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  • File : 1317171190.png-(478 KB, 553x943, CommanderQuestPostOne.png)
    478 KB Commander Quest CXXXV Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/27/11(Tue)20:53 No.16446982  
    >school can be a bitch, until the fall semester is out, only sundays will be a sure thing
    >Last Time: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/16345880/
    >Join the IRC on Sup/tg/ at #CommanderQuest
    >We have a (small) wiki! http://thugaim.pbworks.com/w/page/22231052/FrontPage

    The next morning is thankfully quite calm. Aside from Catalina complaining about a sore back, and being cold it is quite peaceful. The ride back goes equally quiet, though you do catch both Sansa and Jayne casting jealous looks at Catalina, who you have wrapped up in your cloak, so that her incessant shivering will stop. The flight itself is leisurely, though the early start you got, despite the fact that you all vehemently deny the reason for your early rising being the attack of the night before, you land at roughly nightfall, just outside your barracks.

    AS you move to walk inside, Janos catches your arm "Justinian, would you be so good as to wait with me for the man I rented our mounts from to return? Kaitlyn is already inside the barracks, and it can be rather... difficult to hold this many mounts in one place for very long."
    >> Tactical Routine Omicron !oiqMeATbAg 09/27/11(Tue)20:58 No.16447023
    "Not at all friend."

    "We seem to have made a windfall with the loot we found. I guess most looters thought the former occupants would have taken everything with them."
    >> Generic 09/27/11(Tue)21:09 No.16447114

    sounds good
    >> Maximus 09/27/11(Tue)21:10 No.16447130
    Sounds good. Also, I guess we'll leave the basic repairs and crap up to him?
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 09/27/11(Tue)21:14 No.16447169
    Sure. I suppose leaves repairs and cleaning out the Keep to Janos.
    >> Brick 09/27/11(Tue)21:19 No.16447214
    Sounds good to me
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/27/11(Tue)21:34 No.16447418
    You nod, amiably, barely noticing Jayne restoring your energy as she steps inside the barracks "Of course, my friend. Its the least I can do,seeing as restoring that keep will be quite the task."

    Janos chuckles "Yes, well, selling off a portion of what we found there will certainly help cover the expenses. Assuming you dont keep the most extravagant pieces for your ladies... though Laelith and Jayne may have he regal bearing needed to effectively sport some of the pieces we found."

    You raise an eyebrow "Of course you meant no slight to Sansa and Kyria with that comment." you joke.

    Janos chuckles again "But of course, friend. Though I suspect both Vi and Catalina will be able to wear equally ostentatious pieces as well... once the latter look more her age again, of course." the jibe freezes you in place for long enough for Janos to hand off the valkeries to their owner. As the man walks away, Janos begins to mumble "I wonder where..."

    "Smells a tad like bird, but he looks presentable enough" Aurelius comments, as he walks past you, dressed incredibly casually.

    Gaius nods as he follows the blonde soldier "Not to rugged from his trip... but he wont scare any off either."

    Cornelius shakes his head "You joke Gaius, but if we dont scare a few dames off, both Aurelius and my heads will be piked outside the barracks by morning. Especially now that Kylee is back in town."

    Janos nods sagely as he responds "I take it the dwarfs went ahead to ensure we will have entrance?"
    >> Tactical Routine Omicron !oiqMeATbAg 09/27/11(Tue)21:38 No.16447452
    "I take this to mean I'm about to be abducted for a night of drinking and frivolity? Sounds good to me."
    >> Maximus 09/27/11(Tue)21:46 No.16447544
    "If it's time for what I think it is, there might be three heads on a pike tonight if ladies aren't scared away. No need to be Lord Helmet tonight?"

    I will never stop joking about that.
    >> Tactical Routine Omicron !oiqMeATbAg 09/27/11(Tue)21:49 No.16447572
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    He'll deserve it if we ever catch him saying "I'm surrounded by assholes"
    >> Brick 09/27/11(Tue)21:50 No.16447588
    This sounds fine
    >> Generic 09/27/11(Tue)21:51 No.16447594
    "Oh no! I'm being abducted!"

    as we walk along with them.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/27/11(Tue)22:09 No.16447813
    You chuckle "Oh dear, it seems that I have been abducted, whatever shall I do?"

    Cornelius shrugs "Get drunk enough that you cant be held responsible for your actions, blame us, and then enjoy the night?"

    Gaius nods "Its what I would suggest, though, if you want to fight it, I know of a tavern that allows that. The women there are rather frightening though."

