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  • File : 1327438235.jpg-(31 KB, 384x319, a_strong_dictator.jpg)
    31 KB Dictator Quest Part 1 Grand Leader Quest !tr.t4dJfuU 01/24/12(Tue)15:50 No.17659180  
    -Foreword- This is a quest. Not to be used for political debate.

    Attention! You have become GRAND LEADER OF YOUR VERY OWN NATION! Lets begin. I will total the number of choices for each question, so post a pick for all 4. In the event of indecision, I will decide.

    A: What kind of nation do you run?
    1- A middle eastern nation?
    2- An African nation?
    3- A glorious, small, self dependent Asian nation.
    4- A small tropical island in the Caribbean.

    B: How do you wish to be called?
    1- Grand Leader
    2- Emperor
    3- President
    4- Strings - You rule from the shadows.

    C: What is your nation's resources?
    1- Oil! Lots of oil! Black gold.
    2- Look at this rock, now look at me, now look back at the rock. The rock is now BLOOD DIAMONDS!
    3- Golddddd, dig, dig, digitty dig. Gold makes the world go around!
    4- Average resources (nothing special that you know of. Could discover things later.)

    D: Political Alliances
    1- Russia
    2- USA
    3- China
    4- Self Reliant / "4th party."

    I will check back on the thread often as possible, but post times could run 30 minutes or more.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)15:53 No.17659219
    Fuck yes.


    Let's do this.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)15:55 No.17659241
    A: 2 - African Nation
    B: 3 - President
    C: 4 - Average Resources
    D: 2 - USA

    It's time to make a shining beacon of modernity and civilization in central Africa.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)15:56 No.17659253

    I'm king of a fucking gold-filled island.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)15:57 No.17659258
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)15:58 No.17659269
    Oh god yes

    A4 - Let's go tropico.
    B3 - President/El Presidente if you please
    C1 - Oil. Allways oil,all the time.
    D1 - Russia. In Soviet Russia, government elects you (for gulag)
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)16:00 No.17659299
    I second this.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)16:01 No.17659309

    > Implying civil wars and corruption wouldn't fuck your shit up.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)16:06 No.17659349

    Let's rock
    >> Grand Leader Quest !tr.t4dJfuU 01/24/12(Tue)16:07 No.17659360
         File1327439220.jpg-(26 KB, 574x385, su-25-08p07.jpg)
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    I will tally the numbers in 5 or 10 minutes.

    Also note: I'm at work. I can run this, but like I said, time between posts may vary. This game will also follow majority vote and/or rule of cool.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)16:08 No.17659374
         File1327439303.jpg-(56 KB, 600x439, Ahhhhh.jpg)
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    >I'm at work
    >running a quest
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)16:09 No.17659387
         File1327439375.jpg-(4 KB, 126x121, 1326749791830s.jpg)
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    >> Grand Leader Quest !tr.t4dJfuU 01/24/12(Tue)16:09 No.17659388
    I'm an editor. Some of these render times take 20-30+ minutes at 1080p.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)16:15 No.17659471
    I have a dream of creating a secular, modern, corruption-free and militarily competent African nation where the rule of Law presides. A dream of an African nation that can get its shit together and not depend on handouts from the First World.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)16:16 No.17659483
    A - 2
    preferably a coastal nation, being landlocked sucks dick

    B -2
    I am the Emperor, my family rules because we have the power, strength of will, and determination to bring our nation into prominence. There will be no discussions of who shall rule next, one of my sons will. If he is not fit then another family member will be found. The Philosopher King of Aristotelian thought

    C - 1
    Oil of course, rich and previously undiscovered oil fields have been discovered recently. It will take a strong hand to guide the nation through the inevitable problems that the influx of capitol will bring.

    D - 1
    hopefully the safer of the 3, tends to look kinder on dictators
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)16:18 No.17659509
    It's do-able. I tried to create something similar out of Sierra Leone and Liberia in a PbP forum game last year after I took a pair of modern Africa classes, but there weren't enough IRL analogies to make it work (IMF, World Bank, US interests).

    This could be an interesting quest. Either we actually struggle to do things right and create a better world for these people, or we botch it and have fun with another generic dictatorship
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)16:20 No.17659526
    A: 2
    B: 4
    C: 4
    D: 4

    (Hard Mode)
    >> Grand Leader Quest !tr.t4dJfuU 01/24/12(Tue)16:22 No.17659553
         File1327440152.jpg-(16 KB, 285x210, Idi-Amin-Obituary17aug03.jpg)
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    A: African Nation.
    B: President! - Your nation has elected you through a 'fair' voting system.
    C: Average Resources - Nothing particularly amazing about your country. There are enough resources for you to be self reliant on most things, but not enough to export at this time.
    D: Russia & China - Your equipment is supplied by them. You have a few minor obligations but they do favor you when they aren't to busy forgetting you exist. On your way to being semi-self dependent/4th party.

    A: What do you wish to name your glorious nation, Leader?
    Most interesting (or most supported) name wins.

    B: What is your name by the way....and race/gender?
    Again, most interesting or supported wins.

    C: Where in Africa are you located? NOTE: All regions are coastal and have mountains/rocky hills.
    1: North {Desert}
    2: East {Savannah & Desert}
    3: West {Jungle}
    4: South {Temperate}
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)16:22 No.17659555
    The biggest stumbling block I see is culture and the people themselves.
    We could do a dictatorship, try to get everything in order, and once the foundation has been laid and the people are ready for democracy, transition to a republic.
    But we're going to need supreme executive power to overcome the problems facing us.
    And I think >>17659483 is right that Russia would be the safest bet, considering that we're a dictatorship wanting to stay independent.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)16:24 No.17659573
    A: New Swadia.
    B: Wealthy African, studied abroad. Russia most-likely.
    C. The West.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)16:27 No.17659609
    A: Democratic African Union.

    B: Johann Xavier Cross.Male

    C: West. Don't want to be near Europe or Arabia.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)16:27 No.17659610
    A. Republic of Zanzibarland
    B. Theodore Garawa, native of Zanzibarland
    C. 4 - South.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)16:27 No.17659615
         File1327440462.png-(605 KB, 700x456, Abandoned ZSU.png)
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    A: Union of Socialist African Republics? Doesn't work if we're not socialist. Well, it might, since Africa is so messed up anyway.

    B: Something African-y. Ngonbo. Something Ngonbo? Male. Graduate of Moscow U, with a major in corruption, minor in secret shamanism

    C: West west westwestwest
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)16:29 No.17659631

    Muhammed Nkomo, son of Joshua Nkomo (Guerrilla leader in Zimbambwe)

    Black as the night.

    Jungle, got to be jungle
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)16:29 No.17659634

    B: This
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)16:30 No.17659639
    Most African nations today are named after the dominant tribe in the area. How about we make one up and stick "-ia" or some other suffix on the end. Like... Bogundia. Chlothosia. Bizantouland
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)16:30 No.17659645
    A: Maudaya

    B: Henry Negasso, Male

    C: West
    >> That McGuyver 01/24/12(Tue)16:32 No.17659659
    Nation: People's Republic of the Fourth Reich
    Leader: White Female, because you just dont see white or female dictators.
    Name: Madame Bitchtits. Anyone who asks why gets sent to the camps.
    Location: East, so we can weaponize lions and elephants.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)16:32 No.17659668

    A: Bangalla

    B: Black male, obviously.

    C: East
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)16:33 No.17659680
    Unrelated but this gave me an idea for ultra-long term emplacements / ready to use defenses. Paint them to look rusted and abandoned; but secretly kept up to be usable at a moment's notice.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)16:42 No.17659768
    Actually, I was thinking that since we have ties with Russia, that we make contracts with the manufacturers of AK rifles to set up factories in our nation.
    We get a discount on AK-104's and ammo, and they get reasonably-priced labor.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)16:43 No.17659782
    A - New Rhodesia?
    aww balls, i dont know any african names. Lets go with somthing terrible like New Rhodesia

    B - Male Black
    Born in nation I now lead, higher education outside of the country. I like the russian education idea, connections from university.

    C - 3 West
    Plenty of water, food, wood, etc. Jungle holds many secrets, need to commission some exploratory expeditions to find some resources that we can export and increase quality of life
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)16:46 No.17659819
    that is a fucking fantastic idea. i second this

    what about really shitty shipping laws, so commercial ships will register with us.

    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)16:47 No.17659825
         File1327441673.jpg-(26 KB, 387x512, Child soldiers.jpg)
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    Typical Saturday afternoon in [country]
    >> That McGuyver 01/24/12(Tue)16:48 No.17659830
    >Implying we aren't using Auto-Kalishnikovs from the Cold War
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)16:49 No.17659835
    >2- An African nation?

    >3- President

    >4- Average resources (nothing special that you know of. Could discover things later.)

    >1- Russia

    The People's Republic of Central Africa is a go.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)16:50 No.17659848
    >not just using the AKM-74

    nigga u dum
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)16:51 No.17659859
    Actually, our shipping and nautical laws should be stringent, so that ships will want to dock in our ports.
    A trick that some unscrupulous people do is bribe a local judge to sign a Search and Seizure warrant, get a gang to serve the warrant on a cargo ship, and then steal the ship and sell it at auction.

    We want to prevent that sort of dickery.
    >> Grand Leader Quest !tr.t4dJfuU 01/24/12(Tue)16:52 No.17659867
         File1327441978.jpg-(6 KB, 203x152, _39184461_bockariebody.jpg)
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    A: Republic of Zanzibar
    B: Negasso Garawa. Also known as "Xavier" - Black Male, Graduated from Moscow University. Business major.
    C: West, near the Ivory Coast.

    More Questions!

    A: What sort of government officially? We are a dictatorship, of course, but do we present ourselves a.....?

    B: Religion. Freedom or a specific religion? (I will not tolerate off-topic rants here. This is a fictional setting.) Made up religions are acceptable, as well as real world.

    C: Era. This affects World-Levels more-so than you...
    1. Cold War (Late 70s)
    2. Post-Cold War (Mid 90s)
    3. Modern/Very Near Future (2010s)
    >> Grand Leader Quest !tr.t4dJfuU 01/24/12(Tue)16:54 No.17659881
    A may change title from Republic to other things. In hindsight, I should of left "Republic of..." out. Woops.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)16:55 No.17659894
    A: Republic

    B: Freedom

    C: Modern/Very Near Future
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)16:56 No.17659910
    A: Republic
    B: Freedom
    C: Modern Era
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)16:56 No.17659912

    A. People's Technate
    B. Separation of church and state
    C. Cold War
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)16:57 No.17659916
    A. Socialistic Republic.
    B. Freedom.
    C. 2.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)16:57 No.17659920
         File1327442243.jpg-(59 KB, 480x455, Oxford.jpg)
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    Our country's University.
    >> That McGuyver 01/24/12(Tue)16:57 No.17659927
    Our trade policy should leave us like New Vegas Legion traders, not many do it but they are golden if they are willing to work with us, as we take no shit from thieves and pirates
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)16:57 No.17659928

    A. Democratic Republic with a similar framework to Congo.
    B. Freedom
    C. 3. Modern/Very Near Future (2010s)
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)16:57 No.17659929
    A: Well, we're a president, but that doesn't mean anything. Democracy is popular with first world nations everywhere, at least the word is, so I vote (hah) for that.

    B: Most of West Africa is Muslim, but that kind of Muslim where they don't actually practice or make a big deal about it. There's also some Christians and a lot of shamanism, so... Muslim?

    C: Modern? We can arrange protests at how unjust the Arab Spring is

    Union seemed to be popular. Also, Zanzibar is an actual place, in East Africa no less, and is in fact a country already IIRC
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)16:59 No.17659937
    >A: What sort of government officially? We are a dictatorship, of course, but do we present ourselves a.....?

    Socialist Republic

    >B: Religion. Freedom or a specific religion? (I will not tolerate off-topic rants here. This is a fictional setting.) Made up religions are acceptable, as well as real world.

    Freedom allowed. The state is officially secular and any law based on religious pretext is forbidden. Practically speaking, highly religious individuals make it nowhere in politics.

    >1. Cold War (Late 70s)
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)16:59 No.17659939
    A couple of my friends just got back from spending several months in Kinshasa. It's really, really terrible. Let's do our best to avoid being like Congo
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)17:00 No.17659951

    Seconding being a secular country.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)17:02 No.17659977
    We will be a secular, modern, mostly corruption-free African nation that can stand on its own.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)17:03 No.17659985
    So we're the theoretical Benevolent Dictator, then?
    >> Grand Leader Quest !tr.t4dJfuU 01/24/12(Tue)17:14 No.17660084
    Currently handling a big shuffle of work. Will process information in the next 10-20 minutes.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)17:15 No.17660092
    party members vote for a party candidate, party candidates then run in general. find ways to limit voting pool, such as limit it to landowners etc

    freedom for the most part,
    terrorist groups will not be tolerated, anyone we dont like is not a terrorist group.

