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  • File: 1329156486.png-(15 KB, 669x338, Crawl_Screenshot.png)
    15 KB Transpace Guard Quest B11: Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/13/12(Mon)13:08 No.17931031  
    On a level of reality just below our own,
    Wait. I've already told you that, haven't I?

    Here's the setting in brief, for people who are new:
    Every fictional setting is real, and this set of a billion or more fictional worlds makes up the Meta. A good half of these worlds are plagued by Mary Sues, Fixers, Fanfiction writers, and Crossovers.
    Your organisation, the Transpace Guard, is dedicated to cleaning up and removing these intrusions upon other people's stories, preserving the Canon. This involves kicking large amounts of ass AND also chewing large amounts of bubblegum.
    The section of the Transpace Guard that you work for is called Requistions. To be more precise? Requisitions - Looting. It's your job to go around stealing everything that ISN'T important to the canon, and selling it back to your organisation for DOSH.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/13/12(Mon)13:09 No.17931044
         File: 1329156556.jpg-(74 KB, 1300x873, lods of emone.jpg)
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    The players have looted two worlds successfully so far:

    The first, a Dating Sim world gone wrong when a smelly, obese neckbeard found a way to bring women through the Meta to him and mind control them into servitude, leaving many canons without some of their main characters.
    You went in, picked up everything that wasn't nailed down, and got out.

    The second, Black Mesa from Half-Life. The G-man was too busy playing Quake 3 Arena, and relied on you, Transpace Guard operatives, to fill plotholes and loot everything that wasn't nailed down. You proceeded to do so.

    Now, the players are in their 3rd world: A Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup run. Thus far, they have defeated the Dwarf Fortress crossover, and have looted the Lair and Snake branches of the dungeon.
    Most of the DOSH you'll earn from this mission comes from capturing enemy creatures alive, though items are worth picking up as well. Do this for as many creatures as possible, then head back to base to get paid.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/13/12(Mon)13:19 No.17931132
         File: 1329157185.jpg-(92 KB, 1366x768, thief_2_loadout_screen.jpg)
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    The players' loadout is as follows:

    As Support options, the players have acquired:
    >Heavy Teleport Support, TG-made
    Teleports up and down 10m x 10m x 10m cubes of material every 30 seconds, or person-sized objects every 3 seconds. Requires line of sight to a ground troop or a deployable beacon to work.
    Electrified Steel Nets for the Teleport Support
    >Instant Revitalization Device from Earthbound
    Touch it, and instantly get the benefits of a good night's sleep
    >An Alien Containment from X-com
    Stores the creatures you stun/disable.
    >Recette from Recettear
    3% bonus to DOSH earned
    >Skyranger from X-com
    Equipped with meta transit drive.
    >A Green Mail
    Acid damage heals you instead of hurting you. Currently unassigned.

    As Troops on the ground, the players have acquired:
    >2 Competent 10-man Warcraft Teams
    They have been given stun "staves" to use on enemies in melee combat.
    >The Mentor from Orcs Must Die!
    He is equipped with various Warcraft 3 Aura items, for +10% damage dealt, +10% runspeed, +5% attack speed, and +100% mana regeneration to nearby troops.
    He is equipped with Diablo II Magic Find and Gold Find gear, to allow him to build more traps.
    He has a Staff of Negation to spam AoE dispels on enemy summons.

    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/13/12(Mon)13:30 No.17931228
    >A Blastoise from Pokemon
    Modified so that its cannons fire Holy water instead of normal water.
    It knows Holy surf, Holy water spout, Blizzard, and Focus blast.
    It is carrying a 200 kilogram anti-magic gem, which blocks nearby teleports reliably, and unreliably dispels other magic effects. It can be turned off and on, but not applied selectively.
    It is carrying a Grounding Belt for Lightning immunity, and a +50% damage to the undead mask.
    >1 Auror, from the Harry Potterverse
    In addition to his Harry Potter spells, he has learned:
    Abjuration, from Crawl (AoE damage to temporary enemy summons)
    Clairvoyance, Detect Objects, Detect Monsters, Detect Unseen, and Charm Monster from Nethack,
    "Totalum Requiscat", a custom TG spell that Accios everything in Line of Sight that isn't already being carried by someone,
    Condensation shield, Deflect missiles, Flight, Haste, Lee's Rapid Deconstruction, Passwall, Silence, Stoneskin, Summon Imp, and Summon Ice beast were learned from Crawl.
    He's currently practicing a Freeze Solid spell to capture things immune to stuns, but he still needs more practice.
    He is equipped with a Mana Shield (take damage to MP instead of HP, if MP > HP)
    He is equipped with 2 Rings of Wizardry, and a bunch of Diablo II Fast Cast Rate / Mana Regen gear.

    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/13/12(Mon)13:37 No.17931292
    >Max, from MDK 2
    Able to fire 4 weapons at once, to a high degree of accuracy.
    Robotic construction, but can still drink booze and smoke cigars.
    He is equipped with 4 TMAR Small Launchers, a fusion of Serious Sam and X-com technology, that each fire Stun bombs at a rate of 90 rounds per minute and never run out of ammo.
    He is carrying 2 TMAR Tau Cannons, a fusion of Serious Sam and Half-life technology, that fire powerful beams of subatomic particles that can pierce walls. He is not using them at the moment.
    He is wearing Fire Mail from Chrono Trigger, an item that makes any Fire damage you take heal you instead of hurt you. He is abusing this to consistently overcharge his TMAR weaponry and heal himself from the overheating.
    He is wearing a Life Gem from Warcraft III, that doubles his HP.
    He is wearing Increased Attack Speed, +damage, and Faster Run Speed gear from Diablo II.
    >A Minecrafter, from Minecraft
    He is equipped with a large amount of Gems from Diablo II, and Pickaxes/Axes made from these.
    He has made himself a set of Ruby armor, which grants him +life, and an Amethyst sword, which has an increased chance of hitting.
    He is carrying buckets of Lava. How he does that without burning his hands is unknown.
    He is also carrying a large amount of Wood, Rock and Iron.
    >1 Cleric of Desna, from Pathfinder
    Someone posted the statblock in last thread. I'll copypasta it.
    Male Aasimar Cleric 4
    NG Medium Outsider (Native)
    Init -1; Senses Darkvision (60 feet); Perception +15
    AC 15, touch 9, flat-footed 15 (+6 armor, -1 Dex)
    hp 36 (4d8+12)
    Fort +6, Ref +0, Will +9
    Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/13/12(Mon)13:38 No.17931309
         File: 1329158337.jpg-(265 KB, 1600x768, TreasurePile.jpg)
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    Str 12, Dex 8, Con 13/15, Int 10, Wis 18/20, Cha 16
    Base Atk +3; CMB +4; CMD 13
    Feats Flagbearer, Toughness +4
    Traits Iron Liver, Valashmai Veteran: Perception
    Skills Acrobatics -5, Appraise +4, Climb +0, Diplomacy +5, Escape Artist -5, Fly -5, Linguistics +5, Perception +15, Ride -5, Spellcraft +4, Stealth -5, Swim -3
    Languages Celestial, Common, Dwarven, Infernal
    SQ Aura (Ex), Channel Positive Energy 2d6 (6/day) (DC 15) (Su), Cleric Domain: Liberation, Cleric Domain: Luck, Liberation (4 rounds/day) (Su), Luck Variant Channeling (±1 Sacred), Spontaneous Casting
    Combat Gear - Diablo surprise, Starknife (5); Other Gear Belt of Mighty Constitution, +2, Headband of Inspired Wisdom, +2, Wand of Bane, Wand of Bless, Flag with Party Logo
    Aura (Ex) The Cleric has an aura corresponding to his deity's alignment.
    Bit of Luck (8/day) (Sp) Target takes the higher of 2d20 for a d20 roll.
    Channel Positive Energy 2d6 (6/day) (DC 15) (Su) A good cleric can channel positive energy to heal the living and injure the undead; an evil cleric can channel negative energy to injure the living and heal the undead.
    Cleric Domain: Liberation Granted Powers: You are a spirit of freedom and a staunch foe against all who would enslave and oppress.
    Cleric Domain: Luck Granted Powers: You are infused with luck, and your mere presence can spread good fortune.
    Damage Resistance, Acid (5) You have the specified Damage Resistance against Acid attacks.
    Damage Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Damage Resistance against Cold attacks.
    Damage Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Damage Resistance against Electricity attacks.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/13/12(Mon)13:40 No.17931327

    Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
    Daylight (1/day) (Sp) Daylight once per day.
    Flagbearer Grant bonuses to allies who see your flag
    Liberation (4 rounds/day) (Su) Act as if you had freedom of movement for 4 rounds/day.
    Luck Variant Channeling (±1 Sacred) Bonus to one roll/penalty on all rolls
    Spontaneous Casting The Cleric can convert stored spells into Cure or Inflict spells.
    Valashmai Veteran: Perception +1 trait bonus

    The Auror is also holding a Bag of Holding, to store all the loot, and a Unicorn Horn from Nethack, to cure ability drains.
    The Pathfinder cleric is carrying some very low-level Diablo II survivability gear.
    Your entire group is passing around a Tome of Experience from World of Warcasuals, that grants +15% XP for 1 hour when used.

    Also, the Pathfinder Cleric is now level 5. Hooray!
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/13/12(Mon)13:53 No.17931482
         File: 1329159180.png-(15 KB, 669x733, slime6.png)
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    Thus far, you have looted from Crawl:
    Lair:8 done, D:10 done, Snake:5 done.

    A bunch of crappy weak trash monsters (330 DOSH)
    >Success in resolving crossovers (300)
    10 Greater Naga (150)
    5 Hydrae (100)
    6 Dire Elephants (60)
    Azrael (20)
    Nergalle (10)
    2 Boring Beetle (10)
    1 Oklob (5)
    Sigmund (5)
    Purgy (5)
    Blork (5)

    18 Unique Spellbooks (90)
    Random dungeon loot (85 DOSH)
    1 Rune of Zot (25)
    4 Zot Traps (20)
    1 Glorious Artefact Bow (+3,+4 Bow, Venom, Lev, Str+4, Dex+3, Stlth++) (10)
    1 Scroll of Torment


    Your team is now heading to take on the Slime Pits.
    Much Acid damage here.
    Notable hazards are:
    Acid blobs, which spit acid
    Slime creatures, which hit surprisingly hard, flee a lot, regenerate, and can merge to become big,
    Azure jellies, which deal fucktons of damage,
    Death jellies, which are immune to stun damage, and their attacks lower max HP,
    Giant Orange Brains, which spam summoned monsters,
    Eyes of Devastation, which fire powerful (3d20) bolts of disintegration,
    and the Royal Jelly, which does not regenerate and cannot move up and down stairs, but which hits like multiple trucks, moves as fast as a truck, and which summons a truckload of friendly jellies.
    Slime:5 does not allow controlled teleport while the Royal Jelly is alive. You will have to figure out another way to get enemy creatures off the level if you wish to capture them.

    Recap complete.

    As most of the players are absent for the time being (usually this stuff starts at 20:00), I'll be answering questions and giving rare/sparse bumps to stop the thread falling off the board, and only acting on player suggestions when we have more than one person playing.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/12(Mon)13:59 No.17931558
    >reading the quest for the first time
    See this:
    >support option
    >Recette from Recettear: 3% bonus to DOSH earned

    Haha you fucking fabulous bastards.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/13/12(Mon)14:02 No.17931601
         File: 1329159746.jpg-(110 KB, 1506x455, bulbs_rryyy.jpg)
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    So. Make a plan to clear the enemies in the Slime pits without loss.
    Also, to whom are you assigning the Green mail?

    Current "Default" plan is to make superior cover and funnel enemies into a set of traps both magical and mundane, shelling the crap out of them from afar with stunbombs and CC spells, then having the WoW team intercept them when they close to melee (if they get that close). The minecrafter and teleport support will try to make Pits or Walls around enemy monsters to slow their advance, and Blastoise effectively acts as a damage soak.

    Note that you'll need a new plan for the Slime Pits, as "Superior cover" means you'll be sprayed with acid, and between the Eyes and the Acid blobs, many more mobs here are ranged than before.
    "Zerg rush gogo shoot all the things, focus minecraft and tele support on not making us eat acid" is a viable plan, but the Players are typically more clever than that.

    Speaking of how Clever the players are, this quest implements the COMMON SENSE mechanic.
    Do something very smart, earn a bulb.
    Do something very stupid, you lose a bulb, but instead of the stupid thing happening, you have the option to think of something else.
    The Red bulbs represent times the players tried to earn a bulb, but already had full bulbs. They are good to have. Get more of them for neat stuff.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/13/12(Mon)14:08 No.17931673
    Oh, and if I don't post for up to 16 hours at a time, It's because I'm asleep. I sleep a lot. E.g. now. Will bump the thread when I wake up.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/12(Mon)14:13 No.17931727
    Hey Bootleg Op. I was wondering where you were last night.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/12(Mon)14:37 No.17931959
    Male Aasimar Cleric 5
    NG Medium Outsider (Native)
    Init -1; Senses Darkvision (60 feet); Perception +16
    AC 15, touch 9, flat-footed 15 (+6 armor, -1 Dex)
    hp 44 (5d8+15)
    Fort +6, Ref +0, Will +9
    Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5
    Spd 20 ft.
    Melee Starknife +4 (1d4+1/20/x3) and
    Unarmed Strike +4 (1d3+1/20/x2)
    Spell-Like Abilities Bit of Luck (8/day), Daylight (1/day)
    Cleric Spells Known (CL 5, 4 melee touch, 2 ranged touch):
    >> Anonymous 02/13/12(Mon)14:40 No.17931991

    Str 12, Dex 8, Con 13/15, Int 10, Wis 18/20, Cha 16
    Base Atk +3; CMB +4; CMD 13
    Feats Advance Warning, Flagbearer, Toughness +5
    Traits Iron Liver, Valashmai Veteran: Perception
    Skills Acrobatics -5, Appraise +4, Climb +0, Diplomacy +5, Escape Artist -5, Fly -5, Linguistics +5, Perception +16, Ride -5, Spellcraft +5, Stealth -5, Swim -3
    Languages Celestial, Common, Dwarven, Infernal
    SQ Aura (Ex), Channel Positive Energy 3d6 (6/day) (DC 15) (Su), Cleric Domain: Liberation, Cleric Domain: Luck, Liberation (5 rounds/day) (Su), Luck Variant Channeling (±2 Sacred), Spontaneous Casting
    >> Anonymous 02/13/12(Mon)14:43 No.17932018

    Advance Warning Your allies within 15' are no longer flat-footed once you act in a combat.
    Aura (Ex) The Cleric has an aura corresponding to his deity's alignment.
    Bit of Luck (8/day) (Sp) Target takes the higher of 2d20 for a d20 roll.
    Channel Positive Energy 3d6 (6/day) (DC 15) (Su) A good cleric can channel positive energy to heal the living and injure the undead; an evil cleric can channel negative energy to injure the living and heal the undead.
    Cleric Domain: Liberation Granted Powers: You are a spirit of freedom and a staunch foe against all who would enslave and oppress.
    Cleric Domain: Luck Granted Powers: You are infused with luck, and your mere presence can spread good fortune.
    Damage Resistance, Acid (5) You have the specified Damage Resistance against Acid attacks.
    Damage Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Damage Resistance against Cold attacks.
    Damage Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Damage Resistance against Electricity attacks.
    Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
    Daylight (1/day) (Sp) Daylight once per day.
    Flagbearer Grant bonuses to allies who see your flag
    Liberation (5 rounds/day) (Su) Act as if you had freedom of movement for 5 rounds/day.
    Luck Variant Channeling (±2 Sacred) Bonus to one roll/penalty on all rolls
    Spontaneous Casting The Cleric can convert stored spells into Cure or Inflict spells.
    Valashmai Veteran: Perception +1 trait bonus on Survival in the jungle.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/12(Mon)14:57 No.17932158
    This sounds amazing. How do I get in on it?
    >> Anonymous 02/13/12(Mon)15:07 No.17932275
    Wait till Op wakes back up so he can run the quest.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/12(Mon)18:50 No.17935036
    Bumping for roused curiosity
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/13/12(Mon)19:56 No.17936104
    Asleep, as I was now.

    Well, I'm back. Metaquest OP should have his thread up, so if I don't post here for a while, it's because I'm at the main thread.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/13/12(Mon)20:02 No.17936204
    If you want to get in on the quest, suggest tactics for your troops to use in the Slime pits, and (probably) assign the Green mail to one of them.

    You've got 2 WoW teams (Tanking, Healing, CC, Buffing, Stunrods),
    The Orcs Must Die! Mentor (Traplaying, can slow enemies down with ice magic),
    An Auror (Many disabling spells, but most of them check MR so a good half of Slime Pits will resist them)
    Max (4 Stun bombers of fun)
    a Minecrafter (Digs, lays blocks)
    a Cleric of Reroll
    Teleport support (Sends things up or down. Can teleport rock walls, parts of enemies, stun bombs up and down too)
    And the Holy Blastoise which lacks any nonlethal option so it's just sort of derping around in the back.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/12(Mon)20:04 No.17936245
    Yeah, kinda figured that when you didn't respond after I got done posting the leveled cleric.

    Did the WoW team happen to bring a set of Nature Resistance gear? Otherwise, buff up with Aspect of the Wild or Mark of the Wild. We'll let them tank this set.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/13/12(Mon)20:07 No.17936299
    Plans to deal with the swarms of Slime creatures, Acid blobs, Death Oozes, and Eyes are needed.
    Also plans for Slime:6, which is wide open, and has the BOSSMONSTER in it, a fast-moving, extremely hard-hitting jelly that summons adds, but won't go up stairs, and can't heal.
    Though the WoW teams did not bring nature resist gear, they're quite happy to act as tanks.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/12(Mon)20:08 No.17936310
    not seeing the main quest.

    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/13/12(Mon)20:09 No.17936322
    Damned if I know. Play some Bootleg while you wait.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/12(Mon)20:12 No.17936369
    Do any of our WoW players have Alchemy or Herbalism as thier abilities?
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/13/12(Mon)20:13 No.17936383
    rolled 21, 41 = 62

    Let's see.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/13/12(Mon)20:14 No.17936394
    You have 1 alchemist and 3 herbalists present.
    What are you planning to have them do?
    >> Anonymous 02/13/12(Mon)20:16 No.17936423
    Well, if we could get access to an Ash pit, we could have them make some Alkali materials like Caustic Potash.

    It'd severely harm any slimes we'd find. http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/goods-and-services#TOC-Alkali-Flask as an example from an RPG.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/13/12(Mon)20:18 No.17936453
    The WoW players never trained that skill. I'm also wondering why you wish to destroy the dungeon's #1 source of loot.

    Hmm. No tacticians seem to be present at the current point in time. Wonder where they went.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/12(Mon)20:23 No.17936528
    Would they be possible to create any freezing chemicals, since they're magic resistant.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/13/12(Mon)20:28 No.17936579
    rolled 61, 49, 57, 51, 44, 52, 8, 18, 42, 24 = 406

    You seem to think WoW alchemists are general-purpose. They are not. They turn very specific plants into very specific buffing potions.

    I'm guessing nobody has any tactics better than "Zerg rush and stun/shoot/freeze all the things, Tele support puts boxes on / pits under shit we want to deal with later, Minecrafter breaks down acid walls in everyone's way, and ensure the WoWers (melee stuns) aren't on the same target as Max (ranged stuns)"?

    If so, I'm going with a WIS check on the troops that have combat experience. Cleric of Desna being used to reroll each to take the best of two rolls, since "8/day" + instant revitalizer = 8/2 minutes.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/13/12(Mon)20:35 No.17936668
    Lorefail, Raid team 1's leader, speaks up:
    "Lure stuff around corners or pillars 1 by 1 if they are ranged attackers. That way we can get them close enough to rush them without drawing the attention of more enemies."
    Raid team 2's nameless leader speaks up:
    "It'd be best to go as a group and handle things one at a time. Start with the most dangerous things first - those Eyes sound nasty."
    Max speaks up:
    "Most of our enemies, including the Big one at the bottom, can't hit us if we're above them. Dig down from on top."
    The Auror and Mentor have nothing useful to add.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/13/12(Mon)20:38 No.17936702
         File: 1329183517.jpg-(101 KB, 1506x455, bulbs_rr_yy_w.jpg)
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    And because I had to narrate the obvious:
    #1: Dig down to Slime:7 then UP into Slime:6 if you want to teleport out loot.
    #2: Stairdances and Narrow winding corridors are your friends.
    #3: Acid mail goes on the Minecrafter.
    #4: You lose a bulb. I thought the players could figure out at least half of this on their own!
    >> Anonymous 02/13/12(Mon)20:41 No.17936732
    Dude, I don't think there's anyone else here besides you and me, and I haven't played WoW in a few years. I was asking if they had any recipes like the potions that add a temporary icy enchant.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/13/12(Mon)20:42 No.17936738
    It's 8pm on a quest night and you're the only person here? Where the hell is everyone else?
    >> Anonymous 02/13/12(Mon)20:43 No.17936757
    Buying Valentine's gifts for their loved ones.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/12(Mon)20:43 No.17936763
    I have no clue, but I'm the only person besides you that's posted.

