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  • File : 1318209936.png-(478 KB, 553x943, CommanderQuestPostOne.png)
    478 KB Commander Quest CXXXVIII Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/09/11(Sun)21:25 No.16574565  
    >Last Time: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/16500490/
    >Join the IRC on Sup/tg/ at #CommanderQuest
    >We have a (small) wiki! http://thugaim.pbworks.com/w/page/22231052/FrontPage

    You find the Heir in a crowd of unfamiliar nobles and merchants, clearly setting a fast pace for his drinking. As you approach, but are still well away from what would be considered part of the conversation, or even earshot, the group momentarily pauses, and turns to look at you, before continuing, most of them listening to the eldest of the Durain sons. Just outside earshot, you run into Janos, who clearly has the same destination as you. "I take it you intend to converse with Trepilius as well?"

    Janos shrugs "It cannot hurt to meet with the heir to the Empire. Even if he only remembers my name and face it would be a great success. I take it you have some wild idea you plan to tell him of?"
    >> Maximus 10/09/11(Sun)21:28 No.16574590
    "I like to think of them as creative ideas that use outside the box thinking. But yes, I may have an idea or two to pitch to him if the situation arises."
    >> Generic 10/09/11(Sun)21:39 No.16574676


    I believe we were going to suggest the field medic idea to him?
    >> Brick 10/09/11(Sun)21:40 No.16574686
    I do have some ideas that he might be interested in. And, well, lets just say I have had crazier ideas.
    >> Maximus 10/09/11(Sun)21:40 No.16574690
    Indeed, that is what people wanted to do at the end of last thread.
    >> Brick 10/09/11(Sun)21:53 No.16574810

    We could train other non combat personel who aren't already doctors to administer first aid or help with triage. That way we wouldn't have to hire more people.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/09/11(Sun)21:55 No.16574825
    You chuckle "Perhaps. I doubt the conversation will be overly serious, but I doubt that it will all be idle."

    Janos shakes his head, smirking "Of course not. Though I do fear for your supply of the mystery brew you so cherish. It is being drank incredibly quickly." as the small group of yourself, your wives, and your majordomo reach the conversation that the Heir is part of.

    Sansa looks at Janos indignantly as she again pulls her dress up around herself "I kept two barrels of it at the barracks. And we will certainly discern its origins, or at the very least reproduce it, before that is done."

    "And what brew is this that you speak of?" Trepilius asks, abandoning his previous conversation.

    Jayne smirks before feeling about the cloths that you had been wearing not two hours prior. You grin, and pull your flask from the cloths Collin had used to fill out the celvage of the dress you were put in "I can see why women use their breasts to carry important items now." as you offer it to the Heir.

    The man takes a sip "Most delicious... though I though that most commanders drank all of this brew within a week of their receiving it."
    >> Maximus 10/09/11(Sun)22:01 No.16574872
    "It's been a quest of mine to determine what the hell this brew is. While I have yet to come across the name, I did manage to find a location that would sell more to me. The owner enjoyed keeping people in the dark about what it was though so we're still searching for a name."
    >> Generic 10/09/11(Sun)22:10 No.16574927

    Second, also add that we liberated some additional supply from that Uurlanthi city we sacked.


    it is better to have a dedicated group of people who's primary task is the recovery and minor treatment of wounded instead of just having people do it as a second gig.
    People can still help out as a secondary gig after the battle, and should, but a dedicated group could be trained to work during the battle and keeping the flow of wounded to the medical tent at a steady pace instead of a massive flood after the battle.
    >> Brick 10/09/11(Sun)22:14 No.16574971

    Yes, we should tell him we liberated some from the lord of Lost Conflux.

    And triage and combat medic would both be good ideas in my opinion. I just misinterpreted what the original idea was.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/09/11(Sun)22:36 No.16575185
    You smile "It has been a quest of mine to discern what this damned brew is. I found a man who will sell it, though he prefers to keep its name a secret. And when I was in Lost Conflux, I managed to liberate some from the local dogs."

    The heir smiles "I think I know the salesman you speak of. In his youth he did clerical work at the Praetor Milirtants office. Even worked with the elf quartermaster that brews the stuff. And, Lost-"

    "DragonCrap!" the dwarf on your back exclaims "I refuse to believe that an elf could brew such a fine brew!"

    Laelith sighs "Oh, we could, though most of what you dwarfs call 'perfect' brews are far from it. Too far from nature to be perfect."

