/tg/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /tg/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

December 2007
905841CthulhuTech MegathreadThe thread to end all threads on C-Tech.cthulhutech2007-12-17 5 
January 2008
1031096C-Tech Creator Visits 4chanOne of the authors (or a clever troll) of the Cthulhu Tech game visits 4chan to ask why "bullies and sadists" are pirating his game.c-tech, bawwww, bullies, sadists, internet hate machine2008-01-18 3 
September 2008
2575804Our EngelsSome writefaggotry about an Engel falling in love with their human pilotfanfic writfaggotry cthulutech engel human pilot romance2008-09-14 0 
January 2009
3299918Real MagicAn interesting roleplay thread, based on the premise of real magic versus technology conflict, with extraterrestrial entities as a common foeRoleplay, Magic, Technology2009-01-02 11 
May 2009
4572952Cangames 2009 Battletech TableBattle Report for at least two games of Battletech. Abridged battle report for a third.Battletech, Convention, Cangames, Catalyst, Miniatures game,2009-05-17 5 
July 2009
5169124Painting and modeling tips and tricksIfuritasfan is back with more fuckwin modeling info. This time it's how to do rust effects using something found on a model railroad site. Awesome shit is awesomeminiatures, paint, techniques, tips2009-07-16 2 
September 2009
5845357Painting ShenanigansDrybrushing troll turned into painting techniques thread.miniatures, paint, techniques, tips, beginner2009-09-13 0 
5983230Bored Techpriest adventureYou are a Techpriest. You are bored. There is relics and orks on the planet. Your path is rather obvious.Techpriest, quest, 40k2009-09-24 1 
October 2009
6232747Low-High TechHard-takeoff into evolving AI ended in a whimper instead of a bang, leaving a legacy of AI fear, mutated nanotech and a Luddite resurgence.AI, nanotech, settings, luddites, safetech2009-10-12 0 
November 2009
6570530BATTLETECHEpic long battletech thread, with lots of jst abot everything, as per sual. Also awesome Merc Regiments.Awesome, Epic, Battletech, Mechwarrior2009-11-06 2 
6594156cthulhutech thread for beginnersarchived for all the people interested to cthulhutech so we can just point them herecthulhutech, tech, cthulhu,2009-11-07 0 
January 2010
7448732TechnoMarineMaster of the Battle Barge "Detroit"Warhammer 40k, Techno, Awesome2010-01-06 0 
February 2010
7928760Sci-fi story/settingStory with bug aliens, a dude who sees electricity, detail on interstellar flight methods incorporated into tactical overviewScifi bugs writefag Technist story2010-02-05 0 
March 2010
8406328The /tg/-teamBrother Sharp is revealed to us, joining Professor Badass and Techno Viking. But is there a fourth member yet to be unveiled? And who stands against our force of unmitigated badassery?badass, technoviking, tgteam2010-03-05 12 
April 2010
9390409Battletech Battle ReportBattle Report for a game of Battletech played at an LGS, complete with photos.Battletech, Battle Report, Mechwarrior2010-04-24 3 
9411794Utilitarian CyberpunkOP posits a clunky tape-drive-heavy noir setting, posts some writefaggotry, and hears about Modempunk.cyberpunk, modempunk, retrotech2010-04-25 5 
June 2010
10724839Battletech Battle Report 6Adam Steiner VS 1st Genyosha (Note: Op was banned before completing the BR due to automated scripts thinking the acronym for Hatamoto Hi (HTM) was a referral site)Battletech, Mechwarrior, Battle Report2010-06-25 0 
September 2010
11930822Admech ChatThe strange language of the techpriests.40k, AdMech, techpriest2010-09-03 0 
October 2010
12457067Superior MechsIn the midst of a mech comparison, /tg/ designs the fastest Battlemech ever made. It can outrun aircraft. It can become one.Mech, mecha, Battletech, robots, awesome2010-10-16 5 
12528522Mechwarrior Quest (1)The first episode of Mechwarrior questBattletech, Mechwarrior, Quest Thread, Quest2010-10-22 15 
12546242Mechwarrior Quest 2We meet with some of the other merc outfits, load up, and make our way to Hellhole. Arrive to find the mines invaded, and Corvatti trying to alter the deal. We alter it first.Battetech, Mechwarrior, Quest Thread, Quest, Mechwarrior Quest2010-10-24 11 
12602264Mechwarrior Quest 3Part 3, where we learn that things may not be all that they appear to be on Hellhole.Battetech, Mechwarrior, Quest Thread, Quest, Mechwarrior Quest2010-10-29 13 
November 2010
12634050Mechwarrior Quest 4We troll the pirates before starting negotiations to let them live while still getting paid. Battetech, Mechwarrior, Quest Thread, Quest, Mechwarrior Quest2010-11-01 11 
12651509Mechwarrior Quest 4.5Jussi and his team finds up he's up against assault mech Wobbies armed with nukes, loses good men. Goes on to win anyway and bargains to get the pirates offworld. Yes, we mad but then we shot the Blakist in the face. Then took his 100 tonner as salvage.Battetech, Mechwarrior, Quest Thread, Quest, Mechwarrior Quest2010-11-02 11 
December 2010
1307209640K Ship Discussion/tg/ discusses the ships and their technology from the 40K universe, apparently battleships are giant flying cathedrals - with the population of a small city.Warhammer 40K, space ships, technology, Imperium2010-12-08 -2 
January 2011
13404195Any sword material you want (part 2?)Metallurgist grognards discuss possible materials to make swords out of and the reasons for doing so, among other things. Continuation of another thread.swords, metallugy, technology, weapons, discussion2011-01-05 1 
13607195Battletech + Armored Core = ???OP posts CBTRPG houserules based on the core tuning from AC4A, requests critique.Battletech2011-01-22 0 
13691622Commando QuestIn which our nameless hero drops into the middle of a simmering planetary rebellion, hoping simply stay alive but accomplishing so much more.Commando Quest, Battletech2011-01-29 10 
13709067Commando QuestA simple munitions dump turns out to be much, much more. Our party moves into a nearby resort town, and our protagonist is taken hostage... by Free Capella.Commando Quest, Battletech2011-01-30 5 
13720541Commando Quest Part 3We get Free Capella on our side, find out what the Capellan Military's been looking for, and our original crew is starting to suspect that we're the reason their entire town was wiped out.Commando Quest, collective game, quest, BattleTech2011-01-31 5 
February 2011
13801279All Teched Up With Nowhere To GoWhat starts as a simple roleplaying horror stories thread turns interesting when one of the named GMs turns up and /tg/ learns the value of Teching Up.That Guy, Freeform, shitty games, horror stories, Tech Up2011-02-06 20 
13796374Commando Quest Part 4We successfully raid a food depot, tear through the heightened security, end up killing the minimum wage nightguards who we mistook for battle-hardened soldiers, and disappear into the night with another two salvaged mechs.Commando Quest, collective game, quest, BattleTech, Mechwarrior2011-02-08 6 
13885808Commando Quest Part 5After our last mission and our many mechs in need of repairs we're taking a break from battle and planning our future strategies and possible objectives. That ever-present airbase is looking more and more like an obstacle, and a dropship that landed there might provide a means to infiltrate it successfully...Commando Quest, collective game, quest, BattleTech, Mechwarrior, planning2011-02-16 5 
13958637Ace Combat in Battletech, and other concerns/tg/ has a battletech discussion, includes stats for a generic ace combat flying super weapon. Battletech, BT, Aerospace Fighters, 2011-02-19 1 
13973693Tech-Adept Iacton's ProjectA research project being done by Tech-Adept Iacton40k, Research, Tech-Adept Iacton2011-02-21 6 
14028916BattleTech history and discussionDiscussion of BattleTech nationalities becomes a comprehensive rundown of the BT timeline and various BT discussion.battletech, mech, discussion2011-02-25 2 
March 2011
14142497Battletech Mech designA challenge is set for a set of mech designs with various limitations.battletech, mechs2011-03-07 0 
14152616IRL Machine Spirit MomentsA discussion of divine Machine God intervention. 40k adeptus mechanicus machine spirit tech-priest2011-03-07 17 
14185153Battletech Mech design #2Bleeding edge tech battlemechs are developed for demonstrating various new technologies battletech, mech, design2011-03-11 1 
April 2011
14435926Magical Girl StorytimeA GM recounts his group's military magical girls fighting a mysterious alien enemy in a magitech setting resembling that of the Nanoha series.magical girl, mahou shoujo, military, gm story, setting, storytime, magical girl lyrical nanoha, nanoha, magitech2011-04-02 8 
14568733Improving the AtlasThe Captain explains why there was never a clan variant of the Atlas.battletech2011-04-13 4 
May 2011
14958866Alternative TTGsDiscussion of many TTGs as alternatives to GWTTG malifaux infinity warmahordes flames of war brushfire mercs battletech heavy gear2011-05-20 -1 
October 2011
16575266Commissar Techpriestess RomanceA lovely story of the interactions of an unlikely but sweet couple.commissar, techpriestess, romance, 40k romance2011-10-10 38 
16612487Commissar Techpriestess Romance Part 3A continuation of a lovely story of the interactions of an unlikely but sweet couple.commissar, techpriestess, romance, 40k romance2011-10-15 12 
16668058Techpriest / Commissar Romance : Part the FourthFourth thread of the highly romantic interactions of one Octavia, Techpriestess, and Rogal Hephastus, Commissar.techpriestess, commissar, romance, 40k romance2011-10-20 8 
December 2011
17346808Great painting tips for startersGreat thread full of info about base-level painting that's hard to find anywhere else, or atleast given without a 'YOU DON'T KNOW THAT?' attitudepainting, wh40k, battletech2011-12-27 14 
January 2012
17472313Sorcerous SpaceThe aliens of outer space are not the technological wonders we have envisioned, but rather long-living races of magically-adept beings.setting, homebrew, magic, technology, humans, aliens, Sorcerous Space, Laws of Physics, Ideals of Magic2012-01-09 14 