    Hey, a third person! Welcome!
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/13/12(Mon)20:44 No.17936777
         File: 1329183895.jpg-(28 KB, 494x584, lol_no.jpg)
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    >Loved ones
    >4chan userbase
    >> Slimy Burglar 02/13/12(Mon)20:46 No.17936799
    Fourth person here.
    Just got here, and I know jack shit about WoW professions.
    Additionally, I'm incapable of thinking clearly right now.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/12(Mon)20:46 No.17936806

    I'm currently burning through bulbs to keep my course of action on "study" instead "play skyrim" or "browse TG".

    Aw crap, there goes another one.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/12(Mon)20:49 No.17936842
    I know about wow professions. But sick, and not really into quest threads. have fun, though
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/13/12(Mon)20:50 No.17936851
    rolled 47, 53, 9, 79, 79, 83, 51 = 401

    Aaand there's /tg/'s userbase.
    Well, since I burned the "wat do" bulb, I might as well go ahead and auto the rest of the slime pits.

    4 dice for your team, 1 for the opponent, and 2 for your cleric's rerolling. (2, not 8, because most combat typically takes more than 1 round)
    >> Not completely retarded 02/13/12(Mon)20:50 No.17936853
    Brainstorming plan ideas:

    What about removing the floor from a few levels above, allowing us to fire downwards from higher than they can spray acid to?

    For the boss, what about teleporting fortifications into the level above, after we remove its floor, so that they fall down into position in the unteleportable level?
    Auror wears green mail and uses magic to stun the anything resistant to stun bombs from high above so we can haul anything we cant teleport up to the craft via teleported shafts, and a boyancy powered elevator to the surface. (basically a shaft we put a boat made by teleporter, put cargo in the boat, then seal the entry at the bottom and flood the shaft to lift the boat to the top. Minecrafter can make infinite water, so can blastoise if nessicary.

    We could also have the auror just transfigure the monsters into statures, (like flesh to stone) but i'm against putting them in with the rest of the loot, as they could destroy the rest if they got free.
    Are these acid secreting walls worth anything? if so, let's loot them.

    If we the acid attacks are too longranged for that, could we just have the auror locate loot from the trench for each slime level, teleport a shaft to that loot, grab the loot via teleporter, then flood the slime levels using minecrafters infinite, using our teleporters to make sievelike collection areas between the trench and the levels to catch the slimes before they fall, then stun them from the top of the dungeon?

    If we cant teleport on the bottom level, and the walls cause damage, give minecrafter the green mail while he's doing stuff on that level.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/12(Mon)20:51 No.17936867

    But... against my better judgement (bzzt)...

    WoW alchemists can craft Frost Oil. It isn't exactly an icy enchant, but it can serve to create non-hunter freezing traps that are potent enough to freeze pretty huge and strong Warcraft Ogre mini-bosses for a long period of time.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/13/12(Mon)20:52 No.17936876
         File: 1329184334.png-(73 KB, 1506x455, bulbs_rr_yyy.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/13/12(Mon)20:54 No.17936900
    It's Monday, still no Metaquest but there is Bootleg, I'm posting from a cellphone and I just found this thread.
    Fucking madness, we need a better way to tell players that threads are up.

    And I don't know anything about WoW either. Lets abuse Minecrafter with green mail to make holes in Slime:5.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/12(Mon)20:55 No.17936926
    Have Steve build a staircase when King Slime is about to attack, run up it and we're safe from King Slime.

    Also, +1 reader.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/13/12(Mon)20:56 No.17936934
    Also, for the sake of me not needing to spamroll, here's your section of WoW professions (just ignore the first post I made, because apparently I cannot count to 40):

    2 are Mine/BS
    1 is Mine/JC
    1 is Mine/Engy
    2 are Herb/Alchy
    2 are Herb/Inscript
    2 are Skin/LW
    1 is Mine/Skin
    1 is Herb/Skin
    3 are Herb/Mine
    1 is Enchant/Alchy
    1 is Enchant/Tailor
    1 is BS/JC
    1 is Engy/JC
    1 is Tailor/JC
    >> Not completely retarded 02/13/12(Mon)20:56 No.17936940
    Sorry, i was doing some cooking and then was typing one of my overly verbose posts and couldn't reply sooner.
    I've have a glance at the acid pits page on the stone soup wiki,
    and it looks like magic is a great option for the boss, as it has no listed magic resistance.
    Also for later when we do the deeper levels, we may want a few mages with fire spells to evaporate all that water in the trench, which i'm assuming runs down as fat as we can go, due to the nature of dorfs and their fuck the world machines often aiming to kill EVERYTHING, not just the topmost things
    >> Anonymous 02/13/12(Mon)20:58 No.17936961
    Oh yeah, almost forgot: we need to deal with the slimes before they engulf and eat any loot, for maxum DOSH.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/13/12(Mon)20:58 No.17936968
    >and it looks like magic is a great option for the boss, as it has no listed magic resistance.
    The wiki doesn't modify it by HD, its resistance is actually "Nearly entirely resistant"

    (150 = Extraordinarily resistant, 300 = nearly entirely immune)
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/13/12(Mon)21:01 No.17937014
    Good thinking! This is exactly why there is 0 loot on the floor of the slime pits.
    Other than the slimes themselves.
    I myself like to do Slime pits for the XP. It's damn good XP.




    Lair:8 done, D:10 done, Snake:5 done.
    A bunch of shit monsters (330 DOSH)
    >Success in resolving the crossover (200)
    >Goldilocks' 3 bears (100)
    10 Greater Naga (150)
    5 Hydrae (100)
    6 Dire Elephant (60)
    1 Azrael (20)
    1 Nergalle (10)
    1 Boring Beetle (5)
    1 Oklob (5)
    Sigmund (5)
    Purgy (5)
    Blork (5)

    Random dungeoncrap (85 DOSH)
    1 Glorious Artefact Bow (+3,+4 Bow, Venom, Lev, Str+4, Dex+3, Stlth++) (10)
    3 Potion of Speed
    1 Scroll of Torment
    18 Spellbook (90)
    4 Zot Traps (20)
    1 Rune of Zot (25)

    ROLLS: WoW team 47, Max 43, Auror 83, Mentor 51, Blastoise + Minecrafter 79, Slimes 79.

    Let's do this.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/13/12(Mon)21:05 No.17937089
    Your Auror opens the fight by summoning...
    ... massive amounts of birds.
    They prove quite effective in absorbing enemy fire!
    Max designates his targets via the HUD, to ensure nobody charges into melee with them, and proceeds to hose the monsters with stunbombs as usual.
    The WoW team quickly falls into Routine. This mightn't always be good, but when your goal is "Keep the slime creatures apart, but keep tanking them", WoW teams know what's what.
    The Minecrafter ensures you have narrow chokeways firing from above, that you can easily retreat to when wounded. He also runs interception on any walls that are proving troublesome.
    Blastoise stands at the front of the group, tanking damage as need be.

    By taking on only a few enemies at a time, with superior terrain, tactics, and weapons, very little serves to hinder you.

    >Now AUTOING SLIME 1-4
    >> Not completely retarded 02/13/12(Mon)21:07 No.17937123
    Good point, but they may have already eaten everything before we arrived, we should have auror go down the outside (i'm assuming the whole dungeon is inside the trench) in the trench, with teleporters and/or minecrafter provinding platforms for him, so he can sry for loot for us to telegrab.

    Well, damn, no magic on that guy, i guess.
    If he's immune to stum bombs as well, we'll need something acid resistant to contain it. Will our normal boxes work for that? If so, we could dump boxes that open on the side around it, so that it can only move into them, and weld the boxes closed for transport?
    >> Anonymous 02/13/12(Mon)21:07 No.17937129
    I also noticed now that the Auror has Lee's Rapid Deconstructio, ergo, we can also loot items first by breaking the vault and everything else later. If you did'nt say that there are.no items.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/13/12(Mon)21:10 No.17937175
    rolled 2 = 2

    Rolling to determine whether Acid blobs are worth 15 dosh or 20 dosh
    >> Slimy Burglar 02/13/12(Mon)21:11 No.17937188
    Well, shit.
    Still, spells can keep its allies and summons out of our faces, right?
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/13/12(Mon)21:13 No.17937219
    There is very little that HasteMax can't kill from above.
    He sometimes dies, but he gets combat res'd from out of line of sight of below.
    >> Slimy Burglar 02/13/12(Mon)21:13 No.17937223
    Combine this with the minecrafter's ability to dig through the ceiling and a little Auror scrying, and we can empty those vaults before firing a single shot.
    >> Rynex !3KCroq6wAA 02/13/12(Mon)21:17 No.17937285

    Main quest is gonna be up tonight. Remember to salvage the hardware lying on the moon, 'kay?
    >> Anonymous 02/13/12(Mon)21:19 No.17937315

    By "moves as fast as a truck" do you mean that it moves as fast as a truck can relative to a person, or as fast as a truck relative to a jet?
    >> Anonymous 02/13/12(Mon)21:20 No.17937329
    >>Your Auror opens the fight by summoning... massive amounts of birds.

    We should have done this when dealing with Metal Man.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/13/12(Mon)21:21 No.17937350



    Lair:8 done, D:10 done, Snake:5 done, Slime:6 mostly done
    A bunch of shit monsters (350 DOSH)
    >Success in resolving the crossover (300)
    56 Slime Creature (280)
    14 Acid Blob (280)
    10 Greater Naga (150)
    5 Hydrae (100)
    6 Dire Elephant (60)
    5 Azure Jelly (50)
    7 Shining Eye (35)
    4 Eye of Draining (20)
    Azrael (20)
    Dissolution (15)
    Nergalle (10)
    1 Boring Beetle (5)
    1 Oklob (5)
    1 Great Orb of Eyes (5)
    1 Giant Orange Brain (5)
    Sigmund (5)
    Purgy (5)
    Blork (5)

    Random dungeoncrap (85 DOSH)
    1 Glorious Artefact Bow (+3,+4 Bow, Venom, Lev, Str+4, Dex+3, Stlth++) (10)
    3 Potion of Speed
    1 Scroll of Torment
    18 Spellbook (90)
    4 Zot Traps (20)
    1 Rune of Zot (25)

    Still need to deal with TRJ's summons and the lootvault.
    And yes, that IS over 700 Dosh of creatures in the slime pits.
    >> Slimy Burglar 02/13/12(Mon)21:21 No.17937353
    Normal crawlers need both Haste and Swiftness at once to outrun it, according to the wiki.
    >> Not completely retarded 02/13/12(Mon)21:24 No.17937396
    We could get an enormous amount of dosh with the royal jelly, it spawns acid blobs when damaged,so we could farm them by healing and damaging the royal jelly.
    The sawned acid blobs don't appear on the other side of a wall so we should be able to do this safely, except for the fact that there is apparently a slime god who may take offence to it.
    Maybe we should ask kali before we try such a thing, so we don't get divine retribution'd
    >> Slimy Burglar 02/13/12(Mon)21:27 No.17937445
    If we plan to take The Royal Jelly alive, then we should ask Kali.
    According to this:
    if we kill TRJ, we don't have to worry about divine retribution, as the slime deity fades out of the world.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/12(Mon)21:29 No.17937483
    Hell, if TRJ dies, Jivya (the slime god) also dies.
    We should really go and capture TRJ. Also, note that worshipping Jivya makes all slimes and jellies neutral. Maybe we can convince Jivya to give up since how fucked up is this canon.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/13/12(Mon)21:31 No.17937506
         File: 1329186679.png-(1005 KB, 522x391, MDK2Max.png)
    1005 KB
    Avis is an amazingly useful spell in crawl.
    Aye. You have someone on staff who can outrun it with Haste alone.


    "Time to party."
    Ensuring his guns and jetpack are operational, Max memorises the locations of hiding-holes where Healers are stashed on the floor above.

    Looking down into the Royal Jelly's hiding spot, he takes as many buffs as the group can give him, giving him once again a firing rate of 40 rounds per SECOND.

    "Wakey Wakey sunshine."

    The first round of stun bombs rails into the royal jelly, summoning 10 Acid blobs, 10 Death oozes, and 10 Azure jellies. Max engages his jetpack and escapes the reach of the Death Oozes and Azure jellies, as the Acid blobs' shots harmlessly hit his Green mail.
    "The big one's fleeing."
    A cage falls down from one floor up, trapping the Royal Jelly with nowhere to run.
    "... And it's Stunned."

    When you see how much dosh you get from capturing TRJ, you'll be quite surprised how you dealt with Jiyva.

    Also why the fuck did I not ID the amulets I got on Slime:6
    I know at least one of them is rMut Int+3 Str+1 since I've been using it all goddamn game since I got it.
    >> Not completely retarded 02/13/12(Mon)21:32 No.17937521
    Maybe we could use that to loot a god?
    Offering to keep the royal jelly alive if the slime god comes with us and helps us with our looting?
    Looting the royal jelly and tasking the slime god if it wants to come with us and not fade from no worshippers?
    How much DOSH is a slime god worth?
    Let's consult kali about this stuff.

    I'l be back in a while, gotta go do things
    >> Anonymous 02/13/12(Mon)21:33 No.17937541
    We know. We're waiting for him.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/13/12(Mon)21:37 No.17937600



    Lair:8 done, D:10 done, Snake:5 done, Slime:6 mostly done
    Jiyva (? DOSH)
    >Did you just loot Cthulhu?
    A bunch of shit monsters (390)
    >Success in resolving the crossover (300)
    24 Acid Blob (480)
    56 Slime Creature (280)
    10 Greater Naga (150)
    5 Hydrae (100)
    The Royal Jelly (100)
    6 Dire Elephant (60)
    15 Azure Jelly (150)
    7 Shining Eye (35)
    4 Eye of Draining (20)
    Azrael (20)
    Dissolution (15)
    Nergalle (10)
    1 Boring Beetle (5)
    1 Oklob (5)
    1 Great Orb of Eyes (5)
    1 Giant Orange Brain (5)
    Sigmund (5)
    Purgy (5)
    Blork (5)

    Random dungeoncrap (165 DOSH)
    4 Glorious Artefacts (40)
    1 Scroll of Torment
    25 Spellbook (125)
    10 Zot Traps (50)
    2 Rune of Zot (50)

    Also, level ups!
    Your MENTOR now knows how to FREEZE SOLID! He can only freeze one thing at a time, and only in melee range, but it is an option for capturing anything that doesn't need to breathe. Frozen targets are immune to most damage, though Lasers and Sound still hurt them.
    Your BLASTOISE is now level 65! Gogo levelling!
    Your CLERIC OF DESNA is now level 7!
    Your AUROR is requesting that you give him 2 hours or so for a personal quest. He says his help is needed at Hogwarts, and to look for a "...ic" transporter.
    He can't quite make out that last message.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/13/12(Mon)21:41 No.17937663
    Your Auror reports he'll need 2 hours on his personal quest. He can delay it until later, but there may be a HERO UPGRADE in it for him if he does it now.

    In these 2 hours, your Minecrafter and Teleport support could sabotage the Fuck-the-world device the Dwarves built.

    Your Warcraft teams, Mentor, Max, Blastoise, and Desnacleric request permission to go clear the Orcish Mines while your minecrafter and Auror are busy.

    Accept or Deny these requests?
    >> Anonymous 02/13/12(Mon)21:47 No.17937728
    Hero upgrade? lets do this.
    But later, Metaquest is on.
    >> Slimy Burglar 02/13/12(Mon)21:47 No.17937729
    Not sure about anyone else, but I'm inclined to vote "Yes" on all three requests.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/12(Mon)21:47 No.17937733
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/13/12(Mon)21:47 No.17937737
    Right, fuck this.
    Thread over for a while.
    Come back later.
    >> Not completely retarded 02/13/12(Mon)21:51 No.17937782
    Does the auror want any support on his HEROIC QUEST?
    If he does, let him have it, he's been a great employee and deserves it.

    Can we sabotage the FTW machine in a way that we can easily reverse, so we can use it ourselves if needed?
    Can we also do it in a way that the locals cant reverse and we can easily make complete, so that when we leave it won't get used by someone like xom, he'd be the kind of asshole who might decide to try LOLRANDUMing the dungeon via the collapse the dungeon system, or the flood the hells system, so we want BOTH disabled, to stop the place getting ruined after we leave.

    ORCS: If they think they can handle it, sure, why not?

    Is the thing that kali hates creepy perverts? She seemd to hate that creepy neckbeard from the first mission, and also xom, both of which were creepy perverts.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/13/12(Mon)21:53 No.17937809
    Kali didn't initially hate creepy perverts. What pissed her off in the journal was that James was dealing with Satan.
    But she sure does hate Xom...
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/13/12(Mon)21:56 No.17937855
    I mean shit, Kali -is- a pervert herself. And so is her husband. Hindu mythology is like an entire pantheon of Zeus.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/13/12(Mon)22:09 No.17938039
    rolled 34, 94, 27 = 155

    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)00:24 No.17939862

    Bootleg quest on pause while Main quest is on.
    Main quest is at >>17937512

    Am currently spamming retarded, dangerous suggestions in a volatile situation. Come join me then yell at everyone when it all goes to shit.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)01:35 No.17940828
    I shall now sleep. Enjoy your meta quest, everyone.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)01:45 No.17940939
    You should archive this thread before you go to sleep. I already archived the main thread to avoid a repeat of the Metahuman resistance thread archive.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)04:19 No.17942341
    My sleep patterns are almost as random as Xom is.
    Anyway, let's see what's happening.
    Your Auror is away for a while. When you're done in the Orc mines, he'll be back.
    Your Minecrafter is being particularily effective with his sabotage. Anyone without a knowledge of engineering will have no idea what to fix, but he's making a log of all the changes he makes so you can easily reverse them.
    What was that 27 for again? I forget.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)04:32 No.17942454
         File: 1329211920.png-(775 B, 265x153, d11_enemies.png)
    775 B
    D11 proves itself to be quite an interesting level.
    Psyche, Joseph, an Unseen Horror and a Hydra roam the halls.
    Also, there are truly ridiculous numbers of electric eels, and orc priests. A few Yaks and Jellies are also present.

    The Unseen Horror proves to be no issue, thanks to your advanced sensors.
    Max combines with a stealthy warcraft Rogue, dropping Stunbombs in a spot where they may be easily teleported, and teleporting them onto the eels.
    Psyche smacks the rogue with her dagger, and your Anti-magic gem blinks, before the Rogue introduces her to Kidney Shot and Max introduces her to Stunning.
    The Hydra is boxed, and stunned from a safe distance.
    The Jellies, to prevent accidents, are destroyed, not captured.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)04:34 No.17942463
    Also, my crawldude managed to misplace his axe of distortion so he's stuck in Pandemonium for a bit. :[
    Will repost when he gets out.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)04:49 No.17942584
         File: 1329212967.png-(15 KB, 669x724, d11.png)
    15 KB
    Map of D11
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)04:50 No.17942592
    rolled 35, 14, 37, 15, 44, 16, 70 = 231

    Finally, the usual spam of rolls that tells me how you did.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)05:06 No.17942728
         File: 1329213960.png-(55 KB, 1329x1483, orc_mines_map.png)
    55 KB



    Lair:8 done, D:10 done, Snake:5 done, Slime:6 done
    Jiyva (? DOSH)
    >Looting gods: Fun and profitable
    24 Acid Blob (480)
    A bunch of shit monsters (405)
    >Success in resolving the crossover (300)
    56 Slime Creature (280)
    10 Greater Naga (150)
    15 Azure Jelly (150)
    6 Hydrae (120)
    The Royal Jelly (100)
    6 Dire Elephant (60)
    7 Shining Eye (35)
    4 Eye of Draining (20)
    Azrael (20)
    Dissolution (15)
    Nergalle (10)
    Joseph (10)
    1 Boring Beetle (5)
    1 Oklob (5)
    1 Great Orb of Eyes (5)
    1 Giant Orange Brain (5)
    Psyche (5)
    Sigmund (5)
    Purgy (5)
    Blork (5)

    Random dungeoncrap (185 DOSH)
    25 Spellbook (125)
    10 Zot Traps (50)
    2 Rune of Zot (50)
    5 Glorious Artefacts (50)
    1 Scroll of Torment
    Enough Wands of Digging to go through the Orc Mines quickly

    Speaking of the Orc mines, here's a tactical map.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)05:23 No.17942868
         File: 1329215000.png-(1 KB, 305x299, orc_monsters.png)
    1 KB
    As far as monsters in the orcish mines:
    The usual spam of Orc Priests, Wizards, Warriors and regular orcs.
    Plus, the groups pictured.