    Aurelius shakes his head as the group sets off behind Cornelius "Gaius, you would be lucky to take the most terrifying of women home with your body."

    The hulking centurion mocks confusion "This dropping of divine form, chiseled by the finest of crafters, yes, I suppose most women do have a rather frightful form beside it." he pauses to rest a hand on Aurelius' shoulder "However, it is them that you will have to settle for, as you are not up to my standards, my ugly, ugly friend."

    Laughing, the group continues its trek through the city. You eventually stop deep in the nightime shadow of the palace, on the line between one of the cities most dangerous, and most affluent districts. Looking proud, Cornelius leads you into a large tavern that looks like the Punitive Colosseum, but domed, where the Colosseum is open-toped. Uurist finds you quickly, grinning from ear to ear, a tankard of ale in either hand "Cornelius my friend, I think our nights travels may never leave this wondrous place you recommended. I can see now how you beggared yourself four separate times inside these walls.
    >> Maximus 09/27/11(Tue)22:13 No.16447864
    We definitely need to bust out that special brew we still have no idea about tonight. I guess it's time to start drinking. Can't think of anything else specific to do.
    >> Tactical Routine Omicron !oiqMeATbAg 09/27/11(Tue)22:15 No.16447877
    Let us proceed to get crazy drunk
    >> Brick 09/27/11(Tue)22:17 No.16447906
    We should see if this place has it in stock
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/27/11(Tue)22:38 No.16448114
    You let a grin slide across your face. A big, wide, almost insane grin. You pull your flask from the inside of your doublet, pop it open, down a third of the nearly full flask, and make your way to the bar. noticing nothing else, the bemused looks of your companions, the confused looks of the other patrons... nothing. You can feel it in your bones, no, your very soul. Tonight, you will learn just what this mystery brew is. Triumphant, you step up to the bar, and slam the flask on the counter. "Keep, I want a drink. To be specific, I want a tall cup of this."

    The flask raises from the counter, and you hear the tentative sip, your eyes locked on the massive wall-spanning rack of alcoholic drinks on the wall behind the tender "Hmm... good stuff" the clearly feminine voice quips. That doesn't phase you, not even how light the voice is. "But I have no clue what it is. I'm just filling in for CherryAxe, shes in the arena right now." Smashed, you look up, and are shocked. Not only is the keep a woman, she cant be a year older than the Service age... and on top of that, her chest is completely bare. You glance about, and realize that the bar is rather empty. In fact, most of the patrons are gathered around a large central area. An arena, actually... and inside, two women, naked women, are battling. Shreds of cloths lay scattered about, along with what look to be mock weapons, padded out in cloth.

    One woman, possesing fiery red hair, has her foe held in a rather... suggestive, manner. The crowd is roaring in approval, but you cant see moch more than the backs of the women. as the black-haired woman cries out either in ecstasy, pain, or submission, you cant really tell which, the crowd roars again, and begin to fling coinage into the muddy ring. Cornelius voice rings in your ear "Finally realized wehre I took us first then? Dont worry Justinian, Cherry knows her drinks, she'll be able to identify your mystery drink, if anyone can."
    >> Tactical Routine Omicron !oiqMeATbAg 09/27/11(Tue)22:42 No.16448149
    "You guys. *sniff* This is what I imagine paradise to be like. I am lucky to have such friends."
    >> Generic 09/27/11(Tue)22:46 No.16448185
    "My only regret is that Kyria isn't here to show you boys how it's done."
    >> Maximus 09/27/11(Tue)22:47 No.16448194
    "I do have to say Cornelius, I'm surprised you beggared yourself four times here and not Aurelius. Not that I can say I blame you. Is that what we can expect all night or are there going to be more surprises?"
    >> Brick 09/27/11(Tue)22:55 No.16448281
    Say this after we get back to the rest of the group after thanking Cornelius for thinking about our quest for the mystery booze.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/27/11(Tue)23:08 No.16448431
    You chuckle, shaking your head wistfully as the winner scoops up her coins in the tattered remnants of her foes cloths. As her foes lies panting and twitching, she accepts the flimsy lstrip of linen, and steps into it after being washed clean by a bucket of water. As she slips into the thing, which barely covers her womanhood, she accepts a pair of crotchless leather pants, which cling tightly to her skin, and begins to head to the bar. "Will all of our stops tonight be the same, or can I expect more surprises?"

    Cornelius chuckles "Remember Justinian, this city raised me, I know every spot worth visiting within the walls. Of course you will be surprised."

    Grinning, and accepting the apologetic drink the young tender had given you after not having yours, you ask your captain and friend "I wonder how it was only four times that you beggared yourself, and how Aurelius never did."

