/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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June 2011
15209620Mutant Quest issue #18The year is 1995, and Aino and her friends battle a Silver Age monster... sort of. They also meet the Avengers, race go-karts and set a new hands-free record at Mortal Kombat!Mutant Quest, X-Men, Avengers, Quinjet2011-06-09 18 
15298146Mutant Quest issue #20Mutant Quest's double-sized 20th Issue Spectacular! Aino and her friends meet the kids from the Massachusetts Academy, and things threaten to explode at every turn!Mutant Quest, X-Men, Avengers, Hellions2011-06-18 20 
December 2014
37033413 Leviathan Quest 1you come to your senses as black goo and go on to take over sam and find yourself in the amalgam of marvel movieverse and comicsmarvel, Dick Roman, collective game, quest, Arceus Exalted, Supernatural, Leviathan, Black goo, shapeshifter, doppelganger, comic, avengers, mutant2014-12-29 0 
February 2020
4039517Scavengers: Oneshot/IntroSor Cecilia tries to makes up for all the lives she has trampled over in the past.MediocreQM, Scavengers2020-02-09 1 
February 2025
6184019The AVENGERS Quest! Assemble!In one of many realities, The Avengers are formed! But this is not the story you may expect, and not the Avengers you might know! Assemble!Fuckhead, Marvel, Team, Avengers, Multiple PCs, Co-Op, Superheroes, Comics2025-02-16 2 
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