17483106Sorcerous Space discussion part 2Further discussion of setting ideas for Sorcerous Space a setting where humans live in an anti magic field and aliens are all wizardssetting, homebrew, magic, technology, humans, aliens, Sorcerous Space, Laws of Physics, Ideals of Magic2012-01-10 3 
17595495Chapter Quest II - The StandoffAfter fall of Heidrun Rising Sons find themselves locked in a crysis with their former Tyrian allies. Only intervention and rational negotiation by Onyxian techpriests saves the day and establishes first Rising Sons outpost - Salvation.Collective Game, Quest, Chapter Quest, Techpriests, negotiations, stand-off, Chapter Master, Space Marines, Chapter2012-01-20 10 
February 2012
17810362Old World of Darkness StorytimeAlice in Wonderland in a post apocalyptic America run by Technocrats post apocalyptic, Alice, World of Darkness, oWod, Changeling, Technocrat, Storytime2012-02-05 5 
18139645Merc Quest Thread 3 - unfinishedMerc Quest, meet some new friends, called early.merc quest, collective game, battletech, mechwarrior2012-02-29 1 
March 2012
18229378For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century XIAfter losing our transport we dicide to borrow some starfighters that are above well our paygrade. We'll put them back, honest.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, starfighter, dogfight, guntruck, technical2012-03-07 11 
18303642Privateer Quest VIYou are Elesh Phryx, rogue techpriest and captain of the sword class frigate 'Sword of the Omnissiah'. Crew and armsmen are recruited as repairs begin on your frigate, and your bridge crew enjoys a vicious game of assassin at Garin's. Coming out victorious over your crew, you also manage to find work and a cargo exchange with your fellow captains. Athe's defeat in the game of assassin also nets you two exotic cargos.Privateer Quest, Quest, Collective Game, 40k, Techpriest2012-03-13 12 
18329086Privateer Quest VII: part 1failure to bump results in a 2 part thread!Privateer Quest, Quest, Collective Game, 40k, Techpriest2012-03-15 9 
18330915Privateer Quest VII: part 2You are Elesh Phryx, rogue techpreist and captain of the sword class frigate 'Sword of the Omnissiah'. With your repairs completed in Tortuga, you join a convoy destined to the Labado system as an escort. Your trip is relatively calm and your frigate's presence discourages an unidentified wolfpack from raiding the convoy. Upon reaching Labado, you acquire two Arvus Lighters to enlarge your ship's shuttle contingent, then head for Saregin's Path to investigate a space hulk. Your third warp journey suggests you leave your eyes at the door. Thread ends on a cliffhanger due to cogitator failure.Privateer Quest, Quest, Collective Game, 40k, Techpriest2012-03-15 9 
18384812Privateer Quest VIIIAfter several retries due to autosage bugs, we menage to finally hit it off. Then we encounter more technical difficulties and explore a space hulk. Machine Spirit gets banned and unbanned in mid-thread.Privateer Quest, Quest, Collective Game, 40k, Techpriest2012-03-20 9 
18420821Privateer Quest IXYou are Elesh Phryx, rogue techpriest and captain of the Sword class frigate 'Sword of the Omnissiah'. Today's adventure sees you boarding a cruiser entombed within a space hulk. Guess what you find!Privateer Quest, Quest, Collective Game, 40k, Techpriest2012-03-23 11 
18467818Privateer Quest XTurns out that our new ship drew a lot of unwanted interest.Privateer Quest, Quest, Collective Game, 40k, Techpriest2012-03-27 5 
April 2012
18552964Privateer Quest XIPartying planet-side with our pirate bros.Privateer Quest, Quest, Collective Game, 40k, Techpriest2012-04-03 10 
18588689Privateer Quest 12Dark Eldar raid the planet Aquari, including the pleasure yacht where Elesh Phryx and several of her officers are vacationing. A stand with pistols proves ineffective, forcing a more pirate-y plan. Privateer Quest, Quest, Collective Game, 40k, Techpriest2012-04-06 10 
18645891Shadowrun Storytime 92D and crew finally corner Two-Times in Bogota. The Sixth World is marred forever.Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, TwoDee, 2D, Dervish, Geppetto, Bend, Bogota, Sensei, Pirates, Aztechnology2012-04-10 62 
18657761Privateer Quest XIIIThe adventures of Elesh Phryx, rogue techpriest, continue upon the pleasure world Aquari as a Dark Eldar raid continues.Privateer Quest, Quest, Collective Game, 40k, Techpriest2012-04-11 7 
18686323Privateer Quest 14Elesh Phryx and her party attempt to escape Aquari and this damned Dark Eldar real space raid, taking refuge in a raided PDF base while attempting to repair a shuttle capable of taking them to orbit. Of course, Elesh's luck finally runs out.Privateer Quest, Quest, Collective Game, 40k, Techpriest2012-04-13 6 
18758398Privateer Quest 15Elesh Phryx wakes up in a hospitallar medicae one arm short. Athe delivers information, but the thread is called short due to OP issues. Augmentation philosophy, Ho!Privateer Quest, Quest, Collective Game, 40k, Techpriest2012-04-18 6 
18784785Privateer Quest 15, Part 2Elesh Phryx checks on her officers and begins spending her Requisition with Magos Grumman. A Factory ship is acquired!Privateer Quest, Quest, Collective Game, 40k, Techpriest2012-04-20 7 
18807387Mechwarrior 3rd edition character buildingCharacter Making Guy makes a character for MW3. He might be a hillbilly ninja.Mechwarrior, Battletech, Character, Hillbilly2012-04-22 5 
18847697Privateer Quest 16You are Elesh Phryx, rogue techpriest and captain of the Sword class frigate 'Sword of the Omnissiah'. You finalize your requisition choices, join in on a small hooded-robe convention, and finally craft and install your new bionic arm. Inspiration for the name of your Factory ship comes from a lovely case of curves in motion. Privateer Quest, Quest, Collective Game, 40k, Techpriest2012-04-25 7 
18875207Privateer Quest 17We recruit an Eldar captive to our crew, but the thread ends early when OP loses internet.Privateer Quest, Quest, Collective Game, 40k, Techpriest2012-04-27 7 
May 2012
18939778Privateer Quest 18You are Elesh Phryx, rogue techpriest and captain of the Sword class frigate 'Sword of the Omnissiah'. Quein takes his leave of Elesh's command before 'Sword' departs Serentus IV to release the Eldar freed over Aquari. A harlequin gifts Elesh with a small bag of unknown crystals, and an unknown system is explored!Privateer Quest, Quest, Collective Game, 40k, Techpriest2012-05-02 7 
19029516Privateer Quest 19You are Elesh Phryx, rogue techpriest and captain of the Sword-class frigate 'Sword of the Omnissiah'. Gathering your meager list of allies together, you set out to raid an AdMech convoy. But is it a trap?Privateer Quest, Quest, Collective Game, 40k, Techpriest2012-05-09 6 
19059070Privateer Quest 20You are Elesh Phryx, rogue techpriest and captain of the Sword class frigate 'Sword of the Omnissiah'. Your raid upon a Mechanicus transport nearly goes sour as a mechanicus monitor arrives on the scene, causing trouble with its armored hull.Privateer Quest, Quest, Collective Game, 40k, Techpriest2012-05-11 6 
19071920Privateer Quest 21You are Elesh Phryx, rogue techpriest and captain of the Sword-class frigate 'Sword of the Omnissiah'. We check on our casualties and wounded Master-at-Arms and then divide the loot between captains participating in the raid. Magos Taylor introduces an ally in an awkward position, and a young child demands we buy something from her...Privateer Quest, Quest, Collective Game, 40k, Techpriest2012-05-12 10 
19117360Privateer Quest 22You are Elesh Phryx, rogue techpriest and captain of the Sword class frigate 'Sword of the Omnissiah'. You meet a potential future contact, discuss the options of your hidden base with your new techpriest follower, and finally unlock the mysteries of that damned lock-box. And then impatience!Privateer Quest, Quest, Collective Game, 40k, Techpriest2012-05-16 8 
19202223Privateer Quest 23You are Elesh Phryx, rogue techpriest and captain of the Sword class frigate 'Sword of the Omnissiah'. Your mental projection is a servo skull, and you make a new friend...Privateer Quest, Quest, Collective Game, 40k, Techpriest2012-05-23 7 
19228872Privateer Quest 24Dinner with a trio of Navy Captains, while 'Heavenly Forge' mines minerals for their repairs. Leaving the factory ship in the protection of the Navy, Elesh heads to Tortuga.Privateer Quest, Quest, Collective Game, 40k, Techpriest2012-05-25 6 
19257100Mechwarrior Quest 1The Adventures of Tom Derringer, Jenner Pilot and Mercenary of Lance's Lance, in the Clan Invasion.Collective Game, Mechwarrior Quest, Mechwarrior, Battletech2012-05-27 6 
19292530Privateer Quest 24Captain Elesh arrives at Tortuga and soon is on the path toward a new game of Assassin at Gerin's.Privateer Quest, Quest, Collective Game, 40k, Techpriest2012-05-30 5 
June 2012
19329926Privateer Quest 25Elesh Phryx engages in a second game of Assassin with her officers. Unfortunately, her paranoia is lacking.Privateer Quest, Quest, Collective Game, 40k, Techpriest2012-06-02 7 
19375689Privateer Quest 26A renegade fleet gathers upon the edge of the Tortuga system, and a certain privateer seems all too willing to stand and fight. Well then, how about leading some fire ships in a diversion?Privateer Quest, Quest, Collective Game, 40k, Techpriest2012-06-06 7 
19401111Privateer Quest 27Elesh Phryx leads a small fleet of fire ships to destroy a pair of deadly renegade cruisers and make her escape from Tortuga.Privateer Quest, Quest, Collective Game, 40k, Techpriest2012-06-08 8 
19547569Privateer Quest 28You are Elesh Phryx, a lumberjack and right proper bonnie lass. Or maybe you're on a bomber in some ancient war. Or perhaps you're british and want some tea. At least your crew isn't muppets singing about cabin fever.Privateer Quest, Quest, Collective Game, 40k, Techpriest2012-06-20 8 
July 2012
19727808Privateer Quest 29It's not over yet! Elesh Phryx attempts to consolidate her forces in her hidden system and figure out what the hell is happening in the Corgus Sector.Privateer Quest, Quest, Collective Game, 40k, Techpriest2012-07-04 8 