    C - 3
    modern/ very near future because why the fuck not
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)17:18 No.17660125
    We're President For Life, as appointed by the people. We can only be removed by voluntary abdication (not bloody likely) or a vote of the (actually regularly elected) legislature. This ain't gonna happen, because we have a cult of personality and the loyalty of the military.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)17:20 No.17660144
    rolled 60 = 60

    A - 3
    B - 3
    C - 3
    D - 4
    >> Grand Leader Quest !tr.t4dJfuU 01/24/12(Tue)17:36 No.17660293
         File1327444601.jpg-(97 KB, 640x480, ivorycoastcity.jpg)
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    We're better-Zanzibar. Fuck them! (I am aware they exist. No law says two nations can't have the same name.) To avoid confusion however, I changed it to Zanzi.

    A: Republic of Zanzi (The better Zanzibar.)
    B: Secular / Freedom of Religion!
    C: Modern Era!


    Nation: Republic of Zanzi
    Information: Free Religion! Republic!
    Resources: Average Resources. Specific to come soon.
    Location: West Africa near Ivory Coast. Fictional location. To be mapped.
    Political Ties: Russia is a close friend - when they remember we exist... China has sold/loaned equipment to us before.
    Era: Near Future / Modern. Late 2012.

    Leader: President Negasso Garawa. Also known as "Xavier" - Elected President For Life.
    Race: Black Male
    History: Graduated from Moscow University with a business major. Has contacts within the Russian government.


    I will be accepting proposals for flag designs (MSPaint them.) - No offensive flags please. Must 'fit' the logic of a national standard.


    PRESIDENT! Your first order is at hand, your people await your wisdom...

    -Our people in the Capital City wish for a new name to forget the old regime. What do you wish to name our glorious home city? Need I remind you, President, it is coastal.

    -A few reports, it seems some political rebels have fled to the jungles after your election. They do not seem a threat however and have made no violent actions yet.

    -There also seems to be some pirates off our coast from neighboring nations. Our fishermen have been harassed by them on more than one occasion.

    -Let us also not forget the UN is doing Peace Keeping in near-by Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast.)
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)17:38 No.17660314
    >-A few reports, it seems some political rebels have fled to the jungles after your election. They do not seem a threat however and have made no violent actions yet.

    Root them out before they become a problem!
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)17:43 No.17660380
    Capital Name: Perun Beach

    Rebels: Send a negotiator to find out what they want and what we can do to prevent conflict without being forced to kill them all.

    Pirates: Build up the coast guard, offer arms to the fishermen.

    Peace-keeping: Cooperate fully with the UN. Offer aid.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)17:46 No.17660436
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    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/24/12(Tue)17:49 No.17660471
    I like it.
    Maybe offer tax cuts to farms and plantation owners that offer a percentage of their crops to the state, for government rations, welfare food, as well as humanitarian offers.

    Have a working airforce, helicopters or aircraft, eitherway air superiority is easy to have in africa.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)17:50 No.17660478
         File1327445426.png-(5 KB, 322x198, flagrough.png)
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    >will be accepting proposals for flag designs (MSPaint them.)

    >-A few reports, it seems some political rebels have fled to the jungles after your election. They do not seem a threat however and have made no violent actions yet

    Hunt them down, quietly. The west will inevitably court them due to our Russian ties.

    >-There also seems to be some pirates off our coast from neighboring nations. Our fishermen have been harassed by them on more than one occasion.

    Make an example of them. Run them down, give them show trials, have them shot. Pirates must be made to understand that if they stray into our waters, they will be killed.

    >-Let us also not forget the UN is doing Peace Keeping in near-by Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast.)

    Contribute a token military force to build up combat experience in our army and to remind Africa and the world that we are a sovereign nation capable of force projection.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)17:51 No.17660492
    Haven't done anything yet. Promise amnesty and no reprisals if they'll stop with the agitating and help make Zanzibar into a nation we can be proud of.
    >new city name
    Port Hope

    Begin talks with neighbors and nations that travel through our waters for a unified working framework to eliminate these pirates.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)18:03 No.17660642
    >Port Hope
    or maybe Freeport (Everquest style)
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)18:05 No.17660663
    Russian Mi-24 Hinds should be a good purchase, then.
    Plentiful, rugged, and work as both gunship and troop carrier.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)18:09 No.17660705

    Captical City: We'll rename it to Port Liberty. You can't have enough liberty.

    Rebels: Offer them amnesty if they stay nice and give us their weapons. Also get checked which political connections these guys have.

    Pirates: Find out where these guys live. If in our land, raid their villages. If in another country, ask the president wether we can raid them (pretty please)

    UN: Offer them help by building and partially supplying camps for ground forces. Russia and China may initially not like this, but the more we help the UN, the more influence we may get and the more useful we are to our allies..and to us.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)18:11 No.17660744
    Rebels: We should find out their demands, and try to detain some higher ranks to find out if they have connections.
    UN: We should vocally support the UN in the operations in the Ivory Coast. We want to be seen as a force of peacekeeping and justice in the region.
    >> Grand Leader Quest !tr.t4dJfuU 01/24/12(Tue)18:13 No.17660774
    I will be handling information within the next 30 minutes, if I fail to, it could be an hour and thirty from now. I will keep you updated.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)18:21 No.17660887
         File1327447300.png-(27 KB, 657x360, zanzi_flag.png)
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    Here is my version of the flag. The base image is a Slavic thunder mark, from wikipedia.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)18:26 No.17660949
    >Plantation owners
    Fuck that, land reform based on the Taiwanese model.
    Suddenly you have shitload of small farmers that owe everything to us instead of an elite class whose dick we have to suck.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)18:36 No.17661106
         File1327448214.jpg-(77 KB, 471x344, Zanziflagidea.jpg)
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    The stars represent how we are clearly the star of the show.
    >> Grand Leader Quest !tr.t4dJfuU 01/24/12(Tue)18:37 No.17661115
         File1327448277.jpg-(173 KB, 300x300, United-Nations1.jpg)
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    Captical City: Port Liberty - The citizens rejoice in this! Firework displays have erupted across the city. (As have a few fires due to Firework misuse. We are dealing with it Mr. President. Perhaps look at it as "the warm hearts of our populace."

    Rebels: We will try to track them down and offer amnesty if they cooperate, but that same information would be useful to destroy them if they refuse.

    Pirates: There are no leads of their home base right now, but we have begun arming select fishing vessels and starting a fledgling coast guard in doing so.

    UN: We have offered the support of what limited resources we have, to help in the Ivory Coast. The UN gladly requests 500 of our best men to be deployed to the combat zone. They promise to furnish them with new weapons and training. Russia and China have no comments.
    >> Grand Leader Quest !tr.t4dJfuU 01/24/12(Tue)18:40 No.17661135
    In regards to flag. Continue to submit flags.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)18:42 No.17661156
    Fireworks: Encourage citizens to use pyrotechnics safely.

    Pirates: See if neighboring countries have any helpful information on pirate activity.

    UN: Give them the 500 they request.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)18:42 No.17661161
         File1327448563.jpg-(35 KB, 400x300, m16-a3.jpg)
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    >They promise to furnish them with new weapons and training.

    That better not include jamming jamrifles.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)18:43 No.17661174
    Someone should try incorporating the UN symbol, especially the wreath, into something african. That's the extent of my ideas right now.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)18:48 No.17661226
    People are encouraged to practice safety with fireworks. They can use them, just don't be stupid.

    Provide the requested soldiers. It means more free equipment and training for our military. Just remember to tell the soldiers that they are now on the world stag; their behavior will be monitored by the world.
    In short: DON'T FUCK THIS UP FOR US.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)18:51 No.17661252
    we should do what Franco did in Spain

    armed guards protect the streets at night. anyone should be able to walk down any street without fear of being mugged, raped, or killed. Perhaps encourage the guards/police to get to know the area and people they protect, encouraging good will.

    of course, any incidents involving abuse of power will be cracked down on by the fist of a non-denominational god itself!
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)19:14 No.17661520
         File1327450489.jpg-(122 KB, 610x918, Hell Yeah.jpg)
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    I like this flag. Simple, yet attractive
    >> Grand Leader Quest !tr.t4dJfuU 01/24/12(Tue)19:26 No.17661632
    Home now from work. Will be going over the posts now.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)20:10 No.17662168
    >> Grand Leader Quest !tr.t4dJfuU 01/24/12(Tue)20:13 No.17662198
         File1327453986.jpg-(132 KB, 1208x561, zanzi.jpg)
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    NOTE: For the purposes of our little world, Cote d'Ivorie and Ghana are "further apart" than in the real world, magically placing in our nation between them. See picture.

    -UN Has accepted your acceptance. Your 500 men have been driven to Ivory and are undergoing training with "modern" jamming guns, and light armored vehicles. 10 of them, showing promise, are being trained in basic flight skills.

    -Investigations of the Pirates show that they are from a stretch of abandoned coast "owned" by Ghana- another large nation nearby (see map.)

    -Your people ask for Television. It seems the old state run television station has been dismantled and few homes have sets to tune in with anyways.

    -Russia is offering 10 Mig-29s and 35 BMP-2s for your national security in exchange for political support in the UN should they accept you as a peace keeping force - under new developments you have taken. Of course, it will still cost you a hefty sum of national debt, or promises of some sort...

    -Your people wishes for alcohol to be legalized. It seems old laws in place ban alcoholic drinks - even though there are wide spread bars and limited enforcement. It makes no mention of drug use.

    -Your people wish to adopt the Vuvuzela as the national musical instrument.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)20:20 No.17662302
    >pirates in Ghana
    Open diplomatic talks with Ghana about how to approach this problem. Be ready to talk with other nations to get Ghana to clean up its act.

    >Russian arms
    Tricky. What motions are they planning to bring up in the UN? We need to not be tempted by the military hardware, and make sure of our own best interest.

    Start up a state-sponsored television corporation, get in talks with the BBC to get some of their programming and news.

    Legalize it, however, crack down on DUI and other crimes which endanger others. You can drink however much you want, just don't endanger anybody else with your drunken shenanigans.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)20:28 No.17662413
    Pirates: Bring the situation to the attention of Ghana and offer to deal with the problem for them.

    Television: See what outdated, inexpensive equipment we can acquire from Russia and China to establish a new station. Also attempt to acquire cheap televisions. Shop around for international television companies that might be willing to provide us with programming.

    Russia: What kind of promises are they looking for? Can we negotiate for different hardware?

    Alcohol: Legalize it, but encourage the people to drink responsibly.

    Vuvuzela: Do it. Create a national competition for Vuvuzela "bands." Keep tabs on the popular perception of the vuvuzela, so that we will know if/when the people get tired of them.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)20:48 No.17662740
    >> Grand Leader Quest !tr.t4dJfuU 01/24/12(Tue)20:59 No.17662929
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    -Ghana says that there is no way that the pirates come from their nation and that you MUST be mistaken. They also remind you to stay out of their territorial waters as some of your fishermen have strayed there lately.

    -Russia says that they have no 'agenda' and would remind you to remember your past with them. Russia would enjoy rights to explore your nation for resources untapped. You would get a % of them to sustain yourself, but the majority would be theirs until 'debts' paid off. Oil or Gold might be useful.

    -Television, Samsung may be willing to cut you a deal for imports. BBC would be willing to offer channels. Russia would be willing to include radio/television tower installations with the prior mentioned negotiations.

    -Alcohol & Vuvuzela's! Your citizens praise you for legalizing the alcohol. Vuvuzelas are used in mass to celebrate this. You adopt them as a national instrument at the same time.

    -Shell Oil would like to inquire searching off your coast for oil.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)21:05 No.17663014
    Ghana: Gather irrefutable evidence of the origin of the pirates. Shift most of our anti-pirate resources to that region. Make sure Ghana's territorial borders are respected.

    Russia: Get our most shrewd and legal-minded people to iron out an agreement that the Russians will be happy with but doesn't leave us bent over.

    Television: Yes to all.

    Shell: As with Russia, see how we can finagle any contracts to avoid us getting the poor end of the deal.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)21:10 No.17663072
    >Investigations of the Pirates show that they are from a stretch of abandoned coast "owned" by Ghana- another large nation nearby (see map.)

    Attack them in the name of peace for all nations.

    >Your people ask for Television. It seems the old state run television station has been dismantled and few homes have sets to tune in with anyways.

    Set up a sort of filtered news station. All who direct the news stations are in control by the government, and things can easily be blacklisted in case of information needing to be kept from the people.

    >Russia is offering 10 Mig-29s and 35 BMP-2s for your national security in exchange for political support in the UN should they accept you as a peace keeping force - under new developments you have taken. Of course, it will still cost you a hefty sum of national debt, or promises of some sort...

    Nope. Don't get weapons just yet. Industry first.

