    >> Brick 08/24/11(Wed)00:23 No.16043461
    "Are you sure you're alright?"

    This is also good
    >> Brick 08/24/11(Wed)00:25 No.16043476
    We should get her over to the medical tent asap as well.
    >> Generic 08/24/11(Wed)00:25 No.16043482
    >a few splinters the size of her fingers in her hands

    yeah, she is going to the medical tent.

    Perhaps a litter would be wise, since she seems quite drained. Don't want her stumbling and trying to catch herself with her hands on instinct
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/24/11(Wed)00:41 No.16043637
    You sigh "After having been injured more than a few times myself whilst trying to show off, I can sympathise with you. Are you certain you are alright?"

    Lena nods "Fine..."

    You chuckle, leaning back a bit and again signalling for Jayne "Truly? you started over there." you inform the girl, pointing to the scorched patch of grass a good 15 feet back.

    Lena groans again "I'm no-where near done yet either. Just take me to the tent."

    Chuckling, you slide your arm under her right shoulder, as Jayne does the same to her left. "Now, what is this you were saying about having expected that foolishness?" you ask.

    She sighs "That was a basic stabilizing Design, one that is worked into all of the Designs I wear. Its only... ooooooh" she groans, and pauses to catch her breath "Now I can feel it..." a few minutes later, she seems to have collected herself "Its only purpose is to make it more difficult to overdraw from the mists, and cause something like that. Ahhh..."

    Jayne chuckles "Adrenaline is incredible, no?"

    Lena tries to shake her head, but winces when she tries to look too far to one side "I didnt land when I first struck the ground, did I?"

    You shake your head "You rolled for a while, and bounced at least once."

    She slumps "No more showing off for me..." by the time you and Jayne lay the girl down in a cot in the medicae tent she is ready to finish her explanation "The second staff was off by a small amount, and I applied the dyes unevenly." she pauses as a doctor begins to look her injuries over. "Staffs are much less forgiving, it would seem."
    >> 風林火山 08/24/11(Wed)00:46 No.16043678

    "Better go with the first design then. Safer for everyone. Get some rest, you can work on it later."

    Time to find Catelina and talk with the gods.
    >> Generic 08/24/11(Wed)00:49 No.16043702

    >> Brick 08/24/11(Wed)00:56 No.16043767
    Agreed, time to introduce Catalina to our favorite god of death.

    We should of course tell her not to be scared, and that neshai won't hurt her.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)00:58 No.16043788
    Neither of those are particularly true though.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 08/24/11(Wed)01:01 No.16043819
    "Well, keep working at it then. The more tools we have available with proper safeguards and limiters, the safer it will be for those that follow in your footsteps."

    Then see if Catalina is ready to meet Neshai.
    >> Generic 08/24/11(Wed)01:11 No.16043919

    heh, very true.

    Perhaps a visit the love/life goddess [who's name I can't seem to remember for the life of me...] might calm Catalina's nerves after Neshai frays them? I'd suggest Garagush, but I don't think combat would calm her very much...
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)01:13 No.16043935
    We are a general, not a celestial tour guide. If she needs her nerves calmed she can get a hug and some alcohol once she's done talking with Neshai.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/24/11(Wed)01:19 No.16044004
    You smirk "Perhaps the first design would be a wiser choice then. You did well, dont loose heart."

    Lena scoffs "I think Degnar may be better served by staying away from staves..."

    Chuckling, you ruffle the girls hair, and leave her to be tended to. Outside, you find Catalina just now leaving her trance-like state. Before her is either a whip or a snake, made mostly of vertebrae, though, it has a small section that is not flexible just before its cyclopean serpents head. The necromancer strokes a circle around its eye, and it moves to life, incredibly serpent-like and malleable... though the tine sharpened, almost blade-like bones near the tip of its 'tail' retract as it slithers to life, and up the girls arm. It opens its mouth, as if to hiss at you, alerting the girl to your presencs "Justinain... where did Lena go?" she asks by way of greeting.

    You shrug "She injured herself with her experimenting. She should be fine once we return."

    Catalinas face lights up in worry and confusion "H-how badly is she hurt?"

    You shrug "Not too terribly. I simply thought it better that she rest in a cot than attempt to continue her work."