19755077Privateer Quest 30Construction of a base and Tales of Advi's adventures without Elesh. Privateer Quest, Quest, Collective Game, 40k, Techpriest2012-07-06 5 
19751693Fortune: Evolution Game - Discussion Thread 9Not all of the discussion threads for this game are worth archiving here, but some pretty nifty ideas are dropped here, enough that it was worth preserving here for posterity. Why bluegrass is blue is explained, and the idea of a microscopic episode of Fortune evolution is proffered. Slow moving but interesting read. Note: As it is not part of the game proper, the tag of Collective game is not applied to this thread. The exclusion of this tag will also serve as "advertisement" in a sense to those who browse suptg, as we welcome new players. Browse this thread, see if the game grabs you. No prior knowledge is necessary to play, so if you like it, come on in!Fortune Evolution, evolution, evo, game, discussion thread, microscopic, bluegrass, namefags, science, biology, technobabble2012-07-08 2 
19926587Privateer Quest 31Elesh Phryx muses upon the past and gets things sorted out for an upcoming time skip! Called early due to someone giving OP an evil idea.Privateer Quest, Quest, Collective Game, 40k, Techpriest2012-07-18 7 
August 2012
20121287Privateer Quest 32Love can bloom, even when both parties critically fail their Fellowship rolls. Also, Timeskip!Privateer Quest, Quest, Collective Game, 40k, Techpriest2012-08-01 6 
20225997Privateer Quest 33Elesh Phryx heads back to known space, but warp travel goes wrong and the passengers contract a warp madness that spreads like wildfire...Privateer Quest, Quest, Collective Game, 40k, Techpriest2012-08-08 6 
20535502Privateer Quest: The EndYou were Elesh Phryx, female Rogue Techpriest and Privateer Captain. Your adventures as a Captain won you your own ship, and Athenia's heart.Privateer Quest, Quest, Collective Game, 40k, Techpriest2012-08-31 4 
September 2012
20863758Hangover Mechanicus 2The second thrilling installment in Vyrius' quest to not piss off an order of Adepta Sororitas. Turns out he's pretty terrible at it. 40K, writefaggotry, Sororitas, AdMech, Techpriest, Sister of Battle, alcohol, butthurt2012-09-26 10 
October 2012
21368164MechEngineer QuestDaniel Holdt gets a new job, and questers try to figure out how to make a decent 'Mech with a small selection of parts.Collective Game, MechEngineer Quest, Battletech2012-10-31 42 
November 2012
21423338MechEngineer Quest Part 2Daniel works his ass off; meets Dieter and Hatamoto. Cliffhanger!Collective Game, Battletech, MechEngineer Quest2012-11-04 34 
21451889Lots of Interesting Hard Science Fantasy Setting IdeasArchmage Galileo Galilei invents the telescope, and immediately uses it for line-of-sight teleportation to the Moonsetting idea, alternate magic uses, magitech, hard science fantasy, science fantasy2012-11-07 6 
21481062MechEngineer Quest Part 3Ilsa discovers a LosTech cache, and Skvorec Armorworks scores a funtional, if not lightly-armed UrbanMech as well.Collective Game, MechEngineer Quest, Battletech2012-11-08 29 
21469908Magic and Sciencewhy can't they just be friends? :( Interesting discussion, explanations on why settings can/can't have them reconcile one another.magic, science, magitech, science fantasy, derp2012-11-08 7 
21559682MechEngineer Quest Part 4Daniel gets stressed, dice hate everyone, but then sweet SUCCESS, and a Light 'Mech is born!Collective Game, MechEngineer Quest, Battletech2012-11-13 32 
21632792MechEngineer Quest Part 5The Arms Dealer Cometh! Turns out he and Goddard are buddies of sorts, and a STELLAR deal is made, and much swag is acquired as a result.Collective Game, MechEngineer Quest, Battletech2012-11-18 33 
21653814Techno-Kobold Post-apocalyptic QuestIn a Post-apocalyptic science fantasy world, deep within a derelict facility. Kobolds awaken, and they have machine-guns. Collective Game, Techno-Kobold Quest, Post-apocalyptic science fantasy2012-11-20 9 
21671623Techno-Kobold Post-apocalyptic QuestThe kobolds secure their underground base. Then suddenly a perfect imortal machiiiiiine called SHODAN VI convinces some of them to release its bonds. All hope seems lost as OP is pulled into SHODANS reality!Collective Game, Techno-Kobold Quest, Post-apocalyptic science fantasy, SHODAN2012-11-21 7 
December 2012
21863382MechEngineer Quest 6Arms deal now over, Daniel retires to do some serious tobacco-to-design conversion work, and the road is less bumpy than usual. Good stuff all around, and another Positive Quirk! Also LB-10X ammo.MechEngineer Quest, Collective Game, Battletech2012-12-03 30 
21928927MechEngineer Quest 7Hallway cockpits and angry Asians, oh my! More success with the HZP and some words with Ivan, Ilsa, and Dieter.MechEngineer Quest, Collective Game, Battletech2012-12-07 32 
22023659Mechwarrior Quest ReduxThe Baker's Dozen fight off a pirate attack, and while one of their mechs is lost, choice salvage is acquired. We also tail one of the retreating pirates to their base.Mechwarrior Quest Redux, Collective Game, BattleTech, Mercenaries2012-12-14 2 
22040157Mechwarrior Quest Redux #3We get into position to mop up the remaining pirate base. The fight goes well until Megamek gives us some hilarious dice. Or depressing, depending on your angle of view.Mechwarrior Quest Redux, Collective Game, BattleTech, Mercenaries, Saladin2012-12-15 1 
22064307MechEngineer Quest 8The Eights are coming! Goddard is confirmed missing, and Daniel and Janine do some detective work. Also, Skvorec cops are pretty chill guys.Collective Game, MechEngineer Quest, Battletech2012-12-16 24 
22101713Mechwarrior Quest Redux 4We finish up the pirate contract, tell the Baker's their son is dead, and Tom's old friend Hartmann joins up as the new commander of Baker's Dozen.Mechwarrior Quest Redux, Collective Game, BattleTech, Mercenaries2012-12-19 2 
22195208MechEngineer Quest 9Time wears on till the deadline; Daniel learns to shoot, and tries to get some work done, but the stress of the situation seems to get the better of him. Janine tries to help but the roadblocks are too many. Also a bit of meta-discussion, and the GM's apology for derailing the thread due to tired concern.MechEngineer Quest, Battletech, Collective Game2012-12-24 39 
January 2013
22366657MechEngineer QuestThe battle begins, and Daniel discovers a sleeping Janine might just be his muse, as he solves the compartmentalized myomer problem, with Positive (Quirk) results.MechEngineer Quest, Battletech, Collective Game2013-01-03 30 
22481398MechEngineer QuestThe battle ends, and the costs are heavy, but victory is bittersweet. So are kisses and fists. The local cops continue to be bros, Skvorec Armorworks gets salvage, and Daniel makes a gentlemanly gesture.MechEngineer Quest, Collective Game, Battletech2013-01-09 29 
22628602MechEngineer Quest Part 11Things get back to normal (as normal as it gets anyway), and Daniel has arm trouble, but gets some spiritual help from a corgi named Max.MechEngineer Quest, Collective Game, Battletech2013-01-17 26 
22759879MechEngineer Quest Part 11The HZP gets wired, and things about what happened to Goddard are revealed by an unlikely source. Can he be trusted?MechEngineer Quest, Collective Game, Battletech2013-01-24 32 
February 2013
22924190MechEngineer Quest Part 13Bruce gets a job at Skvorec, and Daniel finalizes the weapons loadout on the HZP with three configurations to satisfy as many buyers as possible. Also, futons.MechEngineer Quest, Collective Game, Battletech2013-02-02 33 
23150291MechEngineer Quest Thread 14Daniel finishes the armor layout, giving the HZP some pretty great scale-style armor that allows weight adjustment for customer flexibility. Also, things.MechEngineer Quest, Collective Game, Battletech2013-02-14 24 
23290553MechEngineer Quest Thread 15Talks with Ivan, Hatamoto and Dieter prepare Daniel for success, and talks with Bruce prepare him for the worst.MechEngineer Quest, Collective Game, Battletech2013-02-21 27 
23423223MechEngineer Quest Thread 16Daniel meets with Wanda, Ilsa, and Janine. Plans for some new tech design are made, and Janine is tentatively named the new CEO of Skvorec Armorworks.MechEngineer Quest, Battletech, Collective Game2013-02-28 27 
March 2013
23549936MechEngineer Quest Part 17Bruce feeds Daniel some more news, and the HZP acquires jump jet mounts. Also, timeskips?Collaborative Game, MechEngineer Quest, Battletech2013-03-07 24 
23792964MechEngineer Quest Part 18Timeskips. And funerals. And Lord Shun being an apparent bro.MechEngineer Quest, Collective Game, Battletech2013-03-21 23 
23915772MechEngineer Quest Part 19Ominous Summons, XP, and anontech falling off the internetMechEngineer Quest, Collective Game, Battletech2013-03-28 20 
April 2013
24175323MechEngineer Quest Thread 19 v2.0More discussion with Lord Shun, a tour of a Raven (hush-hush!), and the beginning of negotiations. Huzzah!Battletech, MechEngineer Quest, Collective Game2013-04-11 23 
24304714MechEngineer QuestThe Phobos is subjected to scrutiny by Capellan MechEngineers, and a deal is reached.Battletech, MechEngineer Quest, Collective Game2013-04-18 23 
24444609MechEngineer Quest 21Lord Shun springs a controversial clause upon Daniel and Janine. All of Skovrec Armorworks expresses their opinion on this development.Battletech, MechEngineer Quest, Collective Game2013-04-25 21 
July 2013
25771591Techpriest Birthday GiftsIn which an honoured Techpriest opens his vault upon the anniversary of his birth to share much knowledge and Ad Mech art with /tg/.filedump, techpriest, sororitas, .pdfs, 40k books2013-07-02 11 
25814374The Machina ReconcilioCompiled and written by Techpriest Wilhelmus Portae, this manuscript is a tome of knowledge containing names, descriptions and remedies for some of the demons that plague the machines of the Imperium.Techpriest, Demon, 40k, Awesome, Writefagging,2013-07-04 9 
26179163Of Techpriests and TelepathsThe story of Litilus and Akadia, part 1writefaggotry, 40k, techpriest, psyker, D'aww2013-07-23 22 
