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    478 KB Commander Quest CXXXII Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/08/11(Thu)21:41 No.16231028  
    >Last Time: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/16184364/
    >Join the IRC on Sup/tg/ at #CommanderQuest
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    The ride back to your barracks is quiet, yet optimistic after the combination debriefing and briefing. Eventually, Sansa breaks the silence as you ride through the gate "FInian is exiled from the Duchy..."

    As she trails off, you notice that very few folk occupy the barracks. Which of course, worries you. However, Bellatrix is there to soothe your nerves, telling you "Most of the soldiers are either off celebrating not being on deployment or visiting families."

    Aurelius walks up beside her "the rest of the command staff is at your academy, either doing what preparations are possible for the eventual move now, or training the influx of new students."
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 09/08/11(Thu)21:48 No.16231101
    Good, good.
    I suppose we should see about Degrian and if his people have any machine designs that could be adapted for naval use. I doubt it, but it can't hurt to ask. Also, considering that we're going into a siege, we should probably get all of the engineers from our maniple and those of the other commanders we're going to deploy with, and get them to work on building siege engines and spare parts.
    >> Taffer 09/08/11(Thu)21:50 No.16231114
    I'd like to schedule an officers meeting in the evening, or if it's the evening already, for one tomorrow, so we can tell everyone about our new orders to break the siege of Estrok.

    But that is for later. Now, might as well, helping out with the academy is best, I think.
    >> Brick 09/08/11(Thu)21:50 No.16231117
    >Finian is exiled from the Duchy

    Do we know if the blue scars can be repaired by Esthriya?
    Fake mustache and facial hair?
    >> Brick 09/08/11(Thu)21:58 No.16231237
    I agree with both of these suggestions.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)22:01 No.16231277
    We need to review our academy's training policies and see what kind of results we're getting right now. Honestly, considering what we know about magic in general, we need to make several rather important decisions about the policy of us, and therefore Dengar in general, towards the arcane and certain branches of it in particular:
    -Elementalists, mystics, necromancers, and mages are rare. Should they be treated as specialist troops, officers, or assets? Restricted to commanders' personal cadres? This heavily affects deployment patterns, not only for them but also for potential support troops; i.e. our maniple's current policy for the deployment of bright mages apparently demands training and equipping a single specialized bodyguard for them. Are such support troops necessary? For who, and how many are needed?
    -How much control does our training need to demand before someone is considered fully trained? Do we consider blowing themselves up one time in a hundred a hazard of the profession, or insist on relentlessly training control until accidents like that virtually never happen, even if it takes years of disciplined practice?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)22:02 No.16231285
    -Necromancers: are we planning to immediately turn them all over to Neshai's order as a matter of national policy, as we basically have thus far? If so, how much authority does she get over them as compared to that which the nation gets, and what does the nation get in return for a consistent stream of what are basically offerings? If not, what is our training policy and methods for them?
    -Mystics: The current pattern seems to be that high-ranking people want to keep a "kept mystic", who does their own personal mind-reading for them and such. This strikes me as potentially a huge security hole, not to mention that it effectively pairs every mystic with a senior officer or influential person. Is this something we need to try and change? How many mystics do we as a nation have, compared to our number of senior officers and such?

    There are numerous other concerns as well, obviously, but these are a few that we should definitely consider and handle if possible. If we're planning to run the arcane for Dengar, we need to start making major policy decisions now and acting to support and enforce them.
    >> Tactical Routine Omicron !oiqMeATbAg 09/08/11(Thu)22:03 No.16231305
    Gentlemen, I've had some thoughts about upcoming naval battles, and I was thinking we could borrow a little bit from the British naval playbook.

    In case we run into tightly-packed formations, we'll need a couple sacrificial boats filled with tar. The idea is we set them on fire (preferably with consecrated flames to prevent enemy fire elementalist dickery) and sail them right into the enemy formation. This will spook the enemy into breaking formation, allowing us to raid the fuck out of anyone who broke formation.
    >> Brick 09/08/11(Thu)22:12 No.16231415
    We should also check on the security for the wedding. I had in mind something kind of like this for some added security.

    (The part I am referring to starts at 0:46, the men in uniform with swords. The video is near the middle of the page).

    It wouldn't be out of place in a wedding of a military commander such as ours.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)22:22 No.16231521
    Given Uurlanthi arcanist deployment doctrine, I think we need to treat arcanists as specialist troops, and Light/Shadow Mages as artillery pieces. Their bodyguard details can be treated as artillery crews.

    Given the current situation that we're in the middle of a war, and that the enemy is quite willing to use their own arcanists in a suicidal manner, I don't think we have the luxury of training our elementalists for 100% control. 95% is going to have to be good enough until the end of the war; once it's over, then we can drill control more heavily.

    The necromancer question is a tricky one. Next to mystics, they're the most dangerous if uncontrolled. I suggest a policy of forcing necromancers to choose either a life in Neshai's priesthood or one in the military. As for Neshai herself, in exchange for this stream of applicants, I think support in the creation of war constructs for assault use is fair enough. For every 5 priests we pick up for her, she provides the divine spark needed to construct 2 flesh/bone golems.

    As for mystics, the only thing that I can think of, is developing that runic telepathy dampening crown, and central registration of all mystics, as well as tight control on their actions. Attempting to restrict people from having a personal mystic on-staff would put us against so many of the people whose political support we need to get the Praetorian position, that I don't think we can practically do it.
    But, setting up an Imperial Psi Corps is about the only solution I can come up with. Hunt down rogue mystics, and all mystics must identify themselves as such.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/08/11(Thu)22:23 No.16231543
    Shrugging you reply "You two keep on having fun then, There will be a command staff meeting later tonight." and at that, you leave the two mildly embarrased people standing mostly alone in the barracks courtyard. Passing through the city you reply to Sansa "Indeed he is, but we should be able to devise some form of disguise, and do our best to keep him above-ground. That would not be breaking the Exile laws as far as I know them."

    Sansa shrugs "With his now being solely a citizen of Degnar, you may be able to find some political reason for him to pass through the subterranean cities if need be." when you turn in your saddle to raise a surprised eyebrow at the woman chuckles and replies "I did learn more some about laws and technicalities during my false trial."

    Sighing, you peck the girl on the cheek and reply "It would have shocked me if you hadnt, love."


    The rest of the ride to the academy goes quietly and nicely. Upon arrival at the academy, you see the influx of new students being inducted into the framework you had been roughly setting for the past few years. the elementalists forming into cadres of a pair of either fire, earth, water or air elementalists, and a single elementalist of the otehr types. Off to the side a group of what you can only assume to be healing elemtnalists gather before Vi, and your chief surgeon.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/08/11(Thu)22:24 No.16231549
    Already the members of the existing cadres, after ensuring that the new cadres remember who their partners are before breaking off to train their charges.

