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  • File : 1317349938.png-(478 KB, 553x943, CommanderQuestPostOne.png)
    478 KB Commander Quest CXXXVI Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/29/11(Thu)22:32 No.16470916  
    >work late = late start
    >Last Time: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/16446982/
    >Join the IRC on Sup/tg/ at #CommanderQuest
    >We have a (small) wiki! http://thugaim.pbworks.com/w/page/22231052/FrontPage

    The next few days go fairly quickly, once your hangover wears off. Jayne is busy running about making sure that the Judgement Hall she had booked for the wedding is ready. Sansa is busy with the large dining hall she booked out for the party afterwards is ready, both Kyria and Laelith are busy helping one, the other, or both of their human counterparts. Cornelius is busy visiting with Kylee, Gaius is gone... somewehre. Janos and Kaitlyn are both busy with your fortress and business endeavors. Bellatrix and Aurelius are preparing for Vohzd Lennis arrival, while the rest of your command staff is busy at the academy. With two days left before the ceremony, you walk out of the dining hall early in the morning, unsure of what to do.
    >> Maximus 09/29/11(Thu)22:34 No.16470949
    Well I imagine Lena is still doing stuff with Owl-Wulf. Might be time to see what Vi and Cat are up to.
    >> Gloquenteentleman !yVrZbEGJ8A 09/29/11(Thu)22:38 No.16470987
    rolled 6 = 6

    I wholeheartedly agree. Also, our mystic might be worth a visit.
    >> Maximus 09/29/11(Thu)22:41 No.16471007
    And if we have to pick between Cat and Vi, I say we hit up Vi first. We haven't really interacted with her since she gave us the sword IIRC.
    >> Brick 09/29/11(Thu)22:49 No.16471099
    Vi and Catalina first.

    We should tell Autronius to be on the lookout for anyone suspicious while is attending the wedding.
    >> Gloquenteentleman !yVrZbEGJ8A 09/29/11(Thu)22:51 No.16471128
    rolled 19 = 19

    Especially anyone of the Old Guard who has any kind of mental resistance. That means they know about the initiative in the arcane/elemental areas and are taking precautions, which means they may be more open to swaying to our side.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/29/11(Thu)22:56 No.16471169
    Bereft of anything else to do, you saddle up Spite, and make your way to the academy. The place is surprisingly empty when you arrive. It would seem that Janos wasted no time in setting to work clearing your keep. Many of the Loukys Hunters that were wont to loiter about the academy are gone, as are many of the earth, fire, and water elementalists. After walking around for a bit, you find Vi working with your chief medicae, a few corpses that look freshly recovered from the grieving family, as well as several lightly injured students. Vi looks rather nervous, and focused, but the medicae notices you. He pounds his right fist to his heart, arm at a crisp angle tight to his body, then extends his palm in salute, before greeting you "Commander, to what do we owe the honor of your visit?"

    You shrug "I was simply stopping through to see what Vi has been up to."

    The man nods, responding "I have been teaching her my art... she is a quick study, I must admit."

    The woman looks up from the man whos arm she was mending "We are still nervous about accidentally changing something that whould not be, but it is quite easy to heal others."

    The man she was administering to chuckles "I wouldnt mind if you made this arm stronger. Its broke three times since I first broke it."
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)23:01 No.16471202
    "I assume if Vi wanted to increase the bone density in this man's arm, the extra material would have to come from elsewhere? Elementalism does not create matter as far as I know."
    >> Maximus 09/29/11(Thu)23:03 No.16471234
    Worth asking I guess. As well asking if Vi thinks she could do it. Although, I'm not sure if we want her manipulating people like that yet.
    >> Taffer 09/29/11(Thu)23:04 No.16471249
    Lets get a medical opinion in here first. And look at that, our chief medical officer is here. So Doc, what do you think? Should it be done?
    >> Brick 09/29/11(Thu)23:10 No.16471336
    Both Vi and the doc should give their opinions on this idea.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/29/11(Thu)23:22 No.16471485
    You look to the chief medicae "Would it be possible for her to strengthen this mans arm?"

    The doctor scratches at his chin for a while, before responding "she has the power, and I see no harm in doing so. But you would have to ask Vi, her elementalism is greater than mine, and soon she will know most of what I know."