    Catalina nods, nervously "And, where are we going?"
    >> Laurentius 08/24/11(Wed)01:20 No.16044008
    >> Laurentius 08/24/11(Wed)01:22 No.16044026
    "we are going far away and yet we won't be moving very much at all. If you are ready I think now would be a good time to go see neshai"
    >> 風林火山 08/24/11(Wed)01:22 No.16044031

    "I figured I had delayed this meeting for far too long. I thought to bring you with me to meet Neshai at last. Don't fret, I'll be there with you and I promise no harm shall befall you."
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)01:22 No.16044034
    "My tent."

    Laugh at her resulting expression. Explain that we're meditating our way into the divine realms only after extracting adequate amusement.
    >> Generic 08/24/11(Wed)01:24 No.16044052
    superior response seconded!
    >> 風林火山 08/24/11(Wed)01:27 No.16044081

    Do this. ahaha.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 08/24/11(Wed)01:27 No.16044087
    Trolling post seconded.
    >> Laurentius 08/24/11(Wed)01:27 No.16044097
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/24/11(Wed)01:38 No.16044192
    You smirk "To my tent."

    Catalina freezes, eyes shooting wide open "I, um, err... It's... But, we..."

    You allow the poor girl to stutter in shock, her face redening, until you finally add "To commune with the gods, or, at the very least Neshai, for you."

    The girl noticeably deflates and responds "You... have a cruel sense of humor." as she stands up, snake coiled around her arm.

    "the goddess promised not to hurt you, but, she will be... frightening to behold."

    Catalina nods, nervously. After walking for a while in silence, she asks "Do, do you think that Vi would do a favor for me? This... whip, is not much use as it is, even fortified as I made it..."
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)01:46 No.16044277
    Might be difficult, you know how she feels about necromancy. Depending on what you need, of course.
    >> Generic 08/24/11(Wed)01:47 No.16044289

    "I cannot say for certain, but I doubt she would refuse a fellow uurlanthian a simple favor. What did you have in mind?"
    >> Brick 08/24/11(Wed)01:47 No.16044296
    "The only way to know for sure is to ask nicely."
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)01:48 No.16044309
    >I doubt she would refuse a fellow uurlanthian
    We should really not be looking at that as the primary common bond between them. Neither of them has any significant loyalty to their nationality at this point.
    >> 風林火山 08/24/11(Wed)01:49 No.16044316

    Probably this. We can go with her to have her ask her herself.
    >> Generic 08/24/11(Wed)01:53 No.16044366

    meh, true. It seemed a decent way to make her feel a bit more comfortable with approaching Vi, but Vi doesn't really remember all that much of her former lives, does she?
    >> Brick 08/24/11(Wed)02:01 No.16044451
    I don't even think she remembers anything at all of her former lives
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/24/11(Wed)02:09 No.16044537
    You shrug "I dont see why she wouldn't... but you will have to ask her to be certain."

    Catalina sighs and replies "O.K. I suppose I will have to ask her tomorrow."

    As you enter the tent, Sansa look sup, mildly surprised "Finally getting around to introducing Catalina to the gods then, love?" she asks, not bothering to close the robe she is lazing about in, or roll out of the cot.

    Catalina goes rigid "I... I'm going to be teased relentlessly for being in this tent, aren't I?"

    Sansa nods "Most likely, but only if we have to take care of your body while you are conversing with the divine."

    "H-How long does it take?" Catalina asks, worried now.

    You shrug "I have been doing it for a while, and it can take all night, but that is not the usual result."

    The girl nods, slowly, eyeing Sansa warily as she replies "We had best begin then." You nod in agreement, and drop into your meditative pose, and gesture for Catalina to do the same...


    Nearly an hour later, as you float patiently in the empty plane between the gods realm, feeling curious and confused probings from all but Lamynus, Catalina joins you. She gasps as she looks about the plane "Its so... beautiful, in its own way. Strange, but beautiful. H... how do I get to, Neshais realm... and will, will I have to be alone?"
    >> 風林火山 08/24/11(Wed)02:12 No.16044557

    "Not unless she wishes to speak to you privately. Else we'll be with you all the way. This way."