    Off to the side, Lena is pacing up and down a line of the mages she had taught, her stand-in instructor looking quite nervous, and a single man, arcane designs clearly visible on his skin standing ahead of the line looking almost as nervous as Lenas substitute. Nearby Catalina seems to be stuttering before a group of what you can only assume are necromancers; and at a table near the doors to the academy proper Kyria sits with a handful of dwarves watching her with rapt attention. Smiling at the activity, you notice that Esthriya is approaching you, a grin pulled across her saurian face.
    >> Tactical Routine Omicron !oiqMeATbAg 09/08/11(Thu)22:27 No.16231580
    I'm pretty much of the same thoughts, except for necromancy. The actual raising of the dead is, as far as I can remember, illegal and should stay as such.

    I don't think we should FORCE anyone to worship Neshai, but we should warn anyone found posessing nercomancer abilities about the pitfalls of raising the dead (including the part about getting to the the goddess of death's plaything for all eternity) along with the option to learn the hexes route Rufus took.
    >> 風林火山 09/08/11(Thu)22:27 No.16231585

    "Esthriya, it is good to see you. You have outdone yourself in the school. It is wonderful to see so many elementalist and mystics gathered here."

    Inquire if there have been any problems and the boy still looks to be sulking.
    >> Tactical Routine Omicron !oiqMeATbAg 09/08/11(Thu)22:29 No.16231613
    "So, how is the headmistress of the academy, today? You seem quite pleased with something."
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 09/08/11(Thu)22:31 No.16231636
    Neshai said that certain types of constructs are okay; we're not raising the dead here, just using dead materials.

    >> Taffer 09/08/11(Thu)22:32 No.16231640
    "Yes, Esthyria, I see by the smile on your face that you've had a good day. Care to tell me about it?"
    >> Maximus 09/08/11(Thu)22:35 No.16231668
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)22:38 No.16231706
    >Given Uurlanthi arcanist deployment doctrine, I think we need to treat arcanists as specialist troops, and Light/Shadow Mages as artillery pieces. Their bodyguard details can be treated as artillery crews.
    That doesn't fit our actual deployment thus far. We tend to treat elementalists as artillery- that is, keep them in the back and have them use their abilities rather than fight on the front line. Mages, on the other hand, we've treated alternately as artillery or as specialist melee fighters- Lena ends up in face-to-face duels all the damn time, which if she's supposed to be acting as artillery is blatantly wrong.

    Given the personnel bias against us when it comes to gifted individuals, we need to standardize deployment patterns which lower risk to our own arcanists. If we have our mages act like Lena does, they'll end up getting popped by the first mage they run into who's better than they are- and there will be some. Lena could have lost any one of her duels, and we've frankly just been lucky that she didn't. If we're treating our mages like artillery, then we need coherent ways to counter enemy mage threats while keeping our own mages safely guarded in the back.

    And do we give them bodyguard details? Who? Do elementalists get bodyguards? Mages? Necromancers? How many? What specialized training do they get?

    If we're treating elementalists as specialist troops, then how justified are we in our current patterns of basically keeping them segregated from everyone else? Should they share in duties or standard training, or be given an entirely different career path and job from a standard soldier, like say a legion surgeon is?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)22:45 No.16231780
    >Hunt down rogue mystics, and all mystics must identify themselves as such.
    This is exceedingly tricky, because mystics are extremely suited for concealing themselves- indeed, they compulsively do so 24/7 anyway in order to conceal their degraded appearances. Demanding that they all be identified might send tons of them underground- and we don't have the infrastructure to hunt them all down right now, particularly since no one is going to give up their precious mystic aides in order to have them go hunting rogues. Worse, any policy which alienates mystics could cause them to act against us, and that would be a bitch and a half. We need to somehow use the carrot rather than the stick here.

    Assuming that we do pry enough mystics away from their duties as attaches to get them doing other things, what kind of training do we give them besides the arcane? Standard Legion training seems a waste; honestly, I'd build up our Psi Corps by having all our mystics cross-train with the Excolo.

    Side note, we need to make sure that Legion officers learn how to protect their minds against mystic intrusion. If we do have an Imperial Psi Corps that we run as the 7th, teaching them that is also a convenient time when we can steal all the secrets of and get personality profiles for literally all rising officers in the Legion.
    >> Maximus 09/08/11(Thu)22:46 No.16231791
    Maybe we need some rough numbers from Pax but it sounds like general elementalists are far greater in number than mages and all. I figured we'd have those type of elementalists train and attach them to our units rather than have one focused elementalist unit.

    Also, I think part of the reason why we've let Lena go one-on-one with other mages is because that's been the only way we can take them down. Until Kyria perfects her anti-magic runes and all, we don't have many other options of taking them out without throwing troops at them until they die. That or if Lena does well enough with her magic to take the mage out at a distance.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/08/11(Thu)22:48 No.16231812
    You dismount and walk to meet the old Lacertan healer "Esthyria, it is good to see you. I am pleased to see tht you are doing so well with the academy."

    Esthyria returns your smile and replies "It has been difficult, but now that housing has been dealt with for now, classes are ready to begin again in earnest. I take it you would like for me to train the elementalists to work as groups, as you have apparently been using your current batch of combat capable elementalists. While the mages, necromancers and mystics will serve as..." her sibilant voice trails off, uncertain and differing.

    Sansa leans up a bit to whisper into your ear "I wouldnt look right now, but by my estimate, once Lena is done reprimanding her student she will have something... drastic, to demonstrate."
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)22:51 No.16231843
    >I figured we'd have those type of elementalists train and attach them to our units rather than have one focused elementalist unit.
    When you say attach them to our units, do you mean that a unit of, say, 100 troops would have one elementalist attached? Or do you have some other style of deployment in mind?

    >Also, I think part of the reason why we've let Lena go one-on-one with other mages is because that's been the only way we can take them down.
    If this is true, then- since as far as I know, Lena is one of only a very very few competent mages in Dengar's service- why has ever single other front against Uurlanth not been collapsing? The Urrlanthi have enough mages to throw them at us basically all over the place. If face-to-face mage duels where we outskill them is the only way to take them out, then logically Dengar has lost basically every battle with an Uurlanthi mage in it where we can't match them with one of our own... which is about 80% of everywhere.