26338629Of Techpriests and Telepaths, Part 2The continuing story of Litilus and Akadia40k, writefaggotry, techpriest, psyker, Litilus, Akadia, story2013-07-31 11 
August 2013
26702416Of Techpriests and Telepaths Part 3The third installment of the Litilus and Akadia's story. Writefaggotry, WH40K, Techpriest, Psyker, Of Techpriests and Telepaths, Litilus, Akadia, story2013-08-19 13 
September 2013
26996044Of Techpriests and Telepaths: Chapter 4The tale of Litilus and Akadia comes to a close40k, Writefaggotry, Techpriest, Psyker, Story, Litilus, Akadia2013-09-03 12 
October 2013
27972566Technomages and Magical ItemsMagical item creation thread evolves into a discussion of a setting that blends magic and programmingtechnology, magic items, fluff2013-10-28 7 
November 2013
28264679Pax Mortis: Tager QuestIn two days you will be undergoing the rituals to become a hidious monster so you can kill other hideous monsters....or die in the process.Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Mommy Issues2013-11-13 22 
28300637Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Pt 2Faced with a woman from your past, the impending Rite, and the horror of becoming one with something that will live inside you....Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues2013-11-15 14 
28355446Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 3On the trail of an ancient mystery, you find some measure of answers, meet new and amusing people, and might just have room in your heart to comfort a friend in spite of it all. Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues2013-11-18 18 
28394768Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 4The Rite of Sacred Union may not be a marriage, but it is far more intimate. If you survive it. Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues2013-11-20 16 
28449699Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 5Anne has become one of the most powerful Tagers....but physical power won't help her with the death of a comrade and her first mission.Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues2013-11-23 15 
28524878Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 6Your confrontation with Yen takes a abrupt turn for the worse, and secrets are divulged. Secrets that could have an awesome toll on the Eldritch Society....Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues2013-11-27 13 
28542326Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 7With the horrifying death of your fellow Tager, you are left with more questions than answers. Also, perverts.Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Voyuer, Mommy Issues2013-11-28 16 
December 2013
28594700Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 8The Elder Efreet Towern answers some questions; a funeral is held; and finally...a mission briefing is begun.Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues2013-12-01 16 
28554325Converting CthulhuTech to Void In which /tg/ merges the crunch of The Void with the fluff of CthulhuTech with good results.CthulhuTech, Void, Cthulhu, crunch, rules, conversion, rpg 2013-12-01 5 
28638902Cthulhu Void Tech Conversion 2efforts continue to convert Cthuhlutech to The Void's mechanics.CthulhuTech, Void, Cthulhu, crunch, rules, conversion, rpg, The Void2013-12-05 3 
28671945Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 9The briefing is held, and to the point, but you have at least one day to prepare....or investigate other avenues of inquiry.Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues2013-12-05 13 
28853609Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 10Rechert and Viss are just as lost as you are about why Yen wanted you to stay away. A gruesome discovery ensues...Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues, Gross2013-12-14 11 
28959873Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 11Hiding from an enemy that may or may not exist, Anne and her murder of Tagers face the facts....Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues, Dimensional Sharks2013-12-19 7 
28980969Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 12Prepared for battle, Anne learns what secrets Yen had...and something does come for them. But it isn't what anyone expected...Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues, Dimensional Sharks2013-12-20 10 
29016964Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 13Something comes through the wards, but it isn't what Anne expected. Someone has it in for her...Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues, Dimensional Sharks2013-12-22 9 
January 2014
29855326Privateer Quest II #23Percius Aurex returns to the wolfpack, has a meal with some of his officers, and reports to Lord WilsonCollective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot, techpriests, psyker2014-01-30 1 
April 2014
31609204Dark Age of Technology AIOP's Rogue Trader players found an AI from the DAoT and for some reason decided to plug it into their ship. OP requests inventive ways for this to backfire horribly on them and /tg/ delivers. What comes next is best described as nightmare fuel with a side of Clippy.Rogue Trader, Dark Age of Technology, AI, doomed, skynet, SHODAN, GLADoS, Clippy2014-04-21 7 
June 2014
32569160t/g/Magical Engineering. Op asks how to create siege engines in 3.5e and smar/tg/itz deliver.science, awesome, magic, technology, 3.5e2014-06-05 1 
33092130Monsterous Humanoid Quest: 1Seeking to give the world a new race to fear and work with. /tg/ picks up their Drow and start working with tinkering.Collective Game, Drow, Civ, Technology, Underdark, Tiamat2014-06-30 1 
October 2014
35530277Detroit QuestIN WHICH ANDRE MEILLEUR HAS THE WORST DAY OF HIS FRENCH BLACK-ASS LIFECollective Game, Battletech, Detroit Quest2014-10-15 9 
35570258DETROIT QUEST 2IN WHICH JAMAL MEETS AN UNTIMELY ENDCollective Game, Battletech, Detroit Quest, Rabbit, ROBOTS2014-10-17 5 
35611243DETROIT QUEST 3THE MOST INCOMPETENT MERCS THIS SIDE OF THE INNER SPHERE SHOW UP Collective Game, Battletech, Detroit Quest, Rabbit, ROBOTS 2014-10-19 3 
November 2014
35964763DETROIT QUEST 4I JUST WANT TO KILL SOME PLAYER CHARACTERS IS THAT SO GODDAMN MUCH TO ASKCollective Game, Battletech, Detroit Quest, Rabbit, ROBOTS 2014-11-05 6 
36109666Low Tech Sci FiLow Tech Sci Fi and reasons why plausibleSci Fi, alien, low tech, space2014-11-14 6 
December 2014
36833303Novice Heretek Quest #1The first thread in which we gain freedom, gain trust and gain some companions.Collective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer 40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive2014-12-19 29 
36852523Novice Heretek Quest 2: ACCESS RESTRICTEDWe learn how to shoot, we suckerpunch a weak teenager girl using cheats during a fight and we meet techpriest ToddCollective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive2014-12-20 12 
36913557Novice Heretek Quest 3We fight some crazed servitors and a armless commissar, then become stronger and learn how to drive a drillCollective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive2014-12-22 12 
36934600Novice Heretek Quest 4We discover that some crazed cannibal is killing slaves in the lower levels, we first help to rebuild their slums and then leave them without a water source. We also know what's behind Urmo's mask.Collective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive2014-12-23 11 
37019074Novice Heretek Quest 5Urmo reveals herself as the Eldar seer Elyadien. She says the ship must reach it's destination so her visions become true.Collective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive2014-12-28 10 
January 2015
37196868Novice Heretek Quest 6Our protagonist tags himself with the "Micerian Spitfires" other companions to battle the daemon known as the Red Hook that has been massacring slaves for days and stop him from destroying the ship they are travelling into.Collective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive2015-01-06 11 
37305202Novice Heretek Quest 7In which Heracor got his insides replaced and makes new gear for the inevitable shit storm he's heading intoCollective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive2015-01-11 11 
37372643Novice Heretek Quest 8Heracor tries some of his newly implanted bionics and goes that a meeting, also befriends a unnamed servoskullCollective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-01-14 10 
37546652Novice Heretek Quest 9We tinker with a skull and question a sunburned prisoner.Collective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-01-23 10 
37610328Novice Heretek Quest 10Heracor helps lead an assault on a prison and wonders why the Emperor decided he needed to be tested by a daemon prince.Collective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-01-26 10 
37676681Novice Heretek Quest 11The small Imperial regiment faces the still forming Daemon Prince, Lanky is sent to be healed to the HQ and a small team starts investigating MegaPrison03.Collective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-01-28 10 
37744806Novice Heretek Quest 12We explore the ruins of MegaPrison03, discover the true nature of the Crystalline Underdark, and the origin of Lanky...Collective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-01-31 10 
February 2015
37815381Novice Heretek Quest 13ITT:HERESY HERESY HERESY HERESY!! Oh and Heracor gets beat up in a danger room and upgrades his shiny sword to be even SHINIER! Then MORE HERESY!Collective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-02-04 10 
38174648Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 3Bellatrix lectures Alirye on how snazzy the Emperor is, meets a felinid techpriestess, pets said techpriestess, and discovers HERESY.Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, Collective Game, Warlock, Felinid/Catgirl, Techpriest, Mechanicus, TECH HERESY, Necrodermis, Double headpats2015-02-20 6 
38194498Novice Heretek Quest 14We defuse two bombs, we accidentally kill a patient and see how the Inquistor tortures someone. The protagonists also learns more about MegaPrison 02 and the prisoners in there.Collective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-02-21 10 
