/qst/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /qst/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

January 2008
1044995How to stop a Time-Traveling BBEGWith sheer BadasseryTime travel BBEG Badass2008-01-21 11 
July 2008
2242355Poe's Raven, 40k styleQuoth the raven, EversorEversor, raven, poe, poetry, 40k2008-07-19 6 
January 2009
3509218Traveller RPGAn awesome thread about an awesome RPG System, including some nice deckplans.Traveller Sci-Fi2009-01-26 3 
March 2009
40000004million GETThe 4 million GET is claimed by the Bald Ravens. /tg/ celebrates in style4m, GET, Blood Ravens.2009-03-17 27 
May 2009
4444293Traveller DeckplansMany deckplans are posted.Traveller, sci-fi, space, ships2009-05-01 3 
June 2009
5038665Ravnica D&DJuxtaposing the Ravnica Magic: the Gathering set with a D&D type roleplaying system. Great resource for potential rules of game play.Homebrew, Ravnica, Magic: the Gathering, D&D2009-06-30 6 
October 2009
6259635Time Travel GameA GM relates his tale of his PCs playing through a time travel game that begins with them being transported to the Victorian age and being told to assassinate Hellsing and Dracula.Time Travel, awesome, dracula2009-10-14 5 
6390184Time Travel Campagin pt 2Contiuation of a previously archived campagin. The heros make their way to the Dark Ages, and eventually encounter FaeTime Travel, Campagin Log, Story Time, Fae, Bhargest, Pregnancy, Seelie, Unseelie, Wolf, Evil Robot Ghandi2009-10-23 3 
December 2009
7124722Deuspora, the Gypsy GodsOP contemplates a setting where exiled gods from fallen pantheons travel from plane to plane subsisting on stolen prayers. Deuspora Gypsy Gods caravan2009-12-14 2 
March 2010
8377758ChronoChess/tg/ gets shit done, timetravel chess. Send your queen back in time to save your rook, then have your queens new and old pair up to pin his queen and knight - who then captures your rook the turn before. Chess, shit gets done, Chronochess, TimeTravel2010-03-03 14 
8581610Brave new World (Quest)Let's see if lightning strikes twiceBrave, New, World, Quest, Collective Game2010-03-15 12 
8620706Brave New World Part 2We go hunting, observe an execution, and switch scenes. Next up, Fighting in the Middle East.quest, collective game, brave, new, world2010-03-17 5 
8839763Terminator Quest Model:Terminator unit D300.S Cyberdyne Infiltration model. Status: Space-Time failure. Localitation and time period unknown. Mission: Assure the develovment of Skynet in the future. Terminator, Skynet, Time travel, Collective Game, Terminator Quest 2010-03-29 23 
8844159Terminator Quest IITerminator unit D300.S, Advanced Infiltration Model with a space-time error affecting his mission. Finally get some clothing, and with it some armor and weapons. And a thankful human.Terminator, Skynet, Time travel, Collective Game, Terminator Quest 2010-03-29 21 
April 2010
8904756Eldrazi and Ravnica discussionEldrazi thread turns into a RAVNICA FUCK YEAH thread. Some interesting discussion about older sets ensues. Magic, Ravnica, Eldrazi, Kamigawa, Mirrodin2010-04-01 0 
8904348SoTS conversion for traveller.Thread containing some stuff about making a Sword of the Stars setting for traveller.Traveller, Sword of the Stars, SoTS, Homebrew2010-04-01 1 
8977099Terminator Quest IIIWe are D300.S, a Terminator with a space-time error. Here we learn more about the people we've just saved, the world we're in, and then arrive at a settlement needing citybuilding skills.Terminator, Skynet, Time travel, Collective Game, Terminator Quest 2010-04-05 20 
8995266Serenity RPG...is discussed, after a possible troll is gotten out of the way by the handy expedient of ignoring. Includes conversion of Firefly ships to Mongoose TravellerSerenity RPG, Mongoose Traveller, Firefly2010-04-06 1 
9004141Terminator Quest IVOur Terminator with a space-time problem assumes his newfound leadership position and tries to keep a settlement from winter starvation. It's like Lord Quest and Iron Quest had a baby... an angry, hungry baby.Terminator, Skynet, Time travel, Collective Game, Terminator Quest 2010-04-06 21 
9026107Terminator Quest VTerminator D300.S continues to establish a surviving settlement populace for its base of operations. Diplomatic envoy sent, and someone ate a couple of our lumberjacks. Also we fret about anti-tech killsats.Terminator, Skynet, Time travel, Collective Game, Terminator Quest 2010-04-07 20 
9215590Terminator Quest VID300.S, Terminator with a space-time error. We attack a rival settlement who think they can fuck with our diplomats. Also we work to confirm killsat presence, and possibly find lost technology.Terminator, Skynet, Time travel, Collective Game, Terminator Quest 2010-04-16 20 
9222524Terminator Quest VIID300.S, Terminator with a space-time error. We destroy a rival settlement, and tear the chiefs heart out. Lideca is mentally scared for life thanks to THE SHITTIEST ROLLS SINCE TAU QUEST. Terminator, Skynet, Time travel, Collective Game, Terminator Quest2010-04-16 18 
9299544Terminator Quest VIIID300.S, Terminator with a space-time error. We unsuccessfully try to convert Mac Bair, and then take a trek to the killsat bombardment site.Terminator, Skynet, Time travel, Collective Game, Terminator Quest2010-04-20 18 
9448347Terminator Quest IXD300.S, Terminator with a space-time error. We find out who the bastard was that jinxed Lideca's brain, and set out to terminate his ass. Also, citybuilding, converting, and seriously kickass art.Terminator, Skynet, Time travel, Collective Game, Terminator Quest2010-04-27 24 
May 2010
9962795ITT:IMTUThis is a collaborative effort that I am attempting to begin on /tg/ involving a Traveller setting that I (and anyone else who is interested) is building on /tg/; the intention is to use it with my (and anyone else's) group(s). Read on for more, and check out the other archive of the previous thread (which I would also like to have archived here): http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/tg/thread/9888897 [email protected]Traveller, Transhuman, IMTU, scifi, human2010-05-21 3 
June 2010
10508768Lich URavelor, bane of ten thousand planes! Corrupter of ten thousand souls! Dean to ten thousand unruly students! Wait, what?Worldbuilding, Lich, Ravelor, University, Dean, Necromancy2010-06-15 29 
10536728Lich University 2: MINION HOOOOUSE!The shenanigans continue.Ravelor, Unversity, Minion House2010-06-17 13 
July 2010
11050665Servo Skull How-To threadWhere /tg/ discusses how to manufacture a home made servo skull DIY, do-it-yourself collective game, engineering, Warhammer 40k, awesome, electric engineering, mechanical engineering, humans, grave-robbing2010-07-13 12 
September 2010
12009517Zerg Quest XIAnon spends two hours deciding how to deal with the Disruptor, then shit gets real. A choice is made. A friend's life is endangered. A sexual preference is discoveredCerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Starcraft, KIIIINGSTOOOOON!!!!, gay cerebrates, nuke the fuckers, brave warbrate, stalwart labbrate2010-09-09 12 
October 2010
12616355Traveller and Haunted SpaceshipsA discussion about Traveller ends up involving haunted, nearly three-century old spaceships, plus some dumps of images and .pdfs.Traveller, Spaceships, Horror, Sci Fi2010-10-30 6 
November 2010
12739103Tesla steals you from the futureTesla steals you out of the present-day and into 1895. What do you bring? /tg/ debates what to bring, whether to stop WWI, and the finer points of literary context. A strange read.time travel, history, literature, current wars, TESLA2010-11-10 1 
January 2011
13552516The Truth about the Blood Ravens/tg/ discusses the Relics claimed by the Blood Ravens and learns the truth, these gypsie Marines have stolen everything from everybody, when they weren't making knockoffs rejected by everyone.Blood Ravens, Dawn of War, DoW, fluff2011-01-17 29 
13555561Blood Ravens WargearThe Truth About the Origins of the Blood Ravens' WargearBlood, Ravens, Wargear2011-01-18 16 
13696742The Bloody Magpies and BjornThe Blood Ravens are 'gifted' with Bjorn the Dreadnought. Bjorn is not pleased.Bjorn, OC, Bloody, Magpies, Blood Ravens2011-01-29 44 
February 2011
13836896Johnny Bravo joins the Imperial GuardSome funny discussion and glorious latenight writefaggotry concerning that groovy motherfucker, Johnny Bravo.Johnny Bravo, Imperial Guard, Writefaggotry2011-02-10 35 
March 2011
14264396Seventh Sanctum MagemakerIt was just an ordinary rollantrollan thread with some funny randomly-generated mage class titles. Then some cunt started conjuring castles, some other guy was destroying the castles, mages were fucking with one another, one omnicidal asshole was messing with time travel, and suddenly it bloomed into a BATTLE FOR THE MULTIVERSE.mage, magic, castle, seventh sanctum, time travel, rollantrollan, roleplay, omnicide, derp2011-03-17 11 
April 2011
14621029Crows, /tg/. Fucking crows.Intelligent animals, cavitation guns, and why we're fuckedanimals, terrifying, fluff, crows, ravens, shrimp2011-04-18 12 
14721207Traveller Planet & Creature GenerationIn which the Imperial Planetologist continues his mapping of Sector TG and describing dangerous creatures found therein.Traveller, planet, creature, random2011-04-26 0 
May 2011
15009660Time Travel CampaignsA thread for stories about time travel in people's games takes a turn for the epic when a stranger tells a heart-wrenching story about Asmodeus the Paladin. /tg/ weeps, and then someone who may or may not be the writer reveals a terrible secret, leaving /tg/ feeling confused and slightly inspired.time, time travel, story time, storytime, story, paladin, asmodeus, writefaggotry, manly tears2011-05-22 8 
15071892Mutant Quest: Issue FifteenThe year was 2099. Now, it isn't. Teenage time-traveller, warper, and all around manipulator Aino Virta faces impossible odds and decisions in this issue of Mutant Quest, and finally learns the truth behind her adventures.Mutant Quest, X-Men, time travel2011-05-28 21 
June 2011
15198203Mutant Quest: Issue SeventeenIn the aftermath of her greatest and most costly adventure yet, Aino takes some time to relax with her friends. But it seems trouble followed her...Mutant Quest, X-Men, time travel2011-06-09 16 
July 2011
15601954Abaddon Quest IIIIThe fall to ancient earth takes an unexpected turn, with the arival of the eldarawesome, abaddon, abadass, eldar, time travel, 40k, chaos,2011-07-17 23 
15612380Abaddon Quest VAbaddon yells at Ahriman, discovers a loyalist Alpha Legion dreadnought, and cock-slams raptors.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel2011-07-17 22 
15616064Abaddon Quest VIAbaddon experiences the joy of fatherhood.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel2011-07-18 23 
15626041Abaddon Quest VIIAbaddon informs his waifu about the current situation and chats with his abomination of a child.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel2011-07-19 25 
15647815Abaddon Quest VIIIAbaddon starts planning for his wedding and the eventually corruption of the Eldar.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel2011-07-21 22 
15681044Abaddon Quest IXAbaddon plans shit during war council and has a space battle with the Eldar. Awesome ensues.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel2011-07-24 21 
15701229Abaddon Quest XAbaddon manages to captured a powerful eldar seer after boarding her flagship.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn2011-07-26 21 
15734989Abaddon Quest XISex. Bloody violence. Violent sex. Popcorn. We've got it all, bitches.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn, Hot, Sex, Violence2011-07-29 23 