    Erica + Orc knight
    Gastronok + a Troll
    Roxanne, Kirke, Urug, and Maud, meatshielded by a crapton of orc priests, warriors, and a few ogres,
    an Ice Dragon and a few polar bears,
    Donald and a Troll,
    and the orc fort at the end is home to 4 orc high priests, 1 orc warlord, and 3 orc sorcerers.

    For forces available, you have:
    2 Competent WoW teams
    1 Mentor from Orcs Must Die!, who can freeze things solid if he's in melee range with them (note: this kills things that need to breathe)
    1 Holy Blastoise, which is over level 65 now,
    1 Cleric of Desna, level 7, allows for rerolling bad shit in combat,
    1 Max, from MDK2, equipped with 18 Stunbombs per second of fury.
    1 Heavy Teleport Support. Stunned things go up, pit traps, cages, nets, and cover go down.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)05:42 No.17943007
    For those unfamiliar with the abilities of the Crawl monsters:
    Orc: Weak piece of crap
    Orc Wizard: More of an annoyance than a threat.
    Orc Warrior: Not quite as weak piece of ass, but still a fodder enemy.
    Orc Priest: Smites, bypassing armor to deal a small amount of damage. An annoyance if encountered in groups of 2, deadly in groups of 8.
    Ogre: Big, dumb, easy to kill, hits kind of hard.
    Troll: Big, dumb, regenerates health, hits kind of hard.
    Orc Knight: Big, not quite as dumb, tanks damage well, and hits kind of hard. Is on par with one of your WoW team.
    Orc Sorcerer: Nasty spell list, Paralysis + Draining + Summon demons + Blink. Not very much HP or ability to tank damage.
    Orc High Priest: EXTRA SMITE, EXTRA HP, and Summons demons.
    Demons can be quite bullshit. Hellions smite you with hellfire, Tormentors HALVE the HP of everything in LoS every few turns, Neqoxecs mutate you and drain your int, Smoke demons can smite and set you on fire, Hellwings raise the dead. Fortunately, you have a HOLY BLASTOISE and a STAFF OF NEGATION, taken pretty much for this purpose.
    Orc Warlord: Tanks like a boss. Hits like a boss. Has both a crossbow and a melee weapon, and can hit like a boss with both. Also causes nearby orcs to go into an attack frenzy.
    Ice Dragon:
    Imagine a Dragon. Now make it breathe Ice. 3d24 of ice. Not QUITE enough to lay low the WoW healers, DPS and cleric of desna, but it's damn close.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)05:43 No.17943015
    Poison bolt. Mystic Blast. Typical squishy wizard.
    Moves very slowly, lots of HP, somewhat powerful smiting attack.
    Tanks like two bosses glued together. Hits like a boss. No ranged attack.
    Javelin thrower, dealing moderate damage. Dodges a lot, but not much HP
    Spams summoned ugly things, can turn you into a Pig. The Pig thing is dispellable.
    Tanks like a boss, Hits like two bosses glued together, No ranged attack.
    Aw holy shit it's Roxanne. Immune to stuns and magic, resists most attack spells, tanks like Four bosses glued together, and spams one of the highest damage ranged attacks in the game. At 3d32, this CAN kill your casters in one hit, and it'll knock Max flat on his ass. Capturing her (rather than killing her) is bound to be trouble.
    Fortunately, she CAN'T MOVE. I wonder if you'll find a way to use that against her somehow?
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)05:46 No.17943039
    I'll bump this thread every few hours that I'm awake. Hope to see a "How to Win Orc" plan here some time before 20:00 today.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)07:28 No.17943796
    Current "Default" plan is to make superior cover and funnel enemies into a set of traps both magical and mundane, including 1 Sentry tower to allow Stun bombs to be teleported into the oncoming enemy ranks without risk, if the enemy are still advancing and not in range.
    As the enemies finish moving through the funnel, they are set upon by the WoW team, Blastoise, and Cleric of Desna, using stun rods and their abilities as appropriate.
    Max, the Auror, and the Mentor, use a flanking path to apply stun bombs / spells (including birdspam) / rebuild traps / change the enemy path, and who then retreat down the flanking path and block the way behind them.
    The Minecrafter and Teleport support attempt to block or split enemy paths, closing off routes if the enemy is getting too numerous, or digging pits under and then sealing enemies that are too strong.
    Vs. Undead enemies that you wish to capture, the Auror and Mentor will try to freeze them as they come forward. If this is not possible, the Minecrafter and Tele support will drop them into a pit or seal them into a box to deal with later.

    This is assuming you want to capture things.
    Killing things is easier, but MUCH less profitable.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)07:53 No.17943971
    Oh, btw, your Auror knows:
    Most of the Harry Potter spells, but is unwilling to use the unforgivable curses.
    the Divinations spells from Nethack (ID, Sense monsters, Sense loot, Sense traps and doors, Mapping)
    From Crawl, he knows:
    Charms: Swiftness, Ozocubu's Armor, Flight, Insulation, Deflect Missiles, Haste (castable on any friendly target)
    Conjuration: Mephitic Cloud, Iskenderun's Mystic Blast.
    Transmutation: Stoneskin, Passwall, Condensation Shield, Leda's Liquefaction, Dig.
    Hexes: Tukima's Dance, Silence.
    Summoning: Abjuration, Recall, Summon Ice beast, Summon Scorpions, Summon Elemental.
    He also knows Area-of-effect Accio, Ice block (enemy), and Cure Mutation.

    He is not good at Killing-type spells as those are not commonly taught at Hogwarts.
    He is reluctant to use "Dark magic", such as necromantic or demon-related spells.
    He is worried about putting on weight with all the food he's eating and water he's drinking to offset the hunger and MP costs of these spells.

    Your Mentor is somewhat amused at your antics thus far, and considering whether it would be possible to win a game of Orcs Must Die! using a variety of custom nonlethal traps.

    Max is enjoying the combat.

    Blastoise seems happy.

    The Minecrafter is worried about all the powerful hostile monsters.

    The Cleric of Desna feels uncomfortable being watched by so many gods.

    WoW team 1 is having fun.

    WoW team 2 is enjoying the combat, but wishes they could pull and AoE down more mobs.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)09:58 No.17944975
    10am bump
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)12:42 No.17946503
    Midday bump.
    Anyone curious about the setting, want to join in but don't have enough information, or want to yell at me for shitting up the board with yet another quest thread?

    My e-mail's in the e-mail field.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)12:46 No.17946552
         File: 1329241617.jpg-(309 KB, 529x529, FFFFFFFF.jpg)
    309 KB
    This board needs MORE quest threads, dammit. As you were. (And should you consider retreat, I do hope you'll think again. Commissar Fuklaw has been assigned to this thread.)
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)12:48 No.17946570
    What's a "retreat"? Is that some form of Heresy? Wasn't in the primer, sir.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:25 No.17946909
    I hereby nominate this man for guardsmen of the year. You do the emperor proud, son.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)13:36 No.17947005
    I sleep now. See you when I wake up.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)13:46 No.17947085
    As a mostly-DM I have an interest in quest threads but I never know when to post them (as in what time of day is best), and as yet don't have a feel for what the fa/tg/uys and ca/tg/irls actually WANT. I have one or two quests already set aside.

    Also I have a interest in this thread, what is this / what is it about?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)14:08 No.17947267
    You should just start one & see how it goes. I love jumping in on quest threads. Also, I'm here for some DOSH. Where do I sign up?
    >> Not completely retarded 02/14/12(Tue)17:47 No.17949704
    Brainstorming plans:
    Have we drained the shoals yet? If not, Let's just scry for loot, teletunnel to it, teleport it out, seal the area, then flood the dungeon one level at a time, draining it with a sieve to catch monsters and prevent them from getting torn apart by the pressure differential.
    Or do monsters in this canon act differently in water from the specops we faced in the halflife canon?

    We could tunnel out above the top orc level, in a way that allows us to crouch behind barriers and lob stunbombs all over the place, using sensors and scrying to aim so we don't get hit by the line of sight atacks, similar to what we did with the slimes? After we clear each level, we teleport it away to expose the one underneath, allowing us to remain in our comfortable firing range.

    we could tunnel around the edge of the dungeon and open firing holes as needed, closing them or ducking back behind the walls after taking a shot, possibly scrying or using sensors or tiny peepholes cut by teleporter to let us open holes when our targets have their backs turned, so they cant get line of sight?

    Did we bring some mirrors on sticks? maybe we can use them to target our teleporters without risking our troops, or maybe we can put whatever we're using to target the teleporter on a stick and control it from either another teletargeter, or the ship?

    Can any of our forces produce irritants or other debilitating agents? Maybe we can gas the orcs? Can the auror make teargas or some sort of knockout gas?

    We could have the auror invisibility and quiet himself and sneak in and stun the stronger monsters, or just provide a teleport lock for boxes and stunbombs to be teled in?

    Continued in another post due to length.
    >> Not completely retarded 02/14/12(Tue)17:56 No.17949823
    Can we produce illusions of us? maybe we could farm demons by having someone stealthing around to act as a teleport guide, boxing anything that get summoned, using the illusions to make the natives summon more?
    If we leave the top of the boxes open, we could drop stunbombs in and teleport them out, then remove the box to repeat the process, letting us harvest a whole lot of summoned monsters. If the demons are immune to stunbombs, we may be able to drown them to unconsiousness, then resusicitate them in containment via magic? If they keep being summoned and don't eventually become depopulated (i think this happens in nethack if you kill enough of something, not sure about stone soup) then as long as we can keep some of them alive, we're ok for dosh from them.

    Do the gods have followers outside the dungeon? if not, we might be able to loot all of the ones that don't have followers in pan or the abyss, the only infinite sections i know of from my breif look at the wiki.

    Is the thing kali hates evil, chaotic, unkind, 'unworthy', neglectful, or dickish gods/godlikes and those that work with them? Or is it those that treat others as toys?
    Xom is a lolrandum asshole, even to his followers, and satan seems evil.
    If the auror seems overly concerned with his weight, we should be supportive and remind him that we have access to some of the metas best fitness plans, maybe when we get back to base we can get him one of those excersise beds from the jetsons? We need to look after our colleagues.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)18:00 No.17949877
    Hi! I'm awake. Let's see what players have ordered me to do.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)18:07 No.17949971
    >Also I have a interest in this thread, what is this / what is it about?

    Players spend DOSH renting items/heroes from across many different canons (fictional worlds).
    Players then go into a fictional world, and loot everything of value that isn't story-important, and sell it for DOSH.
    The goal is to acquire more DOSH than you initially spent.
    The players' role is as tactical and strategic advisors, and as talkers and diplomats. Smart tactics and saying the right things makes you win! Dumb tactics and saying the wrong things makes you lose.

    >Also, I'm here for some DOSH. Where do I sign up?
    Show up, here, shout tactics/strategy advice, receive DOSH.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)18:15 No.17950092
    Welcome back. Here's differences for the Cleric
    Health is at 60, Saves went up
    He can now cast lvl 4 spells at caster lvl 7.
    He gained a new ability from his domains.
    Good Fortune (1/day) (Ex) Reroll a die.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)18:16 No.17950093
    >Have we drained the shoals yet?
    Where exactly are you draining the shoals into?
    >We could tunnel out above the top orc level, in a way that allows us to crouch behind barriers and lob stunbombs all over the place, using sensors and scrying to aim so we don't get hit by the line of sight atacks, similar to what we did with the slimes?
    >we could tunnel around the edge of the dungeon and open firing holes as needed, closing them or ducking back behind the walls after taking a shot, possibly scrying or using sensors or tiny peepholes cut by teleporter to let us open holes when our targets have their backs turned, so they cant get line of sight?
    You will apply TELEPORTER SHENANIGANS and SUPERIOR COVER. Have a bulb!
    >Can any of our forces produce irritants or other debilitating agents? Maybe we can gas the orcs? Can the auror make teargas or some sort of knockout gas?
    Gas works strangely in this canon. It doesn't GO anywhere, it just seems to dissipate on its own.
    >Can we produce illusions of us?
    If one of your Priests respecs to Shadow they make illusions of themselves sometimes as they attack. If you find, capture and somehow convince Mara to join you, Mara can summon Illusions. In short: Not practical.
    >Farming Demons
    They despawn after some time of being summoned. Dancing weapons, Royal jelly slimes, and Skeletons/zombies from corpses (which you have created exactly 0 of thus far) do not despawn.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)18:25 No.17950227
    rolled 50, 57, 5, 93, 45 = 250

    >Is the thing kali hates evil, chaotic, unkind, 'unworthy', neglectful, or dickish gods/godlikes and those that work with them?
    Her domains are Time, Change, and Death. She particularily hates the Undead, as they don't decay with time, nor do they respect death. You may think of her as Tzeentch with boobs.
    She dislikes demons, and those who work with them. She has no major problem with evil, though (She's married to Shiva the goddamn Destroyer).
    Xom has god-tier powers of being a chaotic randumb ultrafaggot. Literally, his domains are "Chaos", "Faggotry", and "Double Faggotry".

    >Good Fortune (1/day) (Ex) Reroll a die.
    God bless x/day + Revitalization device ultraspam. Let's roll with what we find in the Orc mines.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)18:26 No.17950242
    rolled 67, 33, 27 = 127

    Woops. Forgot your cleric's powers, which I'm just handwaviuming as "3 rerolls per combat"
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)18:28 No.17950261
    probably a good idea.
    >> Not completely retarded 02/14/12(Tue)18:29 No.17950280
    Earlier i suggested draining them into the trench the dwarfs dug around the dungeon, but we might be able to use it here to incapacitate the orcs. If we do this, i think we might want a team ready to collect whatever cant beathe air in the shoals, so we don't kill our loot. We'd also want to grab anything lootable that would be damaged by water from the place we put the water, like books or scrolls.

    We could also grab water from the FTW machine and its pipe, but we'd need to be careful of the pressure.

    Some of the walls in this dungeon are made of interesting materials, are they worth anything? (green crystal and slime walls)

    Since we have the royal jelly, are we going to farm its slimes for extra DOSH, or are there guys back at base who'll do the farming? (This leads to a possibly unpoular question, if we can farm the slimes the royal jelly spawns, why are we getting so much for them?)
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)18:38 No.17950423
         File: 1329262702.gif-(53 KB, 1506x455, Bulbs_5_red.gif)
    53 KB
    Most of the Orc mines are NO MATCH FOR YOUR TACTICS.
    Orc high priests somehow see down your tunnels and occasionally summon demons on you. Blastoise's holy water splatters them before anything significant occurs.
    Donald, Maud, and the Orc Warlord are BUTTHURT that your tactics allow them absolutely no chance of counterfire.

    >Some of the walls in this dungeon are made of interesting materials, are they worth anything?
    You will indeed loot DUNGEON WALLS.
    Green Crystal walls appear to be GLASS walls.
    Translucent Stone walls appear to be some form of QUARTZITE.
    Translucent Rock walls appear to be some form of GYPSUM.
    Acid walls are hazardous to teleport and take with you, but appear to be some form of ore rich in Sulfur, possibly from volcanic eruption.
    You get bulb! anyway.

    The problem here is that the Shoals has a LOT of water. More than enough to flood the entire Vaults, and you don't have the engineering knowhow to build pumps.

    >Green Bulbs
    Bulbs start Green instead of Yellow. Green bulbs are burned if a plan could upgrade from OKAY to GOOD or GOOD to AWESOME via use of common sense, and the bulb then turns yellow.
    >Double Intuition
    Deliberately burning a bulb for clues grants you twice the clues
    >Triple Red
    If you would earn a Red bulb, you instead earn THREE. This does not stack with Double Red (you already have Double Red)
    If you would burn a bulb, there is a 20% chance that the bulb does not change.
    >Extra bulb
    You get a 6th bulb.

    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)18:43 No.17950492
    So, would Green and red be kept track of separately, or would burning green prevent it from being red?
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)18:46 No.17950518
    >Since we have the royal jelly, are we going to farm its slimes for extra DOSH, or are there guys back at base who'll do the farming?
    The Royal Jelly seems unwilling to eat any items. Perhaps you scared it?
    (Read: DM is a tardbucket and forgot that you could do that, and has to come up with a bullshit reason why you don't instantly pick up a million Dosh by dropping the Royal Jelly in some random forest and looting the jellies it spawns)

    Also, there is an issue.
    You currently have a Roxanne-in-a-box. She was captured via the sacrifice of the brave, stout men and ... ... You dropped a Cage on her from 2 levels above.
    She's immune to enchantments, and Stun immune.
    The Mentor reports that she "Keeps breakin' the damn ice, need to weaken her first" before capturing her. He also reports that Lehudib's Crystal Spear hurts like a motherfucker.

    How would you like to attempt to Weaken, but not destroy, Roxanne?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)18:47 No.17950530

    Does "Triple Red" turn burnt out bulbs into red bulbs?
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)18:50 No.17950575
    Bulb Progression:
    Bulb is off. Cannot be used, but can be refilled, turning Green if you have the perk, Yellow if you don't.
    Bulb will turn White if you do something retarded, but the retarded action is prevented.
    Bulb will turn White if you do something retarded, but the retarded action is prevented.
    Bulb will turn Yellow if you do something okay/good, and it gets upgraded.
    Acts exactly the same as a Green bulb. Happens when your bulbs are all yellow/green.
    Turns if you upgrade a plan from OK to Good or Good to Awesome.
    Dull red:
    Acts exactly teh same as a Yellow bulb.
    If all your bulbs are Red or Dull Red, you get an upgrade!

    No, it does not. You need to have 0 burnt bulbs to earn Red bulbs to begin with.
    >> Not completely retarded 02/14/12(Tue)18:51 No.17950583
    With green bulbs, does burning a bulb for a plan upgrade leave the bulb yellow, or does it burn it completely?

    Is the water in the shoals the kind that conducts electricity ridiculously well? Maybe we can use electric stuning techniques?
    For the acid walls, can we do site to site teleports without bringing them to our ship, so we can encase them in glass or metal for storage and transport without risking damage to our equiptment? If not, maybe te can temporarily transfigure it while we move it into some sort of safe storage environment.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)18:53 No.17950612

    See if one of the engineers has a GNOMISH SHRINK RAY or GNOMISH POUTLRYIZER.

    Shrink ray may weaken her enough to freeze her in a strong enough block of ice. The poultryizer will do the same, but with the added bonus of making her count as an "animal" subtype so that hunters can chain-cast Fear Beast on her.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)18:53 No.17950616
    >Acts exactly the same as a Green bulb. Happens when your bulbs are all yellow/green.
    >And you then earn another bulb.
    This turns your leftmost Non-Red and Non-Dullred bulb Red.

    >Turns if you upgrade a plan from OK to Good or Good to Awesome.
    Turns Dull Red if...

    >With green bulbs, does burning a bulb for a plan upgrade leave the bulb yellow, or does it burn it completely?
    Turns it yellow.

    >Is the water in the shoals the kind that conducts electricity ridiculously well? Maybe we can use electric stuning techniques?
    Water in this world:
    Does not give a shit about Electric Beam attacks
    Electric Branded (melee) attacks spread out over a small area.
    Your Shaman's electric bolts, and wands of lightning, are the first kind.
    Your Electrified nets are the second kind.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)18:56 No.17950649
    >Shrink ray may weaken her enough to freeze her in a strong enough block of ice. The poultryizer will do the same, but with the added bonus of making her count as an "animal" subtype so that hunters can chain-cast Fear Beast on her.
    >Immune to Hostile Enchantments
    >For the acid walls, can we do site to site teleports without bringing them to our ship, so we can encase them in glass or metal for storage and transport without risking damage to our equiptment?
    You do not have the facilities capable of storing large quantities of rock.
    Well, you do. It's called a Bag of Holding. But I'll tell you now that even if you encase them in adamantium, putting Acid walls in with your Metal shit isn't the wisest idea in the universe!
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)19:00 No.17950709
    Does she need to breath? We could try to drown her untill she passes out from lack of oxygen.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)19:00 No.17950711

    Dang. She's nearly immune to magic too, so Banish from warlocks might not work. I'm guessing that Bind Elemental from shamans would also count as a hostile enchantment.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)19:01 No.17950735

    I think this Roxanne may be the sapphire statue iteration of Roxanne present in the Dungeon Crawl game.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)19:02 No.17950753
    She does not need to breathe. This is how Iceblock is able to capture, rather than slay her.
    Banish is indeed a hostile enchantment, as is bind elemental.
    That is her. Lehudib's Crystal Spammin' tanky piece of pain, and when your Xlvl 10 MdFi goes up the stairs, sees Roxanne, Kirke, Maud, and Urug, you just go right back down them stairs and make an exclusion.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)19:05 No.17950790
    rolled 39, 84 = 123

    Someone needs a WIS check.
    Also someone offscreen needs a Fort check.
    >> Not completely retarded 02/14/12(Tue)19:07 No.17950817
    I think green bulbs look the most useful to us at the moment, They get my vote.
    Okay, no acid walls for now, presumeably hq already has enough for mineralogical analysys so no need to loot a chunk for that.