38246094Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 4Bella takes a dip, becomes strong like (strong thing), kisses (and gets kissed), gets a Multi-melta for free, and is attacked by an invisible butt!Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, Collective Game, Warlock, Felinid/Catgirl, Techpriest, Mechanicus, Goo, Super-strength, Invisibility2015-02-23 8 
38310986Novice Heretek Quest 15The protagonist meets a space marine and saves his friend, also gets new toys for his dendrites.Collective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-02-26 10 
38326834Novice Heretek Quest: Background LoreWe roll dices to decide how the Heralds of Vengeance chapter actsCollective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-02-26 7 
March 2015
38396345Novice Heretek Quest 16We spar in the roof of a moving train with a Iron Hands loving techmarine, we explore some ruins and then descend into Hell.Collective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-03-01 7 
38559231Novice Heretek Quest 16Attack of the clones! Then Heracor spins his drill and pimps his ride!Collective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive2015-03-09 10 
38628074Novice Heretek Quest 18The deadly train ride towards the heretic infested HQ begins, we fight boarders, daemons, airships and a old enemy in our path. After reaching the HQ someone we didn't saw in a long time kidnaps and gives us both answers and questions. The ending of this arc is coming...Collective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-03-12 10 
38630544Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 6Bella and Alirye kick some ork arse, Aila performs a super-duper-extra delicate field operation and jams Bella's severed arm back into place, and, most importantly, Bella does some one-liners. Oh, and Aila barges in and ruins the lewd mood Alirye and Bella had been cultivating.Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, Collective Game, Warlock, Hylophobia, Orks, Catgirl Techpriestess, Awkward conversations, mood-ruining, lewd-interrupting, power nap2015-03-12 5 
38721143Novice Heretek Quest 19ITT: Exploding planes! Exploding buildings! Exploding Tanks! EXPLODING PLANET!!! The end of this arc comes, we run towards the spaceport in a desperate attempt to catch a ship before the planet gets Exterminated. Collective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-03-16 10 
38805471Novice Heretek Quest 20Our protagonist makes a good choice and manages to save the people on board of the ship. Once again sees Lanky and manages to chat for a short time with Oihan before they depart ways. Heracor is then given a the mission of repairing a ship while they are traveling in the warp...Collective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-03-20 10 
38826329Novice Heretek Quest 21We continue recruiting and learning more from the different tech-cultures and we once again get in a fight with some Skitarii.Collective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-03-20 7 
38869695Novice Heretek Quest 22We recruit Skitarii and spend day learning more of our new surroundings, people and weapons.Collective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-03-23 7 
38929875Novice Heretek Quest 23Our mission to repair the ship start, as we enter in we find dozens of dead bodies rotting and a infectious stale air around us. After a hard day of work we decide to get new bionics and look more spoopy.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-03-26 10 
39028125Novice Heretek Quest 24In which we explore, we get mad, we discover some nasty and good stuff and we tinker with our weapons.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-03-31 10 
April 2015
39107709Novice Heretek Quest 25In which Heracor explores the ship, snoops about, and pimps his armor.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-04-04 10 
39152906Novice Heretek Quest 26We try to repair the frigate and Nurgle Show his ugly mug. Heracor and friends get dirty AND PURGE THE UNCLEAN!Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-04-06 10 
39165875The All Guardsmen Party and the Xenotech Heresy P1The All Guardsmen Party investigates a string planet-wide disappearances.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Aimy, Drone, Mechanicus, Tech-priest, Xenotech, Heretek, Eldar, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2015-04-06 135 
39185203The All Guardsmen Party and the Xenotech Heresy P2The All Guardsmen Party investigates a string planet-wide disappearances.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Aimy, Drone, Mechanicus, Tech-priest, Xenotech, Heretek, Eldar, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2015-04-07 141 
39217761Novice Heretek Quest 27Heracor puts an uppity miner in her place and make's the Omnissiah proud by suplexing a giant robo-amazon and discover why she was such a shit-boss. Collective Game, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-04-09 12 
39301676Novice Heretek Quest 28In which we take the lead as the new leader of the Skitarius temple and get some bionics and weapons to become more even powerful and lethal. With our new toys installed we finally get into our mission and get ready to fight the Nurglite plague.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-04-12 10 
39361968Novice Heretek Quest 29In which we enter into the contaminated areas and explore a little bit, we learn about what creatures roam it and then discover what happened with the infected Wilhelmina...Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-04-16 10 
39444166Novice Heretek Quest 30After discovering how corrupted the techpriestess is we decide to continue cleaning the ship. We fight many enemies and finally make into the Plasma Engine, inside we find a massive beehive that its leeching from its heat and residual wastes and has grown out of control. Many people die...and one becomes a great hero.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-04-20 10 
39525526Novice Heretek Quest 31Heracor Wakes up and sorts out what happened after passing out in the middle of the battlefield.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive 2015-04-24 11 
39587525Novice Heretek Quest 32We speak with the Inquisitor about what our mission entrails and also with Juliannus to learn more of the strange culture of the Astartes. After that we go to the Skitarii temple and start managing it to shape them into the warriors we desire.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ322015-04-27 10 
39629434Novice Heretek Quest 33In which we do a shitton of stuff and then somehow end adopting a eight year old girl.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ332015-04-29 7 
May 2015
39728278Novice Heretek Quest 34We get meet our Generals and get new weapons and toys to equip ourselves with. After that we return to our room and see three lovely little girls sleeping together in our bed.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ342015-05-04 11 
39788031Novice Heretek Quest 35After exiting the warp our ship gets somewhat damaged, they take it to a close SpacePort for repairing and we are given two days of free time while they are at it. We explore a little bit and take our students towards the local AdMech temple. On it we learn their curious cowboy like culture and end fighting with their leader for an old yet not forgotten friend.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ352015-05-07 10 
39871471Novice Heretek Quest 36We break our fucking skull and then meet some space yiffs that give us a wolf skull in exchange of a dead body.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ362015-05-11 7 
39934902Novice Heretek Quest 37We discover what happened between Karelia, her daughters and their sister in law Nalasha while we were with the Space Wolves. After that we discover that we might participate into a xenos hunt and get ourselves once again strongerCollective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ372015-05-14 10 
40015482Lost In Time Quest #5We finally return to Roanoke and draft up a truly awesome constitution.Lost In Time Quest, Time, Roanoke, Artemis, ArtemisQM, Collective Game, Time Travel, Fantasy, Magitech2015-05-17 5 
40014004Novice Heretek Quest 38In which time flies after we do lots and lots of things including wanting to kill and entire bureau building and shave the armpit of a veteran.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ382015-05-18 11 
40090416Novice Heretek Quest 39In which we investigate a secret Sororitas Order and end destroying a really psycho-inducing projector that they had. After that we finally head into the Hunt!Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ392015-05-22 13 
40152805Novice Heretek Quest 40We get a quick glance of the possible Kroot that we will meet and then make planetfall onto Heptium Cuatt. Once on the surface we stick with Karelia and her bodyguards and then fight some Xenos.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ402015-05-25 10 
40216514Novice Heretek Quest 41We shoot, we run over, we drown and in general we kill a good amount of fukken Kroots.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ412015-05-28 10 
40284592Lost Primarch Quest 5We search for lost technology, a year after we free the slavesCollective Game, Lost Primarch Quest, Eleventh, Primarch, Dark Age Of Technology, Relics2015-05-31 12 
June 2015
40301838Novice Heretek Quest 42Short Thread in which we get into an ambush, we fight more xenos and we meet our Skitarii again.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ422015-06-01 10 
40366041Techie's Intergalatic Paperwork 1We're Techie, and we've been sent to a really far planet for some reason. Then the Mailman appears, and tells us we need to get back to the center of the Imperium to sign some papers. Well heck, how are we gonna get there from here?Techie's Intergalatic Paperwork, Quest, Collective game2015-06-03 7 