    Since that hasn't happened, obviously other commanders have taken down enemy mages somehow. What tactics have they been using?
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 09/08/11(Thu)22:52 No.16231850
    >We tend to treat elementalists as artillery- that is, keep them in the back and have them use their abilities rather than fight on the front line
    You are right that in most of our deployments where we used elementalists, this is how we used them.
    But in our most recently completed campaign, we switched that up, by having elemental combat teams support standard infantry directly by standing right behind them. They don't go on the line like a legionnaire, true, but they were far closer than an artillery crew would be.
    I'd like to have Justinian go over the numbers and after-action reports with our command staff, and see if this new deployment pattern worked better than the old one.

    As for mage duels, I admit I'm at a loss. If the enemy mage is better, then our mage is going to be dead, unless we have more mages, or have special force-multipliers. Lena's arcane tattoos, and maybe an alternative use for staves, could help in that regard.

    I am unsure about how to standardize the bodyguards for mages. Since they're the only ones that seem to really get into duels with each other in the middle of battles (air elementalist duels seem to mostly be done from the rear lines, if Wulf's duels are any indication), perhaps mages are the only ones that need them.

    As for career paths, I think that elementalists should complete basic combat and formation training, and be required to maintain basic melee skills, but otherwise their career path should be different from that of a regular soldier and more resemble that of a specialist, such as an engineer or medic.
    >> Brick 09/08/11(Thu)22:53 No.16231874
    I agree that due to Degnars scarcity of arcanists and elementalists the vast majority of them shouldn't be in direct combat roles, save for special cases where acting as artillery isn't a good use of a soldiers powers and the soldiers has proven themselves very capable of defending themselves. They are a very limited strategic resource and we should do our best to keep as many of them alive as possible considering the Uurlanthians use of arcanists as disposable soldiers.

    A few bodyguards for a group of behind the lines elementalists wouldn't be uncalled for in my opinion. There are plenty of soldiers in units that aren't part of a maniple and are just waiting for someone to reorganize them.

    As far as training goes they should at least get basic training (which they already have if they are in the military). They would also be well served good stamina/fitness training to help increase the amount of energy they have available.
    >> Maximus 09/08/11(Thu)22:56 No.16231898
    I guess I wasn't clear - Lena going one-on-one is likely the only easy method we have of taking them out. I imagine we could just send a unit at the mage and we would kill the mage but there would be pretty heavy losses. With the Uurlanth number advantage, that makes sense on why the other fronts are stalemates or failing.

    In regards to attachment to units, I meant more along the lines of attach a unit would have a group of each type of elementalist attached to it. I don't know what kind of numbers we have but something like 2 of each combat elementalist or something. I figure while we won't have concentrated group to throw our elementalism, we'll have it across our whole lines and have some counter to Uurlanth elementalists.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 09/08/11(Thu)22:57 No.16231906
    We know that using magic is physically draining, and given the frightful costs that all the crimson tears and black banners imply, it could be that Degnarian commanders with no mages have had to drown Uurlanthi mages under legionnaire bodies. Simply keep throwing bodies at them until they burn out, or accidentally pull too much energy and explode.

    This is definitely something we should ask the Praetorian about, since he has all of the reports from the other fronts.
    >> Brick 09/08/11(Thu)22:59 No.16231926
    As long Esthyria is here we should ask if it would be possible for her to remove Finians blue marks and see if Vibius has seen her about his facial and eye injury.
    >> Maximus 09/08/11(Thu)23:00 No.16231932
    We're still debating this part it seems and you might want to move on this for now Pax since it might take awhile to decide our doctrine without some info from our experts on what they think it best.

    In regards to the more specialists types though, necromancers we need to ensure they understand no undead and have them join the cult. Too risky otherwise. How we use them depends on their skills though... If they focus on emotions or undead constructs that we can use, they'd be in a strictly support role but if they use offensive bone type magic, it might be different.

    Mytics... I think we should train them strictly to counter enemy mystics, security and detection in our base camps.

    Mages, it all depends on if we can get anti-magic runes I guess. If we can't, I guess we stick with using them as we have so far.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 09/08/11(Thu)23:02 No.16231948
    >I figure while we won't have concentrated group to throw our elementalism, we'll have it across our whole lines and have some counter to Uurlanth elementalists.
    I remember one of our first ideas concerning elementalist deployment was to spread them out and concentrate their training on shutting down Uurlanthi casters. The idea was based on the common situation that soldier for soldier, Degnarian legionnaires are better trained and equipped than their Uurlanthi counterparts, and that as long as we could prevent the Uurlanthi from using magic, we could win through superior infantry.
    I don't know if this is still something we want to go for.
    >> Maximus 09/08/11(Thu)23:06 No.16231981
    Well that plan kind of went down the drain after we saw lack luster efforts of our combat group to shut them down. Worth looking into again for a long term thing perhaps - our guys aren't the most skilled. But if our elementalists can't shut the enemy down than we might just want the attached groups to focus on assisting the units they're assigned to in combat by offensive means. Get them used to using their abilities to assist the unit as best as possible.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)23:08 No.16232006
    So, as far as attaching mundane troops to arcanists- if we integrate pairs of elementalists with standard units as suggested, we can probably rely upon the rest of their units to look after them. To be safe, make it policy that they're not to bunk alone or etc.; arcanists of all stripes are prime assassination targets, including elementalists. Elementalists basically go to the standard legionnaire path, only with specialist rank and different training.

    Mages and necromancers both need bodyguards, I think, and looking at Lena and Bellatrix I think two would be better than just one. Simply because mages are too rare and vulnerable an asset to risk, I'm inclined to say that when in the field mages should be accompanied by one of their bodyguards at all times. Bodyguards should be given specialized training, both to familiarize themselves with basic arcane principles so that they can recognize and respond to enemy activity threatening their charge, and so that they can fight and defend their mages most effectively. They also need to be trained to resist mystics, and preferably outfitted with arcane-resistant gear so that they can actually fight the kind of threats that will come for the mages they're protecting.