    The heir looks at you, eyebrow raised "Lost Conflux? Have you any clue how a Degnarian brew was stored there?"
    >> Maximus 10/09/11(Sun)22:39 No.16575218
    "I believe the lord of Lost Conflux said the brew was a gift from one of the lords to his north. His daughter is to marry one of the lords sons and I believe I fought him later in the campaign. It's possible it was purchased from merchants during peace. Although it's possible he also got it during the war from friendly individuals..."
    >> Generic 10/09/11(Sun)22:40 No.16575226

    well put. second
    >> Brick 10/09/11(Sun)22:44 No.16575275
    Sounds good to me.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/09/11(Sun)23:00 No.16575438
    You shrug "I interrogated that cities lord, who said some of it was a gift from his daughters betrothed. I believe I fought the son in question later on as well.It could have been traded during peace, though the possibility of him having gotten it during the war from friends persists."

    The heir nods "I do know that at least one aid in the Praetor Politics office is a reformed Uurlanthi... maybe I will look into his office once I have more men in the Praetor Informus Internus' office."

    Jayne smirks, taking a drink from your flask before retuning it to you 'cleavage' "I suppose that the sudden decreasing of Excolo agents has helped your infiltration then?"

    The heir nods, before taking another drink from his own cup "Though it will make rebuilding the office more difficult once justice has been doled out."
    >> Brick 10/09/11(Sun)23:09 No.16575521
    Should we mention the former excolo agents we hired? I would guess they would be extremely helpful in rebuilding the organisation and training new agents.
    >> Maximus 10/09/11(Sun)23:11 No.16575542
    If it wasn't the case, this conversation is now in a tone so random people passing by can't hear it.

    "With less excolo agents around, you may wish to investigate the new wings of the excolo barracks. People of a certain talent were being gathered there awhile back. I believe gathered on behalf of some friends I told you about last time we had a meeting."

    They might not be there anymore but maybe he can find some clues about what the cult has been up to or links to the 4th and the cult.
    >> Maximus 10/09/11(Sun)23:15 No.16575562
    Yeah I suppose. Just mention we can direct him to some individuals that are skilled and have proven loyalty.
    >> Generic 10/09/11(Sun)23:16 No.16575569
    I say avoid mentioning him directly, but we "might have a few people in mind to aid in the reconstruction, if they would answer the heir's call." or something

    max will likely post something better, so I'll just second him here.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/09/11(Sun)23:32 No.16575701
    You nod in agreement, before lowering your voice to reply "My majordomo and friend Janos may be able to put you in touch with quite a few loyal Excolo agents who have either been forced from their agency, or left it in disgust."

    Janos steps in on the circle, cutting off Sansa, but your aide does not seem offput by that in the least, prefering to banter with Vi about something inconsequential instead. "I have already have had to turn down some of these loyal citizens, Justinian simply lacks the funds for them all."

    The heir slowly takes a drink from his cup "Have you anything else on this matter? Planning and scheming at a feast is most... distasteful."

    You chuckle "Yes, some of these men mentioned to me that a certain group of potentially useful folk, all new to the service of their praetorian, have been gathered in her newest barracks complex. One that has been kept closed to outsiders..."

    The heir sighs "One of my agents noticed just over a month ago that there has been much activity at that barracks, and it now seems quite empty. But it may still be a solid location to look for information on our least loyal praetorian." he pauses before stepping back and loudly adding "Come Jsutinian, you must introduce me to this orc in your service that I have heard so much of!"

    Suppressing a grimace, Jayne whispers into your ear "A known friend of the praetorian in question was making his way towards us. I suspect he came with a close friend of mine. I apologize for her taste in men, love."
    >> Maximus 10/09/11(Sun)23:37 No.16575753
    "Blackbird has quite the reputation I see. I imagine he's the focus of many an Uurlanth's nightmares. I'll be glad to introduce you."

    If we haven't made it obvious we know he's coming, let's just pretend we don't see the guy approaching. See if he'll force contact. Otherwise, we'll have to have someone else take the heir to Blackbird while we see what corrupt Praetorian's friend would like.
    >> Generic 10/09/11(Sun)23:45 No.16575843

    sounds like a plan. second
    >> Brick 10/09/11(Sun)23:51 No.16575908
    The heir did ask us specifically to introduce him to Blackbird though. We might also want to make sure Blackbird behaves himself, just in case.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/10/11(Mon)00:16 No.16576243
    You chuckle, still sober enough to ensure that you do not give away that you are avoiding the approaching noble "But of course, Blackbird has gained quite a bit of noteriety himself, and is no doubt rather uneasy at such a large gathering."

