Thread Title Description Tags Added Score November 2007 765406 Let's play the FATAL game. Highlighting why FATAL is terrible for newfags FATAL , game , ohgodImustclawmyeyesout 2007-11-03 22 765913 Let's play the FATAL game. - 2 The first thread actually hit the image limit. FATAL , game , ohgodImustclawmyeyesout 2007-11-03 14 April 2008 1452657 A study of nefarious druids. And their nefarious deeds. Druids , Mystery 2008-04-02 6 1505986 The Rehnian 7th "Ironstorm" Anon makes an army list that unleashes the IG's inner potential for STEEL RHEEN. 40k , army list 2008-04-11 5 October 2008 2845301 crazy 40k players... /tg/ shares bizarre horror stories of crazy Warhammer players at their LGS. 40k , horror , what , my penitent engine has a tail 2008-10-22 5 December 2008 3219079 Hordes of undead. Defeat them. Endless hordes of the undead are advancing on your location. You must build a stronghold to defend yourself. zombies , drawfaggotry , lincoln clone army 2008-12-22 6 May 2009 4471600 Gods = Xom "So after checking out some ancient mythology, paying special attention to divine dickery, I came to conclusion that all gods are Xom. Discuss." And so they did. gods , mythology , dickery , Xom 2009-05-05 3 4695827 Neckbeard Finances A thread about spending habits turns awesome. Money , army prices , debt , George Carlin , savings 2009-05-29 2 June 2009 4778129 Undead Campaign OP arrives asking /tg/ to help him with a campaign of D&D 3.5 in which the PCs are abominable undead possibly in service to a necromancer. /tg/ proceeds to get shit done. undead , zombie , skeleton , lich , mummy , necromancer 2009-06-06 3 4838727 Creation Myths Homebrew Creation myths are shared homebrew , creation myths 2009-06-11 0 4847968 Vampire lore A Mythfag presents itself to /tg/ explaining the origins of the vampire. Facts are awesome. vampires , myth , folklore 2009-06-12 8 5017032 "Be My Chosen" Project startup The Chaos Gods dating Sim resurfaces, this time with gusto. Anons and namefags alike voice their determination to make this dream a reality at last. Lets see how far we go... BeMyChosen , Chaos , Dating Sim 2009-06-27 0 August 2009 5348400 Imaginary Army Men /tg/ gets shit done and truly examines the popular Imaginary Army Men (IAM) System with the meticulous zeal it deserves, from the cheesy, min-maxing tactics of Red Army troop choices to the oft-overlooked fluff and possible fascist leanings of the mysterious Grey Army. Also Tan Army players are weaboos. warhamm faulty kai , plastic army men , neckbeard , wargame 2009-08-05 3 October 2009 6383429 Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting An obvious troll turns into a discussion on excellent campaign settings. D&D , Forgotten Realms , Wilderlands , Known World , Mystara , Newhon , Judges Guild , Campaign 2009-10-22 -2 November 2009 6784778 Folklore monsters and heroes Discussing which monsters and heroes from folklore and old stories could make good encounters in games. mythology , setting , idea , heroes 2009-11-20 3 6801575 Pokemon Tabletop Adventures: Discusion and Campaign Ideas What starts out as an anon asking for info on Starks Pokemon Tabletop quickly turns into discussion about Mystery Dungeon, The Movies, Legendary's, and Glitch pokemon. An Anon promises to deliver a splatbook for glitches and Aura users (among other things) once Stark releases the game. Pokemon , Tabletop , Aura , Mystery Dungeon , Glitches , Splatbook , Dr. Mr. Stark 2009-11-21 14 6916061 Dick move, Mr DM after a long and exhausting dungeon crawl, what's the surest way to make them never want you to DM again? brainstorming , I hate my players 2009-11-29 1 January 2010 7379393 Pokemon Tabletop Adventuers Whos that? Bearing a gift of the new year? Why it is Dr. Mr. Stark and he does not disappoint. Pokemon , Tabletop , Aura , Mystery Dungeon , Glitches , Splatbook , Dr. Mr. Stark , Epic , Zip , Adventuers , Pokemon Tabletop Adventuers 2010-01-02 24 7430811 Interesting (and terrifying) facts Someone asks for random, peculiar facts. He gets them. They're good, at first, and then they remain good, but they also turn very terrifying. oh god no my eyes my eyes , miscellaneous facts 2010-01-05 5 7470369 Mage academy ideas List of ideas for rooms to find in a mage academy. Archiving it so I don't forget these ideas. Academy setting room ideas 2010-01-07 1 February 2010 8144334 mythics in the modern world, continued the earlier thread gets a sequel, and much is discussed, from the trials of dryad life to dealing with cold weather as a lizardfolk. Also, a minotaur and a scientist get into an arguement. monster , fluff , rp , myths 2010-02-18 3 8156923 Face on Mars fa/tg/uys attempt to reimagine the planets as a pantheon based not on Roman myth, but SCIENCE! Result: celestial mythology suggestions mixed with scribbling reaction faces onto the surface of Mars. space , mythology , lulz 2010-02-19 7 8183218 mythics in the modern world, part 3 the series continues once more. job comments, relationship advice, and what mother's day presents you can give your adopted drow mother when you run out of enemy skulls to giftwrap. Includes special cameo by those racist assholes from the Order of the Silver Flame. monsters , fluff , rp , myths 2010-02-20 3 8185279 mythics in the modern world, part 4 Continued with molting advice for young lamias, a surprising moderate member of the Silver Flame, medusas and black dragon dorm problems. monsters , fluff , rp , myths 2010-02-20 4 8199393 Mythics in the modern world, #5 Featuring asshole dragon DMs, lycan rage and potentially rapist gnolls. monsters , fluff , rp , myths 2010-02-21 1 March 2010 8522358 Army Men Wargame A simple question about the prospect of an Army Men rpg/wargame turns into an awesome preview what the game could resemble. Army Men , Wargames , Ideas , Homebrew , Awesome 2010-03-11 2 8661171 SUNRAVENSTARMOONJELLYVICTORY An attempt to troll touhous ends up in discussion about the structure of names. Names , Touhou , My Immortal 2010-03-19 0 8709944 Terminator Quest You wake up in a white room, resting easily in a reclined chair. The room itself is featureless with a single door set into the wall in front of you. You look down at yourself to see a rather plain white smock draped on you, fastened losely around your neck. Who are you exactly? What are you? What is your name? The answers to these questions elude you as you sit up to check out your body. Human and female. One Shot Quest , Jimmy Sankis 2010-03-22 3 April 2010 9180661 Hadestown Anon introduces /tg/ to Hadestown, a folk opera that transposes Greek Mythology to Depression Era America. Other anons go on to expand the setting. Greek Myths , Musical , Opera , Setting , Depression 2010-04-14 7 May 2010 9823368 Army Men Chronicles The green army unites with the pinks and legos to annihilate the tan menace. Nostalgia and fun ensue. Army men , toy soldiers , awesome , wargames 2010-05-15 7 9961359 Racism, specism, and cat-eating neighbors. Pseudo-RP fluff starts with a complaint about a Naga allegedly eating his neighbor's cat, and expands from there to more tales of Mythics in man's world. rp , mythics , modern life , collective game 2010-05-21 0 June 2010 10216464 HEAVY MYTHRIL The Gods of Rock look down upon you - bring glory to their name! A new campaign setting. campaign setting , rock , heavy metal , heavy mythril , homebrew , fluff 2010-06-02 23 10266724 HEAVY MYTHRIL - Part 2 The Gods of Rock look down upon you - bring glory to their name! A new campaign setting.
...continues. campaign setting , rock , heavy metal , heavy mythril , homebrew , fluff 2010-06-04 9 July 2010 11451316 AlchemyQuest 1 We begin the tale of Court Alchemist Gillivers, setting foot on an uncharted island in the name of arcane science and imperialism. Things immediately go horribly wrong. There are also a great deal of ship-related images. AlchemyQuest , Collective Game , Quest Thread 2010-07-31 20 August 2010 11482169 AlchemyQuest 2 Gillivers and crew do significant tinkering and discover a source of fresh water, but- oh no! what's this? AlchemyQuest , Collective Game , Quest Thread 2010-08-02 12 11665005 Mysterious, dark and brooding characters The OP complains about dark, brooding characters in his campaign. It ends up with an idea of brooding guild and how brooding should be distributed to the public Dark , brooding , mysterious , funny 2010-08-14 26 September 2010 11929303 AlchemyQuest 3 StonerDM finally gets AlchemyQuest off the ground again. Gillivers awakens after sustaining serious injury, and finally meets the locals, with confusing and perhaps ominous results. Collective Game , Quest Thread , AlchemyQuest 2010-09-03 11 11984094 Neckbeards May Cry Shas'o R'myr talks about his experiences at a local tournament, involving the attack of a greasy ultramarine player. Some trolling. Shas'o R'myr , Tau , 40k , Tournament , Neckbeard 2010-09-07 12 12116883 AlchemyQuest 4 AlchemyQuest somehow manages to keep on living. Plot threads begin to unravel before Gillivers, and intrigue takes place in both past and present. AlchemyQuest , Collective Game , Quest Thread 2010-09-17 11 12129190 AlchemyQuest 5 The space elves invade. That is all. AlchemyQuest , Collective Game , Quest Thread 2010-09-18 10 12200874 AlchemyQuest 6 Gillivers learns about the true face of court the past. In the present, relatively little progress is made. AlchemyQuest , Collective Game , Quest Thread 2010-09-24 11 October 2010 12282927 AlchemyQuest 7 Gillivers gets the hell off the island with a handful of survivors. Exposition exposition exposition. Also an adorable little goblin AlchemyQuest , Collective Game , Quest Thread 2010-10-01 11 12304881 AlchemyQuest 8 A flashback to our origins. We learn of our motivations, endure a heart wrenching parting, and arrive at the door of the Academy, the door of our fate. AlchemyQuest , Collective Game , Quest Thread 2010-10-03 13 12318885 AlchemyQuest 9 Fierna seems stuck with us for the time being. We journey to the manor of Lord Blackheed, the elven seditionist emplanted within the nobility. AlchemyQuest , Quest Thread , Collective Game 2010-10-04 10 12416077 My Little Pony Stats for the various speices of MLP and an observation on the enslaving of males MLP , my little pony 2010-10-13 10 12440149 Slice-of-Life Magical Academy OP tells us about his 3.5 campaign based in the concept of an adventurer's school. D'awww ensues. Dnd , D&D , 3.5 , School , Academy , Adventurer 2010-10-14 9 12528432 AlchemyQuest 10 StonerDM is back after yet another leave of absence. He proceeds to grab a fistful of heartstrings and swing around like a toddler on a sugar rush. Also feature the fantastic drawfag stylings of some kind of fantastic drawfag. AlchemyQuest , Collective Game , Quest Thread 2010-10-22 10 12539103 AlchemyQuest 11 Gillivers is framed for murder and shipped off to exotic islands, completing the temporal loop. In the present, EXPOSITION EXPOSITION EXPOSITION EXPOSITION. AlchemyQuest , Collective Game , Quest Thread 2010-10-23 10 12558680 Tall Tales from all over the world Pretty much what says the title. Mainly American ones. stories fluff ideas setting gods mythology 2010-10-25 0 12594005 Spooky Zerg Quest I Cerebrate Anon celebrates Halloween by giving us control of a Terran on a planet that may have Zerg. First, we had to decide whether or not to wear pants. Things moved way slower than Cerebrate Anon planned, so more to come! Cerebrate Anon , Starcraft , Zerg Quest , Spooky , Secretly Terran Quest , The voices in my head are screaming! 2010-10-28 11 12605538 AchemyQuest 12 Gillivers moves to the big city and gets comfortable in his borrowed quarters. We go to a party, and party it up. AlchemyQuest , Collective Game , Quest Thread 2010-10-29 12 12617050 AlchemyQuest13 Gillivers spins a fantastic yarn. Reconnections are made with figures from our past. StonerDM has a chance encounter...with DRUGS. AlchemyQuest , Collective Game , Quest thread 2010-10-30 10 12624523 Characters who could take a level of Barbarian A thread about manliness goes horribly awry. Manly men , beards , meth , owls , Wasteland Warrior , alcohol , Norse mythology 2010-10-31 2 November 2010 12694861 AlchemyQuest 14 Gillivers meets with Elegy again, before team-building with the hired help. Alchemical developments ensue, and we stand poised to meet with Stelton. AlchemyQuest , Collective Game , Quest Thread 2010-11-06 11 12765548 AlchemyQuest 15 Gillivers meets with Stelton and convinces her of the dire situation (somewhat), then it's off to the Academy to try and find out who wants to kill us. AlchemyQuest , Collective Game , Quest Thread 2010-11-12 14 12848784 AlchemyQuest 16 Gillivers tries to get to the bottom of Elegy's disappearance. Questees are sparse. AlchemyQuest , Collective Game , Quest Thread 2010-11-19 10 12860634 AlchemyQuest 17 Gillivers gets to the bottom of Elegy's disappearance. Dice rolls are called for; no one is up to the task. Gillivers gets his shit handed to him before the magic of explosives finally wins out. AlchemyQuest , Collective Game , Quest Thread 2010-11-20 11 12957998 /tg/ Character Creation OP finds an old character history creation kit. The results are epic. Central Casting Character Timmy 2010-11-28 3 December 2010 13115808 Tall Tales of AdEva Anon requests stories from other Adeptus Evangelion players. Awesome ensues. AdEva , Adeptus Evangelion , Storytime , My Campaigns , Evangelion 2010-12-13 5 13305334 Mysterious Owner A Mysterious Owner comes to show /tg/ some of his items. "Mysterious Owner , Trees , magic items" 2010-12-27 7 January 2011 13488330 Cartoon Voices The thread begins with the king of the hill cast explaining their days in the 40k universe staying remarkably true to character, it goes on to various famous cartoon videogame, tv, and movie characters doing likewise, including adaptations of many Disney songs. Cartoon in my voice quotes 40k tv videogames movies characters songs singing 2011-01-12 20 13524887 The Warehouse Interrogation An interesting experimental story. The main character is being interrogated, and does not know all the information at the start. quest thread , collective game , adventure , quest , mystery , game , roleplay 2011-01-15 11 13536551 The Murder of Jessica Monroe You are being interrogated for your part in the death of a young woman. quest thread , collective game , adventure , quest , mystery , game , roleplay , detective 2011-01-16 12 March 2011 14257347 Mythical Guns A thread discussing mythical guns and their properties. guns , mythical , setting , weapons 2011-03-16 1 14298547 Mythoshammer 40,000 One inventive anon starts a discussion about what Warhammer 40k would be like if it was set in the Cthulhu Mythos. Hilarity ensues. Glaaki is cheesy. Lovecraft , Mythos 2011-03-19 6 14399398 Army Men Wargame
Funny thread about the Plastic Army Men Wargame/Parody of Warhammer. Warhammer , Army Men , Sarge , Green , Plastic , Wargame 2011-03-29 8 June 2011 15355941 Zerg Quest XLVI Crazy Xel'Naga crystals be glowin'! Anon prepares to get it on with the Protoss, and then /tg/ locks up. Yay. That was anticlimactic. Zerg Quest , Cerebrate Anon , Starcraft , Collective Game , Where did my /tg/ go? 2011-06-23 10 August 2011 15797189 The tale of the shepherd boy A truly epic myth of the God-Emperor. 40K , Emperor , Dark Heresy , mythological 2011-08-03 74 15809908 Zerg Quest LII The Great Worldship Heist gets underway. Zerg hijinks! Cerebrate Anon , Zerg Quest , Starcraft , Collective Game , Quest Thread , Power-up , Ow my head 2011-08-04 10 15990640 Melek Tau - the psionic peacocks In their world, beauty is power, and they are the most beautiful. Peacock feathers and camp-gay elegance everywhere. Also, psychic knife-fighting. To them, David Bowie is Chuck Norris. FABULOUS! peacocks , psychic , psionic , beautiful , FABULOUS , bitch you did not just diss my haircut 2011-08-20 23 16073747 Fantasy and Medieval Economics The cost of boots in silesia and tales of the Math Lich. economy , fantasy economy 2011-08-27 3 September 2011 16218346 That Guy/That Bro Thread OP starts a rage thread, but in the end a good time is had by all as people share stories of their 'That Guy' and 'That Bro.' army , that bro , that guy , D&D , stories 2011-09-08 11 16421732 WoodsQuest Papayawhip Spandexthrasher's first quest thread, which turned out to be pretty awesome. After hunting for some bunny rabits, we made an enemy out of Artemis, bro'd it up with Dionysus, rescued a nymph, and shenanigans! WoodsQuest , Collective Game , greek mythology , hunter 2011-09-26 11 16434154 WoodsQuest Ogg, our intrepid hunter now serves Dionysus as a chosen cleric! He's gotten smarter, better looking; he no longer hunts, tending a herd of nymphs and a vineyard instead. Ogg is now in Athens, attending an org-uh, a party. WoodsQuest , Collective Game , greek mythology , hunter 2011-09-27 8 16445256 WoodsQuest The third installment of WoodQuest, where we help Dio and Artemis battle Apollo, sleep with Artemis' cleric, then get home to find even more nymphs and the single most bitching pad in all of Greece.
Also, destroy Apollo. WoodsQuest , Collective Game , greek mythology , hunter 2011-09-28 6 16456653 WoodsQuest In which we meet many of the gods to discuss plans to steal Persephonne back from Hades. In this task, we will receive help from an unlikely ally... WoodsQuest , Collective Game , greek mythology , hunter 2011-09-29 5 16468804 WoodsQuest In this episode of WoodsQuest, we decent down to Hades in order to save Persephonne. After crossing the river Styx and dealing with Charon, we finally arrive in the underworld to do battle with the mighty and powerful Cerberus. WoodsQuest , Collective Game , greek mythology , hunter 2011-09-30 2 November 2011 16885981 Strange Prices A mysterious stranger sold me a thread, but his price was that I archive it. I did. mysterious stranger 2011-11-09 22 16908940 Giants Wherin /tg/ discusses Giants of various myth and how to make them relevant again. Giants , myth , norse , celtic , russian , RPG, 2011-11-11 30 16930200 /tg/ Meta Quest 22 We send probe droids down to various places, and find a cornucopia of horror, from the Mountains of Madness to Silent Hill. We're able to rescue Heather Mason, but then people spill the beans on who we are, necessitating a memory wipe later. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , LotR , Barad-Dur , Ahzek Ahriman , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies 2011-11-13 12 16932479 /tg/ Meta Quest 23 We prep a team of Data and some droids to escort Heather Mason back to Silent Hill. We learn by raiding newspaper offices around the globe that several different cults were at work, ranging from Mythos to d20 Modern, to bring about the end of the world. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies 2011-11-13 16 16958743 /tg/ Meta Quest 24 Heather Mason and Douglas Cartland return to Silent Hill, backed by Data and the droids. They begin exploration when we find out that Silent Hill is not to be underestimated, as it starts mining Data for monsters, and creates steam-clockwork-Borg abominations. We quickly run from them, and begin to explore the Church of the Order. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies 2011-11-19 14 16975328 /tg/ Meta Quest 25 We encounter a boss fight in the form of Data's guilt and regret over the death of his daughter. Douglas goes down, and we desperately try to keep him alive as Spike enters Silent Hill with extra equipment. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies 2011-11-21 15 16994064 /tg/ Meta Quest 26 We save Douglas Cartland, and solve some more puzzles. As we're exploring, we meet Doug's son. His dead son. That he has regrets over. Cue boss-fight. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies 2011-11-23 13 17019510 /tg/ Meta Quest 27 We proceed into the unexplored west wing of the chapel, and come upon a section out of Spike Spiegel's memories. We end up in a boss-fight against Corvus Head, and while Spike is tossed around and heavily injured, we are victorious. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies 2011-11-26 12 17039688 /tg/ Meta Quest 28 We move to the final boss of the Silent Hill portion of this world, and attack its weak point for massive damage. Then we find out who's been pulling the strings of the various horrors. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies 2011-11-28 12 17059442 /tg/ Meta Quest 29 We begin exploring the zombie outbreak in Pennsylvania. We find evidence of at least Left 4 Dead, Resident Evil, and quite possibly Return of the Living Dead zombies. We also find some survivors that tell us that Raccoon City has become the domain of some lich-king. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead 2011-11-30 12 December 2011 17057731 Fucked-Up Folklore Stories of creatures whose IRL tales are even more messed up than their /tg/ incarnations mythology , stories , fucked up 2011-12-01 8 17087235 /tg/ Meta Quest 30 We begin the assault on Raccoon City. However, bad rolls constantly get our troops hammered, and we lose the BLU team respawn tech to magic dickery. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead 2011-12-03 12 17095963 /tg/ Meta Quest 31 The tg diceroller continues to have us over a barrel as we continue to lose members of our team. We finally decide enough is enough, and pull out our forces in order to drill a hole down to the lich. Who then promptly uses our weapons' energies to make his escape, leaving us to deal with Vampire-Wesker. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead 2011-12-04 12 17109365 /tg/ Meta Quest Planning Thread In which the Command Crew discusses plans and theories for the upcoming visit to Transylvania and what vampric horrors await there. Plus the usual chatter about who and what we should requisition next Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , ACS , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight 2011-12-05 6 17117963 /tg/ Meta Quest 32 We land with a small force in Transylvania, and begin chatting up the locals. Strahd and Dracula are at war, and signs point to their respective loves reincarnated in a single body. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , ACS , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight 2011-12-06 13 17137538 /tg/ Meta Quest 33 We dress up two of the White Mages as Tatyana/Lisa, and start poking around town to try to bait Strahd and Dracula to go to open war with each other. While searching, one of our teams spots Tatyana/Lisa, but loses her. Then one of the decoys is kidnapped. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , ACS , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight 2011-12-08 12 17161163 /tg/ Meta Quest: Waiting on OP edition OP gets held up for a couple days and we fall back on plotting against the Counts, and mostly talking about what we want on our requisitions list. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , ACS , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight 2011-12-12 8 17179943 /tg/ Meta Quest 34 Strahd summons Darius and the travelers from Londinium. We bullshit a story about Londinium and the Brittanica Empire, and the Emperor on his Golden Throne. Strahd seems to buy the story, and wants us to kill Dracula. Low rolls result in Strahd refusing to commit the majority of his forces, but he concedes to a diversionary attack as we infiltrate Castlevania. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , ACS , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight 2011-12-12 11 17194517 /tg/ Meta Quest 35 We plan, and then execute, the breaching of Castlevania. Our preparation pays off, and we are able to infiltrate the castle, and face Dracula. It is a pitched battle, but with the strength of our Space Marines, the healing of our White Mages, the protections by our Abjurer and Psion, and 10 X-COM High Explosive charges, we defeat Dracula, and Lyla is promoted to Hero-rank. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , ACS , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight 2011-12-13 11 17206876 /tg/ Meta Quest 36 We go along with the narrative, trying to catch Strahd backstabbing us in some way. When he finally offers us tainted wine, and we get confirmation of its curse, we open up a 12-pack of whoopass on Strahd and his cronies. They were not prepared to face the Knights Inductor, or battlemechs, or First Age weapons forged by Elves. Strahd goes down like a chump to the two White Mages, and we make off with his gold and a rack of his finest wines. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , ACS , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight 2011-12-14 14 17239971 /tg/ Meta Quest 38 Our Probe Droid reaches the Japan Meteorological Agency offices and makes contact with some scientists. We learn that there are insurgent forces fighting against Griffith's reign, and that Guts appears to be among them. In Antarctica, our Probe Droid there distinguishes itself, and VP-99 is almost ready to become a Hero. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , ACS , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk 2011-12-17 13 17245560 Imperium of Cat /tg/ discusses their 40kat army builds cat , cats , 40k , tabletop , army , warhammer , funny 2011-12-17 10 17273710 /tg/ Meta Quest 39 More information is collected about the World Pillar in Antarctica, and we have confirmation that Persona 4 characters are part of the insurgents. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , ACS , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona 2011-12-20 11 17284731 /tg/ Meta Quest 40 We begin setting up sniper positions in Tokyo as we make contact with the insurgent forces. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , ACS , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona 2011-12-21 10 17296729 /tg/ Meta Quest 41 We successfully convince Guts to work with us, and prepare to shake up Griffith's world. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , ACS , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona 2011-12-22 11 17306889 /tg/ Meta Quest 42 We begin the second battle of Tokyo, as magic and mutant flesh meets more magic and advanced technology. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona 2011-12-23 12 17316446 /tg/ Meta Quest 43 We defeated Griffith, only to realize that he was just a pawn. The true reality distortion anchor of Tokyo reveals itself. We begin heavily losing troops, and the Leopard dropship goes down. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona 2011-12-24 15 17325929 TG Quest: The Extended Cut Continuation of discussion and planning from TG Quest thread #43 after it autosaged out. OP off on holiday until January 4th. Discussion of what to tell the Persona heroes and plans for the Antarctic showdown with Ebon Night. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona 2011-12-26 6 17379345 Artemis 11 (or 'Help me design Call of Cthulhu In Space') OP asks for help fleshing out his concept of a CoC setting in the far future, where humanity has colonised other planets and Earth has been quarantined due to the End Times. The Carter Family owns Silver Key Incorporated and produces gates for long-distance transference, mankind is getting ready to venture toward space and the centre of the universe, and more. Call of Cthulhu , space , Artemis 11 , horror , setting , game ideas , Cthulhu , Lovecraft , Mythos 2011-12-31 6 January 2012 17391388 Polar Setting discussion Nanook and friends share legends, creatures, and pictures from Inuit and other cultures. Nanook , polar , Inuit , Sami , Yakut , Eskimo , mythology , monsters , reindeer 2012-01-01 10 17397134 TG Quest: The Extended Cut -part 2 Continuation of discussion and planning from TG Quest: The Extended Cut after it autosaged out. OP off on holiday until January 4th. More discussion, Mostly heroes and mechs this time. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona 2012-01-04 6 17425874 /tg/ Meta Quest 44 We begin cleaning up after the battle against the Idea of Evil. While Cheryl continues her training, we have our Antarctica team attack the Greater Shoggoth in order to access the Old One research facility. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona 2012-01-05 11 17429885 /tg/ Meta Quest Planning Thread post-44 The standard arguing of what to requisition and what is just stupid. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona 2012-01-05 6 17446362 /tg/ Meta Quest 45 The Command Crew is contacted by Igor, agent of Philemon, a powerful entity from the Persona Canon. He offers the Command Crew a Contract, and after much debate, the vote narrowly has us accepting. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona 2012-01-07 10 17450144 /tg/ Meta Quest 46 We open up one of the stasis chambers, only to fight a proto-Angel. We open the second stasis chamber, and find a shard of the World Pillar with Adam in fetus form inside. Translating the Elder Thing research reveals that they may have found the Lance of Longinus as well. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona , Evangelion 2012-01-07 10 17456343 TG Meta Quest planning thread part BLARGH Yet more debate over requisitions, and even a little over our current mission. MOST SHOCKING TWIST YET. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona , Evangelion 2012-01-09 6 17468187 /tg/ Meta Quest 47 As Cheryl interfaces with the World Pillar, Ebon Night takes exception to the Command Crew staying safe in orbit, and pulls them down to Antarctica for the final confrontation. Our calculations concerning our ability to defeat his defenses seem to have been...overly optimistic as we lose the entire White Mage Team. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona , Evangelion 2012-01-09 10 17471475 /tg/ Meta Quest 48 After the cataclysmic battle with Ebon Night and Cheryl initiating Second Impact, we awaken in the Kingdom of Zeal. However, it is revealed that this is only a semi-stable time echo, and we recruit the time ghost of Belthasar to aid us. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona , Evangelion , Chrono Trigger 2012-01-09 11 17481740 /tg/ Meta Quest 49 We find that Gaspar and Tosh are locked up with the Mammon Machine, and we execute a daring breaching of the chamber. Queen Zeal proves that she's one tough boss, then the Mammon Machine brings something through. Ebon Night wants a rematch, and the /tg dice seem to have bet against us as our troops drop like flies. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona , Evangelion , Chrono Trigger 2012-01-10 11 17485818 /tg/ Meta Quest 50 The crew of the TGS Oncoming Storm and their taskforce stand bloody and weary, but triumphant over Ebon Night and Queen Zeal. With their new allies, the three Gurus of Time, Life, and Reason, they refit the Blackbird into a trans-space ship and make their escape through the space-time rift eating the temporal echo of the Kingdom of Zeal. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona , Evangelion , Chrono Trigger 2012-01-10 11 17531267 My Little Paranoia: Friendship is Mandatory OP proposes Paranoia set in the universe of My Little Pony. /tg/ keeps its shit together long enough to get things done. Paranoia , ponies , homebrew , setting , My Little Pony , friendship , My Little Paranoia 2012-01-14 11 February 2012 17888118 That Guy stories from mythology Ancient mythology and some Shakespeare plays re-imagined as That Guy stories. mythology , funny , humor , Shakespeare , story , stories , That Guy 2012-02-11 16 18055443 Christian Mythology in Fantasy Settings /tg/ once again proves it is the best board by having an intelligent discussion about various aspects of Judeo-Christian tradition and mythology. Angels , Fantasy , Religion , Christianity , mythology 2012-02-22 24 March 2012 18350298 Middle Eastern Myth OP creates a starter-kit for making Arabian Nights themed settings, based on mythology, folklore, and history. Arabian , Mesopotamian , Egyptian , mythology , folklore , world building 2012-03-16 62 18442709 Vampire Lore OP posts information about Slavic vampire folklore and myth. vampires , vampire , myth , mythology , folklore 2012-03-24 11 18475950 X-Com Mystara: Enemy Unsure X-Com and 2nd ed D&D? Campaign now underway. Drawfaggotry and fake screenshots ensue. x-com , xcom , mystara , setting 2012-03-27 6 18517679 Feudalism Builder 3 In which the Dice Gods inform House Cannith (among others) to kindly go hang. collect_game Feudalism_Builder nation_game ohgodmysides 2012-03-31 0 April 2012 18560359 X-Com Mystara: Enemy Unsure 2 Full campaign transcript. Also, how would Leonardo design a UFO? x-com , xcom , mystara , setting 2012-04-03 5 18558863 Gummy Wars OP posts his idea of a wargame involving gummy candies as pieces. gummy , awesome , ideas , delicious casualties , wargame 2012-04-03 20 18913499 African Based Setting Discussion Fa/tg/uys once again discuss elements of a campaign setting based off of traditional African mythology and history. African , myths , history , setting 2012-04-30 6 May 2012 18927361 NearFuture Cyborg Quest 6 In which SHOPPING SPREE! We get lots of cool stuff, all three AI are awake, and we have a job to do tomorrow. Collective Game , NearFuture Cyborg Quest , Cyborg , Exabyte , Mysterious nat100 futuregirl 2012-05-01 15 18997281 Creepy alchemist thread Anon notices how D&D alchemists are really creepy folk, things quickly degenerate beyond horrible. alchemist , alchemy , D&D , pathfinder , plague , doctor , vivisection 2012-05-06 25 19112522 Kindheitstrauma Playing Children Homebrew /tg/ collects point buy drawbacks for a childhood horror game, remembers own childhood, is being awesome. Mommy is sick , Daddy gets mad , My brother is dead , Mommy's Icky Friend , Divorced , Little Princess , Beaten , My Little Robot , Bad Touch , Jog Dad , Little Sunshine , In the System , Our Pride , Evil? , On Ritalin , Home Alone , Moving Again , I'm a Mistake 2012-05-16 22 19202703 Zerg Quest LXXXVII The Infestation of Earth continues! Also, a brief visit from MetaQuest OP. How sweet. Collective Game , Starcraft , Cerebrate Anon , Zerg Quest , Come closer my pretty , This injection is totally safe , Oh THAT Tyson! 2012-05-23 9 June 2012 19401786 /tg/ Meta Quest 80 Complications in the form of Warhammer 40k portals appear, and we attempt to contain the situation. A failure to properly account for anti-teleportation wards leaves the Indefatigable effectively destroyed, if not completely. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Oh My Goddess! 2012-06-08 11 19447851 /tg/ Meta Quest 81 DRIVE ME CLOSER! I WANT TO HIT THEM WITH MY LOGIC. Lots of progress is made in solving problems through talking. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , Ah! My Goddess , Ahriman , Warhammer , Belldandy , Skuld , SUE , Logic , Rynex is a Weeaboo 2012-06-12 13 19460617 /tg/ Meta Quest 82 We are able to talk things out calmly with Lind, even as Ahriman tries to make a break for it and finds himself stopped in a comic fashion. We have successfully captured 5 of 6 SUE's alive. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , Ah! My Goddess , Ahriman 2012-06-13 12 19469528 Fortune: Evolution Game - Part 6-1, "The Parting of the Ways" Now with a thread for each individual climate/region, starting with the forests of Delta continent. Thread kicks off with a long-necked variant of the Grey Wretch and continues on from there. Collective Game , evo game , evo , evolution game , evolution , Father , Fortune Evolution , FortuneHost , Gardenbacks , Grey Wretch , mammal snakes , nongent , part 6 , Stooge , oh my word look all these tags 2012-06-13 6 19496965 /tg/ Meta Quest 83 There's another Meta-Aware Faction mucking around as we work on capturing the last S.U.E. We go on an ice cream and booze run in order secure the cooperation of Skuld and Urd. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Ah! My Goddess! 2012-06-16 11 19524278 TG Quest 84 Victory is ours! Six sues down none to go. Arguments start over final requisitions Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Ah! My Goddess! 2012-06-18 10 July 2012 19854980 True traditional games TG discusses the finer points of jacks, hoopstick, and plastic army men. Jacks , Plastic Army Men 2012-07-13 15 19993725 The Ponyverse is horrifying /tg/ has a reasonable discussion about My Little Pony, mostly picking out the implications of horrifying classism and how Celestia has apparently designed her own Orwellian utopia (because it actually works) My Little Pony , civil discussion , how is this even happening 2012-07-22 36 August 2012 20268058 Zerg Quest XCVIII The tests suddenly ramp up in difficulty, stretching across the sector. Zerg Quest , Collective Game , Cerebrate Anon , Xel'Naga , -A- Bernie is back , Labbrate to the rescue , What have you done with my Cerebrates!? 2012-08-11 6 20307722 Amnesiac Quest Wake up. Can only remember your name. Wrecked car hanging above you. Walking horrors abound. It begins! Collective Game , Amnesiac Quest , Hazard , The Watch , Hazmat , No Jaw , Mystery , Horror , Future , Crispy 2012-08-15 21 20347115 Amnesiac Quest 2 More monsters. Alternate timeline deaths. Reunited with the woman of our dreams. Collective Game , Amnesiac Quest , Hazard , The Watch , Hazmat , Mystery , Horror , Future , Martha 2012-08-19 9 20378749 Zerg Quest XCIX The testing continues and OH FUCK LOOK OUT Zerg Quest , Collective Game , Cerebrate Anon , Xel'Naga , Starcraft , Ow my brains! , TPK , OH GOD THE PAIN , /tg/ dice , Arm wrestling pro-tip 2012-08-19 7 20403360 Amnesiac Quest 3 Find a pool made of Shoggoths. Blow up a monstrosity. Make a few calls. Collective Game , Amnesiac Quest , Hazard , The Watch , Hazmat , Mystery , Horror , Future , Doll , Raptor , Catfish 2012-08-24 7 20461272 Zerg Quest C 100 Threads! Woo! Meanwhile, gods try to steal our mind. Zerg Quest , Cerebrate Anon , Starcraft , Collective Game , Xel'Naga , testing , /tg/ dice , less of you than I remember , OW MY HEAD 2012-08-25 11 20483789 Amnesiac Quest 4 We meet Doll, have an exchange of differences with Alice, plot with holograms, and attempt to steal some tech for Doll's mission. Collective Game , Amnesiac Quest , Hazard , The Watch , Hazmat , Mystery , Horror , Future , Doll , Raptor , Catfish , Alice , Titan , Crazy Earl 2012-08-28 10 September 2012 20600452 Zerg Quest CII After much discussion, Anon decides where its loyalties lie, and begins THRASHIN ON A MUTHAFUCKA Cerebrate Anon , Zerg Quest , Starcraft , Collective Game , Xel'Naga , testing , Protoss , crossroads , nuclear diplomacy , I WILL CUT YOU UNIVERSE , voices in my head , PORTENT! 2012-09-05 6 20653467 My (Necron) Immortal A reimagining of My Immortal as a Necron fanfic necron My_Immortal Phaeron_Phaussett Ekhbeni Drakh'nezh Dimmensha Rhavenn Stormlord 2012-09-09 35 20675064 Amnesiac Quest 6 So a one-legged Russian Giant, an android girl with split personalities, and an amnesiac walk into a gun shop... Collective Game , Amnesiac Quest , Hazard , The Watch , Hazmat , Mystery , Horror , Future , Doll , Alice , Titan , Crazy Earl 2012-09-13 7 20790828 Lady Robot Master Quest Part 23 In which we fight Jimmy Lee for no reason. megaman , quest , collective game , blade woman , pharaoh man , knight man , jimmy , double dragon 2012-09-20 2 20883057 Shy-chan Quest 3 Shy-chan suffers a panic attack so massive she ends up in the hospital. Collective Game , Shy-chan Quest , all my feels 2012-09-27 7 October 2012 20931788 Hive-Minds and BEES Thread about hive-minds quickly becomes awesome when people who actually know about bees show up. hive-minds , robots , roleplay , characters , bees ,BEES , NOT THE BEES , THEY'RE IN MY EYES , THEY'RE IN MY MOUTH , AAAAAUGH 2012-10-02 18 20952162 Zerg Quest CVI The battle continues, except for when we're busy making silly puns. The battle waits for puns. Zerg Quest , Collective Game , Starcraft , Cerebrate Anon , Puns , /tg/ dice , botched nat 20 , double 11s , Khas pops out of a cake , STOP BLOWING HOLES IN MY REALITY 2012-10-02 7 21047822 Zerg Quest CVII On the plus side, the XN are on the ropes! On the negative side, so is the fabric of spacetime!