    >Your people wishes for alcohol to be legalized. It seems old laws in place ban alcoholic drinks - even though there are wide spread bars and limited enforcement. It makes no mention of drug use.

    Only legalize it to people over the age of 21. Allow it, though.

    >Your people wish to adopt the Vuvuzela as the national musical instrument.

    No. Never. Suggest a different, more "freedom-ish" instrument. Perhaps the bongos?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)21:13 No.17663118
    Whoops, a bit too late.


    >Ghana says that there is no way that the pirates come from their nation and that you MUST be mistaken. They also remind you to stay out of their territorial waters as some of your fishermen have strayed there lately.

    Tell them that you will not tred on their land, but if any pirates stray on our land, they shall be destroyed in the name of peace and freedom.

    >Russia says that they have no 'agenda' and would remind you to remember your past with them. Russia would enjoy rights to explore your nation for resources untapped. You would get a % of them to sustain yourself, but the majority would be theirs until 'debts' paid off. Oil or Gold might be useful.

    I wouldn't want to be Russia's Bitch, but let's just wait a bit longer. In the mean time, search for these resources ourselves.

    >Television, Samsung may be willing to cut you a deal for imports. BBC would be willing to offer channels. Russia would be willing to include radio/television tower installations with the prior mentioned negotiations.

    Go with Russia, as long as you can filter it at any time in case of information the public should not know. There should be no unfiltered news stations.
    -Alcohol & Vuvuzela's! Your citizens praise you for legalizing the alcohol. Vuvuzelas are used in mass to celebrate this. You adopt them as a national instrument at the same time.

    -Shell Oil would like to inquire searching off your coast for oil.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)21:16 No.17663157
    Now that I think on it some more, I rescind the idea of agreeing to Russia's deal.
    Instead, we drag out the negotiations while we send our own survey teams in and find the resources ourselves.
    And instead of military hardware with no way to maintain them, we ask for more useful things like economic trade treaties, factories, infrastructure, technical training.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)21:26 No.17663322
    Begin talks with other nations that are getting tired of Ghanese pirates' shit. Concentrate patrols in that area, and make sure that Ghanese borders are respected.

    Send out our own resource surveyors, while changing the negotiation to one of economic treaties, infrastructure deals, factories, and technical training and education.

    See what terms they're offering for exploration rights.

    Yes to all (including the Russian deal if it goes through above).
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)21:26 No.17663326
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)21:30 No.17663380
    rolled 1, 4, 1, 3 = 9


    >> Grand Leader Quest !tr.t4dJfuU 01/24/12(Tue)21:38 No.17663524
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    -Russia is willing to do TV/Radio/Communication infrastructure in exchange for UN support and seeking resources for you. Russia is also requesting an Embassy in your capital city.

    -China is offering to do the same as Russia, but requesting a Navy base for Chinese (and your own) use instead of resources. Along with a military alliance.

    -Ghanese Pirates have been engaged recently by your Coast Guard Fishermen. The Pirates were killed, you have recovered evidence that a corporation within Ghana might be funding them to harass you.

    -TV imports have been agreed to. BBC will set up a TV broadcast system for you for a price, it will only work within your capital city however due to limited range. They also suggest satellite - but that raises cost per-TV set... and prevents National Broadcasts, easily at least.

    -Shell offers a discount on their gasoline exported to you IF they find the resources off your coast...

    REMINDER ON FREE ACTION - you may make a new action unrelated to the above.... but if it is 'to unrelevant' it may be passed over.
    >> Interzone (president Al Seraphrim) Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)21:39 No.17663545
    rolled 30 = 30


    rolled 1,4,1,3

    A1 Interzone; Middle East, off the coast of Morocco.

    B4 relative of the president, attempting a violent coup to seize power

    C1 working oil pipelines and coastal transport protected by UN guards secure a strong finacial growth for Interzone, making oil the largest percentage of the GNP.

    D3 political alliance with China selling crude oil for chinese processing at 94% of the cost of american or australian crude oil. China in return has supplied Interzone with several Frigates and Cruisers.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)21:48 No.17663707

    Ghana: Continue to gather evidence as to the origin of the pirates.

    Russia: Arms for money is fine, but surely I.. I mean, we the people want to benefit the most from our own natural resources. We should at least see what our options are before selling the rights to another nation.

    Television: Banning the BBC is a surefire way to show off our dictatorial intentions, so we wouldn't want that just yet. Perhaps they might even wish to invest here, setting up a BBC World Service or just a transmitter of kinds. Show the world that we've got good intentions, and respect freedom of the press.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)21:48 No.17663712

    An embassy is fine. Send out our own resource surveyors immediately, buy American if we have to, and see what the Russians are so interested about.

    Request details on this military alliance.

    Hire private contractors and investigators (if we don't have our own intelligence agency) and track down this corporation. Maintain the status quo for now.

    >TV imports
    National Emergency Broadcasts are important. We'll expand our communication infrastructure as we grow economically. The capital city and surrounding regions will have to suffice for now.

    What the fuck do they take us for? Bitches? Do we look like bitches to them?
    No, we get a big cut of the profits AND the gas discount.

    >Free Action
    Improve education, specifically technical schools. We need a skilled workforce before we can afford a higher-education workforce.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)21:49 No.17663735
    Pirates: Gather more information. Offer a bounty for pirates captured in good enough condition to be interrogated.

    TV: Stick with the non-satellite system. We can upgrade it later if necessary.

    Shell: We need more than a discount.

    For the international matter, I'd favor the Russian offer, though a naval base and alliance is tempting as hell.

    Free Action: General improvements in education.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)21:52 No.17663764

    Chinese alliance seems far more reasonable, and a Naval Base would provide jobs, income and security for our nation. Go for it.

    Though, first, see if India and/or Brazil have anything to offer us.

    Suggest to the BBC that they could get an exclusive on the Ghanian Pirates issue, with a personal interview with the President included, in exchange for a lower price/improved service on the transmitters.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)21:56 No.17663836
    Suggestion: We put Russia and Shell in a bidding war for our resources, use the cash to fund the rebels into supporting us and attacking Ghana. Deniable assets for the win.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)21:58 No.17663854
    I would also caution us from allowing a Chinese Naval Base here. This has really long-lasting implications: Chinese forces here that can strongarm us, as well as making us a target for NATO, India, and all China-weary nations.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)21:58 No.17663859

    The bidding war idea is fine, but I'd rather invest the money in building up our infrastructure and education system. No sense in escalating the Ghanian issue just yet.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)22:01 No.17663915

    Ghana has already begun an escalation. I feel that a "first strike" is necessary, we need our waters for fishing and shipping once we get a natural resource agreement. In addition, these rebels are "opposing us as well" amiright?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)22:07 No.17663985

    We don't know yet if the Ghanian government is behind the pirate issue. If we get incontrovertible proof that it's a Ghanian corporation doing it, we and other nations fed up with piracy can put diplomatic pressure on the Ghanian government to put an end to piracy coming from within their own borders, or we will do it for them. We look like the good guys and enhance our international reputation.

    If we find that the Ghanian government is responsible, however.. then we can send rebels in to mess them up. Till then, I think it's too early to do anything rash that could quickly escalate into all out war.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)22:08 No.17664000
    >Suggest to the BBC that they could get an exclusive on the Ghanian Pirates issue, with a personal interview with the President included, in exchange for a lower price/improved service on the transmitters.

    Take the Chinese deal, push the Russia and Shell deals so we can benefit from our resources.
    >> Interzone (New! introducing president Mohammad Sepharim) Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)22:11 No.17664042
    rolled 48 = 48

    >-Russia is willing to do >TV/Radio/Communication infrastructure in exchange for UN support and seeking resources for you. Russia is also requesting an Embassy in your capital city.
    agree to an embassy and secure a long term contract with favorable rates to russia for cheap crude oil.

    >China is offering to do the same as Russia, but requesting a Navy base for Chinese (and your own) use instead of resources. Along with a military alliance.
    sign contract to allow chinese naval base to start pre production immediately, though a large pecentage of the labor will be done by nationals.

    >-Ghanese Pirates have been engaged recently by your Coast Guard Fishermen. The Pirates were killed, you have recovered evidence that a corporation within Ghana might be funding them to harass you.
    Seek political negotiation with ghana

    -TV imports have been agreed to. BBC will set up a TV broadcast system for you for a price, it will only work within your capital city however due to limited range. They also suggest satellite - but that raises cost per-TV set... and prevents National Broadcasts, easily at least.

    >-Shell offers a discount on their gasoline exported to you IF they find the resources off your coast...
    It needs to be a considerable increase in profit to consider this, ask for time to consider the options, though sell the right for exploration for new oil fields.

    >REMINDER ON FREE ACTION - you may make a new action unrelated to the above.... but if it is 'to unrelevant' it may be passed over.

    "The President is dead! Long live the President!"

    Mohammad Sepharim, relative of President Al Sepharim, assassinates and seizes political control. Under new economic reform with China und Russia, as well as the UN, Interzone seeks international aid in strengthening a growing economy, and stablization of political disodence.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)22:17 No.17664128
    You realize that only one nation exists. Yours isnt part of the current game. Everyone leads one.
    >> Grand Leader Quest !tr.t4dJfuU 01/24/12(Tue)22:38 No.17664445
         File1327462708.jpg-(1.69 MB, 3008x1960, Ghanaian_Navy_035.jpg)
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    - Russia and Shell have been pushed into a bidding war for it... they will get back to us soon with their offers.

    - China reminds us that Ghana is also their Ally... and that the pirate issue could be dealt with more thoroughly if we were to allow them to build base in our port.

    -Education improvement program has been hailed as a positive thing for your people by world nations around - USA to China.

    -UN Report for Ivory Coast - 38 of your men have been killed in a friendly fire incident from French Airforce acting under UN Sanction.

    -Rebels in the Jungles have disappeared from contact...

    -Ghana Navy has intercepted some pirates and taken them out. Ghana assures you that further piracy will not come from their coasts.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)22:44 No.17664526
    China: Tell them we'll think about it.

    Education: Hype it up. Declare our vision for a well-educated Africa. See if we can get funding from the UN and charitable groups.

    Ivory Coast: Have the French apologized? Even if they haven't, this is the kind of thing that can't always be helped. Publicly mourn their loss. Privately, see if there's any more to the story that we haven't been told.

    Rebels: Search for them.

    Ghana: Thank them for their diligence. Maintain coast guard activity, but pull patrols back a bit.
    >> Grand Leader Quest !tr.t4dJfuU 01/24/12(Tue)22:59 No.17664758
    Bumping for sake of more political input.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)23:00 No.17664768
    Writing it up right now, give me a minute.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)23:05 No.17664833
    >Russia and Shell
    While they're busy, get to hiring our own resource prospectors and finding out what we have.

    Get some analysts together, foreign educated preferred, and hire some foreigners if we have to, to analyse the situation and see how granting China this naval base affect our dealings with Russia, the surrounding nations, NATO, and the US.

    >Ivory Coast
    Has France apologized? Find out, quietly, the particulars of the incident.
    Publicly mourn the loss of our soldiers, that they gave their lives in the line of duty, to bring peace and order to a chaotic and war-torn continent.

    Search for them. This is troubling.

    Publicly thank Ghana for their vigilance and helping to maintain law and order on the high seas. Continue secretly investigating that corporation.

    >Free Action
    Check that we are good in terms of food production and nutrition, as well as stores of food. Set up agricultural programs so that we can maximize our crop yields without destroying our ecology; our land is our second-most precious resource after our people.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)23:11 No.17664911
    Do we get a free action every time or will you prompt for it?
    >> Grand Leader Quest !tr.t4dJfuU 01/24/12(Tue)23:13 No.17664935
    Every turn, but it isn't guaranteed the action will be done.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)23:19 No.17665051
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)23:31 No.17665252
    We can almost certainly build our own weapons here. Talk to the Russians about getting discounts on the hardware necessary to mass produce AK-74s right here at home. Look into developing our own light armor assets (which is mostly all we'll need for now) and try to goad various foreign nations into bidding wars over who will sell us aircraft (that way, we get a better deal).

    We don't need anything world-breaking right now. I'd say buy up some BMP-1s and BMP-2s, some T-55s, and a handful of T-72s for our "elite" armor. We've got to remember that all we have to do is be better than our neighbors and we'll be good.

    We should make a concerted effort to produce as many things domestically as possible. Whole tanks is probably beyond us for now, but automatic rifles? Ammunition? Spare parts? We can do that.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)23:31 No.17665253

    on China wanting a naval base:

    allow it, but chinese engineers and mechanics must be able and willing to teach our first wave of engineers/mechanics, and at least one person must be provided to help teach chinese to help enable future joint-operations.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)23:37 No.17665344
    We should encourage the naval base for another reason: cash infusion. Navy sailors get drunk, horny, and bored at sea. We need to have bars, brothels, and the works on-hand to drink up some delicious monies.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)23:39 No.17665395

    of course, but practical education will be vital to our country being self-reliant, and China likely won't mind providing such services in exchange for being able to project their power via the base for say... 30 or 50 years to start? (before renegotiations)
    >> Grand Leader Quest !tr.t4dJfuU 01/24/12(Tue)23:41 No.17665421
    I will take all your considerations and keep them in mind for tomorrow's post.