    You look to vi, who, after a moments thought turns to her patient "You will be very hungry for a few days, and your arms will not be of even strength for quite a while." and at that, she grasps the mans arm. He hisses in pain at first, then, bites down, and clenches his teeth through the process. After nearly ten minutes, the man passes out, and Vi steps back "We have finished. His arm will not break again, though it will take over a month for the muscle to recover. You wished to see us commander?" she asks, turning to face you, smiling slightly.
    >> Maximus 09/29/11(Thu)23:28 No.16471560
    "I stopped by to ask if you'd like to spend the day with me. We haven't spent much time with each other since the campaign."
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)23:29 No.16471564
    "I mostly just wanted to see how you were doing, nothing really important. I am glad to see you branching out your abilities."
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)23:31 No.16471602
    "I stopped by to see how you were, and to ask if you wished to spend the day in my company?"
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/29/11(Thu)23:41 No.16471701
    You shrug "I simply wished to see if you wanted to spend the day with me. SInce our return to the city, we havent had many opportunities to see each other."

    Vi ponders for a moment before responding "We would love to. Did you have anything in mind, or do you simply hope to help us... acclimate, to the city more?"

    The medicae pouts for a moment before quickly interjecting "We should have time to finish your last few lessons from me before deployment. Then I will finally be able to devote my attentions to teaching." he finishes with an eager glint in his eye.

    Vi nods to him "Excellent. We are eager to become more useful, and healing others is something we enjoy." She turns back to you "So, what is our plan?"
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)23:48 No.16471774
    Let's take her around town and show her the sights for the day while feeling her out (no, not feeling her up you sick puppies... well, maybe a little of that too), eventually ending up on some romantic overlook or something like that.

    Then we can see how exactly she feels on the matter. We could approach it by asking her what she thinks about our other girls, Kyria's stories, how she feels about us, things like that.
    >> Maximus 09/29/11(Thu)23:49 No.16471783
    Sounds like a plan.
    >> Brick 09/29/11(Thu)23:54 No.16471830
    A nice tour of the city sounds like a good idea. She probably hasn't had much of a chance to see many of the landmarks and interesting places there are.
    >> Laurentius 09/29/11(Thu)23:55 No.16471840
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/30/11(Fri)00:13 No.16472012
    You nod "Yes, I will show you around the city. I know that you have not been outside the barracks and academy very much, if at all."

    Vi smiles, and steps up next to you. As the two of you walk away from the tent Vi and the chief medicae had been in. The man in question breathes a sigh of what you think is relief, before setting off for the field where the life elementalists are training. "So, will we go to eat first, or do you have some other plan?" she asks cheerily.

    As you ponder her question, you walk past the necromancer training area. Vi shys back, but you slow a bit to see what Catalina is going. She has a rounded pit dug, several stacks of what look to be freshly harvested animal corpses, and several thick walls in place. Her class is divided into two portions, one half creating flesh golems, and sending them into the pit to battle other students creations, while the others stand in front of one of the walls, thinking.

    One of the students seems to have an epiphany. Within minutes he has a particularly large golem, with disproportionately large fists ready. The hulking brute listlessly and sluggishly ambles up to the wall, which it proceeds to punch. The first strike makes a dent, and the following blows continue the process of tearing the golem apart. Dejectedly, the student walks back to the group, and staring thoughtfully into the stack of corpses.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/30/11(Fri)00:14 No.16472020
    A strange explosion catches your attention, and you see a particularly desparate looking student gesturing dramatically at a wall, and a small horde of what look to be pigs, hounds, and some form of dragonkin drunkenly sprinting at a wall, before throwing themselves at it, and exploding. When the smoke and putrid gasses clear, the wall is cracked, but nothing more.

    One of the students exclaims something, clearly exasperated. Catalina clearly replies, but calmly, so you have even less of a chance of hearing her from this distance. Within moments she has a massive brute of a golem formed, gleaming white bone hammerheads above its wrists, and massive thick bone plates on the insides of its over-muscled wrists. The thing saunters over too an unscathed wall, and within eight blows, has it leveled. It then proceeds to sweep the rubble aside, turn, salute, then fall back to its constituent, original parts. "Did you want to sk Catalina something, or are we to continue on our way?" Vi asks, seemingly more relaxed after acclimating to the necromancers presence.
    >> Maximus 09/30/11(Fri)00:22 No.16472108
    "I just wanted to check in on her. She was hesitant before about teaching but it seems she's got the hang of it like I knew she could. Does her abilities make you uncomfortable?"