    What about silenceing roxanne, and tossing her in the storage unit quickly, and leaver her there until we get back to base?
    I'd suggest water, but she's a statue.
    What about teleporting some acid rock around her to weaken her? or is corrosion treated as poison?
    Maybe we could talk her into not attacking us in exchange for not leaving her surrounded by acid rock?
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)19:10 No.17950854
         File: 1329264636.gif-(52 KB, 1506x455, bulbs_ggggg_goodgame.gif)
    52 KB
    Blastoise seems upset at your current situation, and is taking out his frustration by destroying nearby orcish statues with gouts of water.

    You get:
    GREEN 1
    RED 1
    Unfortunately, Roxanne is Silence-immune, being an 8.

    >Maybe we could talk her into not attacking us in exchange for not leaving her surrounded by acid rock?
    You attempt Diplomacy with Roxanne!
    "Bah. Get me out of this fucking statue and I'll help you get the damn orb."
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)19:12 No.17950888
    Can we just teleport a to bury her up to her eyes?

    That way she won't be able to vocalize or move her hands any. If she requires a somatic component or LoS component or hand motions to cast spells, this would effectively neutralize her.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)19:13 No.17950898
    Would Stone to Flesh turn her back human?
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)19:15 No.17950923
    rolled 36 = 36

    Lore check!
    >> Not completely retarded 02/14/12(Tue)19:15 No.17950926
    So she isn't just an enchanted statue, like i was assuming.
    Let's help her, Mages, do your stuff, everyone else, get ready to kill her if she tries anything hostile.
    How should we approach her about reqruitment for the guard?
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)19:15 No.17950933
    You don't know what effect Stone to Flesh would have on her!
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)19:16 No.17950941
    Bleh. Meant to say "teleport sand".

    But at any rate, have her elaborate on her condition. Also, does she want us to turn her back into a humanoid or merely make her able to move her legs so she won't be a disgruntled stationary pillar of earthy death?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)19:16 No.17950949
    We could ask her if it'd count as a curse.
    Our cleric can remove curses.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)19:19 No.17950998
    What stuff would you like the mages to do to her?
    They report that she's immune to Polymorph.
    She can be stunned but that only lasts for 4 seconds.
    >But at any rate, have her elaborate on her condition. Also, does she want us to turn her back into a humanoid or merely make her able to move her legs so she won't be a disgruntled stationary pillar of earthy death?
    "Well. As you may know, I was a famous Earth mage, back in the day."
    "I came down here to pick up the Orb. I assume that's why YOU'RE here as well."
    "But when I tried to tank some of these orcs in Statue form, something got fucked up, and now I'm stuck here."
    "Given that you haven't KILLED me yet, and the way you're taking everything not nailed down, you intend to take ME along too, right? Sell me in some fucking museum?"
    >Our cleric can remove curses.
    Which you can Save against. Guess who's got infinite saves?
    >Also, does she want us to turn her back into a humanoid or merely make her able to move her legs so she won't be a disgruntled stationary pillar of earthy death?
    "Walking Statue Form? That sounds ... very useful indeed."
    >> Not completely retarded 02/14/12(Tue)19:22 No.17951039
    I want her for the guard, as she seems to have written several spellbooks, so she should be useful.
    Can we have the mages have a talk with her about her condition and the various spells they have that might help her? If we cant safely fix her here, we can take her back to base and cure her there with the additional resources.
    Maybe we could ask the gods if they can help? We did just save their world from the dwarves, defeat a god, accidentaly get 5/6 gods killed, and loot a god.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)19:22 No.17951041
    If that doesn't work, we could try dispel magic.

    Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
    Target or Area one spellcaster, creature, or object
    Duration instantaneous
    Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no

    You can use dispel magic to end one ongoing spell that has been cast on a creature or object, to temporarily suppress the magical abilities of a magic item, or to counter another spellcaster's spell. A dispelled spell ends as if its duration had expired. Some spells, as detailed in their descriptions, can't be defeated by dispel magic. Dispel magic can dispel (but not counter) spell-like effects just as it does spells. The effect of a spell with an instantaneous duration can't be dispelled, because the magical effect is already over before the dispel magic can take effect.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)19:25 No.17951095
    >Maybe we could ask the gods if they can help?
    Zin reports that he could help ... for a DONATION!
    Hm. Can Clerics of Desna cast that? I thought that was a Wizardly type spell.
    >Can we have the mages have a talk with her about her condition and the various spells they have that might help her?
    The Mages report that they can:
    Shoot frostbolts at Roxanne
    Shoot fireballs at Roxanne
    Shoot arcane bolts at Roxanne
    And they ask whether she thinks any of this will help her.
    Despite being an immobile statue, you're pretty sure she just facepalmed.

    >If we cant safely fix her here, we can take her back to base and cure her there with the additional resources.
    "Cure me? What would YOU get out of that?"
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)19:27 No.17951126
         File: 1329265676.png-(1.13 MB, 1021x891, Capture.png)
    1.13 MB
    Clerics have a shit load of spells. They can cast it.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)19:28 No.17951140

    Alternatively, we could try to have one of our warcraft Engineers work with the Minecraft guy to try to make some sort of weird segway AND/OR spider-leg harness, then have the Pathfinder Cleric cast "animate object on it" and instruct it to obey Roxanne.

    It's not quite as good making her legs work, but it could hold her over until we get to base and have more specialized enchanters diagnose her condition.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)19:28 No.17951141
    rolled 43 = 43

    >defeat a god
    Your Gods Killed count is at 5.
    Your Gods Defeated count is at 7.
    That's kind of impressive.

    Oh, derp.
    LIBERATION domain
    Here goes...
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)19:29 No.17951155
    rolled 77, 73, 51 = 201

    Trying 3x due to rerollan
    (Cleric of Desna -> take the best of two d20s, reroll 1x per day, from which I assume you can take the best of two d20s from that)
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)19:31 No.17951172

    If it won't mess up canon, we could say that we're a part of a larger organization that's especially looking for magic-users who can kick enormous amounts of ass.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)19:31 No.17951180
    77 it is!
    >With a flash of light, Roxanne is free.
    "Fools! Now I'll kill you myself and take the Orb!"
    "You don't learn much, do you?" Max quips as he obliterates her with stun bombs.

    >Intended solution: Just have Blastoise shoot her with water until she's down to 30% HP
    >Players' solution: Everything else
    >> Not completely retarded 02/14/12(Tue)19:36 No.17951254
    Well, we get a useful magic user that could work with us.
    To adapt a quote from the sniper:
    "Looting's a good job, mate! It's challenging work, out-of-doors... I guarantee you'll not go hungry, 'cause at the end of the day, as long as there is someone left on the planet, someone is gonna want something found and brought to them "

    We offer good pay, heathcare, research opportunities that you won't find elsewhere, interesting missions if that's what you like doing, funding and knowledge for research if prefer that.

    We can provide some pretty nice jobs for someone good at magic research.

    We get a knowledgeable magic user to help us with our future work.

    All of this, of course gets filtered through our command staff and troops so we use our best diplomacy, rather than my shitty attempts.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)19:39 No.17951300

    Ah well. Off to storage she goes. We should also really get Blastoise a universal translator or a speak-and-say.

    Are there any more remaining areas in the Orcish Mines that we need to clear?
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)19:41 No.17951334
         File: 1329266498.gif-(26 KB, 275x300, blastoise.gif)
    26 KB
    >We should also really get Blastoise a universal translator or a speak-and-say.
    Blastoise toise blastoise.
    >You are now wet.
    >You are significantly more holy than before, but still wet.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)19:42 No.17951350
    . . . have the Cleric cast Comprehend languages. Boom, we understand Blastoise now.

    "You can understand the spoken words of creatures or read otherwise incomprehensible written messages. "
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)19:47 No.17951432

    Lair:8 done, D:11 done, Snake:5 done, Slime:6 done, Orc:4 done.
    Jiyva (? DOSH)
    >Looting gods: Fun and profitable
    A bunch of shit monsters (510)
    24 Acid Blob (480)
    >Success in resolving the crossover (300)
    56 Slime Creature (280)
    10 Greater Naga (150)
    15 Azure Jelly (150)
    6 Hydrae (120)
    The Royal Jelly (100)
    6 Dire Elephant (60)
    4 Orc high priest (40)
    7 Shining Eye (35)
    4 Eye of Draining (20)
    1 Orc Warlord (20)
    1 Boring Beetle (5)
    1 Oklob (5)
    1 Great Orb of Eyes (5)
    1 Giant Orange Brain (5)

    Kirke (25)
    Donald (25)
    Roxanne (25)
    Azrael (20)
    Gastronok (20)
    Maud (20)
    Dissolution (15)
    Nergalle (10)
    Joseph (10)
    Erica (10)
    Urug (10)
    Psyche (5)
    Sigmund (5)
    Purgy (5)
    Blork (5)

    Random dungeoncrap (205 DOSH)
    28 Spellbook (140)
    10 Zot Traps (50)
    2 Rune of Zot (50)
    6 Glorious Artefacts (60)
    1 Scroll of Torment

    If you had taken the Deathclaw, he'd have picked up an artifact giant maul of speed here.
    >+0, +5 Giant Club "Skullcrusher"
    >It's a giant club of speed. If you find this and can wield it, it's about the best weapon you can hope for, barring the occasional Trog gift.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)19:49 No.17951469
    I knew I was forgetting something.
    The ice dragon.
    It's 20 DOSH.
    Also I'm upgrading the Orc Warlord from 20 DOSH to 25 DOSH.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)19:53 No.17951520
         File: 1329267239.png-(403 KB, 354x568, auror.png)
    403 KB
    Your AUROR returns.
    He is wearing ... The Eye of the Aethiopica.
    "Sorry I'm late lads. Had an issue with an escaped wizard at Hogwarts. I know you want to capture as many people as possible, but I was unable to take him alive. Sorry."

    >Peter Perigree is now a HERO
    Peter Perigree has 2 traits:
    >Master of the Arts
    Peter Perigree can learn Spells from many different canons.
    >Loot magnet
    Peter Perigree can equip, use, and loot many more items than a standard Auror.

    >Peter Perigree is now wearing 5 Rings of Wizardry and 3 Rings of Intelligence
    >Peter Perigree is now wielding a Staff of Wizardry
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)19:56 No.17951559
    Holy crap, good thing we sent him on the quest.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)19:58 No.17951581
    >Peter Perigree
    >Peter Perigree has requested your WoWers buy him some rings from the AH and send the stuff to him via Gbank. Though he is unable to pay them in Wealth, he instead pays them in noncombat pets and trinkets of transformation.
    >Peter Perigree is now wearing 5 Wizardry rings, 15 goddamn Int/spellpower rings, 3 int/spellpower cloaks, 2 belts, some pants...

    Peter Perigree is BURDENED
    Peter Perigree drops the Unicorn Horn
    Peter Perigree is no longer BURDENED.
    "Someone hold onto that, please."
    "I'll get it."
    The Cleric of Desna picks it up.
    >> Slimy Burglar 02/14/12(Tue)19:59 No.17951597
    Good idea.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)20:02 No.17951639
         File: 1329267721.gif-(133 KB, 600x300, Orcs_must_die.gif)
    133 KB
    Your MENTOR conferences with a Hunter (freezing trap), a Mage (frost nova / deep freeze / ring of frost), and the Auror.
    Your MENTOR has finished his FREEZE SOLID spell!
    >Freezes an enemy inside a block of ice.
    >Strong enemies will need to be beaten down to low HP first
    Your AUROR learned ... ALL THE CRAWL SPELLS.
    No, not Alter Self, that spell's bullshit.
    >> Slimy Burglar 02/14/12(Tue)20:03 No.17951648

    By the way, how did Steve's sabotage mission go?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)20:03 No.17951649
         File: 1329267785.jpg-(23 KB, 300x376, haljordantoomanyrings.jpg)
    23 KB

    That's a lotta rings there.
    >> Not completely retarded 02/14/12(Tue)20:04 No.17951670
    For info on what the eye (an artifact amulet of esp) does
    Stone soup wiki:

    Can we enchant peters (the auror) stuff to be lighter? If we can't what about giving him a magic item that has a similar effect? (when we get back to base)
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)20:06 No.17951694

    We could set him up with a piece of apparel enchanted with the "Feather" enchant from the TES series. It would make him move slightly faster and increase his maximum carrying capacity.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)20:07 No.17951711
    Cleric cast Bulls Strength. Now he's stronger. Or I can have him learn how to craft wonderous items next feat and he'll make some Mule Cords.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)20:07 No.17951721
         File: 1329268061.jpg-(245 KB, 1035x684, seafood_feast.jpg)
    245 KB
    Your Auror turns into a DRAGON.
    "Neat spell, eh?"
    Two WoW characters run up to him, drink a potion of illusion, and turn into dragons.
    "Potions of Illusion here. Everyone be a dragon."
    You now have a group screenshot of everyone as a fucking dragon.
    Max's HUD sensor still shows everyone other than the Auror as their regular selves, as the potion is just an illusion.
    But nonetheless. 26 dragons.

    "Oh hey, that reminds me. Take the feasts and flasks out of Gbank."
    "Feast up."
    A Crab in a basket appears.
    The WoWers start eating the crab.
    Do you want the rest of your troops to eat the feast y/n?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)20:09 No.17951740
    Might as well. It's a buffer.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)20:09 No.17951750
    Do you wish to also eat part of the feast?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)20:11 No.17951764
    Sure, I could use the Intellect boost.
    >> Not completely retarded 02/14/12(Tue)20:11 No.17951779
    Yes, it looks like it gives buffs.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)20:12 No.17951792
    "The fuck? How did you get Eels and Fish, and cook them into a LIVE LOBSTER? You can't turn animals into different animals by cooking them!"
    The Feast is emitting reality distortions. Not very strong ones, but nonetheless.

    You eat the feast! You now have more stamina and Intellect. It tastes like Health Potions.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)20:17 No.17951849
    If that bugs you, we could eat dragon feasts instead. They're actually made from dragons.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)20:22 No.17951933
    Your Cleric of Desna reports that she is NOT A HIGH ENOUGH LEVEL to use the feast.
    She sighs.
    >Xp. It's a bitch.

    Your Minecrafter returns.
    "griefed the device. heres a list of what i did"
    Dude doesn't talk much, but he's effective and brave.

    So, where to now?
    >Elf Halls
    >Continue down main dungeon

    For partially draining the Shoals, your Auror has an idea.
    He has dug a large chimney from the surface down beside the Shoals.
    There is now a ROARING GODAMN FIRE at the bottom of the chimney.
    Your Minecrafter builds a makeshift firing platform near the water inlet. It's not much but it might work.

    How much of the Shoals would you like to drain?
    The more you drain, the more you risk killing Sea snakes/Krakens/Mermaids that are worth loot.
    But you have more land area to work with.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)20:23 No.17951952
    She'll be able to make her own in a couple levels.

    Also, lets drain the water enough that they won't be able to move well, but enough that they won't die from drying out.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)20:25 No.17951974
    The issue is not in dying out.
    It's in the fact that the creatures are falling into a rather massive fire. This tends to kill things.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)20:28 No.17952015
    Could we seal them with a drain?
    >> Not completely retarded 02/14/12(Tue)20:29 No.17952029
    Why not build a gigantic seive with our teleporter to collect them before they reach the fire then? That way they'll get stuck in it and we can easily fire at them from cover, we could even dig another firing gallery overlooking the seive, so we can shoot from cover. I'm concerned more about the aquatic creatures dying fromnot being in water rather than fire.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)20:30 No.17952044
    If you explain to me how to construct a sieve, grate, or drain with the things you have available to you, you can do that.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)20:33 No.17952096
    Teleport some spears into the rock creating a drain shaped like this.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)20:36 No.17952138
    To manufacture a GRATE in this fashion, you will need to spend 1 minute for each tile-sized grate.
    How many grates would you like to make?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)20:37 No.17952142

    We could have the minecrafter construct a metal grate from the iron he has within the chimney. We may even be able to use Minecraft dirt for the grate, given that Minecraft dirt doesn't seem to be affected by how heavy or large structures built upon it are.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)20:38 No.17952157
    Minecrafters cannot build grates.
    They can build many things, but "grate" is not a buildable object for them.
    >> Not completely retarded 02/14/12(Tue)20:39 No.17952170
    I'm thinking we could use a similar tchnique to what we do when making boxes, selectively removing rock to form the shape we want. If we wanted to just make a filter, we could take a 10 by 10 by .5 meter or whateer chunk of rock or metal, and use the teleporter to put tubular holes in an even grid in it, sort of similar to the peepholes we were making.

    We could have several filters of different sizes set up so that larger things are caught by the first ones, and smaller things are caught by the later ones.
    We could even tie some of our steel nets together if we wanted to, and put those across the path, maybe using the teleporter to attach them by creating hooks in an existing wall by selective removal of material.

    If we can teleport out metal, we could make the grating more compact, maybe with holes 5mm or so in size, and put it in as a platform so that water drains from under the monster, leaving the monsters to be collected as the water drains through the platform into a waterway underneath.
    If we make enough holes, we can avery the problems caused by delta p, as long as we don't drain from the bottom to begin with.
    We can use a series of downward channels from each level to keep the pressure low, not more then a 10 or 20 atmosphere hopefully.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)20:40 No.17952180
    . . . Sorry Op, but yes he can.
    >> Slimy Burglar 02/14/12(Tue)20:43 No.17952227
    Ah, but would those deflect water as per Minecraft water physics? If so, scrap the plan. If not, all systems go.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)20:44 No.17952236
    >If we wanted to just make a filter, we could take a 10 by 10 by .5 meter or whateer chunk of rock or metal, and use the teleporter to put tubular holes in an even grid in it, sort of similar to the peepholes we were making.
    3 seconds for each hole, and affixing it to the dungeon will take time (as you'll need to make a hole to slot it in to ensure the water doesn't just rush out). We're down to 45 seconds per drain now.

    Which block water. If you had a reality emitter they wouldn't, but alas, you do not.
    >> Not completely retarded 02/14/12(Tue)20:46 No.17952271
    They block water in their native canon, so they probably won't work unfortunately.

    We may be able to get away with 10cm or thinner seives, we'd be making something like the grid flooring used in some industrial catwalks
    Something like:
    Might work?
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)20:48 No.17952292
    Teleporters are not precision instruments. They still take 3 seconds to cut out a hole.

    OOC: I just figured out a way you COULD realistically make a drain. Bulb4u if you figure it out, though, since it's NOT straightforward.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)20:50 No.17952303
    have the cleric cast stone shape.
    >> Slimy Burglar 02/14/12(Tue)20:50 No.17952307
    If necessary to capture foes, could we carve out a nook just above the sieve we construct, have Max shoot stunbombs and have Steve use a Minecraft fishing rod to pull in stunned foes?
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)20:54 No.17952345
    3 Grates per standard action. Bulb4u!

    (Note: I was suggesting that you use the teleporter to teleport out very Long, Thin sections of wall, to act as a Really Wide drain with not much height., or a Really tall drain with not much width. This works too)

    How many grates would you like to make?
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)20:56 No.17952375
         File: 1329271006.gif-(58 KB, 1506x455, bulbs_2red_2green_1yellow.gif)
    58 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)20:57 No.17952381
    Damn, I didn't expect Bootleg Quest today, and I goddamn miss Roxanne out of all encounters.

    Just what is the minimum area the teleporters can deal with?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)20:58 No.17952395

    If we have a LOT of steel nets to spare, we could weld them together using fire magic or something. Or have the Auror cast "Engorgio" on them so that they're bigger but still have small enough holes to trap stuff.

