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  • File: 1333668274.jpg-(38 KB, 640x397, shipleavingwarp.jpg)
    38 KB Privateer Quest 12: Raiding Party! MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 04/05/12(Thu)19:24 No.18588689  
    Elesh Phryx, techpriestess, cancels vacation: Dark Eldar
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:25 No.18588702
    Grap the plasma pistol - it's a trip to the shooting range now.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 04/05/12(Thu)19:27 No.18588727
    rolled 49 = 49

    yeah, this

    and alert everyone that we are under attack
    and put some armor on if we can find any
    also, how viable would calling in orbital bombardment from our frigate be?
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 04/05/12(Thu)19:27 No.18588730
         File: 1333668471.jpg-(98 KB, 971x523, Character_EleshPhryx.jpg)
    98 KB
    You are Elesh Phryx, rogue tech priest and captain of the Sword class frigate 'Sword of the Omnissiah'. Having concluded the business portion of your stay upon a rented pleasure yacht on the planet Aquari, you spent the remainder of your first day drinking and swimming with your bridge officers: XO, Athe; Master-at-Arms, Julin; Chief Enginseer, Advi; and Navigator, Teris. As the night drew to a close, you narrowly lost a drinking contest to Julin before your flesh brain and cogitators decided that the table made a wonderful pillow. After a fragmented dream of careful anatomical study, you awoke early to view your first sunrise upon a planet's surface. Unfortunately, you also noticed a quartet of craft swiftly approaching.

    Your officers are nearly ready for combat by the time the yacht's bridge crew sounds alarms, having wasted precious minutes since you instructed your server to inform the captain. The coils of your plasma pistol begin to glow a soft blue as you ready the weapon, setting the power-selection switch to low power in an effort to conserve the meager amount of ammunition you brought to the yacht. Julin passes out combat knives to her fellows as Athe and her server from last night return with an older model vox transmitter. Advi's mechadendrites flirt about the small collection of laspistol batteries, uttering quiet prayers while ensuring that each is charged.

    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 04/05/12(Thu)19:29 No.18588743
         File: 1333668541.jpg-(480 KB, 2000x2000, Aquari_Escape_001.jpg)
    480 KB
    "Attention, this is the captain speaking. There are currently a dozen small craft approaching this vessel from three directions. All crew and passengers are to remain calm. Do not resist if we are boarded, no pirates will harm us and risk angering the families."

    "This captain has the intelligence of a defunct servitor. The craft are clearly Dark Eldar raiders." Advi's voice lacks her characteristic synthetic flatness, a hint of anxiety seeping into her words.

    Athe's server tightens her grip upon your XO's arm, glancing at her other two coworkers. "So they're going to kill us?"

    "If we're lucky."
    Your words cause the color to flee the woman's face as she watches you and your officers make final adjustments to your weapons. "W-what are you going to do, then?"

    >You have roughly ten minutes before the craft reach the ship
    >You are currently equipped with: custom plasma pistol w/ 1 reload, laspistol w/ 4 reloads, combat knife, mechanicus robe (minimal armor value)
    >Your officers all sport two laspistols w/ 4 reloads each and combat knives. Advi and Teris both wear heavy robes (flak armor).
    >unassigned equipment: Vox transmitter (backpack, HEAVY)
    >Captain Wilson and Magos Taylor are located in different areas of the ship, along with their respective officers. It would take roughly 15 minutes to travel to either.
    >the yacht carries no weapons of any kind, and your state room is open to the sea, with a private beach. You are at sea-level.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 04/05/12(Thu)19:33 No.18588773
    Dark Green: Hills
    Green: land for lubbers
    Sand-ish: Tidal zones and sandy beaches
    Light blue: shallow water
    Darker blues: deeper waters

    Black dot: PLAYER POSITION
    Purple dot: Dark Eldar! (Detected!)
    Red dot: Major population center/resort
    Orange dot: Average/medium population center/resort
    Yellow dot: Minor/small population center/resort
    Bright Green dot: PDF base

    you currently have no idea where population centers are.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:33 No.18588780
    Well shit. Still, safety in numbers. I vote we head towards Wilson and Taylor, hopefully one of them has a plan. Either way, best to get away from the open area that the raiders can get in through.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 04/05/12(Thu)19:34 No.18588787
    Previous thread:

    other threads:
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:35 No.18588797
    Get someone to the bridge, take over the comms and announce we're actually attacked by DE and everybody should get ready to repel boarders. With everything they can get their hands on.

    Try to find out if this ship has an armory of some sort.