    Also, I don't have any particular ideas on what to do for the day out so I guess food first and then take her around town. Unless someone has a better idea.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)00:27 No.16472170
    Let's take her around and have her sample several things as we head around town. We must know several good places.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 09/30/11(Fri)00:27 No.16472174
    That sounds like a good enough plan for now.
    >> Laurentius 09/30/11(Fri)00:27 No.16472175
    sounds fine with me, go visit the touristy parts of town for a little while then go and see what gaius is up to
    >> Taffer 09/30/11(Fri)00:31 No.16472211
    Can one of the stops be the tavern that we wanted to find out what our mystery drink was? As we never actually found out from Cherryaxe.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)00:35 No.16472263
    Let's not.
    >> Brick 09/30/11(Fri)00:45 No.16472395
    These sound like good ideas to me.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/30/11(Fri)00:49 No.16472433
    You chuckle as the students begin to move back to the tasks they were set to "No, Vi, I simply wanted to see how the girl was doing. a rather unforgiving method of instruction, isnt it?"

    Vi shakes her head "No, she could be putting much more pressure on them. Though we will not argue that her methods could be harsh to the less talented."

    You nod, as you climb up Spite, then help Vi up after you "I do believe that it is time we ate something however, I believe I know of a place you may like." and at that, you ride off into the city. It takes nearly an hour, but eventually you reach a tavern near the Palace district that is well known for its wide range of foods, and excellent view of the palace.

    "Its... stunning." Vi observes as she looks up at the palace.

    Chuckling, you decide on what you will eat, as you await the server to arrive "Yes, it nearly took my breath away when I first saw it."

    Eyes massive in awe, grinning widely, she ponders aloud "It would have been wonderful to see the beast while it still lived. Though, the bones of the beast are more than enough for us, we think." When the serving girl arrives, you order, but an uncertain Vi simply instructs "Something spicy and filling." Sighing, you order a dish you think will fit her wishes, as Vi turns to ask you "Are there any statues of the dragons as they were in the city? We would like to know better how they looked alive."
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)00:59 No.16472538
    "I know there are one or two at spots dedicated to the end of the rebellion. Naturally, they are of said dragons being slain, though maybe there's something like that at the museum?"
    >> Brick 09/30/11(Fri)01:00 No.16472551
    I would assume there would at least be a few statues of the dragons in the archives if there aren't any public monuments to them.

    Are there any statues of them in public that we know of?
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)01:01 No.16472556
    It's the capital, and it's a huge goddamn city. It would be a travesty to NOT have a museum. >_>
    >> Maximus 09/30/11(Fri)01:01 No.16472561
    If they exist, I see no reason why we can't show her the statues. Assuming we can get to them at least.
    >> Brick 09/30/11(Fri)01:11 No.16472628
    A proper tour of the city wouldn't be complete without a trip to the museum.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/30/11(Fri)01:32 No.16472807
    You nod, grinning "Of course, I know of more than a few. Once we are finished eating I will show you, if you wish."

    Vi nods excitedly, "We would very much enjoy that... though it would be nice if a few of them were not of the creatures being slayed." You nod, not making any promises, but modifying the list you were forming in your head. the meal was good, and Vi quite enjoyed the spiced uursan steak you ordered for her, though you can see Spite balking at the smell of the dish from where you have him tethered outsid3e the establishment.

    After paying, you mount Spite,and begin showing Vi the statues of the dragons, Shintja and her children. You start of course with the Great Triumph, in Empire Square, the massive statue of Emperor Centurias Gestoran, The Dragonsslayer driving his blade through the base of Shintjas skull dominates the back of the square overlooked by the dead bitches open maw, from which Emperors have made their most important decrees for genarations. The statue itself is mostly in marble, Shintja mottled in all colors, each marble scale the size of your fist, the colors flowing naturally, without pattern, but never abrupt in their shifts through the spectrum "Was she truly..."