    I would suggest that all mages and necromancers be required to go through officer training before deployment. We did it to Lena and I think it's paid off- they are powerful enough that a good handle on command and knowledge of broader battlefield tactics should be considered an essential part of their education. Mages must be trained to exercise proper military judgment as well as follow orders.
    >> Tactical Routine Omicron !oiqMeATbAg 09/08/11(Thu)23:09 No.16232017
    Voting we go check on the brat.
    >> Maximus 09/08/11(Thu)23:10 No.16232022
    While we debate, I think we should ask about the mage kid and then see what Lena is going to do.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 09/08/11(Thu)23:13 No.16232049
    That sounds like the most reasonable deployment doctrine for now.
    Putting our elementalists and mages through legionnaire combat training should actually prove very useful for building stamina and energy reserves, even more than providing them with melee combat skills for self-defense.
    From what we've seen so far, the Uurlanthi seem to use up their arcanists and elementalists like they do their rank-and-file; that leaves them with less staying-power, mage for mage.
    >> Maximus 09/08/11(Thu)23:15 No.16232069
    Mages I can agree with the bodyguards and more than one for sure. Those shields Kyria made for Bellatrix would be a nice addition to them as well but we'll see. In regards to mystics, if enough of them specialize in constructs, it might not be necessary to give them bodyguards. Especially if they themselves learn to fight like Cat.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 09/08/11(Thu)23:16 No.16232072
    Ah, right! Actual plot progress!
    Seconding asking about the mage kid, and also giving Esthyria a heads-up that Commander Vibius should be stopping by for some cosmetic healing.
    >> Brick 09/08/11(Thu)23:16 No.16232076
    We should also see what Lena is about to do after we do this
    >> 風林火山 09/08/11(Thu)23:18 No.16232092

    I'd say they're an asset. Especially if they advance far enough to be able to produce the sacred fire to kill zombies.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)23:26 No.16232168
    I do have the concern that our currently planned doctrine of integrating elementalists with standard units does mean that commanders will have to make a habit of yanking them out of their assigned units whenever they want something special. The Uurlanthi cabal structure- that is, they seem to generally use their elementalists in large bands of similar types all focused on a single basic objective- means that they can often achieve massive effects. If our elementalists are scattered about, they won't be able to coordinate as effectively on large-scale elementalist-ing, and shuffling them constantly in and out of units will be a bit of a headache for commanders. Not to mention that then we run into the problem of having, say, every air elementalist in the army being pulled out of their unit to fight a massive storm and the whole band of them now needing protection.

    Basically it might be a more inflexible deployment structure than we really need.

    You mean necromancers, I take it? Personally, I'd say that the cost of providing a couple bodyguards per necromancer is low enough that even if a necromancer can surround themselves with a dozen hulking bone monstrosities I'd still give them a couple. We don't have enough necromancers to take even marginal risks. Besides, if the necromancer gets knocked out, goes into shock, etc. their constructs won't be able to protect them anymore, while bodyguards would.
    >> Maximus 09/08/11(Thu)23:33 No.16232231
    Yeah I meant necromancers. Fair point in both cases though. Perhaps it would be best to have the elementalists as a separate unit but we should train them to be able to be attached to front line units and assist them if necessary. While we have used them for large effects, more often than not we just use them for regular combat.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/08/11(Thu)23:41 No.16232267
    You shrug "A form of field artillery and a force multiplier. They will need bodyguards, of course. For now, I think I will check to see how our little ex-noble is fairing."

    Esthriya nods "The child is resting. Tomorrow he will begin his training I feel. If you wish to see him, I can wake him, however..."

    You sigh, and wave the elderly reptile off "If he has come around that is enough. I will leave you to your duties." Esthriya salutes you, then heads off to where it seems that the students need her instructin the most.

    Over by Lena, the poor young man, clearly son noblemans son is standing in nothing but his smallcloths, Lena carefully inspecting his Arcane Designs "These are off. Catastrophically so... do you know what would happen were you to draw more power than your body could handle, or the spell required?"

    "N-no Domina" the terrified man replies.

    Lena sighs "Bring me an anvil, and some black paint. I can replicate this." she orders... a poor approximation of Wulfs first attempts at ordering, but the slight magical flicker at the tips of her unblemished fingers as she gestures to a storage shed, combined with the concerned, yet unflinching voice she spoke in leaves no question as to what it was.

    Then, she turns on the man who had been teaching in her stead "And you... how could you let this man do something so, so foolish, as to _tattoo_ the arcane designs on his skin?"

    The man being question blaks, as the one in his undergarments simply continues to sulk "I... I though that it would save time, Domina." he replies "Thought that the tattooist would be precise enough."
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/08/11(Thu)23:42 No.16232274
    Lena frowns, her face etched in worry and anger at once as she replies "When you overdraw power, the body-paint on your skin liquifies, and sloughs off. It hurts, it leaves marks, it is unpleasant. However, this man, were he to overcast, well..." she trails off as the anvil arrives. After aping the mans Arcane Designs on the anvil, she grabs a woman from the group of mages, as the academy begins to slow down, watching what was about to happen "You are still of a similar skill-level to the man I have singled out, correct?" she ask, pleasantly, all traces of her previous fury and concern gone, or at the very least controlled.

    After the woman being questioned nods an affirmative, Lena instructs "Than, while sitting on the anvil, I want you to fire an arcane bolt from it. Dont worry, I will shield you." Lena reassures her "I would never let part of my extended family be hurt."

    At that, the anvil begins to glow the bright-white you had come to associate with shining magic. For all of two seconds, after which the now terrified girl falls to the ground, as the anvil beneath her explodes into an innumerable number of iron splinters, each the size of Lenas smallest finger or smaller. They bounce about your Kharynchek mages shields for a time, but, eventually settle. Lena turns to the man now standing in soiled undergarments "Except, humans do not explode. You would be flensed the moment you attempted to cast your first spell today, due to all of the individually non-important deviations to the design you had inscribed on your body. You will need to be scoured before you do anything else. Please go soon though, I dont want to see you hurt." Then, sighing slightly, Lena turns to you and asks "How can I help you, Commander?"
    >> Tactical Routine Omicron !oiqMeATbAg 09/08/11(Thu)23:48 No.16232326
    "It seems like you just saved the life of a man who thought getting by on shortcuts is acceptable. He should be watched to ensure he takes no more shortcuts to power, as the longer road is more rewarding."
    >> Maximus 09/08/11(Thu)23:49 No.16232333
    "Just wanted to see what the commotion was and if there were any problems with your trainees while we were away. I'm glad you caught this before it became a problem Lena. The last thing I'd want to see is any of you come to harm due to silly mistakes."
    >> Taffer 09/08/11(Thu)23:51 No.16232354
    Well, shit. No wonder the other commanders were a bit sceptical about taking mages and their like.

    "Good job with the demonstration. I'm sure you scared the importance of safety into the students souls."
    >> Anonymous 09/08/11(Thu)23:52 No.16232362
    An unfortunate but important lesson, to be sure.
    >> Tactical Routine Omicron !oiqMeATbAg 09/08/11(Thu)23:53 No.16232372
    "Also, you just helped me dodge a very ugly situation by spotting his error. I imagine if a nobleman's son turned to a pile of goo while under training here, I'd never see the end of it."
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 09/08/11(Thu)23:53 No.16232375
    "An excellent practical demonstration of the dangers of taking shortcuts in the field of magic. I hope that all who saw it take the lesson to heart.
    "Other than that, how is progress amongst your classes?"