    Dictator Quest has been archived. I will pick it up sometime tomorrow.
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/24/12(Tue)23:43 No.17665457
    Actually, a thread on /k/ about American Made AKs gives me an idea.
    Machine companies in smaller eastern european companies would have the tools and machines necessary to make AK-47/74s, which we could buy and have shipped to Better Zanzibar rather than going through the russian government.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)02:43 No.17667185
    I was thinking, what if, after we secretly find out what resources we have, we accept both the Chinese and Russian offers.
    We tell the Chinese that we had to accept the Russian contract due to pre-existing agreements. But since we like the Chinese, this gives them a chance to keep an eye on Russian activity in this region, since as one of Russia's sole allies in this part of the world, most of their activities will funnel through our nation.
    We tell the Russians that we know that they don't see eye to eye with the Chinese, and that's why we invited the both of them in. China was looking to get a foothold in the region, if it wasn't us, it would be somebody else. And now, Russia has a legitimate excuse to have their agents crawling around our nation, spying on the Chinese and what they're trying to do in this part of the world.

    This, of course, is very dangerous, pitting two superpowers against each other in our own nation for our benefit.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)06:59 No.17668337
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)07:11 No.17668382

    We have the BBC with us now, they'll be interested in a short news article.

    Play up the weeping widows, grieving parents and the crying children and a proper military funeral for the men.

    Demand proper reparations from the French government for the death of the soldiers and a formal letter of complaint to the UN regarding the friendly fire incident.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)10:05 No.17669145
    I don't think we should be so forceful in our first UN outing.
    Now, if it happens a second time, yes, we'll go with the public demand for an apology, but for the first time I'll be satisfied with a quiet conversation with the French about the incident.
    >> CONTINUING! Grand Leader Quest !tr.t4dJfuU 01/25/12(Wed)13:10 No.17670375
         File1327515006.jpg-(73 KB, 850x565, 1327503508053.jpg)
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    CONTINUING! Since my thread is still alive, I will just pick back up in here.

    -France Ivory Coast Incident: No apologies from France, though the United Nations has apologized for putting our men in harms way.

    -BBC Has taken interest in the offer for exclusives on the Piracy Issue. CNN and others have written in complaints about freedom of press in your country. Namely just bitching that they didn't get it.

    -Russia said they will talk to the manufacturers about getting you production licenses instead of trading you existing equipment. This may take some time.

    -China offers to teach our engineers and mechanics with their own in addition to the other offers from them. However, in regards to making your own weapons, they will not consider giving you license to use their designs, you must buy from them.

    -Rebels are still missing in the jungles, our men are complaining about supplies and conditions in the jungle. No one could survive out here.

    -Free Action Education: Playing up your education system continues to get some praise from mainstream media, the internet, and humanitarians. UN and world govts have moved on already.
    >> CONTINUING! Grand Leader Quest !tr.t4dJfuU 01/25/12(Wed)13:18 No.17670453
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    Bumping. Hoping to re-acquire the players from yesterday and acquiring new players today.

    Come rule this nation, my friends.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:22 No.17670488
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    >that feel when you think you might be responsible for proliferating all these pictures of africans to /tg/ from /k/
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:24 No.17670510
    Accept it. For now.

    Cry some more. The BBC is better respected.

    Any word from our prospectors?

    Has our thinktank been assembled yet?

    Send more supplies and better equipment to our troops in the field.
    Buy Russian.

    >Free Action
    Work on agriculture programs to ensure proper nutrition and adequate food stocks.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:26 No.17670522
    >Soviet weapons and clones thereof

    How about...no? Buy the machining equipment from eastern Europe and corrupt Chinese businessmen and build them anyway.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:28 No.17670545
    We're trying to stay on Russia's good side here!
    We have the closest ties to them, and we need to keep them interested in us so that we have an alternative to the Chinese. If there's no competition, then we won't be able to get advantageous deals.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:31 No.17670564
    We need to a secret police. I propose we create a 'agency' to deal with stuff off-record
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:32 No.17670569
    Where in Africa are we? I think there might be a tribe full of hunters "hunting" for god around Sierra Leone and Liberia, we get them on our side and any jungle warfare will come in our favor. I mean those guys are hardcore. We'll probably have to put them in a favorable position after the war.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:32 No.17670574
    Take BBC and China offers, publically announce that any network willing to co-operate under decent terms is welcome.

    Publically mourn our soldiers, offer replacements for the 38 that died, state that you will withdraw all of them if the situation repeats itself.

    Attempt to gain the most favourable deals possible that will let us know what resources we may have, but will allow us to decide what to do with the resources later.

    Free action: reform any oppressive laws left over from he old regime, allowing for more personal freedom. Encourage tolerance in the populace.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:34 No.17670589
    I support this. Let's have a black-ops team
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:36 No.17670613
    >Attempt to gain the most favourable deals possible that will let us know what resources we may have, but will allow us to decide what to do with the resources later.

    That's just asking for free prospecting. No business in their right mind would agree to that.
    We need to do our own prospecting while Russia and Shell continue their bidding war.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:36 No.17670616
         File1327516578.png-(65 KB, 275x342, beria-bio.png)
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    Secret police agencies need to be policed themselves. Otherwise you get men like pic related.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:36 No.17670617
    Do this only if the piracy or rebel situations worsen, we don't want to be too typical dictator if we can help it.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:38 No.17670635
    This, assemble our own prospectors, put Russia and Shell on hold for now.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:40 No.17670655
    The creation of an effective counter-intelligence agency requires resources and training, not something to be embarked on at a whim.
    An effective spec-ops force is expensive to equip and maintain. More thought needs to be put into this than just saying "make one".
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:41 No.17670672
    The Chinese deal is altogether unacceptable, however. It's one thing to buy things we can't manufacture indepdently (semimodern tanks, jets, attack helicopters), but to import things like rifles and ammunition? Ridiculous.

    Plus that newly-adopted rifle the PLA use is a horrid piece of shit, anyways. Like most things the Chinese didn't just steal directly from Soviet designs.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:45 No.17670710
    Well, yeah. The Chinese are not giving us a good deal on weapons and military hardware, so of course we'll go with Russia on this.

    But I'm against to committing to the Chinese security treaty and letting them build a naval base until we get some analysts to finish looking at the situation.

    Russia's not going to like it, for one, and they're an important client/vendor for us.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:48 No.17670759
    Ask Russia, China and USA what they would require in exchange of sending us man to train our 'special operations' team. We need man to give us know how on intelligence techniques and also to train our soldiers in first world standard. We can arrange a deal for equipment later.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:49 No.17670770
    To add on the free actions point, I propose that once we have a good economy and educated workforce going, that we look into Thorium-based power plants to create a sustainable, cleaner electric grid for the nation.

    I'd have proposed nuclear, but the last thing we want is a hyper-paranoid warmongering nation like the United States immediately becoming suspicious to our intentions and calling up the war drums.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:54 No.17670831
    The idea of getting experienced operatives to train a core of an intelligence agency and a special operations command has merit, but your choices are horrible.

    We're a dictatorship, and our closest ally is Russia.
    And you want to solicit the US?

    Also, special operations and intelligence, while crossing sometimes, are two very different agencies.

    We really don't have a military developed enough to even require a spec-ops force.
    At most what we would need is a KGB training unit to put our intel agency in order. Of course any such agency would be full of moles and KGB sleeper agents.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:57 No.17670861
    Thorium reactors ARE nuclear reactors, it IS nuclear technology. The difference is the fuel being something very difficult to turn into any kind of usable nuclear weapon.

    Also, thorium technology is not widespread, and requires a well built-up economy, industry and education if we're going to start our own program rather than buying from India.
    >> Grand Leader Quest !tr.t4dJfuU 01/25/12(Wed)13:59 No.17670893
         File1327517978.jpg-(120 KB, 344x500, 3032403591_ccd497cde8.jpg)
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    or post image (re-loaded)

    If you guys want me to, since I'm at work and have Photoshop CS5- I could make a higher quality map. It may slow down my response time even more though.


    -Prospectors have found traces of oil off our coast and in-land. Though we would need to clear jungle to access the inland oil and our current tech prevents us from making our own rigs...

    -BBC has sent representatives to fix up your television system for receiving International T.V. from them and broadcast it locally to your capital. To go further out you will need more towers. About 2% of your population has access to private T.V. - though most bars and some businesses have T.V. publicly available.

    -Request to Russia and China for a training facility or personnel to increase your force has been ignored for the most part. China says it would come with it's base. Russia says it would send some personnel out if they could put a secret base in your mountains for research.

    -Thorium Reactors has been met with skepticism from the few scientists in your nation. You may need to look outside your nation for this.

    -Economic and Growth is being spurred on by education; though advisers recommend bringing in foreign aid as the average intelligence level stops around late middle-school (by US Standards.)

    -Other things have no updates at this time.

    Pic semi-related. Just found our new Spetnaz Waifu...
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)14:07 No.17670994
    Have prospectors continue their search for other useful minerals and resources.

    Begin slow expansion of TV towers. One tower a month or so.

    Bring foreign educators as needed, invest more in education. Our goal is High School-equivalent for 95% of our population.

    >Chinese Naval Base
    We can't agree to it until we finish our analysis of the consequences.

    >secret base in mountains
    Haha, good one tovarisch. Sorry, but no.

    >thorium reactors
    Ask India how their program is progressing, and when they think they'll have a something they can put out on the market ready. Express interest in purchasing from them when the technology is ready.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)14:09 No.17671024
    >Free Action
    Check that we are good in terms of food production and nutrition, as well as stores of food. Set up agricultural programs so that we can maximize our crop yields without destroying our ecology; our land is our second-most precious resource after our people.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)14:16 No.17671086
    OP seriously needs to provide more stats on the status of our country, such as general wealth, education, military strength, tech, etc.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)14:17 No.17671100
    Let's do this
    >> Grand Leader Quest !tr.t4dJfuU 01/25/12(Wed)14:20 No.17671133
    Working on that now. Its a lot of work you know.

    Technically you guys just got into power about two months now...I'll rectify my mistakes and improve the experience between this turn. Along with dates so we can see time passage. And stats updated once a year.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)14:35 No.17671268
    Thanks OP.

    Also, guys, we need to come up with an immigration and naturalization policy. As we become more prosperous, refugees are going to flood our nation and upset our careful plans.
    I'm thinking remedial education and working for the state building roads, power lines, and television towers for a set amount of time unless they can prove they have skills which would let them be immediately employed.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)14:58 No.17671454
    Rather than asking the Russians or Chinese for training, hire out a PMC. Mercenaries work for money and tend to consist of hardcore psychopaths who nonetheless know how to fight professionally.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)14:59 No.17671464
    Just wanted to say that this looks dammed intresting, unfortunatley it seems i´m a bit late to the party, but I´ll be watching this thread closeley!
    >> Grand Leader Quest !tr.t4dJfuU 01/25/12(Wed)15:00 No.17671474
         File1327521657.gif-(612 KB, 1412x1799, Ivory-Coast-physical-map.gif)
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    Making map & stats, but will go-ahead and reply to what is in the air right now to keep flow going.


    -New TV Towers can not be constructed. We have neither skill or technology. We can purchase the tech or buy plans for the tech and manufacture it ourselves.

    -India suggests that perhaps you would be interested in being their test-bed country. Still at a cost- albeit discounted. We can afford this, but it may take up to 6 months before it is fully installed in our capital city. If it works, further reactors may be considered.

    -Agricultural Status is as follows: We have enough food to feed our current population. It could be more efficient however as a vast majority of crops are lost. Foot shortages happen during the winter. If a drought or general famine were to hit, we may need foreign aid to make it through the year or more...

    -A submarine was spotted just outside of our international waters, on the surface. Fishermen saw no national markings or flags. It was large and black.

    -Advisers suggest that many African Nations, including one of our neighbors, is allied with China. They really have no need for a base here - but it would not hurt... it does mean however that we may get drug into conflict with anyone who wars with China..... In short.
    Good: Jobs, training, some protection, gear (military and infrastructure)
    Bad: Makes us a target, drags us into local conflicts if China gets involved, damages our sense as a independent nation.

    Pic related. Our neighbor.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)15:03 No.17671492
    That is a valid proposal. We probably can't afford a front-line American PMC like Blackwater, but may want to look at some South African PMC's.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)15:12 No.17671569
    >TV Towers
    Purchase the plans for the technology, begin a pilot project to begin local manufacture. It will give our workforce much needed expereince.