    Cornelius shrugs "Well, Cherry and I were togetehr for a while, a few of the other girls, the owners daughter for a while... the beggaring only happened when the relationships ended... messily." after pausing for your shock when it becomes very obvious that it was _cold_ water they dumped on 'Cherry' he leans over to whisper into your ear "Now, CherryAxe always wins, so she leaves the ring more than a little... frustrated. When she hears why I'm here, she will want to meet all of us. The question is, who do we try to set up with her? Even if they do nothing, it will be fun while she is still not thinking properly."
    >> Generic 09/27/11(Tue)23:14 No.16448502

    so with us are:
    Gaius, Cornelius, Uurist, Finian, Aurelius, Skywing Captain, Collin, and Janos.

    Janos, Aurelius, Cornelius, and perhaps Collin won't/shouldn't be messing about with this CherryAxe, but it might be funny.

    Of course, Finian might be a good candidate for her due to what we helped him through.

    vote for Finian!
    >> Taffer 09/27/11(Tue)23:19 No.16448560
    Yeah Finian's a good choice. Lets do that
    >> Tactical Routine Omicron !oiqMeATbAg 09/27/11(Tue)23:21 No.16448588
    Thirding Finian. This'll be good.
    >> Maximus 09/27/11(Tue)23:23 No.16448621
    Just to be contrary, I vote Gaius.
    >> Brick 09/27/11(Tue)23:25 No.16448635
    I cast my vote for Finian as well
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/27/11(Tue)23:51 No.16448959
    You take another drink from your cup "Finian" you whisper back "His reaction should be... amusing."

    Cornelius chuckles, accepting his new drink "It always is fun to see her work her way under the quiet, proper ones skins."

    "CON!!!!" the woman in question exclaims, rushing over to wrap your friend in a fierce hug, leaving a nice, damp imprint of her bust on his shirt when she pulls away "Its been too long, little love. What brings you here?"

    The captains expression sours for a moment before he replies "Showing my commander a proper good time before his wedding next week. All of the-"

    "You commander? Is it true that you serve under... never-mind, show me the others you are here with. Friends of yours are... mine as well."

    When the three of you reach the rest of the men you are celebrating with, all of them perk up, Aurelius moves to say something, but you cut him off "You... you are the best friends a man could ask for... and this place, well, in my head, paradise looks much like this."

    Collin chuckles "Aye, a'beter bar'd be nigh impos'ble ta find. And the entertainment..."

    Cornelius laughs "Quite, Collin." he turns to the bartender, and introduces the others "My commander, Justinain," he motions towards you "The hulk of flesh and muscle is Gaius, his hairier, dwarven counterpart is Uurist. the overly proper man is Janos, the shaggy blond is Aurelius, and finally, the most fearless, brilliant of us, a dwarf with unshakable morals... Finian."

    The fire-haired woman titls her ample hips to one side, and rests her hands on them, allowing her generous bust to sway from the motion. Licking her lips, she replies "I do enjoy a challenge."
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/27/11(Tue)23:52 No.16448967
    Finian shoots a betrayed look at Cornelius, and one that seems to be pleading for help to you. "I... I'm just a Duchy exile. My morals are rather loose, to be honest."

    She slides into one of the unoccupied seats "More fun then. Dont tell me your taken... It pains me so very much to seduce otherwise faithful men. But sometimes..." she trails off, eying up everyone at the table, and no one in particular all at once.

    Finian looks about for help, getting only masks of jealousy, or ignorance, clearly incredibly rusty in his dealings with women, especially forward ones.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)23:58 No.16449029
    >learly incredibly rusty in his dealings with women, especially forward ones.

    And he's got /tg/ to help him.
    >> Tactical Routine Omicron !oiqMeATbAg 09/28/11(Wed)00:04 No.16449109
    If he's relying on /tg/'s help for women, he's a dead man.
    >> Maximus 09/28/11(Wed)00:05 No.16449123
    I kind of want to just see him deal with this. Give him some booze, smile and watch.
    >> Generic 09/28/11(Wed)00:08 No.16449156

    "I've been informed that dwarves seek to create and refine perfection in all things, Finian? Surely your new friend would love a demonstration?"

    grin like a jackass
    >> Laurentius 09/28/11(Wed)00:21 No.16449295
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)00:22 No.16449298
    Good point. Finian needs to learn how to play the game again.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/28/11(Wed)00:25 No.16449322
    You grin, as you slide on of the extra drinks you took from the bar to Finian "It is common knowledge that dwarves strive to create perfection in all of their endeavors. Perhaps he could give you a demonstration?" you ask CherryAxe, without looking away from Finian.