    As the small group makes its way past the noble in question, the Emperors son asks "Is he antisocial?"

    You shake your head and sigh "No, he was simply raised to be quite professional. Being drunk, along with everyone else he works with goes against that raising. Though my telling him that we are in the very heart of the Empire and quite safe did do some damage to that habit."

    Kyria chuckles "And his wives help as well, no doubt."

    It is no surprise that you find Blackbird with his wives, and several commanders. His Firstwife with a young orc on her arm, the other holding her slightly bulged stomach. The infant is clearly male, the dark green skin having a pair of telltale bumps on his forehead, combined with his sleeping features, it makes him look more than a little "Cute..." Sansa notes, smiling as she wastes no time to move in to talk with the mother. Blackbirds second, more pregnant wife is leaning on his shoulder, grinning, despite the strain the extra weight is already putting on her lithe frame.

    Releasing his arm from his younger wives back, he grasps the opposite horn from it, clearly some old show of congratulation as he greets you "Justinian, my friend, you have my congratulations, and my greatest wishes for a long and fruitful union, though I doubt it will take much to make it more fruitful than mine, with nearly treble the number of wives."
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/10/11(Mon)00:17 No.16576250
    Jayne smirks "It wont be until the war is over, but that is what we hope for."

    The heir chuckles "It would be a tragedy if the Midnight Dragon had no heirs to his brilliance, though I suspect some if that comes from you, my friend."

    Blackbird grins "Only when he wishes to resolve things quickly and without a large open battle, Commander..." There is a momentary moment of silence, as all present weigh Blackbirds slight with the high chances of his being ignorant as to whom his is speaking with.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)00:20 No.16576288
    "Ah, you've had quite a bit to drink already, I see. Blackbird, this is Trepilius Durain, the Emperor's Heir Apparent."
    >> Maximus 10/10/11(Mon)00:21 No.16576298
    "Blackbird, this is (Insert title. Don't remember it completely.) the son of the Emperor and heir to Degnar. He asked me to introduce you to him. Your deeds in our battles had made you a famous part of my maniple."
    >> Brick 10/10/11(Mon)00:23 No.16576321
    Both sound good to me.
    >> Taffer 10/10/11(Mon)00:26 No.16576362
    "Blackbird, I'd like to introduce you to someone. This is the Heir. Heir, this is my cheif scout, ambusher, trapsman and tracker, Blackbird. Forgive him for any errors in his ways and words as he is more accustomed to the rugged wilds rather than the cities, Heir."

    We gotta explain that he is an ambusher because what Blackbird said skirts dangerously close to what people may call " assassin". And we don't want that.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/10/11(Mon)00:45 No.16576556
    You heave a worried sigh "Blackbird, this is Princeps Trepilius Durain, Heir Apparent to the Degnarian Empire." you turn to the heir, humbly saluting him "This is Blackbird, my tracker, skirmisher, trapper, and master of all tactics unconventional. I do apologize for his ignorance, dominu."

    the heir chuckles "Peace, commander. Even were it not your wedding, I would not hold the ignorance of a soldier raised outside of society against you." he turns to the orc "So you are the demon rumored to travel with the Midnight Dragon." he chuckles "It would seem that for once, the rumors are true, massive in size, deep green skin that is nearly black, eyes bluer than the cloudless winter sky, devoid of any other color... though they do not glow."

    Blackbird chuckles "Ah, but those are the tales of our friends, I doubt those of our foes are so plain. And, if you wish, Princeps, I can compel them to glow, though the light of this hall will cause me pain."

    The man shakes his head "No, if it would take effort and cause a loyal soldier pain, I would not order it. Though it would seem congratulations are in order for you as well. YOu son, will he be..."

    "Of my blood, and raised to honor it." The orc promptly replies, grinning ferally, his eyes almost challenging any present to contest his statement.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)00:49 No.16576605
    "Personally, I feel the world is a better place with your kind in it, my friend. I can't imagine how I would have won half of my battles without you and your impromptu clan working to cut enemy supply lines."
    >> Maximus 10/10/11(Mon)00:53 No.16576642
    "I can only imagine the terror he'll cause his enemies after you've taught him all you know and have learnt since joining my maniple. When that times comes, will you remain amongst my maniple as you raise him or will you train him further away?"
    >> Brick 10/10/11(Mon)01:03 No.16576755
    >> GoldPanda 10/10/11(Mon)01:14 No.16576866
    Combine these?
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/10/11(Mon)01:20 No.16576922
    You chuckle "I would find it quite sad should the world be forced to soldier on without any Old Clan orcs in it. Once your son is of age, you have my blessing to leave to raise him as you see fit."