We might defeat both. Zerg Quest , Collective Game , Starcraft , Cerebrate Anon , STOP BLOWING HOLES IN MY REALITY , Xel'Naga , The Guardian , War never changes , Boldly Going 2012-10-09 7 21164535 Grimoire Quest We start a quest that seems to be originally a pick your choices picture. We switch characters three times before we come to a showdown between Leet, the main character for now, against three novice? wizards. It ends in shenanigans. Grimoire Quest , Collective Game , Pick Your Choice , Warlocks , Witches , Demons , Fae , Eldricth Horror , Mythical Creature , Magic 2012-10-18 13 21112076 Fortune: Evolution Game - Part 6-11 (Pickle Island) An isolated spit of rock called Pickle Island is the next setting for the continued game of Fortune: Evolution. Also includes a quick spat between Otto von Bismark and the Spirit of Prussia. Collective Game , Fortune Evolution , Part 6 , evo , Pickle Island , giant enemy crabs , snakes , blimpies 2012-10-22 3 21244750 Elvish in Adventure Time /co/ comes by to ask about some Elvish on a book in Adventure Time. /tg/ gets sleuthing. Elvish , adventure time , /co/ , mystery 2012-10-23 23 21289582 Call to Adventure OP says his family died and left him a small fortune; he wants to do something with his life like the characters he plays. /tg/ has ideas. adventure , orphan , family , my parents are dead , batman 2012-10-26 25 21319241 FATAL "Friday" Pt. 1 /tg/ creates Hortamundus, the dwarf who spends 9 hours a day making bread and has done so for 105 years in FATAL FATAL , Bread_making , My_eyes 2012-10-28 8 21322501 FATAL "Friday" Pt. 2 /tg/'s dwarf baker takes on a troll in a surprisingly short fight FATAL,Bread_making,My_Eyes 2012-10-28 7 November 2012 21523416 If Lies To Children Were True There's no sex, you can make boys with snips, snails and puppy-dog tails, and stepping on a crack will break your mother's back. More neat suggestions inside. game ideas , scary , creepy , humor , setting , worldbuilding , childhood , myths 2012-11-11 18 21614755 Tank Witches Quest '89 1 Bad news, followed by worse news, followed by recon and stealing explosives! Strike Witches , Army , Tanks , TW89 , Collective Game , Tank Witches Quest , MightyM0use 2012-11-17 22 21623452 Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 38 Hito have finally banish Nurgle back to Warp but he must face the last Chaos God, Khorne the Lord of Rage and Blood. Maid Quest: The Life of Master , Quest , Collective Game , CYOA , Maid , Chaos , Chaos God , Nurgle , Khorne , Merlin , Stonehenge , Caledfwlch , Rhongomyniad 2012-11-17 -2 21733324 Tank Witches Quest '89 2 Technical issues, followed by cityfighting! YAAAAY Strike Witches 1989 , Army , Tanks , TW89 , Collective Game , Tank Witches Quest , MightyM0use 2012-11-25 22 December 2012 21840743 Tank Witches Quest '89 3 Starting with amazing breakfast, ending with briefing, ROUNDED OFF WITH FUUUHHHTTBAAAWWWLLLL Strike Witches 1989 , Army , Tanks , TW89 , Collective Game , Tank Witches Quest , MightyM0use 2012-12-02 25 21952184 Tank Witches Quest '89 4 Fightan with Special Forces! Executan Witches! Not staran at boobs! Strike Witches 1989 , Army , Tanks , TW89 , Collective Game , Tank Witches Quest , MightyM0use 2012-12-09 22 22044002 Tank Witches Quest '89 5 Let's see, combat is scary, girls are worried, Wittmann is a bitch. yep, sums it up. Strike Witches 1989 , Army , Tanks , TW89 , Collective Game , Tank Witches Quest , MightyM0use 2012-12-15 22 22157399 Tank Witches Quest '89 6 In which we fly to France, and get some awesome and or bad news. You decide! Strike Witches 1989 , Army , Tanks , TW89 , Collective Game , Tank Witches Quest , MightyM0use 2012-12-22 22 January 2013 22613994 Succeed or Die Quest /tg/ succeeds or dies in needlessly dramatic and hilarious ways Collective Game , Succeed or Die Quest , my sides 2013-01-16 15 22694047 Lady Gaga Occult Homebrew What if pop stars were actually vessels for channeling the Great Old Ones? homebrew , gaga , cthulhu mythos 2013-01-21 8 22715392 Sci-Fi Fantasy Quest 1 We are Wyatt Brown, specialist in Applied Dimensional Mechanics and Summoning. We have been tasked to rebuild Team 108 after they disastrously went rogue. We go to grab the first member of the team, and land right in the middle of some Lovecraftian shit they've uncovered. Sci-Fi Fantasy Quest , Quest , Collective Game , Occult Intelligence , Lovecraft Mythos , Science Fiction , Fantasy , Weird Science 2013-01-22 5 22745010 Sci-Fi Fantasy Quest 2 Doc Brown assembles his team, performs SCIENCE!, interrogates a prisoner, and fights shoggoths beneath Grand Central Station. Sci-Fi Fantasy Quest , Quest , Collective Game , Occult Intelligence , Lovecraft Mythos , Science Fiction , Fantasy , Weird Science 2013-01-23 5 22760532 Succubus Lord Quest Part 13 Join us as we discuss Willpower with Lance and learn what is inside of the MYSTERY BOX! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , Mystery Box 2013-01-25 20 February 2013 22944074 Medieval Economy /tg/ talks about making a fully-featured economy system homebrew , crunch , economy , D&D 2013-02-03 10 22940744 Army Answers A nice armybro answers some questions army , what , artillery , amurrica 2013-02-03 2 23023418 I Believe In Myrkul! So where you from you sexy lich? /tg/ songwriting , Myrkul 2013-02-07 37 23034444 RaidX: PAD - Paranormal Detectives Case #1 Part 3 Shit is going down, next part will be the last in this case probably. Collective game , horror , monsters , RaidX , PAD , paranormal , detectives , investigation , mystery 2013-02-08 0 23166660 Recreational Writing Writefag uses /tg/'s suggestions to write a story of magical cowboys, Bikini warriors, Vikings, mummies, and robots. Viking , Mummy Cop , Bikini Battalion , Los Lobos , cowboys , chainmail bikini 2013-02-15 2 April 2013 24111246 The Riddle of Steel's Prophet Returns Jimmy Roman, Prophet of Galt, comes to tell us of the imminent return of Dickstabbing. Fectc/tg/uys everwhere rejoice. Also, they possibly rename the whole game. Riddle of Steel , John Galt , Jimmy Roman , Sword 2013-04-08 17 24171774 Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest 3 Yer a Magus, Harry. Ye also got tha Mystic Eyes o' Death Perception. And ye also were in a coma. Collective Game , Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest , Harry Potter , Nasu , Kiritsugu Emiya , Zelretch , Mystic Eyes of Death Perception 2013-04-11 26 24249484 John Galt Returns, Runs Fecht Thread John Galt himself returns and runs a Riddle of Steel/Song of Swords fecht thread! In it, we fight the Hef, a race of rapetastic minotaurs. Can the sea elf pirate Rade best these foul creatures? Riddle of Steel,John Galt,Jimmy Roman,Song of Swords,Sword,Hef,Rade,Rhade 2013-04-15 22 24307917 Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest 4 Yer a magus, 'Arry! And yer finally gonna be getting out of the Dursley's hands if Kingsley and Kiritsugu have anything to say about it. Collective Game , Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest , Harry Potter , Nasu , Kiritsugu Emiya , Zelretch , Mystic Eyes of Death Perception 2013-04-18 28 24319368 Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest 5 Yer a magus, Harry. Things heat up for the Dursleys as Kingsley's devious plan is set into motion. Collective Game , Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest , Harry Potter , Nasu , Kiritsugu Emiya , Zelretch , Mystic Eyes of Death Perception 2013-04-18 28 May 2013 24572329 Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest 7 Yer a magus, 'Arry. And apparently ye' have a soft spot in yer heart for good ol' Martin Miggs. Collective Game , Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest , Harry Potter , Nasu , Kiritsugu Emiya , Zelretch , Mystic Eyes of Death Perception , MARTIN MIGGS THE MAD MUGGLE 2013-05-02 29 24598986 Song of Swords: The Swords Sing Again Excellently informative discussion on Team Galt's Song of Swords, with extra info on everything from Finnish knives to Japanese swords. Song of Swords , John Galt , Jimmy Rome , Shinto Onna , Japan , Finland , History 2013-05-04 9 24732196 Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest 8 Yer a magus, 'Arry. And yer still on that bloody shopping trip that started threads ago. At least you've got puppies to play with. Collective Game , Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest , Harry Potter , Nasu , Kiritsugu Emiya , Zelretch , Mystic Eyes of Death Perception 2013-05-10 26 24768783 Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest 9 Yer a magus, 'Arry. And a Wizard. A proud new owner of a golden snake Illya named Gilgamesh. But more importantly, you're finally done shopping. Collective Game , Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest , Harry Potter , Nasu , Kiritsugu Emiya , Zelretch , Mystic Eyes of Death Perception , Gilgasnake 2013-05-12 26 24778984 Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest 9 Yer a magus, 'Arry. And 'Ermione's a Magical Girl. And Zelretch may or may not be an Ancient Egyptian Vampire Wizard, we're not sure. Collective Game , Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest , Harry Potter , Nasu , Kiritsugu Emiya , Zelretch , Mystic Eyes of Death Perception 2013-05-12 26 24865578 Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest 11 Yer a Magus, 'Arry. And yer also a Wizard. And now, it's time for ye to head off to Hogwarts. Collective Game , Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest , Harry Potter , Nasu , Kiritsugu Emiya , Zelretch , Mystic Eyes of Death Perception 2013-05-17 26 24928926 Martian Death Quest The original author of the Martian Death Quest returns Martian Death Quest , My best horror RPG,nightmare_fuel sci-fi storytime 2013-05-20 16 June 2013 25587475 Fantasy Cheers Quest 11 Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name. Collective Game , Tavern Quest , Deep and Mysterious , Deposed Nobles Are Totally Original 2013-06-22 12 July 2013 25755785 Alchemist Quest Part I You are Juliette Ambrose, an Ishvalan Alchemist who has forsaken everything she once upheld, set on the path to create true and lasting change. Alchemist Quest , Alchemy , Quest , Combat , Collective Game 2013-07-01 10 25959245 Space Waifu Quest 19: Return of the Shitty Subtitle Wherein we metagame like a dirty minmaxer, argue about nothing, and kill more characters shamelessly ripped from popular culture. ERP , Collective Game , Starcraft 2 sucks , Arcturus Mengsk was right , Starcraft , Space Waifu Quest , What kind of name is Delta Phoenix anyways , lesbians , robophilia , gynoid , You’re too slow , C’mon step it up , Rollin around at the speed of sound , Got places to go , GOTTA FOLLOW MY RAINBOW 2013-07-12 8 26319563 Bleach Quest XXXIII In which we are family, I've got all my cousins and me. Bleach Quest , Bleach , Collective Game , MY COUSIN 2013-07-30 27 August 2013 26439322 Academy Quest Hairy McTerrorcastle embarks on a journey to learn the art of Magic and get rich off it. Collective Game , Academy Quest , Magic 2013-08-05 21 26458155 Academy Quest II Hairy McTerrorcastle goes to the Library and embarks on a journey to another Plane. Collective Game , Academy Quest , Magic , There are no brakes 2013-08-06 18 26464615 Academy Quest II and a Half Hairy McTerrorcastle dances with... something, and then rushes off to tell the Magister all about it. Collective Game , Academy Quest , Magic , Luckiest fucking Quest 2013-08-06 17 26496259 Academy Quest III Hairy McTerrorcastle meets some people, and makes a friend. Adventure is on the Horizon! And maybe Death. Collective Game , Academy Quest , Magic 2013-08-08 16 26532634 Tank Witches Quest '89 18 In which we go out shopping, pick up Sushi, and 'talk' with the Baltimore PD Strike Witches 1989 , Army , Tanks , TW89 , Collective Game , Tank Witches Quest , MightyM0use 2013-08-10 21 26569289 Academy Quest IV Hairy McTerrorcastle learns a name, some Force Magic, and joins a Secret Society. All in a day of his life. Collective Game , Academy Quest , Magic 2013-08-12 20 26647044 Academy Quest V Hairy McTerrorcastle makes some friends, and tells a special someone how he feels. Collective Game , Academy Quest , Magic , Feels 2013-08-16 22 26703929 Academy Quest VI McTerrorcastle discovers it's not all roses and sunshine at the Academy, before going on a date with Ariane. Collective Game , Academy Quest , Magic , Feels 2013-08-19 23 26758986 Academy Quest VII Hairy McTerrorcastle goes to class, talks to Vann, and finally discovers his attunement. Collective Game , Academy Quest , Magic 2013-08-22 20 26847120 Academy Quest VIII Shit hits the fan as Hairy McTerrorcastle is named the Apprentice of the Archmagister. Collective Game , Academy Quest , Magic , There are no brakes 2013-08-27 21 September 2013 26957868 Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest Thread 12 Yer a magus, 'Arry. And also yer a wizard. And now its time to deal with all these redheads and get on the Hogwarts express Collective Game , Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest , Harry Potter , Nasu , Kiritsugu Emiya , Zelretch , Mystic Eyes of Death Perception 2013-09-01 28 26992071 Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest Thread 13 Yer a Magus, 'Arry. And holy fuck Snape's dead. Among other things. Collective Game , Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest , Harry Potter , Nasu , Kiritsugu Emiya , Zelretch , Mystic Eyes of Death Perception , Teach Me Tonks-Senpai 2013-09-03 27 27012068 Christian mythology A surprisingly civil discussion about the parts of the bible that could be used in a game. bible , christianity , mythology , old testament, 2013-09-04 2 27014512 Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest Thread 14 Yer a magus, 'Arry. And now that all that excitement is done, it's time to finish that important train ride. Collective Game , Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest , Harry Potter , Nasu , Kiritsugu Emiya , Zelretch , Mystic Eyes of Death Perception 2013-09-04 26 27034668 Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest Thread 15 Yer a magus, 'Arry. And this has got to be Illya's most obnoxious proposition yet. Collective Game , Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest , Harry Potter , Nasu , Kiritsugu Emiya , Zelretch , Mystic Eyes of Death Perception 2013-09-05 28 27055636 Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest Thread 16 Yer a magus, 'Arry. And now you're a Hufflepuff. I hope you're proud of yourself. Collective Game , Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest , Harry Potter , Nasu , Kiritsugu Emiya , Zelretch , Mystic Eyes of Death Perception 2013-09-06 25 27068016 Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest Thread 17 Yer a magus, 'Arry. And now that the feast is over, it's time for speeches and socializing! Collective Game , Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest , Harry Potter , Nasu , Kiritsugu Emiya , Zelretch , Mystic Eyes of Death Perception 2013-09-07 27 October 2013 27707550 Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest Thread 18 Yer a magus, 'Arry. And ye were also born ta kill the Serpent of Akasha, where ever that'll leave ye. Collective Game , Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest , Harry Potter , Nasu , Kiritsugu Emiya , Zelretch , Mystic Eyes of Death Perception 2013-10-13 25 27797261 Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest Thread 19 Yer a magus 'Arry. And with your latest scheme you're doomed to be a Butler too. Collective Game , Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest , Harry Potter , Nasu , Kiritsugu Emiya , Zelretch , Mystic Eyes of Death Perception , Jubstacheit's Maid Army 2013-10-18 25 27773123 Mummy Innkeeper So you all meet in an inn. It's built on top of a tomb and the innkeeper is a deathless guardian that lays a curse on all that leave their room a huge mess when they exit. Mummy , Inn , Innkeeper , Innkeeping 2013-10-18 22 November 2013 28082618 Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest Thread 20 Yer a Magus, 'Arry. And ye think ye've figured out the trick to wandlore. Collective Game , Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest , Harry Potter , Nasu , Kiritsugu Emiya , Zelretch , Mystic Eyes of Death Perception 2013-11-03 26 28264679 Pax Mortis: Tager Quest In two days you will be undergoing the rituals to become a hidious monster so you can kill other hideous monsters....or die in the process. Collective Game , CthulhuTech , Horror , War Band , Mommy Issues 2013-11-13 22 28300637 Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Pt 2 Faced with a woman from your past, the impending Rite, and the horror of becoming one with something that will live inside you.... Collective Game , CthulhuTech , Horror , War Band , Body Horror , Mommy Issues 2013-11-15 14 28355446 Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 3 On the trail of an ancient mystery, you find some measure of answers, meet new and amusing people, and might just have room in your heart to comfort a friend in spite of it all. Collective Game , CthulhuTech , Horror , War Band , Body Horror , Mommy Issues 2013-11-18 18 28394768 Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 4 The Rite of Sacred Union may not be a marriage, but it is far more intimate. If you survive it. Collective Game , CthulhuTech , Horror , War Band , Body Horror , Mommy Issues 2013-11-20 16 28449699 Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 5 Anne has become one of the most powerful Tagers....but physical power won't help her with the death of a comrade and her first mission. Collective Game , CthulhuTech , Horror , War Band , Body Horror , Mommy Issues 2013-11-23 15 28524878 Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 6 Your confrontation with Yen takes a abrupt turn for the worse, and secrets are divulged. Secrets that could have an awesome toll on the Eldritch Society.... Collective Game , CthulhuTech , Horror , War Band , Body Horror , Mommy Issues 2013-11-27 13 28542326 Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 7 With the horrifying death of your fellow Tager, you are left with more questions than answers. Also, perverts. Collective Game , CthulhuTech , Horror , War Band , Body Horror , Voyuer , Mommy Issues 2013-11-28 16 28566866 African Myths and Legends (Fantasy) What started as a image dump becomes an in-depth discussion of African myth and legend. Africa , game ideas , myth , legend 2013-11-30 5 December 2013 28594700 Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 8 The Elder Efreet Towern answers some questions; a funeral is held; and finally...a mission briefing is begun. Collective Game , CthulhuTech , Horror , War Band , Body Horror , Mommy Issues 2013-12-01 16 28671945 Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 9 The briefing is held, and to the point, but you have at least one day to prepare....or investigate other avenues of inquiry. Collective Game , CthulhuTech , Horror , War Band , Body Horror , Mommy Issues 2013-12-05 13 28853609 Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 10 Rechert and Viss are just as lost as you are about why Yen wanted you to stay away. A gruesome discovery ensues... Collective Game , CthulhuTech , Horror , War Band , Body Horror , Mommy Issues , Gross 2013-12-14 11 28959873 Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 11 Hiding from an enemy that may or may not exist, Anne and her murder of Tagers face the facts.... Collective Game , CthulhuTech , Horror , War Band , Body Horror , Mommy Issues , Dimensional Sharks 2013-12-19 7 28980969 Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 12 Prepared for battle, Anne learns what secrets Yen had...and something does come for them. But it isn't what anyone expected... Collective Game , CthulhuTech , Horror , War Band , Body Horror , Mommy Issues , Dimensional Sharks 2013-12-20 10 29016964 Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 13 Something comes through the wards, but it isn't what Anne expected. Someone has it in for her... Collective Game , CthulhuTech , Horror , War Band , Body Horror , Mommy Issues , Dimensional Sharks 2013-12-22 9 29026431 Kamen Rider Myth Quest 1 The Hero's Arrival! Clash with the Crimson Crowned Coot! Kamen Rider , Kamen Rider Myth Quest , Collective Game , The Gentry , Irish Mythology , Folklore 2013-12-23 0 February 2014 29995928 A Certain Academy Quest We meet our protagonist, Kyril Torikov. After surviving the graviton bombing he swears to bring justice to the perpetrator. Collective Game , A Certain Academy , To aru 2014-02-04 11 30041621 A Certain Academy Quest 2 Kyril follows up a lead, catches a sword with his own body and meets The Dictator Collective Game , A Certain Academy , To aru 2014-02-06 11 30081136 A Certain Academy Quest 3 We nab the Graviton bomber and visit the Dictator. Collective Game , A Certain Academy Quest , To aru 2014-02-08 11 30124276 A Certain Academic City Quest 3 Kyril goes on a date, gets in a telekinesis fight and The Dictator levels a building Collective Game , A Certain Academy Quest , To aru , A Certain Academic City Quest, 2014-02-10 13 30168474 A Certain Academic City Quest 5 Kyril drinks, feels like he's missing a few things and obtains the Level Upper Collective Game , A Certain Academy Quest , To aru , A Certain Academic City Quest , Bored of Directors 2014-02-12 12 30215413 A Certain Academic City Quest 6 Kyril gets kidnapped, tears a Saint's shirt off. Collective Game , A Certain Academy Quest , To aru , A Certain Academic City Quest , Bored of Directors 2014-02-14 11 30257582 A Certain Academic City Quest 7 Kyril dreams a dream, pulls of a heist but still gets busted. Collective Game , A Certain Academy Quest , To aru , A Certain Academic City Quest , Bored of Directors 2014-02-16 11 30373122 A Certain Academic City Quest 9 Kyril stops Kiyama and heads to help fight the AIM burst Collective Game , A Certain Academy , To aru 2014-02-21 9 30479545 Freighter Quest Episode 2: Sean Newell and the Frozen Island On Sean Newell's Second Adventure he investigates the mystery of a freezing island while facing off against a cold Rusky. Freighter Quest , Collective Game , Ocean , Post-WW1 , Adventurer , Low-Fantasy , South Seas , Alternate Earth , Merchant Seaman , Mystery 2014-02-26 5 March 2014 30618536 My Life is Average Quest Oneshot In which hearing voices leads to crazy Collective Game , Drawquest , Quest , My Life Is Average Quest 2014-03-04 25 30617033 Kamen Rider Myth Quest 3 Library. Friend of a friend. Goblins! Kamen Rider , Kamen Rider Myth Quest , Collective Game , The Gentry , Irish Mythology , Folklore 2014-03-05 0 30753404 Knightly Discourse. A knight comes to the court of /tg/ with a most pressing quandary. The knights of /tg/ offer their advice. Knights , problem , squire , hobgoblins , roleplay , chivalry , sodomy 2014-03-11 15 31063278 CoC Mythos scenarios and plothooks A collection of mostly original plothooks for Call of Cthulhu and Delta Green games. Also has Mister Trashbags, the baby shoggoth. CoC , Mythos , hooks , plothooks , shoggoth, 2014-03-27 5 April 2014 31553537 Gnolls, how do they even work? In which a DM responds to a player's request to fuck a Gnoll female, which turns into a discussion of the ethical and social impacts of Gnolls on society Gnoll , Furry , Sex , Anatomy , National Geographic , What is this , I don't even , DM , Urethradicks 2014-04-18 7 31561086 Gentlemen Spiderfolk Worldbuilding A thread on spiderfolk rapidly develops into an entire middle eastern/arabian nights setting with intellectual philosopher-gentlemen who just happen to be vaguely humanoid spider-monsters. Also pigmy headhunter kobolds. gentleman , gentlemen , spider , spiderfolk , worldbuilding , philosophers , middle east , kobolds , pigmy headhunter kobolds , roman , roman lizardmen, 2014-04-20 5 May 2014 31959623 Noneuropean settings: inuitworld A discussion of mythologies shifts to an Inuit inspired setting featuring demon whales and weather trolls world building,mythology,Inuit,demon whale 2014-05-07 0 32329424 Homeless Mutant Quest #73 Jonathan Green-Creek, Episode 1: The Dashing Daughter Homeless Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Homeless , Mutant , marvel , hobo , stealth , detective work , detective , mystery 2014-05-24 29 32437444 Oversized Weapon Quest 36 You finish the coup, reunite with the boys, and get a move on with the next objective. Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Big Swords , Goblins , Forests , Army Management 2014-05-29 16 June 2014 32782045 Free Fenrir Discussing the sophont rights violation behind Fenrir's imprisonment norse , fenrir , loki , gods , myth 2014-06-15 3 33071790 werewolves Info and new takes on werewolves werewolves , myth , folklore 2014-06-30 2 33080907 Light/Dark dichotomy Its historical, and how to play with it. culture , light , darkness , myth , alignment 2014-06-30 3 July 2014 33199976 Pre-Columbian Native American Fantasy OP asks for help in devising a Native American themed setting for an upcoming game. /tg/ supplies helpful information. myth , folklore , history , world building , indian , native american , 2014-07-06 5 33660810 High Mortality Party Storytime The most convoluted dark heresy origin story ever and a few more lighthearted stories. Dark heresy , Only War , Shoggy , Storytime , Mortality , Deaths , DnD , Tulip , Shane , Tommy , Troll Fucker , Volg , Paradox , Death 2014-07-26 110 August 2014 33710707 Martian Death Quest Supplemental Resources Anons compile a list of resources and atmosphere suggestions for running a MDQ. nightmare_fuel sci-fi storytime , Martian Death Quest , My best horror RPG , Atmosphere , Resources 2014-08-01 1 September 2014 34860238 Titans Academy Quest 1 A Marvel/DC crossover, wherein a precog finds his way to the superhero school at Titans Tower. Teen Titans , DC , Marvel , Crossover , Quest , NotHumble , Collective Game , Titans Academy Quest, 2014-09-15 7 34873561 (QUEST) Titans Academy Quest - 2 In which we make friends and get filled with the fear of WRINGER! Teen Titans , DC , Marvel , Crossover , Quest , NotHumble , Collective Game , Titans Academy Quest, 2014-09-15 7 34907559 /tg/ discusses Arthurian legend King Arthur summation turns to religious theory Legend , King Arthur , discussion , myth 2014-09-16 3 34915903 Titans Academy Quest 3 A fort is built. An origin is described. Collective Game , Titans Academy Quest , NotHumble , Marvel , DC , Teen Titans , Quest 2014-09-17 6 35029388 Titans Academy Quest 4 Our protagonist learns a little more about his powers, and a hook is baited for later. Collective Game , Titans Academy Quest , NotHumble , Marvel , DC , Teen Titans , Quest , Stankball 2014-09-22 5 35032026 Abnormal Academy Quest ep.1 Where we meet Alecia a punk girl that totally doesn't want to be a superhero but resigns to her fate anyway. collective game , Abnormal Academy , Abnormal , mutant , superpowers 2014-09-22 6 October 2014 35348532 The Weapon of Humanity (Quest) 1 A young girl with massive Psionic potential is tossed into the middle of the Alien War, narrowly avoiding abduction before being captured by a shady paramilitary organization. Collective Game , XCOM , X-COM , Enemy Unknown , Enemy Within , Psionic , EXALTED 2014-10-07 14 35459645 The Weapon of Humanity (Quest) 2 The MC makes it to extract. Collective Game , XCOM , X-COM , Enemy Unknown , Enemy Within , Psionic , EXALTED 2014-10-12 13 35609359 CODE GEASS QUEST Britannian trainee Xinlu Kuu is forced into a deadly simulation battle that turns out to be anything but another training exercise. Barely surviving, she begins to slowly pick herself up and steel herself for the next coming trails, all the while dealing with her deteriorating mind and her desire for revenge Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery 2014-10-19 10 35612707 Weapon of Humanity Quest 003 We have a strange dream, officially join EXALT, and follow our new companion to the hospital. Collective Game , XCOM , X-COM , Enemy Unknown , Enemy Within , Psionic , EXALTED 2014-10-19 6 35629302 Code Geass Quest: Stage 2 Shirley Fenette investigates into the reasoning behind Drill Sargent Delson's evil actions. Her quest for truth and revenge quickly unlid and envelope her in the depths of a conspiracy she's completely ignorant of. Blood is spilled and a young girl's mind goes to tatters in Stage 2. Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2014-10-20 10 35712084 Magical Academy Quest Chapter 1 In this thread our protagonist passes some trials, gets sorted, and meets his classmates. Collective Game , Drawquest , Magical Academy Quest 2014-10-24 36 35751375 Code Geass Quest: Stage 3 Shirley ascends to the rank of Private First class and leaves for the Tokyo Settlement on an escort mission. Tragedies and hatreds are revealed as blood is split once more... Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2014-10-26 7 35796328 Magical Academy Quest Chapter 2 In this chapter our mage plays some card games, learns the wonders of magic, and gets ice cream. Collective Game , Drawquest , Magical Academy Quest 2014-10-28 23 November 2014 35895192 Code Geass Quest: Stage 4 After a fierce battle in the ruins of the Special Administration zone and a gamble of a rescue, Xinlu Kuu finds herself rewarded by a chance to join the Special Corp. But is this really a reward? Or a trap? Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2014-11-02 8 35897765 Magical Academy Quest Chapter 3 In this chapter Tali has lunch with some classmates, meets Thorn and Root Class, and takes a nap. Collective Game , Drawquest , Magical Academy Quest 2014-11-02 23 36040835 Code Geass Quest: Stage 5 Shirley makes it into the Special Corp but is quickly discovered by Suzaku! After cutting a painful deal she learns what she'll be piloting and has a pleasant reunion with her doctor before ending the day peacefully for once. But will this peace last? Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2014-11-09 6 36044305 Magical Academy Quest Chapter 4 In this chapter we practice magic, find a crazy girl, and nearly destroy a priceless artifact. Collective Game , Drawquest , Magical Academy Quest 2014-11-09 23 36183699 Code Geass Quest: Stage 6 Shirley has a long discussion with Suzaku and learns that the Red Barons might have been behind the attack on the Special Administrative Zone of Japan. A request arrives from the military and Shirley goes back to settle the score with the rebels who attacked the Mt. Odake base... Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2014-11-16 5 36186854 Magical Academy Quest Chapter 5 In this chapter we get drunk and check out some clubs. Collective Game , Drawquest , Magical Academy Quest 2014-11-16 26 36205375 Code Geass Quest: Stage 6.5 Shirley assists in a raid on the rebel base during her first deployment in the Sutherland Club. Things become complicated when a bomb goes off and wipes out the taskforce sent to deal with them forcing Shirley to pursue the rebels. Ancient ruins, a dark conspiracy, and a strange boy buried in a mountain... Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2014-11-17 5 36252719 Magical Academy Quest Chapter 6 In this chapter Tali joins a few clubs, visits a killer, and berates a blind girl. Collective Game , Drawquest , Magical Academy Quest 2014-11-19 24 36330731 Code Geass Quest: Stage 7 Shirley's battle against the rebel continues as she clashes against the taiga family and investigates what they were transporting. Her curiosity gets the best of her and she comes face to face with what could only be a monster. Will Shirley win through determination, or is something more needed to survive this fight? Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2014-11-23 5 December 2014 36490361 Magical Academy Quest Chapter 7 In this chapter we scan a bunch of our friends, find out some secrets, and take care of employees. Collective Game , Drawquest , Magical Academy Quest 2014-12-01 25 36605698 Code Geass Quest: Stage 8 Shirley sleeps into a strange world and awakens to find herself injured, but alive aboard the Avalon. After some bickering and discussion, she decides to head home for a week to heal. All in all, a pretty slow thread due to my sleep schedule issues. Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2014-12-07 6 36685029 Magical Academy Quest Chapter 8 In this chapter Tali tinkers with some items, helps out a friend in need, and admires a classmate. Collective Game , Drawquest , Magical Academy Quest 2014-12-11 23 36742202 Code Geass Quest: Stage 9 Shirley begins her journey down the road of recovery, eating healthily, buying hentai games, and finally chatting with friends. However a trip to the supermarket reveals that she’ll have no time for anything but fighting as her worst enemy has already begun making his move…