    The dwarf in question needles you with a withering gaze, before downing a good portion of his drink, and moving his chair over to better converse with the new addition to your group. Within an hour, the two are fairly comfortable with each other, and the dwarfs rate of drinking is steadily increasing. by the time they wander off to one of the back rooms, Finian still managing to look a little bit guilty, the rest of you are betting on the girls in the arena.

    Cornelius chuckles as he collects a small pile of silver and gold coins "I would stop betting, for fairness sake... but that would be no fun. How do you all think our friend is doijng?" he asks off-handedly.

    Gaius looks up from the girl he had hopped down into the arena to 'rescue' after she lost. The girl could be his daughter with the age difference, but seems to be enjoying his company, and her perch on his lap well enough "That bastard? Been gone two damned hours, must be doing well."

    Aurelius shakes his head slowly "Only'been'en hour, at most. Probably hasnt gotten his pa-"
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/28/11(Wed)00:26 No.16449328
    "You men, are the most generous bastards a dwarf could ever know. She nearly killed me up there!! You all know how long I had been in a relationship! Why?!?!" he asks, clearly drunk, and exhausted.

    Janos shrugs "That was years ago. It was better for you to move on, so we... helped you."

    The dwarf freezes, like a child caught stealing sweets. "I... just get me another damn drink."

    Cornelius chuckles, before whistling for service "On me then, since I seem to be winning all of the bets."

    "'ts'cause ye know all'th'girls. An'ya naerbeton any of'the ones ya didntknow. 'ts not fair. Should go'ta a place wehre't wont be stacked'odds next."

    Janos chuckles, shaking his head "No, my friend, we should go is one to eat, or this night will end far to quickly. Wont it, Uurist?" the dwarf doesn't look up, his eyes glued to the arena, only shifting when he needs to take another drink.
    >> Laurentius 09/28/11(Wed)00:30 No.16449362
    before we eat we need to ask cherryaxe about the drink
    >> Maximus 09/28/11(Wed)00:32 No.16449375
    As amusing as this place is, I think Janos is right and that it is time to move on to the next place. Cornelius made it seem like he had quite a few surprises planned and it would be a shame to miss out on some of them.
    >> Maximus 09/28/11(Wed)00:32 No.16449381
    Good call. Make it so. Although if we miss the chance, we'll just have to come back here. How horrible, right?
    >> Brick 09/28/11(Wed)00:38 No.16449427
    Agreed. We should do this before moving on to the next place.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/28/11(Wed)00:56 No.16449577
    You sigh "Have a good time then, Finian?"

    The dwarf nods, but Gaius jumps in "You came back alone though... she not finish?"

    Finian turns to the hulking man, grinning "she passed out." he downs the new drink "was already tired from her match, and more than a little aroused. It may have been a long time... but there are some things you dont forget." he drops into his chair, sighing out both guilt and satisfaction.

    Collin turns to look at the other dwarf "Ye'hada good time then? Maybe..."

    Aurelius slurs out "Don'you havea wife?"

    Collin shrugs "Not anymore, unfortunately. Plague took'er from me during the Yellow Kings reign in Uurlanth. I was fighting'n those wars, and without me'ta keep'er strong, could'nae last it. Had more sons'an lasses'in me bed since then, but no wife."

    Cornelius chuckles "Cherry is the most popular girl here, whe'd be hard to line up without help..."

    Finian raises a glass, adding "And with good reason too."

    You chuckle, shaking your head "As amazing a place as this is, I believe it is time for us to eat, before we all pass out early." The others nod in agreement, and bodily drag Uurist from the bar as you move to continue your journey.


    You stand next to Collin, both of you padded in leather, you wielding a bow, and Collin a spear. "How did we git roped'inta this?"

    You shake your head, not sure yourself "We were the most sober, and most set on boar, I suppose."

    Cornelius shouts over the side of the rail "Dont worry, the boar will barely be big enough to feed all of us, adn they get'em good and drunk before tunring them loose. Its perfectly safe... only a few men get killed a year, and most of them by all rights should have passed out hours before."

    Collin sighs "An'thets why Aurelius didnt git sent out here."