August 2011
15770652Abaddon Quest XIIAbaddon and the gang makes planetfall on Terra via bikes to rescue Typhus. More dinosaurs die, a mysterious servant of Malal is discovered/killed and chaos rocks out in the jungle.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel2011-08-01 20 
15818442Abaddon Quest XIIITyphus is rescued, the eldar learn of Nurgle, another Malal cultist is found and captured, warcouncil is called, Kharn shows his true love and Ahriman finally snaps. Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn, Love2011-08-05 25 
15823037Abaddon Quest XIVAhriman fucking snaps and gets snuffed by Abaddon.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn, Love2011-08-05 23 
15869516Vidya Game Name Generator/tg/ fluffs out names into games that put the game industry to shame. Can you type faster than the Nazi's in 'Stupendous Typing Over Normandy'? Enjoy quality edutainment with 'Viking Robot Phonics'! Experience the total sum of wargaming in 'Enormous Chainsaw - Total War'! Strain your brain over 'M.C. Escher's Bandicoot Melee'! AND MORE!vidya, game, name, generator, viking, nazi, hitler, time, travel, space, hillbilly, gokart, race, japan, werewolf, blast, mario, writefaggotry, awesome, barbie, beatdown, bible2011-08-09 9 
15891865Abaddon Quest XVWar council ends, a rape orgy begins, awesomeness ensues and a god is born.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn, Love2011-08-11 21 
15894168Abaddon Quest XVIAbaddon makes a breakthrough with the High Seer, then a hug births Slaanesh and and Abaddon Punches the Warp, again.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn, Love, Slaanesh2011-08-11 20 
15926413Abaddon Quest XVIAbaddon explores the plot of the Malal cultists.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Malal, Khorne2011-08-14 22 
16013485Bloody MagpiesMagpies receive gifts!Magpies, blood ravens, gifts, lost and found 2011-08-21 7 
September 2011
16188151Cuptain of the Honour GuardA thread about Space Marines is massively derailed by an argument about Thor, heresy and finally Cup Diomedes. Featuring Deadpool. /tg/'s random humor at its finest. humor, meme, blood ravens, 40K, warhammer 40K, funny, cups, deadpool, thor, space marines, Cup Diomedes, Diomedes, random2011-09-05 11 
16212919The Bloody Magpies Ride AgainAlso they have a lot of cups.Blood Ravens, Bloody Magpies2011-09-07 7 
16400855Abaddon Quest XVIIIOP returns to us and it may turn out that a senile crazed terminought is behind the Malal cult.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Malal, Dice Gods2011-09-24 22 
16410993Blood Raven mug collectionThe Blood Ravens get gifted a lot of coffee mugs, from various boards of 4chanBlood Ravens, magpies,2011-09-24 45 
16402139You Are Now in 40k. What Do?You have somehow been transported to the gaaxy of Warhammer 40k. What do you do next? You lay down some writefaggotry, that's what you do!Warhammer 40k, Writefaggotry, timetravel2011-09-25 16 
October 2011
16584883Bloody MagpiesMagpies steal everything and succumb to The Warpblood, ravens, magpies, steal, relics, chaos, heresy2011-10-11 11 
16593866Bloody Magpies Pt. 2BludRayvan keeps stealing shit, after becoming corrupted by Chaos in Pt. 1blood, ravens, magpies, steal, relics, chaos, heresy, part, 22011-10-12 0 
16776761Moronic player storiesStupid players, IRL rape, John Cloud RavenJohn Cloud Raven, That Guy, Rape2011-10-30 8 
November 2011
16851030Abaddon Quest XIXAbaddon visits the Eldar bitches, becomes a mince pie and grows a tentacle beard.Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Malal, Dice Gods2011-11-06 26 
16930200/tg/ Meta Quest 22We send probe droids down to various places, and find a cornucopia of horror, from the Mountains of Madness to Silent Hill. We're able to rescue Heather Mason, but then people spill the beans on who we are, necessitating a memory wipe later.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, LotR, Barad-Dur, Ahzek Ahriman, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies2011-11-13 12 
16932479/tg/ Meta Quest 23We prep a team of Data and some droids to escort Heather Mason back to Silent Hill. We learn by raiding newspaper offices around the globe that several different cults were at work, ranging from Mythos to d20 Modern, to bring about the end of the world. Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies2011-11-13 16 
16958743/tg/ Meta Quest 24Heather Mason and Douglas Cartland return to Silent Hill, backed by Data and the droids. They begin exploration when we find out that Silent Hill is not to be underestimated, as it starts mining Data for monsters, and creates steam-clockwork-Borg abominations. We quickly run from them, and begin to explore the Church of the Order.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies2011-11-19 14 
16975328/tg/ Meta Quest 25We encounter a boss fight in the form of Data's guilt and regret over the death of his daughter. Douglas goes down, and we desperately try to keep him alive as Spike enters Silent Hill with extra equipment.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies2011-11-21 15 
16994064/tg/ Meta Quest 26We save Douglas Cartland, and solve some more puzzles. As we're exploring, we meet Doug's son. His dead son. That he has regrets over. Cue boss-fight.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies2011-11-23 13 
17019510/tg/ Meta Quest 27We proceed into the unexplored west wing of the chapel, and come upon a section out of Spike Spiegel's memories. We end up in a boss-fight against Corvus Head, and while Spike is tossed around and heavily injured, we are victorious.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies2011-11-26 12 
17039688/tg/ Meta Quest 28We move to the final boss of the Silent Hill portion of this world, and attack its weak point for massive damage. Then we find out who's been pulling the strings of the various horrors.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies2011-11-28 12 
17059442/tg/ Meta Quest 29We begin exploring the zombie outbreak in Pennsylvania. We find evidence of at least Left 4 Dead, Resident Evil, and quite possibly Return of the Living Dead zombies. We also find some survivors that tell us that Raccoon City has become the domain of some lich-king.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead 2011-11-30 12 
December 2011
17087235/tg/ Meta Quest 30We begin the assault on Raccoon City. However, bad rolls constantly get our troops hammered, and we lose the BLU team respawn tech to magic dickery.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead2011-12-03 12 
17095963/tg/ Meta Quest 31The tg diceroller continues to have us over a barrel as we continue to lose members of our team. We finally decide enough is enough, and pull out our forces in order to drill a hole down to the lich. Who then promptly uses our weapons' energies to make his escape, leaving us to deal with Vampire-Wesker. Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead2011-12-04 12 
17109365/tg/ Meta Quest Planning ThreadIn which the Command Crew discusses plans and theories for the upcoming visit to Transylvania and what vampric horrors await there. Plus the usual chatter about who and what we should requisition nextCollective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight2011-12-05 6 
17117963/tg/ Meta Quest 32We land with a small force in Transylvania, and begin chatting up the locals. Strahd and Dracula are at war, and signs point to their respective loves reincarnated in a single body.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight2011-12-06 13 
17137538/tg/ Meta Quest 33We dress up two of the White Mages as Tatyana/Lisa, and start poking around town to try to bait Strahd and Dracula to go to open war with each other. While searching, one of our teams spots Tatyana/Lisa, but loses her. Then one of the decoys is kidnapped.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight2011-12-08 12 
17161163/tg/ Meta Quest: Waiting on OP editionOP gets held up for a couple days and we fall back on plotting against the Counts, and mostly talking about what we want on our requisitions list.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight2011-12-12 8 
17179943/tg/ Meta Quest 34Strahd summons Darius and the travelers from Londinium. We bullshit a story about Londinium and the Brittanica Empire, and the Emperor on his Golden Throne. Strahd seems to buy the story, and wants us to kill Dracula. Low rolls result in Strahd refusing to commit the majority of his forces, but he concedes to a diversionary attack as we infiltrate Castlevania.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight2011-12-12 11 
17194517/tg/ Meta Quest 35We plan, and then execute, the breaching of Castlevania. Our preparation pays off, and we are able to infiltrate the castle, and face Dracula. It is a pitched battle, but with the strength of our Space Marines, the healing of our White Mages, the protections by our Abjurer and Psion, and 10 X-COM High Explosive charges, we defeat Dracula, and Lyla is promoted to Hero-rank.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight2011-12-13 11 
17206876/tg/ Meta Quest 36We go along with the narrative, trying to catch Strahd backstabbing us in some way. When he finally offers us tainted wine, and we get confirmation of its curse, we open up a 12-pack of whoopass on Strahd and his cronies. They were not prepared to face the Knights Inductor, or battlemechs, or First Age weapons forged by Elves. Strahd goes down like a chump to the two White Mages, and we make off with his gold and a rack of his finest wines.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight2011-12-14 14 
17229803/tg/ Meta Quest 37Having finished in Romania, we begin investigating the reality distortions in Antarctica and Japan. The former is home to some slumbering eldritch horror, as expected. The latter is ruled by Griffith, from Berserk.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Ravenloft, HP Lovecraft, Berserk, Editors2011-12-16 14 
17239971/tg/ Meta Quest 38Our Probe Droid reaches the Japan Meteorological Agency offices and makes contact with some scientists. We learn that there are insurgent forces fighting against Griffith's reign, and that Guts appears to be among them. In Antarctica, our Probe Droid there distinguishes itself, and VP-99 is almost ready to become a Hero.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk2011-12-17 13 
17273710/tg/ Meta Quest 39More information is collected about the World Pillar in Antarctica, and we have confirmation that Persona 4 characters are part of the insurgents.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona2011-12-20 11 
17284731/tg/ Meta Quest 40We begin setting up sniper positions in Tokyo as we make contact with the insurgent forces.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona2011-12-21 10 
17296729/tg/ Meta Quest 41We successfully convince Guts to work with us, and prepare to shake up Griffith's world.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona2011-12-22 11 
17306889/tg/ Meta Quest 42We begin the second battle of Tokyo, as magic and mutant flesh meets more magic and advanced technology.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona2011-12-23 12 
17316446/tg/ Meta Quest 43We defeated Griffith, only to realize that he was just a pawn. The true reality distortion anchor of Tokyo reveals itself. We begin heavily losing troops, and the Leopard dropship goes down.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona2011-12-24 15 