40449137Novice Heretek Quest 43We travel and meet a mutant Kroot salesman, and then we get ambushed!Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ432015-06-08 7 
40515072Novice Heretek Quest 44We explore the buried warpsphere and awaken the beast to ride it into the battle!Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ442015-06-11 7 
40557640Novice Heretek Quest 45In which we control the Inquisitress and oh noes! Perils of the Warp and other psyker shit happens!Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ452015-06-13 7 
40598456Novice Heretek Quest 46In which we crash a meteorite sized ship into a planet and we capture, mutilate and torture and enemy. Also a fuckload of +90 dice rolls.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ462015-06-15 10 
40679647Novice Heretek Quest 47Short and Sneaky thread in which we have some fatherly time with our adopter daughter Alaria, we work with our armor and we decide what weapon to build to Juliannus before he becomes a Deathwatch Blackshield.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ472015-06-18 10 
40747009The All Guardsmen Party: Tyranid Acquisition ExpertsWorking alongside Astartes! Meeting Orks and 'Nids again! Critfails galore! It's episode 12.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Drone, Mechanicus, Tech-priest, Xenotech, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Sarge, Twitch, Nubby, Doc, Tink, Aimy, Interrogator Greg Sargent2015-06-22 170 
40758807Novice Heretek Quest 48Timeskip thread in which we build a bolter, we go down into a desert planet and buy some nifty grenades, then we discover something weird and suffer from a hangover without drinking any booze.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ482015-06-23 10 
40799555Novice Heretek Quest 49We enter into the miracle station of Melchisidor's Cloud and explore it a bit, then discover that it is darker than it looks like and get into the arena to get our wings.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ492015-06-25 10 
40859981Novice Heretek Quest 50In which we almost fuck a teenager, we repair a skull and improve some robotic wings!Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ502015-06-28 10 
July 2015
40988119Novice Heretek Quest 51In which we take control of Juliannus and get ready to capture a Zoanthrope.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ512015-07-04 10 
41009606Novice Heretek Quest 52We head inside the Tyranid Narwhal and explore its interior.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ522015-07-05 10 
41136294Novice Heretek Quest 53We capture the Zoanthrope and make a leap of faith. Then we discover that our past crimes were not forgotten...Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ532015-07-11 10 
41455802Novice Heretek Quest 54We study some ork tech and create our race trukk.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ532015-07-26 10 
August 2015
41604705Novice Heretek Quest 55We start the race and descend into an ork infested Hive from the sky. A bulletstorm forms soon after and the first two racers are violently eliminated.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ552015-08-02 11 
41729079Novice Heretek Quest 56We finish the first race on the winning position at the cost of all our gunners and our trukk. This isn't over yet...Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ562015-08-08 9 
41749820Novice Heretek Quest 57We rebuild our vehicle and meet the new deadmen that will drive with us. Then we plunge into a strange Space Hulk and fight to the death...Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ572015-08-09 9 
41824846Novice Heretek Quest 58We go back from the death and once again make a hard deal with a strangeCollective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ572015-08-12 9 
41867430Novice Heretek Quest 59We team up with an Eldar, kill some heretics, and set off to explore the space hulk.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracore Nahive, NHQ572015-08-15 9 
42193278Novice Heretek Quest 60We are attacked by an strange weapon that an Slaaneshi Heretek has created and devise a plan to destroy it.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ602015-08-31 9 
42204030The All Guardsmen Party Interlude: DewarpA short look into how much of a bitch it is to transport a live Zoanthrope across the galaxy.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Mechanicus, Tech-priest, Zoanthrope, Dewarp, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2015-08-31 115 
September 2015
42223723Mongolian Queer Literature and Techno discussionsA mary-sue thread is derailed into talk about Mongolian Queer literature and Mongolian Queer Techno. It is glorious.Mongolian queer literature, mongolian queer techno, mary sue, derailment2015-09-01 15 
42237328Novice Heretek Quest 61In which we kill thousands by violently sending them into the gaping maws of hell and then we pimp our bike and name it "Promethia"!Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ612015-09-02 10 
42270864Novice Heretek Quest 62Astartes, Orks, Rak'Gol and Tau meet inside the explorator ship and combat for survival.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ622015-09-03 13 
42437305Novice Heretek Quest 63The battle for the domination of the Explorator ship continues. We kill some enemies and sacrifice a great valuable ally against a fiend that shouldn't even exist.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ622015-09-12 10 
42537382Novice Heretek Quest 64We defeat our foe and then proceed to explore the Lux Illustrans Inventionis on our own.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ632015-09-17 10 
42681706Novice Heretek Quest 65In which we explore, we finally find the password to unlock the entire Cruiser and we discover something on the Medicae Bay...Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ652015-09-24 10 
42719388Novice Heretek Quest 66We meet Arandano and discover another interesting part of the Cruiser's past. Then we meet our next racer team and leave the Inmaterium.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ662015-09-25 10 
42796131Novice Heretek Quest 67In which we find and crash land a Tank, we fight against Traitor Marines and Orks and we head into the Eldar CraftworldCollective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ672015-09-30 10 
October 2015
42866471Novice Heretek Quest 68We clash against different factions, meet again old enemies and discover several things along our way.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ682015-10-04 10 
42958901Novice Heretek Quest 69Our Tank shows its hidden ability and we use it to condemn an entire Craftworld but save ourselves.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ692015-10-09 10 
42996219Novice Heretek Quest 70Betrayal, mutants, aliens, psykers...just when we thought that we escaped hell we plunge into a even worse nightmare.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ702015-10-11 10 
43035145Novice Heretek Quest 71The Battle against the Mutated Karelia continues! Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ712015-10-12 10 
43069890Novice Heretek Quest 72We wake up and get answers to lots of questions.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ722015-10-15 10 
43197377Novice Heretek Quest 73We get our new gear and improve our skill with melee combat, then we meet someone that we haven't seen in years and become forced to fight her.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ732015-10-21 10 
43315121Novice Heretek Quest 74We try to interrogate Elyadien. We have some father/daugher time and then receive a gift from a friend.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ742015-10-27 10 
43351856Novice Heretek Quest 75We enter into the Warp and meet our generals, then challenge one of them to a duel.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ752015-10-29 7 
November 2015
43445873Novice Heretek Quest 76We finish our fight and meet a strange, strange medic.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ762015-11-03 9 
43502555Novice Heretek Quest 76We become a inhuman monster...but deeply we have always been one. Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ762015-11-07 7 
43520543Novice Heretek Quest 78A timeskip happens and we finally clash against Georgius in an electric brawl that ends unexpedtedlyCollective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ782015-11-08 7 
43608045Novice Heretek Quest 79We get a pet bird and descend into Telematha to reach the city of Aquacadens, then we are guided into a strange building that seems to hold some secrets...Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ792015-11-12 7 
43671751Novice Heretek Quest 80The Coven of Magii invites us to join into their inner circle if we complete their trials...Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ802015-11-17 9 
43724585novice heretek quest 81We continue in the Arena. Veni, vidi, vici Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ812015-11-19 9 
43870844Novice Heretek Quest 82A new faction appears! The Nox Vox suddenly decide to attack and hunt all the Magos, possibly crippling our attempts at discovering their true and dark intentions...Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ822015-11-28 7 
December 2015
43964906Novice Heretek Quest 83The fight against the Nox Vox continues withing the bowels of Telematha. Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ832015-12-03 6 
44059939Novice Heretek Quest 84The truth, finally reveals itself. Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ842015-12-09 10 
44130292Novice Heretek Quest 85Heracor is missing in action. We now take control of Liwet and discover what has she been up to. Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ852015-12-13 7 
44227661Novice Heretek Quest 86Necrons and Mechanicus clash, this is only the beginning of a great clash between two technological superpowers. Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ852015-12-18 7 
44324390Novice Heretek Quest 87We make a truce with an enemy and discover than a friend has now become an enemy...Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ872015-12-23 7 