    Then set it up some ways down the chimney using the Minecrafter's architectural abilities. Have Auror cast an unbreakable charm on the nets so that they can support Sea-monster scale weight (and maybe even key points in the chimney as evaluated by the Minecrafter dude so the net won't break off the wall and fall into the fire).
    >> Not completely retarded 02/14/12(Tue)20:59 No.17952404
    Can we just cut the drainage holes along the side of the dungeon, so we can just selectively remove wall height by 5cm by wall thickness strips?
    >> Slimy Burglar 02/14/12(Tue)21:00 No.17952428
    Judging by the list of monsters on the Crawl wiki, I'd say two. One with holes the merfolk can slip through to catch the sharks, giants, etc. and one the merfolk can't slip through to catch them.

    I'd suggest stationing troops by the grates to stun foes as soon as they drop down.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)21:01 No.17952432
    rolled 93 = 93

    1 millimeter cubes are possible, but the teleporter doesn't go any faster for sizes less than 1 meter cubed in volume. Still takes 3 seconds to warm up the teleporter.
    Also, when calculating volume, assume a minimum of 10 centimeters.
    That said, this hasn't stopped commanders making 100 meter x 100 meter x 10cm slices of enemies at chest-high level from being a brutally, bloody, messily effective crowd clearing tactic.

    Steel Nets! I'd give you a bulb, but ... 2 bulb rewards on the same action? Not sure if should. Rolling dice.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)21:02 No.17952453
         File: 1329271334.png-(809 KB, 1506x455, bulbs_rrrry.png)
    809 KB

    Now draining shoals...
    >> Slimy Burglar 02/14/12(Tue)21:04 No.17952487
    My idea earned a bulb? Good shit.

    The question is who is monitoring which grates?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)21:06 No.17952531
    I wonder how will the krakens be dealt with, given that their tentacles count as separate units. Even if they share HP.

    >100 meter x 100 meter x 10cm slices of enemies at chest-high level
    If we weren't a looting team, we would use this SO MUCH.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)21:07 No.17952543
    I wonder if we'll lose money on the Kraken if we remove it's tentacles using that method.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)21:08 No.17952555
         File: 1329271714.jpg-(120 KB, 400x600, cooling-tower1.jpg)
    120 KB
    "Dude, stop making alert noises."

    A draining room, a few Stun Bomb radii in size, is made - with inlet and outlet grates. The outlet grates are positioned at a level that would allow water-swimming creatures to still have enough water to survive in.
    (This is where the Greenbulb went)

    Various grates are placed over the outlet grates, to prevent ... accidents. All in all, a 2m x 100m grate is present.
    In the bottom, the Auror keeps a roaring fire going, and the cooling stack reports the volume of 100,000 cubic meters, or 100 Megaliters, of water turns into steam and soars into the atmosphere.

    Kali chimes in.
    "I like your style."
    Vehumet chimes in.
    "I, also, hold respect for your methods."
    >> Slimy Burglar 02/14/12(Tue)21:10 No.17952576
    Well, if we need to do any crowd-clearing in the main MetaQuest, we now have a method of unleashing sudden and hard-to-counter havoc.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)21:10 No.17952581
    rolled 92, 47, 76, 93, 10 = 318

    Dice 5d100 to see what you caught.
    <30 catch nothing
    30-70 catch something
    71-95 catch something good
    96-100 catch lots of good things

    Per level.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)21:11 No.17952606
    We need to use this opportunity to make Perigree even more obscenely overpowered. Or maybe someone else.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)21:11 No.17952610
    Can we use our Cleric to reroll the 10?
    >> Slimy Burglar 02/14/12(Tue)21:12 No.17952627
    Fuck yes. With rolls like that, we probably grabbed the Shoals' unique character.
    >> Not completely retarded 02/14/12(Tue)21:12 No.17952637
    Well, I guess it's time to rush in and grab anything that somehow stayed behind.
    Also damn, i took too long thinking and typing to get those delicious bulbs.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)21:13 No.17952647
         File: 1329271998.jpg-(3 KB, 89x89, Grats_guys_you_saved_yourself_(...).jpg)
    3 KB
    The following have been REMOVED from their respective level's pages, and added to your loot total:
    Sadly, no.

    What, only -one- unique character?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)21:15 No.17952670

    >What, only -one- unique character?
    He means Ilsuiw.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)21:18 No.17952710
    rolled 97 = 97

    Also, Nikola's right on the edge of the "30 dosh" and "35 dosh" power tiers, as are Mara and Saint Roka who share his Hitdice. Dice test. >80 for more dosh.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)21:20 No.17952734

    Lair:8 done, D:11 done, Snake:5 done, Slime:6 done, Orc:4 done.
    Jiyva (? DOSH)
    >Looting gods: Fun and profitable
    A bunch of shit monsters (510)
    24 Acid Blob (480)
    >Success in resolving the crossover (300)
    56 Slime Creature (280)
    10 Greater Naga (150)
    15 Azure Jelly (150)
    6 Hydrae (120)
    The Royal Jelly (100)
    3 Kraken (75)
    6 Dire Elephant (60)
    4 Orc high priest (40)
    7 Shining Eye (35)
    1 Orc Warlord (25)
    4 Eye of Draining (20)
    1 Ice Dragon (20)
    1 Boring Beetle (5)
    1 Oklob (5)
    1 Great Orb of Eyes (5)
    1 Giant Orange Brain (5)

    Nikola (35)
    Kirke (25)
    Roxanne (25)
    Donald (20)
    Azrael (20)
    Gastronok (20)
    Maud (20)
    Dissolution (15)
    Nergalle (10)
    Joseph (10)
    Erica (10)
    Urug (10)
    Psyche (5)
    Sigmund (5)
    Purgy (5)
    Blork (5)

    Random dungeoncrap (205 DOSH)
    28 Spellbook (140)
    10 Zot Traps (50)
    2 Rune of Zot (50)
    6 Glorious Artefacts (60)
    1 Scroll of Torment

    Yes, Donald got nerfed. Deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)21:21 No.17952748
    The good rolls keep rolling in.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)21:24 No.17952795
    Well, according to the wiki, she has no magic resistance so we'll get her easily.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)21:26 No.17952812
    Now. The Shoals.
    You cleared out 4 of its most powerful creatures, but there are still some things that remain.

    #1. Sirens and Mermaids
    You don't have much MR gear. Sirens pull you closer to them, and both make you unable to walk away.
    Though drowning isn't an issue, the lack of mobility may be.

    #2. Sea Snakes
    They still move damn quick and hit hard, even if you do have 6 people that can remove poison.

    #3. Polyphemus and Nessos
    Throw rocks, Shoot bows. Should be easy enough to Taunt while Max does his thing, but Nessos is a cunt.

    #4. Merfolk Javelineers, Impalers, Aquamancers
    They hit hard.

    #5. Alligator Snapping turtle
    It hits hard. There is only one.

    #6. Frances
    It's an Orc high priest with more HP.

    #7. Ilsuiw
    She, and her pack of merfolk cronies, are quite the bossfight.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)21:26 No.17952823
    >>Well, if we need to do any crowd-clearing in the main MetaQuest, we now have a method of unleashing sudden and hard-to-counter havoc.

    Knowing how stupid people are in the main MetaQuest, shit will have happened before we devised some ingenuity to deal with it. Also, people screaming down other plans so they can push "bumrush with 100 Baneblades" plan.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)21:27 No.17952833
    The wiki doesn't add in Hitdice.
    Though your Auror is now pretty godly, Ilsuiw is still likely to resist his shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)21:28 No.17952853
    We need to do something classic here and blind Polyphemus. Not permanently, of course.

    I vote to do what we did in Slime and stunbomb from the roof.
    >> Not completely retarded 02/14/12(Tue)21:29 No.17952867
    What about using the same strategy we used for the orcs?
    Firing gallery above the top level, sensors/invisibles to target locating and teletargeting. remove walls and floor to target the floor below from the shooting gallery.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)21:31 No.17952908

    Gentlemen, behold the power of Good tactics, Good equipment, Good troops and Good choices.
    Nothing in the entire goddamn shoals can see invis except for Frances.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)21:36 No.17952974

    Our WoW rogues could also sap difficult targets if they have a lock on them. Hunters can do the same but from a distance with Freezing Trap // Camouflage.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)21:46 No.17953118



    Lair:8 done, D:11 done, Snake:5 done, Shoals:5, Slime:6 done, Orc:4 done.
    Jiyva (? DOSH)
    >Looting gods: Fun and profitable
    A bunch of shit monsters (630)
    24 Acid Blob (480)
    >Success in resolving the crossover (300)
    56 Slime Creature (280)
    10 Greater Naga (150)
    15 Azure Jelly (150)
    6 Hydrae (120)
    The Royal Jelly (100)
    9 Merfolk >implier (90)
    3 Kraken (75)
    7 Siren (70)
    6 Dire Elephant (60)
    5 Merfolk Javelineer (50)
    3 Merfolk Aquamancer (45)
    4 Orc high priest (40)
    7 Shining Eye (35)
    1 Alligator Snapping Turtle (20)
    1 Orc Warlord (20)
    4 Eye of Draining (20)
    1 Ice Dragon (20)
    3 Death Yak (15)
    3 Oklob Plant (15)
    1 Boring Beetle (5)
    1 Great Orb of Eyes (5)
    1 Giant Orange Brain (5)

    Nikola (35)
    Ilsuiw (25)
    Kirke (25)
    Roxanne (25)
    Frnances (20)
    Donald (20)
    Azrael (20)
    Gastronok (20)
    Maud (20)
    Dissolution (15)
    Polyphemus (15)
    Nergalle (10)
    Joseph (10)
    Erica (10)
    Urug (10)
    Nessos (10)
    Psyche (5)
    Sigmund (5)
    Purgy (5)
    Blork (5)

    Random dungeoncrap (255 DOSH)
    29 Spellbook (145)
    15 Zot Traps (75)
    3 Rune of Zot (75)
    6 Glorious Artefacts (60)
    1 Scroll of Torment
    >> Slimy Burglar 02/14/12(Tue)21:51 No.17953193
    Alright, which area are we raiding next?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)21:52 No.17953199
    >3 runes of zot
    Shit is ON now.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)21:53 No.17953219
    We could go for the Vaults now.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)21:53 No.17953226
    Sorry it took so long. Had to parse the files.

    You found a RING OF SLAYING +0,+4
    Give ring to Max (as he is wielding 4 weapons), or to another person? If so, whom?
    WoW team reports that their gear is pretty damn good already.

    Also, account error in your favor! Death Yak is now worth 10 each, for 30 total!


    You now have 3 RUNEs of Zot!
    Your Cleric of Desna is now level 9!
    Your Blastoise is now level 70!

    Possible places to go:
    >Elf Halls
    >Dungeon Main branch
    (>Vaults not found)
    (>>Crypt not found)
    (>>>Tomb not found)
    (>>Blade not found)
    (>Pan not found)
    (>Vestibule not found)
    (>>Dis inaccessible, Geryon's horn lost in Gehenna)
    (>>Tartarus inaccessible, Geryon's horn lost in Gehenna)
    (>>Cocytus inaccessible, Geryon's horn lost in Gehenna)
    (>>Gehenna flooded with water, has sunken dwarf fortress)
    (>Zot not found)
    >> Not completely retarded 02/14/12(Tue)21:54 No.17953233
    I vote we get all the runes we can before we pick up the orb, as once we pick it up demons start spawning everywhere.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)21:58 No.17953300
    Also there is exactly ONE person on your team right now who might be able to enter the Abyss and get the rune without being torn to vengeful bloody shreds. Even if Lugonu's gone, the Abyss is still a harsh motherfucker that can and will teleport your troops into separate corners of the place and eat them one by one.

    As for Pandemonium or Hell: Beware of he who gets too greedy, and enters the lair of demons without heavy teleport support.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)21:59 No.17953320
    Lets go through the Elf halls. They should be easy enough.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)22:03 No.17953392

    We might want to steer clear of the Abyss and Pandemonium/Hell then. We have a LOT of DOSH already, and we don't want to get our heroes and higher-levelled people killed.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)22:04 No.17953396
         File: 1329275049.png-(462 B, 209x159, elfzoom_1.png)
    462 B
    >Lets go through the Elf halls. They should be easy enough.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)22:04 No.17953411
         File: 1329275096.png-(364 B, 103x81, elfzoom_2.png)
    364 B
    >Lets go through the Elf halls. They should be easy enough
    I mean,
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)22:05 No.17953426
    . . . and all the elves have been replaced by elephants. . .

    Lets go elsewhere.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)22:05 No.17953427
         File: 1329275153.png-(2 KB, 74x90, elfzoom_3.png)
    2 KB
    >Lets go through the Elf halls. They should be easy enough
    They should be easy enough,
    >> Not completely retarded 02/14/12(Tue)22:06 No.17953431
    Teleports don't work on the bottom level of the elves branch, so we may want to go over our plan again.
    Wiki page:
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)22:09 No.17953470
         File: 1329275358.png-(8 KB, 136x152, elfawesome.png)
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    >Lets go through the Elf halls. They should be easy enough
    >> Slimy Burglar 02/14/12(Tue)22:10 No.17953489

    If we even open that goddamn door (and we really shouldn't), we should purge like an Exterminatus order has been called in.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)22:11 No.17953496
    Fortunately, barring the presence of Uniques, everything in there is light enough to be picked up and carried up the stairs/ladder to where it can be teleported.
    >> Slimy Burglar 02/14/12(Tue)22:12 No.17953509
    Agreed, let's not bother with those invisibility-detecting, spell-resisting, projectile-happy, cockmongling elves.

    >thatoral venture
    Even Captcha thinks we'll get faceraped.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)22:16 No.17953551
    Well, we can clear more of the main branch. We can think about going down some of the other branches as we've gone farther.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)22:17 No.17953563
    So, you wish to do:
    Main Dungeon down to Hive
    then Hive
    then Main dungeon down to Vaults
    then Vaults
    is this correct?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)22:19 No.17953570
    currently, might as well
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)22:19 No.17953581
    Very well.
    Feel free to take a break as well.

    >Please insert Disc 3
    >> Not completely retarded 02/14/12(Tue)22:23 No.17953607
    The firing gallery on the level above strategy seems like a good start for this section, but We're likely to have foes who see invisible.
    Maybe build the firing gallery but leave the roof of the elf level in place, so we can get in position for a suprise attack, with teleported in walls to divide the area, boxing, netspam, teleports targeted from a mirror on a stick or a sensor on a stick, maybe dont by someone invisible bedind cover with a resurrector hidden behind heavier cover.
    What is directly under the elven halls? Can we teleport the floor of the bottom room out and use our teleporters on the level below?
    Can the auror stealth the WoW teams? We don't want the enemy to concentrate on our firing gallery if we can help it.
    >dossh crybroc
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)22:23 No.17953612
    . . . puts in Disk 4 to see what happens.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)22:24 No.17953623
    Welcome to Pandemonium!
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)22:25 No.17953626
    Yeah, focus on the demonologist when there's an annihilator ready to shove a crystal spear up your ass.
    >> Slimy Burglar 02/14/12(Tue)22:26 No.17953638
    I'm voting for this plan.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)22:28 No.17953665

    More like 100% sure of enemies with see invisible.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)22:29 No.17953673
    >What is directly under the elven halls?
    >Can the auror stealth the WoW teams?
    He can turn himself invisible.

    To the man who says elves have See invis: Only the Death mages, Sorcerers, Demonologists, High Priests, and Annhilators do. You'll see elves firing through each-other to hit you quite often, often killing each-other in the process.
    Once I walked into a room with 4 enemies while wearing a shield of reflection.
    I shit you not. Three of them died before I could reach them just by friendly fire and reflecting their own shit.

    The largest problem in the Elf halls, as always, is the following.
    Level Drain.
    It's what makes the Elf halls such an annoying piece of shit. You either go in with rN+++ or you come out 3 levels lower than when you started.
    >> Not completely retarded 02/14/12(Tue)22:30 No.17953682
    Let's disconnect the pipe before we go in so we don't get crushed, I think that a good strategy would be to lure the monsters out through the portal into a killzone, with several firing galleries targeting it, traps all over the place, spiky inward facing fortifications so it cant come out of the killzone, multi level high acid rock walls surrounding the killsone and making up its floor except for a single safe path so we can send in our troops, going up to the wall, but no further, we can remove the wall in front of it if we need to go down. so that the foe is contintally taking damage.
    Everyone invisible, teleporters spamming boxes, nets, and walls.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)22:32 No.17953703
    So, what's on disk 6 then?
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)22:32 No.17953707
    Please insert Disc 3.
    There is no portal "out" of pan. there's one out of the Vestibule of Hell but the Vestibule is empty.
    >> Slimy Burglar 02/14/12(Tue)22:34 No.17953727
    Hmm. I assumed that the invis detectors would act as spotters for their comrades. Apparently I was mistaken, but level drain ability seems like a good reason to keep out unless we're going to flood the whole damn place and pick through whatever isn't wrecked.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)22:34 No.17953728
    inserts disk 3.
    >> do bǝןʇooq !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)22:34 No.17953733
    ¡noʎ suɹnq buıןıǝɔ ǝɥʇ ˙sʇıd ǝɯıןs ǝɥʇ oʇ ǝɯoɔןǝʍ
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)22:35 No.17953748
    Ah shit, another reality distortion.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)22:36 No.17953754
    I'm assuming Blastoise is with us?
    If so have him start going full blast drenching the available area around us with holy water (dat sweet sweet xp) We'll have a lvl 100 Blastoise in no time
    >> Fireman Prime 02/14/12(Tue)22:36 No.17953755
         File: 1329276965.gif-(529 KB, 350x180, 1328579635306.gif)
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    Just stopping by to remind you all that you that you won't need God where you're going.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)22:36 No.17953759
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)22:37 No.17953775
    Relax, they're just fucking around with the discs.
    Right now I'm eating Rice + Soy Sauce. It is delicious.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)22:39 No.17953796
    -Minecrafter builds fring lanes
    -Blastoise destroys anything that dares cross our LOS (DAT XP) also assuming we can't capture demons (no idea someone said they despawn) i suggest MAX uses TAU RIFLES to mow demons in his line of sight
    -Slowly advance through PAN through a series a stretching unassailable hallways of doom while searching for a portal out
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)22:39 No.17953802
    Puts in the Orange Box disk.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)22:40 No.17953814
    Summoned creatures despawn.
    >> Fireman Prime 02/14/12(Tue)22:41 No.17953822
         File: 1329277274.jpg-(69 KB, 357x346, 1328418489334.jpg)
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    Oh, I never said I wasn't amused, Looter.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)22:42 No.17953833
    I mean shit. If you guys would rather hit up pan than Hive/Vaults I'm cool with that.

    Welcome to Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup. After 10 years in development, I hope it'll've been worth the wait. Please let me know what you think. I can be reached at [email protected]
    To listen to a commentary node, please put your cursor over the commentory node icon, and press the "Use" key.

    (Floating icons above your team members, various objects on ship, and staff members)
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)22:43 No.17953845
    Lets see what they say. This should be interesting. Maybe we'll learn some interesting things about our crew.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)22:44 No.17953868
    "When we first started development for this game, we tried a Graphics-based system. However, this had the unfortunate side-effect of making the game more appealing to newcomers, which resulted in a horrible incompetent fanbase.
    Because we like our games difficult, we decided to use an Ascii-based system, to scare away the casuals, so we wouldn't have to hear them complain about dying due to stupid shit."
    (icon above a wall, represented by #)
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)22:46 No.17953898
    We didn't want our players to feel they could just rush headfirst into any challenge and come out ahead. We wanted them to save up, and USE resources carefully, and know when to run away from opponents, instead of easymoding through the game.

