/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

April 2010
9180661HadestownAnon introduces /tg/ to Hadestown, a folk opera that transposes Greek Mythology to Depression Era America. Other anons go on to expand the setting. Greek Myths, Musical, Opera, Setting, Depression2010-04-14 7 
9434393/tg/ Debates Scientific Accuracy of PictureTroll photo deconstructed in true /tg/ style.Granite, Metamorphic, Dragons, High Pressure Worlds2010-04-26 23 
November 2010
12692497Trustworthy? 32-40Ribbonfag asks /tg/'s opinion of eight more.Trustworthy, DM help, characters, portraits, ribbonfag, first impressions2010-11-06 1 
February 2011
13853986Planes and MiGsDiscussion centered around the Firestorm campaign that grew out of the great Planes and Mercs threads, new oc art!planes, awesome, steve, firestorm, coke bottle express2011-02-13 2 
April 2011
14637058Horror in the Trenches/tg/ talks about horror in the trenches of the Western Front of World War 1. Some great ideas and inspiring images.world war 1; horror; trenches; depression;2011-04-19 13 
May 2011
14925632ISSAC (+ Nespresso-J112 Quest)An excellent story about the development of A.I. through its perspective. After the story ends an anon (Nespresso J112) takes it up to run a quest: "despite rapid advances in computing and robotics, humanity has died out, and devices fallen into disrepair. You are a Nespresso-J112 Coffee machine, given sentience by a bug in the code. Your goal is to acquire Coffee and Coffee Filters, and if you need to rebuild civilisation yourself to get some, you'll do it."ISSAC, AI, writefaggotory, QUEST, Collective game, Nespresso J1122011-05-15 17 
August 2011
16087045The Second American Civil WarOP pitches an idea of an alternate history with a second Civil War replacing the Spanish Civil WarAlternate History, Great Depression2011-08-28 7 
October 2011
16627032The '34 PutschExtensive background material for a plausible alternate history campaign setting in which the United States descends into civil war in the 1930s.Second American Civil War, Great Depression, alternate history, fluff, history, setting2011-10-16 6 
November 2012
21450320Zerg Quest CXDespite what you may have heard, this is not thread 10. I know; it surprised me, too.Cerebrate Anon, Collective Game, Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Number Confusion, Sexy Learning Disability, There goes that impressive Protoss fleet, There goes that impressive Zerg fleet, There goes...I'm seeing a pattern here2012-11-06 6 
December 2012
22257720/tg/ gets depressedOP inquires about how to roleplay depression. /tg/ reveals all its angst, misery and emptiness in response.depression, depressing, sad, melancholy, oh god what, why, roleplay, game ideas, discussion2012-12-29 12 
January 2014
29772158Path of War & Psionics. Or: The platonic ideal of Sword.OP shares Dreamscarred's Path of War book. Anon explains the deliciousness of the Soulknife Swordsage. Much discussion and planning ensues.psionics, pathfinder, path of war, tome of battle, swords, stat me, Fate/Stay Night, magic, galorion, mecha barbarians, martial arts, swordsage, monk, soulknife, dreamscarred press, preview, complete psionics, wilder, win, attempted derail, D&D, fluff, d202014-01-26 5 
February 2014
30197004Da Dakka XpressOP posted a bad quest, shortly ragequitting. Until the thread was hijacked by an Ork Klan creation table. It created the Ork delivery company "Dakka Xpress"40k, Ork, Dakka Xpress, thread hijack, WAAAGH, lulz, /tg/2014-02-13 7 
30534559Da Dakka Xpress Numbah TwoIn we which we discuss package delivery and get tactical genius'd40k, Ork, Dakka Xpress, WAAAGH, Creed2014-02-28 2 
March 2014
30881453Kill la Kill CYOA: Anaru Story 4A very brief continuation of the previous thread, in which hearts are fluffed and then immediately crushed into tiny pieces as Anaru and Satsuki grow close.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, Depressing, Drawfag2014-03-17 13 
30899318Kill la Kill CYOA: Anaru Story 6Gamagoori is sneaking around with snacks, and we can't help but follow him around.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, Depressing, Drawfag2014-03-18 12 
30997848Kill la Kill CYOA: Anaru Story 18Anaru steels himself as greed threatens a precious friendship, and he gives comfort to a wounded heart.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA, Depressing2014-03-22 11 
31025450Kill la Kill CYOA: Anaru Story 22Anaru and Matoi face off in the thrilling conclusion to the Naturals Election.Kill la Kill, CYOA, Collective Game, Quest, depressing2014-03-24 6 
31043765Kill la Kill CYOA: Anaru Story 25The Naturals Election receives an unexpected visitor, and the arena is stained with the blood of the fallen.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA, Depressing2014-03-25 11 
31051077Kill la Kill CYOA: Anaru Store FinaleThe thrilling and heartbreaking conclusion to Anaru's story...or is it?Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, Depressing, Drawfag2014-03-25 28 