    "Leave?" Blackbird asks, confused "from the day I was old enough to walk, and remember the day before, I was at my fathers side. Through raiding, hunting, and trading I stood at his side, watching, listening and learning. It would be foolish to raise my own son any other way."

    The heir tilts his head to the side "Certainly your gather went on hunts less dangerous, and left you at the outskirts of the raids..."

    Blackbird shakes his head "A week from my first time out with Greyhawk he led the bloodiest raid he could remember. He simply handed me a knife and told me to watch, learn and live before that. Had he sheltered me from reality, I would not have grown to be a proper orc."

    Janos clears his throat, and tugs at his collar "I can see how you became so fierce then, my friend. How many other children were with you?"

    Blackbird shrugs "Four other sons, though not my brothers. Only Blackgoat and I survived. But that is the way of the world."

    The heir chuckles "Commander Trentz, even if Blackbird had not rejected your offer to leave the Legion to raise his children, I do not think I would have allowed it. He would need something to raid to teach his sons, and I doubt there are enough hobgoblin tribes in the north to slake his urges." he replies, leaving unstated the simple fact that that means Degnarian villages would suffer.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)01:29 No.16577007
    "Well, then it seems your descendants are all but guaranteed a place in the Degnarian army. May each one earn their own legends, friend."
    >> GoldPanda 10/10/11(Mon)01:32 No.16577041
    "... Yes, Dominu. Luckily, we will still have the Loukys to deal with after this war is over. Blackbird and his sons will have plenty to do for the next few centuries."
    >> Maximus 10/10/11(Mon)01:41 No.16577122
    >> Brick 10/10/11(Mon)01:42 No.16577134

    No so sure we should mention the loukys in case we are overheard. A reference to "other threats" would suffice
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)01:49 No.16577190
         File1318225799.png-(43 KB, 656x734, 1317826301146.png)
    43 KB
    Just thought you guys might like this pic.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/10/11(Mon)01:52 No.16577204
    You chuckle "Yes, dominu. I feel that Blackbirds family will have a place in the legion for many generations to come." You pause to glance about before adding "and with the other threats on the rise, I doubt that they will lack for a foe to fight either."

    The Heir apparent shakes his head "Even if this war cripples all of the worlds nations, it will only be a few generations before we are fighting again. Perhaps sooner, i fear."

    Blackbird smiles "THat would simply mean more foes to raid sooner. War is a wonderful thing, only the most worthy survive, and the best of them are always given ample chance to rise to lead. Without war and strife, the world would be a soft, weak place."

    >so, where to next? or do you want to skip ahead to after the wedding/reception?
    >> Taffer 10/10/11(Mon)01:54 No.16577222
    Justinian's brother, of course
    >> Maximus 10/10/11(Mon)01:56 No.16577235
    Justinian's brother. We've interacted with him so few times he at least deserves this.
    >> Brick 10/10/11(Mon)02:01 No.16577281
    Sounds good to me.

    Is Lennis still freaking out? We might want to talk to him too.
    >> GoldPanda 10/10/11(Mon)02:16 No.16577410
    Talking to his while in a dress just might freak him out further. Ha.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/10/11(Mon)02:23 No.16577472
    As the raider and Heir fall into philosophical conversation, you politely make your way from the conversation. By the time you spot your brother chatting with Cornelius and Kylee, as well as a few other guests. When you reach the group, your brother wastes no time in wrapping you up in a quick, tight, manly embrace "Congratulations Justinian!" he announces, before whispering into your ear "And dont bungle these girls like you did the Derian twins. I know that they were supposed to be your first time, but I _did_ warn you to start with just one of them."

    Glowering you reply "Dont make me bring up Pia, dear brother."

    Jayne, not missing a beat, catches her sister in a hug, before the rest of your wives catch her in one as well. Cornelius, smiling, tosses you a sloppy salute and steps in just enough to compel your brotehr to give you some personal space, and ending your playful threats "Kylee, once she is free of your wives, has our gift for you... well, Kyria actually, but..."

    Corin raises an eyebrow "Oh, and what will my dear brothers shortest wife be getting?"