    "NOTPASSEDOUTYET!!" you hear Aurelius shout from behind the wooden barrier.
    >> Maximus 09/28/11(Wed)01:01 No.16449619
    rolled 74 = 74

    Drunk hunting up in this mofo.
    >> Tactical Routine Omicron !oiqMeATbAg 09/28/11(Wed)01:03 No.16449631
    That's how you drunk hunt: badly.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)01:07 No.16449659
    rolled 25 = 25

    Well, a 74 is more 'comically bad' than 'tragically bad'
    >> Brick 09/28/11(Wed)01:07 No.16449666
    At least we haven't stabbed ourselves in the face with a spear.
    >> Brick 09/28/11(Wed)01:08 No.16449674
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)01:13 No.16449722
    rolled 36 = 36

    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/28/11(Wed)01:17 No.16449754
    the brightly dressed proprietor of the bar stands up on a pedestal and shouts out "AND NOW, DEAR GUESTS, WE HAVE FOR YOU THE TALE OF A MAN, A DWARF, AND THE NEED TO FEED THEIR FRIENDS!! Come, gather round and watch this epic battle of drunken gluttons. THE SWINE!!" he bellows at the top of his lungs, as the boar is released. it stumbles a bit, before it begins jogging about the small mock forest in confusion. It is small, but well built.

    "I wonder how much good alcohol was wasted to get that beast drunk." you ask Collin as you knock an arrow to the bow you were given.

    the dwarf shrugs "I donnae care, I just want'ta fucking eat it."

    You nod in agreement "I wonder if the meat will be able to get us drunk as well."

    Collin shrugs again "Th'blood might."

    You let the comment pass as the proprietor announces you and Collin, and the gate before you opens. Both of you drunkenly jog out of the holding chamber, and begin searching for the boar. you decide that it would be best to search from the tops of the 'trees'. Climbing them is easy enough, and though you think you hit your head on a few of the branches as you tried to rapidly climb, you feel no pain, so decide to press onward.

    You begin hopping from tree to tree drunkenly searching for your prey, as Collin rushes about the woods screaming obscenities and taunts. More than a few times you slam your chest into a branch, slip and almost fall from the branches, or otherwise make an incredibly ungraceful landing. However, all at once, your work seems to come together. You land on the branch perfectly, as the boar rounds a corner and begins sprinting in a line straight at you.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/28/11(Wed)01:18 No.16449757
    You take your time, draw your arrow, line up your shot... Then the fake tree gives out. With a terrible crash, you fall to the ground, the arrow going wide as the boar bears down on you. Then, just as you realize that you are going to die on a drunken boar hunt, the overgrown pig squeals, and skids to a stop. "I GOT'YE YA PIG-FUCKER!!!" Collin bellows, his forward hand, and every inch of spear above it lodged thoroughly up the now dead boars ass. A good chunk of Collins kilt ripped off, and pinned to a tree a few feet behind the scene you just caused by your stray arrow. Everything falls to silence as what just happens fully dawns on the watching drunks.
    >> Maximus 09/28/11(Wed)01:28 No.16449835
    I think the only thing we can say to the rest of them at this point is that they almost caused a number of angry woman to decide to kill them. Then we move on and eat.
    >> Laurentius 09/28/11(Wed)01:31 No.16449859
    sounds good
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)01:35 No.16449880
    Well, more important people than us have died on drunken boar hunts. It's a classic stupid way for important men to get themselves killed.
    >> Brick 09/28/11(Wed)01:36 No.16449891
    We should shout a few curses at the fake trees for good measure
    >> Laurentius 09/28/11(Wed)01:39 No.16449915
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    What ever could you mean?
    >> Tactical Routine Omicron !oiqMeATbAg 09/28/11(Wed)01:50 No.16450001
    "Collin, I owe you a new kilt."
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/28/11(Wed)02:00 No.16450079
    "Fucking useless dragon-cock of a fake tree..." you comment as you push yourself back to your feet "Sorry about the kilt friend, I will see that it is replaced."

    Collin frowns "I've got nothin'ta be ashamedof. If'th'lasses wantt'ta take a look its fine wi'me." then, a rather loud sucking noise, followed by an audible pop fills the still silent chamber. As the boar finally begins voiding its bowels, Collin shakes his had off, spraying brownish-red liquid in a n arc across the immitation forest "I just want ta fuckin eat."

    The boar, despite the manner of its downfall, is delicious. And by the time it is down but naught but bones, everyone in the group is feeling for a full night of cavorting and drinking. "Just remember, that if I had died, none of you would have survived much longer than I." you mention as the group stands to leave. All of the men nod in agreement, some things are just better kept secret.


    Eight bars, four performance halls (three of them featuring whores, dancers, or some other manner of erotic entertainment) and three meals later, the group of men stumbles back to the barracks. Collin, despite having vomited twice, still has the presence of mind to hold his left hand far away from his body. You laugh as you block the sunlight from your eyes, as you follow Uurist and Gaius, the least drunk of the group, back to the barracks.