May 2014
31844870Alternate Industrial RevolutionsOP asks for alternate histories where a country other than Britain industrializes first. /tg/ delivers with a greater Ottoman Empireworldbuilding, alternate history, ottoman empire, industrialization, steam engine, printing press2014-05-03 3 
July 2014
33670900Phoenix Student QuestWe are introduce to the depressing life of Evangeline WrightCollective Game, Lovecraft, Lewd, Depressing, depression, Pandora2014-07-26 22 
March 2015
38813543Declining World HeadlinesI'm fishing for headlines from a world in which stuff is slowly but inexorably crapping out, like Atlas Shrugged, or Interstellar. Something a bit less obvious than CHOCOLATE RATIONS INCREASED TO 19 GRAMS A WEEK.Dystopia, Dystopian, News, Depressing2015-03-20 13 
August 2015
42066943Empress Rising Quest #1Seems alright, some chargen. Maybe not animeweebshit? Need more threads to tell.Empress Quest, Collective Game, ERQ2015-08-24 2 
February 2016
45313053Another Life QuestWalker is given the option to "upgrade" his position in a VR-Simulation program, but declines the offer and then 4 months later an heroes.Collective Game, Depressing, Another Life Quest, Virtual Reality2016-02-09 -1 
May 2016
67044Melancholic Quest 2Delilah, our unfortunate runaway continues to find her place in the world. This is made a little harder by the whole drinking blood thing.streets without getting violated. Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue, homeless, Delilah, blood, depressing2016-05-10 16 
April 2017
1372163Depressed Quest 1Some dude with a shitty life wakes up in a world of monsters.Depressed Quest, Collective Game2017-04-18 2 
September 2018
2881194Dark Queen Quest 4In which we act as Cupid for a boy and a dark elf, meet a circus, kill zombies, take a bath, meet the black moon and are crowned Empress.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2018-09-12 12 
2858575Dark Queen Quest 4 (real)In which we act as Cupid for a boy and a dark elf, meet a circus, kill zombies, take a bath, meet the black moon and are crowned Empress.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2018-09-12 12 
October 2018
2915320Dark Queen Quest 6We burn another person, make one of our friend ruler of Asoevia, then celebrate the new year. We also meet a strange man from the east.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2018-10-04 12 
2943066Dark Queen Quest 7We meet our husband "ex-lovers", tame an ancient beast (?) and beat up an arrogant elf. We also learn about a prophecy.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2018-10-16 11 
2974460Dark Queen Quest 8You take a boat to Lynn, the capital of HagĂ«ndorff's Empire, made a promise to the deer god. and finally reach the great city.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2018-10-26 12 
November 2018
3001004Dark Queen Quest 8 part 2After meeting the Great Emperor, Irene, Ruriska and Shelur won a gladiator fight, we recruited Aleanor the Valkyrie, then we went shopping !Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2018-11-05 11 
3033954Dark Queen Quest 9We face the trials to unlock our potential, then learn the true identity of the deer god. Then we start our journey to the Old Forest.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2018-11-21 11 
December 2018
3060873Dark Queen Quest 10We meet Queen Titania, who's quite the liberated woman, Dillon play the champion of a goddess and get an harem, then we catch assassins.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2018-12-07 11 
3096455Dark Queen Quest 10 part 2We deal with the assassins, meet the goddess Luna, spank Titania, and pull a little prank on Lazarus. We go back home and talk to Metraton.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2018-12-22 11 
January 2019
3129672Dark Queen Quest 11Our husband is back, we rule our empire, and declare our interest in other women, as our birthday and the threat of a rebellion, draw near.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-01-05 12 
3154986Dark Queen Quest 12We celebrate our birthday, get awesome presents, become the pillow fighting champion, before working on a baby with our dork of a husband.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-01-15 11 
3184496Dark Queen Quest 13You have a party in town, meet Dillon chilhood friends, a mercenary grope you in a bar, and you make a huge mistake with an ogre.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-01-28 11 
February 2019
3212812Dark Queen Quest 14We celebrate Silviana 18th birhtday, and make love to her for the first time, and negociate with the wood elves and dark elves respectively.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-02-04 12 