January 2016
44543554Novice Heretek Quest 88Scavenging, exploring and fighting. The daily routine of our protagonist. Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ882016-01-04 10 
44750184Novice Heretek Quest 89Novice Heretek Quest 89Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive, NHQ892016-01-13 12 
44814502Novice Heretek Quest 90Early archiveCollective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ902016-01-16 7 
44877320Novice Heretek Quest 91We become some parricides and try to hunt down our own mother...Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ912016-01-20 6 
44940437Novice Heretek Quest 92We end upgrading ourselves and proceed to fight our Mother...Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ922016-01-22 5 
45049681Novice Heretek Quest 93The King is down...now its time to kill the Queen.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ932016-01-27 5 
February 2016
45157884Novice Heretek Quest 94We try to escape but that isn't easy when everybody wants you dead.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ942016-02-02 6 
45321142Novice Heretek Quest 95Our protagonist has an honorbound duel to the death with the Necron Lord who used to rule this world in aeons past. Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ952016-02-09 6 
45396811Novice Heretek Quest 96The War of Telematha Begins. As our protagonist starts to escape its world several other plunge to retake it. Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ962016-02-14 6 
45535279Novice Heretek Quest 97Heracor has a sudden realization of what he has to live and make of himself and we also start controlling Comissar Oihan!Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ972016-02-21 6 
45598099Novice Heretek Quest 98Our feeling of guilt makes us leave the Micerian Spitfires and try to get the approbation of a General. We then meet part of his Scions.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ982016-02-23 5 
45618290Novice Heretek Quest 99Short thread were we start to explore the Mining Ship. Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ992016-02-24 5 
March 2016
45962850Novice Heretek Quest 100: The EndEnd thread in which I explain why I cannot run anymore and how I would have wished for it to end. Good bye to everybody. Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ1002016-03-12 6 
September 2016
49294049Check out this settingOP goes whole hog into making a game setting. Amazement ensues.map, lore, technicolor moustaches, setting2016-09-12 44 
October 2016
49492001Check Out Anon's Cool Setting #2sequel of sorts to the first one(also has a neat name generator)map, lore, technicolor moustaches, setting, worldbuilding, name generator, fantasy2016-10-01 6 
690726Tech-Priest Quest, Part 1Chargen goes well, we secure the weapons package, get a Hand Cannon, and then go to the Testing Grounds.Tech-Priest Quest, 40k, Tech-Priest2016-10-21 1 
718097Tech-Priest Quest, Part 2You fight four servitors in glorious combat. The first two go down easily, but now you have damaged your arm severely. WILL YOU MAKE IT?Tech-Priest Quest, 40k, Tech-Priest2016-10-26 2 
January 2017
1046009Magical Civilization QuestMerric Fellus and his fellow colonist land in the new world and create the settlement of America, and make a lot of new friends.Collective Game, Scholar Spruce, magic, Magical Civilization Quest, magitech2017-01-24 3 
February 2017
1085980Magical Civilization Quest #2The settlement of America continues to grow and natives continue to be annoying.Collective Game, Scholar Spruce, magic, Magical Civilization Quest, magitech2017-02-02 1 
1120993Magical Civilization Quest #3Merric Fellus and his fellow settlers fight off some natives and learn of some new threats to the settlement. Also, some adventuring is hadCollective Game, Scholar Spruce, magic, Magical Civilization Quest, magitech2017-02-13 1 
1159835Magical Civilization Quest #4Merric Fellus and his allies continue to face the hardship of the new world. They also receive some aid from across the sea.Collective Game, Scholar Spruce, magic, Magical Civilization Quest, magitech2017-02-22 1 
March 2017
1193173Magical Civilization Quest #5America's enemies make themselves known and launch their attacks on the settlement.Collective Game, Scholar Spruce, magic, Magical Civilization Quest, magitech2017-03-04 1 
51980267Frontier Freaks Setting WorldbuildingA setting which can basically be described as "biopunk wild west" is invented.worldbuilding, western, wild west, bioengineering, biotech, biopunk, bioshock, transhumanism, Pasteur, 1800s pseudoscientific beliefs,2017-03-12 5 
1229310Magical Civilization Quest #6America continues to prosper while you take care of some left over Asheran's.Collective Game, Scholar Spruce, magic, Magical Civilization Quest, magitech2017-03-13 1 
1264079Magical Civilization Quest #7We meet some new faces one of which is our son.Collective Game, Scholar Spruce, magic, Magical Civilization Quest, magitech2017-03-24 1 
April 2017
1297755Magical Civilization quest #8We do a lot of fighting and find a cool egg.Collective game, Scholar Spruce, magic, Magical Civilization quest, magitech2017-04-04 1 
52736110Ancient Egyptian Cyberpunk Setting/tg/ makes a setting based off a mixture of ancient egyptian mythology, culture and magitech cyberpunk.worldbuilding, setting, cyberpunk, magitech, 2017-04-25 4 
May 2017
53002034Anti-Magic and Anti-TechnologyThe idea of something with an anti-magic effect is fairly standard. In this thread, /tg/ puts a wholly original twist on it.magic system, technology, worldbuilding,2017-05-05 5 
1398779Magical Civilization Quest #9After dealing with a little girl we go on an adventure.Collective Game, Scholar Spruce, magic, Magical Civilization Quest, magitech2017-05-06 1 
1476751Magical Civilization Quest #10You and Tiberius continue to investigate the beastcursed village and follow a bloody trail.Collective Game, Scholar Spruce, magic, Magical Civilization Quest, magitech2017-05-30 1 
August 2017
1720445Freelancer Quest 1In a world under siege, where magic and science are one, you and your fellow Freelancers are humanity's last defenders.Freelancer Quest, Collective Game, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2017-08-09 18 
1793077Freelancer Quest 2The Freelancer recruits are soon called to their second mission, the defense of a mobile mining arcology against Scav raiders.Freelancer Quest, Collective Game, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2017-08-29 10 
October 2017
1898870Freelancer Quest 3The Freelancers are tasked with raiding valuable supplies from a Scav encampment, and have their first encounter with enemy spellcasters.Freelancer Quest, Collective Game, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2017-10-01 10 
November 2017
2019957Panzer Commander Quest #32The investigation into Todesfelsen ends, and preparations for battle begin, including a massage.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, a curious lack of tanks but technically they're still there2017-11-10 5 
December 2017
2081952Freelancer Quest 4To prepare for future assaults on the Machine City, the company must establish a green zone by reactivating an old defense battery.Freelancer Quest, Collective Game, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2017-12-03 13 
February 2018
2267270Freelancer Quest 5The Freelancer company assaults a Scav depot to impair the alien reinforcement efforts, and for the first time must directly engage a Thane.Freelancer Quest, Collective Game, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2018-02-12 8 
2302362Freelancer Quest 5.5The slugfest in the Scav reinforcement center comes to a end as Thane Elsis falls.Freelancer Quest, Collective Game, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2018-02-18 6 
April 2018
2483926Olbaria QuestA WW1 style army is destroyed in a foreign continent by a bunch of germanic style tribes. Surviving units gather to live another day.WW1 tech, WW1, Olbaria, Army, Collective Game, Civ, Civ-like, Typhus, Typhus QM 2018-04-25 1 
June 2018
60128900Techno-Barbarians Discussion, Examples & WorldbuildingAdvanced technology but primitive culture.worldbuilding, setting, techno-barbarian, horizon zero dawn, schizo tech, space conan,2018-06-07 3 
July 2018
2710582Post apocalyptic tribe quest A small tribe tries to survive in a world devastated and turned to fantasy. Fantasy, post apocalyptic, tribe, clan, civ, iron age, low technology 2018-07-12 1 
August 2018
2787035Freelancers 6After weathering an aurora cascade, the strike team continues their work against the Scavs, only to encounter some uninvited guests.Freelancer Quest, Collective Game, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2018-08-18 8 
September 2018
2894607Freelancers 7With the next objective located in a hot zone where Scavs and Worms are battling it out, the Freelancer team must fight on two fronts.Freelancer Quest, Freelancers, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2018-09-26 6 
October 2018
2939616Freelancers 7.5The conclusion of Operation Lightning Rod.Freelancer Quest, Freelancers, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2018-10-08 5 
December 2018
3073025Freelancers 8Foxhole comes under attack by worm biomorphs, and the Freelancers must scramble to defend their outpost against an overwhelming force.Freelancer Quest, Collective Game, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2018-12-14 6 
3109617Freelancers 8.5Base defense mission continues. Reinforcements are near, but the Freelancers first must survive a last desperate hold against the worms.Freelancer Quest, Freelancers, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2018-12-24 3 
January 2019
64088456Biotech/Biomechanics Worldbuilding/tg/ discusses organic technology.biotechnology, biomechanics, genetic modification, cloning, biomancy, fleshcrafting, posthuman, transhuman, bionicle, worldbuilding, setting2019-01-26 2 
February 2019