    The captain is clearly not suited for this situation. Take over the ship.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 04/05/12(Thu)19:35 No.18588799
    rolled 22 = 22

    use the vox to call our ship and ask for armsmen reinforcments, start moving towards wilson and taylor and coordinate with them, get some armour if avalible

    and pick up anyone capable of fighting along the way
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 04/05/12(Thu)19:37 No.18588809

    you could do so if you can contact the ship, but your macrocannons would be inaccurate and your laser batteries would be as well due to the atmosphere.

    that and your ship is currently docked and part of your crew is not aboard ship (you gave them rotating leave last thread!)
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:37 No.18588816
    I assume the vox transmitter we have isn't going to help much for contacting anyone outside the area but I imagine the ship must have some kind of long range communications. We should either try to link up with Wilson or Magos Taylor or see if we can get a distress call out for help.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:40 No.18588837
    Yeah, but we made sure to give leave only with some parts of the crew remaining active at all times, right? Surely we have at least a company of our armsmen on alert at any one time? We can hopefully call them down with the vox caster.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 04/05/12(Thu)19:41 No.18588852
    I remember saying that 1000 armsmen and a full shift of crewmen must be on duty at all times.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 04/05/12(Thu)19:44 No.18588875

    yes. your ship is still docked at a station in orbit and your crew aren't at battlestations. You also only have the capability of transporting ~50 armed men at a time onto a planet's surface. (using a pair of arvus lighters)
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:46 No.18588906
    Well, 50 armsmen is better than none! Let's call them and tell them to get down here to help! Also, have the ship set augers to full and alert the space dock/station that there may be a pirate/dark eldar ship in the system. Those DE hovercraft have to have come from somewhere, right?
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 04/05/12(Thu)19:49 No.18588933
    so, would getting 100 troops in time be possible?

    if they could get here in less then 30 minutes, call them in. Otherwise, we can only count wilson, taylor and our officers.

    Oh, do we have navigators here? If yes, have them stay back and prepare to take off their blindfolds(or whatever they use to keep the warp eye hidden) when it comes to combat
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 04/05/12(Thu)19:53 No.18588974
    a safe atmospheric reentry alone would take 20 minutes, and a solid 35 for your lighters to exit the atmosphere, without travel time to/from the ship and landing points.

    You have the "head" Navigator of your group, Teris.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:54 No.18588982
    >Replace DE with DAEMONS!

    Is this science! ?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:56 No.18589000
    Still, let's try to bring them in. If we can hold out for ~30 minutes then hopefully that'll be enough time for the dudes to get to the lighter, load up and come down to help.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 04/05/12(Thu)19:57 No.18589008
    right, get together with every ally we can find, give them all the guns we have and have our psyker ready to do his thing
    >> redaeth 04/05/12(Thu)20:07 No.18589103
    I agree we should head to the bridge and get the rest of those who can fight together. The Captain is either woefully ignorant or working for them. If its the latter we're better off taking over so he can't help them further.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)20:09 No.18589123
    We should also look for any maps that could give us a clue what cities and other stuffs are on the islands close to our position.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 04/05/12(Thu)20:12 No.18589150
    "We're going to link up with Wilson and Taylor. I imagine they want to strangle that idiot captain as much as I do. To the bridge."

    Athe and a server lead the way as your party traverses the winding passages of the ship's interior before racing up a dozen flights of stairs. A single report of laspistol fire is heard as you near the bridge, entering to find Captain Wilson surrounded by a shocked bridge crew; a single corpse lies upon the carpet in a growing pool of blood. The bridge is filled with the sound of panicked, garbled vox communications as dozens of operators call for help at once. Screaming, gunfire, and the whine of jet engines are the only discernable sounds that truely carry over the emergency frequency.

    Captain Wilson grabs the ship's vox with a grim face. "Attention all hands, this is Captain Wilson speaking. Aquari is currently under attack by Xenos raiders. All hands prepare to fight to the death, you do not want to be taken alive." Throwing away the small device, the veteran privateer turns to you. "They're in orbit too, Elesh. My ship says that your man Quein is organizing the defense." You return the man's smile until Advi iterrupts the moment between captains.

    "I request permission to study Julin's slaps once we escape."

    >raiders are nearing weapons range
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 04/05/12(Thu)20:19 No.18589207
         File: 1333671555.png-(2.44 MB, 2000x2000, Aquari_Escape_002.png)
    2.44 MB

    You quickly locate a map and commit it to your cogitator banks.