3240273Dark Queen Quest 15We deal with scientific, magical and religious matters, learn with Luna, and have a barbecue party with Shelur and the maids of the palace.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-02-17 11 
3271518Dark Queen Quest 15 part 2We take a bath with the maids, learn Feral Form, celebrate the Day of the Drack Empire, and the traitors finally reveal themselves.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-02-27 11 
March 2019
3302498Dark Queen Quest 16We fight an angel until Metraton save us, we punish the traitors, and Ellisa burns her father, then we go back to ruling our empire.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-03-09 11 
3340617Dark Queen Quest 17We have a little argument with our husband, meet the Tharque ambassador and his legionaries, and are being called a furry by an angry girl.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-03-23 11 
April 2019
3372045Dark Queen Quest 18We build our empire and train, lick Titania's ears, then we catch Shelur, who seduced ALL the maids of the palace, before flirting with herDark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-04-03 12 
3406300Dark Queen Quest 19Lazarus go on a little journey, We go out with Gweyr, learn about her past, and spend a whole day riding on the back of our Giant wolf Sif.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-04-14 12 
3439658Dark Queen Quest 20We rule our empire, learn the localisation of Wells of Magic, welcome our parents, plan the End-Year and face an assassination attempt.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-04-28 11 
May 2019
3471644Dark Queen Quest 21We meet the Goddess Gefian and conviced her to return. You then visited a wood elf village and get to know Dillon's childhood friends.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-05-12 11 
3506611Dark Queen Quest 22We work on the relationship between the elves, welcome our guests for the End-Year Celebration and witness the birth of our little brother.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-05-29 11 
June 2019
3544910Dark Queen Quest 23Lazarus is finally back but only with the remains of Orelliel, your guests for the End-Year Celebration are here, and the party begins.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-06-18 11 
July 2019
3588472Dark Queen Quest 2 part 2We discuss with our guests, make some deals and plan our next projects for next year. We also reveal our pregnancy to everyone.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-07-02 12 
3634637Dark Queen Quest 24Short thread, where Metraton make us choose something that could change the future.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-07-16 11 
August 2019
3675896Dark Queen Quest 25We start the negotiations with HagĂ«ndorff, Parsifal and Titania for an alliance between the four kingdoms, but things did not go as planned.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-08-02 11 
3724463Dark Queen Quest 26After talking with the gods we have a private party with our friends before starting the Royal Council meeting.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-08-18 10 
September 2019
3778725Dark Queen Quest 27We throw a birthday party for Ellisa, talk with Kazeel Thorn himself and prepare our unofficial involvement in the war in the south.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex,2019-09-09 10 
3782187Edgeworld Quest 1Emma Handel has a bad morningEdgeworld Quest, NitroExpress, Collective Game2019-09-22 0 
October 2019
3814765Dark Queen Quest 28We find ourselves face to face with Filarion, and after playing with his pride we finally put an end to the trouble he is causing us.Dark Queen Quest, Dark Lord, Empress, Medieval, Queen, Fantasy, Amex, 2019-10-04 14 
August 2020
74404212Dystopian Cyberpunk Setting/tg/ attempts to worldbuild a cyberpunk dystopia, only to discover everything they propose has actually happened.worldbuilding, cyberpunk, dystopia, metafictional, depressing2020-08-23 -4 
December 2021
5065857Coffee Quest: The quest for coffeeCoffee enjoyer in the caffeine seeking quest!PG-Rated,Coffee,Collective Game,Caffeine,Espresso,Horror,Security2021-12-11 5 
September 2022
5379366Return to High SchoolA 30-ish year old man dies alone and unsatisfied, but is reborn as himself, age 15 and circa 2007, ready to redo his failed life.Modern Quest, Schizo QM, Adopted Quest, Family Drama, High School, Romance, Depression, Bitcoin2022-09-27 12 
December 2022
5431180You Fucked UpAce Amaze has done a lot in his life and now has to answer for the less than savory parts in a press meeting.Ace Amaze, oneshot, Quebec Matt, press, conspiracy2022-12-04 2 
January 2023
5478338Depression QuestQM gets depressed and flakes :/Depression Quest, Collective Game, Dep QM, Depression2023-01-15 0 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

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Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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