Also, people lose their minds over sausages. Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2014-12-14 6 36840801 Magical Academy Quest Chapter 9 In this chapter we learn about magical ethics, attend our club, and visit an insane person. Collective Game , Drawquest , Magical Academy Quest 2014-12-19 20 36877924 Code Geass Quest: Stage 10 Shirley infiltrates a Black Knights base, questions why the female uniforms are so skimpy, and manages to leak incredibly valuable info before walking out without so much as a suspicious glance. But will the information she sent out be of use? Or have Zero's plans already reached their inevitable conclusion? Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2014-12-21 6 36897198 Code Geass Quest: Stage 11 Shirley is invited to the palace expecting praises and promotions, only to wind up with a gun to her head. Zero has made his move and now Shirley needs to make her own... Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2014-12-22 8 37024042 Code Geass Quest: Stage 12 Shirley is freed and brought back to the Avalon. After giving a comforting speech to a maddened Princess she goes off to save her friends, only to come face to face with an enigmatic machine. Bad luck forces her into a terrible situation. Will Shirley survive, or will the strong consume the weak? Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2014-12-29 7 37058558 Jedi Academy Master Quest We begin planning our new temple on Enarc 3. Hire some scoundrels, sort out our Jedi and meet our knights. Collective Game , Jedi Academy Master Quest , Star Wars , 2014-12-30 14 January 2015 37098828 Jedi Academy Master Quest 2 We finish preparation for our new temple, getting a Defender and rad holocron among other things. Jedi Academy Master Quest , Collective Game , Star Wars , Jedayy , Jedi 2015-01-01 12 37121290 Jedi Academy Master Quest 3 We head underway, do some planning and dip our brains into the holocron Collective Game , Jedi Academy Master Quest , Star Wars , 2015-01-02 8 37153997 Jedi Academy Master Quest 4 We fight a pirate fleet and nearly die. A bunch of civilians get vaped and we're getting ready to explore an abandoned ship. Jedi Academy Master Quest , Collective Game , Star Wars , Jedayy , Jedi 2015-01-04 5 37164551 Magical Academy Quest Chapter 10 In this chapter we learn the basics of magic and cast spells without dying. Collective Game , Drawquest , Magical Academy Quest 2015-01-05 23 37161664 Code Geass Quest: Stage 13 Shirley's crash pits her against fearsome foes and leads her to trying to rescue her comrade. However a rescue attempt leads her coming face to face with the man she set out to kill so long ago... Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2015-01-05 12 37195324 Jedi Academy Master Quest 5 We loot ships (poorly) get to Naboo, fix Warden-1, take a crack at learning telepathy and finally reach the Enarc System. Collective Game , Jedi Academy Master Quest , Star Wars , 2015-01-06 10 37287025 Code Geass Quest: Stage 14 Shirley fights against great foes and succeeds, but does winning a battle mean anything when you're losing the war? Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2015-01-11 10 37358210 Magical Academy Quest Chapter 11 In this chapter some wires are crossed. The voices end up giving advice to another artifact holder, Anita. They attempt to help her get through a dungeon. Collective Game , Drawquest , Magical Academy Quest 2015-01-14 23 37441617 Code Geass Quest: Stage 15 Shirley makes some kickass pizza and goes out for some R&R in Hawaii! However those she trusts might not be all they seem to be... Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2015-01-18 8 37592164 Code Geass Quest: Stage 16 OP is late due to internet shenanigans and Shirley wakes up after a horrendous hangover trying to figure out what happened on the beach that night. Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2015-01-25 6 37646666 Magical Academy Quest Chapter 12 In this chapter we learn some runes, nearly kill a classmate, and get some late night snacks. Collective Game , Drawquest , Magical Academy Quest 2015-01-27 22 37733076 DBZ Human Quest #49 A stranger from the future brings a warning of terrible things to come Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Human , Saiyan , Android , Trunks , Goku , Gohan , Piccolo , Nappa , Vegeta , 17 , 18 , Red , Ribbon , Army , Doctor , Gero 2015-01-31 13 37737479 DBZ Human Quest #50 Kaguya spars with a Super Saiyan, and has a serious conversation with his parents Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , Saiyan , Human , Namekian , Piccolo , Nappa , Goku , Gohan , Vegeta , Trunks , Doctor , Gero , Red , Ribbon , Army 2015-01-31 12 February 2015 37750819 Code Geass Quest: Stage 17 Shirley succeeds in getting Euphemia a new identity but is attacked in her sleep by a mystery assailant. Trust is betrayed and dark truths are revealed, Shirley has only begun her transformation and her journey only just begun. Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2015-02-01 7 37904799 Code Geass Quest: Stage 18 Shirley escapes and is tended to by a strange pair of individuals. Blind and helpless, she finds briefly at peace with the mysterious Nemo and Rai. Are they really what they appear to be? Or are the lies truly unending? Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2015-02-08 7 38063611 Code Geass Quest: Stage 19 The day begins with sniffing Nemo's panties and eating Chinese pancakes, and ends with a car chase and the capture of a cute assassin. Will Shirley escape China? Can Nemo be trusted? Can ANYONE be trusted? Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2015-02-15 8 38113866 Magical Academy Quest Chapter 13 In this chapter we serve pancakes, learn some magics, find a big book, and meet up with former classmates. Collective Game , Drawquest , Magical Academy Quest 2015-02-17 26 March 2015 38376240 Code Geass Quest: Stage 20 Shirley questions a chocolate assassins, grows suspicious of the unusually helpful Nemo, and ends up nearly killed. Shirley's own war against Zero soon becomes the entire world's war... Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2015-03-01 7 38400786 Code Geass Quest: Stage 21 Shirley recovers her voice but finds it is not her own. The chocolate assassin tells her of a mysterious power and she learns there are even fewer people she can trust then she first believed... Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2015-03-02 7 38388096 Tales from African Mythology A kind anon imparts his knowledge of African mythology. Slight xenophobia seepage Anansi's an idiot , african mythology , ashanti 2015-03-02 15 38702930 Magical Academy Quest Chapter 14 In this chapter we try to restore the comfy of a fallen Fuwa. Collective Game , Drawquest , Magical Academy Quest 2015-03-15 22 38724952 Code Geass Quest: Stage 22 Shirley arrives in the homeland and plots with an assassin who is no unable to kill to bomb an OSI facility for information... Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2015-03-16 8 38753465 Extranatural Consultant Quest A pair of Extranatural Consultants get a case about a series of accidents involving ice sculptors and no cold puns are made. Collective Game , Extranatural Consultant Quest , Modern Fantasy , Mystery , MagicalGrill 2015-03-17 7 38771852 Extranatural Consultant Quest 2 Interviews are held under disguise and some history is revealed about the suspects in this mystery, a cold pun is finally made. Collective Game , Extranatural Consultant Quest , Modern Fantasy , Mystery , MagicalGrill 2015-03-18 6 39010176 Code Geass Quest: Stage 23 Shirley is picked up by a helpful young man who gives her a way straight to her friends. However she learns something horrible and soon finds herself as an enemy of nearly the entire world... Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2015-03-30 6 39034591 Magical Academy Quest Chapter 15 In this chapter we take a trip to the woods with two unlikely companions. Spooky stuff happens. Collective Game , Drawquest , Magical Academy Quest 2015-03-31 26 April 2015 39074772 Magical Academy Quest Chapter 15.5 In this chapter the orb tells Vaisi a story. Collective Game , Drawquest , Magical Academy Quest 2015-04-02 23 39074732 Magical Academy Quest Chapter In this chapter, Magical Girl Tali duels the LORD OF EVIL, OLD DUKE OF UNCOMFY Collective Game , Drawquest , Magical Academy Quest , Totally Canon 2015-04-02 23 39165875 The All Guardsmen Party and the Xenotech Heresy P1 The All Guardsmen Party investigates a string planet-wide disappearances. All Guardsmen Party , Storytime , Dark Heresy , 40k , Warhammer , Story , Shoggy , Aimy , Drone , Mechanicus , Tech-priest , Xenotech , Heretek , Eldar , Only War , Guardsmen , Guardsman 2015-04-06 135 39185203 The All Guardsmen Party and the Xenotech Heresy P2 The All Guardsmen Party investigates a string planet-wide disappearances. All Guardsmen Party , Storytime , Dark Heresy , 40k , Warhammer , Story , Shoggy , Aimy , Drone , Mechanicus , Tech-priest , Xenotech , Heretek , Eldar , Only War , Guardsmen , Guardsman 2015-04-07 141 39281799 Code Geass Quest: Stage 24 Shirley arrives on the Avalon and meets up with her friends. After gaining their support she hatches a plan to strike out against Pluton and finally take the fight to her enemies. Collective Game , Code Geass , Mechs , Crosswire , Geass , Drama , Mystery , Shirley , Zero 2015-04-12 9 39416605 Mythology thread /tg/ shows off its love for mythology. Features hummingbirds and Purana Balls Z. mythology , indian mythology , greek mythology , native american mythology , native , native american , aztec , aztec mythology , 2015-04-20 3 39569687 Magical Academy Quest Chapter 16 In this chapter Tali continues his story of his adventure in the woods. An unexpected encounter and orb shenanigans follow. Collective Game , Drawquest , Magical Academy Quest 2015-04-26 23 May 2015 39878110 Magical Academy Quest Chapter 17 In this chapter we find out some Ceer secrets in exchange for something precious. Collective Game , Drawquest , Magical Academy Quest 2015-05-11 26 40134590 Halfblood Quest 1 Alex goes on a field trip , ends up at a camp for demigods, wins a battle and finds out his dad is the god of swole, Hercules. Collective game , Demigod , Greek mythology , Camp Halfblood , Hercules 2015-05-24 10 40180153 Halfblood Quest 2 Alex gets some cool new rings and fights for hot showers Collective game , Demigod , Greek mythology , Camp Halfblood , Hercules 2015-05-26 6 40184688 Pokemon Quest #91 We recover from our wounds, solve the mystery of the missing ring, get to Faeden, catch Metapod and begin our battle to catch Meloetta Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , Bulbasaur , Meloetta , Sneasel , mystery , metapod 2015-05-26 20 40241933 Sith Academy Quest A young Dathomiri is shipped to a Sith Academy, where he proceeds to go dungeon exploring. Collective Game , Sith , Star Wars , Sith Academy Quest 2015-05-29 14 40258003 Sith Academy Quest #2 Jackal battles an ancient spirit and learns something new about his friend. Collective Game , Star Wars , Sith , Sith Academy Quest 2015-05-30 12 40280798 Sith Academy Quest #3 Our hero learns more about combat and the Dark Side. Sith Academy Quest , Collective Game , Sith , Star Wars 2015-05-31 10 40280525 Halfblood Quest 3 We get a prophecy and go on a road trip with a couple friends. Someone pisses off Fortunate. Collective game , Demigod , Greek mythology , Camp Halfblood , Hercules 2015-05-31 4 June 2015 40304327 Sith Academy Quest #4 Jakdal journeys into the tomb of Naga Shadow. Collective Game , Sith Academy Quest , Sith , Star Wars 2015-06-01 10 40408205 Sith Academy Quest #5 Jakdal comes to terms with his Sith status, and experiments with the Force. Collective Game , Sith Academy Quest , Sith , Star Wars 2015-06-06 9 40604969 Magical Academy Quest Chapter 18 In this chapter we learn about Personal Runes, meet a dragon, and obtain a new artifact. Collective Game , Drawquest , Magical Academy Quest 2015-06-15 22 40589034 The Deep South of A Fantasy World /tg/ discusses the mythology of the Deep South and how to implement it in a fantasy game. Mythology , America , South , Deep South , Catfish , Fantasy 2015-06-15 12 40597146 What would you put in a mythic japan setting? As title describes, ideas from japanese folklore that could be used in a setting. japan , fluff , myth , oc , setting 2015-06-15 1 40645204 Sith Academy Quest #7 What is the Path of Ashes? Jakdal finds out. Collective Game , Sith Academy Quest , Sith , Star Wars 2015-06-17 8 40662857 Sith Academy Quest #8 Jakdal confronts the Padawan Kaitan - and his identity as Sith. Collective Game , Sith Academy Quest , Sith , Star Wars 2015-06-18 11 40716822 Sith Academy Quest #9 Jakdal and Darth Greia share bonding time. Collective Game , Sith Academy Quest , Sith , Star Wars 2015-06-20 10 40747009 The All Guardsmen Party: Tyranid Acquisition Experts Working alongside Astartes! Meeting Orks and 'Nids again! Critfails galore!
It's episode 12. All Guardsmen Party , Storytime , Dark Heresy , 40k , Warhammer , Story , Shoggy , Drone , Mechanicus , Tech-priest , Xenotech , Only War , Guardsmen , Guardsman , Sarge , Twitch , Nubby , Doc , Tink , Aimy , Interrogator Greg Sargent 2015-06-22 170 40816856 Superhuman Legacy Quest 11 Thomas exorcises a spirit, fails at sneaking,
oh god why, and Mystery Box Collective Game , Superhuman Legacy , superpowers , Nanomachines , Tony Stark , Mystery Box 2015-06-26 6 40822003 Magical Academy Quest Chapter 19 In this chapter we hang out with Flora, get some new teeth, and find something hidden under the school. Collective Game , Drawquest , Magical Academy Quest 2015-06-26 23 July 2015 40927942 Sith Academy Quest #10 Jakdal and his master make progress. Collective Game , Sith Academy Quest , Sith , Star Wars 2015-07-01 10 41033810 Sith Academy Quest #11 Our sith apprentice becomes a master of taking it in the ass Collective Game , Sith Academy Quest , Sith , Star Wars , Gay Pride Galaxy-Wide 2015-07-06 22 41076030 Sith Academy Quest #12 Fend off the boarding parties and save the ship from going into a sun. Collective Game , Sith Academy Quest , Sith , Star Wars 2015-07-07 10 41097707 Sith Academy Quest #13 Training and plans are made Collective Game , Sith Academy Quest , Sith , Star Wars , QM 2015-07-08 7 41118985 Magical Academy Quest Chapter 20 In this chapter we play some games, find a boy in distress, and meet with a new dragon. Collective Game , Drawquest , Magical Academy Quest 2015-07-10 23 41154491 Spirit Science! After stumbling upon a mad man's mythology on YouTube, /tg/ tries to match it to a setting Spirit Science , Crazy , YouTube , mythology , setting 2015-07-12 5 41203959 Sith Academy Quest #14 An opening appears our enemies but is it a trap? Collective Game , Sith Academy Quest , Sith , Star Wars , QM 2015-07-13 7 41283501 Ring Quest #1 First day of the quest. Time wizards, bad magic, bad alchemy, explosions and Jack Johnson, our hero, makes a friend in the forest. Collective Game , Ring Quest , Luxi , Mage , Alchemy 2015-07-18 2 41308154 Magical Academy Quest Chapter 21 In this chapter we join Anita at the beach. Collective Game , Drawquest , Magical Academy Quest 2015-07-19 22 41436584 Magical Academy Quest Chapter 22 In this chapter Tali spends some time with his new dragon. Collective Game , Drawquest , Magical Academy Quest 2015-07-24 22 41479748 Sith Academy Quest Part II #1 First Jakdal. Then Aurus. Now something nameless and broken at the heart of Moraband. Pick up the pieces, sharpen your sword. Collective Game , Sith , Star Wars , Sith Academy Quest 2015-07-27 5 August 2015 41651644 Magical Academy Quest Chapter 23 In this chapter we fight our big sis, join a club, and visit a friend. Collective Game , Drawquest , Magical Academy Quest 2015-08-04 23 41712701 Magical Academy Quest Spinoff: Tales of Serda In this story we join a hero as he is forced into the role of savior, give someone a heart attack, and kidnap a maiden. Collective Game , Drawquest , Magical Academy Quest , Tales of Serda 2015-08-07 21 41869623 Legends and Monsters Quest 1 The incarnations of various mythical figures fight it out. Legends and Monsters , Collective Game , gods , mythology 2015-08-17 2 41958304 Magical Academy Quest Chapter 24 In this chapter operation Save Vaisi is go. Collective Game , Drawquest , Magical Academy Quest 2015-08-19 23 42023138 Ball Daggers and other Medieval Curiosities Tg discusses how the middle ages really were compared to how most know them. A lot of humor ensues including dragon cuckoldry, shit flinging in churches and perverted poems. history , Middle Ages , mythology , Christianity 2015-08-23 15 September 2015 42362367 Magical Academy Quest Chapter 25 In this chapter we see Vaisi again, confront Natalie, and finally visit Fuwa. Collective Game , Drawquest , Magical Academy Quest 2015-09-08 22 42563454 Monster Girl Academy Quest 1 Lucy Gates, An "ordinary" teenage girl, catches a mysterious disease that turns her into a monster girl! She's then forcibly enrolled in a special academy for other victims of the disease. How will she deal with her new life and body? Early Archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy 2015-09-17 18 42630206 Monster Girl Academy Quest 2 Lucy's first day at Tartarus Academy. What adventures will she have? will she make friends? Enemies? Or even get used to being made out of slime?!. Early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2015-09-20 11 42800847 Monster Girl Academy Quest 3 Another Day at Tartarus Academy. What sort of a day will it be for Lucy? Good or Bad? Early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2015-09-29 11 October 2015 42908347 Kobold Quest 1: Jamazo's Story Kobolds go on a Quest to save their kin, survive the wilderness, and get revenge on damn adventurers! Quest , Collective Game , Kobold Quest , Drow , Alchemy 2015-10-06 5 42924035 Kobold Quest 2: The Hatchening A Slow day for the Kobolds are brightened by a trip and alliance with Orcs and Eggs hatching! Quest , Collective Game , Kobold Quest , Drow , Alchemy , Orcs , Fire Breath 2015-10-07 5 42951096 Military Q&A for your Stories/Games An army CPT answers questions about the military, its equipment, doctrine, tactics, and etc., to help you build more convincing military campaigns and stories. Reference , Q&A , Military , Army 2015-10-08 10 43022156 Magical Academy Quest Chapter 26 In this chapter we help Fuwa regain her comfy. Tali is badly wounded. Collective Game , Drawquest , Magical Academy Quest 2015-10-12 22 43039398 Monster Girl Academy Quest 4 The spirit of Halloween starts to seep into Tartarus Academy for Monster girls, and with it comes many strange happenings... if this is the lead up, I can't wait for the holiday itself. Early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2015-10-12 10 43221263 Monster Girl Academy Quest 5 Another day at Tartarus academy, That starts off with an annoying PSA. Meanwhile the spirit of halloween gets closer and closer, and some students get a little wild. Early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2015-10-22 9 43247321 Skull-Mask Monster Species Worldbuilding OP posts a picture of a weird creature and asks /tg/ for ideas for backstory. Interesting wordbuilding and sentient mystical hivemind algae result. species , monster , worldbuilding , skull , mask , ghosts , sentient mystical hivemind algae, 2015-10-25 1 43282721 Magical Academy Quest Chapter 27 In this chapter we dress up and tackle a dungeon. Collective Game , Drawquest , Magical Academy Quest 2015-10-26 23 43394465 Monster Girl Academy Quest 6: HALLOWEEN SPECIAL Ghouls, ghosts and spooks roam the halls, it's that magical time of year, Oh what fun a slime can have today. Early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2015-10-31 8 November 2015 43507590 Monster Girl Academy Quest 7 A witch? Wait witches aren't real, what's going on here?! and why is she so interested in Lucy? early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2015-11-06 9 43595328 Magical Academy Quest Chapter 28 In this chapter we bond with our dragon and attempt to create a new golem. Collective Game , Drawquest , Magical Academy Quest 2015-11-12 21 43693798 Monster Girl Academy Quest 8 Lucy Gate tries to handle the knowledge that she's the reincarnation of legion, and why hasn't Baba Yaga gotten her own room yet?! early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2015-11-17 7 43875586 Monster Girl Academy Quest 9 A new legend arises and decides that Tartarus Academy would make a wonderful nest. Early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2015-11-28 8 43894155 Magical Academy Quest Chapter 29 In this chapter we help out WORST GIRL. Collective Game , Drawquest , Magical Academy Quest 2015-11-30 21 December 2015 44063401 Monster Girl Academy Quest 10 Legends are a real pain sometimes, Maybe it's just better to ignore them. Early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2015-12-08 9 44231542 Monster Girl Academy Quest 11 Wait, why does a slime have to take a physical fitness test?! it makes no sense! Early archive
Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2015-12-17 7 44395032 Monster Girl Academy Quest 12 Twas the day after christmas, and very few monster girls were stirring, since a great cold fell over the school, ah well, staying inside is fun to? right? early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2015-12-26 8 January 2016 44549040 Monster Girl Academy Quest 13 After having a pretty bad week, Lucy has to take Sex education again, fuming all the way. What kind of bad luck can find her today? Early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2016-01-03 6 44546011 Clockwork of the Void Quest Callisto and Europa stations have gone dark, and it's up to us to find out and fix things. Are we being shoved into a suicide mission? Clockwork of the Void Quest , Collective Game , Space , Horror , Mystery 2016-01-04 1 44596176 Clockwork of the Void Quest #2 We find out what the new booster does, and take a brief trip outside reality. Then we find out the surface of Callisto is messed up, so we set out to land on the surface ourselves. Clockwork of the Void Quest , Collective Game , Space , Horror , Mystery 2016-01-06 1 44631315 Magical Academy Quest 30 In this chapter we help Ceera learn to swim and reach new heights in comfy. Collective Game , Drawquest , Magical Academy Quest 2016-01-08 22 44691260 Clockwork of the Void Quest #3 There has been a murder spree on the Europa base. We find a survivor, and head to put an end to this madness. Clockwork of the Void Quest , Collective Game , Space , Horror , Mystery 2016-01-11 2 44756818 Monster Girl Academy Quest 14 Fenris Howls. Early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2016-01-14 20 44759663 Clockwork in the Void Quest #4 The situation got a little more murderous. The Mess Hall needed mopping up. Clockwork of the Void Quest , Collective Game , Space , Horror , Mystery 2016-01-14 20 44865511 Clockwork in the Void Quest #5 Something far more sinister is afoot. We resist the urge to see the scary things stalking us from behind. Clockwork of the Void Quest , Collective Game , Space , Horror , Mystery 2016-01-19 3 44944657 Monster Girl Academy Quest 15 Life in Tartarus academy continues as usual, despite the four legendary monsters living inside of it. What will today bring? early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2016-01-22 7 45096059 Monster Girl Academy Quest 16 A bored Slime? Oh how horrible! Well you can always find something to do!. Early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2016-01-30 7 February 2016 45401352 Monster Girl Academy Quest 17 Miranda wants to talk to Lucy about something? But seems urgent. Early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2016-02-13 8 45403027 Magical Academy Quest Chapter 31 In this chapter we help a friend's love life, auction a tank and talk to a small child about race relations. Collective Game , Drawquest , Magical Academy Quest 2016-02-14 23 45539187 Monster Girl Academy Quest 18 Two slimes in love, well this can only go well! Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2016-02-20 7 March 2016 45778623 Earth is a Magical Realm Anon is educated in the Magical Realm of Earth, hosted by our beloved DM: Mother Nature. nature , learning , magical realm , dolphin suicide , necrophilia , traumatic insemination , CAWWWING IIIIN MY SKIIIIN , fish onaholes , hyenas 2016-03-05 22 45967651 Monster Girl Academy Quest 19 Demon and Slime, Sisters reunited! early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2016-03-13 6 April 2016 46397984 Magical Academy Chapter 31.5 In this chapter we... What in the world is going on? Collective Game , Drawquest , Magical Academy Quest 2016-04-02 20 46398556 Magical Academy Quest Chapter ??? In this chapter we show some undine a new spell Collective Game , Drawquest , Magical Academy Quest 2016-04-02 20 46566768 LANA nation builder game The start of the LANA nation builder game, set in the early antiquity Nation , Builder , Nation Builder , LANA , Myrea 2016-04-13 1 46648071 LANA nation builder game part 2 The game is starting to become something, as more and more anons join. Nation , Builder , Nation Builder , LANA , Myrea 2016-04-13 1 16860 Quest thing 3 adventurers enter, but only 1 leaves alive. notapaladin , collective game , Muchaaaaaaaa lucha , Portal Wizard , Holy Bones , Loch , Mystery Box 2016-04-30 14 May 2016 21435 A Good Man? A drunken bar patron listens to an old man recount his life story from birth to the present. Collective Game , WWII , Mystery , Second Person Narration 2016-05-02 66 42150 Dark Gate Academy Quest An academy where students do battle with monsters from an evil dimension. You're the transfer student, and have no idea what's going on. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-05-03 98 51055 Dark Gate Academy Episode 2 You try to leave the academy behind, but things just keep getting weirder. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-05-04 32 58400 Dark Gate Academy Episode 3 In which you become heavily involved in the elections for Class President. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-05-05 30 66302 Dark Gate Academy Episode 4 A stress-free day to relax comes with more than a few difficulties. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-05-06 30 72994 Dark Gate Academy Episode 5 Akio and Seishiro make a stupid bet, and you become acquainted with two other members of the class. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-05-07 24 83065 Dark Gate Academy Episode 6 In which you chase a cat, skip classes, make new friends, and visit the nurse's office a few times. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-05-08 24 71514 Digimon World Mystery Adventure Your journey begins as a human sucked into the digital world! But wait, there's a catch!