    >map updated!
    >> redaeth 04/05/12(Thu)20:21 No.18589224
    Ask if he was workign for them or just supid and stubborn? If he was working for them there might be sabotage, or at the very least the raiders will have schematics for the ship.

    As for orders, lets get what troops we can and start organizing the passengers. Locate the armory if there is one and start getting people armed.

    The more fighters we have the less likely the DE will press their attack. This is a raid so they don't want to be bogged down for any length of time.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 04/05/12(Thu)20:21 No.18589230
    I assume that Quein can do his job up there and we better focus on groundside issues.

    Finding favorable terrain or potential allies nearby would be nice, but I'm not counting on it, so stick to the plan I outlined earlier - give everyone who can fight weapons and ready our psyker. Keep him safe in the back until they close in, then try to trick them into looking into his warp eye. If we have the head astropath here, have him try something too.

    Use plasma ammunition when appropriate, don't waste it on lightly armoured enemes, we have lasers for that

    Also, if we get the opportunity to capture one of them alive, take it, eldar are probably worth a fortune on the slave market. Their corpses should also be quite valuable, there is bound to be some magos biologis looking for those out there.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)20:22 No.18589233
    Set course for the island with the pdf base to the south-east. Flank speed, and pray to the Omnissiah the engines will forgive us for that.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)20:26 No.18589278
    Navigator =/= psyker. Navis have the warp eye, but they can't actually use warp powers like a psyker or astropath can. Sorry for nit picking.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 04/05/12(Thu)20:28 No.18589292
    I tend to lump everyone with a strong enough connection to the warp to use magical dickery into the same group
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 04/05/12(Thu)20:29 No.18589313
    there is no armory aboard the pleasure yacht. Only the weapons that you and yours brought with you in a typical case of "fuck that i'm not going anywhere without a gun nearby"

    what kind of area would you like to make your defense on? (or ask your fellow captains?)

    the yacht is neither fast nor nimble enough to evade such small craft.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)20:32 No.18589334
    Ah, okay.
    Are we able to establish vox contact with the pdf?

    Does the yacht have some kind of panic room?

    What are the guards on the yacht armed with?
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 04/05/12(Thu)20:33 No.18589350
    sailing to someplace where we can take cover(like rocks or something) would probably be best, but, failing that, we can stay on the yacht

    input from our allies on this would be nice
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 04/05/12(Thu)20:35 No.18589368
    there are no guards OR weapons on the yacht. Aquari and the Labado system always depended upon the constant presence of Imperial Navy forces for security.
    >> redaeth 04/05/12(Thu)20:36 No.18589370
    Can we seal bulkheads and doors? Make things as difficult as possible for people to move around.

    I say we should try and concentrate on one craft at a time so choose a likely entry point. Defeat them there, if possible take their craft and use it to blow up the others.

    Also get a call out to the local bases. If they can get troops to us faster then our ship can that would be good.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 04/05/12(Thu)20:40 No.18589417

    the areas of the ship that you've traveled thru have all lacked emergency bulkheads.

    The craft are in groups.

    the vox net is overflowing with calls for help.
    >> I Named Myself 04/05/12(Thu)20:43 No.18589449
    Still, we should make best speed we can for the PDF Base while fending off the eldar raiders.
    We need to get all of the yachts armsmen armed and ready to repel boarders. Also arm the civilians as well, shit is going pretty south right now.
    They are within range of weapons? Start firing, we want to scatter them, maybe take a few out before they get on. Show them that we mean business, might make them think twice at least.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 04/05/12(Thu)20:43 No.18589455
    so, we probably won't get any help here.
    just go to the place with the most cover avalible and get ready for a fight

    unless we find someone else nearby with the vox, in that case go towards them.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)20:44 No.18589470
    Start using the ship's furniture to make barricades. Anything to slow these fiends down.

    See if Advi can find some schematics for the ships.

    Order the passangers to the safest area.

    Have everyone arm themselves with anything they can find.
    >> I Named Myself 04/05/12(Thu)20:48 No.18589503
    Are all of these calls coming from this ship? Or are they other ships also getting raided. If it is the first, can we somehow get control over them to quit clogging the channels so we may at get a message out to the PDF or at least get a system of communication going?
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 04/05/12(Thu)20:55 No.18589567
    the -planet- is being raided.
    Quein is organizing a defense in orbit from your ship.