    You nod "Yes, Shintja was not a beast of a single color, but all of them. It is said that before she went mad with grief at the slaying of her children, and being abandoned by her parents, she was the most beautiful creature alive." the Dragonslayer is cast bronze, the runes on his armor replaced, according to the tale of the statue, these runes protecting the roaring giant of a man from the ravages of time, as he strikes down the dragon with his obsidian greatsword. the dragon has a handful of soldiers clasped in one claw, and a massive boulder in her other, her bladed tail covered in mounts and riders that she had slain, both winged and land-bound, despite her clearly broken left wing.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/30/11(Fri)01:33 No.16472812
    After a time you move with Vi to see, Flight, which is a much less extravagent archway, carved to represent a young Shintja in flight. From there you move through the Noble district. You see The Reaving, a gold and emeral representation of the serpentine, eight-winged Khyron scouring all life from the surface of the Stonefoot rainforests. Vi marvels at the Inferno, a brass and ruby rendition of Galrauchs final rage, as he set four volcanoes to erupt, renewing the youth of the DragonSpine mountains as easily as he decimated the army that was his death.

    Vi spends a full hour admiring the statue of Mortiat, the wingless, serpentine dragon of life and nature learning at the feet of the Matriarch and Patriarch of the element he took on. Along the western wall, you show her the mosaic representation of Ghezroban freezing over the northern tundra, killing all but the hardiest of plants and animals in that now blasted wasteland, then fleeing beneath the depths. the grotesque statue of Galrauchs Lust, Khyrons betrayal and the greater statue of his rending separating the Solitary island form the mainland.

    All day you wander the city with Vi, until, finally, as the sun begins its final descent something other than a statue catches her attention. It is a beat peddler, with a small flock of Jyma, small, winged serpents. Dragonkin in the most generous sense of it, their leathery wings, cold intellect and ability to spit minute tongues of flame make them prized pets and companions to Lacerta, but Vi seems taken by them, more than the statue of Toriath and Ghezroban embroiled in a battle before the two of you.
    >> Maximus 09/30/11(Fri)01:38 No.16472853
    Hmm. Vi has a fascination with dragons eh? The obvious course of action here is to get her a new pet.
    >> Laurentius 09/30/11(Fri)01:42 No.16472893
    sounds good,
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)01:43 No.16472899
    "Pardon me, my good man, could you tell me how easy to care for these creatures are? My companion here seems to like them."
    >> Laurentius 09/30/11(Fri)01:44 No.16472907
    also we should see if the merchant has a black dragonkin that we can buy for ourselves as a pet
    >> Generic 09/30/11(Fri)01:51 No.16472966

    or, find one that likes booze for Sansa!
    >> Laurentius 09/30/11(Fri)01:54 No.16472983
    "this one likes the sauce" "I'll take it!"
    >> Brick 09/30/11(Fri)02:00 No.16473035
    Sounds good to me
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/30/11(Fri)02:07 No.16473082
    You chuckle and turn to vi "do you want one of them?"

    She freezes "We... yes, we would like to have one of them."

    You slide your arm around her waist, and lead her over to the peddler "My good man, would you be so kind as to let my lady choose from your creatures?"

    The man pauses to look the two of you over "They eat raw meat, and start fires in the cold, but the two of you look smart enough to have a Jyma. Five silvers, and yes, she can choose her own."

    At that, he sets down the crate he keeps them in, and lets Vi step over to look at them. At first he seems to panic when she puts her hand in, but when none of them attack her, the peddler calms down. After a while, she chooses an incredibly docile Jyma. You slide the man double the cost and ask "Do you know if any of these Jyma like alcohol... one of my other ladies is terrible when it comes to dealing with animals that dont share her love for drunkeness."

    the man pauses, scratching at his chin, before pulling out a rather aggressive purple Jyma "This one is only calm after I give it a few sips of whiskey. Impossible to make a sale with that thing angry and in the crate. Will you be taking it with you?" he asks, hope heavy on his voice.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)02:09 No.16473097
    I think maybe this is something to save for when we take Sansa out. Tell him to keep it in reserve. An angry dragonet will ruin a romantic evening though.
    >> 風林火山 09/30/11(Fri)02:10 No.16473106

    We buy this now.