A journey and adventure begins for our protagon Collective Game , D-mon , Digimon World Mystery Adventure , Digimon , adventure , Consume and Evolve , Benevolent MC 2016-05-08 5 94645 Dark Gate Academy Episode 7 A team is made to search for the human-like Darkworlder. They can't get along. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-05-09 23 96957 Magical Academy Quest Chapter 32 In this chapter we find a new orb and explore more of the land of Undine! Collective Game , Drawquest , Magical Academy Quest 2016-05-09 20 116967 Dark Gate Academy Episode 8 You do some research in order to uncover the identity of the Darkworlder named Alice. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-05-13 23 122586 Dark Gate Academy Episode 9 Rini is paranoid of the other students, and picks a fight with Saki in the courtyard. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-05-14 21 128149 Dark Gate Academy Episode 10 Your flirting with Rei is interrupted, and you take a trip to the principal's office. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-05-15 21 144914 Dark Gate Academy Episode 11 Class 2 bandies together in order to help Ryoji escape from the paranoid and violent Class 3. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-05-18 20 148967 Dark Gate Academy Episode 12 Some members of Class 2 decide to go on a camping trip. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-05-19 20 158162 Dark Gate Academy Episode 13 You come face-to-face with Raiden again, and encounter Alice in the Darkworld once more. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-05-21 20 163442 Magical Academy Quest Chapter 33 In this chapter we fight a golem and try to make some new friends. Collective Game , Drawquest , Magical Academy Quest 2016-05-22 20 167196 Dark Gate Academy Episode 14 You are given a personal tutor, meet with Alice, and learn something new about Yamato. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-05-23 18 172473 Dark Gate Academy Episode 15 Class 3 come for Alice, and it's up to you to fight them off. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-05-24 15 181298 Dark Gate Academy Episode 16 A festival in town is just what is needed to lift the class' spirits in the aftermath of the battle with Class 3. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-05-26 13 189688 Dark Gate Academy Episode 17 The School holds a dance on the last day before Summer break. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-05-28 13 199974 Dark Gate Academy Episode 18 You are held prisoner by a Darkworld worshipping cult, who shed some light on your condition. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-05-30 15 June 2016 213999 Dark Gate Academy Episode 19 Class 3 help you escape the clutches of a freaky cult. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-06-03 11 217285 Dark Gate Academy Episode 20 You attend a funeral for a friend, and deal with your emotions. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-06-04 22 47557272 Ideas for an middle eastern adventure In this thread Anons talk about the rich cultures and myths from the black sea region and how to homebrew them into a setting. culture , middle east , black sea , adventure ideas , brainstorming , mythology , religions 2016-06-05 5 209052 Muse Quest #1 A down-and-out man has a fateful encounter in a bar. The Quest to save the legendary figures, the Muses, has begun. The Red Lady , Quest , Mythology , Muse Quest , Muse , Tarot 2016-06-05 1 225516 Dark Gate Academy Episode 21 Nanami throws a party in the dorms to help people relax. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-06-06 21 47642451 The Sun Shines Over Innsmouth Innsmouth has a tourist problem. Later turns into discussing the ghost of Conan as an antagonist in Delta Green and general Bizarro Mythos. lovecraft , deep ones , Innsmouth , plot hooks , Bizarro Mythos , 2016-06-08 11 236643 Dark Gate Academy Episode 22 The Endless Night has begun, and the group work to survive. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-06-09 12 246100 Dark Gate Academy Episode 23 You fill Rei in on what she's missed, and you try to raise Nanami's spirits. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-06-12 12 238811 Mage Academy 001 Please archive your stuff here as well! // A normie with high magic potential ends up in a mage academy. He has no idea what he's in for. Collective Game , Mage Academy , Hardmode , Handshaking 2016-06-17 1 273108 Dark Gate Academy Episode 24 The Group scales a mountain on their journey to fight Settan. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-06-19 11 277600 Dark Gate Academy Episode 25 The Season 1 finale, where Ryoji has his final battle with Settan! Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-06-20 20 47856948 Origin stories for humanity and general mythology worldbuilding /tg/ invents new fantasy mythologies and discusses hybrids. humans , origin , pantheon , mythology , worldbuilding , deities , elf/dwarf hybrid, 2016-06-20 4 287477 Magical Academy Quest Chapter 34 In this chapter we dragon marry and confront the mysterious Assassin! Collective Game , Drawquest , Magical Academy Quest 2016-06-22 20 47922177 Jewish folklore is terrifying An anon discovers how grim and dark Jewish folklore is. Jewish anons pitch in to make it worse. folklore , discussion , mythology , myth 2016-06-24 13 47925720 Lighthouses In this thread, /tg/ brainstorms various mysterious and horrific happenings that can take place at a lonely, isolated lighthouse. lighthouse , mystery , horror , sci fi , cthulhu mythos 2016-06-26 28 47992137 Creepy Lighthouses Lighthouse Brainstorming 2: Electric Boogaloo lighthouse , mystery , horror , mythos 2016-06-28 6 July 2016 48140768 Creepy Lighthouses Lighthouse Brainstorming 3: Solitude's Revenge lighthouse , mystery , horror , mythos 2016-07-11 5 400996 Magical Academy Quest Chapter 35 In this chapter we finish hanging out with our dragon and ruin some people's dreams. Collective Game , Drawquest , Magical Academy Quest 2016-07-25 20 August 2016 465083 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 1 You are Kazuma Asai, the son of a former teacher in Dark Gate Academy. Here, you are introduced to your new school and classmates. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-08-13 21 479172 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 2 You meet members of Class 2, run an errand, go to the arcade and raid an Order base. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-08-17 20 477225 Modern Inquisitor Quest Thread 1 A retired spy is given a reason to work again after getting a message from the departed. Collective Game , Quest , Mystery , LeaveQM 2016-08-18 3 497408 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 3 You pull an all-nighter, and get prepared for the mission to save Ryoji. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-08-23 13 512523 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 4 In which you are lost in your head. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-08-28 20 September 2016 530786 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 5 Kazuma struggles to deal with his damaged psyche. Even worse, he gets dragged on a date. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-09-04 15 547260 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 6 Ryoji gets caught up on everything he missed over summer, and finally gets that date with Saki. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-09-10 11 565061 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 7 Kazuma spends a night with the guys, and goes on a mission with Class 3. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-09-15 11 49255099 Delta Green general Anon asks for some inspiration and plot hooks for Delta Green /tg/ delivers delta green , lovecraft , cthulhu , mythos , cthulhu mythos 2016-09-15 6 49365194 Mythos Tome ideas Anon asks /tg/ for ideas for mythos tomes and /tg/ deliver horror , lovecraft , cthulhu , mythos , cthulhu mythos 2016-09-16 3 598602 Help Me Escape Myst! (QST Plays Myst Part 1) The God Tier GM is trapped on an island and he needs the that he could get as QST Plays Myst. Collective Game , QST Plays Myst , God Tier GM , God Tier QM 2016-09-20 -4 600949 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 8 Ryoji returns to his classes, then sets out on a mission to track down an Archdemon. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-09-21 11 574451 Help Me Escape Myst! (QST Plays Myst Part 2) The God Tier GM is still trapped on an island and he needs the that he could get as QST Plays Myst. Collective Game , QST Plays Myst , God Tier GM , God Tier QM 2016-09-23 1 618037 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 9 Akio finishes his training in the mountains with one last challenge from his uncle. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-09-24 11 620248 Magical Academy Quest Chapter 37 In this chapter we meet our sister, and find out a dark secret about 99c collective game , drawquest , magical academy quest 2016-09-25 21 638726 Academy Tournament Organization Quest Your name is Keiichi Hirayama. You have guns. You and your sister have been forced to help organize a Japanese battle academy tournament. Academy Tournament Organization Quest , ATO Quest , Collective Game , Anime 2016-09-30 14 October 2016 635455 Starborn Quest 11: On the Road Again Lex gets to training Luc the tiny timestoppers. He becomes a sneaky sniper - his daddy gets pissed and we fight him. Things get serious. Collective Game , Purps , Starborn , Lex , Luc , Tiny Dio , Remy , Feelings , Emotions , Combat , Boss Fight , Magic , Fantasy World , Civil War , Hona, 2016-10-01 4 645753 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 10 The DGA Students are afforded a week long break from demon fighting, and hold a School Festival. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-10-02 12 648366 Starborn Quest 12: One Last Lesson Lexington gears up to stop one of his rampaging students once again. A battle of magic, keikaku and an old man going all in on one last hand Collective Game , Purps , Starborn , Remy , Magic , Feelings , Emotions , Combat , Boss Fight , Magic , Fantasy World , Civil War , Lex, 2016-10-03 3 661271 The End of the Aftermath: A Ryukuza Side Quest 2 Cassilda takes her new companion to Lake Hali near her home....but was it the wisest choice? For now she is the sought sister. Collective Game , Cassilda , The King in Yellow , horror , blood , pain , madness , strange , mystery , love 2016-10-04 7 666142 Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Quest #1 In which we cry like a baby and get roped into helping some fox become a guild master. Collective Game , Pokemon , Pokemon Mystery Dungeon , Exploration , Luka , Alice 2016-10-07 8 673077 Academy Tournament Organization Quest 2 The Hirayama Siblings receive their next task. Time to investigate some delinquents! Academy Tournament Organization Quest , ATO Quest , Collective Game , Anime 2016-10-08 12 49723017 Releasing Prometheus Should modern humanity should try to rescue Prometheus from his eagle torture?
Of course we should. The dude did us a huge solid. setting , ethics , heartwarming , debt , greek mythology , gods , titans , zeus , zeus is an asshole , prometheus , eagle , liver , chains , hfy, 2016-10-11 7 700640 Academy Tournament Organization Quest 3 Confronting two gangs and meeting one smug rich girl. Academy Tournament Organization Quest , ATO Quest , Collective Game , Anime 2016-10-15 10 673306 Dank Gate Academy Dank memes and parodies cut short. Quest , Dank Gate Academy , Collective Game 2016-10-15 6 703963 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 11 Kazuma and his team are sent on a mission to Kingudoro, the city where Kaz grew up. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-10-15 11 696787 Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Quest #2 Where we buy some shit, get a skill, bite the shit out of a ghost, and get a new companion. Collective Game , Pokemon , Pokemon Mystery Dungeon , Exploration , Luka , Alice , Faye 2016-10-16 7 720411 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 12 Ryoji rebels against the new authority in the school. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-10-19 11 736331 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 13 Kazuma and his gang are held captive by the mysterious demons, who have an interesting offer for Alice. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-10-22 11 728653 Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Quest #3 Where we dream, get kissed by a ghost, spaghetti spews from our every hole, nibble the earlier mentioned ghost, and we begin a new dungeon. Collective Game , Pokemon , Pokemon Mystery Dungeon , Exploration , Luka , Alice , Faye 2016-10-24 6 742179 Magical Girl For Hire Quest: Izumi #1 Side-story: Izumi Yayoi, friend of Miranda, is tasked with helping a certain student of a Dark Academy through a dangerous trial. Magical Girl For Hire Quest , mercenary , Magical Girl , Collective Game , Dark Gate Academy 2016-10-24 24 752652 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 14 Ryoji and Class 2 visit the home of Kosuke's wealthy family. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-10-27 11 750489 Starborn Quest 19: Luc Pilgrim vs The World Luc Quest continues, real life keeps QM mostly away. Collective Game , Purps , Starborn , Lex , Luc , Tiny Dio , Remy , Feelings , Emotions , Combat , Boss Fight , Magic , Fantasy World , Civil War , Hona, 2016-10-29 2 49998783 Post-Apocalyptic Myths, Tall Tales and Urban Legends Some time after the End, a group of weary scavengers gather around a campfire to share stories, tall tales and urban legends. Post Apocalyptic , stories , setting , worldbuilding , fallout , creepy , storytime , urban legends , tall tales , myths , lies, 2016-10-29 22 757268 Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Quest #4 We continue onward into the dungeon, make funny faces at a trio of ghosts, and end up learning a new move. Collective Game , Pokemon , Pokemon Mystery Dungeon , Exploration , Luka , Alice , Faye 2016-10-31 5 770359 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 15 Kaz settles in to the new changes in school, and explores the Darkworld. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-10-31 11 November 2016 771652 Academy Tournament Organization Quest 4 When a heiress's underclasswoman starts acting strange, it's best to tail her and see what's going on. Also, there's a kidnapping. Academy Tournament Organization Quest , ATO Quest , Collective Game , Anime 2016-11-01 11 792027 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 16: Ryoji The students of Dark Gate celebrate Halloween with a dorm party. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-11-05 11 792421 Haven Academy Quest #1 Part 1 Grau participates in Dust class and Jasmine accidentally starts a fire. Ended early due to QM needing to leave RWBY , Haven Academy Quest , Collective Game , Grau Himmel , Headmaster Fallow 2016-11-05 1 797942 Haven Academy Quest #1 Part 2 Early archive. Grau spars with Brennan and comes out on top. RWBY , Haven Academy Quest , Grau Himmel , Collective Game , Headmaster Fallow 2016-11-06 1 784468 Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Quest #5 Finally clear the dungeon, find a sealed book, collapse from pain on the way home, and start to learn about our aura. Collective Game , Pokemon , Pokemon Mystery Dungeon , Exploration , Luka , Alice , Faye 2016-11-07 6 795403 Hex Maniac Quest 1 The sequal to Mimikyu quest in which Gurie goes through character creator. Mimikyu , Hex Maniac Quest , MyNameIsMimikyu , pokemon 2016-11-08 21 50128118 How would a setting based on slavic mythology work? OP asks what a campaign about Slavic mythology would be like. Mythology , Slavic Mythology 2016-11-08 2 806219 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 17 The club hold an intervention for Kaz's obsession with the stone. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-11-08 11 818534 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 18 Ryoji and Saki go to visit Ryoji's home village, and the parents he can't remember. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-11-12 12 819527 Academy Tournament Organization Quest 5 The third task finally ends. Florence Rutherford has been sufficiently entertained. Academy Tournament Organization Quest , ATO Quest , Collective Game , Anime 2016-11-13 10 834558 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 19 Kaz and his crew follow the trail leading to a showdown with Yami. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-11-17 12 825844 Hex Maniac 3 Because you aren't popular you go through the woods and get accosted by a pimp. Mimikyu , Hex Maniac Quest , MyNameIsMimikyu , Collective Game , pokemon , 2016-11-18 10 50240157 Original Races besides the traditional orcs/elves/dwarves combo OP asks /tg/ for their ideas for new player races. Interesting worldbuilding and in-setting mythology result. races , species , worldbuilding , monsters , setting , mythology , ghouls , neon nightmare, 2016-11-18 8 811720 Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Quest #6 We get grounded. Get roommates. Get a VERY thorough medical examination. And we get swoler. Collective Game , Pokemon , Pokemon Mystery Dungeon , Exploration , Luka , Alice , Faye 2016-11-18 6 845929 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 20 The final showdown against Yami. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-11-20 12 835372 DanganQuesta: A Danganronpa Quest 1 Plot twists, suicide, seduction, and one big mystery at the mall. Danganronpa , Dangan Ronpa , mystery , bait and switch 2016-11-21 2 864543 Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Quest #7 We get punished... again. Cry like a bitch... again. Help Alice move, and get Bella in a bit of a pickle. Collective Game , Pokemon , Pokemon Mystery Dungeon , Exploration , Luka , Alice , Faye 2016-11-27 6 842984 Hex Maniac 4 Because you aren't popular lets play with bugs! Mimikyu , Hex Maniac Quest , MyNameIsMimikyu , Collective Game , pokemon , 2016-11-28 7 882695 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 21 Kaz rest around the school after the battle with Yami, learning more about his classmates. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-11-29 11 December 2016 856933 DanganQuesta: A Danganronpa Quest 2 We hang out around the mall waiting for the first life to be taken. Danganronpa , Dangan Ronpa , mystery 2016-12-01 1 896670 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 22 Ryoji lays it low in the school during a week where a lot of the class' birthdays fall. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-12-04 11 889442 Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Quest #8 We find some missions, we make our way through another dungeon, eat mud, and rescue a Caterpie. Collective Game , Pokemon , Pokemon Mystery Dungeon , Exploration , Luka , Alice , Faye 2016-12-04 5 911415 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 23 Kaz has an important talk with Mayu, has more therapy, and visits Agent White's office. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-12-08 11 917197 Hex Maniac 4.5 A collection of short stories and Q&As that didn't get traffic. However still technically relevant to the quest. Mimikyu , Hex Maniac Quest , MyNameIsMimikyu , Collective Game , pokemon, 2016-12-09 6 892704 DanganQuesta: A Danganronpa Quest 3 The 1st trial comes and goes. Also, the new kids show up and distrust is in the air. Danganronpa , Dangan Ronpa , mystery 2016-12-10 1 924938 Black Company Quest #16 The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. Prince makes his mark as a brutal disciplinarian. And a sex maniac. Black Company Quest , Collective Game , Dark Fantasy , Capable Runts , No Brakes On The My Blood For His Train 2016-12-11 23 928492 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 24 A look into the backstory of Gado, and his life with a mercenary group. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-12-12 11 939606 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 25 Ryoji welcomes Nina's spirit back to existence, though she's having trouble adjusting. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-12-15 11 50661608 How would you set a high fantasy setting in the ruins of our world? Discussion and worldbuilding of a a post apocalyptic fantasy setting. Post Apocalyptic , setting , worldbuilding , mythology , Thundarr the Barbarian 2016-12-15 3 952064 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 26 The students take part in mandatory blood tests in order to identify a hidden demon. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-12-18 11 962076 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 27 Ryoji goes on a mission with Alice to retrieve an artefact from a cavern. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-12-22 12 968695 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 28 The chase for Taiyo and Tsuki begins. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-12-23 12 932525 DanganQuesta: A Danganronpa Quest 4 More stuff happened, someone died, lots of blood. No big deal. Danganronpa , Dangan Ronpa , mystery 2016-12-24 1 965849 Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Quest #9.0 We try and make our way deeper into the dungeon, but due to holidays thread is canceled. Next thread will go over and continue off this one. Collective Game , Pokemon , Pokemon Mystery Dungeon , Exploration , Luka , Alice , Faye 2016-12-24 5 963954 Hex Maniac Quest 5.0 Because you aren't popular lets have part one of a Hex Maniac Christmas special! Mimikyu , Hex Maniac Quest , MyNameIsMimikyu , Collective Game , pokemon, 2016-12-26 7 979788 Monstergirl Legend Quest 1: REBIRTH A Legend is a Monster girl? Will they accept or deny their old destiny? Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2016-12-27 25 983042 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 28.5 The chase for Tsuki and Taiyo comes to a head. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-12-29 12 976818 Magical Academy Quest Chapter 37 In this chapter we enter a contest to prove we are the best at being a Minia Student. Collective Game , Drawquest , Magical Academy Quest 2016-12-29 20 990760 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 29 Ryoji deals with a day of classes after returning from his mission. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2016-12-31 12 977060 Hex Maniac Quest 5.1 Because you are not popular you get a gym badge and fight crime. Mimikyu , Hex Maniac Quest , MyNameIsMimikyu , Collective Game , pokemon, 2016-12-31 6 January 2017 983566 Academy Tournament Organization Quest 6 Task 4: Recollections, psychic girls, date games and angry chefs. Keiichi crashes a van with his sister. Academy Tournament Organization Quest , ATO Quest , Collective Game , Anime 2017-01-01 11 955910 Civ quest that won't be abandoned Myceloids in the Haunted Forest. Civ Quest , Myceloid , Haunted Forest , Mushroom , Aborted , Abandoned , Collective Game 2017-01-02 1 1004646 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 30 Kaz spends time around the school while recovering from the previous mission. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2017-01-03 10 1005544 Monstergirl Legend Quest 2:Dragon May Mcnarren, Now a dragon, begins her life as a monster girl in Tartarus city. Maybe the countryside's fresh air will calm her down a bit. Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-01-03 21 1014043 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 31 Ryoji and the gang travel to the Darkworld in search of the demidemon Hermes. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2017-01-07 12 1028760 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 32 The Conqueror's tournament begins. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2017-01-10 12 1029584 Monstergirl Legend Quest 3:Legend May adjusts to living with a roommate, Yvette the dryad.But a story for a legend is begging to be told.Will it be a peaceful tale?Not likely Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-01-10 20 994979 DanganQuesta: A Danganronpa Quest 5 All the clues are found, the stage is set for the 2nd trial. Danganronpa , Dangan Ronpa , mystery 2017-01-11 1 1015434 Hex Maniac Quest 6 Part 1 Because you arent popular you meet the family and do a contest Mimikyu , Hex Maniac Quest , MyNameIsMimikyu , Collective Game , pokemon, 2017-01-12 6 1038360 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 33 Round 1 of The Conqueror's tournament concludes! Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2017-01-14 11 1034069 Hex Maniac Quest 6 Part 2 Because you are not popular you win a cute contest and learn a important lesson on why stealing is wrong. Mimikyu , Hex Maniac Quest , MyNameIsMimikyu , Collective Game , pokemon, 2017-01-14 5 1032590 Alchemy Escape- Part 1 Dan farnick want out of this room, and will sacrifice however many cheetos he requires to do so. Alchemy Escape , Alchemy Escape Quest , Collective game , alchemy , cheetos , so many cheetos , god damn thats a lot of fucking cheetos , part one 2017-01-15 2 1057919 Monstergirl Legend Quest 4:Bones What can a cat do to a dragon? What can a whole gang of cats do to one? The fishbone gang steps up its efforts to make May show some respect Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-01-17 16 1060538 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 34 The second round of The Conqueror's tournament. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2017-01-18 11 51323170 Love and Krieg 2.0, Thread 7 The continuing story of a Guardsman and a Krieger. Also, an Enginseer and other Kriegers. Also, Ogryns. Also, Orks? writefag , story , Love and Krieg , Krieger , WH40k , BataviAnon , High Proctor Kraellen , MyNameisMimikyu 2017-01-21 10 1066981 Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Quest #9.1 Less shit version of 9. We completed all of our missions and escaped the dungeon. QuestMM , Collective Game , Pokemon , Pokemon Mystery Dungeon , Exploration , Luka , Alice , Faye 2017-01-23 4 1038382 DanganQuesta: A Danganronpa Quest Trial #2 gets going, the 2nd floor is opened, and more questions arise. Danganronpa , Dangan Ronpa , mystery 2017-01-24 1 1057973 European Dragon Quest 48 In this episode, a couple breaks up that we've known for a while, we do SCIENCE and begin to develop lasers, and get Khorne as a headmate. European Dragon Quest , What Is My Life , Cold War , QuestingQM, 2017-01-25 1 1088921 Monstergirl Legend Quest 5: Brawl 1 Dragon and 1 minotauress vs a whole lot of cat girls and 1 Griffin. I like those odds, lets get this party started. Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-01-25 17 1073885 Hex Maniac Quest 7.0 Because you are a little popular you crit fail and stuff happens. So much. Mimikyu , Hex Maniac Quest , MyNameIsMimikyu , Collective Game , pokemon, 2017-01-26 5 51423554 Love and Krieg 2.0, Thread 8 The continuing story of a Guardsman and a Krieger. Also, an Enginseer and other Kriegers. Also, Ogryns. Also, Orks? writefag , story , Love and Krieg , Krieger , WH40k , BataviAnon , High Proctor Kraellen , MyNameisMimikyu 2017-01-28 8 1098409 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 35 The conclusion of The Conqueror's tournament! Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2017-01-29 25 1092277 Academy Tournament Organization Quest 7 THe rain falls. A man gets stabbed. The spirit of firearms observes. Keiichi gets into yet another bloody fight with an enemy magus. Academy Tournament Organization Quest , ATO Quest , Collective Game , Anime 2017-01-29 10 1095436 Psion Academy Quest It's the first day, and you almost get run over. psion academy quest , anime , drawquest , battle academy 2017-01-30 17 February 2017 51499073 Love and Krieg 2.0, Thread 9 The continuing story of a Guardsman and a Krieger. Also, an Enginseer and other Kriegers. And Ogryns and Orks and Witches, oh my! writefag , story , Love and Krieg , Krieger , WH40k , BataviAnon , High Proctor Kraellen , MyNameisMimikyu , 76-Records 2017-02-01 8 1116893 Monstergirl Legend Quest 6: Reputation Word spreads about May trashing the Fishbone gang. And she gets a lot of unwanted attention. Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-02-01 16 1122891 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 36 The group takes a trip to some hot springs to relax after the tournament. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2017-02-04 11 1084719 DanganQuesta: A Danganronpa Quest 7 A lot of people hand out and get to know each other better. And someone kind of died again. Danganronpa , Dangan Ronpa , mystery 2017-02-04 1 51541954 The Greek Mythic Cycle: Theomachy OP asks "what if Apollo rebelled against Zeus as Zeus rebelled against Cronos, and Cronos rebelled against Ouranos?" Theomachy is what Greek Gods , Olympus , Zeus , Apollo , Greece , Troy , Myths , Greek 2017-02-04 6 1095363 Mageknight Academy #1 The Mageknight Academy continues to teach its students a new way of life. Several students join, and eldritch abominations are defeated. Mageknight Academy , Collective Game , Valencia , Civ , RPG , Anime , School , Test 2017-02-05 13 1120746 Mageknight Academy: Beach OVA 1 The students take a trip to the beach. After a series of failed applications of sunscreen, hell itself comes up to face them. Mageknight Academy , Collective Game , Valencia , Civ , RPG , Anime , School , Test 2017-02-05 10 1127447 Psion Academy Quest 2 You get challenged to a duel. psion academy quest , anime , drawquest , battle academy 2017-02-06 10 1143279 Monstergirl Legend Quest 7: Lion's den The Truth is revealed, and May Goes clubbing. Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-02-08 16 51665650 Chinese fantasy/mythology Chinese fa/tg/uy provides a detailed overview of chinese fantasy/mythology: wuxia, xianxia, chinese "face" and much more. chinese mythology , cultivator , xianxia , wuxia , jianghu , wulin 2017-02-11 24 1124023 Hex Maniac Quest 8 Because you are a little popular lets advance the plot Mimikyu , Hex Maniac Quest , MyNameIsMimikyu , Collective Game , pokemon, 2017-02-12 7 1152256 Academy Tournament Organization Quest 8 Makoto has a mental breakdown. The Hirayama Siblings get started on the next task. There's a Valentine's Day special too. Short thread. Academy Tournament Organization Quest , ATO Quest , Collective Game , Anime 2017-02-12 10 1149038 Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Quest #10 The obligatory bath episode. QuestMM , Collective Game , Pokemon , Pokemon Mystery Dungeon , Exploration , Luka , Alice , Faye 2017-02-12 3 1155480 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 37 Kazuma has a busy day, not made better by the clumsy Hanako following him. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2017-02-12 11 1129120 Mageknight Academy #2 The academy enacts a student exchange program and a number of students busy themselves with their own personal quests. Mageknight Academy , Collective Game , Valencia , Civ , RPG , Anime , School , Test 2017-02-13 10 1159592 Psion Academy Quest 2.5 It has been [0] days since you've been hospitalized. psion academy quest , anime , drawquest , battle academy 2017-02-14 10 1164471 Monstergirl Legend Quest 8: Magic Do you believe in magic and fairytales? A witch seeks out May...or is it the otherway around? Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-02-15 16 1169727 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 38 Ryoji does some Christmas shopping and has a heart to heart with Raiden. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2017-02-17 11 1156278 Hex maniac quest 8 part 2 Because you are a little popular lets pick up chicks Mimikyu , Hex Maniac Quest , MyNameIsMimikyu , Collective Game , pokemon, 2017-02-19 4 1179551 Psion Academy Quest 3 There was an attempt at fixing a barrier. psion academy quest , anime , drawquest , battle academy 2017-02-20 12 1160865 Mageknight Academy #3 A monster's curse, remembering forgotten family, a swordly quest to France and life as a harem protagonist. Mageknight Academy , Collective Game , Valencia , Civ , RPG , Anime , School , Test 2017-02-21 10 1142520 Mageknight Academy Sidequest: Arthur's Dream #1 A group of friends embark into a dark forest, late at night, to try to find out about a satanic ritual. Nothing can go wrong. Mageknight Academy , Collective Game , Valencia , Civ , RPG , Anime , School , Test 2017-02-22 1 1193087 Monstergirl Legend Quest 9: Nidhoggr The past is finally revealed and May's world is turned upside down. Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-02-22 17 1192130 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 39 Kaz pursues Io in her hometown, hoping to bring her back to the academy. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2017-02-22 10 1160909 Mageknight Academy Sidequest: Arthur's Dream #2 A group of friends follow the Spanish Inquisition into their cathedral. People get drugged, and ominous feelings lurk. Nothing can go wrong. Mageknight Academy , Collective Game , Valencia , Civ , RPG , Anime , School , Test 2017-02-23 1 1160906 Mageknight Academy: Amsterdam #1 New transfer students arrive, blackmail and elections come up, and flesh mages are killed. Mageknight Academy , Collective Game , Valencia , Civ , RPG , Anime , School , Test 2017-02-23 10 1174034 Kobold Quest #1 A group of Kobolds has been ousted from their previous home, and now must make dew in new lands if they hope to survive and get revenge. Kobold Quest , Brushwood , Kobold , Quest , 3d6 , Giant Enemy Crab, 2017-02-25 2 1199569 Academy Tournament Organization Quest 9 Keiichi gets vomited on. Airi panics. Florence offers a challenge. Michiko gets way too excited for an ordinary school diva. Academy Tournament Organization Quest , ATO Quest , Collective Game , Anime 2017-02-26 11 51703670 Love and Krieg 2.0, Thread 11 Commissar Edition writefag , story , Love and Krieg , Krieger , WH40k , BataviAnon , High Proctor Kraellen , MyNameisMimikyu , 76-Records 2017-02-27 6 March 2017 1215835 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 40 Christmas comes to Dark Gate Academy! Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2017-03-01 11 1219352 Monstergirl Legend Quest 10:Confusion May starts to try to adjust to her new world of legends and her new relationship with Yvette Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-03-01 17 1193633 Mageknight Academy #4 Earth Elementals, the Devil King massacre, evil magical pranks, the treehouse of life and the birth of Ultracrusader. Mageknight Academy , Collective Game , Valencia , Civ , RPG , Anime , School , Test 2017-03-03 6 1193670 Mageknight Academy: Amsterdam #2 Even more blackmail, threats, and slander occur as the election gets heated, demon dogs run rampant, and votes are tallied up. No recounts. Mageknight Academy , Collective Game , Valencia , Civ , RPG , Anime , School , Test 2017-03-04 5 1226169 Academy Tournament Organization Quest 10 Keiichi gets to know a spirit of a revolver...which should be impossible? Academy Tournament Organization Quest , ATO Quest , Collective Game , Anime 2017-03-05 6 51918644 Love and Krieg 12: Thudd Edition A new person joins and Mimikyu finally finishes his story. writefag , story , Love and Krieg , Krieger , WH40k , BataviAnon , High Proctor Kraellen , MyNameisMimikyu , 76-Records 2017-03-05 6 1233276 Psion Academy Quest 4 It turns out that idols are scarier than their fans. psion academy quest , anime , drawquest , battle academy 2017-03-06 10 51900239 a lesser god takes the role of a greater god for a day /tg/ discusses theology and the spread of myths through cultures. theology , myths , pantheon , worldbuilding 2017-03-07 6 1240941 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 41 Kaz celebrates New Years back home alongside Kiriko and Mayu. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2017-03-07 12 1220912 Mageknight Academy: Hot springs OVA #2 The students take a trip to relax before the exams. A devil king is slain, love is found and relationships deepened. Mageknight Academy , Collective Game , Valencia , Civ , RPG , Anime , School , Test 2017-03-09 3 1218014 Mageknight Academy Sidequest: Arthur's Dream #3 A group of friends attempt to uncover whatever secrets the Inquisition are hiding. Mageknight Academy , Collective Game , Valencia , Civ , RPG , Anime , School , Test 2017-03-09 1 1247690 Monstergirl Legend Quest 11: Day out May has a day out. Wonder if its going to be nice or bloody. Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-03-09 13 1259441 Psion Academy Quest 4.5 You are not a creep in a closet. psion academy quest , anime , drawquest , battle academy 2017-03-12 7 1251720 Magical Academy Quest Chapter 38 In this chapter we deal with a crazy Aelor. Collective Game , Drawquest , Magical Academy Quest 2017-03-14 20 1235277 Hex Maniac Quest 9 Because you are a little bit popular lets hang out with criminals! Mimikyu , Hex Maniac Quest , MyNameIsMimikyu , Collective Game , pokemon, 2017-03-14 5 1243332 Mageknight Academy #5 The first academy exam comes, testing the students' prowess to see if they have what it takes to ascend to the next chapter of academy life Mageknight Academy , Collective Game , Valencia , Civ , RPG , Anime , School , Test 2017-03-15 3 1271186 Monstergirl Legend Quest 12:Attack Who would attack a dragon? May is about to find out Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-03-15 15 1243197 Mageknight Academy: Amsterdam #3 The first academy exam comes, as everyone studies and get ready to move on to a new year. Mageknight Academy , Collective Game , Valencia , Civ , RPG , Anime , School , Test 2017-03-17 2 1270941 Starborn Quest 31: Together As One We make our way home from Murillo, Luc and Hona have a "Friendly" training session before things get heated between our girls. Collective Game , Star , Wagon , Starborn , Luc , Hona , Lex , Dealer , Tinton , Murillo , Fight , Training , LEWD , Strip , Lapdance , Music , Academy 2017-03-18 2 1265890 Hex maniac Quest 10 Because you are a little popular lets die and make friends! Mimikyu , Hex Maniac Quest , MyNameIsMimikyu , Collective Game , pokemon, 2017-03-18 5 1279250 Academy Tournament Organization Quest 11 Keiichi shows Avery around his school and talks about the people he knows. Academy Tournament Organization Quest , ATO Quest , Collective Game , Anime 2017-03-19 7 1283972 Psion Academy Quest 5 Someone has a Japanese trash panda. psion academy quest , anime , drawquest , battle academy 2017-03-20 6 1290220 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 42 The DGA students are all domed in and separated, and must fight to escape. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2017-03-21 13 1283820 Starborn Quest 32: Welcome Back TINTON IS OVER; The Lewd aftermath, Return of the Lex and other stuff Collective Game , Star , Wagon , Starborn , Luc , Hona , Lex , Dealer , Tinton , Murillo , Fight , Training , LEWD , Strip , Lapdance , Music , Academy 2017-03-22 2 1269346 Storm Paladin Quest #5 Krystal sets out to reclaim Diluvium! Cyberpunk Demonslayer , Storm Paladin Quest , Stormyface 2017-03-23 6 1288139 One Piece Muscles Quest 1 Thrill as Maximillion T. Strongarm faces off against the Marine Captain Van Damn in a Ohara elimination match in the ring of fire. Collective Game , One Piece Muscles Quest , Quest , Mynameismimikyu , Pirates , Muscles 2017-03-24 11 1302091 Academy Tournament Organization Quest 12 Hideki's magic art is finally revealed. But the conflicts just don't stop... Academy Tournament Organization Quest , ATO Quest , Collective Game , Anime 2017-03-26 8 1277046 Mageknight Academy: Amsterdam #4 With the exam retakes finished, a new school year starts with new students and struggles arriving. Mageknight Academy , Collective Game , Valencia , Civ , RPG , Anime , School , Test 2017-03-27 1 1277016 Mageknight Academy #6 Exam retakes, eldritch investigations, plant women problems, faceless vampires, anti-climactic duels, mind trapped Germans & self-thwomping. Mageknight Academy , Collective Game , Valencia , Civ , RPG , Anime , School , Test 2017-03-27 1 1315085 Monstergirl Legend Quest 13: Tyrant Changes aren't just skin deep Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-03-29 13 1307978 One Piece Muscles Quest 2 In a underground cage match heavyweight superstar Maximillion goes against Moran's crew. Only on OPM pay per view! Collective Game , One Piece Muscles Quest , Quest , Mynameismimikyu , Pirates , Muscles 2017-03-30 10 1317293 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 43 Kazuma and Class 1 defend Kingudoro from the demidemon Selene. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2017-03-31 16 April 2017 1324313 サイオン academy quest Giant space beetles have an April Fools surprise. psion academy quest , サイオン academy quest , anime , drawquest , battle academy 2017-04-02 5 1325071 Academy Tournament Organization Quest 13 Things are starting to get serious for the Hirayama siblings... Academy Tournament Organization Quest , ATO Quest , Collective Game , Anime 2017-04-02 5 1325005 Magical Academy Quest Chapter 37.5 In this chapter the group explores a slime filled dungeon. Collective Game , Drawquest , Magical Academy Quest 2017-04-05 20 1342663 Monstergirl Legend Quest 14: Bad Puck Bad Luck rides on the wings of Puck Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-04-06 12 52535995 Implementing shinto in D&D thread full of ideas, mechanics, adventure hooks, and comfy all about everyone's favorite weeaboo animism religion D&D , fantasy , fluff , touhou , catgirls , foxgirls , cute , comfy , not-trash-I-Promise , gods , mythology, 2017-04-08 5 1314841 Mageknight Academy #7 Vampire attacks, the plant saga continues, deciphering codes, Gundam Battles, pushy gym coaches and a major club project. Mageknight Academy , Collective Game , Valencia , Civ , RPG , Anime , School , Test 2017-04-08 1 1323665 Hex maniac Quest 11 Because you are a little popular you have a april fools quest, roll a shit ton of crits, and evolve twice Mimikyu , Hex Maniac Quest , MyNameIsMimikyu , Collective Game , pokemon, 2017-04-09 5 1352393 Psion Academy Quest 6 Things get a little rough. Just a little. psion academy quest , anime , drawquest , battle academy 2017-04-11 6 1354105 WWW Waifu Wrestling Episode 1 Cute is justice, justice is power, can you reach the vaunted title of Best Girl? Collective Game , WWW Quest , Waifus , Wrasslin , Wrestling , Quest , Mynameismimikyu , 2017-04-13 6 1363269 Monstergirl Legend Quest 15: Territory May discovers just how bad territorial disputes between dragons can be Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-04-13 12 1369028 Academy Tournament Organization Quest 14 A day and a half passes. Academy Tournament Organization Quest , ATO Quest , Collective Game , Anime 2017-04-17 7 52624149 The Mummy as an RPG A writefag answers that age old question "why didn't they just tie a cat to stick" The Mummy , d&d , writethread , shoggy 2017-04-17 15 1364281 One Piece Muscles Quest 3 Fresh out of the hospital, can Maximillion survive a ladder match with the vicious Minmax brothers and belligrant dice? Collective Game , One Piece Muscles Quest , Quest , Mynameismimikyu , Pirates , Muscles 2017-04-18 5 1377712 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 44 Ryoji and the crew arrive in Raibaru, and face their last challenge before Tsuki. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2017-04-19 13 1347683 Mageknight Academy #8 A Cardboard monster is on the loose, and sidequests come back to bite the students in the ass. Mageknight Academy , Collective Game , Valencia , Civ , RPG , Anime , School , Test 2017-04-19 1 52728388 Reverse Mythical Creatures /tg/ worldbuilds reverse versions of mythological monsters with hilarious results. worldbuilding , monsters , creatures , mythical, 2017-04-21 9 1378388 Minor Godquest Telantes reminisces upon his origins, brings prosperity to Yatash, and visits a hermit in Urnodos. Collective Game , Gods , Mythology 2017-04-21 12 52841660 Army Men Nostalgia Op wondered what a War game set in the universe would be like nostalgia ensues. Army Men , Nostalgia , Videogames , vidya 2017-04-24 3 1390022 Academy Tournament Organization Quest 15 QM tries to flake out again, but helpful anons manage to convince him not to be such a defeatist pussy. Day 8 continues. Academy Tournament Organization Quest , ATO Quest , Collective Game , Anime 2017-04-25 6 1380710 One Piece Muscles Quest 4 Miyuki Soge, sidekick to the daring Captain Strongarm, is set to face off in a gruelling no holds barrel flashback. Who comes out on top? Collective Game , One Piece Muscles Quest , Quest , Mynameismimikyu , Pirates , Muscles 2017-04-25 5 1379671 Mageknight Academy #9 Students visit Hellpits and preparations for a Grim field trip are done. Joy gets lost in the sewers and piece of recovered fey are found. Mageknight Academy , Collective Game , Valencia , Civ , RPG , Anime , School , Test 2017-04-29 1 1379849 Mageknight Academy: Amsterdam #7 A pair of students explore a spooky magic cave, violations against the Geneva Convention continue, and the Georgius family comes to light. Mageknight Academy , Collective Game , Valencia , Civ , RPG , Anime , School , Test 2017-04-30 2 May 2017 1420113 Dark Gate Academy Season 2 Episode 45 The Season 2 Finale, as the team has their climactic battle with Tsuki! Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game, 2017-05-01 14 1428143 Monstergirl Legend Quest 16: Kid Being a little kid can feel like a curse. Especially when it is one! Can May break it? Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-05-04 10 1433081 Psion Academy Quest 7 In which you shovel food into your mouth. psion academy quest , anime , drawquest , battle academy 2017-05-08 7 1412127 Mageknight Academy #10 The interacademy tournament proceeds with a few surprising victories, home visits begin, and an expedition into the Grimwoods is conducted. Mageknight Academy , Collective Game , Valencia , Civ , RPG , Anime , School , Test 2017-05-09 1 1418715 Mageknight Academy: Amsterdam #8 Inter-Academy winners are announced and Live action situations are done. Mageknight Academy , Collective Game , Valencia , Civ , RPG , Anime , School , Test 2017-05-12 1 1451724 Monstergirl Legend Quest 17: Two Dragons May finally confronts Faith, who cursed her into being a little brat again. Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-05-12 8 1441536 Mageknight Academy #11 Kill Matt 2 - The Revenge of The Raccoon, Amsterdam Refugees arrive and Alpha Squad bizarre adventure continuation. Mageknight Academy , Collective Game , Valencia , Civ , RPG , Anime , School , Test 2017-05-20 1 1478898 Psion Academy Quest Omake Class 1A contemplates the idea of a maid cafe. psion academy quest , anime , drawquest , battle academy 2017-05-21 6 1455732 Hex maniac Quest 12 part 1 Because you are a little popular you celebrate mothers day. Mimikyu , Hex Maniac Quest , MyNameIsMimikyu , Collective Game , pokemon, 2017-05-23 5 1448337 Mageknight Academy: Amsterdam #9 End times come as Amsterdam is invaded by demons. The school decides to transfer students to refuge in their sister school MKA:Madrid. Mageknight Academy , Collective Game , Valencia , Civ , RPG , Anime , School , Test 2017-05-23 1 1500700 Monstergirl Legend Quest 18:Hammer Time May's made a hammer worthy of legend, but is she worthy of it? Who cares its fucking awesome! Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-05-26 8 1503477 Psion Academy Quest 8 The police is called. psion academy quest , anime , drawquest , battle academy 2017-05-29 5 1488053 Hex Maniac Quest 12 Part 2 Because you are a little popular lets go hiking! Mimikyu , Hex Maniac Quest , MyNameIsMimikyu , Collective Game , pokemon, 2017-05-29 2 1479385 Mageknight Academy #12 Conclusion to the Grimwoods Battle. Marital Arts. A hidden Threat is revealed in a Diary. Rise of the Raccoons. Mageknight Academy , Collective Game , Valencia , Civ , RPG , Anime , School , Test 2017-05-31 0 1521345 Monstergirl Legend Quest 19: Old Problems Old problems come under new faces. May's day might end up going bad. Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-05-31 10 June 2017 1522463 Hex Maniac Quest 12 Part 3 Because you are a little popular this bit is going on too long Mimikyu , Hex Maniac Quest , MyNameIsMimikyu , Collective Game , pokemon, 2017-06-08 2 1556857 Nowhere Noire Detectives Gumshoe Bernitz and Olesya solve a hanging. drawquest , detective , mystery 2017-06-10 1 1518446 Mageknight Academy #13 Tenia's parents come in, a dhampir fights a raccoon, squirrel and cat and hints of a soon-to-be-wedding? Mageknight Academy , Collective Game , Valencia , Civ , RPG , Anime , School , Test 2017-06-11 1 1563931 Ancient greek Civ Game Five Great cities come into play and begin growing their power. The wise Oracle tells all and weaves legend Greek , Civ , Mythical , Collective game , Epic Thread , OracleofDephi 2017-06-17 1 1590690 Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Quest #11 We meet with Guild Master Drake and then try to bargain with Kek and Leon. QuestMM , Collective Game , Pokemon , Pokemon Mystery Dungeon , Exploration , Luka , Alice , Faye 2017-06-22 1 1563053 Mageknight Academy #14 The investigation continues, missing students return to the fold, and new students enter the academy. Mageknight Academy , Collective Game , Valencia , Civ , RPG , Anime , School , Test 2017-06-23 1 1583957 WWW Waifu Wrestling: Episode 2 part 1 In this episode our darling Bertha Von Screwletter takes a day off and learns she has beef with a punch of fake millitary wrestlers Collective Game , WWW Quest , Waifus , Wrasslin , Wrestling , Quest , Mynameismimikyu , 2017-06-26 5 1619003 Magical Academy Quest Chapter 39 In this chapter, Tali deals with detention! Collective Game , Drawquest , Magical Academy Quest 2017-06-30 20 53990655 non-abrahamic monotheistic religion worldbuilding Worldbuilding and setting discussion about hypothetical monotheist religions derived from sources other than rehashed abrahamic mythology. worldbuilding , setting , religion , mythology , monotheistic , deity , god, 2017-06-30 6 July 2017 54084756 Martian Myths and Legends In this thread, posters world-build a colonized Mars reminiscent of the old west and offer up myths and legends that "Dusters" might share Mars , Space , Sci-Fi , Myths , Legends , Urban Legends , World-Building , Brainstorming 2017-07-03 11 1597485 Mageknight Academy #15 Talk about spirits and arriving new students. Mageknight Academy , Collective Game , Valencia , Civ , RPG , Anime , School , Test 2017-07-03 1 1617405 WWW episode 2 part 2 Three Woman get dominated by uniformed blonde Collective Game , WWW Quest , Waifus , Wrasslin , Wrestling , Quest , Mynameismimikyu, 2017-07-03 3 1632992 Psion Academy Quest 9 Reading the future, and then the past. psion academy quest , anime , drawquest , battle academy 2017-07-05 5 1651075 Academy Tournament Organisation Quest 16 Out of the ink-splattered gymnasium and into the domain of the spirit of firearms. Academy Tournament Organization Quest , ATO Quest , Collective Game , Anime 2017-07-09 8 1623308 Mageknight Academy #16 Student leg falls off in freak accident, Masked man perverts a school?, and a trip to Canaria anounced! Mageknight Academy , Collective Game , Valencia , Civ , RPG , Anime , School , Test 2017-07-12 1 1641099 Hex maniac Quest 12 part 4 Because you are only a little popular you explore some ruins. Mimikyu , Hex Maniac Quest , MyNameIsMimikyu , Collective Game , pokemon, 2017-07-16 2 1670617 Academy Tournament Organisation Quest 17 Stalking a girl is likely to get you arrested. Fortunately, Keiichi Hirayama doesn't care. Academy Tournament Organization Quest , ATO Quest , Collective Game , Anime 2017-07-16 6 1670260 Hex maniac Quest 12 part 5 The finale of the Ruins of Bet plot Mimikyu , Hex Maniac Quest , MyNameIsMimikyu , Collective Game , pokemon, 2017-07-24 2 1664846 Mageknight Academy #17 Students prepare & sign-up for Canaria Island trip, Concert with friends, Cursed sword appears, friend gets clingy and more training. Mageknight Academy , Collective Game , Valencia , Civ , RPG , Anime , School , Test 2017-07-26 1 1698533 Psion Academy Quest 10 Shhh! psion academy quest , anime , drawquest , battle academy 2017-07-26 6 August 2017 1700929 Mageknight Academy #18 Mana Classes are held while students buy swimsuits for Canaria Trip. A house party is held by a well known student. Mageknight Academy , Collective Game , Valencia , Civ , RPG , Anime , School , Test 2017-08-03 1 1731190 Starborn Quest 33: Back To Business The Crossover is over. With Verde gone and Purps soon to depart, the sirens decide to surprise her. ollective Game,COMBO , Star , Starborn , Wagon , Purps , Sirens , Theatre , Leno , Epilogue , Academy Arc , New Arc 2017-08-05 2 1744060 Academy Tournament Organisation Quest 18 Reality is a pain, especially when there's a cleaver made out of ink going straight for your neck. Academy Tournament Organization Quest , ATO Quest , Collective Game , Anime 2017-08-06 3 54724370 Fictitious Theology & Mythology Worldbuilding Discussion Worldbuilding fictitious religions for use in games. theology , mythology , pantheon , deity , deities , worldbuilding , religions , philosophy, 2017-08-06 2 1751566 Monstergirl Legend Quest 21:Knight night Modern day "knights". Or angry people who want to prove that normal humans are better than any kind of monster girl, by fighting them. Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-08-08 7 1723755 One Piece Muscles Quest 5 In which Strongarm gets a new crew member and kicks a man in the nuts. Collective Game , One Piece Muscles Quest , Quest , Mynameismimikyu , Pirates , Muscles 2017-08-12 1 1764844 One Piece Muscles Quest 5.5 In which you have a practice match against Pirate Hulk Hogan and don't die. Collective Game , One Piece Muscles Quest , Quest , Mynameismimikyu , Pirates , Muscles 2017-08-16 0 1735405 Mageknight Academy: Canaria and Canada OVA #3 Part 1 Students aboard S.S. Valencia for the new exploration trip in Canaria but at the midst of boarding, a small few have boarded the wrong ship! Mageknight Academy , Collective Game , Valencia , Civ , RPG , Anime , School , Test , OVA 2017-08-16 2 1757519 Steve's Flawless Reincarnation adventure 1 Join Steve, a flawless person in a very flawed reincarnation adventure. Mynameismimikyu , quest , collective game , reincarnation , Steve Steverson , overpowered protagonists 2017-08-19 0 1769607 My Father's Country 3 You blow up a convoy carrying nukes, then take Salt Lake City and Denver. The Coalition strikes back by appointing a North American Viceroy future , america , us army 2017-08-20 1 1782308 Starborn Quest 34: Woooooah We're halfway there. Ohhh Sleeping in a Chair A lot of travelling happens and we meet a new fella. Lex looks worse for wear before Honamurei takes on the stranger. Collective Game , Star , Starborn , Wagon , Travel , Honamurei , Luc , Tessius , Gine , Lexington , Gine , Sparring , ARMBAR , Academy Arc 2017-08-20 1 1796801 Psion Academy Quest 11 Note to never walk into the Student Council Room again. psion academy quest , anime , drawquest , battle academy 2017-08-24 5 1804229 Monstergirl Legend Quest 22: Beach fight May's Beach party is interrupted by a glory seeking knight Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-08-24 7 1789548 Steve's Flawless Reincarnation adventure 2 You go on a date with a hot girl who also happens to be a Goddess. Also your dead and this is a reincarnation quest. Priorities Mynameismimikyu , quest , collective game , reincarnation , Steve Steverson , overpowered protagonists 2017-08-25 1 1727834 WUNIAFWAR 2 Bears are bad news. Jippy is the first player to die. Anne is the first player to fall into a coma and get rescued by another, Cory. Wake Up Naked Quest , WUNIAFWAR Quest , Multiplayer RPG , Action-Adventure , Survival , Mystery , Rust , Ramtide QM 2017-08-25 1 1749600 WUNIAFWAR 3 - OP Has Problems Edition Patrick's quarantine fails. Poopfist burns the hospital. Jippy takes Poopfist captive. Anne and Cory leave Canopy. Wake Up Naked Quest , WUNIAFWAR , Survival , Mystery , Multiplayer RPG , Action Adventure , Rust , Ramtide QM , Ramtide , 2017-08-27 1 1784275 WUNIAFWAR 4 Jippy realizes he's sick. Anne and Cory make a town. Joseph wreaks havoc. Wake Up Naked Quest , WUNIAFWAR , Collective Game , Survival , Mystery , Multiplayer RPG , Action Adventure , Rust , Ramtide QM , Ramtide , 2017-08-27 1 1786959 My Father's Country or 4 You right to defend your cities you've captured. You find a suitable candidate for the president of the us. China and India start a landwar Strategy , America , Us Army , Villain Quest? 2017-08-27 1 1783678 Mageknight Academy: Canaria and Canada OVA #3 Part 2 The S.S. Valencia makes port at Canaria. Students explore the island and do some shopping. Others get lost in a different country. Mageknight Academy , Collective Game , Valencia , Civ , RPG , Anime , School , Test , OVA 2017-08-30 1 September 2017 1834462 My Father's Country, Pt. 5 Nathan helps destroy China, gets into trouble in the windy city, captures an engineer, and the players have a debate over government. US Army , Civ , Quest 2017-09-05 2 1848716 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 1 The Demon Called Fame! The students of Dark Gate Academy need to adjust to their newfound popularity. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2017-09-08 11 1855293 Monstergirl Legend Quest 23: Dragonslayer May has an "interesting" Day, as a few old grudges come a calling. Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-09-10 10 1848833 Quest Lyoko 1: Awakening Star presents a quest in which wagons can play no reasonable part... yet. Code Lyoko, adventures in Cyberspace. Collective Game , Star , Starborn , Code Lyoko , Lyoko , Cyber , Sci Fi , Odd , Ulrich , Xana , Jeremy , Yumi , Staff , Nightwing , Monsters , Gas , Factory 2017-09-11 4 1825914 Mageknight Academy: Canaria and Canada OVA #3 Part 3 The S.S. Valencia makes port at Canaria. Students explore the island and do more shopping. Others adventure for items and materials. Mageknight Academy , Collective Game , Valencia , Civ , RPG , Anime , School , Test , OVA 2017-09-12 1 1857442 Quest Lyoko 2: Contact Where we finally decide to expand our social circle, branch out, and meet new people. Collective Game , Star , Starborn , Code Lyoko , Lyoko , Cyber , Sci Fi , Odd , Ulrich , Xana , Jeremy , Yumi , Staff , Nightwing , Monsters , Gas , Factory 2017-09-13 2 1867815 Quest Lyoko 3: Casualty Xana continues to assert control of the factory. Whilst being mentally stable. Also, intruders. Collective Game , Star , Starborn , Code Lyoko , Lyoko , Cyber , Sci Fi , Odd , Ulrich , Xana , Jeremy , Yumi , Staff , Nightwing , Monsters , Gas , Factory 2017-09-17 2 1877899 Quest Lyoko 3.5: Discovery Xana has a bad day until he hangs out with Odd. He then decides to take it out on the AI Collective Game , Star , Starborn , Code Lyoko , Lyoko , Cyber , Sci Fi , Odd , Ulrich , Xana , Jeremy , Yumi , Staff , Crits , Monsters,Riot , Factory 2017-09-20 2 1876380 Psion Academy Quest 12 A trip and a reunion. psion academy quest , anime , drawquest , battle academy 2017-09-22 7 1857123 Mageknight Academy OVA #3 - Part 4 The S.S. Valencia makes port at Canaria. Students explore the island and do some shopping. Others get lost in a different country. Mageknight Academy , Collective Game , Valencia , Civ , RPG , Anime , School , Test , OVA 2017-09-24 2 October 2017 1928217 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 2 The Boy Who Blooms in Snow! Ryoji and Saki are confronted by a young boy claiming to be Manabu Misawa... Yamato's brother. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2017-10-03 12 1907500 Mageknight Academy: Canaria and Canada OVA #3 Part 5 Students fight off shadowy reflections and vengeful nature spirits. Lost tourists are shipped from one country to another. Mageknight Academy , Collective Game , Valencia , Civ , RPG , Anime , School , Test , OVA 2017-10-09 1 1944484 Fire Emblem: Annaquest-I One of many Annas ventures into Valentia to get rich and assist a hero. Fire Emblem , Annaquest , Fantasy , Economy 2017-10-09 6 1948505 Quest Lyoko 4: Datamining The Continuation of the Attack from Discovery. X.A.N.A is totally sane right? Of course. Collective Game , Star , Starborn , Code Lyoko , Lyoko , Cyber , Sci Fi , Odd , Ulrich , Xana , Jeremy , Yumi , Staff , Archive , Monsters , Riot , Factory 2017-10-12 2 1958872 Monstergirl Legend Quest 24:Melee a trois May's "Honorable" Duel with the "modern day" knight is interrupted by a legendary Thot Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-10-12 8 1931565 WWW Waifu Wrestling: Episode 3 part 1 Blitzkrieg Betty is back after a long wait training her heart out Collective Game , WWW Quest , Waifus , Wrasslin , Wrestling , Quest , Mynameismimikyu, 2017-10-13 3 55706379 Folklore Creatures Various anons describe and discuss monsters from their local folklore, ghost stories, urban legends and cautionary tales. monsters , creatures , folklore , myth , urban legends , worldbuilding, 2017-10-13 3 1966357 Fire Emblem:Annaquest 2 The Merchant doles out vitamin C, goes to jail, and rejoins with family. Meanwhile, The Thief awakens on an island... Annaquest , Fire Emblem , Economy , Fantasy 2017-10-16 4 1948165 DANGANRONPA International 1 25 years after the events of the Hope's Peak Academy saga, another Killing Game has begun. You are the Ultimate Film Director. Survive. Danganronpa , Mystery , Puzzle , Anime 2017-10-17 5 1965435 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 3 Awkward Reunions and Unspoken Words! Kazuma's return to academy life sees the need for some uncomfortable conversations. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2017-10-17 25 1983270 Quirkless Quest Alec learned that he was a quirkless and must find a way to survive this world. My hero academia quest , quirkless quest , HeroQM 2017-10-22 21 1975812 DANGANRONPA International 2 A murder has happened, and now you must unmask the killer Danganronpa , Mystery , Puzzle , Anime 2017-10-23 2 1972676 WWW World Waifu Wrestling Episode 3 p2 The march of MOE continues, will anyone stop the blitzkrieg of cute? (Please dont i got a job) Collective Game , WWW Quest , Waifus , Wrasslin , Wrestling , Quest , Mynameismimikyu, 2017-10-24 2 2002620 Quest Lyoko 5: School Days Part 1 X.A.N.A Gets bored and thus decides to hang out with his friends via cyber spying and accidentally invading their privacy. Collective Game , Star , Code Lyoko , Lyoko , Cyber , Sci Fi , Odd , Ulrich , Xana , Jeremy , Yumi , Staff , Nightwing , Monsters , Gas , Factory 2017-10-26 2 2017974 Quest Lyoko 5.5: School Days Part 2 X.A.N.A Gets bored and thus decides to hang out with his friends via cyber spying and accidentally invading their privacy. Collective Game , Star , Code Lyoko , Lyoko , Cyber , Sci Fi , Odd , Ulrich , Xana , Jeremy , Yumi , Staff , Nightwing , Monsters , Gas , Factory 2017-10-30 3 November 2017 56149459 Cthulhu Mythos Sans Frontières Anons from around the globe post the most Lovecraftian locations from their countries. cthulhu mythos , lovecraft , call of cthulhu , countries , locations 2017-11-01 10 2004198 Mageknight Academy: Canaria OVA #3 Part 6 Sand castle competition, Baby dragon turn human, cowgirls, bonfire and more shopping! Mageknight Academy , Collective Game , Valencia , Civ , RPG , Anime , School , Test , OVA 2017-11-03 2 2002343 DANGANRONPA International 3 A new world opens up, and things take a turn for the surprising. Danganronpa , Mystery , Puzzle , Anime 2017-11-05 1 2039470 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 4 Get Buff! Class 2's Ultimate Challenge! Saki devises a set of trials in order to train herself and her classmates. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2017-11-06 11 56231624 Magic: The Gathering Investors get BTFO Who spends $20,000 on a children's trading card game? magic the gathering , wizards , investors , collectibles , reprints , card economy , bad investments , you made this bed now get fucked in it 2017-11-08 3 2047325 Magical Academy Quest Chapter 40 Tali goes on a class trip to the White Desert Collective Game , Drawquest , Magical Academy Quest 2017-11-11 20 2048137 DANGANRONPA International 4 Right at the moment of freedom, things suddenly become too much to bear. Danganronpa , Mystery , Puzzle , Anime 2017-11-17 1 2098410 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 5 A Stranger Adrift! Ryoji encounters The Drifter, an Archdemon intent to take over the world one village at a time. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2017-11-25 11 2099171 Psion Academy Quest 13 Finally, a doubles match! Wait, what? psion academy quest , anime , drawquest , battle academy 2017-11-27 5 2076289 DANGANRONPA International 5 The survivors deal with the fallout of capturing Joshua, and Kyoko flies to Finland. Danganronpa , Mystery , Puzzle , Anime 2017-11-27 1 2061142 SugarSnot Pokemon Mystery Quest Thread #1 A Pokemon based /qst/ drawn by SugarSnot guided by the suggestions of the thread readers. pokemon mystery quest , comic , sugarsnot , sugarsmear , magby , gothita , kecleon , psyduck , magnezone 2017-11-28 2 2089038 SugarSnot Pokemon Mystery Quest Thread #2