    Lead her to see Neshai, maybe point out the various gods who are currently probing us.
    >> Laurentius 08/24/11(Wed)02:16 No.16044595
    "last time I did this she spoke to the other person in private. If you want I could go to her first and ask if she would mind having me there with you"
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)02:16 No.16044603
    "If she wishes it. It is folly to defy the gods in their own realm; here their will is the reality.

    "Follow me, and I will lead you to Neshai. The divine realms are beautiful in their fashion, but we have a purpose here at the moment and little time to spend exploring."
    >> Brick 08/24/11(Wed)02:22 No.16044650
    This works for me
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 08/24/11(Wed)02:23 No.16044666
    That's fine. Seconding.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/24/11(Wed)02:33 No.16044740
    You smile warmly "Unless the goddess wishes to speak with you privately, then no. I will be with you the whole time."

    Catalina returns your smile "I am glad to hear it... now where are we going, and what are these orbs?" she asks, curiously.

    You chuckle "Those would be the gods domains, I'll tell you about them as we make our way to Neshais realm..."


    By the time you reach the Hags realm, Catalina has a basic understanding of the gods. Once in the goddess' realm,. the two of you are immediately greeted "Ahh, Justinian. You finally brought her. Though I am surprised that you came all the way here with her."

    You shrug "She is a good deal more fragile than the last necromancer I brought to you."

    "And, might I inquire as to what the girl attached to this" she reveals the fragment of soul "Name is?"
    >> Laurentius 08/24/11(Wed)02:35 No.16044758
    "go on girl, tell her your name" We need to be here for emotional support, not to speak for her
    >> 風林火山 08/24/11(Wed)02:37 No.16044777

    "Neshai, may I present to you, Catelina Ramon, formerly of house Ramon of the Uurlanthi. Catelina, this is Neshai, the goddess of Death. Do pay your respects and greet her."
    >> Generic 08/24/11(Wed)02:38 No.16044784

    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)02:39 No.16044789
    Polite, formal, respectful.
    I like it.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/24/11(Wed)03:12 No.16045010
    You nod "Neshai, I am here to present Catalina Ramon, formerly of House Ramon." you turn to the girl "Catalina, this is the Goddess of Death, Neshai... so be polite and greet her yourself."

    Catalina nods "Its... its just Catalina. Degnarian Plebeians dont have surnames... and that is what I will be until I complete my service."

    The goddess nods "So then, Catalina, I assume that you know why I have summoned you here?"

    The slight girl nods, timidly trembling... but she hasn't ran to hide behind you, yet. "Be-because I am a necromancer, and, most of my powers infuriate you."

    The goddess looks at the girl, and you can see one of her wholly unnatural eyes from beneath her cowl, and you know that it is only the angle that the goddess' head is at that shields you from her full gaze "Yes, child, that is correct. However, so long as you obey my rules... you would not be punished." the goddess walks forward, and extends her hand to Catalina. Shaking terribly, the girl accepts "Now, I will not force you to become my priestess. However, as I already posses this" she again, shows the shard of the girls soul as she walks her towards the water "You may as well become one, so as to reap the benefits I bestow on my servants."

    Catalina stops at the coast of the Endless Sea, though the far side is easily within sight, you somehow know that for a mere mortal, the journey to cross it would never end "I, I need to think, and, I have questions yet."

    The Hag holds her gaze on the girl as she steps out into the water, though she remains ankle deep "I will answer them."

    The girl takes a deep breath "You know that I was forced into that ceremony, right?" the goddess nods "And, this one, it will not have any, additional, affects on me, will it?"
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/24/11(Wed)03:12 No.16045014
    Neshai spreads out her almost skeletal hands in a welcoming gesture that speaks of honesty and openness "You will be marked as mine own, but the mark will not deform you in any way. Now will it be visible to any who do not know how too look for it."

    Catalina stills slightly "And, my duties as your servant?"

    The goddess looks to you "You... would be my emisary to Justinian. As his path will cross many a sinner to my laws, you would best serve me by holding my end of our agreement with your aid."

    You raise your eyebrow in confusion "What of Rufus?"

    She shakes her head "That would be greedy, as not all mortals will be as blessed with so many tools against the undead as yourself. The Order Viridian will need to be restored if this storm is to be weathered." you nod understandingly.