    Would you like water wings?
    >> I Named Myself 04/05/12(Thu)21:01 No.18589631
    Well, that is a grievous overlook on my part then...
    I'm taking it we can't swim well (didn't find it mentioned in the previous thread, but I may have missed that as well). Though some sort of life preserver would be nice.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)21:01 No.18589632
    >Would you like water wings?

    Do they have some ind AdMech red?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)21:03 No.18589656
    >Would you like water wings?
    The possibility that we might suffer the grave indignity of dying in battle while wearing an inflatable life preserver outweighs the potential benefit.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 04/05/12(Thu)21:08 No.18589697
    You briefly consider arming the yacht's armsmen and civilians to resist the raiders. Then you remember that the yacht has no armsmen, or weapons, and the only guests aboard are your officers, Captain Wilson's officers, and Magos Taylor's officers. They're likely armed with pistols as well. "Get the ship moving toward the island south-east of our location, with the PDF base. We'll hold off the raiders until help arrives." The bridge officers quickly go about their task, one stepping over the corpse of the former captain.

    "We'll need to split up to defend, Elesh. Tune that vox transmitter to channel 7 and we'll keep in touch. Good luck." Captain Wilson shakes your hand before heading to rejoin his crew.

    Julin looks around, not pleased by the situation at hand. "We can defend the hallway that was inside from our state room. Plenty of stonework to use for cover and good fields of fire, -if- they use our beach as a landing zone."

    Athe shakes her head, frowning. "They'll overrun us in seconds with grenades. We need to lure them into that stonework and hit them from the floor above. Hope we can thin their numbers before they can overwhelm us with fire."

    "Why don't we steal their ships?" All eyes turn to the gnarled Navigator as the yacht's hull begins to ring with weapons impacts. "...Pirates?"

    >> I Named Myself 04/05/12(Thu)21:13 No.18589758
    >Why don't we steal their ships?

    Huh, maybe this could work... Possibly set up a large group to keep the DE distracted while a small team steals one of their ships? Pick up everyone off the ship and see about sinking it DE and all.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)21:14 No.18589768
    See where our enemies have bagun boarding the ship, devise our defensive strategy accordingly.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)21:16 No.18589787
    Lie in wait and zap the boarding party's leader in the face with our plasma pistol when he or she comes within view.

    Then offer to hire the rest of the raiders.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 04/05/12(Thu)21:21 No.18589832
    rolled 45 = 45


    "Why don't we steal their ships?" All eyes turn to the gnarled Navigator as the yacht's hull begins to ring with weapons impacts. "...Pirates?"

    ....this man has a point, they are using small attack boats, right? if we focus on one or two, we might brute force them, take over and get out of here.

    Thing is, though, we can't drive them ,we would have to make their pilot work with us
    >> Cegorach 04/05/12(Thu)21:22 No.18589837
    >Steal their ships
    Tell me, do you think the, what, -30 or so penalty for trying to work unfamiliar xenotech will have additions when the tech in question is incredibly pointy, advanced, and (knowing the Dark Eldar) probably viciously Ackbar.gif-ed?

    I admire the fact that you are still able to walk given the over inflated size of your testicles, but the fact it appears to have leached all of the nutrients and bloodflow from your other head suggests it's probably not a design the Biologis should replicate.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)21:23 No.18589855
         File: 1333675438.jpg-(34 KB, 440x441, 2134361423513.jpg)
    34 KB
    Is this you?
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 04/05/12(Thu)21:26 No.18589873
    disregard the random rolls I make, I left my dice on from another thread
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 04/05/12(Thu)21:29 No.18589896

    they're Dark Eldar Raiders, those lovely skimmers they are so fond of.

    difficult tech use to attempt to pilot, if you want to go for them.
    >> I Named Myself 04/05/12(Thu)21:30 No.18589901
    Not to mention that we would be flying the ship of the xenos attacking the planet. Can anyone say friendly fire?
    Can we get a shuttle pickup from our ship? Take all of our officers and our pals and their officers off the ship and to our orbiting ship. Then we would just have to fend of the DE until we can get the pickup.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 04/05/12(Thu)21:34 No.18589935
    If the opportunity to take one of those skimmers, pick up our guys and get out presents itself, I vote we take it, but we should not base our tactics on it. Keep the ship moving, stay in cover and keep shooting.
    >> Cegorach 04/05/12(Thu)21:35 No.18589950
    Well, I doubt the skimmers can into space, and even if they can I doubt we would survive it (absence of voidsuits), so I suppose stealing a ship, piloting it away and calling for pickup somewhere else works. If we can incapacitate some of the DE crew, all the better, but bringing corpses (and thus gear, ahahaha) along works too.
    >> I Named Myself 04/05/12(Thu)21:37 No.18589966
    Would be able to punch a hole into the skimmers with our plasma pistol?
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 04/05/12(Thu)21:40 No.18589991

    you would have to set it to either normal or overcharged setting, but you should be able to damage them.