17325929TG Quest: The Extended CutContinuation of discussion and planning from TG Quest thread #43 after it autosaged out. OP off on holiday until January 4th. Discussion of what to tell the Persona heroes and plans for the Antarctic showdown with Ebon Night.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona2011-12-26 6 
January 2012
17397134TG Quest: The Extended Cut -part 2Continuation of discussion and planning from TG Quest: The Extended Cut after it autosaged out. OP off on holiday until January 4th. More discussion, Mostly heroes and mechs this time.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona2012-01-04 6 
17425874/tg/ Meta Quest 44We begin cleaning up after the battle against the Idea of Evil. While Cheryl continues her training, we have our Antarctica team attack the Greater Shoggoth in order to access the Old One research facility.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona2012-01-05 11 
17429885/tg/ Meta Quest Planning Thread post-44The standard arguing of what to requisition and what is just stupid.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona2012-01-05 6 
17446362/tg/ Meta Quest 45The Command Crew is contacted by Igor, agent of Philemon, a powerful entity from the Persona Canon. He offers the Command Crew a Contract, and after much debate, the vote narrowly has us accepting.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona2012-01-07 10 
17450144/tg/ Meta Quest 46We open up one of the stasis chambers, only to fight a proto-Angel. We open the second stasis chamber, and find a shard of the World Pillar with Adam in fetus form inside. Translating the Elder Thing research reveals that they may have found the Lance of Longinus as well.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona, Evangelion2012-01-07 10 
17456343TG Meta Quest planning thread part BLARGHYet more debate over requisitions, and even a little over our current mission. MOST SHOCKING TWIST YET.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona, Evangelion2012-01-09 6 
17468187/tg/ Meta Quest 47As Cheryl interfaces with the World Pillar, Ebon Night takes exception to the Command Crew staying safe in orbit, and pulls them down to Antarctica for the final confrontation. Our calculations concerning our ability to defeat his defenses seem to have been...overly optimistic as we lose the entire White Mage Team.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona, Evangelion2012-01-09 10 
17471475/tg/ Meta Quest 48After the cataclysmic battle with Ebon Night and Cheryl initiating Second Impact, we awaken in the Kingdom of Zeal. However, it is revealed that this is only a semi-stable time echo, and we recruit the time ghost of Belthasar to aid us.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona, Evangelion, Chrono Trigger2012-01-09 11 
17481740/tg/ Meta Quest 49We find that Gaspar and Tosh are locked up with the Mammon Machine, and we execute a daring breaching of the chamber. Queen Zeal proves that she's one tough boss, then the Mammon Machine brings something through. Ebon Night wants a rematch, and the /tg dice seem to have bet against us as our troops drop like flies.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona, Evangelion, Chrono Trigger2012-01-10 11 
17485818/tg/ Meta Quest 50The crew of the TGS Oncoming Storm and their taskforce stand bloody and weary, but triumphant over Ebon Night and Queen Zeal. With their new allies, the three Gurus of Time, Life, and Reason, they refit the Blackbird into a trans-space ship and make their escape through the space-time rift eating the temporal echo of the Kingdom of Zeal.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona, Evangelion, Chrono Trigger2012-01-10 11 
February 2012
17876480Abaddon Quest XXA Titan is thrown against the ground and broken, learns HOKUTO ZANKAI KENCollective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Malal, Dice Gods2012-02-10 25 
March 2012
18485978Rave And DieA setting in which holographic raves spawn eldritch monstrosities. An organisation has been formed that issues agent with their own visualisation device, producing their own creatures to fight hostile entities. All the while fighting for the support of the crowd.homebrew, RAD, Rave And Die, 3DJ, Pocket Rave Monsters, Music2012-03-29 5 
April 2012
18685046/TG/! Damage Report!The thread starts with the enterprise on fire, and things get worse from there.slenderman, star trek, space marines, Randy Quaid, blood ravens, funny2012-04-13 10 
18919052Blood Raven GiftsThe gift that keeps on giving for the Blood Ravens... mugsmugs, cups, cup diomedes, blood ravens, gifts, diomedes2012-04-30 8 
May 2012
19137841Fortune: Evolution Game - Part 5, (Continued)Part 5 picked up just as it was going into autosage, so a second thread was made. Here we see Rainbow Blimpies and Sailfins begin one-upping each other in the skies and the Ravedragons become ever more FA-A-A-BULOUS!Fortune Evolution, evolution game, evolution, springtime, fabulous, ravedragon, rainbow blimpies, sailfins2012-05-18 10 
July 2012
20031644/tg/ moviemaking An Ork Mockumentuary? A Blood Ravens Comedy? Attempts at a serious movie? It's all more likely than you think. Movie, Warhammer 40k, Space Marines, Ciaphas Cain, Orks, Blood Ravens2012-07-25 12 
October 2012
21153111Lich's Employee Quest pt 14Daniel goes into the woods, and get stuck in a time loop. Time travel occurs.skeleton quest, Hydra, forest, time travel, training, spiders2012-10-17 11 
January 2013
22442104/tg/ Meta Quest 130The End of TG Quest. The Task Force races against Azalin to be the first to the core of the Device, to determine whose will shall retcon the Meta in their image.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, Half-Life, WoD, Void Engineers, New Chaos, The Open Door, Warhammer 40k, Persona 4, SRW J, Ravenloft2013-01-08 25 
22513983/tg/ Meta Quest - Bonus DiskMetaOp answers some questions we have about the quest. Also short stories about the crew.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, Half-Life, WoD, Void Engineers, New Chaos, The Open Door, Warhammer 40k, Persona 4, SRW J, Ravenloft2013-01-12 11 
April 2013
23985379Gargoyle Quest Night IV EndWe leave the black gargoyle only to encounter something even worse than it. Collective Game, Gargoyle Quest, Stone Mason, Angel, Gravel, Gargoyles2013-04-01 11 
June 2013
25454059Gundam AGE Quest: Part 31Jake's turn in the spotlight after a LONG time. We learn his origins, meet up with an old friend, dust off the old time machine and hey look, Cthulu. Gundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Kamina, Awesome, Quest, X-Rounder, Flit, Diva, Inception, Ambat, SID, A.I., Yurin, Time Travel, Cthulu2013-06-16 32 
July 2013
26308859Samus Aran vs a Space MarineA discussion as to who would win in a fight goes to weird and wonderful places.Metroid, 40K, Space Marine, Samus Aran, Unknown Primarch, Blood Ravens, Bjorn2013-07-29 10 
August 2013
26937160Quirks of flying an old, shitty shipSmall touches to make an old ship more... lived in.Traveller, game ideas, roleplay, space ships2013-08-31 66 
September 2013
27321694Fantasy Criminal Quest 1: The EscapeWe orchestrate a jailbreak and decide to make for orc lands.Collective Game, Fantasy Criminal Quest, Raven2013-09-20 5 
27330793Fantasy Criminal Quest 2: The ChaseWe're on the run from authorities, pick up some wolf puppies, and join Uurlor's tribe.Collective Game, Fantasy Criminal Quest, Raven2013-09-21 2 
October 2013
27744952Gundam AGE Quest: Part 56Fights, Goo grenades, and a misunderstanding of gravity that upsets people and turns a spite detonation into the biggest overreaction in the history of the Advanced Generation Era. Gundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Kamina, Awesome, Quest, X-Rounder, Flit, Diva, Inception, Ambat, SID, A.I., Yurin, Gravity, Crosswire2013-10-15 26 
27763333Teen Titans QuestHumble moves his Quest from /co/ to /tg/: Donn Mortem, an Endless who has teamed up with the Teen TitansTeen Titans Quest, Teen Titans, Quest, Collective Game, Death, Son, Robin, Raven, Donn Mortem, Donn, Mortem, Undying2013-10-16 15 
27780183Teen Titans Quest 2A bunch of fa/tg/uys shoot the shit while waiting for OP to deliver (Better than it sounds, trust me)Teen Titans Quest, Teen Titans, Quest, Collective Game, Death, Son, Robin, Raven, Donn Mortem, Donn, Mortem, Undying2013-10-17 8 
27813938Teen Titans Quest 3We finally take a vacation.Teen Titans Quest, Teen Titans, Quest, Collective Game, Death, Son, Robin, Raven, Donn Mortem, Donn, Mortem, Undying2013-10-19 4 
27847111Teen Titans Quest 4Vacation Time: PTSD editionTeen Titans Quest, Teen Titans, Quest, Collective Game, Death, Son, Robin, Raven, Donn Mortem, Donn, Mortem, Undying2013-10-21 3 
27866237Teen Titans Quest 5We do character interactions and then feel emotionally conflicted.Teen Titans Quest, Teen Titans, Quest, Collective Game, Death, Son, Robin, Raven, Donn Mortem, Donn, Mortem, Undying2013-10-22 3 
27902796Teen Titans Quest 6We journey into Raven's mind for repairs.Teen Titans Quest, Teen Titans, Quest, Collective Game, Death, Son, Robin, Raven, Donn Mortem, Donn, Mortem, Undying2013-10-24 12 
27938758Abandoned Spacestation Ideas/tg/ gets together to brainstorm ideas on stuff to find in a space derelict. Both spooky and hilarious answers follow.Traveller, Stars Without Number, Diaspora, space, game ideas, sci-fi2013-10-26 10 
28025401Teen Titans Quest 7Raven tells us to stop being mopey and we meet Terra.Teen Titans Quest, Teen Titans, Quest, Collective Game, Death, Son, Robin, Raven, Donn Mortem, Donn, Mortem, Undying2013-10-31 8 
November 2013
28090483Teen Titans Quest 8Super-powered volleyball matchTeen Titans Quest, Teen Titans, Quest, Collective Game, Death, Son, Robin, Raven, Donn Mortem, Donn, Mortem, Undying2013-11-04 5 
28095611Teen Titans Quest 9Donn macks on Cyborg, Starfire trips balls and there are some bonfire shenanigans.Teen Titans Quest, Teen Titans, Quest, Collective Game, Death, Son, Robin, Raven, Donn Mortem, Donn, Mortem, Undying2013-11-04 4 
28144442Teen Titans Quest 10Starfire goes missing, we look for her in the forest and shit happens.Teen Titans Quest, Teen Titans, Quest, Collective Game, Death, Son, Robin, Raven, Donn Mortem, Donn, Mortem, Undying2013-11-07 4 
28150105Teen Titans Quest 11We get kidnapped by cultists. Whoopee.Teen Titans Quest, Teen Titans, Quest, Collective Game, Death, Son, Robin, Raven, Donn Mortem, Donn, Mortem, Undying2013-11-07 4 
December 2013
29069972Traveller GeneralTraveller info and discussiontraveller2013-12-28 2 
January 2014
29259624Teen Titans CYOA #?Somnius was right all along.Teen Titans Quest, Teen Titans, Quest, Collective Game, Death, Son, Robin, Raven, Donn Mortem, Donn, Mortem, Undying, Somnius was right2014-01-04 5 
29324490Gundam AGE Quest: [Side Story] Jake’s Adventures in Time Jake gets drunk with friends, makes perfect pancakes, sets a time machine on fire, and kicks some ass in another dimension. Gundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Collective Game, Time Travel, Side Story, Treasure Star2014-01-07 24 
29368212Teen Titans Quest #14What a comeback!Teen Titans Quest, Teen Titans, Quest, Collective Game, Death, Son, Robin, Raven, Donn Mortem, Donn, Mortem, Undying2014-01-09 6 
29606636Gundam AGE Quest: [Side Story] Jake’s Adventures in Time 2Jake sobers up and takes charge. He then proceeds to get his mind read and teams up with the last Mineva Zabi to find the Universal Charter. A battle ensues and a new map system is tried outGundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Collective Game, Time Travel, Side Story, Treasure Star, Puru, Full Frontal, Mineva, Zabi2014-01-19 24 