    "Good morning, Justinian!!" Sansa greets you cheerily, plucking the Kanixias quills that had gotten embedded into your right arm out. " I trust you enjoyed yourself?"
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/28/11(Wed)02:00 No.16450084
    You mumble something, to which she simply chuckles, and catches your weight as you nearly collapse. "Oh, and Jayne said she wont help you recover from this. I think she's sore that you had a better night than us ladies did."


    You wake up in a strangely empty bed, the midday sun streaming in through your window. Your head is throbbing, your feet are sore, your right shoulder feels like hell, and your left arm looks to be scabbed over in sever perfect little circles in a straight line. You drag yourself out into the dining hall, where you find the other men of your command staff sitting in the most padded chairs in the darkest corner of the room. A few of them even look to have the concoction Sansa is known to drink after a night of drinking set before them. Across the room, Sansa is quietly humming as she fills another pitcher with water. next to her, Kyria is cheerily stacking a plate with pastries and fruit.
    >> Maximus 09/28/11(Wed)02:05 No.16450126
    Time to start recovering from the night. Ask the girls if anything happened that we should know about since our return.
    >> Tactical Routine Omicron !oiqMeATbAg 09/28/11(Wed)02:06 No.16450141
    I think the right answer is to start with "What day is it?"
    >> Brick 09/28/11(Wed)02:12 No.16450202
    These both sound good to me
    >> Starshadow 09/28/11(Wed)02:13 No.16450211
    "someone stop the ceiling, I want to get off".
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)02:15 No.16450222
    I find myself wanting to pretend to be feeling great and totally chipper, just to mess with everyone.
    >> Laurentius 09/28/11(Wed)02:26 No.16450303
    seconding a combo
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/28/11(Wed)02:27 No.16450314
    You stumble over your soon to be wives "Did anything of note happen while I was..." you trail off as your feet nearly betray you.

    "No, love, nothing happened, now go and sit down. Counting your outing, you've been all but gone for three days. You need to rest, it simply wouldnt do to look half-dead for your own wedding."

    Grumbling, you make your way over to your friends "Did I really shove my fist up'a boars ass?" Collin asks you, face derious, despite the fact that one eye is open fully, and the other half-shut still.

    "I didnt lie, Collin. You shoved a spear right up the things posterior." Aurelius replies for you.

    Finian shakes his head "Though, that feat pales in comparison to your nearly letting that man take you off to his bedroom."

    "THAT WAS NO FEAT!! IT WAS A MISTAKE!" the blond defends himself.

    Gaius chuckles "With hair like yours, no one can blame the poor bastard. Though, Justinians talking those twins into stripping, and pleasureing eachother in the middle of the bar is still the most amusing thing that happened."

    You shrug nonchalantly, as you have no recolection of that event in your head. Janos shakes his head "then their brother showed up, and nearly killed us, if I recall correctly. I prefer Cornelius convincing those drunks to drink a cup of his own piss myself. No one got hurt, no lives were threatened, and we helped some thirsty men."
    >> Tactical Routine Omicron !oiqMeATbAg 09/28/11(Wed)02:30 No.16450339
    "Twins? Damn. I wish I could remember. Everything's a blank after we had the boar."
    >> Maximus 09/28/11(Wed)02:33 No.16450368
    "Collin, don't think of it as shoving your hand up a boar's ass but as sacrificing for the good of all."

    Eh, can't really think of anything else to say at this point. Guess we can move on.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)02:36 No.16450385
    Eh, if our current character gets too ridiculous we could always switch/timeskip to someone else. A Chuunin exam tournament type thing.

    Oh, as for things we have to sort out. We need to make contact with Zabuza and either kill him or pal around, steal back Kimimaro from Orochimaru and hunt down Sharkbro.
    >> Tactical Routine Omicron !oiqMeATbAg 09/28/11(Wed)02:38 No.16450406
    wrong thread, buddy.
    >> Laurentius 09/28/11(Wed)02:41 No.16450428
    I think you might be posting in the wrong thread bro
    >> Laurentius 09/28/11(Wed)02:44 No.16450448
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)02:44 No.16450455
    rolled 5 = 5

    Let's go with this plan.
    >> Tactical Routine Omicron !oiqMeATbAg 09/28/11(Wed)02:48 No.16450478
    Alright, now I know this is a troll.
    >> Generic 09/28/11(Wed)02:48 No.16450481
    So in celebration of our wedding, I think we should arrange a decent booze ration for some of our prisoners.

