Internet went out for a couple hours last night, and like an idiot I forgot to install my update client on a computer where it mattered, so the DNS didn't synchronize to the new IP address after it came back up. It's now, like, 7am and the sun's coming up and I'm just now fixing it, so it's been down for five or six hours now. derp.
Edity: Oh yeah, I've finally settled on an activity for Halloween:
Dead Before Dawn L4D campaign Livestream. I'm not sure when or with whom, but we're doing this. I'm also going to be replaying a variety of movies, mostly the crowd favorites and possibly one or two unseen titles. Should be fun.
Edity #2: Okay, so a lot of people want to play in the L4D stream, but half of them so far have told me "... but I may not be able to make it." So here's the deal, if you're interested, post what times (with timezones, you mongbats) you'll be available on Halloween to play. Personally, I'm likely going to be helping my grandmother hand out candy to the neighborhood children from around 6-8pm EST; some point after that will be best for the stream. Also please note
how sure you are that you'll be available so I can get backups for any missing players.
~Lord Licorice