    So defend ship (Julin's plan? Athe's plan? attempt guerilla warfare in hallways?), take raider if you fight way thru attackers?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)21:42 No.18590011
    Guerrilla warfare sounds good, with a focus on separating the bulk of the nearest boarding party from their skimmer so we can gtfo.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)21:42 No.18590012
    Athe's plan.
    Dark Eldar are brilliant are raiding stuff and terrible at prolonged engagements.
    Keep everyone safe and don't give them any room to maneuver.
    >> I Named Myself 04/05/12(Thu)21:42 No.18590014
    Yeah I meant a shuttle from our orbiting ship picks us up, not taking the skimmer into space. If anything, have the shuttle do a rescue pickup from the yacht.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 04/05/12(Thu)21:43 No.18590020
    Athe's plan
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 04/05/12(Thu)21:47 No.18590043
    need yes/no's on calling in a lighter for pickup.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)21:47 No.18590052
    As long as there's a battle going on in space? With dark eldar fighters around?

    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)21:50 No.18590071

    Having to fight all the way through the ship to the top deck, then wait however long it takes the lighter to arrive sounds a lot more dangerous than overwhelming one boarding party and stealing their skimmer.
    >> I Named Myself 04/05/12(Thu)21:51 No.18590086
    Guerrilla warfare would be the best way. Use our las-pistol to take down Eldar, plasma pistol to destroy the skimmers.
    Also I would say yes to lighter pickup.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 04/05/12(Thu)21:56 No.18590125
    combat rolls!
    2d100 for shooting
    1d100 for luck
    1d100 for ambush


    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)21:57 No.18590136
    rolled 30 = 30

    First roll for shooting.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)21:58 No.18590139
    rolled 59, 15 = 74

    Rolling for shooting.

    dakka dakka dakka!
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)21:58 No.18590141
    rolled 21 = 21

    And the second one.
    >> redaeth 04/05/12(Thu)21:59 No.18590151
    rolled 35 = 35

    whatever hasn't been rolled yet
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 04/05/12(Thu)21:59 No.18590156
    rolled 68 = 68

    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)21:59 No.18590159
    rolled 18 = 18


    Omnissiah preserve us.
    >> I Named Myself 04/05/12(Thu)21:59 No.18590160
    rolled 96 = 96

    First Shooting
    >> redaeth 04/05/12(Thu)22:00 No.18590164
    no more rolls I think
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:00 No.18590165
    Hmmm, guess everything's been rolled for.
    >> I Named Myself 04/05/12(Thu)22:00 No.18590170
    rolled 29 = 29

    ah hell.... Second combat
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:02 No.18590178
    Good thing you were a bit too late with that one.
    >> I Named Myself 04/05/12(Thu)22:02 No.18590180
    Good thing mine came late then.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 04/05/12(Thu)22:13 No.18590272
    "Privateers, Teris. We're Privateers." Your Navigator's shoulders fall as you correct her, but Advi's hand quickly finds her shoulder. "Thinking like one is a start, Teris."

    "Athe, get a message to Quein, I want pickup ASAP. Then follow. We'll hit them from above."

    Your party picks up nearly a dozen crewmen, spreading your spare laspistols between them as best you can. The sounds of battle begin to echo from the opposite side of the ship, likely your fellow privateers engaging the invaders. Soon your group waits in ambush, looking down on the open area that connects your beach to the rest of the ship. The whine of jet engines nearly masks the sounds of soft footsteps and a cruel xenos language.

    For minutes you wait as the exterior quarters are searched, the whine of engines fading and quickly returning a moment later. A dozen lithe figures pour into the small statue garden below with deft silence. Steeling your nerves, you lean from cover and pick a target. Your first shot finds the torso of the figure with the most spikes, searing a hole clean thru the xenos. Unfortunately the xenos react quickly to the ambush, only one other falling before they begin to return fire with deadly effect. Four crewmen fall with shards of some vile crystal ammunition embedded in their bodies, their weapons dropped or thrown about as spasms wrack the body of one that still lives. Popping from cover, you quickly locate the xenos with the largest weapon, reducing this one's head to whisp of particles with superheated plasma.