    To this end, we've placed a lot of ways that stupid players could kill themselves.
    This enemy, called Sigmund, could easily be avoided by a low level player, but many choose to engage him head on, and die.
    (icon above a yellow @)
    >> Not completely retarded 02/14/12(Tue)22:48 No.17953917
    Could we avoid the level drain by spamming indirect fire until they are all stunned?
    Brainstorming: Have auror and minecrafter go down the outside to scry for loot and monsters, use sensors to find monsters, spam stun bombs over cover so gravity drops it down on the enemy, with no opportunity for the enemy to hit our troops. Use sensor or mirror on a stick to find and block stairs. once level is clear of foes, loot it.
    I'm assuming the firing gallery is made of hollow space above the dungeon, a firing platform, and a waist high wall to provide cover. could we use a firing gallery with a wall one dungeon level high, with the level above the firing gallery removed so we can fire over the wall without worring about level drain? (I'm guessing the elves attacks all need line of sight)
    No troops go onto the level itself until it's confirmed cleared and sealed, so noone has a chance of getting zapped by a level drain or banishment spell.
    Noone at any point is to come out from cover, at all times a wall should be between our men and the foes.
    Teleporting out floors is done on a delay, so we can aquire the target, take cover, then activate the teleport with the coordinates provided.
    Firing gallery is constructed with the roof of elves in place so they don't see it until we remove the roof of the elves and start spamming indirect stunbombs.
    What do you think?
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)22:48 No.17953920
    The files Auror.mp3, Blastoise.mp3, ClericOfDesna.mp3, WoWteam.mp3, Max.mp3, and Minecraft.mp3 seem to be missing. Damn.
    >> Slimy Burglar 02/14/12(Tue)22:51 No.17953941
    Eh, we can probably skip the Hive, but the Vaults look like they have some cool shit.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)22:51 No.17953943
    All of our levels are randomly generated, which means walkthroughs to help stupid casual babbys get through the game are impossible.
    Additionally, the levels are highly nonlinear, a feature designed to frustrate and alienate the Call of Duty audience.

    To give the player choices, and scare away retards, one of the first major decisions the player has to make is what God to worship at the temple.
    Picking the wrong choice, or making a poorly informed choice, could spell doom for a character much further down the road.
    We hope that by including choices with far-reaching consequences, players will either stop to think about their actions, or if this playstyle does not suit them, piss off and play other games.

    (Icon above an altar, _ )
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)22:55 No.17953997
    The main motivators to keep players moving forward, are a lack of food, and the fact that randomly spawning monsters will suddenly increase in difficulty by 20 or 30 levels if the player stays in one place too long.

    This is part of our central philosophy of anti-grinding - that the player should ALWAYS be in a difficult situation that they have to think to use their resources to overcome, and never "Grinding" out easy challenges for loot or XP.

    Many players disagree with this system, preferring skinnerbox-type systems of achievements, rewards, accolades, and other such tools to keep them repeating easy tasks for hours on end. However, many players are also complete and utter retards.

    By listening to their complaints, we better learn how to focus our game for our Core userbase of non-morons, and how to better harvest the delicious tears of those too bad to play this game.

    (icon above food, %)
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)22:58 No.17954047
    Ultimately, I think we were successful in creating a game that caters to a small, elite core of gamers who aren't completely fucking terrible, and utterly alienates the millions and millions of mediocre players out there.

    I receive about, oh, 10,000 e-mails every time a game is released. And though I can't respond to all of them, I do read all of them.
    Please let me know what you think, and Have fun.

    >Dev commentary seems to have been cut short here.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)23:04 No.17954134
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    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)23:10 No.17954229
    Using the regular tactics of TeleportSentryStunSpamBehindCoverLol, I shall now proceed to Zoom until I find something that cannot be easily slaughtered.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)23:25 No.17954409



    LAIR BRANCH DONE, D:18 done, Orc:4 done, Hive done.
    Jiyva (? DOSH)
    >Looting gods: Fun and profitable
    A bunch of shit monsters (765)
    24 Acid Blob (480)
    76 Slime Creature (380)
    >Success in resolving the crossover (300)
    10 Greater Naga (150)
    15 Azure Jelly (150)
    6 Hydrae (120)
    The Royal Jelly (100)
    9 Merfolk >implier (90)
    3 Kraken (75)
    7 Siren (70)
    6 Dire Elephant (60)
    5 Merfolk Javelineer (50)
    3 Merfolk Aquamancer (45)
    4 Orc high priest (40)
    8 Oklob Plant (40)
    7 Shining Eye (35)
    1 Orc Warlord (20)
    4 Eye of Draining (20)
    1 Ice Dragon (20)
    1 Dragon (20)
    1 Alligator Snapping Turtle (15)
    3 Death Yak (15)
    3 Hill Giant (15)
    2 Necromancer (10)
    1 Wizard (10)
    1 Spiny Worm (5)
    1 Boring Beetle (5)
    1 Great Orb of Eyes (5)
    1 Giant Orange Brain (5)

    Nikola (35)
    Rupert (25)
    Ilsuiw (25)
    Kirke (25)
    Roxanne (25)
    Aizul (20)
    Frnances (20)
    Donald (20)
    Azrael (20)
    Gastronok (20)
    Maud (20)
    Dissolution (15)
    Polyphemus (15)
    Nergalle (10)
    Joseph (10)
    Erica (10)
    Urug (10)
    Nessos (10)
    Psyche (5)
    Sigmund (5)
    Purgy (5)
    Blork (5)

    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)23:26 No.17954429
    Random dungeoncrap (300 DOSH)
    30 Spellbook (150)
    18 Zot Traps (75)
    3 Rune of Zot (75)
    7 Glorious Artefacts (70)
    19 Royal Jelly (38)
    1 Scroll of Acquirement (10)
    1 Scroll of Torment
    1 Scroll of Holy Word

    Staircase to Vaults found!
    Fire/Frost/Stone giants and Yaktaur packs should be the first things that challenge you now. But there is something here that requires your input.

    A Shimmering Altar of Xom.
    You may talk to Xom via this altar, but are not required to do so, and may ignore (or even destroy!) the altar if you wish.

    What action do you take with the altar? (default: Ignore)
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)23:28 No.17954460
    Ignore. Although, Kali may want us to destroy it. We should ask her if she wants us too.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)23:30 No.17954481

    I'm going to go with the default action and leave well enough alone.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)23:31 No.17954496
    And if she tells us to destroy it, tell her that we might need help against a possible temper tantrum from Xom.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)23:36 No.17954561
    Kali would enjoy it if you do so, but she's content with you as is - given that you've done a lot to benefit her spheres and nothing that would piss her off.

    In fact, God status report:
    Ashenzari likes your thorough exploration
    Beogh is angry. This is nothing unusual.
    Cheibriados says GOTTA GO SLOW. He seems upset at the speed with which you are proceeding.
    Elyvion appreciates your capturing enemies alive. She likes you a lot.
    Jiyva is looted.
    Kiku is neutral to you.
    Lugonu died.
    Makhleb is neutral to you.
    Nemelex is amused at the way you're hoovering the dungeon, and kind of jealous.
    Okawaru finds it silly how you're taking enemies alive, but has no issue with you.
    Sif Muna likes your use of magic.
    TSO has mixed feelings. He likes your crusade but he considers your methods underhanded.
    Trog is upset that you are using magic.
    Vehumet likes the stunt you pulled with the Shoals.
    Xom LOL XOM
    Yredelemnul is neutral to you.
    Zin is neutral to you.
    Kali likes you a little.
    No other god has altars in range.

    Kali says she'll do her best to shield you from temper tantrums, IF that is what you want to do.
    Currently leaving the altar alone is fine.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)23:43 No.17954647
    Remind me, what are the consequences for desecrating an altar?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)23:47 No.17954703

    Let's just leave the altar alone, then. Xom's randomness could potentially screw us over at this point.
    >> Not completely retarded 02/14/12(Tue)23:48 No.17954719
    I'm guessing that it'd normally piss at least the god whos altar you desecrated, possibly annoy the others that you desecrated an altar in general.

    But this is xoms altar, so it's unknown. He might even think it's funny.
    I vote leave it the hell alone, we don't want the gods messing with our stuff, and xom is the only one i know of who isnt bound to noninterfereance.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)23:49 No.17954741
    For the record, Kali likes Slay undead, and actively doing things.
    She dislikes Necromancy, and waiting around.
    She's mostly cool with what you do, since she's not a complete dick like most gods. LOOKING AT YOU MR. AN ANIMAL SKIN {god gift} OKAWARU.

    Typically a bit o' god wrath.

    Leaving altar alone it is.
    >> Slimy Burglar 02/14/12(Tue)23:51 No.17954754
    Pissed off deity.
    Let's ignore it. No member of the pantheon is angry enough at us to cause us trouble, and I'd like to keep it that way.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/14/12(Tue)23:56 No.17954818
    If anything, Elyvion is watching over you because of how incredibly nonlethal you've been. You should go talk to her at the Temple some time.

    Let's see what's on the way to Vaults:7
    You already have pretty much MAX TACTICS so I don't think there's any decisions you can make, but I'd be a complete cunt of a DM if I auto'd all the fights for you.

    Here's what you're up against:
    Packs of Centaurs, Centaur warriors, Yaktaurs, Yaktaur warriors (horse archers, basically)
    Slime Creatures (fast moving, regenerating things that hit moderately hard)
    Ugly things (weak, but move fast, and come in Acid/Fire/Cold/Poison/Sickness/Lightning varieties)
    Unseen Horrors (not that horrifying once you can see them)
    Ogre Packs (Bunch o' big dumb slow fatties)
    Cyclopes, Trolls (Big dumb slow fatties)
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)00:00 No.17954867
    Those are the Common enemies.
    Here are some Uncommon enemies, too.

    A Hydra
    A Dragon
    Elf packs (one with a sorcerer)
    Orc packs (one with a high priest)
    Fire crabs
    An Ice Dragon
    Laboratory Rats (Yes, they are a thing in crawl)
    Fire Giants
    Stone Giants
    Wiglaf (a Unique)
    Hell Knights
    Iron Trolls
    a Lich
    Xtahua (a Unique)
    Mennas (a Unique)
    Frederick (a Unique)
    a Shadow dragon
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)00:10 No.17954999
    You surely got traumatized by Okawaru, the grandpa with a garage full of random artifacts ready for gifting.

    uuuh ooh.
    >captcha: mennis edetes
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)00:10 No.17955004
    And Vault:8, as you may know, is one of the hardest places in the game.

    Zot:5, Tomb:3, Vaults:8. Those are your run enders. The rest of Tomb and Zot are pretty hazardous, too.

    But ofc, the harder it is, the more dosh you get for looting it. So with your permission, I'd like to go ahead and use the tactics you've described to me to start the fights with Vaults 1-7

    Those tactics are:
    >Tunnel in from above
    >Max, Auror, and Mentor flank the enemies and fire from above. Mentor lays down nonlethal traps and sentries, Auror tries to contain the enemies with magic or put slowing traps down, and Max spams stunbombs
    >The WoW team sits a little further back and runs interception on anything that makes it up to the top floor, but otherwise heals Max/Auror/Mentor/Blastoise
    >Blastoise makes noise and acts as tank
    >Minecrafter ensures the team has multiple escape routes and places to shoot from, closes them off behind them if they're getting swamped
    >Cleric of Desna Rerolla top dolla
    >Vs. Undead opponents that you wish to capture, teleport support tries to Tomb them in rock to freeze later, or the Minecrafter will make a stairs down for them to come up around a corner into your waiting traps.
    >Anything that can't tear down a Sentry (observing tower) in the time it takes 40 Stun Bombs to teleport onto its face gets captured from a safe distance
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)00:12 No.17955032
    For future reference, we should name this tactic.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)00:16 No.17955078
         File: 1329282983.png-(848 B, 227x62, freekill.png)
    848 B
    An enemy that lacks a ranged attack fighting an opponent who's shooting down at them from a ledge.
    Tell me son. Who do you think has the advantage there.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)00:19 No.17955123
    I will call it the:
    "3D Flank"
    Because it's a Flank and it takes place in 3D.

    If anyone has any special tactics or changes to make to the plan, such as "Drop nets on Fire crabs" or "Talk to Mennas" or "Fight the elves in an open area" or "Don't capture the Lich, just kill it" or something, now's your option.
    In fact, you have 10 minutes of option starting now.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)00:21 No.17955141
    Sorry, I've had too many bad experiences with Mennas to think straight after seeing the name.
    I guess he is also in the 30-35 range, right?

    >He is neutral towards worshippers of Elyvilon, The Shining One, and Zin.
    And Elyvilon likes us, maybe we can recruit him.
    >> Slimy Burglar 02/15/12(Wed)00:23 No.17955167
    Let's see if Mennas is willing to chat.
    If so, try to recruit him. If not, or if negotiations fall through, blast 'em.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)00:28 No.17955224
    He's a 35. Most of the stuff you'll find at the top tier is 35, though Tiamat, Named Pan/Hell lords, TRJ, Ancient Liches, and Orbs of Fire are worth more.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)00:29 No.17955235

    For dangerous spellcasters (i.e. Frederick), it might be worth having warlocks get their felhunters out and ready to use Spell Lock before Max does his bomb spam. It may give him 3-6 seconds of not being fired on to work with.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)00:30 No.17955246
    rolled 8, 57, 93, 82, 84, 68, 24, 92 = 508

    They observe me rotating along an axis parallel to the ground.
    They respond to their feelings of jealousy and inadequacy by expressing rage.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)00:33 No.17955290
    Max: 68 (shit max get it together, you're the lowest roller here)
    Auror + Mentor: 92
    WoW team: 93
    Blastoise + Minecrafter: 82
    Enemies: 84

    So everyone's doing well.

    Mandatory MDK2 music repost:
    Midnight curse? What's that?
    Max: 92 (reroll'd 8)
    Auror + Mentor: 68 (reroll'd 57)
    WoW team: 93
    Blastoise + Minecrafter: 82
    Enemies: 84


    Let us begin!
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)00:38 No.17955349
    "So this is when we have to start TRYING?"
    One of the WoW team members mentions.
    "... you mean you weren't before?"
    "not really"

    The Minecrafter, veins full of blood, anger, and Diamonds, carves paths straight to the greatest concentrations of enemies.

    The Auror will have none of this bullshit. He opens up with what can only be described as "PETRIFICUS TOTALUS TOTALUS", also known as "Immobilize everything".

    Max, doing what he's known for, sails through the air dodging enemy shots and emptying Stuns and Fury into the oncoming masses of enemies.

    "Yo guys, watch out. They're a LOT more accurate now." He quips as he barely dodges a giant boulder and eats a few arrows.

    Blastoise is on the ball too. Undead? Not a problem. They're dead now. Except for one lich, which blastoise nails with a Blizzard, helping the Mentor in freezing it solid.

    But that's not to say everything goes smoothly...
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)00:43 No.17955404
    A Boring beetle unnels up to your team, leaving the Minecrafter utterly frustrated. Behind it is a Hydra.
    "It's too close! I can't take the shot!" notes Max.
    "It's k. We got this."
    The WoW team moves out and surrounds it, each player holding the attention of two of the heads at a time. In less than 2 seconds, the creature's debuff bar is full of "Oh fuck", and in 30 seconds it's a stunned, twitching mass on the floor.


    >more mob
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)00:56 No.17955522
    Packs of Yaktaurs come in from the side. Again, in under 3 seconds, there is 1 Sheep, 1 Frozen trapped, 1 Sapped, and 1 Frozen in fear.
    "Skull X Nipple Triangle Diamond Moon"
    You're pretty sure they're shouting orders, but you can't understand it at all.

    Fire Crabs prove no match for Max's armor as he stuns the Ice Dragon adjacent, prior to finishing off the Crab.
    "Thanks crabby."
    The Minecrafter catches a hail of arrows to the face as a group of Yaktaurs round a corner The Yaktaurs catch a hail of stunbombs to the face as Heavy Teleport Support tells the corner to fuck off.

    Finally, the team comes face to face with a Deep Elf Sorcerer.
    It chants an unholy spell, and ...
    ... Blastoise's Anti-teleport gem flashes a Deep purple!
    >Abyss status: BLOCKED
    Exploiting what can only be called "Elves complete inability to stand next to anything, always blinking around like jackasses", a Sentry tower lasts long enough to land shots on all of them.

    As the team opens a door, a crazed wizard shouts:
    "What the hell are you doing in my laboratory?"
    The Auror quips back, before looting the laboratory:
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)01:01 No.17955592
    It's not a triangle. They're panties!
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)01:02 No.17955606
    Wow it's fucking nothing.jpg

    A Fire giant lumbers out of the Shad..
    Wait, no, it can't see invisible. It stays in the shadows. And eats stun bombs.

    There is a Trove here. It wants 8 DOSH of random dungeon pickup loot. Do you wish to spend this to enter the Trove? It might contain more loot, it might contain less!
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)01:03 No.17955612
    The Auror surely integrated greatly into the team.
    >> Slimy Burglar 02/15/12(Wed)01:04 No.17955625
    Sure, why not?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)01:05 No.17955639
    Sure, and we can check to see if we can dig through the walls to get to other troves.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)01:09 No.17955687
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)01:12 No.17955713
         File: 1329286351.png-(88 KB, 1506x455, bulbs_3red_1dull_yellow.png)
    88 KB

    The first thing you notice as you look into this level is a dwarf in a stupid yellow hat.
    The second thing you notice is that the dwarf in the stupid yellow hat has no ranged attack.
    You capture said dwarf, and said dwarf's stupid yellow hat.

    Superior cover proves no match for Fire and Stone Giants!
    Yaktaurs score some lucky shots, but when you have healers and the other guys don't, well ... you know the result.

    A Lich comes at you. It summons 2 fiends, that immediately torment your group, and lay upon you hellfire.
    But your Auror knows his stuff. He already has Protecto Horriblis (rN++) up on your team, saving many of the WoWers and the Cleric of Desna from an untimely resurrection.
    Blastoise tells it to go fuck its summons and itself with Holy Surf, and the Mentor flies down to smack it with Freeze Solid.

    >A RED bulb has turned DULL RED, as the bulb it's supercharged turned from Green to Yellow. Still counts as red for purposes of upgrading your bulbs though.
    >> Not completely retarded 02/15/12(Wed)01:14 No.17955731
    Is the mentor using the crawl spells?
    deflect missiles on everyone,
    Can we use any spare weapons we have to make dancing weapons? I'd be handy to have blessed dancing stun prods or stun bombers.

    Let's have a look in the trove.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)01:19 No.17955793
    In the vault, you find...
    2 Uber artefacts!
    2 Other artefacts!
    3 really good magic items!
    4 magic items!

    Your Auror equips two of the artefacts, a rF++ rC+ cloak Int+4, and a rF+ Str+4 Dex+4 Gloves. Truly he now resists fire.




    LAIR BRANCH DONE, D:18 done, Orc:4 done, Hive done, Vault:5 done.
    Jiyva (? DOSH)
    >Looting gods: Fun and profitable
    A bunch of shit monsters (930)
    100 Slime Creature (500)
    24 Acid Blob (480)
    >Success in resolving the crossover (300)
    10 Greater Naga (150)
    15 Azure Jelly (150)
    7 Hydrae (140)
    The Royal Jelly (100)
    9 Merfolk >implier (90)
    6 Yaktaur Captain (90)
    3 Kraken (75)
    3 Stone Giant (75)
    7 Siren (70)
    6 Dire Elephant (60)
    5 Merfolk Javelineer (50)
    2 Fire Giant (50)
    3 Merfolk Aquamancer (45)
    4 Orc high priest (40)
    8 Oklob Plant (40)
    2 Dragon (40)
    2 Ice Dragon (40)
    4 Deep Elf Knight (40)
    7 Shining Eye (35)
    1 Lich (35)
    6 Hell knight (30)
    1 Orc Warlord (20)
    1 Iron Troll (20)
    4 Eye of Draining (20)
    2 Wizard (20)
    1 Deep Elf Sorcerer (15)
    1 Alligator Snapping Turtle (15)
    3 Death Yak (15)
    3 Hill Giant (15)
    3 Rock Troll (15)
    3 Spiny Worm (15)
    1 Very Ugly Thing (10)
    2 Necromancer (10)
    2 Boring Beetle (10)
    2 Great Orb of Eyes (10)
    1 Giant Orange Brain (5)
    1 Fire Crab (5)
    >> Slimy Burglar 02/15/12(Wed)01:19 No.17955799
    A Shield Charm from the Potterverse could serve the same purpose for deflecting arrows.
    As for dancing weapons, let's see if we can raid the Hall of Blades.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)01:20 No.17955806
    What would be the value in DOSH of the trove contents? Are the walls diggable?
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)01:20 No.17955812
    Nikola (35)
    Wiglaf (30)
    Rupert (25)
    Ilsuiw (25)
    Kirke (25)
    Roxanne (25)
    Aizul (20)
    Frnances (20)
    Donald (20)
    Azrael (20)
    Gastronok (20)
    Maud (20)
    Dissolution (15)
    Polyphemus (15)
    Nergalle (10)
    Joseph (10)
    Erica (10)
    Urug (10)
    Nessos (10)
    Psyche (5)
    Sigmund (5)
    Purgy (5)
    Blork (5)

    Random dungeoncrap (360 DOSH)
    33 Spellbook (165)
    11 Glorious Artefacts (110)
    25 Zot Traps (75)
    3 Rune of Zot (75)
    19 Royal Jelly (38)
    1 Scroll of Acquirement (10)
    1 Scroll of Torment
    1 Scroll of Holy Word

    The staircase to the Hall of Blades is here. The weapons here fly, are immune to stuns, and are immune to magic.
    Would you like to order an ALL LETHAL ATTACK on the hall of blades, or do you have some sort of plan to capture the flying blades?
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)01:24 No.17955862
    20 for the 2 ubers
    10 for the 2 others
    9 for the 3 good magic items
    4 for the 4 other magic items.
    43 dosh.