    "Information, and possibly knowledge from how my lady explains it. But outside of tactics and manipulating language, I fear I am but a simple foolish soldier." he stumbles through the last part, clearly trying to sound more noble and proper than his mildly inebriated state will allow.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)02:29 No.16577514
    "Well damnit, now you've got me curious."
    >> Generic 10/10/11(Mon)02:30 No.16577523

    "And here I was worried that I was the only one!"

    find out what our brother has been up to, i guess?
    >> Maximus 10/10/11(Mon)02:32 No.16577545
    "Nonsense Cornelius. Since our first battles, you've been leading part of the core of the maniple that has carried us through them. You've grown considerably since our first meeting and you've learnt to adapt to a commander that probably went against a lot of what you learnt back in the academy. I'm honoured to have you apart of my maniple."
    >> GoldPanda 10/10/11(Mon)02:49 No.16577661
    This. Flattery is always obvious, except to the recipient.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/10/11(Mon)02:52 No.16577682
    You shake your head, sighing "Nonsense Cornelius. You have been an important member of my maniple since I first selected your battalion. And since then, you have adapted well to a commander that went against most, if not all, of what you had learned before that."

    Cornelius shakes his head "Yet I cannot read and manipulate men, I can barely count past the size of a battalion, barely read. I do not learn quick my friend... the Pynra was not kind to my mind. If I ever leave the Legion, I am likely to end up like Autronius did."

    Corin tilts his head in confusion and you inform him "An ex-legion man I recruited for some of his, unrealized, talents. On the street, drunk, and slowly going mad. And that is nonsense my friend, I will always have a job for you, even when you are to old to serve in the Legion."

    Kylee cuts in "Ah yes, the quickly rising house Trentz. You married an excellent man, Jayne." she buts in, quickly cutting off the depressing conversation, and tossing a shard of metal to Kyria.

    The dwarf turns it over in her hand for but a moment beffoer muttering "Khyreeim... Perfect Steel..."

    The noblewoman holds up a hand "We pulled it from the runes on the inside of my cities main gate. Apparently the runes were filled with that particualr metal. And no other metals."
    >> Maximus 10/10/11(Mon)02:59 No.16577750
    "Do you think that steel plays a role in runes having a more permanent or amplified effect?"

    And bloody hell, we need to help out Cornelius. I feel bad for the guy now. Especially since he's chasing a noble woman too. We should do anything we can to help him out.
    >> Brick 10/10/11(Mon)03:04 No.16577784
    "Have those runes displayed any... unusual properties"
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/10/11(Mon)03:20 No.16577876
    You turn to Kylee "Have those runes displayed any... unusual, properties?"

    She shakes her head "I wish I knew. From the look of it, we were lucky to find that one shard inside the runes. One of the cities sackings must have had the runes picked out. The fact that it was found in the runes of a wall that has been standing strong since the First Age..."

    Kyria nods "This... this may be a great help to my research. thank you, Kylee."

    For a while, there is a calm silence, before Corin breaks it "Do any of you ladies have sisters? I fear that my singular state is begining to wear away at me." The fact that the silence is deepening has Corin stepping back, slowly. Your wives have heard of your brother...
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)03:23 No.16577887
    "Corin, you wouldn't be able to handle kin of these women, I can almost guarantee it."
    >> Maximus 10/10/11(Mon)03:27 No.16577914
    "Unfortunately, I believe my lovely wives have no other sisters that are free for you. One day, assuming you haven't caught one for yourself yet, I'll have to help you out with that brother."

    Choices... Do we take the risk and let the girls interrogate Corin about Justinian or do we save him from them and potentially us in the long run?

    I say we steer the girls away from him assuming we even can at this point. It might be too late and they'll demand to speak to him more.
    >> Brick 10/10/11(Mon)03:34 No.16577945
    This sounds fine to me
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/10/11(Mon)04:31 No.16578182
    You chuckle "I am sorry my dear brother, but to my knowledge, none of my wives have single sisters. Though, if you are still single further into the future, I may yet aid your search."

    Corin shakes his head "Perhaps some nobles daughter is in the same predicament as I then." he turns to face the group again "Farewell then, and congratulations, I have work to do."

    Cornelius shakes his head "And he calls it 'work' no wonder he cannot maintian a relationship."

    Kyria laughs "If I had a brother like Justinian to follow, it would seem that way to me as well."

    Sansa shakes her head "No, you sibling, be they male or female, younger or older, would be shadowed by you, Kyria. At least, when it came to affairs of the bed that is."

    Cornelius shakes his head "And they would know it as well. You lot are loud... sir."