29662376Gundam AGE Quest: [Side Story] Jake’s Adventures in Time 3Jake sides himself with Neo Zeon. System changes are discussed and suggested and Puru's galore! Gundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Collective Game, Time Travel, Side Story, Treasure Star, Puru, Full Frontal, Mineva, Zabi, Puru2014-01-21 24 
February 2014
30258920Gundam AGE Quest: [Side Story] Jake’s Adventures in Time 4Jake located the Universal Charter for Neo Zeon and is contacted by a strange entity known as the "Id" saying it help him and not his friends. They are attacked by the Titans and he is forced to make a choice, will he betray those he helped or stay loyal only to himself? Gundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Collective Game, Time Travel, Side Story, Treasure Star, Puru, Full Frontal, Mineva, Zabi, Puru2014-02-16 24 
30277066Teen Titans Quest # 15We fight kaiju in Gypsie Danger and recieve encouraging words from Superman himself.Teen Titans Quest, Teen Titans, Quest, Collective Game, Death, Son, Robin, Raven, Donn Mortem, Donn, Mortem, Undying2014-02-16 11 
30413981Gundam AGE Quest: [Side Story] Jake’s Adventures in Time 5Jake and pals get whisked off to another dimension, however they end up dragging folks along for the ride. They find themselves in a world ruled by a pink haired tyrant. Will they defeat her? Will they get back home? The story is beginning to come to a close...Gundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Collective Game, Time Travel, Side Story, Treasure Star, Kira, Lacus, Evil, Terminal, SEED, Mara2014-02-23 24 
March 2014
30569292Gundam AGE Quest: [Side Story] Jake’s Adventures in Time 6Weapons are built, preparations are made, and the assult on Terminal HQ begins. Ether Lacus dies, or everyone dies. Gundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Collective Game, Time Travel, Side Story, Treasure Star, Kira, Lacus, Evil, Terminal, SEED, Apsalus2014-03-02 24 
30712960 Gundam AGE Quest: [Side Story] Jake’s Adventures in Time 7Kira Clones. Pink Mobile Suits. The end of an adventure and a sad separation. Jake's adventure comes to an end...Gundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Collective Game, Time Travel, Side Story, Treasure Star, Kira, Lacus, Evil, Terminal, SEED, Apsalus2014-03-09 24 
30745096The Night Shift: Second ShiftThe second thread in which the setting and campaign module of the Night Shift (also known as the "Graveyard Shift") is discussed, more frightening and bizarre happenings are compiled, and the merits of NPCs and additional tables are debated.Night Shift, Graveyard Shift, surreal, horror, setting, homebrew, world building, brainstorming2014-03-10 20 
30763437The Night Shift: Third ShiftThe third thread in which the setting and campaign module of the Night Shift is discussed, even more frightening and bizarre happenings are compiled, and a talented Anon continues to crunch things out.Night Shift, Graveyard Shift, surreal, horror, setting, homebrew, world building, brainstorming, crunch2014-03-11 11 
30796508The Night Shift: Fourth ShiftThe fourth thread in which the setting and campaign module of the Night Shift is discussed, yet more frightening and bizarre happenings are compiled, and a thoughtful discussion of the crunch and fluff take place. Night Shift, Graveyard Shift, surreal, horror, setting, homebrew, world building, brainstorming, crunch, fluff2014-03-13 12 
May 2014
32110981In The Utter Darkness of the 56th Millennium, There is nothingAnon's Rogue Trader campaign is caught in a Warp eddie and thrown forward in time to the 56th Millennium to find that the entire galaxy is dead. Discussion, possible causes, Battlestar Galacticas and backstabbing result. Lots of backstabbing.Rogue Trader, Warp, Time Travel, Future, Rock Falls Everybody Dies, Backstabbing2014-05-14 9 
32262741 Ravnica Detective Quest: Case 1, Part 1Diktrashy "Pie-Eye, the Goblin P.I. starts on his journey to make it in the biggest city. Ever.Ravnica Detective Quest, Collective Game, PIs, HaHaHa2014-05-21 2 
32281483Ravnica Detective Quest: Case 1, Part 2Slow start and slow finish and the Captain learns a lesson.Ravnica Detective Quest, Collective Game, P.I.s, CaptainCarthage2014-05-22 2 
32308261Ravnica Detective Quest: Case 1 The Lotus in the Tower, Part 3Trashy picks up some rumors and enlists the help of an old friend. There is a very brief fight with a cat.Ravnica Detective Quest, Collective Game, P.I.s, CaptainCarthage, kebab2014-05-24 0 
32331523Ravnica Detective Quest: Case 1 The Lotus in the Tower, Part 4Plans are made, sneaking is done and young girls cry.Ravnica Detective Quest, Collective Game, P.I.s, CaptainCarthage, twists2014-05-25 0 
32395201Ravnica Detective Quest: Case 1 The Lotus in the Tower, Part 5Trashy finds his magic, runs from a fight and makes a delivery. Ravnica Detective Quest, Collective Game, P.I.s, CaptainCarthage, Frosty2014-05-28 0 
June 2014
32664983Three Kingdoms QuestWe, the minor noble Zhu Xing, take our first step on the road to becoming a General of the High Heavens. Also, we serve Lu Bu! For now, anyway.Raian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time2014-06-09 25 
32683252Three Kingdoms Quest 2 Zhu Xing defends Luoyang, becomes Commandant of the Guards, and makes friends with other officers. Raian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Three Kingdoms2014-06-10 18 
32731285Raving Detective Quest: Case 1 The Lotus in the Tower, part 6The stars are back and cold, and the night is closing in, as I stare into the void, into the whirlpool of my sinRavnica Detective Quest, Collective Game, P.I.s, CaptainCarthage, Failure2014-06-13 0 
32767117Three Kingdoms Quest 3Ding Dong the witch is Dead Raian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Three Kingdoms2014-06-14 14 
32811583Three Kingdoms Quest 4 We return to our hometown and head south for a new beginning Raian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Three Kingdoms2014-06-16 18 
July 2014
33115171Three Kingdoms Quest Part 7In the late 1st century AD China, there is only war, and the laugh of thirsting Lu Bu, which his daughter is getting closer to Zhu Xing as days goes by Boner plsRaian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Lu Linqi2014-07-01 15 
33259543Three Kingdoms Quest Part 8We regroup and battle Wang Lang. Thread cut short due to circumstances.Raian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Three Kingdoms, Lu Lingqi2014-07-08 18 
33411203Three Kingdoms Quest Part ⑨Zhu Xing invents a new dish that consists of cooked wheat dough in the form of long, slender, solid strings, and then proceeds to spill it.Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Zhu Xing, Lu Lingqi, Strategic Blunders2014-07-15 13 
33570642Three Kingdoms Quest Part 10We begin our battle against Yuan Shu's army Raian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Three Kingdoms, Lu Lingqi2014-07-22 18 
33734908Three Kingdoms Quest Part 11Zhu Xing continues his political intrigues in Jing provinceRaian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Three Kingdoms, Zhu Xing, Lu Lingqi2014-07-29 16 
August 2014
33900226Three Kingdoms Quest Part 12Zhu Xing becomes the prefect of Wu and makes progress with a certain someone Raian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Three Kingdoms, Zhu Xing, Lu Lingqi 2014-08-05 22 
33923041Three Kingdoms Quest Part 13Zhu Xing tries to govern the city, parties hard, and prepares for his next campaign Raian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Three Kingdoms, Zhu Xing, Lu Lingqi2014-08-06 15 
34072613Three Kingdoms Quest Part 14Zhu Xing builds up an army to campaign against Yuan Shu and battles Sun CeRaian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Three Kingdoms, Zhu Xing, Lu Lingqi2014-08-12 12 
34079694Three Kingdoms Quest Part 14.5Zhu Xing finds out whether his waifu survives an encounter with a pyromaniac Raian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Three Kingdoms, Zhu Xing, Lu Lingqi2014-08-12 12 
34261928Three Kingdoms Quest Part 15Zhu Xing teams up with Gan Ning and battles Sun Ce's forcesRaian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Three Kingdoms, Zhu Xing, Lu Lingqi2014-08-20 12 
34281452Timesplicer QuestA necromancer from medieval times gets thrown into a cyberpunk future with nothing but the (odd) clothes on his back, and his trusty catalyst. Timetravel, Magic, Cyberpunk, Quest2014-08-21 5 
34401049Three Kingdoms Quest Part 16Zhu Xing attempts to take Lu Jiang commandery from Sun Ce and Yuan Shu. Raian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Three Kingdoms, Zhu Xing, Lu Lingqi 2014-08-26 21 
October 2014
35586871Tiji Sector - Traveller 1It has come to my attention that /tg/ has a Sector for 40k, but not Traveller. We should correct this grievous error. Traveller, tiji, sector, tiji sector, homebrew, design, Mongoose, Classic2014-10-19 2 
35631395Tiji Sector, Sub-sector A, part 2It has come to my attention that /tg/ has a Sector for 40k, but not Traveller. We should correct this grievous error. Traveller, tiji, sector, tiji sector, homebrew, design, Mongoose, Classic2014-10-20 2 
35652246Tiji Sector Project, Sub-Sector A Part3It has come to my attention that /tg/ has a Sector for 40k, but not Traveller. We should correct this grievous error. Traveller, sector, tiji sector, homebrew, design, Mongoose, Classic2014-10-21 2 
35713147Khornette Quest #14In which we annoy Ignitrix (lovingly), corrupt/kill some Blood Ravens, and generally play Fleet AdmiralCollective Game, Khornette, Nurglette, Tzeentchette, Lady of Change, Blood Ravens, ELH2014-10-24 14 
35706457Tiji Sector Project, Sub-Sector A Part 4A lot of bumping waiting for /tg/ to get off it's ass and stop masturbating to MtG and 40kTraveller, sector, tiji sector, homebrew, design, Mongoose, Classic2014-10-24 2 
35687091Surreal Horror Ideas: Highways and Byways EditionWhat sorts of bizarre and otherworldly experiences might a hapless group of characters encounter on a cross-country road trip, an unexpected detour or simply on the way to work?Surreal, horror, highways, roads, cars, ghosts, travel, roadtrip, brainstorming, fluff, Australia2014-10-24 8 
35740251Tiji Sector Project, Sub-Sector A Part 5Anon makes a Brick Joke that gets some math behind it. Four more systems completed, plans get made for the Quadrant.Traveller, sector, tiji sector, homebrew, design, Mongoose, Classic, T52014-10-25 2 
35801160Tiji Sector Project, Sub-Sector A Part 6A few more systems get detailed, polities of the Sector are Discussed. ForeverGM is old and heads to bed earlyTraveller, sector, tiji sector, homebrew, design, Mongoose, Classic, T52014-10-28 2 
35822300Tiji Sector Project, Sub-Sector A Part 7Systems get developed, a rest is declared, polities are contemplated, and the Sub-Sector Map is posted. Traveller, sector, tiji sector, homebrew, design, Mongoose, Classic, T52014-10-29 2 
35864849Tiji Sector Project, Polities and Places of Sub-Sector AForeverGM makes a T5 character waiting for /tg/ anons to join the discussion.Traveller, sector, tiji sector, homebrew, design, Mongoose, Classic, T5, character creation2014-10-31 2 
November 2014
35947193Tiji Sector Project, Sub-Sector B, Imperial SpurA Long Living Thread trying to generate interest for the project. System Info generated for SSB. Traveller, sector, tiji sector, homebrew, design, Mongoose, Classic, T52014-11-05 0 
36084553Tiji Sector Project, Sub-Sector B part 2Starting the week off right with a new Tiji Sector thread. Sub-Sector B the Imperial Spur gets some polish and a new polity arises.Traveller, sector, tiji sector, homebrew, design, Mongoose, Classic, T52014-11-11 0 