    Specifically, our noble prisoners (but not that noble brat with no spine, give him something shitty) and those prisoners from the Stant campaign that worked enough to be released if their ransoms aren't paid.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/28/11(Wed)02:52 No.16450508
    You sigh "I was too drunk to remember what could be one of my greatest feats, yet i remember Collins brave sacrifice for the good of our stomachs."

    Gaius smirks "That may be because we worked as a group to get you that drunk at the next tavern we stopped through. You lost more bets in a row than any of us combined for the rest of the night."

    You shrug "Either way, it was a good night. thank you, my friends." As the men reply, and Sansa leaves another pitcher of water, you lean back into your chair, content with life.


    Later that evening, Jayne tracks you down "Justinian, love, we seem to be coming frighteningly close to our wedding date, and you have yet to decide whether we will stand atop the Degnarian seal, or what will be your houses coat of arms. That aside, everything is ready, though the Heir Apparent did request permission to attend, something to do with Sansa finding a way to get most of the palace kitchen to serve the following feast."
    >> Tactical Routine Omicron !oiqMeATbAg 09/28/11(Wed)02:57 No.16450534
    "I've decided on the coat of arms. And if there's a reason the Heir Apparent shouldn't attend, I'll be very surprised."
    >> Maximus 09/28/11(Wed)03:01 No.16450565
    Tell her the coat of arms we've decided in the end. I imagine Generic will post it. And I see no reason to not let the heir come. Wonder how good that's going to be for our rep.
    >> Generic 09/28/11(Wed)03:03 No.16450577
         File1317193389.png-(190 KB, 840x1259, Trentz_Heraldry_001 copy.png)
    190 KB

    oh, I'll post it, huh?

    I hate you Max.
    >> Maximus 09/28/11(Wed)03:05 No.16450600
    I thought it would be rude of me to post it when you were the creator. It's all your fault we have this after all so you should accept your blame in this case.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/28/11(Wed)03:21 No.16450703
    You shrug "My houses coat of arms. And of course the heir is invited, if he wishes. Though I am curious..."

    Jayne chuckles "As are the rest of us. she assures us that she was not unfaithful, but wont reveal her secrets either. Might I see what you decided on for our houses coat of arms?"

    You hand her the sheet you had sketched what you came up with on "This is what I came up with, to that end."

    Jayne looks it over, nodding "Subtle, but effective. Shows loyalty to the Empire without being presumptuous and using the same dragon as the Imperial Crest. The moon and stars can either be interpreted as you moniker, or a nod to the gods, quite effective as both a statement, and not an eyesore to look at." she smiles and hands the sheet back to you, as she drops down into a seat, and you sit next to her. "It is a shame that Wulf wont be here... but I think it may be necesary to talk to Lena, she has been, closed in her room for the past few days. She comes out for food, but we... we are worried about her." her smile at having some time with you fades to a concerned frown as she explains the situation to you.
    >> Maximus 09/28/11(Wed)03:23 No.16450717
    "I'll go speak to her after this then. Have Vi and Catalina been adjusting well? This is a new place for Catalina so I figured she'd have the most trouble but even Vi wasn't entirely comfortable last time we were here."
    >> Tactical Routine Omicron !oiqMeATbAg 09/28/11(Wed)03:23 No.16450718

    "I think I know what to say to her."

    >> GoldPanda 09/28/11(Wed)03:23 No.16450719
    Uh oh. A problem that we can solve with our boyish charms.

    Did Daeseu share his report with her yet? Did she find out that Wulf has another lady at his side now?
    >> Generic 09/28/11(Wed)03:28 No.16450756

    "Has she not been spending time with Catalina or Lealith? I'll have to have a chat with the girl."

    and in the interest of expediting things if needed...

    Go to Lena's room, knock on the door, "Lena, it is Justinian, are you decent?"

    proceed to ask whats up with her behavior and the concern of the others.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 09/28/11(Wed)03:30 No.16450772
    >> Generic 09/28/11(Wed)03:30 No.16450780

    >> Brick 09/28/11(Wed)03:32 No.16450799
    Sounds good to me. Also, if she has heard that Wulf has a traveling companion we should tell her that they aren't romantically involved. I think thats what Daesau said in his report.
    >> GoldPanda 09/28/11(Wed)03:33 No.16450803
    Counter second.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/28/11(Wed)03:46 No.16450898
    You sigh "Perhaps she heard of Daeseus report to me, perhaps her loneliness is finally getting to her, either way, I will see what the problem is." you lean over to give Jayne a quick kiss. The noblewoman smiles, and lets you go, the concern for the girl who had quickly fallen into the role of younger sister for so many members of the command staff, and maniple at large, not leaving her eyes. when you reach her room, you hear light scraping noises, as well as the telltale sign of feverish writing. You knock on the door and half-shout "Lena, its Justinian. Are you clothed? if not, please dress, I will be coming in shortly." After waiting a few moments, you open the door, to see Lena hunched over a sheet of parchment, an assortment of sticks and strings set out between her ans Tassadus.