    I was wondering, can we use mage staves as arcane lightning rods?
    Lena said that they were ultimately a bad idea for mages, since they make the mage dependent on the stave and unable to handle channeling without it.
    >> Maximus 09/08/11(Thu)23:55 No.16232389
    Alternatively, perhaps we should train our mages or other troops to focus on taking out the staves... If the Uurlanth are all relying on them and we can damage or destroy them, that'll just weaken any fire power their mages can throw our way.
    >> Brick 09/09/11(Fri)00:06 No.16232473
    "Very good job at spotting that Lena. Let this be a lesson to all of you students of what happens when you are hasty, careless, reckless or imprecise in your actions regarding the arcane. The battlefield is an unforgiving place and the arcane arts forgive even less."

    "It may be prudent to revise all of the training manuals to prevent this sort of thing from happening. Every student must be made to understand, in no uncertain terms, how dangerous careless of imprecise actions like this can be."
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/09/11(Fri)00:14 No.16232535
    You shrug "I simply wished to see what the commotion was about." sighing you add "It is good that you caught the fool before he injured himself... and was a lesson that would have had to have been taught eventually."

    Lena, just barely perceptibly shaking, and you know that only yourself and Sansa know the girl well enough to see the fear she is trying to hide "I... I nearly killed a man in my carelessness."

    Smirking, you ruffle her hair "But he lived, and because you caught his error. You are a better teacher for the experience, and your students wiser."

    Quickly Lena collects herself as TAssadus flutters down to gently rest on her shoulder. As the owl hobbles over to rub up against her cheek, the girl seems to regain her composure and replies "I'm not that young, Commander, and, as much fun as it can be to talk with you, I do have a group of budding bright and shadow mages to teach." and at that, subtle hint dropped, you ruffle her hair one more tie before glancing about the academy again. Catalina still looks utterly lost as to how to teach her, thankfully small, class, Kyria is still happily teaching more dwarfs how to craft runic phrases. From the far side of the academy you hear a loud metallic banging, followed by several humans swearing, mixed in with Degrians shrill curses.
    >> Maximus 09/09/11(Fri)00:16 No.16232561
    Guess we better go help out Catalina. I imagine something went wrong with whatever Degrian is working on and we can go see what that is after.
    >> 風林火山 09/09/11(Fri)00:17 No.16232567

    Seconded. She'll need help. heh.
    >> Generic 09/09/11(Fri)00:17 No.16232570
         File1315541873.png-(138 KB, 1400x1400, Trentz_Heraldry_TRO_mockup_002.png)
    138 KB
    new rough mockup for House Trentz Emblem.

    input requested.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 09/09/11(Fri)00:18 No.16232580
    As much as I want to see what crazy machine Degrian is making now, perhaps we should go over to Catalina and help her out?
    >> Tactical Routine Omicron !oiqMeATbAg 09/09/11(Fri)00:19 No.16232590
    Oh boy. Let's go see what's up with Degrian's crew.
    >> Brick 09/09/11(Fri)00:20 No.16232594
    If we are going to keep the moon and dragon we will need more contrast between the grey and white

    We should have one without the moon for comparison.

    I was also thinking about having the red border be Degnarian crimson, but the red still looks good to me.
    >> Tactical Routine Omicron !oiqMeATbAg 09/09/11(Fri)00:20 No.16232598
    I fucking LOVE IT. This gets my vote forever.
    >> Taffer 09/09/11(Fri)00:24 No.16232632
    Why is it so damn good! LOVE IT! just love it! voting for this one.
    >> Generic 09/09/11(Fri)00:26 No.16232653
         File1315542418.png-(67 KB, 1400x1400, Trentz_Heraldry_TRO_mockup_001.png)
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    i agree about the moon and dragon. If we keep the moon, a darker dragon might look better.

    and for comparison, original mockup
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)00:26 No.16232654
    I like it, but I think it would be better if the dragon was darker grey or just all-out black. Contrast is important in banners and sigils.
    >> Brick 09/09/11(Fri)00:31 No.16232687
    We could have the dragon be Degnarian crimson.
    >> Laurentius 09/09/11(Fri)00:31 No.16232689
    seconding this with a black or midnight blue dragon
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/09/11(Fri)00:36 No.16232735
    Shaking your head, you make your way over to Catalina, where you quietly pull her aside of the even more nervous looking prospective necromancers and ask her "Need a bit of help, Catalina?"

    The girl nods "I... I have no idea how to teach a class. I dont even know what to start teaching them with. I know that High Priest Rufus warned them about raising the dead and enslaving innocent souls aleready, but, aside from that..." she trails off, looking away from you.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)00:38 No.16232755

    We may want to reconsider the moon. It might come off as a preference for the gods of Pantheon of the Moon.
    >> Generic 09/09/11(Fri)00:39 No.16232764
         File1315543154.png-(147 KB, 1400x1400, Trentz_Heraldry_mockup_003.png)
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    mock up with 'degnarian crimson' dragon and fixed edges
    >> Laurentius 09/09/11(Fri)00:39 No.16232772
    maybe half moon/half sun?
    >> Generic 09/09/11(Fri)00:40 No.16232776
         File1315543205.png-(145 KB, 1400x1400, Trentz_Heraldry_mockup_003_bla(...).png)
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    and a version with a black dragon
    >> Maximus 09/09/11(Fri)00:40 No.16232778
    "Well firstly you have to try to not look so nervous. It'll only make them more prone to making mistakes if you look unsure. Start off teaching them more about the different kinds of powers they can have access to as necromancers and how to use their abilities. You're an experienced necromancer who has used her abilities in combat - it's up to you to teach them to eventually do similar things."
    >> Loec 09/09/11(Fri)00:40 No.16232783
    Hmmm, true... I dunno, personally I like having the moon and stars there, it makes me feel all happy and Morrowind-y. Maybe if we made the stars look like little suns? I mean, they're basically the same thing...

    How much does this setting know about astronomy?
    >> Tactical Routine Omicron !oiqMeATbAg 09/09/11(Fri)00:41 No.16232788
    "Start with the basics. Try to remember the first thing you were taught and go from there. And if you're just nervous, try imagining something humorous."
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)00:41 No.16232794
    something like that could be nice
    >> Tactical Routine Omicron !oiqMeATbAg 09/09/11(Fri)00:42 No.16232802
    I like this, but can we see what it looks like without the moon?
    >> 風林火山 09/09/11(Fri)00:43 No.16232814

    "Think back to how you raised the golems. Remember the sensations, the feeling and how you controlled and shaped. Show them how to control their 'shaping', teach them how to tweak the process and feel how the golem shifts its build in response to your thoughts and commands.