36130187Tiji Sector Project, Sub-Sector B part 3Not a lot gets done at first, but not!Pirates get a new system to scope out.Traveller, sector, tiji sector, homebrew, design, Mongoose, Classic, T52014-11-13 2 
36234503Tiji Sector Project, Sub-Sector B part 4Work Progresses and new systems are fleshed out, FGM has crappy internet. Subversion of the Feldspar Alliance.Traveller, sector, tiji sector, homebrew, design, Mongoose, Classic, T52014-11-18 0 
December 2014
36514714Tiji Sector Project, It's ALIVEFGM is back and get's the Project back on track...or not, thanks captcha.Traveller, sector, tiji sector, homebrew, design, Mongoose, Classic, T52014-12-02 1 
36536175Tiji Sector Project, A False HopeFurther development of a Traveller Sector for /tg/Traveller, Sector, Tijii2014-12-03 0 
January 2015
37122120Night Shift: Minimum Wage, Maximum Weird. 2015 EditionNight Shift Anon returns with some play test stories and some new event ideas are pitched. Night Shift, Graveyard Shift, surreal, horror, setting, homebrew, world building, brainstorming2015-01-04 6 
37540656Modern Knight Quest Thread #1Sir Adlrich Brickvelt, Knight and Crusader, dies and somehow ends up in the future in New York.Collective Game, Modern Knight Quest, Knight, Time Travel2015-01-22 16 
37559600Modern Knight Quest #2Sir Aldrich Brickvelt, humble knight and Crusader discovers that there are others like him, from the past and in the future and he gets a new set of future clothes.Collective Game, Modern Knight Quest, Knight, Time Travel, Kebab2015-01-23 11 
37625182Modern Knight Quest #3Our intrepid Knight arrives at his saviour's home and learns about modern bathrooms and, most importantly, himself.Collective Game, Modern Knight Quest, Knight, Time Travel, Bathroom2015-01-26 10 
37667091Modern Knight Quest #4Our humble crusader learns more about this strange land, the events of history since his dissappearance, and the dark forces at work that sent him there.Collective Game, Modern Knight Quest, Knight, Time Travel, Revelations2015-01-29 7 
37707670Modern Knight Quest #5Our bold hero learns a little more about his host and a little more about modern dispositionsCollective Game, Modern Knight Quest, Knight, Time Travel, Siblings2015-01-30 5 
February 2015
37756776Modern Knight Quest #6Ser Aldrich continues his quest ay the Museum of Natural Histor, where dark forces grow below...little more about modern dispositions Collective Game, Modern Knight Quest, Knight, Time Travel, Dread2015-02-03 5 
37823911Modern Knight Quest #7Having discovered the evil at work in the museum, Ser Aldrich and Leonardo DeRetti steal priceless artifacts to slay Djinni and a wizard.Collective Game, Modern Knight Quest, Knight, Time Travel, Horseman, Djinn2015-02-05 6 
37961700Tiji Sector Project, A New HopeFGM is back and get's the Project back on track, rant about workTraveller, sector, tiji sector, homebrew, design, Mongoose, Classic, T52015-02-13 0 
38002817Modern Knight Quest #8With our supernatural foes vanquished but our exit sealed we traverse the long dark of the 'Sub Way', where we confess to our new comrade our checkered past...Collective Game, Modern Knight Quest, Knight, Time Travel, Horseman, Origins2015-02-14 5 
April 2015
39195049Minotauress quest: part 6We step into the magical training area, find it to be inhospitable, then fight two humanoid raven guards.Collective game, Minotauress quest, sorcerer, castle, ravens, magic2015-04-08 10 
39256600Minotauress quest: part 8We discuss stuff, and bang HereshielCollective game, Minotauress quest, sorcerer, castle, ravens, magic2015-04-11 7 
May 2015
39838234Lost in Time Quest #1John Erin Perry (you) begins his adventure, by traveling somewhere and attracting dorfs.Lost In Time Quest, Time, Roanoke, Artemis, ArtemisQM, Collective Game, Time Travel, Fantasy2015-05-09 7 
39872014Lost In Time Quest #2You fix sewers, discover the wonders of female beards, built gatling guns, and prepare to save Hashan.Lost In Time Quest, Time, Roanoke, Artemis, ArtemisQM, Collective Game, Time Travel, Fantasy2015-05-11 6 
39978158Lost In Time Quest #3You arrive in Hashan, get some crits, learn magic, and begin your war on the humans of Cliffcoast.Lost In Time Quest, Time, Roanoke, Artemis, ArtemisQM, Collective Game, Time Travel, Fantasy2015-05-16 5 
39995767Lost in Time Quest #4You defend Hashan negotiate a ceasefire and start making a railroadLost In Time Quest, Time, Roanoke, Artemis, ArtemisQM, Collective Game, Time Travel, Fantasy2015-05-17 6 
40015482Lost In Time Quest #5We finally return to Roanoke and draft up a truly awesome constitution.Lost In Time Quest, Time, Roanoke, Artemis, ArtemisQM, Collective Game, Time Travel, Fantasy, Magitech2015-05-17 5 
40119009Lost in Time Quest #6You arrive at the human city, get scoffed at (a lot), prepare for Noros Soros back home, and kill elves.Lost In Time Quest, Time, Roanoke, Artemis, ArtemisQM, Collective Game, Time Travel, Fantasy2015-05-23 6 
July 2015
40944771Weimar QuestInterwar Germany takes a turn somewhere.Weinar Quest, Germany, Kaiser, time-travelling moon nazis2015-07-02 5 
41180055Lost Primarch Quest 15KRAVEN LIVES!!!!collective game, lost primarch quest, eleventh primarch, kraven lives, spess battle2015-07-13 7 
41256120The Bloody MagpiesThe Blood Ravens are discussed. Their thieving ways, their ancestry... also Trayzn.blood ravens, warhammer 40k, wh40k, magpies, gifts2015-07-16 6 
December 2015
43944461Talons of CorvusWhat if Raven Guard had a successor Chapter that was essentially a more heroic version of C&C's Brotherhood of Nod.Space, Marines, Space Marines, Warhammer, Warhammer 40000, Warhammer 40K, 40K, Raven Guard, 2015-12-02 5 
43962808Talons of Corvus 2nd ThreadContinuation of the previous thread. Now with more fleshing out and a nice story.Space, Marines, Space Marines, Warhammer, Warhammer 40000, Warhammer 40K, 40K, Raven Guard, 2015-12-04 3 
44018095Talons of Corvus 2nd ThreadContinuation of the previous thread. Sadly with less activity...Space, Marines, Space Marines, Warhammer, Warhammer 40000, Warhammer 40K, 40K, Raven Guard, 2015-12-06 2 
March 2016
45880304One Foot in the Grave Quest 1 James Mantell III get's stabbed, stabs, and Dies. Twice.Collective Game, Redemptor, One Foot in the grave, Dying twice.2016-03-08 5 
45902015One Foot in the Grave Quest 2James rises from the grave, and has a heartfelt discussion about dad. Anons confront their little sister fetish.Collective Game, Redemptor, One Foot in the grave, OreImo2016-03-09 2 
46011571One Foot in the Grave Quest 3James get's dressed, goes out and IS A FAMILY MAN. He also gets shot, and we deal with his past, Redemptor finally caves to twitter.Collective Game, Redemptor, One Foot in the grave, Path change.2016-03-14 2 
46033580One Foot in the Grave Quest 4James does a lot of fighting, and cheats like a pirate. Redemptor slowly dies and can't greentext.Collective Game, Redemptor, One Foot in the grave, DUEL!2016-03-15 2 
46182256One Foot in the Grave Quest 5Mass confusion, Mr.Smut get's his way, and we take a day off.Collective Game, Redemptor, One Foot in the grave, Pacefism2016-03-23 1 
46203924One Foot in the Grave Quest 5.5Slices of life abounds, Redem is bloody useless at everything, and minion is trapped in spainCollective Game, Redemptor, One Foot in the grave, Slice of life2016-03-23 1 
46307292One Foot in the Grave Quest 6James gets thrown about like a ragdoll, then goes hunting.Collective Game, Redemptor, One Foot in the grave, Advanced Bear.2016-03-28 1 
April 2016
46369213Horror & General spookytg refrains from shitposting as they inform a GM good ways to spookhorror, space, travel, discussion, GM2016-04-01 1 
May 2016
11026Traveller Quest #1We're on a ship in Jumpspace. It's been sabotaged. Captain and first officer are dead, we suffer partial memory loss, and have no idea whysci-fi, traveller, rpg, space2016-05-03 6 
101374Traveller Quest #2We discover the real saboteur and make it planetside to discover a chance at a fresh start.Traveller Quest, Traveller, sci-fi, rpg, space, Phoenix2016-05-12 6 
47446534Red Throat Ghoul Quest: RecapJyoti returns to tell the tale of the Red Throat Ghoulscollective game, red throat ghoul quest, undead, ghoul, graveqm, 2016-05-26 5 
185457Traveller Quest #3Short session in which we continue our search for a crew.Traveller Quest, Traveller, sci-fi, rpg, space2016-05-28 4 
June 2016
302151Travelling Merchant Quest #3We sell a keg of mead to an inn and hear a tale from a couple of miners.Travelling Merchant Quest2016-06-29 1 
July 2016
317066Travelling Merchant Quest #4We buy iron ore, thread and rope, inspect a store-room and visit a blacksmith's forge.Travelling Merchant Quest2016-07-03 2 
335495Travelling Merchant Quest #5We buy a shortsword, visit an ice cellar, view a map and sail to Seaspray Island where apparently an expedition is taking place.Travelling Merchant Quest2016-07-10 2 
367747Magic: Ravnica QuestThe players roll up a white equenaut who knocks up a dryad and betrays the church.Collective Game, Magic the Gathering, MtG, Ravnica2016-07-24 1 
August 2016
48593389The Tale of Denglebert JonesAn anon has /tg/ make a 2E Traveller character. Things get sad.Traveller2016-08-03 21 
439870Traveller Quest #4Taking our pilot-to-be out for breakfast, we convince her to join our crew before setting off in search of a fifth member.Traveller Quest, Traveller, sci-fi, rpg, space2016-08-04 1 
416587Magic: Ravnica Quest #2What could go wrong when you give sentience to an animal?Collective Game, Magic the Gathering, MtG, Ravnica2016-08-06 1 
48746483Space Marine RecruitmentWe discussed how space marines recruit, test, and train their initiates. Then we segway into Garr'Ret, Blood Raven Master thief.Space Marine Recruitment, Bloody Magpies, Blood Ravens, Thief, Garrett2016-08-14 8 
447985BioArmor Quest: 1st VHS80's cult classic Bio Armor Manu Beetalion presented in glorious low definition. Contains all of episode one and part of episode two.Collective Game, BioArmor Quest, Questguy, Science Fiction, 1980s, OVA, Henshin, Conspiracy, Ultraviolence2016-08-16 9 
48833915Traveller Character Gen Part 3We create James Lee, ex-pirate.Traveller2016-08-18 5 
48888826Traveller Character Generation Part 4In which we create Owen Ryder, ex-navy party animal and captain of the CarrhaeTraveller2016-08-21 1 
September 2016
513726BioArmor Quest: 2nd VHSIn which we continue our marathon of the early 90's OVA classic Bio Armor Manu: BeetalionCollective Game, BioArmor Quest, Questguy, Science Fiction, 1980s, OVA, Henshin, Conspiracy, Ultraviolence2016-09-12 10 
606293BioArmor Quest: 3rd VHSIn which we finally become the BioArmor.Collective Game, BioArmor Quest, Questguy, Science Fiction, 1980s, OVA, Henshin, Conspiracy, Ultraviolence2016-09-23 13 
October 2016
662577Starborn Quest 13: And Then There Were ThreeWe roll through the night to Rono Pass. An old face returns and the village might bring some problems.Collective Game, Purps, Hona, Luc Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Darna, Minerva, Wagon, Rono Pass, Travel, Enigma, Tavern, Feelings, Village2016-10-06 3 
673177Starborn Quest 14: The Village/ No Magical Girls for hire EditionWe have some fun in Rono Pass. Fun here meaning investigating the Darnites who apparently don't like us - who knew?Collective Game, Purps, Hona, Luc Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Darna, Minerva, Wagon, Rono Pass, Travel, Enigma, Tavern, Feelings, Village2016-10-09 2 