    >India's Thorium Reactors
    I believe that we should enter into an agreement with India to become a test-bed.
    Extend the discount to new reactor purchases if this works out for both of us.

    This should become a priority for us. Look into storage methods, pesticides, herbicides, and pest control methods from abroad. The hallmark of a stable nation is being able to feed its people.

    We don't have a navy, can't really do anything.

    >Chinese Naval Base
    Regretfully decline. However, we would be willing to purchase agricultural machines from them.

    >Free Action
    Do what is necessary to raise our education level to High School Graduate (US)
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)15:12 No.17671578
    Yes to the Indian proposal.

    Have the state buy up some farmland and hire people to operate state-owned farms with regulations designed to minimize losses,

    Ignore the sub for now, not much we could do about it anyways...
    in related news, fuck China I say, they´ll only bring us down with them when the shit hits the fan (and it will)

    Just out of curiosity, who is the US president (for threat level and such).I´ll asume Putin´s running the show in Moscow
    >> Grand Leader Quest !tr.t4dJfuU 01/25/12(Wed)15:20 No.17671643
         File1327522811.jpg-(70 KB, 300x240, Vladimir-Putin.jpg)
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    Obama on 2nd term.

    When it Putin NOT in control of Russia?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)15:22 No.17671660
    >India suggests that perhaps you would be interested in being their test-bed country
    Outside the city limits, please. The Indians... well, they don't exactly have a great track record when it comes to safety. Both for the workers and for the locals.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)15:29 No.17671717

    Oh cool, threat level reduced, also we should seek contact with some minor, unexpected industrialized countries: Spain, Italy, Sweden, Austria and the likes of, for help with our educational program, they might be more intrested than the big players.

    How is our status/ relashionship with the AU?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)15:33 No.17671753
    Crop loss is usually due to pests, fungus, or inadequate storage facilities for long-term storage.
    Regulations aren't going to do jack shit.
    We need pesticides, herbicides, better storage facilities, and a better distribution network.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)15:41 No.17671829

    True, but wouldn´t it be better if the farms were state owned, we could make sure that pesticides, storage facilities and such are all up to date, standardized even, if they were run by a singel entity, which might as well be the Glorious Governement!
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)15:41 No.17671836
    Better distribution is a must. How are the roads? I assume most of them are total shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)15:50 No.17671925
    Most examples of that kind of control have only resulted in complete and utter failure.
    We are not going to go down the road of FAIL when we have access to history books to see what ideas have been tried and their inherent stupidity displayed and recorded.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)15:52 No.17671940
    So for our free action we hook up some pesticides/ renovate our distribution system?

    I still say we should get rid of remaining oppressive law from the previous regime.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)15:56 No.17671961
    >Thorium Reactors
    Yes, but outside the city.
    >Russian Secret Base
    Yes all the way. This is perfect, as it gives us some leverage over Russia. Russia would not fuck us over if they have a secret base to protect, and because it's a research base we won't have to worry about war stuff while also potentially getting that research (we could have some of our scientists working in it)
    Subsidize storage facility upgrades, and perhaps look into getting some GM crops that are resistant to the typical pests or fungi.
    Contact Russia and China, in order to determine if it's friendly (at least, mostly friendly) or American.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)15:57 No.17671966
    Contrary to popular belief, not starving and ensuring that children receive proper nutrition so that they reach their full potential is oftentimes more important than immediately repealing some restrictive laws that would have been repealed eventually anyway.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)15:58 No.17671983

    Allright, allright, no glorious African Kolkhoz..


    But this guy has a point, we should work on improving the road network. more jobs, and easier transportation, it´s a win - win!
    >> Grand Leader Quest !tr.t4dJfuU 01/25/12(Wed)15:58 No.17671989
         File1327525112.jpg-(192 KB, 600x460, putinneverasked3.jpg)
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    Map + Stats got delayed for the image I have placed here. It just...had to be done...it felt right.


    - We are not part of the African Union
    - China has regretfully informed us that it found better territories to build up anyways. (-5 To China Relations. Currently at 13. Yay new mechanics.)

    -India agrees on discounts for future reactors and will be sending a team right away to find an appropriate location for this first reactor test-bed.

    - Agricultural fixes.
    ::Storage - Easily done and currently finding/assembling build teams to make some.
    ::Pesticides - Importing them would be possible, the UN has agricultural groups that supply needy nations with the basic equipment as well.
    ::State Land - Few farmers wish to give their family, generational owned land. A few tribes might be easily relocated...as would clearing some jungle.

    -Roads... Yes there are dirt pathways. The only maintained "roads" are paved streets within and around the capital city and a few minor (to be named) cities (less than 5.) - For the most part it is all dirt roads. Oh and everything has potholes....

    -Earthquake! A minor earthquake hit the north, a few villages felt it. No damage reports.

    -UN Report: Your soldiers suffered 9 losses to an ambush! However, the survives (7 men) pulled themselves from the wreckage of their transport and diligently hunted down the enemy and destroyed them.
    ::Also, your pilots are getting better. Only one has crashed his vehicle, and safely at that.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)15:58 No.17671991
    I say go for it with the Thorium reactors, but try to work out a deal where we'll get compensated if it fucks us over.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:01 No.17672022
    >Russia would not fuck us over if they have a secret base to protect
    That's really not in keeping with past Russian behavior. Having a secret base gives them MORE incentive to have tighter control over us and our nation, not less. And if we threaten to reveal the existence of the lab, they'll just assassinate us.

    >and because it's a research base we won't have to worry about war stuff
    What makes you think that this won't be a weapons and military technology research base?

    >while also potentially getting that research (we could have some of our scientists working in it)
    You honestly believe that Russia would allow anyone but their own scientists into a secret research base? That just makes no sense. The fact that they want to set up a secret lab means that it's doing research that is so dangerous they don't want to do it on their own land, or it's doing research that is forbidden enough that just in case they get found out, they can blame the locals.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:07 No.17672073
    >We are not part of the African Union
    What? The only other country not in the African Union as of 2012 is Morocco.
    Let's join that shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:07 No.17672074
    If we're going to make a proper Glorious Afrikan Nation Under the Grand and Fatherly Presidente, we're definitely going to need better roads and means of travel. Likely going to need to start repairing and building roads soon, go into European contracts to see who has the better deal in road construction, if that's necessary.

    Hell, we could take a small hint from the US and make a few express tollways that cuts travel time to major cities. Because hell, we'll always need funding.

    And yes to the India deal, but make sure they build it PROPERLY, and watch them closely. We don't need an african Chernobyl on our hands. Trained staff that don't skimp on details helps immensely as well.

    As for allies, I'd say we'd fare a bit better shot with Russia, personally. China seems like it'll have too much baggage to drag us down.

    Also, we may or may not want to start looking at the tourism industry once we have some good security going on in land and sea. Because nothing quite fuels funding more than sweet, sweet vacationer bucks.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:07 No.17672076
    Go for storage improvements for now, try to establish some deals to import pesticides and equipment.

    Publically mourn the 9 dead soldiers, but hail the survivors as heroes.

    Begin improving roads between most major settlements, beginning with the largest/most industrial cities.

    Find out more about the earthquake, contact aid relief organisations if aid is necessary.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:07 No.17672077

    We should see the agricultural reforms through, not forcing people from their farms, but maybe clearing some jungle to make way, (be wary of thos rebels).

    The victorious soldiers shall have medals, shiny, shiny medals!

    And that picture makes it worth the wait!
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:09 No.17672094
    Request to look into a deal for construction equipment, specifically for road construction, to improve our relations.

    Take the UN up on basic equipment and getting an agricultural group to train the local farmers on their use.
    ::State Land
    Instead of clearing jungle, look to improving irrigation to make previously unused land into possible farmland.

    Start up a national construction program to begin repairing, improving, and expanding the roads.
    The pay won't be great, but it'll be reasonable pay for a day's work.

    >Free Action
    Look into what foreign aid is available to us for improving our education system.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:13 No.17672125
    We're already working on Agriculture Storage, right?

    Make sure that the soldiers who survived are given commendations, and that the ones killed are properly taken care of.
    Making too big of a fuss every time will not go over well with the international community.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:14 No.17672134
    >Free Action
    We should work on clearing that pesky jungle. However, we don't want to just go in and chop it all down, as environmentalists the world over would hate the shit out of us.
    We should try to get it to burn down in some kind of accident.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:17 No.17672161

    Yes! Might as well smoke those rebels out while we´re at it. plus, burned earth makes for great soil if i´m not mistaken...
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:17 No.17672172
    But the thing about jungles is that they can hold plants and insects with valuable pharmaceutical applications. Not to mention, once properly pacified, they can bring in tourism revenue.

    Also, improper farming methods will result in rapid desertification. We do this wrong and we'll end up like the Midwestern Dustbowl.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:18 No.17672176
    First, we need to know how expensive, difficult it would be to establish rudimentary public transport/railroads.

    Also, and this is important, we need to know if we have any marketable tourist attractions, for now we should encourage tourism in Port Liberty. Also figure out what the state of our airports and general air travel is. Seemingly small measure like an attractive and comprehensive tourism website are important here.

    Work out some decent health and safety guidelines with India, make sure staff on both sides sticks to them. Get some supervisors in thay bitch.

    Give us a rundown of the new mechanics, what are our relationships with Russia, China, the USA, European countries, the UN, the AU (which we need to join), out neighbours, and importantly, Ghana.

    What's the state of the country outside of Port Liberty?

    Another important factor we'll need to start considering, especially once we have a more efficient agriculture system is integrating tribes and rural communities into our new developing culture.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:18 No.17672178
    >African Union
    I thinks it is important that we join, to get our say on African politics and such.

    I believe that was for the best.

    That's great news. Offer help and manpower if needed to speed up the progress (and keep an eye on the safety features)

    -Storage- Build some facility's.
    -Pesticides- Get some pesticide and equipment.
    -State Land- Take some land then. I am sure some must be willing and can be bought out.

    Work on paved roads to connect out major/most important city's? An international highway of sorts, to unite our country.

    Make sure of those reports, just in case.

    Damn right our solders hunt them down. I take it they are getting much experience in the conflict?

    We are on our way to having some air power.

    >Free Action
    I agree that we need a better education system. (High school is good enough for now too) Branch out if we need it.

    What else can we do to improve our nation? We are on our way on building up our infrastructure, international connection, and military, but I feel like we could do more. Any ideas?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:21 No.17672210
    Slash and burn farming is unsustainable and can result in soil that is completely unusable for decades.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:23 No.17672237
    Of course, that's why I said that we should 'work on it'. Going in and setting every jungle on fire is not a good idea, but removing swathes of jungle that could be easily used as farmland, and then declaring some remaining jungled areas to be National Parks or otherwise preserved environments would be beneficial.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:27 No.17672279
    Slash and burn agriculture isn't a long term solution. We should see about getting some of those UN supplies and using them to set up grants to farmers. Give them access to fertilizer and pesticides.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:28 No.17672284
    'Work on it' implies chopping down all of the jungle, not commissioning a survey and environmental impact report, and controlled clearing for maximized usefulness of cleared land to fallow jungle.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:33 No.17672342
    For now efficient intensive farming and better storage facilities seem more important than farming more land, though that will have to come with time. We need to make sure it's all done responsibly though, we don't want our people starving 10 years from now. What I'm saying is, let's not touch the jungle for now.

    Also, we need to get in contact with Russia and Shell and any other party willing to participate about the oil we've found. Let's focus on the off-coast oil for now, we can figure out how much jungle we want to keep and how much we want to get rid off.

    Another thing is, what's the health of our populace like? How's our health system in general?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:33 No.17672350
    On the international level, joining the AU should definitely be on top of our "to do" list. Also I´d strongly suggest some sort of an exchange program for out sudents with some countries, maybe South Africa?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:36 No.17672379
    Shell and Russia are currently in a bidding war.
    We should only tell them that the terms of the negotiations have changed, and that what's on the table is only coastal resources.
    That will tell them that we've done our own legwork, that we found something, and that it's valuable. That will make them bid much higher than before.

    Outright telling them what we found would be counter-productive to getting the best deal out of them.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:42 No.17672462
    No, it implies the exact opposite of that. God damn.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:42 No.17672463
    Eh, fair enough, all subtle like.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:47 No.17672516
    Your ability to communicate is absolute shit.
    You said you want to work on clearing out the pesky jungle, and that you want to arrange a fire of some kind to make it look accidental.
    There was no implication at all in your statement that you want alternative methods set up or only specific parts of the jungle cleared.
    The implication of your post was to clear as much of the jungle as possible using fire and making it look accidental to keep environmental groups from protesting.
    >> Grand Leader Quest !tr.t4dJfuU 01/25/12(Wed)17:02 No.17672690
         File1327528953.jpg-(228 KB, 1152x659, afrika.jpg)
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    I'm on my way home from work.

    Will compute things then.