    And then demonstrate to them, produce a small one and let them watch, ask questions and learn."
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)00:44 No.16232819
    Could be interesting. Sun on the back half of the dragon, moon on the front half? Simple rays coming out of the back could indicate it- we wouldn't actually need to change the color or anything, since everything is pretty stylized.

    Both of these are better than the gray dragon. I would consider matching the dragon to the border color, so either both black or both red.
    >> Generic 09/09/11(Fri)00:45 No.16232827
         File1315543530.png-(162 KB, 1400x1400, Trentz_Heraldry_mockup_004.png)
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    >> Tactical Routine Omicron !oiqMeATbAg 09/09/11(Fri)00:46 No.16232839
    This is my vote. I don't need any more convincing.
    >> Laurentius 09/09/11(Fri)00:47 No.16232846
    seconding a combination of these
    >> Brick 09/09/11(Fri)00:47 No.16232855
    I think the crimson dragon works better then the black dragon. Still undecided on moon or no moon. Both look very good
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)00:49 No.16232879
         File1315543790.png-(162 KB, 1400x1400, 1315543205944.png)
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    We could work on a combination of black and red
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)00:51 No.16232892
         File1315543863.png-(164 KB, 1400x1400, 1315543154224.png)
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    it needs more work but I am not that great with paint
    >> Brick 09/09/11(Fri)00:52 No.16232903

    I agree with both of these suggestions
    >> Laurentius 09/09/11(Fri)00:54 No.16232921
    either one of these is fine
    >> Loec 09/09/11(Fri)00:59 No.16232958
    This one has my vote.
    >> Generic 09/09/11(Fri)00:59 No.16232966
    I'm a fan of the black with red accents for the dragon.

    Not sure how I feel about the ideas for a half sun/ half moon, since it kind of takes away from the "midnight dragon" aspect that brought the moon in, but I'll see what I can do...
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/09/11(Fri)01:00 No.16232979
    Still chuckling, you grasp Catalina by the shoulders, and turning her to look at you reply "First, confidence Catalina, confidence. These en are nervous because their teacher is petrified. On top of that, they just saw the other class explode an _anvil_. Is this strange for my maniple?"

    Catalinas nose wrinkles up a bit "No, strange is when Lena starts too drink too much, or goddess forbid, you are feeling mischievous."

    Still smiling as you look the girl in the eyes you continue "And you have been in battle, and survived on the merits of your skills already, right?" Catalina nods "Something that would be a trifling thing to you now. Something from both the crafting of flesh-golems and all the related skills; as well as from curses."

    Catalina nods again "I... I can do that. So, how will I know if I am doing it right? What if I am a poor teacher?" she asks, almost trembling at the end, despite the clear fact that she is more confident that she knows how to teach the few necromancers gathered nearby.
    >> Maximus 09/09/11(Fri)01:06 No.16233054
    "It'll take time but you'll have to have your students practice their abilities and demonstrate they can do what you've taught them. The only way you'd be a poor teacher is if your students learnt nothing at all from you but you won't be a poor teacher Catalina. If I thought you would be, I wouldn't trust you to do this. Just calm down and believe in your experience and knowledge."
    >> Laurentius 09/09/11(Fri)01:06 No.16233055
    (in a joking tone) "then you had better hope that rufus recruits another necromancer soon because you are all we have at the moment"
    >> Brick 09/09/11(Fri)01:09 No.16233087
    "You will make a fine teacher Catalina. Just remember to explain the material throughly and do your best to make sure they comprehend it."

    I also second these
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/09/11(Fri)01:24 No.16233240
    Still in good humor you reply "As you teach them how to harness their power, tewll them of what proved to be a snare or obstacle to your learning, that will greatly diminish that. Should they fail, gently, but bluntly tell them what they did wrong, and have them try again. Dont worry Catalina, you will make an excellent teacher."

    She smiles again, her nose crinckling ever so slightly as she replies "I'm gald that you have faith in me. But..."

    You laugh again "No, you will do excellently. Now hurry, your class is waiting for their teachers confident return." and at that, you give the small, thin woman a gentle push along towards her class." Smirking as she haltingly begins her first lesson, you glance about again. Most of the Elementalist cadres are still training, though Katalina looks to be finishing up slowly. Add to that the human engineers stalking unhappily from the area Degrian had claimed for his own clues you in tho the fact that he will be finished with his work much sooner than the dwarf lass that will soon be one of your wives.
    >> Sithar 09/09/11(Fri)01:26 No.16233249
         File1315545978.png-(160 KB, 1400x1400, red on black.png)
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    I made some minor improvements.
    >> Brick 09/09/11(Fri)01:33 No.16233304
    Lets go see how Degrian is doing. We should make sure he isn't too rough on his students.
    >> Loec 09/09/11(Fri)01:34 No.16233314
    Let's go have a look at what Degrian's up to, not interrupt but we can wait and watch till he's finished. I have a few ideas for things Kyria can think about/work on, but they should wait till after she's done.
    >> Maximus 09/09/11(Fri)01:34 No.16233317
    >> Brick 09/09/11(Fri)01:45 No.16233400
    I like it
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/09/11(Fri)01:47 No.16233414
    You continue over to where Degrian was working. the small Kaskyana panting from screaming obscenities, sweating from work, and leaning stubbornly up against what looks to be a smaller autowagon "Is workable, just temperamental. easy to teach to fix, but will only be able to fit 50 inside. Need specially trained steed or uursan topwer. Power is inside, sides are metal. Hard to keep working. How can help you?"

    Chuckling you reply "thats good to hear. I take it that you are done with this project then?"

    Degrain nods "I make new thing. Let crazy dwarfs make new things pwerfect. What dwarves are for. You have new task for me?"

    You nod, apologetically "We will be traveling at sea soon, and it was recomended that I have devices for naval warfare-"

    You are cut off as Degrian excitedly interjects "I can make better cycling repeater balista." when he sees the blank took on your face, he repeats "From siege!! Smaller, but fires faster, easier aim, no recoil. Never run out of power, not need water brought too! Had idea while bored during ride back to DragonsREach." he adds quickly.
    >> 風林火山 09/09/11(Fri)01:51 No.16233443

    "Excellent. However, what I'm interested in is abit larger. What would you say to a larger version of the auto-wagon engine driving paddle wheels or an iron-clad warship?"