    And we make a gift of it to Sansa.

    A drunk with a drunken drakeling. Heh. This should be interesting.
    >> Generic 09/30/11(Fri)02:11 No.16473110
    "Whiskey, you say?"

    We have our flask, right? See if the little bugger will drink!

    If it does, Sansa has a new pet, unless she doesn't want it. In which case Blackbird might have a use or two!
    >> Laurentius 09/30/11(Fri)02:11 No.16473111
    we will have to keep it drunk then, seconding keeping it for later
    >> Maximus 09/30/11(Fri)02:14 No.16473138
    Thirding this. Tell the man we'll be back for it soon enough. I rather not have it potentially ruin the rest of the evening.
    >> Brick 09/30/11(Fri)02:19 No.16473195
    Agreeing with asking for him to hold on to it for now.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)02:24 No.16473241

    This might be a terrible idea.

    On the other hand, it might be an AWESOME idea.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)02:31 No.16473287
    I'm definitely for telling to hold onto it. It would be a funny gift for Sansa.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/30/11(Fri)02:34 No.16473306
    You chuckle "Keep it set aside, I will likely be back for it."

    the man nods, slowly "I will be working from this street for at least another week. I will watch for you." Nodding you escort Vi off into the city agian.


    You and Vi are sitting atop the city wall, as the sun sets off in front of you. The day went quickly, despite your having seen every statue you stopped at before. Vi had fixated on the things, and her childish fascination was refreshing. Sighing, her new pet coiled around her arm, Vi turns to ask you "So, what was your real reason for taking us about the town like this. We enjoyed it, truly, truly enjoyed today, but think that something has been on your mind." when you dont answer for a while, she adds "Or, perhaps, we were not reading your feelings right."
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)02:46 No.16473391
    "No, Vi, you've read me like an open book. I enjoyed today a great deal too, and the reasons I asked you to accompany me are twofold: One, I truly enjoy the time I spend with you. The time we spend together is precious to me and I would like it to continue into the future. But that is not all. The more I know you and the closer we become the more I feel drawn to you, much as I am to Jayne, Sansa, Kyria, and Laelith. Soon I will be wedding them, formally showing my affection... and I want to know how you feel too, before that happens. To know if, perhaps, you hold affection for me as well and might do the same.

    So Vi, that is my true reason for asking you to come with me. To speak my feelings and hopes that you share them."
    >> Generic 09/30/11(Fri)02:48 No.16473404

    eh, time to end this here adventure.

    second, then
    >> Maximus 09/30/11(Fri)02:49 No.16473412
    Was going to post something else but this sums things up nicely enough. Second.
    >> Taffer 09/30/11(Fri)02:51 No.16473428
    Go for it
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/30/11(Fri)03:06 No.16473540
    You sigh "No, you read me right, Vi. I really do treasure my time with you. More and more the more I get to know you." you pause to control yourself, you know that your other ladies wouldn't mind Vi joining the family, but knowing what you are asking her to join does give you pause "Soon the other ladies in my life that I cherish and I will be marrying, and, I realize that I have not spent as much time with you have as some of the others, but I certainly know what it is that I feel when I am with you. What I want to know, is if you feel the same way... if you want to join me, us."

    Vi looks at you, eyes massive, a smile slowly crawling across her face "We know how much, fun, you and your ladies have, and, we know that they are protective of you. And we know why they are so. If they will have us, we would be happy to." Grinning back, you pull her into a kiss.


    Of course, the other ladies feign surprise, annoyance, or shock, but all of them had a feeling that you were going to do something like this. In the end, Jayne takes it in stride and quickly and efficiently modifies the ceremony for one more. At the end of the day, they are all more than happy to make room for one more in your over-sized bed.

    Lennis arrives with his sons, and wife the next day, and graciously accepts one of the spare rooms in the officers barracks. As the day draws closer and closer you begin to feel more and more like the calm center of a mad storm of preparation.

    >gah, I suck at romance-type shit, why do you guys keep steering me into it? haha.
    >also, skip ahead now, or do you want to do something else before the wedding and following timeskips?
    >> 風林火山 09/30/11(Fri)03:08 No.16473552

    Cant think of anything else. |Maybe spy defences during the thing itself?