690366Starborn Quest 15: Knuckle DownDown in Rono Pass, when the storms they're a raging. Down by the tavern - the bell is a tolling.Collective Game, Purps, Hona, Luc Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Darna, Minerva, Wagon, Rono Pass, Travel, Enigma, Tavern, Feelings, Village2016-10-12 2 
704590Starborn Quest 16: Sunshine at MidnightWe explore the temple of Minerva. Begin doing some Tomb Raider puzzle solving and roll a nat 1. Also Frank.Collective Game, Purps, Hona, Luc Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Darna, Minerva, Wagon, Rono Pass, Travel, Enigma, Tavern, Feelings, Village2016-10-18 2 
697511BioArmor Quest: 4th VHSIn which we take a quick jump into a possible future, a future of hunger and desperation.Collective Game, BioArmor Quest, Questguy, Science Fiction, 1980s, OVA, Henshin, Conspiracy, Ultraviolence, Post-Apocalypse, 2016-10-25 1 
November 2016
811757Starborn Quest 22: Tuesday's GoneWe travel, talk to Hona, flesh out her character, DOUBLE CRIT PASS, Collective Game, Purps, Hona, Luc, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Darna, Minerva, Wagon, Singing, Travel, Enigma, Tavern, Feelings, Zen2016-11-13 2 
863297TravelingCircus Quest #1A new quest sets off!!Traveling Circus, 0NullUnd1Eins2016-11-25 2 
865861TravelingCircus Quest #2talking headsTraveling Circus, 0NullUnd1Eins2016-11-28 1 
January 2017
50965957Ship quirk threadA thread about space ship quirks gives birth to a tiny race called the "Borrowers"Borrowers, space borrowers, space, tiny, aliens, grandma, quirks, pirates, traveller, ai, Cessna2017-01-11 15 
51179503Consequences of realistic FTL.OP asks about the consequences of realistic FTL travels to /tg/ towards causality and time-dilution, 51181840 Anon nails it.Sci-fi, science-fiction, setting, settings, FTL, FTL travel, causality, time travel, time-dilution, time-dilutions2017-01-13 6 
1038973The Traveler SagaAce and anons take us off on an adventure to go lute-ing in the Northeast, thread is slow and autosages while we sit 'round a campfireTraveler Saga, Lute2017-01-20 4 
February 2017
1094952The Traveler Saga - Chapter 2As we sit around the campfire, Thom O’Avelyn tells us the story of adventurers lost in the plague-ridden jungles of the Southwest. Traveler Saga, Lute2017-02-02 3 
March 2017
1317205The Plane-Travelers QuestWhat if people would soon lose themselves in that dream alone through a spiritual plane of imagination? (Moved to Anonkun)The Plane-Travelers Quest, Collective Game2017-03-30 1 
May 2017
1440293Starborn For Hire 7: SHOWTIMEPurps sets off her trap. Then a running battle is joined. Meet; S.T.A.L.K.E.RCollective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover,Boss Fight, Travelling,2017-05-11 6 
1495829A Foreign LandYou are a traveler in a foreign land.foreign, land, travel, exploration, hats2017-05-29 2 
June 2017
1513211A Foreign Land: Part 2You are a traveler in a foreign land again.foreign, land, travel, exploration, hats2017-06-03 2 
1521299Starborn For Hire 11 We'll Reach Leno EventuallyThe party make it to Leno and take up watch. Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover,Boss Fight, Travelling,2017-06-03 5 
1583306Teen Titans Quest #1Adam is born and escapes villainous custody, running into and joining the Teen Titans.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, Ravager Noooo2017-06-19 16 
53918453A Post-Apocalyptic Journey By RailA group of wanderers rides the last train bound westward in the hopes of finding some bastion of civilization at the end of the line.Post-Apocalyptic, Railroads. Rail Travel, Trains, Supernatural, Worldbuilding, Brainstorming2017-06-22 10 
1602317Teen Titans Quest #2Adam helps out Harley and Ivy with a problem.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers2017-06-26 11 
1624503Teen Titans Quest #3Adam meets the new teammate and beats the Black Canary in a spar.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-06-30 7 
July 2017
1641095Teen Titans Quest #4Adam helps foil a theft and then goes on a lovely date.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-07-09 6 
1661490Teen Titans Quest #5Adam, Beast Boy and Terra head to Star City to recruit/rescue M'gann, but they find that the situation is more complicated than you'd expeTeen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-07-16 5 
1683532Teen Titans Sidequest #1: Quinn QuestThe Big Lewbsoki with boobs and guns. Fargo with capes.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor, sidequest, Quinn Quest2017-07-20 5 
1694129Teen Titans Quest #6Adam finishes off the Brotherhood's attack and pounds a clown.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-07-23 5 
1713520Teen Titans Quest #7Adam tells Raven everything, fights off a big guy, then goes to work.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-07-30 5 
August 2017
1734163Teen Titans Quest #8Adam goes on an island adventure, gets married and gets divorced in the same day.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-08-07 5 
1766710Metahuman Quest: Issue #6Gray Ghost successfully completes his first mission with the Teen Titans, and meets a new friend? Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Teen Titans, Miss Martian, Ravager, Fearsome Five, High Roller2017-08-13 6 
1760420Teen Titans Quest #9Some cooldown time and a nice date.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-08-14 5 
1782308Starborn Quest 34: Woooooah We're halfway there. Ohhh Sleeping in a ChairA lot of travelling happens and we meet a new fella. Lex looks worse for wear before Honamurei takes on the stranger.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Travel, Honamurei, Luc, Tessius, Gine, Lexington, Gine, Sparring, ARMBAR, Academy Arc2017-08-20 1 
1778698Teen Titans Quest #10Well, he tried.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-08-23 2 
1802102Teen Titans Quest #11Someone got Violated©™Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-08-31 3 
September 2017
1845592Teen Titans Quest #12No time for Snu-Snu.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-09-14 5 
1863207Teen Titans Quest #13Fighting off a demon incursion.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-09-19 3 
1884303Teen Titans Quest #14Cooldown time after that Slade and Violator stuff. Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-09-25 3 
October 2017
1908158Teen Titans Quest #15Lex Luthor is surprisingly helpful and talkative.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-10-06 3 
1934188Teen Titans Quest #16Finishing a shoot, picking up Rose and preparing for the mission.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-10-12 2 
1955532Teen Titans Quest #17An ace in the sleeve.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-10-16 5 
1983106Teen Titans Quest #18Joker's Wild Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-10-23 2 
November 2017
2010859Teen Titans Quest #19What a tough crowd.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-11-02 2 
2032859Teen Titans Quest #20Not much happenedTeen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-11-10 2 
2064906Starborn Quest 38: PerspectiveHitchhikers Guide to the Planes, Lex gives Purps a little lesson. Then the Dragon Nation AttacksStarborm, Wagon, Star, Planes, Purps, Hona, Honamurei, Lisbeth, vernon, Lexington, Doc Lexington, Boss Fight, Dragon, Travelling, Balthazar2017-11-16 2 
2070609Caravan Quest 1Dim Palmfast lands in a new shard of the old world. He continues his duty to guide survivors away from the insidious Vice.Strategy, Management, Fantasy, Apocalypse, Caravan Quest2017-11-18 4 
2089447Quest Lyoko 6: RecoveryAfter Xana's fun day. We switch perspectives to Sissi and then Odd. Also, GIANT ENEMY KRAB?Collective Game,Star, Wagon,Quest Lyoko, Lyoko, Xana, Odd, Sissi, Boss Fight, Critical Instinct, Krab, Hornets, Kanklerats, Ravine, Kadic2017-11-25 2 
December 2017
2126056Starborn Quest 40: The AcademyPurps and the gang roll up to the academy, where paperwork, old friends and new friends await.Starborn, Wagon, Star, Drama , Purps, Hona, Honamurei, Lisbeth, Vernon, Lexington, Doc Lexington, Academy, Tornin, Travelling, Comfy2017-12-09 2 
2143066Starborn Quest 41: Welcome to the JungleAcademic things continueCollective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Travel, Honamurei, Luc, Tessius, Gine, Lexington, Gine, Sparring, ARMBAR, Academy Arc2017-12-20 2 
2146482Silent Stars: Side StoryAn Industrial mech becomes self aware, slaughters a gang, fights a tank, and rescues a clone.NonGent, Space, Mechs, Tanks, Ultraviolence, Clones2017-12-22 2 
January 2018
2165968Silent Stars: Side Story vol 2An AI commits fraud, becomes a cop, gets molested, meets and kills strange people, develops a sense of morality, and starts a city.NonGent, Dystopia, Cyborgs, Tanks, Ultraviolence, Collective game2018-01-01 2 
2197283Quest Lyoko 7: ResurgenceXana & Co wake up to some changes. After all, there wasn't a sports festival before we returned to the past; was there?Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Quest Lyoko, Lyoko, Xana, Time Travel, Jeremy, Odd, Ulrich, Yumi, Sissi, AI, Sci Fi, School, Social Links2018-01-11 2 
February 2018
57709449Chronomancer Nobility Worldbuilding/tg/ develops a setting where the nobility are all time travelers.chronomancers, time travel, paradox, worldbuilding, setting,2018-02-12 1 
March 2018
2350346Smee QuestThe biggest quest since the silent era.Smee, CIA, Bane, Kino, Kinoplex, Collective Game, Nolan, Bravo, Smee Quest, Wreckage Brother, Interlinked, UUUU2018-03-10 5 
2422917Cyber Demon Quest Redux IThe prodigal king returns. Take control of Steelshape Saurian and RIP AND TEAR.Ultraviolence2018-03-31 4 
May 2018
2556892Fallen empire civ quest #1We start to rebuild the Empire after a civil warCiv Quest, Odin's Raven, Fallen Empire2018-05-29 1 
June 2018
2615276Teen Titans Quest #21A half-assed return by ManThor.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2018-06-14 0 
July 2018
2732793Metahuman Quest: Issue #21Grey Ghost and the Teen Titans end their bloody night of combat and stand victorious over the Church of Blood.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Teen Titans, Blood, Raven2018-07-22 5 
September 2018
61552704what happens to the supernatural world in event of AI apocalypseWhat happens to an urban fantasy in event of killer robots derails into worldbuilding Skynet as Ravenloft's newest Darklord.worldbuilding, robots, apocalypse, terminator, urban fantasy, ravenloft, setting, infinitely respawning John Conner is Skynet's Curse2018-09-02 0 
2853361Warp Point: Psion 1My first try qmingScott Graves, Aliens, Psionics, Anonymous2018-09-06 6 
2871342Warp Point: Psion 2Continuation of Scott's adventuresScott Graves, Aliens, Psionics, Anonymous2018-09-09 4 
October 2018
2956377Ravnica, City of BillsDuh, the Rakdos demon and Florence the Donor spirit are on the search for income. A Golgari coffee farmer pays good money for sabotage...Collective Game, Ravnica2018-10-20 1 
December 2018
3104733Caravan Quest 1: Take TwoDim Palmfast lands in a new shard of the old world. He leads his caravan eastward, facing stubborn figments from the old world. Strategy, Management, Fantasy, Apocalypse, Caravan Quest2018-12-18 1 
February 2019
3239560Librarian on Earth: A Warhammer 40k X Highschool DxD One-Shot QuestA Blood Raven Librarian is dropped in the middle of Japan in the DxD world. What follows is what one should expect of a Blood Raven.REDthunderBOAR, Space Marine, Blood Ravens, Librarian, Theft, Daemon Prince2019-02-16 1 
March 2019