    Grin excitedly.
    >> Maximus 09/09/11(Fri)01:54 No.16233457
    Worth suggesting but I think the improved ballista is worth it. Especially if we put some of Kyria's rune's on the bolts. The fire runes + this improved ballista would be pretty sweet.
    >> Brick 09/09/11(Fri)01:57 No.16233476
    The improved ballsita sounds wounderful. We should also ask how the class went.
    >> Tactical Routine Omicron !oiqMeATbAg 09/09/11(Fri)02:01 No.16233519
    This, but add "I understand this is pushing the limits of feasability, but for now, just come up with some designs. At a much later date, I'll want to have you design some vessels for exploration. It's a wide world out there, Degrian, and our races have only seen the tiniest slice of it."
    >> GoldPanda 09/09/11(Fri)02:08 No.16233574
    Now that we're back in DragonsReach, I still want research started on parachutes. Our elite air cavalry riders should be protected from Uurlanth's "mid-air body tackle" tactic.

    Also I still want a field medic corp started. Get some plebs off of the streets and teach them how to triage, apply tourniquets, and get our wounded troops off of the battlefield.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/09/11(Fri)02:18 No.16233644
    You smile "You have my full aproval then my friend. though, if at all possible I would like for you to look into a ship with, harder sides. As well as, perhaps, one that could explore the oceans in search of new lands once this damned war is over."

    Degrian nods, dropping back against the apparently mostly working new model autowagon "I will see what can come up with. Need sleep, work too much too hard to get first model working. Need make better instructions before start new cycling heavy reapeater." He begins to trail off into his native tongue, clearly passing out from exhaution. Surprised, you carry the little creature back to the room that he had had set aside for himself at your academy, and, upon leaving the building, agian try to decide what to do.
    >> GoldPanda 09/09/11(Fri)02:18 No.16233645
         File1315549103.png-(162 KB, 1400x1400, midnightDragon_edit.png)
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    Let's not put the dragon above any of the stars/gods.
    >> Generic 09/09/11(Fri)02:18 No.16233647
         File1315549130.png-(190 KB, 840x1259, Trentz_Heraldry_001 copy.png)
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    cleaned up and cropped version.

    I think the vectored version of the dragon gives it a nice extra bit, myself.
    >> Laurentius 09/09/11(Fri)02:19 No.16233650
    this but mention >>16233443
    as well
    >> Tactical Routine Omicron !oiqMeATbAg 09/09/11(Fri)02:21 No.16233668

    I'm sorry GP, but that looks terrible.
    >> Maximus 09/09/11(Fri)02:23 No.16233686
    Hit up the mage kid or hunt down Dasesu. If we see the kid, let's see if he's opened his eyes. If we find Dasesu, we should get an update on what he's been up to, find out what happened during his mission and tell the man to keep that blade we gave him.
    >> GoldPanda 09/09/11(Fri)02:24 No.16233689
    They may look terrible but they taste delicious. :p
    >> GoldPanda 09/09/11(Fri)02:24 No.16233699
    The kid is sleeping. Let's try to find Daeseu. We still need to debrief him.
    >> Tactical Routine Omicron !oiqMeATbAg 09/09/11(Fri)02:26 No.16233709
    >> 風林火山 09/09/11(Fri)02:28 No.16233725

    Daeseu. He'll have a good idea of whats going on in the city.

    Also, he deserves an additional reward for surviving that mission.
    >> GoldPanda 09/09/11(Fri)02:28 No.16233727
    What if we just got rid of the stars and made the heraldry a square shape?
    >> Brick 09/09/11(Fri)02:31 No.16233744
    Agreed, we need to know exactly what happened on the mission.
    >> GoldPanda 09/09/11(Fri)02:37 No.16233797
    Or have the stars surround the moon and make the heraldry round?

    I'm fine with this one really. Just nit-picking.
    >> Tactical Routine Omicron !oiqMeATbAg 09/09/11(Fri)02:39 No.16233817
    I'm all set to call this one THE design and be done with it.
    >> Brick 09/09/11(Fri)02:41 No.16233829
    It looks like the dragon is missing a spike on its far right but otherwise it looks perfect.
    >> Tactical Routine Omicron !oiqMeATbAg 09/09/11(Fri)02:42 No.16233832
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/09/11(Fri)03:01 No.16233942
    You decide to head back to the barracks, knowing that your return will attract Daeseus attention soon enough. By the time you are back at your barracks, Sansa is already asleep, and the sun is down. Not entirely surprising considering how taxing the last few months had been, and, finally feeling safe was making it hard for even you to stay awake as much as you know you can at the front.

    By the time you have her deposited in your bead, by your estimate at least half an hour behind the others, who look to have fallen into bed about halfway through your ride home after talking with Degrian. Hungry you make your way out into the dining hall to have a quick snack before sleeping yourself. In the hall, you spot a deeply apologetic looking Daeseu the blade you lent him setting out on the table. "I apologize for my failure to remain with Wulf, Commander. After my arm was nearly severed however, I was of no more use to him, so he ordered me home to reduce the threat to him, and to return assets to you. Incredibly stable head on that boy." the elf adds hopefully, looking to you before he continues.
    >> 風林火山 09/09/11(Fri)03:04 No.16233964

    "You did as best as you could under those circumstances. Both you and he probably made the right decision, I would have been saddened by your death. How is your recovery?"

    Get a debrief from him over what transpired in the Duchy.
    >> Tactical Routine Omicron !oiqMeATbAg 09/09/11(Fri)03:05 No.16233965
    "Nearly had your arm severed? Tell you what, keep the blade, and tell me the tale in exchange. I have to hear how this happened."
    >> GoldPanda 09/09/11(Fri)03:07 No.16233980
    This. Debrief him. Tell him to keep the sword at the end.
    >> Brick 09/09/11(Fri)03:08 No.16233985
    Not sure if we should let him keep the blade yet.

    However we need to know exactly what happened.
    >> 風林火山 09/09/11(Fri)03:08 No.16233991

    He has done well to survive in that hostile environment and keep wulf safe.

    He has more than earned that blade. I still think he should get something more. Maybe a very good mail undershirt, maybe mytril.
    >> Generic 09/09/11(Fri)03:14 No.16234015

    that he has.

    + 1 for giving the sword and getting him some more equipment/armor
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)03:37 No.16234094
    Perhaps a copy of that stuff Degrian made when we let him go wild on his own project.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/09/11(Fri)03:40 No.16234105
    You pause before sitting "Almost... lost your arm. This blade is yours, you will make better use of it than I. Consider it a gift for your excellent service thus far, and to encourage you to continue such efforts into the future."