64346236Bioweapon GeneratorAnons make tables for creating Resident Evil style monsters and labs, create abominations.biotech, bioweapon, resident evil, generator2019-02-01 4 
March 2019
3337683Bio Armored Titan 1: Heroes Rise AgainWe select our armor and get to know how to use it somewhat before finding out that Gilgamesh is a pacifistic pussy. Cut short by GM retard.Bio Armored Titan, Biotech, Alien Invasion, Not Earth, Mr.C, Collective Game, That Warrior is totally coming back, Titan Gilgamesh2019-03-17 2 
3334373Freelancers 9Preparations complete, the grand assault on the citadel begins. The Freelancers will become dragonslayers, or die trying.Freelancer Quest, Freelancers, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2019-03-24 11 
April 2019
3375369Freelancers 9.2The battle becomes bloody, and reality itself frays around the Freelancers in their desperate fight against the dragon and its priests.Freelancer Quest, Freelancers, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2019-04-07 11 
June 2019
3550734Freelancers 10Accolades, promotions, and recovery follows the dragonslaying. Graves sets up an intrasquad arena match to keep skills sharp in the offtime.Freelancer Quest, Freelancers, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2019-06-19 6 
3584974Freelancers 10.2The friendly PvP bout has become something else entirely now that aliens have crashed the party.Freelancer Quest, Freelancers, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2019-06-29 6 
July 2019
3631697Her Love Is Revenge: PrologueHeartbroken by his beloved, student journalist Damon makes a pact with a devil to learn the truth of the circumstances behind her betrayal.Her Love Is Revenge, HLIR, Demon, Damon, Tech Noir, Sci-Fi, Future, Romance, Collective Game2019-07-12 2 
November 2019
69166723Cooking With A TechpriestA servant of the Adeptus Mechanicus shows how to make a tasty, nutritious treat for your Servo Skull.Warhammer 40k, Techpriest, Cooking, Recipe, /ck/2019-11-01 28 
3915052Freelancers 11A new chapter begins. The company is hired to establish a new outpost by powering up a golden age facility, deep in worm territory.Freelancer Quest, Freelancers, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2019-11-22 6 
January 2020
3989829Battletech AU Quest: Chapter 1Graduate inherits shitloads of Stompy MechsBattletech Quest, AU2020-01-10 0 
March 2020
71594322Traveller Character CreationA Character Creation thread with the Traveller system, resulting in a female version of Jabba the Huth, ending as a thug in a space prison.Traveller, Character Creation, Annalise Whitechaple, Whitechaple, Character, Creation, Mongoose2020-03-23 1 
April 2020
4175370Scorched Earth: A Wasteland StoryA unnamed wasteland medic begins his journey, finding himself unconscious on the streets of a Dead City. Hobos get punched and bodies burnedPost Apocalyptic, Wasteland, Sci-fi, Low Tech, High Tech, Apocalypse, CursedQm, Scorched Earth, Mutant, Scrapping2020-04-18 0 
May 2020
4242533Multiplayer Eldritch Horror (Mythic RPG) #6This time, the setting is inspired by CthulhuTech. 1 player + 2 shared characters.Eldritch, CthulhuTech, Lovecraft, Multiplayer, Mythic, RPG, Strategy, Troll2020-05-15 -5 
4242683Multiplayer Eldritch Horror (Mythic RPG) #6This time, the setting is inspired by CthulhuTech. 1 player + 2 shared characters.Eldritch, CthulhuTech, Lovecraft, Multiplayer, Mythic, RPG, Strategy, Troll2020-05-29 -4 
January 2021
76642581Techno-Barbarism Examples and WorldbuildingIn which /tg/ discusses and worldbuilds about technobarbarians and examples of them from various media.worldbuilding, technobarbarian, barbarians, DAoT, Unification Wars, Thundarr, tv tropes post apocalyptic, mad max, Protector,2021-01-03 2 
March 2021
4711824Inner District Blues [01]A visionary street kid in a neon city harnesses exotic technology in an uphill battle to protect his block from the corporate machine.Inner District Blues, IDB, Tech Noir, Sci-Fi, Cyberpunk, Chairman, Action, Collective Game2021-03-31 6 
July 2021
4892835Inner District Blues [02]New players are entering the Freeland game. We explore sites of importance and learn the word on the streets.Inner District Blues, IDB, Tech Noir, Sci-Fi, Cyberpunk, Chairman, Action, Collective Game2021-07-16 5 
November 2021
5031026Mechanicus' Primarch QuestA son of the Emperor is found adopted by a pair of Techpriests and raised on a Forge world.Collective Game, WH40K, Warhammer, Primarch, Forge World, Techpriest, TalOS DAV1S, The Machine QM, Acillian, Skitarii, Titan, 2021-11-20 47 
December 2021
5065826Mechanicus' Primarch Quest 2After creating the first of his sons Tal0S goes on a crusade against the Plastoids.Collective Game, WH40K, Warhammer, Primarch, Forge World, Techpriest, TalOS DAV1S, The Machine QM, Acillian, Skitarii, Titan, 2021-12-26 30 
January 2022
82890060Forgeworld Hanzien/tg/ plays with creation tables and makes an Imperial Chinese-themed Forgeworld menaced by Orks and a particularly dickish Rogue Trader.creation tables, adeptus mechanicus, admech, forgeworld, techpriest, china, chinese, imperial, terracotta skitarii,2022-01-10 1 
February 2022
5098704Mechanicus' Primarch Quest 3The glorious beginning of the Federal Empire of Lucius.Collective Game, WH40K, Warhammer, Primarch, Forge World, Techpriest, TalOS DAV1S, The Machine QM, Acillian, Skitarii, Titan,2022-02-06 29 
March 2022
5154586Mechanicus' Primarch Quest 4The war of the Empire of Lucius and the Mitu Conglomerate burns hot. The fleet commences a raid and pillage campaign through alien spaceCollective Game, WH40K, Warhammer, Primarch, Forge World, Techpriest, TalOS DAV1S, The Machine QM, Acillian, Skitarii, Titan2022-03-24 28 
May 2022
5208383Mechanicus' Primarch Quest 5As Lucius burns and the Blackstone Fortress activates, the Great Crusades arrives.Collective Game, WH40K, Warhammer, Primarch, Forge World, Techpriest, TalOS DAV1S, The Machine QM, Acillian, Skitarii, Titan2022-05-04 31 
5255409Mechanicus' Primarch Quest 6Tal0S has a vision Machine God and goes on a pilgrimage to gather allies in preparation for a crusade of his own.Collective Game, WH40K, Warhammer, Primarch, Forge World, Techpriest, TalOS DAV1S, The Machine QM, Acillian, Skitarii, Titan2022-05-27 29 
June 2022
5285621Mechanicus' Primarch Quest 7The pilgrimage arrives at the Holy Planet and the 2nd legion is reunited with it's primarchCollective Game, WH40K, Warhammer, Primarch, Forge World, Techpriest, TalOS DAV1S, The Machine QM, Acillian, Skitarii, Titan2022-06-20 29 
5282682LordtechSketchy young adult inherits a few mechs but loads of other things. Based on the Battletech Cyoa. Collective Game, Battletech, Lordtech, Mech, ASF2022-06-30 1 
July 2022
5310880Mechanicus' Primarch Quest 8The Reconquista crushes the Ork hordes before marching towards the Mitu Collective.Collective Game, WH40K, Warhammer, Primarch, Forge World, Techpriest, TalOS DAV1S, The Machine QM, Acillian, Skitarii, Titan2022-07-26 26 
5315699Lordtech Part 2: Still in PrologueOn buying and selling on the Station in the asteroid belt. Collective Game, Battletech, Lordtech, Mech, ASF, Quest2022-07-29 0 
August 2022
5352204Mechanicus' Primarch Quest 9The shadow of the Blackstone Fortress hides the Reconquista on the Mitu CollectiveCollective Game, WH40K, Warhammer, Primarch, Forge World, Techpriest, TalOS DAV1S, The Machine QM, Acillian, Skitarii, Titan2022-08-11 25 
October 2022
5395761Mechanicus' Primarch Quest 10TalOS returns to Mars in triumph, and becomes the new Fabricator General of LuciusCollective Game, WH40K, Warhammer, Primarch, Forge World, Techpriest, TalOS DAV1S, The Machine QM, Acillian, Skitarii, Titan2022-10-26 22 
November 2022
5443267Mechanicus' Primarch Quest 11Meeting fellow Primarchs, not all went well.Collective Game, WH40K, Warhammer, Primarch, Forge World, Techpriest, TalOS DAV1S, The Machine QM, Acillian, Skitarii, Titan2022-11-29 22 
December 2022
5493690Mechanicus' Primarch Quest 12'What shall be done, which cannot be taken back.'Collective Game, WH40K, Warhammer, Primarch, Forge World, Techpriest, TalOS DAV1S, The Machine QM, Acillian, Skitarii, Titan, Pariah2022-12-15 22 
March 2023
5542073Mechanicus' Primarch 13Time starts to pick up as the Great Crusade begins filling itself with the Primarchs upon its ranks. Half of the Primarchs found, the other Collective Game, WH40K, Warhammer, Primarch, Forge World, Techpriest, TalOS DAV1S, The Machine QM, Acillian, Skitarii, Titan, Pariah2023-03-03 20 
5590114Inner District Blues [03]Back after a "brief" hiatus for the Marion run. The search for experimental technology continues.Inner District Blues, IDB, Tech Noir, Sci-Fi, Cyberpunk, Chairman, Action, Collective Game2023-03-05 8 
April 2023
5585079Mechanicus Primarch Quest 14The Horus Heresy nears as a Primarch meets a true Ancient. Said Ancient is quite cranky.Collective Game, WH40K, Warhammer, Primarch, Forge World, Techpriest, TalOS DAV1S, The Machine QM, Acillian, Skitarii, Titan, Pariah2023-04-06 20 
May 2023
5627299Mechanicus Primarch Quest 15The Horus Heresy begins. TalOS becomes the Omnissiah. Perturabo is sent to Lucius and TalOS goes to rescue Mars from the traitors. Collective Game, WH40K, Warhammer, Primarch, Forge World, Techpriest, TalOS DAV1S, The Machine QM, Acillian, Skitarii, Titan, Pariah2023-05-15 20 
June 2023
5666785Mechanicus Primarch Quest 16: Siege of TerraThe End has arrived. Collective Game, WH40K, Warhammer, Primarch, Forge World, Techpriest, TalOS DAV1S, The Machine QM, Acillian, Skitarii, Titan, Pariah, Ends2023-06-19 21 
August 2023
5688740Life or Circuits #1A post apocalyptic world in which we follow our robotic Tactician protagonist. But then the QM gets sick.Post Apocalyptic, Techie, Life or Circuits, Tactician, Mechanimancer, Specialist, Grunt, Bruiser, Robots, Survival, Drawquest2023-08-05 2 
November 2023
90915649Future Warfare thread/tg/ discusses realistic future warfare. Will it be drones, drones, or more drones? Answer: probably less dronesWorldbuilding, Sci-Fi, Technology, Warfare, Setting2023-11-20 1 
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