3278596Librarian Dreadnought on Earth: Mk. 2Part two in the Librarian Dreadnought series. They secure the base, QM has a freak out, and expand into Japan facing worthy foes. REDthunderBOAR, Space Marine, Blood Ravens, Librarian, Ibaraki2019-03-06 1 
May 2019
3517120Continental Rebellion IElijah Crawford leads Bravuria into rebellion and aids in the siege of ArdadikeCiv, Revolution, War, Continental Rebellion, Ostrich, Bravuria, New Colonies, Battle maps 2019-05-23 8 
June 2019
3536994Continental Rebellion IIElijah takes the reformed Bravurian army north and wins the first battle of the Nascent-Territory-campaign single-handedlyCiv, Revolution, War, Continental Rebellion, Ostrich, Bravuria, New Colonies, Battle maps2019-06-04 5 
3557689Continental Rebellion IIThe campaign in the Nascent Territories goes very well until it doesn't. Civ, Revolution, War, Continental Rebellion, Ostrich, Bravuria, New Colonies, Battle maps2019-06-12 2 
September 2019
68364766Void CrowsYou know the deal. Anons decide to roll up a 40k faction army. It's worth saving. Buckle up for void pilots, diet-space sharks, and TRUTH!Chapter Creation, Space Marines, Raven Guard, Maybe WBs, Void Crows, writefaggotry, cannibals, 40k2019-09-16 11 
68395116Void Crows #2Anons come back and flesh out more of the iconography and terminology of the chapter and we finally get a real drawback to our mutation.Chapter Creation, Space Marines, Raven Guard, Maybe AL, Void Crows, writefaggotry, cannibals, 40k2019-09-19 3 
68446552Void Crows 3/t/g expands upon the current lore of the void crows, talking about their origins, and the nature of their particular affliction.Chatper Creation, Space Marines, Raven Guard, Mabye AL, Void Crows, writefaggotry, cannibals, 40k2019-09-26 5 
October 2019
3827166The Grave DiggerYou're the Grave Digger, you have some deja vu. You decide to leave your cemetery for the first time...Grave Digger, drawquest2019-10-05 3 
3857520The Grave Digger: 2#You're the Grave Digger. You've made some allies and resolve to reach the grand city of Metaldom.Grave Digger, drawquest2019-10-18 3 
March 2020
71235429Night Shift: Different Night, Same Supernatural ShitThe Attendants assemble for another shift, discussing personal experiences and brainstorming more paranormal happenings at the gas station.Night Shift, Graveyard Shift, surreal, horror, setting, homebrew, world building, brainstorming, crunch, fluff2020-03-08 5 
71594322Traveller Character CreationA Character Creation thread with the Traveller system, resulting in a female version of Jabba the Huth, ending as a thug in a space prison.Traveller, Character Creation, Annalise Whitechaple, Whitechaple, Character, Creation, Mongoose2020-03-23 1 
April 2020
72167194warning the Emperor thread #2A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresy. Now with extra storytime. storytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, time travel2020-04-24 30 
72198499warning the emperor #3A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresy.storytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, time travel2020-04-27 28 
May 2020
4196857Warpath: Conquest #1Private Alyce Zarina fights alien invaders from hyperspace aboard a experimental spacecraft.scifi, space, aliens, spacetravel, bodyhorror, warpath, conquest, warpath:conquest2020-05-03 2 
72654633warning the emperor #4A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresy. storytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, time travel2020-05-20 38 
72655511Nechronica Thead Storytime Double Feature Aqen & GravelAqen storytime happens: Tactical adventure! Gravel Storytime begins: Russian desert undead action! | Tokens, houserules, bombs, & head casesNechronica, Storytime, Story Time, Violet, Dahlia, Aster, Aqen, Adrian, Altina, Aida, Alexis, Art, System, story, time, undead, Gravel, Port2020-05-24 5 
72796998Warning the Emperor #5A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresy. Now featuring Leman Russ.storytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, time travel2020-05-26 73 
July 2020
73453448Nechronica Discussion With Extra StorytimeInsect-girls have heartfelt conversations, whereas dolls in Africa get irresponsibly drunk and bomb-children go up like bugspray nukes.Nechronica, Storytime, Story Time, undead, Coleo, Gravel2020-07-03 4 
73774964Silly Thread (Silly Sisters of Battle Thread Part 2)Continuation of the previous thread, a group of Sisters continue to post snarky comments at each other on an anonymous image board.40k, writefaggotry, Sisters of Battle, Admech, Chaos, Space Marines, Blood Ravens, IG, Krieg2020-07-16 2 
73781135Silly Thread 2 (Silly Sisters of Battle Thread Part 3)In case you didn't get enough snark in the last two threads, the Sisters return for more name calling and bizarre updates40k, writefaggotry, Sisters of Battle, Chaos, Space Marines, Blood Ravens, IG2020-07-18 2 
73798681Nechronica thread Gravel Storytime 3 & 4 and battle map translation.Anon posts Map translation. Gravel Storytime continues. The A-team encounters creepy urban decay, big bad bugs, new threads, new townfolk.Nechronica, Storytime, Story Time, Gravel, Adrian, Altina, Aida, Alexis, Ana, bugs, Russians, Chinese, clothes, map, system, Rita, chickens2020-07-21 3 
August 2020
74251433Nechronica Thread! Gravel Storytime & Port Storytime. Crazy letter generator.A-team hunts for the big bad bugs. Tachi confronts herself, Showdown with Abbadon, & someone is left behind. Anon shares a font of madness.Nechronica, Storytime, Story Time, Gravel, Adrian, Altina, Aida, Port, Tachi, Protoca, B3, story, violence, bugs, russians, crazy letter2020-08-16 3 
September 2020
74563504Nechronica Thread - Metal EditionEngland Storytime & Gravel Storytime continue! FEAST & FEELINGS! BLOOD & THUNDER! Anons share inspiration in the form of album cover art.Nechronica, Storytime, Story Time, Coleo, Melico, Imp, Gravel, Adrian, Altina, Aida, bugs, England, violence, Russians, metal, art, music2020-09-01 2 
74638599Warning the Emperor #6A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresystorytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, time travel2020-09-02 37 
74732945Warning The Emperor #7A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresystorytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, time travel2020-09-05 65 
October 2020
75487548Warning The Emperor #8A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresystorytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, time travel2020-10-19 81 
November 2020
75560624Nechronica Thread - Russian Poerty Edition. Gravel Storytime. Class updates: Chariot and AlrauneChariot & Alraune class updates. Gravel Storytime continues: The A-team confront Boss Bugtalker. Fortifications & traps.Nechronica, Storytime, Story Time, Gravel, Adrian, Altina, Aida, bugs, violence, Chariot, Alraune, update, class, mechanics, fortify, traps2020-11-01 2 
December 2020
76228931Warning The Emperor #9A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresystorytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, time travel2020-12-01 73 
4559028Jake StarcrashLover! Fighter! Interstellar delivery pilot! Only one man claims to do it all - Jake Starcrash!Lego Quest, Collective Game, Traveller2020-12-19 1 
February 2021
77268004Nechronica Thread: Big and Tall edition - More Gravel storytimeSecrets come to light for the A-team as the intro arc of Gravel Storytime concludes. Anon talks characters and cannibalism.Nechronica, Storytime, Story Time, Gravel, Adrian, Altina, Aida, cannibalism, Nine, Nai, Ivana, necromancy, gothic2021-02-05 1 
77635575Warning The Emperor #10A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresystorytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, time travel2021-02-21 44 
4622666Open Roads Quest #1; Setting OutWe arrive in Angelsfield and conduct our business. A route is set for Jironth, and we have a physical alteraction with a Capwell lackey.Open Roads Quest, Collective Game, WeldyQM, Merchantile, Journey, Caravan2021-02-21 5 
77703486Warning The Emperor #11A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresystorytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, time travel2021-02-23 42 
77704221Saving Private Mon'KeighWhat if cupanon was a craftworld Eldar?storytime, Writefag, eldar, 30k, time travel, not as planned2021-02-24 53 
77782960Warning The Emperor #12 Prelude A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresystorytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, time travel2021-02-28 66 
March 2021
4671772Open Roads Quest Quest #2: Leaving AngelsfieldWe uncover a gunpowder plot and OP is stricken with the Curse.Open Roads Quest, Collective Game, WeldyQM, Mercantile, Journey, Caravan2021-03-23 2 
April 2021
78322310Is this that Nechronica thread? ( Yes, with Storytime. )Anon asks about finding players and being a reliable GM. Gravel Storytime! The Africa arc wraps up and we begin transitioning to the nextNechronica, recruiting, Storytime, Story Time, Gravel, Adrian, Altina, Aida, necromancer, necromancy, book, A-team2021-04-01 0 
4682540Jake Starcrash: Episode 3Jake and crew clean up on Snowball StationLego Quest, collective game, traveller2021-04-02 1 
78475385So i'm a Necron Cryptek, so what?What if cupanon was a necron. A nobody from the modern day is isekai'ed as necron cryptek millions of years before anything.storytime, writefag, time travel, Warhammer 40k, Necrons2021-04-05 63 
78533839So i'm a Necron Cryptek, so what? Part #2A continuation of Cryptek anon's attempts to to preemptively prevent the creation of the most evil factions and saving tombworlds.storytime, writefag, time travel, Warhammer 40k, Necrons2021-04-08 43 
78583130So i'm a Necron Cryptek, so what? Part #3A continuation of Cryptek anon's attempts to to preemptively prevent the creation of the most evil factions and to becoming stronger.storytime, writefag, time travel, Warhammer 40k, Necrons2021-04-10 34 
78580874Word Bearer Isekai Thread 1Another Based Isekai Thread arrivesstorytime, writefag, time travel, word bearers2021-04-10 33 
78620743So i'm a Necron Cryptek, so what? Part #4A continuation of Cryptek anon's adventure. He'll speak with Orikan + the Awakened Council and by the end try to save a dying tombworld.storytime, writefag, time travel, Warhammer 40k, Necrons2021-04-12 32 
78673520So i'm a Necron Cryptek, so what? Part #5A continuation of Cryptek anon's Adventures. Now done with the awakened council anon can finally save a tombworld from decaying to deathstorytime, writefag, time travel, Warhammer 40k, Necrons2021-04-15 31 
78741798So i'm a Necron Cryptek, so what? Part #6A continuation of Cryptek anon's Adventures. Having just saved an entire tomb, anon now has to deal with the repercussions of his actions.storytime, writefag, time travel, Warhammer 40k, Necrons2021-04-19 26 
78798673So i'm a Necron Cryptek, so what? Part #7A continuation of Cryptek anon's Adventures. Forced to spill the beans on the future, anon now aims for the blackstone fortresses.storytime, writefag, time travel, Warhammer 40k, Necrons2021-04-22 26 
78832381So i'm a Necron Cryptek, so what? Part #8A continuation of Cryptek anon's Adventures. Anon has finally reached a Blackstone fortress. Its unknown what threats he may face inside.storytime, writefag, time travel, Warhammer 40k, Necrons2021-04-24 38 
4766508So i'm a Necron Cryptek, so what? Part #8.5A continuation of Cryptek anon's Adventures now on QST. Anon travels the depths of the Blackstone fortress, finding all kinds of tech/xenosstorytime, writefag, time travel, Warhammer 40k, Necrons2021-04-25 27 