    The elf nods, before pulling the blade back across the table towards himself "I did not take the wound when a tendril of the kings army came to stop our extraction from being successful. That battle was large, and bloody, but the three of us were clever enough to ensure that the otehr lordlings and mercenaries were between the war and us."

    "Three of you?" you ask, raising an eyebrow.

    Daesue chuckles "Yes, the young lady Wendyl, Wulf and myself... Along with his hounds and our mounts of course. She was in truth what Wulf was still claiming to be."

    You chuckle "So he _will_ be bringing home another Uurlanthi noble."

    the elf shrugs "That is what seemed likely when we parted ways, two months and one hound after departing the shadow of Estrok. Since we had not initially known the outcome of that battle, we had been rousing every Lord or Lady, lordling or waiting dowry to raise clamor for the immediate absorption of the Duchy as well. By the time we learned that war had already been declared, Wulf was becoming something of a celebrity. The Nomad Lord they are calling him, his nobility and belief in Uurlanths destiny unquestionable. Unfortunately, he is plagued by bad luck, as those houses that take hi in always seem to have several malcontents in hiding, that simply cannot bear his devotion." the assassin laugh "Going from city to city and town to town it was pitifully easy to keep up the charade, even to the ladyling traveling with us, though between her warmness to Wulf, and his machinations I did not doubt that we would be able to fully convert her with time."

    Again, you find yourself shooting the elf an incredulous, disbelieving look "So, you spent several months going from one nobles home to anothers?"
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/09/11(Fri)03:42 No.16234114
    Daeseu shakes his head "No, the sort of chaos we were sewing pushed us along almost constantly, though, we knew we were better off than were we to be discovered. So onward we tumbled, unable to change our course, for fear of betraying who we truly were to the greedy bastards eyeing us up to either approach as a potential ally, or as prey to feed their powerlust."

    Your assassin shakes his head "And that path was headed towards TruthsHaven. In one last desperate bid to escape certain discovery, we tried something drastic. The end result being that my arm was nearly severed from my body, and Wulf sent me home to aid your assets there. The plan succeeded, and I have taught the boy everything I know. Do you wish to move to the more, uplifting, topic of our foes in the shadowy places of this society, or do you have more questions about Wulf yet?"
    >> Tactical Routine Omicron !oiqMeATbAg 09/09/11(Fri)03:45 No.16234127
    "What can you tell me about this lady companion of his? Did she know either of your identities?"
    >> Tactical Routine Omicron !oiqMeATbAg 09/09/11(Fri)03:49 No.16234140
    "Also, how has your arm been healing? I assume you came to a life elementalist as soon as you could?"
    >> Taffer 09/09/11(Fri)03:49 No.16234142
    "So what you are saying right now is, Wulf is trying to be like me?! I wonder what Lena will do when she finds out. Hopefully not as bad as Bella."

    <take a drink, laugh a bit>

    " How long do you estimate Wulf to be stuck in Uurlanth, Daseau? I would like him to back for my wedding."
    >> GoldPanda 09/09/11(Fri)03:51 No.16234152
    "I would hear more of this bold escape plan, if you do not mind dwelling on painful memories a bit further."

    "What was Wulf's condition when you left him?"
    >> 風林火山 09/09/11(Fri)03:52 No.16234156

    Need to find out the details of wtf happened.
    >> Brick 09/09/11(Fri)03:53 No.16234167
    I can agree with these.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/09/11(Fri)04:21 No.16234288
    Chuckling you ask "What can you tell me of this... Wendyl? Since it would seem that Wulf is moving to emulate me more."

    Daeseu sighs "She is the boys age, and truly just a dead merchants daughter trying to upjump her station. energetic, idealistic, and seems to be quite attracted to the facets of Wulfs personality that he either does not need, or simply cannot supress for his mission. and she has no idea who he truly is, or she would have sold him out long ago. Though , by now, even if they have managed to maintain their health, she would not do so, I think. Be sad and leave him perhaps, but not cause his death."

    YOu nod, your nerves soothed "And, this plan of yours?"

    Now it is Daeseus turn to laugh "It is an old game in Uurlanth, truly. A few honeyed words in the ears of the non-inheriting children, and the house stands divided. A well placed dagger, arrow or dart, and it all sets ablaze. WE had intended to cause such a tumult in the city of Edgewalk, which was quite a bit larger than the other cities and villages we had been stopping through."

    Daeseu stops to sigh, before continuing "Unfortunately, the crime was not perfect, so the balance of power... shifted. As part of my backup plan, the fallback for when fires did not consume the keep of that city, an infiltrator, a freelance infiltrator, was discovered. Of course, he was traced back to the visitor, Wulf, and his companions, one his slave, the other a known entity the entire group was blamed. The second half, was not to my plan. Again, we would have 'died' but in reality simply left the city and went home."
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/09/11(Fri)04:22 No.16234295
    Again Daeseu pauses, his face unreadable as he collects himself "However, some mystic pierced the mind of Wendyl, and determined from what he found there that the slave, the old trusted elf slave the Nomad Lord and his young lady had with them was the guilty party. Instead of being executed, as a group, in a manner that I could easily manipulate to fool all involved, the doors to the room we were being held in were kicked down, and it came to battle. the sort of brief, ugly, terrified thing that comes from a plan so rapidly and completely destroyed. We had enough time to decide on a course of action. I could be compromised in the form that was assumed, a simple free-agent spy selling information to the highest bidder. Wulf however, had no such convenient excuse, and, with my injuries factored in, I was doomed. It was his plan to swear a vow of vengeance on me, preventing the folk of Edgewalk from pursuing me as I fled, him being the only man of that city, and any subordinates or regular inhabitants of it from pursuing me, save Wulf. This is a law punishable by death. So Wulf saved me, in the hope that another opportunity to escape Uurlanth will manifest itself. Now that the lad is accumulating actual power and enemies, he should be getting more possible exits every day."
    >> Tactical Routine Omicron !oiqMeATbAg 09/09/11(Fri)04:28 No.16234333
    "By now, I am truly glad I thought ahead and asked Eago to ensure the both of you came home alive. Spare a coin for a traveler in thanks next time you get a chance."
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/09/11(Fri)04:28 No.16234340
         File1315556934.png-(827 KB, 3904x868, Pantheon v2.png)
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    >I just... wow, I need sleep and that made sense in my head.
    >I'll start with that on sunday at 9:30 10ish, but done better
    >I'm gonna go sleep now
    >someone archive please
    >If you have any setting/cq questions just e-mail me at [email protected]
    >have a pic of the pantheo to make up for the last post being devoid of anything but the half-dead rumblings of an over-tired college student
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)05:17 No.16234640
    Thread has been archived on sup/tg/

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