    Crystal shatters against the bulkhead you hide behind as another pair of crewmen fall to the deadly splinters. As the firefight continues, you see Athe fall with a large splinter embedded in her thigh. Tearing a sleeve from a fallen crewman, your XO grits her teeth before tearing the shard from her body and discarding it.

    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:15 No.18590299
    >"Athe, get a message to Quein, I want pickup ASAP.
    Erm, we decided 2 to 1 against calling in the lighter.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 04/05/12(Thu)22:17 No.18590320


    ignore that, I typed it in there by mistake.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:19 No.18590337
    Did we manage to see how large the group we're fighting is?
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 04/05/12(Thu)22:20 No.18590347
    meh, whatever

    I can't think of anything right now other then to stay in cover and keep shooting when we get the chance.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 04/05/12(Thu)22:21 No.18590354

    a dozen or rushed out the door.

    you can confirm 3 kills, two of them yours.

    you can confirm 7 dead or dying crewmen of the 13 you collected on your way from the bridge.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:24 No.18590379
    Concentrate our fire towards the rear of their group, hopefully encouraging them to seek cover further into the ship, while we move towards the "beach" where their skimmer should be waiting.

    Fire and maneuver like a tacticool operator. Make /K/horne proud!
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:25 No.18590396
         File: 1333679157.jpg-(32 KB, 512x389, i6flex.jpg)
    32 KB
    >Fire and maneuver like a tacticool operator.
    Did we get those water wings?
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 04/05/12(Thu)22:26 No.18590398
    you are currently a deck above your foes.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:29 No.18590438
    See if we can do anything for Athe or the incapacitated crewmen with our medicae mechadendrite without reducing our combat efficiency too much. Otherwise, hope that an organised defense will drive our enemies off to seek easier prey.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 04/05/12(Thu)22:29 No.18590446
    >continue combat
    1d100 combat
    1d100 luck
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:30 No.18590455
    rolled 22 = 22

    Combat roll.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 04/05/12(Thu)22:31 No.18590463
    rolled 41 = 41

    >> redaeth 04/05/12(Thu)22:31 No.18590467
    rolled 58 = 58

    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:32 No.18590473
    Are our mechadendrites sufficiently strong to hold up a body?

    Because it would be awesome to dual wield pistols while simultaneously using a dead crewman as a human shield.
    >> I Named Myself 04/05/12(Thu)22:35 No.18590496
    Agreed, also can we fire down on the Eldar's heads? Also, no lighter, it was 2 to 1.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 04/05/12(Thu)22:46 No.18590625
    Again you pick a target and reduce a xenos warrior's body to ash and vapour, ducking back before you are struck with return fire. Julin is next to cry out, gripping her arm as a xenos grenade bathes several crewmen in a small ball of plasma. Most of your officers are quickly pinned down behind cover as the xenos warriors spray the upper deck with splinters of crystal, slaying an unlucky crewman as his face is filled with the deadly shards.

    "Fuck this!" Another crewman is cut down as he attempts to flee, the laspistol in his hand falling near the cowering form of Athe's favored server. Your medicae mechadendrite stretches toward the nearest crewman, finding his spasming corpse lifeless.

    >2 crewmen remain! They're pinned!
    >medicae mechadendrite can not reach others.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:49 No.18590664
    Provide some covering fire for the pinned crewmen and move towards Julin, if possible. Continue the engagement once our medicae mechadendrite is close enough to start working on her arm.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 04/05/12(Thu)22:50 No.18590684
    can we overload a laser pistol and use it as an improvised granade?

    I'm sure you can do it with lasguns, dont know about pistols

    either way, I have to go to sleep now, hope to see this in the archives

    along with some xenotech loot
    >> redaeth 04/05/12(Thu)22:51 No.18590710
    rolled 71 = 71

    Well this isn't going well. Retreating would mean the death of us so I guess we fight on.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:53 No.18590731
    "Gothic, motherfuckers, do you speak it?"

    Provided we share a common language, shout from behind cover that we're willing to negotiate. We don't know why they're attacking. It could be a slave raid, but they may be after something or someone in particular. Never pass up a chance to sell out another pirate to save our skin!
    >> redaeth 04/05/12(Thu)22:53 No.18590732
    This sounds good. And after that see if we can't move towards Athe as well.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:56 No.18590768
    Signal to our men to hold fire.