    Laelith grins "I just wish they wouldnt force me to keep the doors shut." Sighing, you lead your harem from Cornelius and Kylee back into the feast proper. The food is delicious, the drink good, and the company excellent. The only uninvited guests are men from you maniple, but, that can be expected when they are also the security. You Kharynchek guests had been calmed by Lena, Bellatrix and Aurelius. By the end of the night, they are all in agreement that your traditions, while strange, are quite enjoyable.


    The next few days, aside from more hangover recovery, and the realization that the Heir let slip that you are "The perfect man for so many wives. The man convenes with the GODS on equal terms." are uneventful. So it is that you find yourself standing next to Jayne, in a packed Empire Square, near the front, but not so near that you must crane your head back simply to see the underside of the palaces jaw. The Emperor is much like a larger version of his son, big, musclebound and regal in bearing. His jet black hair has a natural curl to it, though, with its close cut and from your distance that is hard to tell.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/10/11(Mon)04:34 No.16578191
    Set before him is an old piece of arcana, a net of jewels, strung out between a pair of obsidian poles, no wider apart than a grown mans face is wide, and just shorter than ones head. "People of Degnar, citizens and plebians. Hear me, Garius Tephenius Durain the Fourth, your Emperor and rightful ruler. this war, long and brutal as it has been, has alos been one of, awakenings. Commanders like the Shadow Legionnaire, whose mother named Servius Lucretius, the Crimson Giant, the Lacertan commander raised by none other than my Praetorian Militant, and finally, and from what my son and subordinates tell me, the most notable of those who discovered this truth I am about to reveal, Justinain Trentz, the Midnight Dragon." you realize what is coming next almost as an afterthought.

    The emperor continues "The Arcane, have returned. Magic, elementalism, necromancy werebeasts and the rest of those ancient arts that we once thought dead, were merely slumbering powers. That is the cause for many of the losses of this War of Awakening, is our stubborn refusal to admit to this simple fact. The political divisionism that paralyzed the Legions greatest strength, their forward progress and ingenuity. I speak to all of you gathered hear today to put a stop to this squabbling, as much as to do my duty as your Emperor. Those who consider themselves of the 'Old Guard' are wrong, those who would resist progress into this Third Age fools. I throw my support to the true Degnarian Tradition, to progress and innovation. To counter Uurlanths stronger magical heritage, a heritage they have already inherited from the First Age, Justinain Trentz has been developing a method to train those with arcane talent properly, and he now has that position in truth." The crowd surges around you, many pressing in to ask you questions, you counter this by simply pushing yourself up on a small earthen pillar, one impossible to climb.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/10/11(Mon)04:35 No.16578197
    "Now that his academy for the Empires arcanely talented denizens is nearing completion, and that our war is coming to a head, I have no reason to put our training of our arcane talent any longer. The political upheaval, which I cannot order to end, only request it to do so, is no longer able to affect the outcome of this war. The fate of the Empire, and the world is set. All that remains is for us to play our part in this Tragedy of violence and discovery. Likewise I cannot name who will be the Seventh Praetorian, only announce that the office will be reinstated with the wars end. Nor can I mandate that all with arcane talent join the Legion, only stress that their talents are rare, powerful, and will see them well payed. By weeks end, the scouring of the Legion for those soldiers with arcane talent will begin as maniples rotate back from the front. Once that search is done, a corps of scouts will begin moving through the Empire, searching out both those with arcane talent, and those afflicted by werediseases." the man pauses to breathe, as the crowd waits in awed silence again, now that the brief initial outburst has ended.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/10/11(Mon)04:36 No.16578200
    "Additionally, a force of soldiers will be formed to combat any creatures of arcane, or ancient and terrible origins that may resurface with the arcanes return. Those will be the duties of the Seventh praetorian. Along with those forces, the mans fist, he himself will have to convene with the gods on behalf of the Empire. I have no proof of the Tens return, as I do for that of the arcane, but it is only logical that they would." he pauses to breathe, before announcing "Plebians, you have your word, citizens your duty. Long live the Empire." and at that, as the crowd erupts into a cacophony of confusion, excitement and fear, the Emperor leaves the jaw of the dead dragon, and back to his inner chambers.

    >and thats gonna be it for tonight
    >someone archive please
    >I should be back tuesday at 9pm server time
    >if you have any setting/CQ questions just email me at [email protected]
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)04:40 No.16578216

    Jesus christ this quest has gone on for 138 sections
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/10/11(Mon)04:45 No.16578246
    >and the story is almost halfway through!
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)04:56 No.16578303
    Thread archived. Don't forget to vote, folks.

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