4723763Open Roads Quest #3; Gunpowder Plots and Nasty ThoughtsWe navigate through some social encounters, discover a cheat, and prepare for the road to the city of IskanderOpen Roads Quest, Collective Game, WeldyQM, Merchantile, Journey, Caravan2021-04-27 3 
May 2021
4801549So i'm a Necron Cryptek, so what? Part #9A continuation of Cryptek anon's Adventures now on QST. Anon becomes more C'Tan-like.storytime, writefag, time travel, Warhammer 40k, Necrons2021-05-15 26 
4767787Jake Starcrash: Episode 4Jake meets the locals on Snowball, and reconnects with his family Lego Quest, collective game, traveller2021-05-23 1 
4778408Open Roads Quest #4; Meander to IskanderTristan Stonyfield solves some disputes, has a heart to heart moment, and stiffens his resolve before visiting the Trunk Family.Open Roads Quest, Collective Game, WeldyQM, Merchantile, Journey, Caravan2021-05-28 2 
June 2021
4819167(You Are A) Craigslist Killer QuestYou're a young detective in Southern USA who can't stop and won't stop abducting and mutilating the local women. What will Velton County Fae Smelter, Gritty, Killer, Serial Killer, Detective, Rape, Sex, Depravity, Toothpaste, Tooth paste, Occult, Crazy, Insane Lincoln, Velton2021-06-16 2 
4864481So i'm a Necron Cryptek, so what? Part #10A continuation of Cryptek anon's Adventures. Having collected his prizes, Anon makes way for home. Little does he know much awaits him.storytime, writefag, time travel, Warhammer 40k, Necrons2021-06-19 23 
4846607Open Roads Quest #4; Big City DealingsTristan Stonyfield squares away a few minor matters before escorting cousin Hettie to a fancy party at Lady Tabitha Blackmoore's residence.Open Roads Quest, Collective Game, WeldyQM, Mercantile, Journey, Caravan2021-06-25 2 
July 2021
4855413Jake Starcrash: Episode 5Pirates! Robot brawls! Lounge acts!Lego Quest, Collective Game, Traveller2021-07-03 2 
80126761Word Bearer Isekai Thread 2Orator-Anon continues the adventure of Anon as he and the Word Bearer to change the course of Warhammer 30k. storytime, writefag, time travel, word bearers, Warhammer40k, Warhammer30k2021-07-04 30 
4880552(You Are A) Craigslist Killer Quest 2You're a sick young son of a bitch who abducts women, violates them, then mutilates their corpses. Your body count? Two and a half. For nowFae Smelter, Velton, Gritty, Killer, Serial Killer, Detective, Rape, Sex, Depravity, Toothpaste, Occult, Crazy, Insane, Part, 2, Two2021-07-24 2 
September 2021
4967030Meridian: City of Magic #1Griff arrives in town. Chaos ensues.meridian, magic, rav2021-09-03 1 
4931101The Graverobber's DaughterChlotsuintha, a Witchlet, might have lost her father. She prepares to flee her home, while trying to maintain her cover as a gravedigger. Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM 2021-09-05 22 
4980716So i'm a Necron Cryptek, so what? Part #11A continuation of Cryptek anon's Adventures. Anon finally gets what he was missing. But still, events force anon's hand into trouble.storytime, writefag, time travel, Warhammer 40k, Necrons2021-09-07 27 
5008749Meridian: City of Magic #1Griff and co. engage in some friendly competition.meridian, magic, rav2021-09-30 1 
November 2021
4994632The Graverobber's Daughter IIChlotsuintha has a run in with the Inquisition, realizes she has implicated herself as magic user, and will eventually be hunted by them. Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM 2021-11-04 20 
5054089Meridian: City of Magic #3The last one says, "1," but it's the 2nd one. Oops.meridian, magic, rav2021-11-12 1 
January 2022
5061777Graverobber's Daughter IIIAfter buying clothes, Chlotsuintha's escape plan is hampered by a new curfew in the Midden, and aided by an unexpected gift from mother.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM 2022-01-04 13 
5073713Star Wars: Traveller QuestAdventure gets underway with Vela Rax, a simple man trying to make his way in the universe.Star Wars, TimeKillerQM, Traveller, Candorian Cluster2022-01-06 0 
82847470We are have the same mind, this Word Bearer and I #3Ghost and Kyrus become separated after fighting Drukhari, they now advance their missions, alone.Story time, write fag, Warhammer30k, word bearers, time travel, daemons 2022-01-16 27 
February 2022
5113570Jake Starcrash: Episode 6Krum becomes a father, Jake meets his dead girlfriend's parents, and Ash has a surprise development!Lego Quest, Collective Game, Traveller2022-02-11 2 
5120915The Graverobber's Daughter IVWhere His Gaze falls, Judgement comes. After, Chlotsuintha has to kill. Then the Lifting Oil Refinery she is robbing goes all Chernobyl.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2022-02-23 8 
March 2022
5161176Jake Starcrash: Episode 7Ash wins the bottom half of a mythical weapon, and a new grandpa!Lego Quest, Collective Game, Traveller2022-03-25 2 
April 2022
5180605The Graverobber's Daughter Intermission IThe QM's schedule implodes just as he starts to work through a massive backlog. Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2022-04-17 5 
5208922Jake Starcrash: Episode 8Jake Starcrash, meet Jake Starcrash!Lego Quest, Collective Game, Traveller2022-04-17 4 
May 2022
5232198The Graverobber's Daughter VChlotsuintha returns from the Refinery and after a few hours of sleep and a false start manages to make a decoy graven ball. Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2022-05-31 6 
July 2022
5289203The Graverobber's Daughter VIChlotsuintha has a close call in a public house, then comes across a gull that has Scarification Glyphs, possibly scrivened by her father.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2022-07-05 5 
August 2022
5363160Chrono Trigger: Frozen Moment Gaius begins his adventure after living his life in the Magical Kingdom of ZealChronoQM, Chrono Trigger, Frozen Moment, Time Travel2022-08-11 14 
5340808The Graverobber's Daughter VIIAfter dealing with the Glyphed Gull, Chlotsuintha finds two sets of Strange footprints, partially cleansed, possibly by magic. Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2022-08-22 5 
October 2022
5383072The Graverobber's Daughter Intermission IIChlotsuintha investigates the Strange footprints, and the QM’s schedule implodes again.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2022-10-20 3 
5424694Returned to High School, Became Successful QUESTHaving returned to his younger days to attain wealth, the protagonist turns his attention to matters of romance and revenge.Modern Quest, Schizo QM, Adopted Quest, Family Drama, Romance, Revenge, Kinky Sex, Family Dysfunction, Time Travel2022-10-31 11 
November 2022
5406344Chrono Trigger: Frozen Moment #2Gaius gets the girl and meets new friends on his second day of adventure in the ruined futureChronoQM, Chrono Trigger, Frozen Moment, Time Travel2022-11-02 11 
December 2022
5452883Chrono Trigger: Frozen Moment #3Gaius helps around Arris Dome, talks extensively with his girl and ends his day with an unsettling dream.ChronoQM, Chrono Trigger, Frozen Moment, Time Travel2022-12-17 10 
January 2023
87277920Saving Private Mon'Keigh #2Mon'Keigh Eldar's attempts at preventing the Horus Heresystorytime, writefag, Eldar, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, Time Travel, 30k2023-01-09 38 
5506187Chrono Trigger: Frozen Moment #4 A short thread. Gaius confesses, defeats Chrono in a spar, a weapon is chosen for Schala and the Quest goes on a breakChronoQM, Chrono Trigger, Frozen Moment, Time Travel2023-01-20 5 
April 2023
5588992Chrono Trigger: Frozen Moment #5New weapons are acquired, discussions are had and rats are encountered on the way to the bowels of Arris Dome. Also includes DALTON'S MOChronoQM, Chrono Trigger, Frozen Moment, Time Travel2023-04-10 17 
May 2023
5637220Chrono Trigger: Frozen Moment #6Gaius watches a video or two and leaves Arris DomeChronoQM, Chrono Trigger, Frozen Moment, Time Travel2023-05-20 5 
June 2023
5661862The Graverobber's Daughter VIIIChlotsuintha extricates herself from the 'Poonist's Perch, she retrieves her riding dress and buys a coach. But time is truly running out.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2023-06-29 6 
August 2023
5700233The Graverobber's Daughter IXChlotsuintha extricates herself from another mess in another public house, finishes shopping, and then begins to investigate Aldoin's house Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2023-08-15 5 
5717562Chrono Trigger: Frozen Moment #7Gaius and the party travel through the ruins of a long dead city and come to rest near a broken Jetbike.ChronoQM, Chrono Trigger, Frozen Moment, Time Travel2023-08-19 4 
September 2023
5737272The Graverobber's Daughter XChlotsuintha continues investigating, though both the emitter-Organs of the Constructs and what exactly transpired there still elude her.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2023-09-29 9 
October 2023
90441338We are have the same mind, this Word Bearer and I #4Ghost slowly becomes acquainted with being with Perturabo. Kyrus furthers his psychic might by training directly under Malcador.Story time, Word Bearer, write fag, time travel, daemons, Warhammer 30k, isekai2023-10-03 27 
November 2023
5793943The Graverobber's Daughter XIChlotsuintha continues investigating Aldoin's house, but after some successes she accidentally ends up injuring one of the Constructs.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2023-11-27 5 
January 2024
5850982The Graverobber's Daughter XIIAfter answering a few of her many questions and some unexpected finds, Chlotsuintha concludes investigating Aldoin's house.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2024-01-17 6 
March 2024
5895788The Graverobber's Daughter XIIIFrom Aldoin's, Chlotsuintha heads to a Clerking House, avoiding Guards, servants and neighbors as she prepares to forge a Family Patent.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2024-03-04 7 
April 2024
5946039The Graverobber's Daughter XIVChlotsuintha leaves the Clerking house without forgeries, then a terrible realization compels a reckoning over her actions of late.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2024-04-18 5 
5975312Seekers of the Esoteric: Volume 7Growing up means putting aside childish adventures to attend to relationships, responsibilities, and royal land reserves for 'Tips' the maReptoidQM, religion, marriage, polygamy, politics, esoteric magic, world travel, predestination, pregnancy scare, elves, italian in-laws2024-04-20 7 
May 2024
5982823The Graverobber's Daughter XVChlotsuintha allows a Thief-Taker to chaperone her at a Coaching house dinner to collect her stage and hear of the disturbance on the roads.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2024-05-31 5 
August 2024
6038593Lingdom Quest 5Rika and the gang befriend a crocko and meet some Bravies Slice of Life, Lings, Lingdom, Memories, Rika, Bubu, Kari, Puki, Tina, Bravies2024-08-15 5 
6053771The Graverobber's Daughter XVIChlotsuintha extricates herself and stage from the Coaching house to board at another, as time runs out she must make a difficult decision.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2024-08-29 6 
December 2024
6114716The Graverobber's Daughter XVIIChlotsuintha extricates herself from another Coaching house after another reversal, leaving stage behind in a bid to get inside the walls. Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2024-12-03 5 
January 2025
6147404So i'm a Necron Cryptek, so what? Part #13A continuation of Cryptek anon's Adventures. Anon commits to a heist, recruiting none other than trazyn the infinite. What will anon steal?storytime, writefag, time travel, Warhammer 40k, Necrons2025-01-04 5 
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