    Perhaps the raiders will think we have been slain and continue further into the ship.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)22:58 No.18590793
    Agreed. Although we better hope some kind of help is coming soon.
    >> I Named Myself 04/05/12(Thu)23:00 No.18590806
    If we can, use >>18590684 pistol idea.
    We need some way to scare them off, see if we can slip away. We need to scare them off, pull everyone back. Set up for another ambush somewhere else. Use las-pistol explosion as our exit strategy.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 04/05/12(Thu)23:02 No.18590830
    1d100 for combat
    1d100 for luck
    1d100 for retreat
    1d100 for LASPISTOL BOMB (needs 10 or lower)
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)23:03 No.18590848
    rolled 9 = 9

    Rolling for combat.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)23:04 No.18590862
    rolled 57 = 57

    Rolling for luck.
    >> redaeth 04/05/12(Thu)23:05 No.18590872
    rolled 15 = 15

    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)23:05 No.18590877
    rolled 6 = 6

    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)23:05 No.18590878
    rolled 25 = 25

    >1d100 for retreat
    >> redaeth 04/05/12(Thu)23:06 No.18590893
    rolled 6 = 6

    Best damn rolls I've seen all night
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)23:07 No.18590915
         File: 1333681679.gif-(1.07 MB, 250x187, Obama was re-elected.gif)
    1.07 MB
    Nooooo! You wasted a low roll on a non-roll post!
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 04/05/12(Thu)23:25 No.18591130
    Athe's voice is hoarse as she yells over the sounds of battle. "Fall back! Fall the fuck back! GO!"

    Gripping a nearby laspistol, you attempt to turn it into an impromptu grenade. As the charge builds, you throw the weapon toward your enemies below. Taking aim, you cut down a fourth xenos warrior as you move from cover with your officers. Athe is the last to hobble into the deep hallway, her face pale from what you assume is blood loss and the toxin from the xenos weapons. Your medicae mechadendrite quickly sees to her wound, injecting several syringes deep into your XO's thigh as two servers move to support her. The vox transmitter upon the back of one woman crackles to life with Magos Taylor's voice. "Elesh, we can't hold them on this side, we're being pushed to the top decks. Some may be moving to flank your position. Out."

    Looking at your officers, you note that only Advi and yourself remain unwounded, though Advi's augmentations seem to have protected her from several hits. "We can't hold them with just laspistols, Captain. Teris' plan is starting to sound better and better, even if it is suicide." Athe's voice is soft and her eyes seem to be growing heavy.

    Julin winces as your mechadendrite turns its attention to the shards in her arm, gritting her teeth to counter the pain as she speaks. "Unless you have a better idea, I think she's right, Captain."

    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)23:29 No.18591187
    Seems like it's time for GTA: Commorragh Edition.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)23:32 No.18591228
    Try to reach the speeder without any further engagements. Avoid the DE however we can.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)23:32 No.18591231
    Indeed. Let's see if we can get to the exterior and hijack a DE skimmer.

    Too bad about Captain Taylor, but we're just going to get ourselves killed if we try to fight our way to his position.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)23:33 No.18591245
    If we manage to secure a skimmer, we might be able to pick our allies up as well.
    >> redaeth 04/05/12(Thu)23:37 No.18591311
    Yup looks like we're going to try and do the pirate thing.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 04/05/12(Thu)23:44 No.18591392
    "Go deeper and double back?" Your officers nod slowly, their minds clearly thinking about something that isn't the plan. Athe's server fidgets under your XO's arm, her eyes avoiding your gaze before she finally gathers the nerve to speak up. "We could jump, the decks above the beach portion of your area are recessed to allow more sun. Hit the water within the retention field and we should survive, I think."

    Your officers stare at the woman in disbelief, though Advi shrugs. "The element of surprise is certainly the core of such a plan."

    >double back?
    >2 crewmen are still with you, as are 3 servers.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)23:48 No.18591424
    Sorry OP, I'm too tired to make any coherent decisions. It's almost 5am here.

    It's been fun, looking forward to the next thread. Good night.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 04/05/12(Thu)23:54 No.18591489
    Call it here? or are there still people lurking?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)23:56 No.18591508
    Oh hey, I'm still here. Just got distracted for a minute.

    I say we jump. Doubling back risks getting trapped in the hallways by the raiders.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)23:57 No.18591523
    Might as well go with the servers plan. A lot less likely for us to get killed.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)00:05 No.18591612
    >we should survive, I think
    Now that's a vote of confidence if I ever heard one! Let's jump!