    Here have a map. Port Liberty is our capital. Zanzi is us.

    Relatively important neighbors are roughly mapped.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)17:08 No.17672761
    A4 - South America go!
    B3 - El Presidente, more like.
    C4 - Sheep and lost cities and shit.
    D4 - Backed up by several European corporations.

    >captcha: consumo flired
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)17:08 No.17672765

    Sweet, thanks. Nigeria looks like they might hold some sway in the region, lets stay on their good side for now, yes?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)17:15 No.17672855
    If you have some spare time it would be useful to map our large settlements, our jungle, where we located oil, and maybe potential locations for the various facilities China, Russia and India are offering to build, though that's not as necessary.

    In fact, I suggest we half the game for a little while and run a Q&A session to figure out the particulars of out nation, it's getting difficult to be immersed without knowing the details.

    Can we start suggesting names for cities now? I propose New Cadbury and Tropicgrad.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)17:26 No.17672985

    After looking over some maps of the region I´ll suggest some towns such as, Bambi, n´Kawaw (city of crows?) and Hohoe (city of Other things)
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)17:42 No.17673176
    I think it's fitting for our little dictatorship struggling to be a beacon of enlightenment in Africa to have a completely clusterfuck of different names for cities, all the ones suggested so far are good.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)17:46 No.17673225
    Port Liberty is our Capital, of course.
    How about Port Hope, Port Freedom, Port Enlightenment..
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)17:56 No.17673330
    >> Grand Leader Quest !tr.t4dJfuU 01/25/12(Wed)17:58 No.17673346
         File1327532300.jpg-(51 KB, 250x175, 7fonejacker.jpg)
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    At home, I can do MS Paint Fu...but I lost my CD Keys for Adobe Photoshop after a reformat. I may try to locate again tonight - but Paint Fu may just be our only hope until tomorrow, where I have access to the big guns.

    To make matters easier... from top to bottom of the map.
    -Savannah (limited)
    -Open Fields, Forrest, limited jungle
    -Coastal hills and cities.

    Further in from coast is less and less "teched up" - Ill map the specifics later. Sorry.

    -India guarantees the Thorium Reactors are safe. However if an accident were to occur, they would compensate us.

    -Russia has come back and offered to build the oil rigs, partially operate them and train your people to operate them. They are also willing to build you refineries. If they can ship home 30%... and the 70% you keep can be sold as you please.

    -Shell offers 40% of the profit they make off the oil they take from us, and 10% back to you at operating cost only...

    -Education system is crap. Some foreign teachers have flown in to help us fix this.

    -Medical system is crap. Outside of the major cities with foreign doctors - the best we have is shamans and witch doctors doing family remedies and "magic" to our people. They consider it their religious rights to do so....

    -Earthquake reports seem legitimate and reliable.

    -Roads- we have begun repairing our roads... new roads are being planned and will be shown to you soon, sir.

    -Sir, a business called "Money Jackpots." says that if they were to be allowed anonymous operations out of our Capital City using Satellite Internet... that they could pay us a 40% of their vast proceeds. They seem to do "money winnings" and "nigerian bride" offers for American and European winners in their collection agency list.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)18:07 No.17673441
    >Russia has come back and offered to build the oil rigs, partially operate them and train your people to operate them. They are also willing to build you refineries. If they can ship home 30%... and the 70% you keep can be sold as you please.
    This is a good deal in my book. The Shell offer only gives pure profits, and doesn't come with the added benefits of Russian ties. We all know that corporations have zero interest in improving our great continent.
    Good, we can continue our heralded education program
    We need to work on this, perhaps through international aid. We won't get many doctors out of any kind of education program for at least several years, so flying in doctors could work. We need to open a top of the line hospital in Port Liberty if there isn't one already.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)18:11 No.17673483
         File1327533105.jpg-(106 KB, 1000x336, spam.jpg)
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    >"Money Jackpots."
    Kick that scum out of our glorious contry, we shan't tolerate their foul pestilence on our shores.

    If we weren't such a benevolent dictator I would suggest having them quietly shot.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)18:14 No.17673512
    >Sir, a business called "Money Jackpots." says that if they were to be allowed anonymous operations out of our Capital City using Satellite Internet... that they could pay us a 40% of their vast proceeds. They seem to do "money winnings" and "nigerian bride" offers for American and European winners in their collection agency list.
    Accept, then a week later have them executed for the spam operation and their assets seized and donated to charities operating within the country.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)18:16 No.17673531
    Take the Russian deal.

    Fly in foreign teachers as needed.

    Fly in doctors as needed for the major cities. Fund a medical school. Initiate a program to manufacture basic first aid items in-country and to spread basic first aid and hygiene knowledge.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)18:25 No.17673627
    There's not real rush with the map, the most important thing is the other cities and oil deposits relative to jungle.

    Take Russia's offer, it's pretty reasonable. Give India the go ahead, this is looking promising.

    See if the earthquake survivors are in need of aid, contact aid relief organisations if so.

    Keep backing the education system, try to spread education further north, and provide rural communities with as much medical knowledge as possible. Attempt to integrate rural communities into the developing culture.

    Don't bother with MJ, we don't want to be associated with shady dealings.

    Continue building storage facilities and begin importing pesticides, as well as providing local farmers with equipment and instructions.
    >> SEPTEMBER 2013 - STATE REPORT Grand Leader Quest !tr.t4dJfuU 01/25/12(Wed)18:45 No.17673842
         File1327535124.jpg-(19 KB, 480x391, jet-flying-over.jpg)
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    -India will have their people and equipment here in a few months.

    -Russia has sent a fleet out to set up the rigs off the coast for drilling oil. It will arrive in a few months.

    -Earthquake Victims have been checked up on in full, all seems well.

    -Money Jackpots have been ran out of the country.

    -No further events this turn. Roads, Agriculture, Education are proceeding smoothly.

    -As for cities near jungles? There is one, the third largest city is next door to the jungles. (Name needed) It is semi isolated but we rely on it for logging and mining.

    -An unknown aircraft entered our airspace from the north. We have nothing to intercept it with. As we have no radar north, we do not know where it went. It was seen by a border patrol but they lost sight, it may have been a transport plane, or even an Airliner.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)18:50 No.17673890
    >Russia has come back and offered to build the oil rigs, partially operate them and train your people to operate them. They are also willing to build you refineries. If they can ship home 30%... and the 70% you keep can be sold as you please.
    - For how long will they take 30%? I say let them take 30% of our yearly production until they have gained 150% of the buildingcost. After that we can make a new trading agreement.

    >Education system is crap. Some foreign teachers have flown in to help us fix this.
    - Publicly thank these teachers.

    >Medical system is crap. Outside of the major cities with foreign doctors - the best we have is shamans and witch doctors doing family remedies and "magic" to our people. They consider it their religious rights to do so....
    - Start up a field hospitals, guarded by the military due to rebels, so our rural population can get at least some decent healthcare. Also sex education (Wear a condom, don't get aids!)

    >Sir, a business called "Money Jackpots." says that if they were to be allowed anonymous operations out of our Capital City using Satellite Internet... that they could pay us a 40% of their vast proceeds. They seem to do "money winnings" and "nigerian bride" offers for American and European winners in their collection agency list.
    - Send there asses back from where they came!
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)18:51 No.17673902
    The jungle city can be Tropicgrad.

    Keep an eye on the Indians, establish fixed health and safety guidelines, report violations.

    Contact neighbouring countries about the aircraft, that reminds me, what is the state of our airports? Do we have a tourism industry, are there any noteable tourist attractions?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)18:56 No.17673949
    Agreed. I think we should work on tourism. It gives us delicious cash infusion into the economy while also making the West have interest in us being continuously safe.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)18:58 No.17673981

    >India will have their people and equipment here in a few months.
    - Excelent

    >Earthquake Victims have been checked up on in full, all seems well.
    - Publicly mourn the victim

    >As for cities near jungles? There is one, the third largest city is next door to the jungles. (Name needed) It is semi isolated but we rely on it for logging and mining.
    - Increase military precense here, if possible, sense this could be a target for the rebels.

    >An unknown aircraft entered our airspace from the north. We have nothing to intercept it with. As we have no radar north, we do not know where it went. It was seen by a border patrol but they lost sight, it may have been a transport plane, or even an Airliner.
    - Start to bargain with Sweden to buy raidar and some anti-air defence with veiled promices that we will buy this kind of equipment from them in the future. They will most likely be more than happy to sell this to us.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)19:05 No.17674038
    - Increase military precense here, if possible, sense this could be a target for the rebels.

    This, establish lookouts for rebels in that region. Also, ask the local rural population about the rebels.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)19:08 No.17674069
    I like the Radar idea, and I think we should work on coastal detection systems (Radar buoys?) to prevent further incidences of submarines violating our waters.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)19:10 No.17674089
    Try to get some of the math majors we hired to track it's trajectory. What else are they gonna use their trigonometry for?

    Keep eyes peeled for possible crash landing
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)19:16 No.17674146
    Rewards for information leading to the arresting of rebels or leading to there camp.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)19:22 No.17674210
    Good, things move apace.

    Help the Russians with whatever they need, and prepare some coastal R&R locations for their oil rig crews to relax at.
    Oh, and ask them, do they know if the Chinese have been snooping around with subs lately. We saw one but wasn't sure whose it was. Play it off as something to be unconcerned with.

    Ask Sweden and Russia for proposals for a basic national radar tracking system. Primarily for air traffic control, leaving the option of upgrading to military capabilities open.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)19:36 No.17674345
    Regarding armaments, why don't we shop around and see what sort of countries would be willing to sell to us, and what would work best in our environment. No sense in just buying AK-74's or whatever if we could get a European, Israeli or even American rifle for cheaper.

    Branching out would also ensure that we aren't totally reliant upon Russia for armaments.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)19:41 No.17674389
    Actually, we're going to be getting the licenses to make the rifles ourselves. And honestly, there are few better guns when it comes to cost vs. performance, and ease of use and maintenance.
    I'm not saying that the AK and its descendants are high-performing assault rifles by any stretch, there are many better, but that's it's good enough and much cheaper than others.

    We can get higher performing weapons for elite troops when we can afford them.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)19:49 No.17674451

    Oh, I agree that the AK will probably win out any competition, I just think we should put out toes in the water and see what else is out there. If nothing good comes up, then we can stick with the AK's. But who knows? We might get Israeli licenses, or something cool.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)19:59 No.17674554
    Speaking of Aircraft, might I suggest that if.. I mean, when we get an airforce, we look at the Brazilian Super Tucano as our ground attack aircraft of choice? Going by the Wiki description, they would have several advantages for us.

    Designed as a trainer aircraft and for counter-insurgency
    Built to operate in a number of environments
    Surprisingly advanced weapons systems
    Already sold to Angola, so we should be able to get some
    And did I mention cheap?

    It'd be a perfect little plane for exterminating any 'insurgency' problems we might deal with later, be they internal or Ghanian.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)20:00 No.17674575
    The year's 2013, and its our world, so we pretty much know all the weapons that are available.
    Just open up a gun catalog and see what you like.
    >> OCTOBER 2013 - STATE REPORT Grand Leader Quest !tr.t4dJfuU 01/25/12(Wed)20:06 No.17674644
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    -Radar: Russia offers to install radar and air defense systems for our major cities and EWS Radar on borders, along with expanding our airport (which is also our airbase.) If they allow us to let them base limited air force out of our capital airport. They will train our pilots and give us second hand gear where suitable in exchange for this.

    -United States of America has requested we fix our living conditions for the tribals. The tribals say they are fine and this is their way of life.

    -Airplane was seen leaving a week later. Our mathematics people said it might of landed somewhere in the jungle clearings north...

    -Russia has decided it will sell us license for AK-47s, BMP-2s, T-55s, and Shilkas for a discount cost if we were to enter a military alliance with them. Putin has been making similar deals to other governments elsewhere. It seems Russia is trying to rebuild its power extension... China and NATO are doing similar. We might could consider approaching NATO?

    -All other projects progress well. Our T.V.s have arrived and are being sold to our people at good, discount rates.

    -Tropicgrad has welcomed the increased security.

    -Our armed forces now number 4,000 or so men, not counting the UN detachment.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)20:07 No.17674656

    I know what's available to me. What I mean is ask Grand Leader what sort of things might be available to our nation.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)20:12 No.17674723
    Radar: I'm on board with this.

    USA: State that we are trying to improve living conditions for everyone, but we recognize that our people have the freedom to live as they please, generally. Aid to support our policies is always appreciated.

    Airplane: Investigate jungle.

    Russia: See what NATO might offer.
    >> Grand Leader Quest !tr.t4dJfuU 01/25/12(Wed)20:15 No.17674770
    Anything that can be purchased in quantities.