    She turns to look at you for a moment, befroe quietly greeting you "Justinain, I, I didnt want to worry everyone, but..." Tassadus looks up, and you realize that something is wrong with it. You ponder for a moment before you realize that its the eyes, you've seen them before, and not on your proteges nomad owl. Rather, they are Wulfs eyes.

    The bird pauses, before using its beak, and one of its talons to move some sticks around, and a few strings as well. By the time you cross the mess of detriment that has taken over the room, the assortment of jumble before the owl has been arranged to read "HELLO COMMANDER" the lettering blocky and sloppy, but legible nonetheless.
    >> GoldPanda 09/28/11(Wed)03:48 No.16450906

    "Hi. ... Wulf?"
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 09/28/11(Wed)03:49 No.16450915
    Not in an angry tone, but just one of calmly wanting to know why Wulf has turned into an owl.
    >> Generic 09/28/11(Wed)03:58 No.16450974

    "One step closer to seeing everything. Can he hear us or do you have to write your responses?"

    either write or say hello, depending.

    also, "Would you prefer I come back later, Lena? I'm sure you've already asked most of the things I'd have."

    it seems like a waste if Wulf has to spell out answers a second time.
    >> Starshadow 09/28/11(Wed)04:00 No.16450985
    one hoot for yes, two hoots for no?

    What should we ask him? Other than WTF RU DOIN of course
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/28/11(Wed)04:01 No.16450995
    You freeze, confused, and a tad bit worried "Hello... Wulf? would, would either of you care to explain why it is Wulf is an owl?"

    Lena smirks "It takes him a while to control Tassadus, and it is draining, especially at this great distance. Tassadus is his, Companion, he said the proper term for it is, or, thats what the wandering monks called them. The fact that Nomad Owls are sacred to Eago makes this process easier, but it is still very draining on him." she blushes as the owl hops over to rub up against her face "As, as soon as he was able to do this, he came to me." Lena chuckles "I knew something was, off, when poor Tassadus wasnt flying straight, and hit the wall outside the barracks instead of flying through the window."

    You nod, half-understanding "And he can do this without giving himself away?"

    Lena shrugs "He says he is still in the room he has been working from in TruthsHaven, so he is safe there. And to ask if you had any questions for him."
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 09/28/11(Wed)04:03 No.16451006
    I think the only question we have is when he's going to be able to come home.
    His operation was a success, and hopefully the war should be over when we defeat the Ironcoast Lords.
    >> GoldPanda 09/28/11(Wed)04:07 No.16451027
    "Any new intel for me?

    "Other than that, just keep a low profile and stay safe. Now that the duchy is on our side, the war is nearly over. Just hold out until then, if you cannot return home safely."
    >> Generic 09/28/11(Wed)04:10 No.16451046

    seconding. Wulf's only job right now is to come home safely to Lena.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)04:17 No.16451083
    Yeah, about that. I'm thinking part of the reason he's so keen on staying in the field is to work on that new girl of his.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/28/11(Wed)04:24 No.16451111
    You shrug "As nice as it would be for any new inteligence, I'm almost..." you pause "well, very eager for you to make your way home. We will be moving on the IronCoast Lords after helping sally forth to break the Siege of Estrok. We travel by ship at the end of the month. we will be disembarking at Suthpon, and traveling through the Duchy to Estrok from there."

    The owl nods, and looks up at Lena. The young woman goes through the small stack of parchment she has set on the table before her "Wulf will be able to lead TruthsHaven by the end of the month as well, as it would be suspicious if he simply rode out from the city headed south with no apparent reason."

    You nod "Then I will leave the two of you to each other... and eagerly await Wulfs return to us." at that, you ruffle Lenas hair, however the girl is too distracted to notice your teasing her.

    >well, I think I'm gonna call it here for tonight
    >soneone archive please
    >I'll be back LATE thursday 1030ish server time (work)
    >if you have any setting/CQ questions just email me at [email protected]
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)06:03 No.16451740
    Thread has been archived. Don't forget to vote!

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