    Too bad the servers don't have the benefit of a set of mechadendrites to help cushion their fall. Oh well.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 04/06/12(Fri)00:07 No.18591632
    1d100 for shooting
    1d100 for jump
    2d100 for whatever comes up
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)00:08 No.18591641
    rolled 81 = 81

    >> I Named Myself 04/06/12(Fri)00:09 No.18591657
    As risky as it sounds, we should jump. Just need to make sure none of our officers get killed, especially Athe with her leg.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)00:10 No.18591658
    rolled 96 = 96

    Well, I guess not every shot can be a one-hit kill.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)00:10 No.18591661
    rolled 32 = 32

    >> I Named Myself 04/06/12(Fri)00:10 No.18591662
    rolled 37 = 37

    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)00:10 No.18591664
    96 for jump. FFFFUUUUUU-
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)00:11 No.18591665
    rolled 8 = 8

    whatever roll #1
    >> I Named Myself 04/06/12(Fri)00:11 No.18591670
    rolled 11, 87 = 98

    Whatever comes
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)00:12 No.18591678
    rolled 10 = 10

    Random encounter roll.
    >> Cegorach 04/06/12(Fri)00:12 No.18591683
    Technically, death is a pretty good outcome of a Dark Eldar raid, right?
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)00:14 No.18591702
    Thanks for not specifying what you were rolling for.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 04/06/12(Fri)00:33 No.18591915
    "Then we jump."

    Your party quickly follows the pair of remaining crewmen, quickly reaching your destination above your former beach. Carefully glancing over the railing, you note that the craft below your current location appears to be a heavier raider than you saw earlier. Sporting three crewed weapons and armor along its sides, the hovering craft waits roughly three meters below your present location. Your followers take careful aim as Advi grips the railing tightly. "Take them."

    Your own shot goes wide of the gunner you targetted, turning a section of water into a cloud of steam. Julin and Teris have more luck, each deftly gunning down a xenos gunner with precise shots to the head as the pilot falls to fire from Athe and the two remaining crewmen beside you. Advi leaps onto the craft with a metallic crash, throwing the remaining gunner to the deck as the vehicle bucks violently. You quickly follow your Chief Enginseer, the stunned xenos to break your fall as if you'd planned to do so. Blood soon pours from the raider's neck as you deftly drive your combat knife into the xenos' soft throat. Your remaining officers and followers jump into the water as the craft drifts toward the beach.

    Advi favors her augmented leg, following you to the craft's controls. Quickly deciphering the basics of the display and levers, you lower the engine output to allow your crew and stragglers onto the craft. Advi begins inspecting the mounted weapons as you recover the three servers and the vox transmitter with them. "Inform Magos Taylor and Captain Wilson that we've secured transport, ask if they could do the same."

    >Calling it here.
    >Usual ~20 min Q&A
    >Next thread On Tuesday @ 7:30 PM EST.
    >questions/complaints/suggestions can now be sent to [email protected] !
    >> redaeth 04/06/12(Fri)00:36 No.18591959
    rolled 36 = 36

    Lowering average combat roll? Or does Op do first come
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 04/06/12(Fri)00:38 No.18591979
    first roll = used roll.

    second/third rolls might be used for "a roll came up" situations, but generally aren't used.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)00:39 No.18591999

    >all the crew men got killed
    >all of the serving girls are saved
    Truly, we know the proper priorities for a pirate captain!
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 04/06/12(Fri)00:40 No.18592015
    so I have to ask.

    was I asking too much to expect responses besides "let's fight off Dark Eldar with laspistols", or did people think that the raiders would be impossible to takeover/drive?
    >> Cegorach 04/06/12(Fri)00:40 No.18592017
    >You quickly follow your Chief Enginseer, the stunned xenos to break your fall as if you'd planned to do so. Blood soon pours from the raider's neck as you deftly drive your combat knife into the xenos' soft throat.
    >Had a Xenos at our mercy, killed it instead of capturing it
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 04/06/12(Fri)00:43 No.18592049

    two crewmen survived, and are currently still with you. interestingly, they aren't men by default!

    the three serving girls were all unarmed and cowering away from the fight, like smart people with no weapons do.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)00:46 No.18592097
    Partially that, and partially the fear that we were just one bad dice roll away from being spotted and fired upon by the raider's heavy weapons.
    >> Cegorach 04/06/12(Fri)00:49 No.18592130
    Don't forget that we still have to actually do the escaping, and now we have to do so out in the open in the middle of a Realspace Raid.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 04/06/12(Fri)00:51 No.18592162

    Are you suggesting that a high-speed chase and escape isn't pirate-y enough?
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)00:55 No.18592216
    GTA: Commorragh

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