    For a while, there is no sound but your breath and Catalinas. Eventually the girl half-whispers "Yes"
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/24/11(Wed)03:13 No.16045018
    The goddess' grin becomes visible and you step back, instinctively "Then come to me, my child." Catalina nods, and, shakily, steps forward. "Do you accept me as your goddess, and master?"

    Catalina, as she steps into the gray, unmoving waters of the Endless Sea, replies "Yes" as Neshai places her left hand on the girls forehead.

    "Will you carry out my will, and sin not against my code? In both your mortal life, and beyond?"

    Again the girl replies "Yes."

    Neshai nods "Excellent. As I already have a portion of your soul, you need not drink of the Sea. You are now and forever marked as my servant and child, to all who care to look, lest you choose to reveal your marked nature to another. Now come, there are things I must tell you, things that could very well break Justinians mind, Unmarked as he is. The two of you will meet again on the mortal plane." and at that, you find yourself on the plane between divine realms.
    >> Taffer 08/24/11(Wed)03:18 No.16045050
    Only thing I can think of is to thank Eago for helping bring back Wulf safely. And wait for the reinforcements so you can go back to Dragonsreach
    >> 風林火山 08/24/11(Wed)03:18 No.16045053

    Whelp. Hopefully we can hang around to introduce her to some of the other gods late. Like finding her when shes just been released.

    For now though, time to see the schemer. We have not actually greeted him yet. A terrible thing to do for the future 7th Paetorian.
    >> Laurentius 08/24/11(Wed)03:19 No.16045057
    I think we might want to consider going to talk with the goddess that we haven't talked to yet(lamyus?)
    >> Brick 08/24/11(Wed)03:20 No.16045062
    We should also talk to him about those defecting Uurlanthi mercs.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)03:24 No.16045093
    Seconding these.
    >> Laurentius 08/24/11(Wed)03:25 No.16045106
    sounds fine
    >> Generic 08/24/11(Wed)03:26 No.16045116

    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/24/11(Wed)03:40 No.16045209
    Sighing, you float your way over to Eagos realm. Once you pass into his realm, you find yourself walking next to the god, aggain. "Ah, Justinian, how nice to travel with you again. I take It you are here to ask after Wulf?"

    You nod "And, to see if I had missed any travelers I could have helped."

    the god chuckles "No, between the mercenaries, and freeing Catalina from her near sedentary life, I will see your end of the pact as fulfilled."

    You nod, happily "Thank you then."

    The god nods, smiling "Ah, it truly is not all that much to ask for me to protect one of my first devotees in this new age, but gratitude is nice. Is there anything else you wished to ask about?"
    >> 風林火山 08/24/11(Wed)03:42 No.16045223

    Apparently we've snubbed Lamynus too.

    We'd better see both of them especially since Lamynus has calmed down after we robbed her of Laelith.
    >> Laurentius 08/24/11(Wed)03:44 No.16045237
    "none that I can think of. Though if you have anything that you would like to discuss I would be willing t listen"
    >> Generic 08/24/11(Wed)03:44 No.16045243

    sounds like a plan. Let us see what the future goddess of soccer and hockey hooligans is like!
    >> Brick 08/24/11(Wed)03:46 No.16045254
    These sound good
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)03:46 No.16045259
    "Other than maybe to see how much longer he'll be away, not really. Lena misses him terribly..."
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)03:49 No.16045270
    "He didn't pick up any extra girlfriends on his way, did he?"
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 08/24/11(Wed)04:00 No.16045365
    You shake your head "Unless you have something you wish to discuss with me... Actually, do you have any idea when Wulf will be returning? Lena misses him terribly."

    The god shrugs "He is currently on his way home, though, the path can always change."

    You sigh "His new girlfriend trying to keep him from leaving?"

    Again, the god chuckles "No, but the lad has not been alone since Daeseu left his company either."

    Noding, you make your farewells withthe god, and depart to converse with the next divine being in line.

    >Gah, I'm tired, so I'm gonna call it here.
    >someone archive please
    >I'll be back thursday at 9pm server time
    >If you have any setting/CQ questions just email me at [email protected]
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)04:19 No.16045519
    Thread has been archived

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