    Want to arm your entire nation with M1 Knock-offs/replicas and Thompson SMGs? Be my guest. If your asking "in character" what is available. No one has approached you yet... you'll need to gimme some business names you wish to approach otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)20:17 No.17674791
    In regards to the radar, the radar systems must be controlled by us, not simply being Russian radar built on our soil. It's a good deal, then.
    I think we should shop around for the weapons licenses, personally I think Germany is tempting because of delicious Leopards and other big cats.
    In regards to the US's thinly veiled attempt at goading us, respond as >>17674723
    In regards to the plane landing in the north.
    Fly a small recon plane or two over, then send a couple battalions into the northern jungle to do a clean sweep and find what that was about.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)20:17 No.17674797

    >-United States of America has requested we fix our living conditions for the tribals. The tribals say they are fine and this is their way of life.

    Ask the BBC to interview these tribals saying that they are fine, then politely, but firmly tell the Americans that unless they are willing to give aid money to improve their way of life, we will get around to it eventually. But until then, they are fine and enjoy all rights of being a citizen of our nation, and have their way of life, which they enjoy, protected by our laws.

    >-Russia has decided it will sell us license for AK-47s, BMP-2s, T-55s, and Shilkas for a discount cost if we were to enter a military alliance with them.

    Given that we only have 4,000 men, do we really want to even be buying licenses yet? Lets quietly shop around. Would the Israelis, French or even Americans consider selling us rifles? Maybe the Belgians could give us some FN FAL's.

    If nothing else, shopping around a moment to see what other countries could offer us would show the Russians that we aren't just going to leap to appease all their proposals. They are our closest allies, yes, and it will probably turn out that we get the best deal from them, but we should show a little bit of independence.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)20:18 No.17674813
    >Russian Radar
    We can offer rights to land and refuel at our airport, but I'm leery of a permanent presence.
    And the radar system needs to be ours, not just Russian operated.

    Go back to the US, tell them that the tribals don't want our help. We'd love to modernize them, but they refuse. Tell the US that if they want the tribals to modernize, then they need to convince the tribals; we're not going to compromise a people's freedom for self-determination by forcing change on them.

    Get our troops in the field to examine that region.

    >Neo-Warsaw Pact
    See what NATO and China are offering. Also try to get Russia to upgrade the license on the assault rifles to AK-104's and 105's, at minimum to AK-74. Also include the license for the Dragunov Designated Marksman Rifle, and RPG-7's. Also the F1 Soviet Standard Hand Grenade. The GP-25 grenade launchers I'm willing to buy directly rather than licensing.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)20:19 No.17674827

    FN, Heckler and Koch, IMI, Denel Land Systems, MAS.

    Naturally we approach them all above board. No backhand deals yet..
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)20:20 No.17674846
    What exactly are the tribal living conditions like? Local customs?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)20:20 No.17674847
    >Given that we only have 4,000 men, do we really want to even be buying licenses yet?
    I suppose that we could simply buy in bulk instead.

    I wanted the licenses so that we could set up factories that would generate jobs and provide experience for our workers.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)20:25 No.17674907

    Hmm. Factories would be grand, I agree. Even if we don't get the licenses, then we should see what sort of industry we can get set up.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)20:27 No.17674930

    >Russia offers to install radar and air defense systems for our major cities and EWS Radar on borders, along with expanding our airport (which is also our airbase.) If they allow us to let them base limited air force out of our capital airport. They will train our pilots and give us second hand gear where suitable in exchange for this.
    - Take this deal if the radar is controled by us.

    >United States of America has requested we fix our living conditions for the tribals. The tribals say they are fine and this is their way of life.
    - Tell them that we are already working on a project to do just that. Then do as sugested earlier. Start up a field hospitals, guarded by the military due to rebels, so our rural/tribal population can get at least some decent healthcare. Also sex education (Wear a condom, don't get aids!). Plus point out that any economical aid is always welcome.

    >Airplane was seen leaving a week later. Our mathematics people said it might of landed somewhere in the jungle clearings north...
    - Send military scouting the area in search for signs of the rebels

    >Russia has decided it will sell us license for AK-47s, BMP-2s, T-55s, and Shilkas for a discount cost if we were to enter a military alliance with them. Putin has been making similar deals to other governments elsewhere. It seems Russia is trying to rebuild its power extension... China and NATO are doing similar. We might could consider approaching NATO?
    - Decline this at this stage sense we're trying to remain neutral in any major future conflict. But if Putin goes Sadimir Poutin remind him that we remember our friends...
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)20:27 No.17674931
    We should start an advertising campaign in well educated country's that will tell of the benefits of teaching in our country, as opposed to teaching in their own (students eager to learn, help end the cycle of poverty with KNOWLEDGE and SCIENCE, etc)
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)20:39 No.17675071

    Inform Russia that -any- military presence we allow would not be based at a civilian location. If they wish to station a "limited force", they'll have to aid us in establishing a separate airstrip/base away from the civilian airport. Is there an island near our capital city that might be suitable? -the safety of our people- is the reason for this.

    another possible topic to ask Russia... perhaps there is a UN program that might help us distance our military from our civilian airport? Using such a program might be beneficial to the plan above. a little Russian support in the UN, less cost to Russia? (are we even a member of the UN? do we want to be?)
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)20:44 No.17675119
    >are we even a member of the UN? do we want to be?
    Yes we are, we already sent a sizable force as UN Peacekeepers to Sierra Leone.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)20:46 No.17675152
    By the way, we need to join the African Union. Literally all but one country in Africa is a member, and we don't want to be the odd kid out. Also, as it stands they seem to elect the most crazy dictator as their chairperson every year, so we stand a good chance at having power within it.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)20:50 No.17675199
    We can join the African Union as our Free Action.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)20:51 No.17675219
    Request foreign aid to increase the health care in tribal areas. It is Millenium Development Goal, after all, and we did give them troops...
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)20:59 No.17675339
    Also, now that we have a decent education system (For Africa) we need to get some domestic economics in order. Possibly try to create study abroad opportunities with Russia and India, while giving some tax breaks to businesses to beat foreign companies in small goods manufacture...
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)21:00 No.17675356
    In all honesty, I don't believe we can join NATO.
    That will effectively kill our ties with Russia.
    China's not much better.

    I honestly don't know about our chances of going it alone with no security treaties.
    No one will want to invest in a nation that doesn't have some form of protection with a superpower.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)21:03 No.17675388

    I see where you're coming from. We can keep Russia close to us, without a true binding pact. At the same time, possibly work with India, they go bonkers over their "non-aligned" bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)21:13 No.17675511
    We need to establish a web presence as a free action at some point. It would help our image as a modern nation, provide tourist advertisement, help attract foreign teachers, doctors, engineers etc and also the attention of various charitable organizations.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)21:20 No.17675579
    We could, I suppose.
    We should see if we have a fiber line to one of the trunks, too.
    But remember that basic self-sufficiency take priority over the Internet and computers.
    >> Slushed 01/25/12(Wed)21:26 No.17675667
    Sniffing out Belgium for FN FALs is not a bad idea. They aught to be hella cheep
    Yes we should go for a much fuller package if we decide to go with russia.

    >Free action: Seriously lets shift some work away from TVs and into Agriculture for about 4-6 months
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)21:26 No.17675669
    Totally, hence why I said at some point. It's really something we should do once we're focusing on the tourism industry though.
    >> NOVEMBER 2013 - STATE REPORT Grand Leader Quest !tr.t4dJfuU 01/25/12(Wed)21:29 No.17675705
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    -Russian Radar & Air: Russia will teach our people how to man and operate the systems. Their air force presence will be limited to a single squadron, with two flights of fighters, one flight of ground support. 12 trainer jets, 2 cargo transports. Intended to be a place to bounce from on international flights, with the squadrons existing only to protect their assets. They assure us they respect our sovereignty and will train our people. Think Tank says this may be good as it would scare off invading forces, and allow us to have reliable air support if we were to enter an alliance with them in full later on. They also would be willing to build an airstrip for military purposes.

    -NATO offers setting up a small base on our land for early warning systems against rogue nations in Africa or around. They have a similar offer as to the Russians, but with ground troops as well.

    -BBC offers getting us in contact with a British Company to set up infrastructure for an internet connection via satellite. At least for our capita city.

    -Scouts in the jungle have disappeared with no trace...

    -Iran is offering to sell us their older jets at discount. Weapons systems too. Oil embargo is hurting their economy. 12 F-14 fighters, 4 Mig-29s, and 3 SU-25 Frogfoots.

    -Good news! 187 citizines have signed up to learn to become teachers, 29 for medical training, 8,300 or so have signed up to learn engineering skills.

    - Good news! We have found a small gold deposit inland! It is not enough to make the world roll over, but enough to gain financial improvement for our own needs.

    -A band of mercenaries have offered to protect our borders with the Ivory Coast situation - to prevent rebels from there from sneaking across our borders. They request to remain anonymous however, to avoid retaliation from a former client (Libya.) A jobs a job.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)21:35 No.17675790
    Eh, I prefer Russians. We should politely decline because it would probably hurt our relations, and having multiple countries with airbases doesn't sound so great.
    Sounds good to me.
    Send in planes using the airbase. Recon and exterminate.
    No wa-
    >is offering to sell us their older jets at discount. Weapons systems too. Oil embargo is hurting their economy. 12 F-14 fighters, 4 Mig-29s, and 3 SU-25 Frogfoots.
    Not sure. Ask for more information, how much of a discount?
    Encourage more medical students, our current healthcare system could really use it.
    Begin planning for a mine immediately!
    No. We'll do it ourselves. Personal conflict would be more of a justification for any future wars of unification/enlightenment/liberation/etc.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)21:39 No.17675856
    Okay, this I think we can live with. Agree to this deal, as long as they make a separate military airbase. It'll let them maintain operational security easier, anyway, since this means they won't have to deal with civilians milling around the place like at our civilian airport. We'll provide the grunt labor to build it as long as they can provide the engineers to oversee the project. We want to stay on Russia's good side.

    Sorry, but Russia's giving us the air-defense system before we even enter into a military alliance. I don't think their offer is good enough.

    We hope to run a fiber trunk line eventually, but I suppose that the satellite connection will have to do for now. This should vastly improve our educational facilities.

    Fuck, not good. Beef up security and start setting up firebases and small fortifications along the jungle edge. Once we can get some air assets, carefully recon the jungles.

    I think we should take them up on it. Buy their equipment, and any spare parts and manuals that they have. We'll hammer out a maintenance and technical training contract with Russia and the USA once we take possession of those planes.

    Hire them, give them all new identities and citizenships, and organize them into a government-owned and sponsored PMC.

    Start planning a mine and how to extract it.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)21:40 No.17675874
    I don't mean to come off as being That Guy, but... do we have any plans in the long run to, "expand"? Economically we are growing, and with our new found oil and gold reserves, We are going to find ourselves with more money than what we know what to do with, but, we are a small nation as it is. Plus, there are other ways to expand without without full blown out war.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)21:41 No.17675879
    Radar: I think we should go with this and encourage our men to work closely with the Russians. As suggested above, local business could benefit from having foreign military personnel around.

    BBC: Go for it.

    Scouts: Not good. Continue strengthening security in that area. Prepare to send in a heavier force.

    Iran: Inquire further. I'd suggest we grab the Migs and Frogfoots, since those are likely to be easier for our people to use and maintain, given our Russian ties.

    Citizens: Excellent! Commend them for their contribution to the nation's greatness. Encourage others to follow their example.

    Gold: Let's get it. What's the current market for gold like? Is the price increasing or decreasing?

    Mercs: Could they also train our people?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)21:41 No.17675885

    Use the Russians to train us, then buy planes from the Iranians for use in a small air force. Set up a medical infrastructure with the new influx of medical personnel, maybe even a whole new agency for it. Start training professional field commanders, scouts missing is a bad thing. Free Action...Find this Spetznatz waifu and marry her.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)21:43 No.17675913
    Our plan is to become a beacon of what could be, an enlightened despot of African pride ruling a modernized first world country.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)21:44 No.17675930

    > Iran selling fighters/weapons

    could we buy the fighters and offer the F-14s as additional peacekeeping forces to that UN force we sent men to? Ideally, the UN would foot part or all of the bill for operational costs and repairs while our pilots there get flight experience in aircraft they'll use later?
    the russian aircraft would do nicely based with that possible russian base/training deal...

    >Russian Air base/radar systems

    since they're willing to build an airbase to operate from, let's take them up on that deal.

    > rebels

    the best defense against possible rebels will be to make life for our people better, denying the rebels the popular support a rebellion needs.

    and we might be able to call in some friendly special forces if they start savaging our civilians down the road...
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)21:44 No.17675933
    You're talking about territorial expansion, right? I don't think it'll be necessary in the near future, given how much of our land isn't really being used to its full potential. Or at all.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)21:46 No.17675958
    I think we should purchase guns from companies like H&K, and work on bringing the military up to 20k men.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)21:49 No.17676003
    I think the F-14's would be a good bargain, though, for providing us with a air-superiority fighter that can fulfill multiple different roles as long as we get the appropriate packages.