    Otherwise we're good, i think.
    >> Maximus 09/30/11(Fri)03:10 No.16473568
    Since the girls are doing all the organizing, clearly we should use this time to train until the wedding.

    Honestly though, I can't think of anything that is critical.
    >> Laurentius 09/30/11(Fri)03:14 No.16473592
    I think we should find out what gaius did with his day but I guess we can wait until the next time we see him
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)03:15 No.16473601
    >gah, I suck at romance-type shit, why do you guys keep steering me into it? haha.
    Too many delicious waifus. It's all your fault.

    Well, after we make sure to give Vi some time alone like with each of the others so she doesn't feel, you know, left out or anything and we aren't favoring anyone... well, I can't think of anything particularly.

    Make sure the security is going to be up to the job of hosting all these famous personages. I personally would also extend an invitation to Nyetini. I mean, she already knows our objectives. Also I would suggest inviting Raynha.
    >> GoldPanda 09/30/11(Fri)03:17 No.16473608
    I have the list of things we need to talk to the Heir about prepared, but that can wait until the wedding.
    >> GoldPanda 09/30/11(Fri)03:20 No.16473631
    I doubt the gods would come, but it would be rude not to extend an invitation.

    Would it be too presumptuous to ask the Ten for a wedding day truce? Then they can all attend.
    >> Generic 09/30/11(Fri)03:23 No.16473649

    no invitations to any gods/goddesses.

    Surely a few will watch, but should they actually decide to attend? Most of the people will likely shit themselves and they'll draw the focus from the harem's big day.

    You do -NOT- risk drawing attention away from the bride(s)/groom at a wedding.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)03:25 No.16473661
    A suitable compromise was that we invite Nyetini and Raynha to watch from on high over the wedding and then attend the reception afterward instead, explaining our reasoning for not wanting our waifus to be overshadowed by godly manifestations on their big day. Both would understand, I think.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)03:26 No.16473667
    Yep, seconding this reasoning. Let's not do this.
    >> Brick 09/30/11(Fri)03:28 No.16473681
    Thirding this.

    We also NEED to find out what the mystery booze is! If would be a shame if we didn't have any of it to serve to the guests at the reception. We are known for our fine taste in drinks after all.
    >> GoldPanda 09/30/11(Fri)03:29 No.16473689
    Perhaps they can attend in disguise?
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 09/30/11(Fri)03:46 No.16473783
    A few days later you meet Gaius as he rides back in through your barracks front gate "Gaius, my friend, where have you been?" you ask him, after returning his salute.

    He sighs as he hops down from his horse "Some of my men grew closer to me than others. Of course, not all of them live. So, whenever I have time, I carry on the tradition of my mentor, and ride out to find, and, inform, their families. Or, at least the families of the men who spoke of their kin to me. This particular return home left me with enough time to go to the villages near DragonsReach, instead of staying in the city."

    You nod, approvingly "You truly are a good man, my friend."

    He shakes his head "No, if I were a good man, I would turn every child who managed to trick the recruiters and instructors back to his home. Is it truly that hard to wait until you have seen sixteen years?"

    You smirk, remembering your own attempt to enlist a year early, and your brothers much more successful attempt at the same "Dont tell me you have forgotten what it is like to be so young, my friend."

    Gaius forces a sigh "I suppose you are right commander. I need to rest now after all the riding I did. Tomorrow is your wedding after all." You let the man pass, as your soon to be wives amble past, chattering excitedly about some minute detail that you could never hope to remember. But they are enjoying it, so you pay it no mind.sighing contentedly, you set off for a walk down the nobles causeway.

    >gah, I'm tired and have an 11 hour shift tomorrow, so I'ma call it here
    >someone archive please
    >I'll be back sunday at 9pm server time
    >If you have any CQ/setting questions just email me at [email protected]
    >next time: the Trentz wedding, and Imperial decree, and more!!
    >> Generic 09/30/11(Fri)03:47 No.16473790
    not a good idea, as our guests are all nobles or high ranking Degnarians that at the very least have heard of all the others. Strangers will stand out.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)07:32 No.16474371
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