    The Trove wanted 16 Scrolls of ID, which you DID have at the time.
    That trove was a fucking bitch to my MdFi, who lacks the benefit of Nethack spells.

    Sorry, that's with Vaults:6 completed.
    >> Not completely retarded 02/15/12(Wed)01:24 No.17955865
    Use an invisible telespotter, and box them?
    Make a trap canmer next to each level, with a slab door we can open and a window made from the glass wall we looted earlier, to capture groups for boxing?
    Replace a section of the wall with glass, and box them?
    Do the summoned creatures from this canon stay summoned indefinately?
    If so, Mentor could spam assorted summons near the holding bay and tell the summoned monster to go into the storage unit.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)01:26 No.17955885
    Summons are temporary.
    Boxing the weapons is no problem at all, but there's no way to turn them peaceful (as far as I know).
    But, of course, having the DM say "Derp u kill teh loot lozl" when there's a perfectly fine way to turn them to your side is annoying as fuck, so I figured I'd ask first.
    >> Not completely retarded 02/15/12(Wed)01:28 No.17955909
    The guys back at base can figure out how to tame them, if they are worth more dead we can just kill them when we get back.
    Someone in the guard probably has a use for a bunch of aggressive animated weapons anyway.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)01:28 No.17955914
    All I can think of would be dispelling them to turn them into normal items, but boxing them could work. Then they're the Logistics department's problem.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)01:33 No.17955977
    Oh, right. You can reanimate the damn things with Tukima's yourselves.

    Now, lethally there's no problem. You've got a damn high level pokemon with an attack super effective vs. steel (Focus blast), you've got an Auror who can cast Orb of Destruction, a Mentor whose entire gig is lethally killing things, a WoW team who ditto, and you can shoot through walls.

    There are two creatures here.
    One is Xtahua, a Fire dragon of Burning and Pain.
    One is Mennas, an Angel of Silence and Pain.
    Xtahua is easily soloed by Max as Max has the red mail.

    You opt to talk to Mennas.
    Mennas says, "Elyvion may trust you, but I do not."
    Mennas then attacks.
    Welp, so much for NPC AI.

    You loot Mennas.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)01:35 No.17955992

    For the LOS requirement for teleporting, can the eye from the warlock spell "Eye of Kilrogg" qualify for that?

    All-lethal may be an OK option here, since the dancing weapons leave lootable stuff as corpses.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)01:36 No.17956012
    I'd give Mennas a wis check to try to bullshit you out of things, but seriously. He silences -himself- going into a fight with my MDFi, thus preventing him from using confusion or healing, and I'm not a spellcaster at all. He loses a bulb for that.

    Now, for the next level, I need one of you dudes to roll a 1d100 please.
    >> Not completely retarded 02/15/12(Wed)01:39 No.17956046
    rolled 81 = 81

    >> Slimy Burglar 02/15/12(Wed)01:39 No.17956054
    rolled 60 = 60

    Rolling, OP.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)01:42 No.17956077
    When you go down to Vault:7, you find something strange.
    WoW team 2 has found Frederick, one of the deadliest spellcasters in the game.
    "soz got bored"
    They appear to be rotating spell interrupts on him, as he grumbles in frustration.

    You loot: Frederick.

    a box in the center, with a moat, has a truly staggering number of stone giants and yaktaur captains in it.
    You, however, know that long narrow tunnel + heavy teleport support = lol
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)01:43 No.17956092
    >Focus Blast
    In the competitive Pokemon community it isn't called "Focus Miss" for nothing.
    And according to the wiki, they have an especially low amount of health, so, they shouldn't be a hassle to surf the fuck out of the area and then Tukima's Dance the fuck out of them.

    Damn, I'm late.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)01:47 No.17956154
    Indeed you are.
    As you complete Vaults:7, a scout ship shows up in orbit.

    "Sirs, are you still alive? We just did a scanner sweep of the area, and there may be a HUGE crossover eve..."
    "What the fuck is the cube?"
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)01:49 No.17956190
    Already did a cross over. Armok from Dwarf Fortress took over hell and brought a shit load of Dwarves. They're dead now.

    Also, what cube is he talking about? The "Fuck the World Device"?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)01:50 No.17956203
    Ask them to identify themselves.
    >> Slimy Burglar 02/15/12(Wed)01:51 No.17956219
    "TG Looter crew here. Don't worry about the box, it's been rendered a non-threat."
    >> Not completely retarded 02/15/12(Wed)01:51 No.17956222
    For the elves, could we replace one of the walls with the transparant walls we looted, so we can see them for teleport targeting but they cant level drain us?
    We could also have the minecrafter do teleport spotting for that level, if he has no xp to lose.

    We should have the auror go into the trench with minecrafter to scry each level before we loot it, so we don't get ambushed, and so we know what loot is where.
    Could we cast the animate weapon spell on any spare stun weapons we have?
    If we know where the loot and monsters are in the elves level, what about teleporting a slice (maybe less than a milimeter thick) from the lower half of each level, to chop off their legs for stunning, healing, then storage?
    They should bleed into unconsiousness pretty quickly if they're like humans, i'd think.
    >> Slimy Burglar 02/15/12(Wed)01:53 No.17956247
    Forget my last post, ask for ID on these guys. I suspect they're Guard, but I jumped to conclusions.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)01:55 No.17956268
    TG Editors, Scouting subsection, craft identifies itself as the Darwin.
    Cap. Kowalski leads it.

    >Already did a cross over. Armok from Dwarf Fortress took over hell and brought a shit load of Dwarves. They're dead now.
    "What killed them?"
    "Also, what did they do? I assume the Cube is their work, not yours?"
    "Finally, were there any other crossovers occurring?"

    >For the elves, could we replace one of the walls with the transparant walls we looted, so we can see them for teleport targeting but they cant level drain us?
    Auror burned a greenbulb to give you rN++. Anyone who doesn't want to lose exp already has a resist nature ring.

    >We should have the auror go into the trench with minecrafter to scry each level before we loot it, so we don't get ambushed, and so we know what loot is where.
    Automatically happens. First thing you do on each level is have Max scan it, then Detect Loot monsters traps mapping. It's why you haven't been ambushed a single time since you got here.
    >to chop off their legs for stunning, healing, then storage?
    They should bleed into unconsiousness pretty quickly if they're like humans, i'd think.
    Messy and brutal, but it only does HP damage and the elves don't bleed. You sure can try it, but it might kill the elves!
    >> Not completely retarded 02/15/12(Wed)01:55 No.17956277
    Send them our logs, and tell them what happened, see if they want to tag along, maybe we can temporarily loot ourselves a scouting group?
    "Come and have a look for yourselves!" ask them if they want a closer look, provide coordinates and summaries, then see if we can convince them to stay?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)01:57 No.17956304
    >What killed them?
    We did. . .
    >Any other crossovers?
    From what it seems, about a hundred or more other gods who don't belong here. They're not messing with anything though.
    Dwarves made a "Flood the hells so we can take over" device. They were looking for holy water, but we stopped them from succeeding.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)01:57 No.17956310
    Tell the editors that we already solved the crossover, that the only last thing to do is cleanup, mostly the cube and any dwarf that may be still around. Didn't they say that they wanted to make another fort, last that we saw them?
    Don't forget to also mention "certain three bears" that are in our captivity.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)01:58 No.17956317
    This was a scripted event designed to help you with the dwarves.
    You already dealt with the dwarves.
    You have the scripted event already.

    The crew of the Darwin are looking over your logs, and spectating your ship.
    "Ohhhhh ... Looters. No wonder I wasn't informed of your team being dispatched to clean up the crossover, entirely different branch."

    "We've got to disable that cube befo-"
    "Oh. you already did. Well."
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)01:59 No.17956333
    Depending on if you're willing to trade us anything, we may be willing to give you credit for cleaning up the mess. That'd look nice for you guys, wouldn't it?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)02:00 No.17956345
    Almost forgot: tell them about how Lugonu killed himself in an action that would have depleted about five bulbs of common sense, and that he may need to be replaced.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)02:01 No.17956349
         File: 1329289262.jpg-(163 KB, 1506x455, bulbs_all_red.jpg)
    163 KB
    Select a Perk!

    >Green 2
    Your bulbs now have 3 levels of green-ness: DOUBLE GREEN, Green, and Yellow. DOUBLE GREEN is twice as effective.
    >Red 2
    You earn 3 Red bulbs, when you would ordinarily earn one.
    >Chance 1
    You have a 20% chance not to burn out a bulb.
    >Intuition 1
    Deliberately using a bulb grants you twice as much information
    >Extra bulb 3
    You get another extra bulb.
    >> Not completely retarded 02/15/12(Wed)02:01 No.17956360
    It'd have to be worth more than 300 DOSH, as thats what we seem to be getting for dealing with it.

    Maybe while they're here they can let us use their sensors to loot tricky things like the elves?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)02:04 No.17956391
    I vote Chance, but the other players may disagree.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)02:04 No.17956395
    They tell you that they'll give you a SCOUT PACKAGE worth 50 DOSH (Sells for 25 DOSH, but may be permanently attached to your skyranger) if you sell them some WEAPONS or TROOPS worth 50 DOSH (or which sell for 25 DOSH).

    "Ah. One of the many things that show up here from time to time. Did you know that we sometimes find a certain Three Hobbits with a certain ring here? Makes for a REAL fun day in the Editor's office when someone's already butchered them and sac'd the corpses to Okawaru, I can tell you.

    >Lugonu dead
    "Balls. I'll relay this to base. Don't worry, I'll tell them the Dwarves did it on their own."
    >> Not completely retarded 02/15/12(Wed)02:05 No.17956409
    Maybe we should game the bulb system for maximum advancement, by leaving off getting new bulbs until we have everything else, so that we get upgrades faster?
    I like the double green, as we're always reluctant to burn a bulb for info, while green gets us free plan upgrades, but getting 3 reds at a time would mean we get an upgrade every 2 bulb rewards.
    >> Slimy Burglar 02/15/12(Wed)02:06 No.17956423
    Thanks for reminding me about the bears.

    "We have some non-natives in custody who may need a ride back to their canon when we're finished. Three bears, from an old fairytale. If you can help us out with our job, we'd appreciate it. If not, no worries."
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)02:06 No.17956435
    Getting triple red will also let us get the sixth bulb while still only having to earn bulbs twice to upgrade.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)02:06 No.17956436
    I vote Red. If we can get upgrades quicker. After we cap it (If it's at 5), We'd get an upgrade every time we do something smart until Bootleg is annoyed by it.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)02:09 No.17956470
         File: 1329289771.jpg-(218 KB, 1506x455, supergreen.jpg)
    218 KB
    Their SCOUT PACKAGE is not first class.
    In fact, they are using an upgraded system. This is why they have a spare.

    Nonetheless, they're better than what you have, which is (let me check)

    >Help out with our job
    "Sure! We can give you a sensor sweep of the area, tell you what pops up.
    We also have an infiltrator skilled in disguise and subterfuge, if that'd be of use to you. Can only have him for 2 hours or so though."

    Green 1, Red 3, Bulb 2 is now your loadout. Enjoy your loadout.
    >> Not completely retarded 02/15/12(Wed)02:12 No.17956500
    What does the scout package do, and can we move it to a new ship if we upgrade our ship?
    Can we use recette to lower the cost of it?
    I'd prefer to give them native stuff if possible, as we're using most of what we already have.

    Anyone got ideas to trade to them?
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)02:14 No.17956530
    Their sensor sweep reports:
    The Cube seems free of distortions.
    A rather large reality distortion in orbit.
    A small reality distortion in the forest nearby.
    A cluster of reality distortions about 25 levels deep in the dungeon.
    Small reality distortions seeping through the portals to the Abyss and Gehenna.
    A powerful reality distortion about 30 levels deep in the dungeon.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)02:14 No.17956536
    We could give them 50 dosh with of "junk". Probably be the best choice.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)02:14 No.17956537
    You may charm monster one of your captives and send it across.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)02:17 No.17956562
    Can they tell what is in the forest?
    How far away are we from floor 25?
    Can we scry the portal to see what's crossing?
    Can we scry the other distortion locations?
    >> do bǝןʇooq !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)02:18 No.17956572
    ˙uoısnɟuoɔ ǝɥʇ ɹoɟ ʎɹɹos 'ǝɹǝɥʇ uoıʇɹoʇsıp ou sı ǝɹǝɥʇ ˙ʎןʇɔǝɹɹoɔ sǝʇou ʎɯ ɯoɹɟ ǝʇsɐd ʎdoɔ oʇ buıןıɐɟ ǝɯ ʇsnظ sɐʍ dǝǝp sןǝʌǝן ʎʇɹıɥʇ uoıʇɹoʇsıp ǝɥʇ 'ʎןןɐnʇɔɐ
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)02:18 No.17956578
    I don't think that it would waste much time to scan the reality distortion in the forest, lets check that out.
    We should be wary when we get to Dungeon:25, of course.
    >> do bǝןʇooq !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)02:21 No.17956602
    >Can they tell what is in the forest?
    Looks like a Skyranger from X-com.
    >How far away are we from floor 25?
    Your team is on floor 25. Well, Vault:7 + D:18.
    >Can we scry the portal to see what's crossing?
    It looks normal from here.

    >Scry the distortion locations
    Gehenna seems to be flooded with water.
    The Abyss has a large amount of depowered, ineffective, destroyed altars.
    ˙ʇı ǝʞɐʇ oʇ noʎ ɹoɟ buıʇıɐʍ 'ǝɹǝɥʇ buıʇʇıs sı ʇoz ɟo qɹo ǝɥʇ ˙ǝɹǝɥʇ suoıʇɹoʇsıp ou ˙ןɐɯɹou ʎןʇɔǝɟɹǝd sı ʇoz ɟo ɯןɐǝɹ ǝɥʇ
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)02:22 No.17956611
    Also, the distortion in space, when scried, reveals a truly staggering number of monsters packed into a single containment facility.
    >> Slimy Burglar 02/15/12(Wed)02:22 No.17956616
    >A powerful reality distortion about 30 levels deep in the dungeon.
    Wait, doesn't the dungeon only have 27 levels?
    That means either the scan isn't very accurate or the distortion is a new, non-native level tacked on the end of the main dungeon.

    >A cluster of reality distortions about 25 levels deep in the dungeon.
    This seems closest, so let's deal with it first.

    >Small reality distortions seeping through the portals to the Abyss and Gehenna.
    Doesn't seem urgent. Second priority.

    > A rather large reality distortion in orbit.
    > A small reality distortion in the forest nearby.
    Let's have the Scouting crew check these out. We'll get these once we're out of the dungeon.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)02:23 No.17956618
    Can we scry on the location where the orb should be?

    Is there anything around the containment facility? If it's just orbiting with nothing around it, we may want to loot it.
    >> Not completely retarded 02/15/12(Wed)02:23 No.17956619
    I thought charm monster wears off.

    We should give them something they'll get good use out of, they're fellow guardsmen and we want a good reputation for better intel and more chance of these trades in the future.

    Possible strategy for infiltrator:
    Run around provinding coords for boxing and dropping teled stun bombs and nets on as many things as possible while we follow to stun and collect things after boxing
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)02:24 No.17956629
    We could give them 5 or 6 spellbooks, or if they have any wizards, let them take their pick.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)02:24 No.17956630
    We could give them 5 or 6 spellbooks, or if they have any wizards, let them take their pick.
    >> Slimy Burglar 02/15/12(Wed)02:24 No.17956632
    We'll hit that on our way out of here. For now, let's worry about the distortions in the dungeon.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)02:25 No.17956645
    You send across 25 DOSH of Junk.
    You get a Sensor Package!
    You hook it up. It's kind of crap, but it'll at least show you the general location and size of reality distortions, and it can get line of sight to a coin-sized target over 10km or a man-sized one over 100km.

    Not Nethack Charm monster, that shit's perm.

    >This seems closest, so let's deal with it first.
    Your Team is already at the distortion location. They don't see anything unusual.

    >Let's have the Scouting crew check these out. We'll get these once we're out of the dungeon.
    Scouting crew reports a Skyranger in the forest and a small "Flying Brick" TG-class vessel in low orbit.

    >Run around provinding coords for boxing and dropping teled stun bombs and nets on as many things as possible while we follow to stun and collect things after boxing
    Strangely enough that's what you've been doing for the past 20 goddamn levels. :P
    >> do bǝןʇooq !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)02:27 No.17956654
    ¿uʍop ǝuoǝɯos puǝs noʎ ןןıʍ ˙ʇı ǝʞɐʇ oʇ noʎ ɹoɟ buıʇıɐʍ 'ǝɹǝɥʇ buıʇʇıs ʇsnظ sı qɹo ǝɥʇ 'ǝɹoɟǝq pıɐs ı ǝʞıן 'osןɐ
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)02:27 No.17956657
    In short, all the distortions left are just us. Nothing to worry then.

    Better than nothing.
    >> Not completely retarded 02/15/12(Wed)02:29 No.17956673
    If any of those vessels aren't either us or the scouting party, we should investigate them immediately.
    I suspect another looting team or another meta faction, let's nick their ship for extra DOSH
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)02:31 No.17956693
    Skyranger in the forest - Us
    Brick in space with shit loads of monsters - also us
    Shit loads of distortions near bottom of crawl - us
    Orb - may have issues nearby
    Portal - probably surviving dwarves, may want to finish them.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)02:32 No.17956702
    >If any of those vessels aren't either us or the scouting party, we should investigate them immediately.
    All you. Scout team responds with the all clear.

    "Wait. We're picking up a distortion ǝɹǝɥʍou, looks to match known ʇoz ɟo qɹo readings. You guys equipped to fight an ʇoz ɟo qɹo?"
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)02:34 No.17956719
    One second:
    Which way the portals distortions are going, assuming that they're not static?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)02:34 No.17956720
    Could you tell us more directly, something seems to be changing the transmissions.

    Editing things as they happen, not a good sign.
    >> Not completely retarded 02/15/12(Wed)02:35 No.17956725
    So basically we now have line of sight on everything we want to loot? Time for METAL BOXES

    Fuck, how are we going to fight an orb of zot?
    Let's scry the fuck out of the orb and the runes, and test out our sensors on it too.
    Looks like we may need that backup after all.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)02:35 No.17956727
    Fight the orb of zot? This makes no sense...
    >> do bǝןʇooq !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)02:36 No.17956732
         File: 1329291365.png-(14 KB, 669x734, 5toz.png)
    14 KB
    ˙ɥbnoɹɥʇʎɐןd ʇuǝɹɹnɔ ʎɯ ɯoɹɟ ʍǝɹp ı dɐɯ ɐ s,ǝɹǝɥ ˙ןɐnsnun buıɥʇou sןɐǝʌǝɹ 5:ʇoz buıʎɹɔs 'osןɐ
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)02:37 No.17956747
    Something that reverses maps, meanings, messages. . . anyone think of something like that?
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)02:40 No.17956761
    Distortions seem to be slowly flowing out of the portals, as though there were larger distortions behind them that were leaking through.
    Closing portals should contain it.

    "Wait, what the hell? Okay. Send us back this message, exactly as it appears on your screen:"
    "There is an extremely strong localised reality distortion, about the size of a single tile, concentrated on a large domed chamber, about 30 levels deep. It matches known ʇoz ɟo qɹo readings, probably from a ʇoz ɟo qɹo insert. It's likely that whoever's there is waiting for you, and is either willing to trick you, or actively ןnɟǝɔɐǝd. I'd advise you to either look at that area indirectly, or scout it first, but do ˙˙˙ proceed directly to the orb."
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)02:40 No.17956764
         File: 1329291624.png-(30 KB, 669x734, 1329291365485.png)
    30 KB
    Here's it fixed. This mean anything to someone who's made it that far?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)02:40 No.17956771
    The only times that happens (in this mission) is when Bootleg OP is speaking in an especially meta way or Armok is messing things up.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)02:41 No.17956775
    Cleared realm of zot. From my current playthrough. Yes, those teleport traps were extremely dickishly placed, but you can dig around them.
    I never picked up the orb.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)02:43 No.17956787
    "There is an extremely strong localised reality distortion, about the size of a single tile, concentrated on a large domed chamber, about 30 levels deep. It matches known -SUE?- readings, probably from a -Fanfiction- insert. It's likely that whoever's there is waiting for you, and is either willing to trick you, or actively -agressive-. I'd advise you to either look at that area indirectly, or scout it first, but do -not- proceed directly to the orb."