    If, as >>17675930 suggests, we can get the UN to foot the bill for operating them while our pilots are trained on them, then all the better.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)21:49 No.17676004
    Alright guys, this might be a little ambitious, BUT

    I think we should attempt to nationalize much of our resources (especially precious metals and oil). Signing away these valuable resources to foreign powers (be they state, or private) has always been to the long-term detriment of the country. Full on Mossadegh, that's the way to do it.
    Another note: we should probably try to modernize our political system. Create some sort of safeguard against corruption, insure that members of Parliament don't become aristocracy - and, eventually, impose a term limit on ourselves.

    OP, could you tell us what's going on with some other decently powerful countries? Egypt, Iran, or India, maybe? If they're not the target of any war (as Iran may be at this time), they're probably safer bets than historical hegemons like Russia or the US.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)21:52 No.17676063
    Work together with Russia to create a separate military airbase, where they can establish a military presence.

    Contact this British company, but compare the cost of this to the cost of, say, further improving our agriculture or military. Internet isn't a huge priority.

    Take Iran's offer, but make sure everything's in working condition.

    Use whatever airforce we may have to scout out the jungle. Send in an armed group of experienced soldiers, and keep in contact with the mercenaries. If the rebels continue to be hostile, we may have a use for them closer home.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)21:53 No.17676075

    Is the land owned by a specific tribe or is it "free" land that the state can claim?

    if we can claim it as state land:
    get a few foreign specialists in to give us some plans for several levels of extraction? (different production levels)

    if tribal land:
    need info and negotiations with tribal leaders
    >> NOVEMBER 2013 - STATE REPORT Grand Leader Quest !tr.t4dJfuU 01/25/12(Wed)21:53 No.17676086
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    Off topic...
    "In January 2007, the US Department of Defense announced that sales of spare F-14 parts would be suspended over concerns of the parts ending up in Iran.[58] In July 2007, the remaining American F-14s were shredded to ensure that any parts could not be acquired"

    I shed a single tear.

    Consider this an adviser post - acquiring F-14s means you would need to cannibalize planes for spare parts and/or buy spare parts from Iran...they CLAIM they can make them...
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)21:55 No.17676102
    >vuvuzelas as the national instrument

    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)21:55 No.17676106
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    The proper method is to let foreign companies develop them, catalogue their inevitable abuses and attempts to corrupt the government, let them train our engineers, then nationalize the resources and kick the companies out, airing all of our evidence with folks like the beeb and Al Jazeera.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)21:55 No.17676108

    Your right. I also worry with our rapidly growing wealth and modernization, refuges will flood under our flag, creating a whole new set of problems. I would think a bit of show of might may scare off those sorts of problems (even though war may have the effect of creating more refugees, or them seeing us as strong enough to protect them.)
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)21:57 No.17676138

    oh shit...
    VERY QUIETLY contact USA, inform them Iran seeks to sell us some of those F-14s, and offer that we'll buy them to get them away from Iran... if the USA could make it worth our time?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)21:58 No.17676144
    Ah, damn, I knew about the embargoes but I hadn't heard that they actually shredded the airframes and components.

    Alright, let's just buy the Frogfoots and the Mig-29's.
    The Iranians say they can manufacture F-14 components? I'll believe it when I see it.
    As in, they give us an even steeper discount on 1 F-14, they provide us with spare parts that work, then we'll consider buying the rest.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)21:58 No.17676148
    We don't have to accept refugees. Even if we do, we can use their presence as yet another reason to request aid from others. At this point, the last thing we need is for the world to see us as some sort of warmonger. If we do go to war, it should be with the best PR we can get.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)21:58 No.17676150
    We shouldn't buy guns. If we can't manufacture them natively, then we shouldn't use them. Period.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)21:58 No.17676156

    Most companies have safeguards against that. Demands that they be paid a certain amount in exit fees, or a certain amount if you attempt to renege on the deal within a given amount of years. India, for example, is paying about 60% of their energy budget to Western corporations for telling them to stop building a power plant that actually cost more than the value of the power it produced.

    A slow, steady rise is better than a meteoric rise and fall, is all I'm saying.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)21:58 No.17676157
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    How long until we full on EL PRESIDENTE?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)21:59 No.17676159
    Honestly, I think refugees are a good thing. If we support refugees, we gain leverage and the international community can see us as pretty cool guys. If a significant portion of a neighboring country flees to us, honestly I doubt we'll face many repercussions from stepping in and taking land from them to support the refugees.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:01 No.17676182
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    I'd take the Mig's and the Frogfoots. The F-14's just seem like overkill, and it'd be difficult to get replacement parts for them.

    I'd also still like to look at the viability of Super Tucano's, from Brazil, as a good ground attack aircraft and trainer for our pilots.

    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:02 No.17676198
    Nationalization is not an easy process and can easily backfire on us.
    As it is, the deal with Russia regarding our off-shore oil was necessary because we don't have the economic or industrial infrastructure to extract it on our own, and it helped to advance Zanzi-Russian ties.
    The gold mine will of course be state-run, as the resource rights were for off-shore resources only.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:02 No.17676215
    On second thought, this is a better idea for the f14s. We could end up with a profit, especially if we get more of a discount from Iran. The USA might stop being a douche, too.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:03 No.17676232
    This is why you build a military and hire mercenaries. When the companies demand payment for contracts broken, we politely tell them that their criminal activities invalidate the deal and let them try to convince a world power to come rape us.

    The smart thing to do is to court two world powers that are enemies, like Russia and the United States. Let American corporatist vermin develop our resources, then kick them out while tightening relations with Russia.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:04 No.17676236
    Think we should buy some BMPs, if it's the rebels fucking with us, that should outclass what they have.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:05 No.17676256

    While I agree in principle, I'm not sure it's worth it yet, when we only have 4,000 men. Getting the industrial base required for a domestic arms industry would be expensive, and we could use that money and effort for more civil improvement projects.

    In time we'll want local arms producers making guns under license, but it's still early days. Lets just buy some guns and be done with it. Send out requests to FN and see how much it'd cost for 4,000 FN FAL's.

    Lets present a different vision of Africa to the world. No kids running around with AK's, but a professional army that works with the UN and has western rifles.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:05 No.17676262

    Did we make a permanent agreement? Did the Russians agree to give us the technology for drilling, ourselves?
    Sheeeeit. That's a risky game we're playing. Russia might disown us for being so belligerent, depending on their plans.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:05 No.17676266
    >The smart thing to do
    I disagree
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:06 No.17676271
    We can accept refugees if we put them to work. We still need lots of grunt labor for our roads and setting up our electrical grid, and for our sewer systems and other construction projects.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:07 No.17676289

    Awesome idea. Seriously awesome. We could even set it up so that the ship transporting the Iranian F-14's is mysteriously raided by SEAL Teams en route. Or something covert, rather then just handing over the F-14's when they arrive in our glorious nation. Doesn't make any sense to just piss off Iran right now.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:09 No.17676318
    This is true. We also need as many educated people as we can get. How many would actually be present in a batch of refugees depends on where they come from.

    Still, our PR would benefit if we offered to train refugees in various useful skills, and put them through schooling.
    >> Slushed 01/25/12(Wed)22:10 No.17676331
    Hot Damn!
    Screw this, smells like trouble
    Offer some disgraced or court marshaled soldier amnesty if they can infiltrate the rebel encampment and report to us about goings on
    Fuck Ya! see if there might be something they want for a discount
    This should become no.1 priority for a work division.
    >Ongoing weapons situation
    Lets approach the Israelis, by 2013 they should be almost done phasing out TAR-21s in favor of MicroTavors. Perhaps we could make a deal

    Free action: Lets get a team on getting farming equipment from UN
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:12 No.17676355
    I was thinking we'd buy the F-14's and then have them be crashed in the ocean or have some "engine failures" on landings, forcing our pilots to eject and the F-14s to be turned to scrap/salvage.

    ... but I -do- like the seal team 6 raid idea. especially if some evidence was faked to suggest Iran was the source of the leak!
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:13 No.17676365
         File1327547599.jpg-(51 KB, 624x352, 1323570942835.jpg)
    51 KB
    People voted Africa just to use pictures of dumb Africans.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:13 No.17676367
    Permanent agreement, they do not give us the technology to make our own oil rigs, but considering that our oil field is not massive, and we have no plans to go to other nations and suck up their oil, I don't see this as a problem.
    They will train our workers to operate the oil rigs, and we get 70% of the oil.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:14 No.17676376
    There are, like, three in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:14 No.17676385

    I would've voted Middle East, if I was here.
    [nospoilers] I think the implications of Islam in the modern world are interesting, deal with it [/nospoilers]
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:15 No.17676393
    Russia loves an opportunity to troll the United States.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:18 No.17676429
    But doing so usually hurts the country that Russia is using to troll the US with.
    I'd rather be a member of the Non-Aligned Movement than get stuck between the US and Russia and used as a proxy battlefield.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:18 No.17676430

    Ehhh. Our oil fields aren't massive YET. We don't really know what we've got out there. If this is all there is to the agreement, it's not the end of the world. Although we'd be wise to not do too much of this going forward.
    >> Grand Leader Quest !tr.t4dJfuU 01/25/12(Wed)22:21 No.17676467
    OP here...I'm good for another 3 hours, posts will speed up...soon as I catch up. Any posts after this one wont be considered relevant in the next post, but by all means keep your plan-talks going.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:22 No.17676485
    Of course not. Please. This is why we limited the resource rights to off-shore resources only. Very few nations and megacorporations have the technology and industry necessary to be able to tap into off-shore and deep ocean resources. It would have taken far too long and far too much money to attempt to develop off-shore oil rig technology and then attempt to create one ourselves, especially with our meager industrial base.

    The in-land resources, on the other hand, can be accessed by our current technology and industrial capability, and that's why we took those resource rights off the table.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:23 No.17676495
    We're only a few posts from autosage. I recommend starting a new thread.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:28 No.17676543
    It takes time to train pilots, even if we immediately bought the Super Tucanos the pilots wouldn't be ready for a while.

    I suggest purchase the services of an aerial PMC, like AirScan, to do a quick aerial survey and recon of the jungle area that our scouts disappeared in. I would prefer to pay out money and get the intel now, rather than let whatever's there continue to grow while waiting for our own air assets to be ready.
    >> Slushed 01/25/12(Wed)22:31 No.17676568
    Honestly I don't feel the need to get into a shitstorm w/ the major powers over F-14s. If we just get the Migs we will still have air superiority over Ghana AF who I believe is the only other nation we are a little tense with.
    Ivory Coast should still be reeling from 2011 civil war, am i correct?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:32 No.17676578
    They've still got UN Peacekeepers there, so I believe so.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:33 No.17676599
    Jungle warfare specialists would also be useful. No one cares if mercenaries die.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:36 No.17676627
    The F14 thing might enable some of our UN expeditionary force to get some training from USA special forces or something, or perhaps we might be able to get a deal on an old destroyer or something. At the very least, it is something to look into!
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:36 No.17676631
    Just curious, guys - how many of us are looking to stay EL PRESIDENTE? Do we wanna keep being a dictator, or are we trying to Westernize here?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:39 No.17676664
    We're going to stay as El Presidente until such time as our nation will be able to stand on its own. We will then complete our term of office, and abstain from the next election.

    That's more or less what we initially planned at the start.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:40 No.17676672

    Oh ok, so we WILL try for a real democracy here.
    >> Grand Leader Quest !tr.t4dJfuU 01/25/12(Wed)22:46 No.17676744
    Alright, I'm making my reply to this WITH A NEW THREAD instead of a normal post. Expect new thread in 15 minutes guys or less!
    >> Slushed 01/25/12(Wed)22:48 No.17676762
    Whats wrong with a benevolent dictatorship?
    I dont see how F-14s equal US SpecForces training. Besides our pilots seem to be doing rather well in the UN taskforce

    will someone post a link if OP makes a new thread?

    Also also, we should consider the Israelis for the surplus TAR-21s, if OP decides the price would be reasonable. Plus they are cool 0.0
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:49 No.17676779
    Yes. We see a dictatorship as the requirement to put all of the pieces in place so that a stable representative government can exist.
    Look at all of the other nations that have had democracy forced upon them, without working for it. They've usually failed in some way. There's no national unity, no cultural cohesion. Without that, a nation-state can't exist.
    Our goal is to not only create a stable, modern African nation, but one that has a unified culture and mentality. Where the people within our borders consider themselves citizens of the Republic of Zanzi first, and tribe members second.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:50 No.17676793

    Because, once we die, the "benevolent" part starts to slide. We should slowly work towards it, once we've got a coherent state, and cultural unity.
    >> Grand Leader Quest !tr.t4dJfuU 01/25/12(Wed)23:06 No.17677018
    New thread up.

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