    Here's what I think it probably said
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)02:44 No.17956798
    Hang on. We'll try to encrypt it.
    You got most of the words right, but that 2nd word is NOT Fanfiction.
    >> Not completely retarded 02/15/12(Wed)02:47 No.17956816
    the current version is 9.2, but that's 9.1, is this a clue?

    Well shit, let's get kali in on this, and meet the scouts in person.
    Indirect scrying? Scry the levels above and below, scry the gods (especially XOM), Scan and scry zot 1 through 7, even though there is no 6 or 7, prepare to use the fuck the world machine again if needed, maybe we'll need to flood the realm of zot.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)02:49 No.17956833
    NOT Fanfiction?
    Alright, lets ponder the situation, and what we know about the canon:
    1) The player (of the canon, not Bootleg OP) died early on
    2) Therefore, the player could have never got to Zot, especially not with most runes in place, especially the easy ones. Not by normal means
    3) We didn't get access to the locations of at least three runes.

    Either the dwarves are acting up again, or SOMETHING else entirely.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)02:50 No.17956843
    god insert?
    Character insert?
    crossover insert?
    shipper insert?
    fixer insert?

    If our scrying is tweaked also, we could possibly send our rogue to scout.
    >> Not completely retarded 02/15/12(Wed)02:50 No.17956844
    Self insert?
    We'd better alert hq, does the scout ship have metacomms?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)02:53 No.17956871
    >God character
    Please not Armok
    >Character insert
    What's the chance the original player didn't take his own death well? We never saw a player ghost.
    >Crossover insert
    >shipper insert
    There's not much to ship here, but there are weirdos everywhere. Yeah, there's Sonja porn.
    >fixer insert
    Somehow, I doubt it.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)02:56 No.17956893
         File: 1329292561.jpg-(18 KB, 549x171, break_the_code.jpg)
    18 KB
    Here! I've made a ... code for you.
    Sorry, but something's just come up, I have to keep moving, bye!
    The ship jumps out.
    >> Slimy Burglar 02/15/12(Wed)02:57 No.17956907
    My bets are on God or Crossover.
    Player and Shipper and unlikely but possible.
    Fixer? Odds of that are close to zero.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)02:58 No.17956917
    Well, I don't think they've grabbed the orb yet. None of the creatures from grabbing the orb have started spawning.

    He/she might be waiting for us to kill us and steal the runes so they can take the orb easily.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)03:00 No.17956932
    Okay. I want the next person in this thread to post ANY two letters of the alphabet. Pick your favourites.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)03:01 No.17956939

    L and E
    >> Not completely retarded 02/15/12(Wed)03:02 No.17956945
    Self insert 4, 6
    It could be upside down self insert, all the other stuff was upside down?
    Wizard Mode, 6, 4
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)03:03 No.17956961
         File: 1329293015.jpg-(40 KB, 669x338, zot5.jpg)
    40 KB
    >What's the chance the original player didn't take his own death well? We never saw a player ghost.
    Perhaps the player ... never died.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)03:05 No.17956976
    He was SUPPOSED to be dead... damn, then the player itself is the distortion?

    Also, A, I
    Always the vocals first.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)03:06 No.17956981
    Oh that fucking dick! He turned on Wizard mode and skipped right to the end!

    So, can the orb be destroyed? Lets drop the floor of the one above him on his head if it's not able to be damaged. We can dig through the rubble.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)03:12 No.17957028
    Look at this.
    If he DID activate Wizard Mode, then he is a goddamn walking god. He can even survive at zero health only to fully heal again.
    >> Not completely retarded 02/15/12(Wed)03:12 No.17957030
    If this guy is in wizard mode, he'll brobably have these abilities:
    The question now is, what do we do about it?
    Can we kill him, can we keep looting, should we run now?
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)03:13 No.17957036
         File: 1329293612.jpg-(24 KB, 474x246, ai.jpg)
    24 KB
    Had to crawl my ass out of Pan to find an arrow trap son.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)03:16 No.17957057
    rolled 71 = 71

    . . .
    It's Bootleg OP. . .

    Would you please leave Dungeon Crawl and go back to base with us? We'd really rather not fight you.

    rolling for diplomacy
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)03:16 No.17957058
    You guys suck at scrabble, lawl.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)03:18 No.17957069
    I'm afraid not. You've had far too easy of a run thus far, and I think you need a challenge.

    Rest assured that I have NOT turned on Wizmode, but I am the veteran of 4 ziggurats and have some of the best damn gear and mutations in the game.

    I believe the phrase is
    "Come at me bro".
    I am waiting.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)03:19 No.17957074
    What level is our Cleric currently at?
    >> Slimy Burglar 02/15/12(Wed)03:19 No.17957075
    Even if this guy does have Wizard Mode on, he can't walk through solid walls, can he?
    Let's do some scrying to figure out what's going on, and if this is a Wizard Mode player, let's drop the ceiling on him.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)03:19 No.17957077
    Truth to be told, I lost track of which code we were breaking.

    I think we are about to achieve maximum meta.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)03:20 No.17957086
    Wizard mode can edit terrain. He said Wiz mode is off and we'll have to take his word for it.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)03:21 No.17957091
    Should be 10, right?
    Either that or very high 9.
    She'll be lev20 by the time you hit Zot:5 after a full clear, almost exactly.

    Of course I could be bullshitting you.
    >> Slimy Burglar 02/15/12(Wed)03:22 No.17957093
    Okay, drop the entire ceiling on him, then get ready to either slug it out or run like shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)03:22 No.17957095
    Do you want me to make versions of each, or just update him to lvl 20?
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)03:23 No.17957099
    I COULD also by lying about that Xom Altar on D:18...
    Wait nope, here it is.

    Tell me how many Rerolls, both Self and Party, he gets at each level.
    I'll assume his HP scales linearly.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)03:25 No.17957110
         File: 1329294324.jpg-(60 KB, 669x338, altars.jpg)
    60 KB
    Yes. Because I'm going to let you drop the ceiling on me when I'm the one who gave you the damn teleporter.
    Aw balls, D:17 was Xom's altar.
    D:18 was Elyvion's
    D:19 was Xom's again.
    Fuck it I blame xom.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)03:26 No.17957119
    Allowed to multiclass?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)03:27 No.17957129
    "Rocks fall, player dies" has always been a classic in the TG's arsenal.
    Wizard mode or not, Bootleg may still have ways to dig out.
    And there's some data I got from some screenshots:
    1) Playing as a mountain dwarf
    2) Maximum skill is in armour
    3) Worships TSO
    4) He is over level 27
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)03:28 No.17957137
    More specifically: the uncontrolled Teleport on Zot:5 means your little toy doesn't work against me. And your minecrafter? The blocks he mine out float in midair.
    Not to say you don't have enough tricks up your sleeve, but so do I. Mine is called "Let's see how many turns it takes my +21 slaying with my Axe of Speed to kill your entire party".

    You can multiclass the cleric of desna.
    You can talk to more than one god if you want, as your party has more than 1 person in it.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)03:30 No.17957141
    >3) Worships TSO
    I'll be switching to Kali once I get some goddamn pearl dragon armor. This gold dragon armor provides resistances entirely superfluous to me atm, and Crystal Plate mail doesn't let me cast Tornado/Firestorm.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)03:30 No.17957143
    Err, I think I didn't get the wording right
    2) His skill with the highest level (or one of them) is armour.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)03:31 No.17957148
         File: 1329294682.jpg-(47 KB, 669x338, At_me_bro.jpg)
    47 KB
    >> Slimy Burglar 02/15/12(Wed)03:31 No.17957153
    Ah, so we're actually fighting Bootleg OP. didn't fully realize that.
    May I recommend tactical retreat?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)03:32 No.17957154
    Hey Xom, I bet you can't teleport that guy into one of the sealed branches of hell!
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)03:33 No.17957161
         File: 1329294811.jpg-(36 KB, 669x338, Mutations.jpg)
    36 KB
    Gonna need more rN+ before I switch from TSO.
    Also annoyingly, Agony hits -me- just as much as it hits you.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)03:33 No.17957163
    >Fire Magic
    >Air Magic
    >freaking Tornado and Firestorm
    Yeah, this is going to be hellish. At least Tornado isn't as broken as before (I hope).
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)03:36 No.17957178
    Edit: and even if there's not enough space, watch out for Airstrike. Which he very probably does. Even with it being single target only.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)03:36 No.17957184
    >Not freezing cloud
    >Not LCS
    >Not Olgreb's Radiation
    >Not Ozocubu's Refrigeration
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)03:38 No.17957194
    Small question from the fellow players. Would you guys rather have a Mystic Therge that can cast up to 8th level cleric and 7th lvl Arcane, or a lvl 20 cleric?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)03:40 No.17957202
    With just 14 in Earth Magic and 9 in Ice?
    Bring it on.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)03:48 No.17957251
    /TG/ RECRUIT CR 19
    Male Aasimar Cleric 6 Mystic Theurge 10 Sorcerer 4
    NG Medium Outsider (Native)
    Init -1; Senses Darkvision (60 feet); Perception +30
    AC 15, touch 9, flat-footed 15 (+6 armor, -1 Dex)
    hp 150 (6d8+14d6+60)
    Fort +11, Ref +5, Will +19
    Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5
    Spd 20 ft.
    Melee Starknife +12/+7/+2 (1d4+1/20/x3) and
    Unarmed Strike +12/+7/+2 (1d3+1/20/x2)
    Spell-Like Abilities Bit of Luck (8/day), Daylight (1/day)
    Sorcerer Spells (CL 14, +12 melee touch, +10 ranged touch):
    Cleric Spells (CL 16, 12 melee touch, 10 ranged touch):
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)03:50 No.17957262
    Str 12, Dex 8, Con 13/15, Int 10, Wis 18/20, Cha 20
    Base Atk +11; CMB +12; CMD 21
    Feats Advance Warning, Arcane Armor Mastery, Arcane Armor Training, Combat Casting, Craft Wondrous Item, Divine Interference, Eschew Materials, Flagbearer, Improved Counterspell, Spell Penetration, Toughness +20
    Traits Iron Liver, Valashmai Veteran: Perception
    Skills Acrobatics -5, Appraise +4, Climb +0, Diplomacy +7, Escape Artist -5, Fly -5, Heal +9, Knowledge (Arcana) +10, Knowledge (Religion) +10, Linguistics +5, Perception +30, Ride -5, Sense Motive +9, Spellcraft +5, Stealth -5, Swim -3
    Languages Celestial, Common, Dwarven, Infernal
    SQ Aura (Ex), Beguiling Voice (8/day) (Ex), Channel Positive Energy 3d6 (8/day) (DC 18) (Su), Cleric Domain: Liberation, Cleric Domain: Luck, Combined Spells (5th) (Su), Fascinate (4 rounds) (1/day) (DC 17) (Ex), Good Fortune (1/day) (Ex), Liberation (6 rounds/day) (Su), Luck Variant Channeling (±2 Sacred), Maestro, Spell Synthesis (1/day) (Su), Spontaneous Casting
    Combat Gear Agile Breastplate, Starknife (5); Other Gear Belt of Mighty Constitution, +2, Headband of Inspired Wisdom, +2, Wand of Eagle's Splendor
    Advance Warning Your allies within 15' are no longer flat-footed once you act in a combat.
    Arcane Armor Mastery Swift action: -20% arcane spell failure due to armor.
    Aura (Ex) The Cleric has an aura corresponding to his deity's alignment.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)03:50 No.17957271
    Beguiling Voice (8/day) (Ex) At 1st level, you can use the sound of your voice to lull a target creature into taking no action.
    Bit of Luck (8/day) (Sp) Target takes the higher of 2d20 for a d20 roll.
    Channel Positive Energy 3d6 (8/day) (DC 18) (Su) A good cleric can channel positive energy to heal the living and injure the undead; an evil cleric can channel negative energy to injure the living and heal the undead.
    Cleric Domain: Liberation Granted Powers: You are a spirit of freedom and a staunch foe against all who would enslave and oppress.
    Cleric Domain: Luck Granted Powers: You are infused with luck, and your mere presence can spread good fortune.
    Combat Casting +4 to Concentration checks to cast while on the defensive.
    Combined Spells (5th) (Su) You can prepare the spells of one spellcasting class using another classes' slots.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)03:51 No.17957278
    Damage Resistance, Acid (5) You have the specified Damage Resistance against Acid attacks.
    Damage Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Damage Resistance against Cold attacks.
    Damage Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Damage Resistance against Electricity attacks.
    Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
    Daylight (1/day) (Sp) Daylight once per day.
    Divine Interference Sacrifice a spell to force an enemy to reroll a successful attack against your ally
    Eschew Materials Cast spells without materials, if component cost is 1 gp or less.
    Fascinate (4 rounds) (1/day) (DC 17) (Ex) At 3rd level, you gain the ability to use a Perform skill to cause one or more creatures to become fascinated with you. This acts as the fascinate bardic perform ability, except the save DC is 10 + 1/2 your sorcerer level + your Charisma bonus, and i
    Flagbearer Grant bonuses to allies who see your flag
    Good Fortune (1/day) (Ex) Reroll a die.
    Improved Counterspell Use a spell of the same school 1+ levels higher to Counterspell.
    Liberation (6 rounds/day) (Su) Act as if you had freedom of movement for 6 rounds/day.
    Luck Variant Channeling (±2 Sacred) Bonus to one roll/penalty on all rolls
    Maestro The spiritual power of art and song runs strongly through your family line. This may be the result of ancient pacts made with azata patrons, or even an inheritance from a lillend or trumpet archon ancestor. It could also be the lingering taint of a l
    Spell Penetration +2 to caster levels checks to overcome spell resistance.
    Spell Synthesis (1/day) (Su) Cast two spells simultaneously
    Spontaneous Casting The Cleric can convert stored spells into Cure or Inflict spells.
    Valashmai Veteran: Perception +1 trait bonus on Survival in the jungle.

    He also has up to lvl 6 in arcane spells, and lvl 8 divine.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)03:53 No.17957297
    Sorry, lvl 7 arcane spells, and lvl 8 divine.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)04:01 No.17957379
    >Advance Warning Your allies within 15' are no longer flat-footed once you act in a combat.
    Why'd you take that feat? That and Toughness seem a bit crap compared to some others.

    That said, still 8/day on the Bit of Luck? Understood.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)04:02 No.17957382
    Low level feats suck ass. That's why those were taken.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)04:05 No.17957413
    Also, my thoughts for Bootleg himself, we'll dimensional anchor the area, and wall of force him. We can then fill the area with water. Our friend still needs to breath, I believe.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)04:09 No.17957446
    Also, note the amazing op opness that is the Instant Revitalization Device for Vanacian casters. Shame you can't spam it in areas with -cTele (no controlled teleport).
    Ah, right.

    Chances are you CAN beat a crawldude. It will be, at the very least, INTERESTING!
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)04:10 No.17957451
    Well, I'm off to own more zigs to level up my remaining spell schools. Have fun storming the castle, lads!
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)04:10 No.17957453
    Small question? In 3.5 or pathfinder, what level do you think Crawl's spells would be equivalent?

    Buff everyone with Greater Spell Immunity either way.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)04:13 No.17957473
    I assumed they were 1:1 equivalent.
    The highest is 9, and most of the useful ones are 2-3-4.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)04:21 No.17957544
    Ok, Greater Spell Immunity applies to spells of 8th level or lower.

    We can also cast antimagic field, cattleprod you, and shove drag you up until we can use the teleporter, because crawl players are very dependant on magic.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)04:26 No.17957594
    >Magic dependent
    >Dude that can twoshot pan lords
    [email protected]
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)04:29 No.17957621
    Could you twoshot them naked? That's what Antimagic field will do to you. All magic is shut off.
    Your magic gear is now mundane. Your special abilities? Don't work.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)04:30 No.17957627
    Truly we live in the darkest of times.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)04:33 No.17957652
    We could Disjunct you. Then your items may permanently lose your magic.
    >> Bootleg OP !!kcRFJIKoyhS 02/15/12(Wed)04:34 No.17957665
    I really do need to play D&D more, lol.
    Well, if it's a freewin it's a freewin! And I need to l2p. But I'm not dead yet! Have at you.
    >> Codeki 02/15/12(Wed)04:36 No.17957677
    . . .I think everyone else left again. Everything since >>17957251 has been me or you.
    >> Not completely retarded 02/15/12(Wed)04:37 No.17957689
    In canon, the world ends after a few hundred million turns, so we can just leave the distortion to be destroyed them in need be.
    If the for is a crawl player, maybe they'll be stuck inside the dungeon confines?
    What happens to a crawl character that leaves the dungeon via the upmost stairs?
    What if we just have max continually shoot downwards with his tau cannons? how far do they penetrate?
    If it comes to it, we could make some orbital kenetic strike ammo with the teleporters, and bombard the dungeon with them, using our bag of holding to make lifting them easy?

    Fuck the world machine would probably cause less canon damage though.
    Is this the dwarf paladin that got sent down thst's causing the distortions?
    If the character is worshipping anything but xom, we might be able to get the gods to help us by removing any divine buffs he has?
    What if we just teletunnel to the orb and spam stunbombs around it?
    Can we ask the gods to do the scrying for us, or ask them for info about what's down there?
    We're here to loot, not to kill SUEs, we could just loot everything above the zots and bugger off back to base to get some backup.
    I think i've lost track of what's going on. Are we fighting the OPs overpowered crawl character or something?
    I'm confused.
    >> Codeki 02/15/12(Wed)04:41 No.17957720
    Yes, the final boss is OP's crawl character. Anyways, we can take him. High level Dungeons and Dragons characters kick ass, especially casters.
    >> Not completely retarded 02/15/12(Wed)04:47 No.17957755
    So what now? Continue grinding the dungeon for xp and DOSH?
    >> Codeki 02/15/12(Wed)04:49 No.17957763
    pretty much, clear the last few areas we have access to. Loot or Recruit (or kill if last resort) Bootleg. Grab Orb. Fight way out, leave.
    >> Bootleg OP !!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/15/12(Wed)04:52 No.17957784
    >Loot or Recruit (or kill if last resort) Bootleg.

    Anyway, this thread is deep autosagan and falling off the board.
    It's Metaquest Tomorrow, and I only run when Metaquest OP doesn't, so perhaps 2,3 days time is the next Bootleg.

    If you wish to yell at me for including an author self insert mary SUE in the setting about author self insert mary SUEs, you may e-mail me and tell me I am doing it wrong, and/or being too meta.
    >> Codeki 02/15/12(Wed)04:54 No.17957801
    Easier way. We'll brainwash him, tell him he's the original, and send him to a different sector. I know this guy named Holtz who's looking for people to boss around. I've considered going over there myself if the pay is good.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)04:55 No.17957804
    Truly we are meta.
    >> Not completely retarded 02/15/12(Wed)04:57 No.17957812
    Do we get xp for killing summoned monsters? if so, we could summon demons, wait until they turn on us, and kill them for extra xp.
    Do we get xp for defeating a member of our own team with stunning? can we easily revive said team member? Maybe we can exploit this?
    What about using the respawning monsters in some areas to grind for xp, even if we cant effectively loot them?
    Can crawl characters survive the FTW machine?
    >> Codeki 02/15/12(Wed)04:59 No.17957822
    No XP for summoned monsters. Neither Crawl nor D&D allows that.

    I would like to get our cleric to 21. He'll gain 9th level spells.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)05:00 No.17957826
    >Do we get xp for killing summoned monsters?
    Not for Crawl.
    >What about using the respawning monsters in some areas to grind for xp, even if we cant effectively loot them?
    Pandemonium is a harsh place.
    >Can crawl characters survive the FTW machine?
    Depends on if it floods the entire dungeon or leaves air bubbles. If it leaves air bubbles they could survive by being in one.
    >Do we get xp for defeating a member of our own team with stunning?
    Not sure.
    >> Not completely retarded 02/15/12(Wed)05:08 No.17957881
    Do you get xp for killing a party member? we can resurrect as much as needed, so maybe we can grind that way if we run out of monsters to loot?
    Maybe if we capture the OP, the guard can make a metameta transit drive using the knowledge gained?
    If we can't beat pan, how can we beat OP?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)05:09 No.17957889
    I honestly don't know how xp works in all these different systems.
    In some you Do, in some you Don't!
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)06:09 No.17958335
    >killing team members to grind xp
    No. Bad idea.
    I suggest clearing more branches.

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