A Pokemon based /qst/ drawn by SugarSnot guided by the suggestions of the thread readers. pokemon mystery quest , comic , sugarsnot , sugarsmear , magby , psyduck , magnezone , ferrothorn , lilypaddle 2017-11-28 2 December 2017 2107565 arSnot Pokemon Mystery Quest Thread #3 A Pokemon based /qst/ drawn by SugarSnot guided by the suggestions of the thread readers. pokemon mystery quest , comic , sugarsnot , sugarsmear , magby , psyduck , magnezone , donut , lilypaddle , shuckle 2017-12-03 1 2118802 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 6 The Lady of Death! Kaiya awakens from her slumber, while Kaz tries to keep a secret. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2017-12-03 10 2121658 Monster Girl Legend Quest 25: Fate Fate makes itself known in nasty ways for May. But is it fate? or just bad dreams? Either ways its pissing her off Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-12-04 8 2126056 Starborn Quest 40: The Academy Purps and the gang roll up to the academy, where paperwork, old friends and new friends await. Starborn , Wagon , Star , Drama , Purps , Hona , Honamurei , Lisbeth , Vernon , Lexington , Doc Lexington , Academy , Tornin , Travelling , Comfy 2017-12-09 2 2106185 DANGANRONPA International 6 OP gets his ass kicked, Kyoko continues to investigate Danganronpa , Mystery , Puzzle , Anime 2017-12-09 1 2136202 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 7 A Glamorous View on a Glamorous World! Chihiro begins her internship as a model while her friends investigate a demonic disturbance. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2017-12-11 10 2151493 Awakened Quest, Part 1 A mysterious stranger claws from his own grave and begins the journey of discovering his past. ComfyQM , Mystery , Quest , Fantasy 2017-12-17 1 2154501 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 8 The Search for Vanity! Ryoji and the gang try to discover the identity of the Archdemon loose in the city. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2017-12-17 10 2133309 Danganronpa International: Sweden Quest 2 Kyoko gets to the bottom of the leak Danganronpa , Puzzle , Mystery , Anime 2017-12-18 1 2143066 Starborn Quest 41: Welcome to the Jungle Academic things continue Collective Game , Star , Starborn , Wagon , Travel , Honamurei , Luc , Tessius , Gine , Lexington , Gine , Sparring , ARMBAR , Academy Arc 2017-12-20 2 2158012 DANGANRONPA International 7 Kyoko continues investigating the computer of Emile Delacroix when the QM fucking dies. Danganronpa , Mystery , Puzzle , Anime 2017-12-31 1 January 2018 2197002 Psion Academy Quest 14 Coercion happens. A lot of coercion. psion academy quest , anime , drawquest , battle academy 2018-01-06 5 2206422 Monster Girl Legend Quest 26: Sisters May spends some quality time with her older sister. Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2018-01-06 6 2214870 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 9 A Lonely Dove Enters Spring! Chihiro end her apprenticeship with Kanako. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2018-01-09 10 2218606 Otome Academy Quest You are Hoshi Sanada, and you are way out of your comfort zone. Quest , Otome Academy , Collective game 2018-01-11 1 2197283 Quest Lyoko 7: Resurgence Xana & Co wake up to some changes. After all, there wasn't a sports festival before we returned to the past; was there? Collective Game , Star , Wagon , Quest Lyoko , Lyoko , Xana , Time Travel , Jeremy , Odd , Ulrich , Yumi , Sissi , AI , Sci Fi , School , Social Links 2018-01-11 2 2234497 Psion Academy Quest Omake It's the beach episode. psion academy quest , anime , drawquest , battle academy 2018-01-17 5 2252309 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 10 A Press Conference? All Eyes on Dark Gate! Wei gives the first major press conference on behalf of the Academy. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2018-01-23 10 57591980 Weird Little Western Town A brainstorming thread about a weird little western town, built in the shadow of a strange mountain, low on luck and high on mystery. Brainstorming , western , supernatural , paranormal , horror , mystery , plot hooks , worldbuilding 2018-01-27 30 2258050 Psion Academy Quest 15 Like a star. psion academy quest , anime , drawquest , battle academy 2018-01-28 5 2249025 Starborn Quest 42: Dorm Days Settling in at the Academy, Purps continues to meet those around her. And some VIPs would like a word. Starborn , Wagon , Star , Drama , Purps , Hona , Honamurei , Lisbeth , Vernon , Lexington , Doc Lexington , Academy , Tornin , Jo , Stella , Lancel , Quan 2018-01-28 2 February 2018 2255834 Hex Maniac Quest 13 For some reason this is a card game quest now. Mimikyu , Hex Maniac Quest , MyNameIsMimikyu , Collective Game , pokemon, 2018-02-07 3 2271834 Starborn Quest 43: School of Hard Knocks Purps is in the Academy right and she meets her dormates right? Then she dreamwalks, right? Starborn , Wagon , Star , Drama , Purps , Hona , Honamurei , Lisbeth , Vernon , Lexington , Doc Lexington , Academy , Tornin , Jo , Stella , Lancel , Quan 2018-02-09 2 2294622 Which, Craft, Witch - Part 1 Caitrin Foster is a young lady in college. She is a typical student - except for the nighttime dances, spells, and the curse, of course.... Collective Game , Which Craft Witch , witch , mystery , magic , sexy , fairy , fae , faerie , pixy , blood , ritual , cute , supernatural , urban fantasy 2018-02-09 3 57923494 Tale of the Promethean Heisters TheBlackScribe storytimes his favorite campaign halo mythic , promethean heisters , theblackscribe , storytime 2018-02-13 15 2310591 Monster Girl Legend Quest 27:Deny Puck is once again a thorn in may's side, but with an actual purpose this time? What's her problem anyways? Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2018-02-14 10 2314405 Which, Craft, Witch School and coffee and fairies, not to mention a diamond as big as her thumbnail. A witch's dilemmas.... Collective Game , Which Craft Witch , witch , mystery , magic , sexy , fairy , fae , faerie , pixy , blood , ritual , cute , supernatural , urban fantasy 2018-02-16 2 2307332 Starborn Quest 44: First Class Purps attends her first Martial class, apparently it's some kinda placement exam. And she's fighting a friend! Starborn , Wagon , Star , Drama , Purps , Hona , Honamurei , Lisbeth , Vernon , Lexington , Doc Lexington , Academy , Tornin , Jo , Stella , Lancel , Quan 2018-02-18 2 2318464 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 11 Arrival of a Lonely Samurai! Mayu's mother Act arrives to teach at the academy and immediately creates tension. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2018-02-19 10 2294115 Hex Maniac Quest 14: Gu-rie-oh Play as Sebastian for a bit and get caught in a Distorted Game Mimikyu , Hex Maniac Quest , MyNameIsMimikyu , Collective Game , pokemon, 2018-02-19 3 2327941 Starborn Quest 45: Honamurei Quest? We play as Hona, since Purps decided to check out some fights. Things go wrong, as is tradition. Collective Game , Star , Starborn , Purps , School Arc , Honamurei , Jo , Drama , Fight , Lexington , Chiron , Sparring , Briar , Academy Arc 2018-02-24 2 2336789 Which, Craft, Witch - Part 3 More campus life, and perhaps a clue or two. Also, people hitting on people. Collective Game , Which Craft Witch , witch , mystery , magic , sexy , fairy , werewolf , pixie , blood , ritual , cute , supernatural , urban fantasy 2018-02-24 3 2342473 My Drawn Adventure #1 My Drawn Adventure Archive my , drawn , adventure , my drawn adventure , drawquest , wharf , pirhana 2018-02-26 1 March 2018 2352764 Which, Craft, Witch Pre-date dates, pixies and fairies, the fateful phone call. Collective Game , Which Craft Witch , witch , mystery , magic , sexy , fairy , werewolf , pixie , blood , ritual , cute , supernatural , urban fantasy 2018-03-02 2 2348999 Starborn Quest 46: Day of the Living Purps We die (again), but then we get better. Sorta. Kinda. Ish. But not like that's the end of it. Collective Game , Star , Starborn , Purps , School Arc , Honamurei , Jo , Drama , Fight , Lexington , Chiron , Honamurei , Briar , Academy Arc 2018-03-03 2 2355201 Elf Slave Quest #1 A poor alchemist buys an elf slave assistant Elf Slave Quest , Watdo , Alchemy 2018-03-04 32 2328724 Hex Maniac Quest 15 You figure out what to do with the shadow gamer. Mimikyu , Hex Maniac Quest , MyNameIsMimikyu , Collective Game , pokemon, 2018-03-05 2 2364145 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 12 Dark Gate Film Club?! Saki's responsible adventure! The newly formed DGA Film Club decide to document Saki's day. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2018-03-06 13 2372935 Elf Slave Quest #2 We process the phoenix ash and lay down some ground rules with our slave Elf Slave Quest , Watdo , Alchemy 2018-03-11 20 2377932 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 13 A Movie Star?! King Thunder arrives! The famous actor/hero pays a visit to Dark Gate and gets on everyone's nerves. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2018-03-12 11 2386103 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 14 An Unorthodox School Trip! Select members of Class 1 are taken to a very dreary beach by Agent Blue. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2018-03-15 10 2388587 Which, Craft Witch - Part 5 Lynne is once again your sister in witchcraft; meeting werewolf number two; Karen and Lynne meet finally. Collective Game , Which Craft Witch , witch , mystery , magic , sexy , fairy , werewolf , pixie , blood , ritual , cute , supernatural , urban fantasy 2018-03-15 2 2387194 Starborn Quest 47: Ressurection Purps' bad return to life continues, but some old faces return to make it all better. Collective Game , Star , Starborn , Purps , School , Academy , Dealer , Crete , Twins , Halfling , Minerva , Sunshine Fist , Angst , Bad Day 2018-03-20 1 2411075 Which, Craft, Witch - Part 6 A disturbing incident's aftermath; Cats Do Dance; speaking with werewolves. Collective Game , Which Craft Witch , witch , mystery , magic , sexy , fairy , werewolf , pixie , blood , ritual , cute , supernatural , urban fantasy 2018-03-23 2 2413757 Elf Slave Quest #4 We go shopping for shoes and supplies and accept a job from Toad Elf Slave Quest , Watdo , Alchemy 2018-03-26 16 2422717 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 15 To Be A Hero! Ryoji speaks to some wannabe heroes in the school, as flashbacks show us their pasts. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2018-03-27 9 2430220 Which, Craft, Witch - Part 6.5 Continuing the previous thread, with Cat dancing and Werewolfs. Collective Game , Which Craft Witch , witch , mystery , magic , sexy , fairy , werewolf , pixie , blood , ritual , cute , supernatural , urban fantasy 2018-03-30 2 April 2018 2433680 Elf Slave Quest #5 We do our job for Toad, get loadsamoney, and get accused of being a heart breaker by Franklin. Elf Slave Quest , Watdo , Alchemy 2018-04-01 13 2421401 Pokemon Myths and Legends #2 We capture a Chiwip and fight a mysterious man! Pokemon , Pokemon Myths and Legends 2018-04-02 16 2410749 Oekaki Quest CHA0.2 Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. NOTE: This is NOT the 1st thread Dark-fantasy , Draw-Quest , Semi-lewd , Graphic Violence , MySojourn 2018-04-03 12 58901514 modern mythology A discussion of how post-apocalyptic religions might misinterpret the modern world. worldbuilding , mythology , religion , cultists , cult , future , post-apocalyptic , funny, 2018-04-04 2 2454830 Which, Craft, Witch - Part 7 Rituals, school, and secrets. Collective Game , Which Craft Witch , witch , mystery , magic , sexy , fairy , werewolf , pixie , blood , ritual , cute , supernatural , urban fantasy 2018-04-07 3 2455383 Elf Slave Quest #6 We buy a home security system and some books Elf Slave Quest , Watdo , Alchemy 2018-04-08 11 2440615 Pokemon Myths and Legends #3 We search for Fevine who may or may not be dead! Pokemon , Pokemon Myths and Legends 2018-04-10 11 2471762 Which, Craft, Witch - Part 8 Werewolf discussion, dating discussion, and confronting Karen. Collective Game , Which Craft Witch , witch , mystery , magic , sexy , fairy , werewolf , pixie , blood , ritual , cute , supernatural , urban fantasy 2018-04-13 2 2473488 Elf Slave #7 We read some books and visit the temple Elf Slave Quest , Watdo , Alchemy 2018-04-15 12 2477616 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 16 Ryoji searches for King Thunder, but Isamu and Nanami encounter him first. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2018-04-15 7 2451526 Oekaki Quest CHA0.3 Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread we figure out combat Dark , fantasy , DrawQuest , Mild Lewdness , Graphic Violence , MySojourn 2018-04-16 7 2468068 Starborn Quest 48: Purps Does A Mope In the aftermath of her terrible relationship management Purps explores the town and discovers a pretty glaring crisis before it escalated. Collective Game , Starborn , Wagon , Purps , Fox , HawkFox , Honamurei , Lexington , Academy , Dealer , Goblins , Lucky , Double Crit 2018-04-16 1 2465152 Pokemon Myths and Legends #4 We join Mariana and venture to Honeydrop! Pokemon , Pokemon Myths and Legends 2018-04-20 8 2489463 Which, Craft, Witch - Part 9 Learning new things, coping with old things, stepping out for the first time in a long time now. Collective Game , Which Craft Witch , witch , mystery , magic , sexy , fairy , fae , faerie , pixy , blood , ritual , cute , supernatural , urban fantasy 2018-04-20 4 2486875 Oekaki Quest CHA0.4 Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread we figure out combat. You awaken in a strange place... Dark , fantasy , DrawQuest , Mild Lewdness , Graphic Violence , MySojourn 2018-04-21 5 2492465 Elf Slave Quest #8 We finish up at the orphanage and finally make the analgesics Elf Slave Quest , Watdo , Alchemy 2018-04-22 13 2440593 Mageknight Academy: Canaria OVA #3 Part 8 We forgot to archive the last thread, but we don't let it keep us down. The students return to Madrid after a relatively relaxing vacation. Mageknight Academy , Collective Game , Valencia , Civ , RPG , Anime , School , Test 2018-04-24 1 2483926 Olbaria Quest A WW1 style army is destroyed in a foreign continent by a bunch of germanic style tribes. Surviving units gather to live another day. WW1 tech , WW1 , Olbaria , Army , Collective Game , Civ , Civ-like , Typhus , Typhus QM 2018-04-25 1 2510082 Which, Craft, Witch - Part 10 Wits craft, witch craft, and wish craft; love and other things that make people stupid; fear of the unknown. Collective Game , Which Craft Witch , witch , mystery , magic , sexy , fairy , fae , faerie , pixy , blood , ritual , cute , supernatural , urban fantasy 2018-04-28 3 2510394 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 17 The Pride Will Fall! Roka, Ken and Kazuma stand up to The Pride in a final battle. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2018-04-28 7 2510485 Elf Slave Quest #9 We make some anabolics and become strong Elf Slave Quest , Watdo , Alchemy 2018-04-29 10 2492210 Pokemon Myths and Legends #5 We head to the gardens after our battle! Pokemon , Pokemon Myths and Legends 2018-04-30 7 May 2018 2505810 Starborn Quest 49: Supernova Real life stops QM from really getting into it. Collective Game , Starborn , Wagon , Purps , Fox , HawkFox , Honamurei , Lexington , Academy , Dealer , Goblins , Lucky , Double Crit 2018-05-02 1 2522574 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 18 The Delinquent and The Dork! Saki and Ryoji visit Saki's cousins. Can Ryoji survive the weekend? Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2018-05-03 15 2502934 Fuck Your Isekai Quest Season 2 You're Saul Beckett. Can you and your companions get out of a cartoon hellscape? Not if anime tropes have anything to say about it. isekai , anime , army of darkness 2018-05-04 3 2529079 Oekaki Quest CHA 1 Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. Jackson And Kae travel to the next town... Dark , fantasy , DrawQuest , Mild Lewdness , Graphic Violence , MySojourn 2018-05-05 3 2530907 Which, Craft, Witch - Part 11 Dealing with untimely interruptions; Karen's faces; blood of wolves. Collective Game , Which Craft Witch , witch , mystery , magic , sexy , fairy , fae , faerie , pixy , blood , ritual , cute , supernatural , urban fantasy 2018-05-05 3 2531507 Elf Slave Quest #10 We accept a job from Roche Elf Slave Quest , Watdo , Alchemy 2018-05-06 14 2569136 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 19 Let's Go Camping, Class 1! Kazuma and crew go on a camping trip after the battle with The Pride. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2018-05-17 7 2593325 Oekaki Quest CH.1.2 Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread Kae is drunk Dark , fantasy , DrawQuest , Mild Lewdness , Graphic Violence , MySojourn 2018-05-26 2 June 2018 2653567 Oekaki Quest CH.1.3 Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread Kae Hangs out with a new friend Dark , fantasy , DrawQuest , Mild Lewdness , Graphic Violence , MySojourn 2018-06-16 2 2634244 Danganronpa Quest: Thread 1 After an edgy start, Will Alison Frank enters New Hope's Peak Academy, escapes a room, meets some students... then the game begins. danganronpa , mystery , puzzle , anime 2018-06-18 1 2658793 My Older Brother Can't Be This Hard To Seduce Quest A frustrated little sister has had enough of waiting. Collective Game , Autism , Anime , My Older Brother Can't Be This Hard To Seduce 2018-06-19 5 2640277 Pokemon Myths and Legends #7 We help out a girl find her bag and head off to Claribar. Pokemon , Pokemon Myths and Legends 2018-06-23 7 2688188 Oekaki Quest CH.1.4 Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread Kae runs away from Jackson. Dark , fantasy , DrawQuest , Mild Lewdness , Graphic Violence , MySojourn 2018-06-29 1 2688565 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 20 Maro's Regret! A demon threat plagues Maro with thoughts of the past. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2018-06-30 6 July 2018 2686982 YouOnlyGetOneShot #1 The adventure begins Fantasy , YouOnlyGetOneShot , YOGOS , Warrior , Collective Game , JeremyQm 2018-07-04 2 2682207 Starborn Thread 50: The Fiftieth Thread For Thread 50 Purps deliberately doesn't take the spotlight and just gets some lore from the blacksmith. Collective Game , Starborn , Wagon , Purps , Fox , HawkFox , Honamurei , Lexington , Academy , Dealer , Goblins 2018-07-05 1 2702529 YouOnlyGetOneShot #2 You meet a guard and visit your companions uncle Fantasy , YOGOS , YouOnlyGetOneShot , Warrior , Collective Game , JeremyQm 2018-07-12 2 2701418 Pokemon Myths and Legends #8 We arrive at the Claribar Pokemon Center, and hear of some strange things. Pokemon , Pokemon Myths and Legends 2018-07-15 4 2740920 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 21 Parents' Day Peril! It's Parents Day at Dakugeto, but some visitors are less welcome than others. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2018-07-19 7 2713611 Panzer Commander Quest #45 The current arc finally comes to an end and the next assignment from the Intelligence Office is received. Richter gets beaten up by a girl. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , a distinct lack of tanks , pull my tomboy trigger 2018-07-21 2 2747399 Elf Slave Quest #11 We start pulling our hair out trying to save the lizardman. Elf Slave Quest , Watdo , Alchemy 2018-07-22 13 2751344 Monster Girl Legend Quest 29: KAIJU problems So turns out being big and living her dream isn't as easy as May thought it'd be. Ah well! no time to worry! time to be a STAR Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2018-07-22 7 2764681 Oekaki Quest CH.1.5 Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread Kae Figures out what to do with her life. Dark-fantasy , Draw-Quest , Semi-lewd , Graphic Violence , MySojourn 2018-07-28 2 2765150 Elf Slave Quest #12 We alchemy with Elf blood Elf Slave Quest , Watdo , Alchemy 2018-07-30 11 August 2018 2744083 Pokemon Myths and Legends #9 We reunite with the Professor, talk about weird stuff, and check into a local inn. Pokemon , Pokemon Myths and Legends 2018-08-01 3 2781797 Elf Slave Quest #13 We punch Franklin in the face and play as Toad for a bit. Elf Slave Quest , Watdo , Alchemy. 2018-08-05 10 2760577 Starborn Thread 51: Resolution Star's real life gets him sick and work keeps him away. So Fifty One is very start and stop. Collective Game , Starborn , Wagon , Purps , Fox , HawkFox , Honamurei , Lexington , Academy , Dealer , Goblins 2018-08-06 1 2798354 Elf Slave Quest #14 We meet with Antipater Elf Slave Quest , Watdo , Alchemy. 2018-08-13 10 2816835 Oekaki Quest CH.1.6 Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread Kae is held captive by Jeraldo. Dark-fantasy , Draw-Quest , Semi-lewd , Graphic Violence , MySojourn 2018-08-19 1 61434851 creation myths of your setting /tg/ discusses and worldbuilds ideas for in-setting fictitious religions. worldbuilding , setting , pantheon , religion , gods , deities , creation myths , mythology, 2018-08-19 2 2825121 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 22 Deep Breath, Deep Breath. Kazuma reveals his relationship with Mayu to her volatile mother. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2018-08-21 11 2815310 Elf Slave Quest #15 We have dinner with Nina Elf Slave Quest , Watdo , Alchemy. 2018-08-25 10 61556718 rogue homunculus civilization /tg/ worldbuilds a faction of unintentionally sentient, alchemically-created artificial lifeforms originally intended as a disposable army. golem , homunculus , frankenstein , undead , alchemy , species , steampunk , setting , worldbuilding , army , civilization, 2018-08-26 4 September 2018 2834343 Elf Slave Quest #16 We chat with a mageknight then go shopping Elf Slave Quest , Watdo , Alchemy. 2018-09-03 12 2829491 Starborn Quest 52: Resolution Continued Purps has some her time before heading in with the clean up crew Collective Game , Wagon , Starborn , Starborn Quest , Purps , Honamurei , Cabin , Lexington , Academy , Tornin , Chiron , Goblins , Cabin , Mission 2018-09-04 1 2867159 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 23 Yamada's Truth! TV personality Takaaki Yamada comes to Dark Gate, hoping to reveal the academy as frauds. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2018-09-07 6 2888622 Elf Slave Quest #17 We punch Toad in the face and discover a full blown conspiracy. Elf Slave Quest , Watdo , Alchemy. 2018-09-16 13 2899333 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 24 The Eyes of Truth! Ryoji and the gang face off against Daisuke's enraged and grieving father. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2018-09-18 6 2872878 Pokemon Myths and Legends #10 We sleep in an actual bed for once and start training! Pokemon , Pokemon Myths and Legends 2018-09-20 3 October 2018 2947270 American Hero Academia Quest 1 The protagonist and primary cast are introduced and the first event of the school curriculum begins. My Hero Academia , Boku no Hero Academia , Anime 2018-10-15 8 2964112 Starborn Quest 53: Bug Hunt Time for the fight with the big bug. We learn goblin Matriarch is a walking bug factory, and we clip it's wings. Collective game , Starborn , Star , Wagon , boss fight , Purps , Goblins , Academy , Honamurei , Chiron , Jul 2018-10-20 1 2972409 American Hero Academia Quest 2 The first day of classes starts and David solves a mystery. My Hero Academia , Boku no Hero Academia , Anime 2018-10-24 5 November 2018 2994473 American Hero Academia Quest 3 David starts his group training! My Hero Academia , Boku no Hero Academia , Anime 2018-11-08 3 3013335 Starborn Quest 54: Annihilation The boss is slain, Maria, Purps and Hona combining to take down the goliath. Shipping happens before a POV shift. Collective Game , Wagon , Starborn , Starborn Quest , Purps , Honamurei , Cabin , Boss , Academy , Lexington , Chiron , Goblins , Cabin , Mission 2018-11-08 1 3037760 Dark Elf Quest You are a dark elf! campy , fantasy , DrawQuest , Mild Lewdness , Graphic Violence , MySojourn 2018-11-24 2 3029584 American Hero Academia Quest #4 QM stumbles us through most of the second training exercise My Hero Academia , Boku No Hero Academia , Anime , Superhero 2018-11-24 6 December 2018 3098492 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 25 Aoki's Army Part 1! A group of unwelcome guests arrive at the gates of DGA. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2018-12-09 5 3082998 Stand Quest Requiem We are King Crimson, and we inhabit our new host who is a quirkless in a quirk-filled world. Stand Quest , My Hero Academia , Collective Game 2018-12-11 27 3084638 Starborn Quest 55: Raiding the Glass Palaces Purps continues investigating Hona's Dream World. Then the infirmary. Then it's time for class. Collective Game , Class , Starborn , Starborn Quest , Purps , Honamurei , Freya , Zar Tan , Academy , Lexington , Karhea , Dreamwalk , Nurse , Mission 2018-12-13 1 3070994 American Hero Academia Quest 4.5 The training continues. My Hero Academia , Boku no Hero Academia , Anime 2018-12-13 4 3096948 Oekaki Quest ReCap In This Thread we recap everything before starting up again! Dark-fantasy , Draw-Quest , Semi-lewd , Graphic Violence , MySojourn 2018-12-14 1 3117969 Oekaki Quest CH.1.7 Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread Kae returns after a hiatus Dark-fantasy , Draw-Quest , Semi-lewd , Graphic Violence , MySojourn 2018-12-18 2 3115510 Stand Quest Requiem 2 We bust slime man's eyes, meet our Boss' childhood idol, order better pants and deal with Bird bro's uncle's spirit(Stand). Stand Quest , My Hero Academia , Collective Game 2018-12-28 21 3139716 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 26 Aoki's Army Part 2! Class 1 make their way into Rubi, where the dangerous Major Kage is waiting for them. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2018-12-30 5 January 2019 3131450 Starborn Quest 56: Worst. Class. Ever. Things continue to be terrible as Purps attends her first survival class. Collective Game , Class , Starborn , Starborn Quest , Purps , Honamurei , Freya , Zar Tan , Academy , Lexington , Karhea , Dreamwalk , Nurse , Mission 2019-01-02 1 3153988 Oekaki Quest CH.1.8 Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread Kae meets up with Jackson Dark-fantasy , Draw-Quest , Semi-lewd , Graphic Violence , MySojourn 2019-01-05 2 3156173 Stand Quest Requiem 3 We go to the tailor,get info from the tailor,go into haunted alleyways,kill a beast,get a visit from a friend and curb a bad habit. Stand Quest , My Hero Academia , Collective Game 2019-01-14 12 3187508 Oekaki Quest CH.1.9 Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread, its the day of the harvest festival. Dark-fantasy , Draw-Quest , Semi-lewd , Graphic Violence , MySojourn 2019-01-19 1 February 2019 3223244 Oekaki Quest CH.1.10 Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread, Kae sneaks back into the fortress. Dark-fantasy , Draw-Quest , Semi-lewd , Graphic Violence , MySojourn 2019-02-01 3 3192075 Stand Quest Requiem 4 We get to the exam, meet an invisble cutie, kick some robo ass, freak 3 people out and find out a future classmate has a Stand. Stand Quest , My Hero Academia , Collective Game 2019-02-02 10 3220733 Starborn Quest 57: Fae-rly Bad Day Purps continues her perfect Survival class. Nothing went wrong, Fae suck. Collective Game , Wagon , Starborn , Starborn Quest , Purps , Honamurei , Cabin , Boss , Academy , Lexington , Chiron , Fae , Woods , Mission 2019-02-12 1 3266003 Oekaki Quest CH.1.11 Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread, we reach the climax of the chapter. Dark-fantasy , Draw-Quest , Semi-lewd , Graphic Violence , MySojourn 2019-02-16 3 3242775 Pokemon Myths and Legends #11 We reunite briefly with Jess and go back into Honeydrop. Pokemon , Pokemon Myths and Legends 2019-02-21 3 3272470 Stand Quest Requiem 5 We continue on with the test, face off against the 0-pointer, defeat and dance on the 0-pointers destruction and befriend Grape Chad(Mineta) Stand Quest , My Hero Academia , Collective Game 2019-02-24 10 3274611 Starborn Quest 58: Wood You Be Neighbour Purps continues trying to get through the barrier to the FaeWood to rescue Cellahad and Xanadaar. Collective Game , Wagon , Starborn , Starborn Quest , Purps , Honamurei , FaeWood , Jo , Academy , Lexington , Stella , Fae , Woods , Mission 2019-02-27 1 3301956 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 27 Aoki's Army Part 3! The battle against Aoki's forces continues, now with Colonel Goa standing in the way. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2019-02-28 7 March 2019 3308211 Oekaki Quest CH.1.12 Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread, Kae fights her way through a blazing city. Dark-fantasy , Draw-Quest , Semi-lewd , Graphic Violence , MySojourn 2019-03-02 1 3283062 Android Development Quest Pierre the android questions his existence. Stormyface , Android Development Quest , Collective 2019-03-07 1 3315312 Stand Quest Requiem 6 Izuku goes exploring at the ol' Kira Manor, finds a secret underground bunker, finds a body and gets scared by a lamp. Stand Quest , My Hero Academia , Collective Game 2019-03-15 9 3323392 Starborn Quest 59: "Diplomacy" Purps finally gets into the FaeWood alongside Jo and Stella. The trio have to deal with the locals. Collective Game , Class , Starborn , Starborn Quest , Purps , Honamurei , Freya , Zar Tan , Academy , Lexington , Karhea , Dreamwalk , Nurse , Mission 2019-03-16 1 3325668 Android Development Quest #2 Our subject Pierre gets on with his life Stormyface , Android Development Quest 2019-03-20 1 3368627 Oekaki Quest CH.1.13 Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread, we may actually finish this chapter. Dark-fantasy , Draw-Quest , Semi-lewd , Graphic Violence , MySojourn 2019-03-22 1 April 2019 3377048 Stand Quest Requiem 7 We continue our exploration, extreme autism happens, we collect all the artifacts and kill a stationary gaurd with his help(Stand). Stand Quest , My Hero Academia , Collective Game 2019-04-02 22 3406406 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 28 Aoki's Army Part 4! The gang move forward to a final confrontation with General Aoki. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2019-04-04 5 3425290 A Dark Fantasy Quest CH.1.Epilogue The chapter is over? But what will Kae do now? Dark-fantasy , Draw-Quest , Semi-lewd , Graphic Violence , MySojourn 2019-04-11 1 3416784 Stand Quest Requiem 8 We encounter crazy bitch, make a new stand arrow(spear),get stalked by said bitch and get an alter-ego. Stand Quest , My Hero Academia , Collective Game 2019-04-15 11 3450717 A Dark Fantasy Quest CH.1.Epilogue p2 The chapter is over? But what will Kae do now? Dark-fantasy , Draw-Quest , Semi-lewd , Graphic Violence , MySojourn 2019-04-21 1 3461617 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 29 Aoki's Army Part 5! The final confrontation against General Aoki! Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2019-04-26 6 3452368 Stand Quest Requiem 9 We look for worthy ones,encounter the love of our life,meet and KO Stain,drop our spaghet and have Italian with friends. Stand Quest , My Hero Academia , Collective Game 2019-04-30 20 May 2019 3487650 Stand Quest Requiem 10 We tell a worried sibling blood thot's location,get accepted to UA and continue finding worthy ones. Stand Quest , My Hero Academia , Collective Game 2019-05-13 10 3531654 A Dark Fantasy Quest Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread, Kae seems to be lost in the woods. Dark-fantasy , Draw-Quest , Semi-lewd , Graphic Violence , MySojourn 2019-05-26 3 3519069 Stand Quest Requiem #11 Izuku in the act of creating an anonymous image board gets trapped in a modern art museum, where he faces off against a bizarre opponent Stand Quest , My Hero Academia , Collective Game 2019-05-29 10 June 2019 3566092 Stand Quest Requim #12 Izuku Midoriya begins his first day at UA but the Quest is cut short. Rest well STANDO, see you in a few months. Stand Quest , My Hero Academia , Collective Game 2019-06-13 8 66728292 What would the world be like if it went the My Hero Academia route Anon asks what What would the global socio-political arena look like if things went the MHA route, high quality discussion happens MHA , world creation , My Hero Academia 2019-06-13 2 3553173 Hero Academia Quest #30 Walker Ushi starts her internship and meets some people. MHA Quest , Ushi , Walker , Present Mic , Collective Game , Quest , MHA , My Hero Academia 2019-06-21 26 3571604 My Better Angels: A Mad Monarch Management Quest Queen Ophelia I begins her reign of the Kingdom of Vetesil, engages in intrigue, defends attacks from Amberland, and takes up gardening. Collective Game , Mad Monarch , Kingdom Management , My Better Angels 2019-06-30 13 July 2019 3647055 Hero Academia Quest #31 Walker goes on patrol with her mentor and does some heroics, then stares at rocks. MHA Quest , Ushi , Walker , Present Mic , Collective Game , Quest , MHA , My Hero Academia 2019-07-24 24 August 2019 3717085 Genesis FortunaQM tries a bit of purple prose and is struck by QM bad luck in the form of an illness. An attempt at emulating Sumero-Akkadian epics. Sumer , Abzu , Collective Game , Cut Short , QM Curse , Mythic , Female Protagonist , Sorcery 2019-08-09 1 3737000 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 30 100 Episodes, Distant Memories! Ryoji and Wei go on a fishing trip, and we see into the past of the school's principal. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2019-08-10 11 3710151 Hero Academia Quest #32 - Misnumbered Edition Morning training and talking with your fellow intern ensues, followed by lessons on merchandising and toys. Ushi figma soon to follow. MHA Quest , Ushi , Walker , Present Mic , Collective Game , Quest , MHA , My Hero Academia 2019-08-18 24 3722252 Child of a Dead Empire #1 Twenty years after the war, a young girl is caught up in the legacy of the Valkans. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2019-08-18 18 3728999 Pokemon Myths and Legends #12 The town is under attack! Pokemon , Pokemon Myths and Legends 2019-08-21 1 3767874 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 31 Valentine's Day at Dark Gate! The 14th rolls around, and most of the students are in a panic. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2019-08-21 6 September 2019 3765021 Child of a Dead Empire #2 Tiiris continues on the trail of Valkan relics, although all she seems to be finding is a trail of corpses and relics. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2019-09-07 7 3835431 You are a Demigod Synchronos, the Son of Time begins his journey at the behest of the Fates, and only time will tell wherein it ends. Collective Game , Demigod , Mythology , Fantasy 2019-09-28 6 3805020 Child of a Dead Empire #3 In a junkyard, Tiiris makes a new discovery and a new friend. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2019-09-29 6 3845071 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 32 A Sports Festival Exhibition! The crew make an appearance at a regular school's sports day, but find themselves surprised by one student. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2019-09-30 6 October 2019 3805270 Hero Academia Quest #33 Ushi poses for too long, goes for lunch and is hit on by a creep, then gets ready for her mission, simple as it were. MHA Quest , Ushi , Walker , Present Mic , Collective Game , Quest , MHA , My Hero Academia 2019-10-02 24 3861157 Dark Elf Quest You are a creature of evil! A denizen of the under realm! A blight on all things good! You are... A DARK ELF! Antagonist , Dark , Fantasy , MySojourn , Elf , Comedy 2019-10-13 1 3861650 Stand Quest Requiem #12.5 Deku makes some friends and acquires forbidden knowledge Stand Quest , My Hero Academia , Collective Game 2019-10-14 11 3852454 Child of a Dead Empire #4 Tiiris spends time with a few friends and brings a few into her inner circle while adjusting to her new 'assistants'. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2019-10-19 6 3862807 Hero Academia Quest #34 Mission starts, rolls are rolled and Mic fucking dies. Again. MHA Quest , Ushi , Walker , Present Mic , Collective Game , Quest , MHA , My Hero Academia 2019-10-26 24 November 2019 3882927 Child of a Dead Empire #5 Tiiris almost gets hammered on her day off, and has a pleasant day trip through the countryside. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2019-11-10 6 3888436 Hex Maniac Johto 1 Its a reboot! With pirates! Mimikyu , Hex Maniac Quest , MyNameIsMimikyu , Collective Game , pokemon , Hex Maniac Johto 2019-11-12 2 69109695 MAHARLIKA, a Filipino technomystic Mech RPG The Pinoy anon behind Karanduun returns to share the English-translated version of their new RPG, MAHARLIKA. Meching ensues. Homebrew , pdf share , Philippines , Filipino , Pinoy , Maharlika , Mecha , Sci-fi , Mystical , game design , giant robots 2019-11-13 21 3894565 My Hero Brat-ademia U.A. needs a new teacher. Are you up for the challenge to train the next generation of Heroes? Collective Game , MHA , My Hero Academia , Sensei 2019-11-16 2 3888990 Mythic Solo Quests Introducing the Mythic RPG system to /qst/. Isekai , Mythic , RPG , Solo 2019-11-17 1 3924727 Sworn to Valour Quest #16 His Blade Defends the Helpless. The rescue mission is successful. But there is a darker, terrible secret at the heart of this conspiracy. Sworn to Valour , Collective Game , Knight , Fantasy , Paladin , Crusader , Medieval , Noble Steed , Forgotten QM , The Secret War , Blasphemy 2019-11-24 23 69591333 South American Bestiary Brazilian anon provides great insight on mythological creatures of South America. bestiary , monster manual , fluff , worldbuilding , mythology 2019-11-25 29 3927928 Hex Maniac Johto 2 In which you visit Jasmine, the Battle frontier, and catch a chinchou Mimikyu , Hex Maniac Quest , MyNameIsMimikyu , Collective Game , pokemon , Hex Maniac Johto 2019-11-26 0 69566972 MAHARLIKA, a Filipino technomystic Mech RPG, thread 2 further updates to MAHARLIKA and it's english translation. Homebrew , pdf share , Philippines , Filipino , Pinoy , Maharlika , Mecha , Sci-fi , Mystical , game design , giant robots 2019-11-29 8 3914806 Child of a Dead Empire #6 Tiiris begins making big plans - and makes a very strange new ally. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2019-11-29 6 3930370 My Hero Academia Quest: First Year #1 With the help of her Quirk: Caffeine Rush, Kokoro Shibui tackles UA's entrance exam and earns herself a seat in the experimental class 1-Z. My Hero Academia , MHA , Hero , Capeshit , Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist 2019-11-30 5 December 2019 3917586 Mythic RPG #3 Terry robs elven cities; Dante fights SCP-811; William escapes an oasis of horror. Isekai , Mythic , RPG , Solo 2019-12-01 0 3959126 MAGICAL MURDER MAYHEM~DANGANRONPA: I Perseus Meigma is selected to attend Pagus Academy, a prestigious magic school. He doesn’t get what he signed up for. Nor do his classmates. Danganronpa , Magical Murder Mayhem-Danganronpa , Bait and switch , magic , school , murder , mystery , whodunit 2019-12-10 14 3964338 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 33 Act's Tournament Part 1! Sixteen of the best in Class 1 begin to battle to claim the role as Act's apprentice. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2019-12-12 5 3947911 Mythic RPG #4 (Kek's Familia) Shi's team travels to Devapura, the City of the Gods. Players slots are decided by a PvP battle; follows a party and dungeon exploration. Collective Game , Isekai , Mythic , RPG , Solo 2019-12-16 0 3947359 Child of a Dead Empire #7 Now with the ticket into Y'avel she needs, Tiiris just needs to figure o- well, everything else. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2019-12-19 6 3969350 MAGICAL MURDER MAYHEM~DANGANRONPA II Perseus gets to know more classmates, elects a leader, and shoots down contradictions. Meanwhile, OP’s schedule nosedives. Magical Murder Mayhem: Danganronpa , Magic , School , Murder , Danganronpa , Mystery , Whodunit , Quest 2019-12-19 10 3981247 Eternal Punishment (Mythic RPG) #1 Chase introduces us to Tartarus, a mysterious underworld inspired by the Joker Quest, but he gives up after two days. Collective Game , Furry , Joker Quest , Mythic , RPG 2019-12-26 -4 January 2020 3971432 My Hero Academia Mentor's Quest #1 Join us as we go through the day in the life of the No.5 Hero Tempress aka Mikumo Midoriya as she begins her life being a teacher at U.A MHA , My Hero Academia , Collective Game , AU , GordonGM, 2020-01-07 2 3988301 Grimdark Quest (Mythic RPG) #1 Shi ascends to the role of QM and introduces us to a desert world where he's god-king. His style is absolutely hilarious, in a childish way Art , Autism Jesus , Collective Game , FATAL , Isekai , Mythic , RPG , Troll 2020-01-07 2 3992422 Isekai Quest (Mythic RPG) #5 (Dream Xianxia) Mark and Chase explore a small Buddhist sect inside of a stable dreamscape. Buddhism , Collective Game , Dream , Isekai , Mythic , RPG , Xianxia 2020-01-09 -2 3994696 Hex Maniac Johto 3 When the Gurie's away the Mimikyu will play Mimikyu , Hex Maniac Quest , MyNameIsMimikyu , Collective Game , pokemon , Hex Maniac Johto 2020-01-12 1 3980982 Child of a Dead Empire #8 Breaking into a military facility couldn't be any easier, but why does that fill Tiiris with fear? Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2020-01-12 6 3994634 New World Goblin Quest Our goblin arrives at the new world, escapes slavery, meet the gods, explore alchemy and starts to leave a mark on this strange new world New world , goblin , collective game , america , jungle , alchemy , rogue 2020-01-18 1 4011268 Isekai Quest (Mythic RPG) #6 The continuation of Shi's grimdark thread. Nothing happens at all. Autism Jesus , Collective Game , FATAL , Isekai , Mythic , RPG , Slice of Life , Whining 2020-01-20 -1 4005752 Hero Academia Quest #35 Hospital Visit Time! MHA Quest , Ushi , Walker , Present Mic , Collective Game , Quest , MHA , My Hero Academia 2020-01-23 24 4022311 Hex Maniac Johto 4 Because you are not popular lets go find Falinks! Mimikyu , Hex Maniac Quest , MyNameIsMimikyu , Collective Game , pokemon , Hex Maniac Johto 2020-01-25 1 4042757 Grimdark Quest (Mythic RPG) #2 Shi resets his Grimdark Quest. He quits after only one day, beating Chase as premature quitter. Autism Jesus , Collective Game , FATAL , Isekai , Mythic , RPG 2020-01-26 -5 4019100 Child of a Dead Empire #9 Tiiris explores the grave of her ancestors. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2020-01-28 6 4047710 MAGICAL MURDER MAYHEM:DANGANRONPA~III OP is alive. Perseus helps plan a party, makes drinks, watches 80s action kino, sucks at racing games, and witnesses death. Danganronpa , Magical Murder Mayhem: Danganronpa , Mystery , Character Death 2020-01-30 11 February 2020 4035685 New World Goblin Quest 02 The gods continue their blessings, but shadows make things difficult for Zuzu New world , goblin , collective game , america , jungle , alchemy , rogue 2020-02-09 2 4041688 STAR WARS - Interregnum #2 Farren embarks to the planet of Kakarit in the hopes of finding missing Jedi. But there is something dark that calls from the jungle depths. Collective Game , Star Wars Interregnum , Star Wars , Kaz , Space Vietnam , Don't Eat the Fruit , Unexpected Friends , Reworked Porgs , Force Mommy 2020-02-13 25 4065477 Looks like you're a Pokémon Quest You wake up in the world of Pokémon and make some new friends! Looks like you're a Pokémon Quest , Collective Game , Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Quest , Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Dratini , Treecko 2020-02-14 2 4043584 My Hero Academia Quest #36 Farewells and Welcomes MHA Quest , Ushi , Walker , Present Mic , Collective Game , Quest , MHA , My Hero Academia 2020-02-14 23 4055315 Child of a Dead Empire #10 Robots and augments and crayons, oh my. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2020-02-21 6 March 2020 4099480 Child of a Dead Empire #11 Tiiris starts to experience the magic of space puberty. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2020-03-17 6 4153459 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 34 Act's Tournament Part 2! The tournament reaches the quarter-finals! Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2020-03-24 5 4126852 Stand Quest Requiem #13 The battle trial begins with Deku and Sero facing off against Iida and Tokoyami. Stand Quest , My Hero Academia , Collective Game 2020-03-25 9 4124722 Hero Academia Quest #37 Half of Ushi's first day back at school from her internship. MHA Quest , Ushi , Walker , Present Mic , Collective Game , Quest , MHA , My Hero Academia 2020-03-27 23 April 2020 4136452 The Quarantine of a Harbor City #1 In a City under quarantine, where extreme measures are taken by local authorities and foreign invaders, clean your honour an find a cure Plague , Steampunk , Alchemy , Survival , Conspiracy , Fantasy , Inquisition , Rebellion , fantasy , alchemy , rebellion , disease , Collective Game 2020-04-05 4 4142774 Child of a Dead Empire #12 Tiiris tries to settle back into some normalcy, only to discover that she's not normal anymore. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2020-04-05 6 4166848 The Last Man - Splatoon Quest After a massive flood completely wipes humans from the face of the earth, You, Scientist Carl Young wakes up millions of years in the future Splatoon Quest , Post- Apocalypse , Woomy 2020-04-11 0 4181078 Axis Stargate (Mythic RPG) #1 A new setting. The thread was spammed to death and no one joined. Mythic , RPG , Stargate , Troll 2020-04-12 -5 4187130 Multiplayer Eldritch Island (Mythic RPG) #1 A hybrid system of Multiplayer Eldritch Horror and Mythic RPG. The horrors find themselves on a desert island, with no memories. Eldritch , Lovecraft , Multiplayer , Mythic , RPG 2020-04-14 -3 4168742 The Quarantine of a Harbor City #2 In a City under quarantine, where extreme measures are taken by local authorities and foreign invaders, clean your honour and find a cure Plague , Steampunk , Alchemy , Survival , Conspiracy , Fantasy , Inquisition , Rebellion , fantasy , alchemy , rebellion , disease , Collective Game 2020-04-14 2 4167826 Hero Academia Quest #38 Ushi goes through some shit. MHA Quest , Ushi , Walker , Present Mic , Collective Game , Quest , MHA , My Hero Academia 2020-04-20 24 4198405 Multiplayer Eldritch Horror (Mythic RPG) #4 The Bay12 forum Lovecraftian strategy game revisited with Mythic RPG. 4 players + 1 shared character. Eldritch , Lovecraft , Multiplayer , Mythic , RPG , Strategy 2020-04-23 0 4177401 Child of a Dead Empire #13 Tiiris stumbles through finals and gets accused of being edgy. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2020-04-24 6 May 2020 4195533 The Quarantine of a Harbor City #3 You befriended a Witch and rescued an Alchemist, the plague has claimed more than a thousand lives already Plague , Steampunk , Alchemy , Survival , Conspiracy , Fantasy , Inquisition , Rebellion , fantasy , alchemy , rebellion , disease , Collective Game 2020-05-01 1 4231905 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 35 Act's Tournament Part 3! The semis and the finals to the tournament take place! Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2020-05-03 6 4203985 MHA Quest #1 Starting from the beginning we kick off Nanako Shimura's origin story My Hero Academia , MHA , Hero , Capeshit , Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , MarutaQM 2020-05-05 5 4249974 Mystery Investigation Quest: Rumors of Clubs Ace and Lorelei summon a demon Mystery Investigation , Lorelei , drawthread , Peekay 2020-05-14 8 4252780 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 36 Ryoji and the gang investigate a casino for demon activity, but the owner is a lot more upfront than expected. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2020-05-15 6 4242533 Multiplayer Eldritch Horror (Mythic RPG) #6 This time, the setting is inspired by CthulhuTech. 1 player + 2 shared characters. Eldritch , CthulhuTech , Lovecraft , Multiplayer , Mythic , RPG , Strategy , Troll 2020-05-15 -5 4214653 Child of a Dead Empire #14 Tiiris finds herself wishing her friends were just coming out of the closet. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2020-05-16 6 4229753 The Quarantine of a Harbor City #4 The Plague is spreading, Elves are turning into an occupation force, you rescued your mate's wife from a Militia's concentration camp. Plague , Steampunk , Alchemy , Survival , Conspiracy , Fantasy , Inquisition , Rebellion , fantasy , alchemy , rebellion , disease , Collective Game 2020-05-20 0 4238035 MHA Quest #2 Part II of Nanako Yakumo - The Origin. We learn the truth and continue to break our limits. My Hero Academia , MHA , Hero , Capeshit , Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , MarutaQM 2020-05-23 4 4242683 Multiplayer Eldritch Horror (Mythic RPG) #6 This time, the setting is inspired by CthulhuTech. 1 player + 2 shared characters. Eldritch , CthulhuTech , Lovecraft , Multiplayer , Mythic , RPG , Strategy , Troll 2020-05-29 -4 June 2020 4271801 Multiplayer Cthulhian Files (Mythic RPG) #1 The players work for the Kek Foundation and investigate the disappearance of a livestreamer in the town of Pelzer, SC. Conspiracy , Horror , Lovecraft , Modern , Multiplayer , Mythic , Paranormal , RaHoWa , RPG 2020-06-05 -4 4257809 Child of a Dead Empire #15 Tiiris does some investigating, finds new questions and gets uncomfortable answers. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2020-06-06 6 4264770 The Quarantine of a Harbor City #5 The Plague is spreading, infected children are rotting alive, horrible religious sacrifice and the Organ Harvester is still active. Plague , Steampunk , Alchemy , Survival , Fantasy , Inquisition , Dark Fantasy , fantasy , alchemy , disease , dark fantasy , Collective Game 2020-06-12 0 4263426 Hero Academia Quest #39 Ushi beats up some metal, gets payed and gets another invite. MHA Quest , Ushi , Walker , Present Mic , Collective Game , Quest , MHA , My Hero Academia 2020-06-13 26 4271761 MHA Quest #3 Nanako confronts her past and sets her sights on becoming an underground hero. My Hero Academia , MHA , Hero , Capeshit , Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , MarutaQM 2020-06-14 5 4296865 Multiplayer Cthulhian Files (Mythic RPG) #2 The players continue to investigate the mysteries of Pelzer, but do not find new leads. Conspiracy , Horror , Lovecraft , Modern , Multiplayer , Mythic , Paranormal , RaHoWa , RPG 2020-06-25 -2 4283646 Mystery Investigation Quest: Rumors of Membership Ace and Lorelei recruit their succ, Jubilee, and then Peekay loses motivation to continue the thread. It will return. Mystery Investigation , Ace , Lorelei , Jubilee , drawthread , Peekay 2020-06-27 8 4328933 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 37 Akio's Gamble Part 2! The incident within the casino comes to a head. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2020-06-29 7 4301440 Otome Gone Wrong Ch. 4 Maria's return to the academy and her continued dominance in the sparring yard Otome , Otome Gone Wrong , Real World Mockery , academy , training , OtomeQM 2020-06-30 10 July 2020 4296555 Child of a Dead Empire #16 Tiiris has a heart to heart with some friends, and meets someone new. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2020-07-02 6 4302874 The Quarantine of a Harbor City #6 After many revelations, romances and political games, you are setting the final stage and prepare for the final dungeon to save th City Plague , Steampunk , Alchemy , Survival , Fantasy , Inquisition , Dark Fantasy , fantasy , alchemy , disease , dark fantasy , Collective Game 2020-07-11 0 4307322 Hero Academia Quest #39.5 - Not Done Yet Edition Upgrades, friends, and a theme park! MHA Quest , Ushi , Walker , Present Mic , Collective Game , Quest , MHA , My Hero Academia 2020-07-11 24 4309462 MHA Quest #4 Nanako goes underground fighting to let off some steam but instead making new friends through hotblooded fighting. My Hero Academia , MHA , Hero , Capeshit , Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , MarutaQM 2020-07-13 2 4329382 Otome Gone Wrong Ch. 5 War plans are being drafted when the otome protagonist shows up. Sparks fly. Otome , Otome Gone Wrong , Real World Mockery , academy , dating , OtomeQM 2020-07-18 10 4325194 Multiplayer Kek's Isekai (Mythic RPG) #7 In an evil town, the party takes a quest to kill a succubus who runs a prostitution ring. Autism Jesus , Isekai , Lovecraft , Multiplayer , Mythic , RPG , Weeb 2020-07-19 -1 4377764 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 38 Class 1's Last Call! Kazuma and Anri set out to finally discover who or what killed Yasunari. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2020-07-28 6 4362286 Multiplayer Kek's Isekai (Mythic RPG) #8 Continuation of the previous thread. Autism Jesus , Isekai , Multiplayer , Mythic , RPG , Weeb 2020-07-30 0 August 2020 4334802 Child of a Dead Empire #17 Tea and a heart to heart with an old Valkan gardener. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2020-08-02 6 4366384 Otome Gone Wrong Ch. 6 Getting dressed for success. Both in assassination and the ball. Otome , Otome Gone Wrong , Real World Mockery , academy , intrigue , OtomeQM 2020-08-05 10 4350362 The Quarantine of a Harbor City #7 The end Plague , Steampunk , Alchemy , Survival , Fantasy , Inquisition , Dark Fantasy , fantasy , alchemy , disease , dark fantasy , Collective Game 2020-08-08 1 4354646 MHA Quest #5 Quirks' gonna quirk; and we become closer with our best friend. This night is turning out longer than anticipated. My Hero Academia , MHA , Hero , Capeshit , Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , MarutaQM 2020-08-08 1 4354240 Hero Academia Quest #40 Ushi is jumped on at a forest and is promptly slaughtered. MHA Quest , Ushi , Walker , Present Mic , Collective Game , Quest , MHA , My Hero Academia 2020-08-12 25 4383696 WTF Isekai Zero Quest (Mythic RPG) #1 The classical WTF Quest revisited with Mythic RPG and two new MC's. This is the first regular quest using Mythic. Collective , Mythic , Random , RPG , ShortTrip , What The Fuck , WTF , WTFQ 2020-08-12 -4 4392420 Christian Paladin Quest (Mythic RPG) #2 Milena Ravensun is Isekai'd into a world where Jesus Christ is not known. Christian , Collective , Milena , Mythic , Paladin , RPG 2020-08-13 0 4387149 Otome Gone Wrong Ch. 7 Maria the Villainess' designs with the Otome protagonist begin in earnest. Otome , Otome Gone Wrong , Real World Mockery , academy , intrigue , OtomeQM 2020-08-15 11 4386887 Dratini Quest #2 After dealing with the Arbok, you tangle with some monkeys, get a sweet scarf, then ask questions about a weird berry. Dratini Quest , Looks like you're a Pokémon Quest , Collective Game , Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Quest , Pokémon Quest , Pokémon , Dratini , Treecko 2020-08-17 2 74365681 Solo rpg A discussion about solo rpgs and their merits. Solo rpgs , Mythic GM Emulator , Oracles 2020-08-20 0 74513689 Let's Roll an Incestuous Pantheon In the beginning, there was the Sun and the Moon, and they begat six sons and daughters. Some say everything from there was a mistake. worldbuilding , pantheon , deity , deities , god , goddesses , forge , myth , incest 2020-08-24 14 4418334 In Your Room Quest - Hijacked A draw thread unfinished by the original QM was hijacked by none other than your resident drawfriend! qst , drawquest , drawfriend , hijacked , in , your , room , mystery , anon 2020-08-25 0 74520663 Let's Roll an Incestuous Pantheon #2 The Eldest brother of the Forge made himself known, the anvil to his younger brother's hammer, and did it again... and again... and again.. worldbuilding , pantheon , deity , deities , god , goddesses , forge , myth , incest 2020-08-25 8 74540969 Let's Roll an Incestuous Pantheon #3 Demigods start being born and the Harvest Goddess starts proves how fertile her fields are. worldbuilding , pantheon , deity , deities , god , goddesses , forge , myth , incest 2020-08-26 6 4409477 Otome Gone Wrong Ch. 8 Maria is having a ball. Otome , Otome Gone Wrong , Real World Mockery , academy , intrigue , OtomeQM 2020-08-28 10 4409559 Slime Quest You're a ball of slime. You eat things and get bigger. Slime Quest , Slime , Slime Girl , Gelle , Tatsuo , SLimy 2020-08-30 4 September 2020 4415487 WTF Isekai Zero Quest #2 (Mythic RPG) An interlude. The 2 MCs returned and a new one joined. Collective , Mythic , RPG , What The Fuck , WTF , WTFQ 2020-09-01 -3 4397931 BNH American Quest#1 An My Hero Academy Quest set in America with a female powerhouse protagonist named Reinforce. MHA Quest , Female Protagonist , American Quest , Collective Game , Quest , MHA , My Hero Academia 2020-09-03 3 4397831 Child of a Dead Empire: Redshift In celebration of one year, we shift perspectives to someone a little unusual. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2020-09-04 6 4418935 Mystery Investigation Quest: Rumors of Membership Part Deux The mystery continues as Ace, Lorelei, and Jubilee investigate rumors about the old principal Mystery Investigation , Ace , Lorelei , Jubilee , drawthread , Peekay 2020-09-07 9 4416666 Multiplayer Kek's Isekai (Mythic RPG) #9 Exploration of Labyrinthia; the quest migrates to tgchan Dungeon , Isekai , Multiplayer , Mythic , RPG , Succubus 2020-09-07 -3 4429799 Otome Gone Wrong Ch. 9 Maria and the otome protagonist square off directly for the first time. Otome , Otome Gone Wrong , Real World Mockery , academy , intrigue , OtomeQM 2020-09-15 10 4429764 Slime Quest #2 You're now a girl of slime. You're a bit more discerning about what you choose to eat. Slime Quest , Slime , Slime Girl , Gelle , Tatsuo , SLimy 2020-09-19 0 4450252 Meat Quest A butcher knight seeks the daughter of meat and finds kobolds Meat Quest , Chuck , Rosemary , Kammy , drawthread , Peekay 2020-09-19 6 4419463 Hero Academia Quest #41 Be fancy, punk. MHA Quest , Ushi , Walker , Present Mic , Collective Game , Quest , MHA , My Hero Academia 2020-09-20 24 4452824 Otome Gone Wrong Ch. 10 After finishing her exams, Maria went to Albert's home in Altmer Otome , Otome Gone Wrong , Otome QM , Intrigue , Real World Mockery , Academy 2020-09-27 10 4468306 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 39 The Broken Class Part 1! Kiriko and the rest of Class 1 enter the Darkworld to rescue Kaz and company. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2020-09-29 7 October 2020 4436677 Child of a Dead Empire: Redshift #2 + #17.5 Netana discovers exactly what lies at the heart of the cloister- and so does Tiiris. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2020-10-04 6 4470728 Otome Gone Wrong Ch. 11 After getting to know Albert's family, Maria discovers a demon running an auction house after using her Karen powers. Otome , Otome Gone Wrong,Otome QM , Intrigue , Real World Mockery , Academy , Demon , Knight 2020-10-09 8 4446865 Duke of Darkness Quest Gob gets summoned into a secret research facility and tries to escape, among other things. Drawquest , Duke of darkness , Collective Game , Paranormal , Supernatural , Mystery 2020-10-09 6 4495689 Cooli's Mech Quest - Siege of Aingstgaard 1.7 Finalé mech , military , future , d100 , platoon , mecha , oneshot , cooli , mug , cegremo , bbwhen , rebuidnbs , whereismycommission 2020-10-17 4 4458026 Hero Academia Quest #42 Studying is done, friendships strengthened and uncomfortable talks are had. MHA Quest , Ushi , Walker , Present Mic , Collective Game , Quest , MHA , My Hero Academia , Female Protagonist 2020-10-18 25 4487084 Archimedean Submersible Quest : I In which a naval Officer on half-Pay plays Cards, dines with Alchymists, navigates a Rivalry, and is given a most peculiar Opportunity. Archimedean , Submersible , Submarine , Alchymy , Steam Powered Flying Battleships , Infodumps 2020-10-19 8 4470183 Boku Nope Hero 1 Izuku's new investigative career reveals the shocking truth; Kacchan is a tsundere. collective game , my hero academia , boku nope hero quest 2020-10-22 2 4490667 Otome Gone Wrong Ch. 12 Maria finishes off the demons on Altmer. After meeting the Patron Saint of the city, she and Melody depart towards the Miaphate. Otome , Otome Gone Wrong , Otome QM , Intrigue , Real World Mockery , Academy , Demon , Priest , Saint 2020-10-24 7 November 2020 4478480 Child of a Dead Empire #18 Meeting someone precious, an escape, and soon enough, a reunion. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2020-11-04 6 4476703 Mythology Quest As a deity of light we explore a new world, meet new peoples, and have children with them Mythology Quest 2020-11-07 1 4508239 Otome Gone Wrong Ch. 13 Maria arrived into the Miaphate, where after catching up with Sol and heading to the capital decides on what she's gonna do next. Otome , Otome Gone Wrong , Otome QM , Intrigue , Real World Mockery , Academy , Demigod , Monsters , Spy 2020-11-09 7 4486682 Duke of Darkness Quest #1.5 Gob frees some prisoners, opens a bunch of doors, fights against an 'Alpha' guard and finds the engine room Drawquest , Duke of Darkness , Collective Game , Paranormal , Supernatural , Mystery 2020-11-10 4 4538671 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 40 Broken Class Part 2! With the truth revealed, Class 1 begins to unravel. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2020-11-21 7 4497853 Hero Academia Quest #42.5 Something something exam MHA Quest , Ushi , Walker , Present Mic , Collective Game , Quest , MHA , My Hero Academia , Female Protagonist 2020-11-22 24 4526266 Otome Gone Wrong Ch. 14 Maria managed to solve an inner dispute in Solomon's domain rather easily and with the help of her new maid she found an inside traitor. Otome , Otome Gone Wrong , Otome QM , Intrigue , Real World Mockery , Academy , Demigod , Spy , Maid 2020-11-22 6 December 2020 4506554 Bug Army of the Locustmotive [Skirmish] Under the purview of a scorching sun lies the remnants of Dry Hive. Early one morning scouts notice a train stationed nearby. Hope perhaps? fenster , collective game , collaborative game , skirmish , drones , bug army , bugs , bug , army , locustmotive , train , bug puns 2020-12-01 1 4546218 Otome Gone Wrong Ch. 15 Maria goes on a pilgrimage towards Ca'Ren with her maids, Solomon and the morsemen. On the way she has her luckiest kill and saddest choice Otome , Otome Gone Wrong , Otome QM , Intrigue , Real World Mockery , Academy , Dragon , God , Deus Ex Machina 2020-12-06 6 4532009 Duke of Darkness Quest #2 Gob gets a power rush and discovers he just basically caused a prison riot Drawquest , Duke of Darkness , Collective Game , Paranormal , Supernatural , Mystery 2020-12-08 4 4549934 Pokemon Clover 1: Baneghosting You are Alex Mason, a pokemon terrorist and it gets worse. Based on a the Romhack. Mostly offensive, never funny. Collective Game , Pokemon Clover Quest , Vandashlane , mynameismimikyu , pokemon , pokemon clover 2020-12-13 3 4562623 Otome Gone Wrong Ch. 16 After returning to Austin, Maria learned of Chloe's heretic translation of the holy book and it has spread into large portions of society. Otome , Otome Gone Wrong , Otome QM , Intrigue , Real World Mockery , Academy , God , Schism , Heresy , Cultist 2020-12-20 6 4545216 Hero Academia Quest #43 Friends are pretty great to have. MHA Quest , Ushi , Walker , Present Mic , Collective Game , Quest , MHA , My Hero Academia , Female Protagonist 2020-12-26 24 4552369 Get Off My Lawn: A Wizard's Tale Zod, a muscle wizard of the 5th Caliber, returns to his tower to discover that a pesky village has sprung up around it. get off my lawn , a wizard's tale , wizard , muscle wizard , watdo , hilarity ensues 2020-12-30 1 January 2021 4580041 Otome Gone Wrong Ch. 17 After winning against the false saint in the debate, the battle for the electors is on and the end approaches. Otome , Otome Gone Wrong , Otome QM , Intrigue , Real World Mockery , Academy , God , Heresy , Miracle , Final Thread 2021-01-01 10 4601223 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 40 Ken's Justice Part 1! DGA is rocked by the arrival of Ken's father, and his startling revelation. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2021-01-13 6 4581890 Pokemon Clover 2: Tomboy Outback Steakhouse Alex Mason gets a rival and breaks into a graveyard. Based on a the Romhack. Mostly Offensive, never funny. Collective Game , Pokemon Clover Quest , Vandashlane , mynameismimikyu , pokemon , pokemon clover 2021-01-13 1 February 2021 4592630 American Arcana It is 1979. Atticus Hart is a junior at Southeil Preparatory School. A girl has committed suicide. The QM tragically flakes. american arcana , low fantasy , disco elysium , atticus hart , mystery , RIP 2021-02-03 0 77348674 Corpse Myconids What starts as a myconid art thread quickly evolves into darker ideas about parasitic mushrooms and myconids who grow on corpses. Myconid , myconids , mushroom , mushrooms , 2021-02-05 4 4638166 Royal Rumble Royal Rumble is a small draw quest about the management of a fantasy kingdom. MySojourn 2021-02-22 8 4626670 Pokemon Clover 3: Suicide with Drip Alex Mason faces Logan Paul, and learns the true meaning of spooky. Based on a the Romhack. Mostly Offensive, never funny. Collective Game , Pokemon Clover Quest , Vandashlane , mynameismimikyu , pokemon , pokemon clover 2021-02-22 0 4624564 Hero Academia Quest #44 Friends, more friends, an accident and some advice. MHA Quest , Ushi , Walker , Present Mic , Collective Game , Quest , MHA , My Hero Academia , Female Protagonist 2021-02-24 24 March 2021 4635062 My Daughter's a Magical Girl! (not actually a one shot) Local Dad discovers daughter is a magical girl, goes on magical demonslaying adventure, more at 9. Quest , Collective Game , Anon , Anonymous , MG , Magical Girl , Shotgun Dad , dad , magic , My Daughter's a Magical Girl! 2021-03-01 5 77845202 British Folklore creatures and stories Looking for creatures and stories that would make for good encounters. Creatures , Folklore , Myths , Legends , Britain , Creatures , Monsters , Folklore 2021-03-03 1 4672874 Royal Rumble Royal Rumble is a small draw quest about the management of a fantasy kingdom. MySojourn 2021-03-20 5 April 2021 4686148 Hero Academia Quest #45 Friends, tickets, shopping oh my! MHA Quest , Ushi , Walker , Present Mic , Collective Game , Quest , MHA , My Hero Academia , Female Protagonist 2021-04-08 25 4711258 Royal Rumble Royal Rumble is a small draw quest about the management of a fantasy kingdom. MySojourn 2021-04-10 5 4690852 My Daughter's a Magical Girl! PT2 Local father learns magic and is paranoid. Quest , Collective Game , Anon , Anonymous , MG , Magical Girl , Shotgun Dad , dad , magic , My Daughter's a Magical Girl! 2021-04-16 2 4711588 MANAGER, HELP! Another Facility Management Quest You are the Overseer. You must make PRODUCT. You also may have nuked yourself on the first shift. Overseer , Manager , Collective Game , Facility Management , Anomaly , Lobotomy Corporation , SS13 2021-04-23 15 4757808 My Brother's Machine A man arrives at his dead brother's apartment to find a strange, polaroid-spewing machine. Collective Game , My Brother's Machine , One-Shot , Drawquest , Surreal 2021-04-24 4 May 2021 4726165 Child of a Dead Empire #23 Tiiris meets someone new and discusses plans (and arson). Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2021-05-05 6 4782981 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 42 Ken's Justice Part 2! Ryoji joins Ken and his father in hunting down Tori, but is Kenshiro honest with his son? Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2021-05-06 5 4779637 Multiplayer Kek's Isekai (Mythic RPG) #10 The exploration of Labyrinthia continues. This time, AI Dungeon is used as co-QM tool. AI Dungeon , Dungeon , Isekai , Multiplayer , Mythic , RPG , Succubus 2021-05-09 -1 4745612 My Daughter's a Magical Girl! Pt3 Local Dad goes mole hunting, almost dies. Quest , Collective Game , Anon , Anonymous , MG , Magical Girl , Shotgun Dad , dad , magic , My Daughter's a Magical Girl! 2021-05-13 2 4771571 Royal Rumble Royal Rumble is a small draw quest about the management of a fantasy kingdom. MySojourn 2021-05-20 5 June 2021 4813203 MANAGER, HELP! Thread #2 In which video kills the radio star, our minions kick a fat lunatic to death, and the Overseer confronts Ben on his behavior. Overseer , Manager , Collective Game , Facility Management , Anomaly , Lobotomy Corporation , Alphabet Soup 2021-06-12 8 4790767 Child of a Dead Empire #24 Tiiris observes a cultist drug drop and heroically goes back to relaxing with her friends. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2021-06-13 6 4848178 Royal Rumble Royal Rumble is a small draw quest about the management of a fantasy kingdom. MySojourn 2021-06-26 0 July 2021 4901899 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 43 Mayu's Frost Part 1! Mayu gives in to the cold inside her, but can her mother save her? Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2021-07-05 6 80171648 The Mushroom Thread A compendium of resources for everything mushroom-related in tabletop RPGs. mushrooms , mushroom , fungus , fungi , worldbuilding , monster , myconid , myconids , shrooms , shroom 2021-07-07 0 4885508 MANAGER, HELP! Thread #3 In which a bright and dark cityscape is witnessed, then an old madman is haggled with, as the QM cannot post and thread is sparse. Overseer , Manager , Collective Game , Facility Management , Anomaly , Lobotomy Corporation , Alphabet Soup 2021-07-29 7 September 2021 4975227 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 44 Mayu's Frost Part 2! Kazuma and Mayu are reunited, but can he save her from The Frost? Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2021-09-02 6 4942283 Born Irrelevant #1 Aware in a world that barely acknowledges him, Asa Minoru becomes involved in a mystery involving the Cast the world serves. Born Irrelevant , Mob Character , Mystery , Anime , RomCom 2021-09-03 6 81216566 Jewish/mesopotamian Mysticism as a setting Bronze Age Middle East worldbuilding with gnostic weirdness Mesopotamia , Judaism , mythology , world building 2021-09-13 1 4957209 HELP WANTED! Yet Another Facility Management Quest You're an amnesiac administrator tasked with running one of P-Company's latest facilities. Only coffee is keeping you sane. Administrator , Collective Game , Lobotomy Corporation , Fan Quest , Please don't sue me HeartQM , Coffee Addiction 2021-09-21 25 October 2021 4964739 Lolimort Quest #1 Tammy Morgana Riddle seeks eternity, a life where she will never grow old and die. Lucky for her, she's a witch. Lolimort Quest , Tammy Morgana Riddle , CHARISMA , gymnastics , witch mc , rich mc , Harry Potter , evil mc , loli mc , Rose is best footstool 2021-10-01 7 5017935 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 45 Ryoji's Death Part 1! Ryoji prepares for the final showdown with Tori, as Class 3 prepare for his rescue. Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2021-10-07 6 November 2021 4992519 MANAGER, HELP! Thread #4 In which the Admin kicks a bitch in the $%&!, disarms a bomb, eats an arm, and has a very nice day. Overseer , Manager , Collective Game , Facility Management , Anomaly , Lobotomy Corporation , Alphabet Soup 2021-11-05 5 5015255 Lolimort Quest #2 First spells learned, an interview with an Irishman, and a stroll through the slums. Lolimort Quest , Tammy Morgana Riddle , CHARISMA , Rich Witch Bitch , Timmy is a good noodle 2021-11-13 3 5023776 HELP WANTED! Yet Another Facility Management Quest #2.1 Crossover with a better quest, autistic amounts of catalogs, and some new horrible anomalies. what more could you ask for? Administrator , Collective Game , Lobotomy Corporation , Fan Quest , guess who the lesbians are , Coffee Addiction 2021-11-28 14 December 2021 5014911 SCARY QUEST In which the Dark Knight Odysseus tries to find his head before Halloween! Many shenanigans, hot babes, and an inconclusive ending. MySojourn , Dark-fantasy , Draw-Quest , Semi-lewd , Graphic Violence , Comedy , Halloween , Dark Knight , Headless Horseman , Odysseus , WickedQM 2021-12-06 -1 5026018 Born Irrelevant #2 Time skip happens, QM decides to drop the quest due to getting bad luck since starting it. Born Irrelevant , Mob Character , Myster , Anime , RomCom 2021-12-10 -3 5063260 One Piece Muscle: ReFlex 1 You are the Composer, a Mechanical marine by day and by night the mastermind of Hidden Justice. collective game , mynameismimikyu , one piece , marine protagonist , pulp action , one piece reflex , quest 2021-12-10 1 January 2022 82716476 origins of humanity in your setting Fa/tg/uys share and discuss their original cosmologies. setting , worldbuilding , religion , mythology , cosmology , theology, 2022-01-06 -2 5095927 One Piece Muscle: ReFlex 2 A One Piece Quest where vigilante marine officer, the cybernetic Composer, heads to Kano to recruit a doctor and perform a exorcism. collective game , mynameismimikyu , one piece , marine protagonist , pulp action , one piece reflex , quest 2022-01-07 1 5114522 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 45 Ryoji's Death Part 2! Dakugeto holds off Tori's forces in a climactic battle! Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2022-01-16 6 5077149 HELP WANTED! Yet Another Facility Management Quest #3 Another floor to manage, some dicking about, and a perspective shift to a certain charming EFT agent. Administrator , Collective Game , Lobotomy Corporation , Fan Quest , QM gets the coof and nearly dies , Coffee Addiction , the wild ride begins 2022-01-16 10 5089129 MANAGER, HELP! Thread #5 In which one hour is completed, an epiphany is engaged, and thread is sparse. Overseer , Manager , Collective Game , Facility Management , Anomaly , Lobotomy Corporation , Alphabet Soup 2022-01-21 5 5111353 One Piece Muscle: ReFlex 3 In the crime ridden West Blue you play Yorkshire Lickylick, the heiress turned vigilante serving the Composer. collective game , mynameismimikyu , one piece , marine protagonist , pulp action , one piece reflex , quest 2022-01-25 0 March 2022 5130116 HELP WANTED! Yet Another Facility Management Quest #4 After spending a moment in the shoes of Gamma, your next shift was spent dealing with one anomaly and beating the shit outta another. Administrator , Collective Game , Lobotomy Corporation , Fan Quest , Coffee Addiction , the QM will try to update faster please trust him 2022-03-05 10 5147047 Hero Academia Quest #47 A barnyarn sleepover and some bike practice. MHA Quest , Ushi , Walker , Present Mic , Collective Game , Quest , MHA , My Hero Academia , Female Protagonist 2022-03-18 24 5166064 Knight of a Dead Empire: Backflash Nineteen years before the events of COADE, we spend a day in the life of Jeanne Elson- also known as Kallis aust Tanoh. Valentine's special Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2022-03-26 5 April 2022 5210247 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 46 Ryoji's Life! The final battle against Tori begins, while Nina explores Ryoji's inner memories! Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2022-04-02 4 5191644 MANAGER, HELP! Another Facility Management Quest #6 Puzzles are shown, a poker game finishes, the thread is sparse Overseer , Manager , Collective Game , Facility Management , Anomaly , Lobotomy Corporation , Alphabet Soup 2022-04-25 5 5199735 Paper Mario TURBO!! Broke-ass Bowser and his motley crew must rescue/kidnap all of the Star Spirits so he can fulfill his wildest wishes! Turn-based RPG action! FaeSmelter , Fae Smelter , Mario , Paper , Bowser , Turn-based , RPG , TURBO , Kammy , Grubba , Doopliss , Waluigi , Wario , Luigi , Boo , Quest , Dice 2022-04-25 1 5196847 HELP WANTED! Yet Another Facility Management Quest #5 An American soldier is finally put to rest, cowboys prepare to invade, and C-0RA finally took her meds. Administrator , Collective Game , Lobotomy Corporation , Fan Quest , Coffee Addiction , Emily is a good robot 2022-04-26 7 May 2022 5252007 Shinigami Schemer Quest #1 It takes great talent and skill to hide one’s talent and skill. Shinigami Schemer Quest , Bleach , Collective Game , KingWormmy 2022-05-03 15 5225732 Imperator Academy A dating sim qst where you fall in love and date in the AU of Warhammer High Imperator Academy , qst , dating sim 2022-05-09 3 5239324 Multiplayer Civ Quest (Mythic RPG) A civ game set in an infinite library, with humans, undead, insects, and African Americans. Civ , Civilization , Multiplayer , Mythic , RPG , Strategy , Wux 2022-05-11 -3 84463018 Creatures from jewish mythology and folklore An ordinary low-effort thread is interrupted by mythology, the nature and confrontation of God, and analysis of Jewish identity. Law , Judaism , Jew , mythology , Torah , Kabbalah , egregore , rabbi 2022-05-15 2 5235409 Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 8 Short-ish Thread. Your Mystery Egg hatched into a Riolu, you made it to a pokemon center out of the rain, met an old friend and more. Pokemon Quest , Towel , Rain , Mystery Egg , SuperBusy 2022-05-17 5 5265138 Song Of The Oath And Wild PRELUDE The pathless forest whispers and beckons. fantasy , fairy tale , elf , sword , viking , adventure , wizard , poem , legend , myth , economics 2022-05-19 2 84620887 Slavic Mythological Creatures Anon shares a variety of creatures from Slavic myth. Slavic , Monsters , Folklore , Mythology 2022-05-27 39 June 2022 5262293 The Mystery Dungeons #7 The guild hunts the runaway Team Penultimate in the windy valley, fight against the haughty Diancie, and unwind with some surfing! The Mystery Dungeons , Collective Game , Pokemon , Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2022-06-06 14 5275841 Imperator Academy Quest 2 Maximilian Kolbe gets invited to a "family dinner" of imperial proportions, meets the primarchs, and then QM abandons the quest. Imperator Academy , Collective Game , 40k , dating sim , VacationingQM 2022-06-16 2 5297344 The Mystery Dungeons #8 Treasure Town celebrates the return of Team Poképals (and is promptly destroyed after) and the guild enters taserland. The Mystery Dungeons , Collective Game , Pokemon , Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2022-06-28 5 85052418 The Oobakiri Anon posts a species they invented and associated in-universe mythology and an alignment system involving cleansing your soul of impurity. worldbuilding , species , race , setting , mythology, 2022-06-29 6 July 2022 5298973 Shinigami Schemer Quest #2 We should not be upset that others hide the truth from us, when we do often hide it from ourselves. Shinigami Schemer Quest , Bleach , Collective Game , KingWormmy 2022-07-06 6 5270271 The Fruit of Knowledge - A Lobotomy Corporation Oneshot A Lobotomy Corp Oneshot from the perspective of a veteran Agent. Lobotomy Corporation , Collective Game , Agent , Hod , Qliphoth , L-Corp , Training Team Captain 2022-07-07 5 5328027 Dark Gate Academy Season 3 Episode 48 Chuichi's Control! The finale to the Broken Class Arc! Quest , Dark Gate Academy , Collective Game 2022-07-15 4 5320928 The Mystery Dungeons #9 The Lost Hope Guild finally venture into the Sea of Time to confront Dialga, but become stranded in the Hidden Land. The Mystery Dungeons , Collective Game , Pokemon , Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2022-07-19 3 August 2022 5337401 Your Little Mermaid Your girlfriend proposes to you and reveals that she's actually part fishwoman. A mix of slice-of-life fluff and supernatural marriage prep mermaid , monstergirl , monogamy , waifu , comfy , Delta Green , Lovecraftian , fishfucker 2022-08-11 7 5338893 You're Invited! - I The mystery begins. A resort with no staff. Our protagonist, a detective, and the other guests. Strange red mannequins. A sudden seizure. You're Invited , Mystery , Limited Cast , Detective 2022-08-13 5 5350782 The Mystery Dungeons #10 Ascending Temporal Tower, they breach a realm beyond to clash with gods. The Mystery Dungeons , Collective Game , Pokemon , Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2022-08-14 4 September 2022 5371911 The Mystery Dungeons #11 "The Mystery Dungeons" is a text-based role-playing game based on the Pokemon spin-off game "Pokemon Mystery Dungeon" PMD , Mystery Dungeon , Pokemon 2022-09-20 0 October 2022 5379135 Your Little Mermaid #2 After some discussions with the waifu about personal issues, you meet her mother and possibly her ancestor. Some bonus content, too. mermaid , monstergirl , monogamy , waifu , comfy , Delta Green(?) , Lovecraftian , fishfucker , mermaid II mer harder 2022-10-02 7 5381067 Shapeshifting Lizard Person Quest A shitpost quest revived with effort into about being a magic lizard man (trans) out to save the world so he can conquer it. We are here to kill The Destroyer , We must kill The Destroyer , My quest is to kill The Destroyer , The Destroyer will die , I can't fucking ( 2022-10-02 2 86174598 What if the soviet union had developed a tabletop RPG culture? In an alternate timeline, Gycakovich and Arnesov invent D&D in the 1974 Soviet Union instead of the US. alternate history , soviet union , D&D , system , slavic mythology, 2022-10-04 5 November 2022 5417897 The Mystery Dungeons #12 Giant robot fairies and unspeakable horrors. All in a night’s work for LHG. The Mystery Dungeons , Collective Game , Pokemon , Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2022-11-11 2 5411624 Urist Fonderferson and the Slit of Secrets Uri Fonder is the Dwarf with a cursed cock! It's DnD meets Hogwarts, but raunchy! Smelty picks up after a flaker, but has no clue how to DM DnD , 5e , Fonderferson , Dwarf , Fae Smelter , Harry Potter , Hogwarts , r34 , Bootyholder , Myhernee 2022-11-14 -6 5462281 Hex Maniac Prison 1 In a reboot of Hex Maniac Quest, you play a socially awkward mafia daughter and witch girl trying to survive a prison school! Collective Game , hex maniac prison , hex maniac , mimikyu , mynameismimikyu , pokemon 2022-11-20 10 December 2022 5433671 HELP WANTED! Yet Another Facility Management Quest #6 After almost half a year of silence, you go back to being the Administrator to put down some fucking cowboys. Administrator , Collective Game , Lobotomy Corporation , Fan Quest , Coffee Addiction , no more long hiatuses without due notice 2022-12-02 6 5441344 A Dragon’s Flash A goblin’s journey to escape from the underworld and spend time in heaven after years of meaningless work. Goblin , Schizo QM , fantasy , based on mythology , horseriding , action 2022-12-12 12 5495063 A Dragon's Flash epilogue Epilogue of the Xil, the Goblin horserider, and some background notes Goblin , Schizo QM , fantasy , Epilogue , based on mythology , horseriding 2022-12-16 12 5460371 The Necromancer of Eden Academy In which you are reborn as the stalwart protector to the heiress of a dying noble house. Stay strong. Undead , Eden Academy Quest , Necromancer Quest , GuardianQM 2022-12-20 27 5461450 The Mystery Dungeons #13 The guild travels across the continent in a caravan. Meanwhile, they also check out Aegis Cave. The Mystery Dungeons , Collective Game , Pokemon , Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2022-12-22 2 5461059 Moonbase Quest #1 James Chapham works for his father in the Triton Trading Company as a subversive advisor under Ksumi Kariya, princess of Arien IV. Collective Game , Quest , LunaticQM , Moonbase Quest , Sci-fi , goddamnitIdidn'tfinishmyreviewbeforethethreadexpired 2022-12-26 1 5469811 Hex Maniac Prison 2 You start your first day in prison... and you find out your partner pokemon... is a shadow pokemon! The plot... starts! Collective Game , hex maniac prison , hex maniac , mimikyu , mynameismimikyu , pokemon 2022-12-26 10 5471260 Your Little Mermaid #3: Family Matters Slow thread. You introduce waifu to the hometown and reveal the secret to Mom. Grandad was a monster hunter, a doctor offers help and a job. mermaid , monstergirl , monogamy , waifu , comfy , Delta Green(?) , Lovecraftian , fishfucker , mermaid III revenge of the mer 2022-12-28 5 January 2023 5493112 HELP WANTED! Yet Another Facility Management Quest #7 A jobbed fight, a bizarre dream, two temporary anomalies to wrangle, and the Eye staring down at you. You're shocked you haven't gone mad. Administrator , Collective Game , Lobotomy Corporation , Fan Quest , Coffee Addiction , I actually fear my players when they shitpost 2023-01-15 5 87315526 Mesoamerican Fantasy Discussion about Mesoamerican mythology, how to use it properly in a game, etc. etc. Mesoamerican , native , mexico , fantasy , art , mythology , nahua , aztec 2023-01-22 3 February 2023 5510217 The Mystery Dungeons #14 The guild finds adventures hidden in the depths below. The Mystery Dungeons , Collective Game , Pokemon , Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2023-02-01 1 5524092 Hex Maniac Prison 3 Your 4th day in prison (There were two days in 2), you deal with your hard to control powers and get revenge on Neo Rocket. Collective Game , hex maniac prison , hex maniac , mimikyu , mynameismimikyu , pokemon 2023-02-11 10 5524326 Hero Academia Quest #48 Ushi greets her classmates, then hunts for answers MHA Quest , Ushi , Walker , Present Mic , Collective Game , Quest , MHA , My Hero Academia , Female Protagonist 2023-02-19 21 5533728 HELP WANTED! Yet Another Facility Management Quest #8 A child finally leaves the nest, time itself crashes down upon the facility, and an AI has to wrangle the facility after the fact. Administrator , Collective Game , Lobotomy Corporation , Fan Quest , Coffee Addiction , people kinda forget Spamton isn't a funny haha man 2023-02-21 6 5552267 Shinigami Schemer Quest #3 It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted in a profoundly sick society. Shinigami Schemer Quest , Bleach , Collective Game , KingWormmy 2023-02-22 2 5534759 Your Little Mermaid #4 - Bridging the Gap General backstory expansion, especially with regards to the nuclear family. Some fun chats with Meryl, too. A bit short, new device. mermaid , monstergirl , monogamy , waifu , comfy , Lovecraftian , Lovecraft Lite , fishfucker, 2023-02-23 5 5539794 A Starscoured Serenade (Part 1) The heavens descend upon the city of Serenade. We follow four individuals slated for greater things as they contend with mystery and horror. Skirmish Quest , Collective Game , Art? , SkirmJam2022 , Deity+Mystery 2023-02-28 3 March 2023 5557513 The Mystery Dungeons #15 The nightmare cult has been silenced, and the guild gets their good night rest. The Mystery Dungeons , Collective Game , Pokemon , Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2023-03-05 4 5573272 Hex Maniac Prison 4 In our lackadaisical shadow pokemon school days, we flirt with disaster and fight the law. (and the law won?) Collective Game , hex maniac prison , hex maniac , mimikyu , mynameismimikyu , pokemon 2023-03-20 8 5575162 Hero Academia Quest #49 Ushi confronts Deku, talks about hero philosophy, and finds out that Bakugo knows more than she thought he did. MHA Quest , Ushi , Walker , Present Mic , Collective Game , Quest , MHA , My Hero Academia , Female Protagonist 2023-03-23 22 April 2023 5593108 Sira cannot run a brothel! A lazy brothel keeper finally decides to care about his business. Spinoff of Goblin Assassin. drawquest , renaissance fantasy , Schizo QM , swordfighting , SEA inspired mythology , brothel managment 2023-04-04 29 5588947 PMD QUEST #1 You wake up as a Pokémon in the Pokémon world, and soon befriend a Buneary! Antics and dungeon-delving soon ensues! PMD QUEST , PMD , Pokémon , Pokémon quest , Pokemon , Pokemon quest , Isekai , Mystery Dungeon , Suezite , /qst/ 2023-04-05 5 5610431 Trojan War Quest #2 Nik sails to Troy, but a single anon seems to derail the thread. Trojan War Quest , Homer , Troy , Ancient Greece , Homeric Myth 2023-04-08 18 5588130 NOW HIRING: Still Another Facility Management Quest You are the MANAGER. You must make PRODUCT. In the remote facility with an ocean view, a guy transforms into a giant stone giraffe. Manager , Collective Game , Facility Management , Anomaly , Lobotomy Corporation , Alphabet Soup , Reboot 2023-04-08 3 5597797 The Mystery Dungeons #16 The guild begins to uncover a plot revolving around Mystery Dungeons through ancient ruins. The Mystery Dungeons , Collective Game , Pokemon , Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2023-04-09 1 5599014 Shinigami Savant Quest #4, Part 1 The worst enemy you can meet will always be yourself. Shinigami Savant Quest , Bleach , Collective Game , KingWormmy 2023-04-19 1 5599265 Your Little Mermaid #5 - Collecting Yourself Lots of trials and tribulations lead into the most important choice in the whole quest- your daughter's name. Marilyn joins your family. mermaid , monstergirl , monogamy , waifu , comfy , Lovecraftian , Lovecraft Lite , fishfucker, 2023-04-24 25 5629008 Sira can run a brothel! A brothel keeper gets involved in the darker schemes of his crime organization. drawquest , renaissance fantasy , Schizo QM , SEA inspired mythology , horror , brothel management 2023-04-29 29 5629639 Hex Manic Prison 5 You go exploring the underground, and encounter far more then you can chew. Collective Game , hex maniac prison , hex maniac , mimikyu , mynameismimikyu , pokemon 2023-04-30 6 May 2023 5645488 Pay Your Taxess Quest - File 1 All you remember is a distant light. To reach it, you'll have to claw through a mountain of corpses, monstrosities, and your fragmented past. Face the Fear. Project Moon , Lobotomy Corporation , Pay Your Taxes Quest , Life Is Cheap But Living's Expensive , The IRS Has Assassins 2023-05-01 5 5623493 Mystery Investigation Sidequest: Impish Wiles Jubilee returns to Hell for a bit and gets her very own Imp servant. The building of a hellish empire begins Mystery Investigation , Gloomsday , Gloomy , Jubilee , Peekay 2023-05-09 10 5663865 Sira won’t be running a brothel! A brothel keeper confronts his past. drawquest , renaissance fantasy , Schizo QM , SEA inspired mythology , brothel management 2023-05-14 31 5637501 The Mystery Dungeons #17 LHG, in pursuit of the past, defies the words of a legendary—soon finding this mystery goes deeper than they thought. The Mystery Dungeons , Collective Game , Pokemon , Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2023-05-20 1 5654217 Archimedean Quest: II In which a great War starts, a noble Lady enjoys a Leisure Cruise, receives a Piece of Jewellery, and has to deal with a boarding Action. Archimedean , Alchymy , Steam Powered Flying Battleships , Airships , The Great Game , Secret Despatches , Gallivanting with our Tits out 2023-05-21 10 5636870 NOW HIRING: Still Another Facility Management Quest #2 In a facility by the false ocean shores, the Manager showboats for a shrimp farm, we talk with Ed, and a centipede knight is captured. Manager , Collective Game , Facility Management , Anomaly , Lobotomy Corporation , Alphabet Soup , Reboot 2023-05-27 4 5668924 PMD QUEST #2 [incomplete] PMD QUEST continues with Indie and Erna having an honest conversation about Indie's human origins. Then OP ends up having to abandon ship. PMD QUEST , PMD , Pokémon , Pokémon quest , Pokemon , Pokemon quest , Isekai , Mystery Dungeon , Suezite , /qst/ 2023-05-29 1 June 2023 5682932 The ODALISQUE PRELUDE - We shall sit together by the river, beneath the summer trees. collective game , mystery , horror , Victorian , Edwardian , 19th Century , occult , mannerpunk , ww1 , poetry 2023-06-08 1 5653429 Draugr Quest A jarl's undead attendant gets a second chance at an adventurous life when he's called upon to collect a stolen ring Fantasy , Norse mythology , undead , witchcraft , subterfuge , honor 2023-06-17 1 5654776 True Neutral Conquest Quest A True Neutral Wizard embarks on a quest to conquer the entire world for the sake of learning more magic. Wizard , World Conquest , Different Army Alignments , Alignment , Ninja 2023-06-22 0 5678076 Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest Volume 12 A dragon king comes home to find his kingdom changed. The politics are ALMOST as complicated as his harem. He leaves to visit the neighbors. ReptoidQM , Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest , Reptilian Infiltrator Quest , factionalism , imeprialism , abolitionism , polygamy , politics , Pride 2023-06-30 6 July 2023 5669236 The Mystery Dungeons #18 LHG delves into the mysteries that exceed the normal and breach past the supernatural. Deep below, or high above… The Mystery Dungeons , Collective Game , Pokemon , Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2023-07-04 1 5671876 Archimedean Quest #3 In which a noble Lady finds herself in strange vessels, kisses a man and learn the true nature of Alchymysts. Archimedean , Alchymy , Steam Powered Flying Battleships , Airships , The Great Game , Secret Despatches , Submersible , Submarine , Geber 2023-07-10 10 5687808 My Sister, My Writer 1 QM makes a low-effort quest based on the premise of a siscon light novel; another QM with no knowledge of the series picks it up My Sister My Writer , Adopted Quest , anime , alternate timeline , slice-of-life , lewd , romance , Japanese Culture 2023-07-11 3 August 2023 5702385 The Mystery Dungeons #19 Together, the group works together to impede the machinations of the deranged legendary mastermind, all in a bid to save the world. The Mystery Dungeons , Collective Game , Pokemon , Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2023-08-09 0 5731296 The Mystery Dungeons #20 LHG saves the world one last time in the finale. The Mystery Dungeons , Collective Game , Pokemon , Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2023-08-22 4 September 2023 5737416 NOW HIRING #3: Still Another Facility Management Quest: A few works are done, a zipper is seen, nothing much else happens. a centipede knight is captured. Manager , Collective Game , Facility Management , Anomaly , Lobotomy Corporation , Alphabet Soup , Reboot 2023-09-20 2 5743269 The Mystery Dungeons 2e #0 The Voice of Life calls out to the void, seeking help from beyond the dimensional veil. New game, new characters! The Mystery Dungeons , Collective Game , Pokemon , Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2023-09-26 3 5737876 My Sister, My Writer Quest (2) The occult-influenced alternate take on the thin siscon premise adds combat and business mechanics, an occult air, and then... Stops? My Sister My Writer , Adopted Quest , anime , alternate timeline , slice-of-life , lewd , romance , combat , occult 2023-09-28 1 October 2023 5755695 The Mystery Dungeons 2e #1 From the burning forests, the exhausted group finds shelter in Baram Town, full of new things to see. The Mystery Dungeons , Collective Game , Pokemon , Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2023-10-06 2 5764197 Mystic Harvest 1 Where we meet April Bythewood, our naked amnesiac protagonist, and she acquires the Henderson Homestead and become a farmer. Mystic Harvest , SysQm , Farming , Cozy 2023-10-12 11 5792391 Mystic Harvest 2 We have our shopping delivered by a cute patch-face girl and we start clearing more of the farming field. Mystic Harvest , SysQm , Farming , Cozy , Fantasy , Supernatural 2023-10-29 4 November 2023 5817888 COSMOGONY PRELUDE - They watched the stillness
Of slaughtered stars, and gave sacrifice
In Lightless Fire... collective game , space , star , spaceship , space opera , science , astronomy , cyberpunk , 4X , battlemap , galaxy , conquest , colony , planet 2023-11-05 1 5790853 The Mystery Dungeons 2e #2 In the ashes of burnt forests, deep in dreams, and in the wake of grand theft piracy, the ex-humans try to acclimatize in the chaos. The Mystery Dungeons , Collective Game , Pokemon , Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2023-11-23 1 December 2023 5804752 Hero Academia Quest #50 Work life balance is important, kids MHA Quest , Ushi , Walker , Present Mic , Collective Game , Quest , MHA , My Hero Academia , Female Protagonist 2023-12-01 21 5806381 The False-Woman: A Warhammer 40k Quest #1 You are a tankborn: a customized person made to serve the highborn. Yet, you are imperfect. False Woman , 40k , Mystery , Survival 2023-12-06 23 5810404 The Monster Girl Facility #1 Mikhail and his men enter the ruins of the facility for the first time. They encounter two subjects and a scientist and kill 3 guardsmen. Monster Girls , Sci-fi , Death Squads , Mystery , Collective game , Original Setting 2023-12-07 22 5833482 Vacuo Quest 2 After dealing with Gillian, Picaro goes to Atlas to help Isaac get prosthetics limbs while shenanigans ensues, with a hint of conspiracy. Vacuo Quest , DesertQM , RWBY , Collective Game , Mystery , Fantasy 2023-12-30 6 January 2024 5845826 Olympus Incarnation Quest #1 Due to a mysterious system, you have become the incarnation of a Greek divinity Mythology , Olympus , Incarnation , Greek Mythos , Female Protagonist , Collective Game 2024-01-04 18 5855707 The Mystery Dungeons 2e #3 The discomfort of the dreamscape haunts the minds of the humans, troubled further by a restless disease they know nothing of. The Mystery Dungeons , Collective Game , Pokemon , Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2024-01-13 2 5857674 The False-Woman #2: A Warhammer 40k Quest The tankborn begins to develop a sense of purpose, crossing the depths of the hive, but also hearing a calling. False Woman , 40k , Mystery , Survival 2024-01-22 17 5860474 The Monster Girl Facility #2 Mikhail and his men enter the green section, Zaria is hurt by a chameleon subject, and a side-story reveals just how bad things can get... Monster Girls , Sci-fi , Death Squads , Mystery , Collective game , Original Setting 2024-01-23 16 5872086 City Management Quest In this thread Marjun is elected as major of Trenfel, and must wrestle with the council to achieve his goals. City Management , Economy , Trade , Management , Trenfel , Marjun , City Management Quest , Drawing 2024-01-30 6 February 2024 5885101 Olympus Incarnation Quest #2 Atë faces off against law enforcement and infiltrates her pantheon of cliquey mean girl chaos goddesses Mythology , Olympus , Incarnation , Greek Mythos , Female Protagonist , Collective Game 2024-02-14 11 5906767 Seekers of the Esoteric: Volume 5 Returning from the heavens, a half-elf catches up with his old flame(s), makes a world-changing discovery, and encounters a familiar face... ReptoidQM , Reptilian Infiltrator Quest , Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest , polygamy , spycraft , hippies , elves , dragons , religion , post-scarcity 2024-02-15 6 5893347 The Mystery Dungeons 2e #4 A burnt château rises once more from the ash, and the humans take a chance to play in the past. The Mystery Dungeons , Collective Game , Pokemon , Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2024-02-27 0 March 2024 5899265 The False-Woman #3: A Warhammer 40k Quest The calling matures, and the tankborn hears the whispers of the machine. False Woman , 40k , Mystery , Survival 2024-03-09 11 5904571 The Monster Girl Facility #3 Mikhail and his men deal with some more guards, terrible scientists, a friendly yet simple mosquito subject and a murderous rabbit subject. Monster Girls , Sci-fi , Death Squads , Mystery , Collective game , Original Setting 2024-03-12 15 5928164 Olympus Incarnation Quest #3 Atë, accompanied by a few allies from her pantheon, travel to Austria to hunt down a prospective member Mythology , Olympus , Incarnation , Greek Mythos , Female Protagonist , Collective Game 2024-03-27 10 April 2024 5975312 Seekers of the Esoteric: Volume 7 Growing up means putting aside childish adventures to attend to relationships, responsibilities, and royal land reserves for 'Tips' the ma ReptoidQM , religion , marriage , polygamy , politics , esoteric magic , world travel , predestination , pregnancy scare , elves , italian in-laws 2024-04-20 7 5947684 The Mystery Dungeons 2e #5 Beneath the surface, things lurk and lie, waiting to be discovered by the inquisitive ex-humans from above. The Mystery Dungeons , Collective Game , Pokemon , Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2024-04-21 0 5947474 The False-Woman #4: A Warhammer 40k Quest A change of fortune diverts you from the cliffs, to a place you never expected to be - the heart of the Omnissiah's worship in Odrev. False Woman , 40k , Mystery , Survival 2024-04-23 11 5950624 The Monster Girl Facility #4 Mikhail and his men defeat the rabbit, meet Morgan the knight subject, fight some extremely paranoid guardsmen and learn of a queen subject. Monster Girls , Sci-fi , Death Squads , Mystery , Collective game , Original Setting 2024-04-26 12 May 2024 5964183 Olympus Incarnation Quest #4 Atë takes control of the Czech mafia, then attends a mysterious auction by and for incarnations Mythology , Olympus , Incarnation , Villain Protagonist , Greek Mythos , Female Protagonist , Collective Game 2024-05-13 7 5985534 Cyberpunk Quest #3 Kai recovers from his ICE induced coma suffered at the end of the last thread. Thread was cut short due to time constraints. Cyberpunk 2077 , Cyberpunk 2020 , Cyberpunk RED , Night City , Cyber Psycho , Eddies , Netrunning , AI , Edgerunner , fry your own brain , cop mommy 2024-05-25 5 6011108 Seekers of the Esoteric: Volume 8 Tips' inability to avoid adventure results in another extended trip to the Goblin Wastes and the sanctuar of the Ashurati sand-elves. ReptoidQM , PTSD , exoteric mysticism , Gaia Hypothesis , goblins , ashurati , elves , polyamory , adventure , discovery , smut 2024-05-27 5 6018544 Seekers of the Esoteric: Volume 8.5 Tips pulls out, a 4chan moderator takes it down, and Volume 8 continues... ReptoidQM , PTSD , exoteric mysticism , Gaia Hypothesis , goblins , ashurati , elves , polyamory , adventure , discovery , sfw 2024-05-27 7 5993366 Jacob’s Ladder Quest Atticus dies of a mysterious illness and finds himself on a dirt path surrounded by nothing. Storytelling and bonding with strangers ensues. Oneshot , afterlife , mystery , short stories , nature. 2024-05-29 1 June 2024 5988572 The Mystery Dungeons 2e #6 Cast before a tumultuous sea to make ends meet and hidden within the shadows of the mind, the group learn and grow. The Mystery Dungeons , Collective Game , Pokemon , Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2024-06-02 2 5984806 The False-Woman #5: A Warhammer 40k Quest You're not entirely sure why you're here, in this place of worship. The fact that this bothers you at all is more troubling than anything. False Woman , 40k , Mystery , Survival 2024-06-02 11 5987532 The Monster Girl Facility #5: Burnt rabbit edition Mikhail and his men discover and barely survive a secret lair and encounter some of the queen's forces. Meanwhile, Kiyohime hunts for booze Monster Girls , Sci-fi , Death Squads , Mystery , Collective game , Original Setting 2024-06-04 12 6004703 Olympus Incarnation Quest #5 Atë meets a new ally and sets out on the hunt for the mysterious Isa. Unexpectedly, however, she uncovers a horror beyond comprehension. Mythology , Olympus , Incarnation , Villain Protagonist , Greek Mythos , Female Protagonist , Collective Game , Eldritch , Horror 2024-06-17 10 6015486 Dark Investigation: Rabbinic Tunnels (Mythic RPG) Investigating the Chabad-Lubavitch tunnels to find missing children. Call of Cthulhu , Conspiracy , Google Street View , Horror , Modern , Mythic , Nyarlathotep , Paranormal , RPG , Wux 2024-06-22 13 July 2024 6027666 The Monster Girl Facility #6: Regicide edition Artyom gets injured from a trapped corpse, Mikhail and his men ambush some of the queens forces, and make more sinister discoveries. Monster Girls , Sci-fi , Death Squads , Mystery , Collective game , Original Setting 2024-07-17 13 6029696 The Mystery Dungeons 2e #7 The group braves toxic fumes on the northern island for a lost artifact and its history, and uncovers a Magnagate mystery dungeon… The Mystery Dungeons , Collective Game , Pokemon , Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2024-07-28 0 6037578 Olympus Incarnation Quest #6 Atë prepares for a confrontation with the formidable Heracles, a victim of her quest for power, by collecting new allies and abilities Mythology , Olympus , Incarnation , Villain Protagonist , Greek Mythos , Female Protagonist , Collective Game 2024-07-31 6 August 2024 6051229 Al-Kimia Story #2 Our protagonist runs into a bit of financial trouble and gets married Collective Game , Al-Kimia , Alchemy , jrpg 2024-08-05 3 6035047 The False-Woman #6: A Warhammer 40k Quest You begin to have the unsettling realization that you might believe in something. Also, rats. False Woman , 40k , Mystery , Survival 2024-08-06 10 September 2024 6095219 Petty Gods - The Pact of Solomon Anons create their own Gods and compete with each other for influence over mankind Multiplayer , Fantasy , Mythology , Historical 2024-09-06 1 6070163 Olympus Incarnation Quest #7 Atë faces off against ADAM, Heracles, and a revived Tisiphone. Mythology , Olympus , Incarnation , Villain Protagonist , Greek Mythos , Female Protagonist , Collective Game 2024-09-21 5 October 2024 6075485 The False-Woman #7: A Warhammer 40k Quest You descend to the mess and find a new friend. False Woman , 40k , Mystery , Survival 2024-10-04 10 6101844 Digimon: Dead Site A website that allegedly grants you the ability to resurrect the dead…
Such a thing could never exist but…
What if it did? Digimon Dead Site , Digimon , Mystery , Anime , 2024-10-07 5 6077160 The Monster Girl Facility #7: Monster girl Adoption edition After taking the girls somewhere safe, Mikhail and his men encounter Vinisha, trick Nikita and face more of the Queen's forces. Monster Girls , Sci-fi , Death Squads , Mystery , Collective game , Original Setting 2024-10-08 11 6121718 Love Haunt Quest #1 Thema is dead... and loving it? A mummy queen hits the dating scene! Archived early due to IRL issues. BANEQM , Mummy , Collective Game , Love Haunt Quest , Drawquest 2024-10-23 0 6090662 The Mystery Dungeons 2e #8 The Wayfarers learn the truth of the idol that cures Twilight Syndrome. Afterwards, a sketchy request to survey a secluded temple… The Mystery Dungeons , Collective Game , Pokemon , Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2024-10-24 1 November 2024 6107123 Hero Academia Quest #51 - Undying Edition Ushi shows off in front of Endeavor then gets blocked at her school gate. MHA Quest , Ushi , Walker , Present Mic , Collective Game , Quest , MHA , My Hero Academia , Female Protagonist 2024-11-02 9 6116909 Al-Kimia Story #3 Marron and company do a delivery to the Water God Temple Collective Game , Al-Kimia , Alchemy , jrpg 2024-11-10 3 6139675 Cambion Quest: Volume 2 CZ and ZZ, two strange sisters, continue their quest to nab a mysterious lake-monster for money, while on a road to self-discovery ReptoidQM , goblins , demons , futanari , amphibians , mysteries , Scooby-Doo , occultism , family , friendship , sailing , fishing , adventure 2024-11-12 2 6107803 Olympus Incarnation Quest #8 Atë offers to solve some problems for her new Chinese ally, but a confrontation with the Uncrowned King ends in an unexpected outcome Mythology , Olympus , Incarnation , Villain Protagonist , Greek Mythos , Female Protagonist , Collective Game , Eldritch , Horror 2024-11-16 2 6134429 False God Quest You are a god of nothing, It has been a very long time since you last heard a prayer. False God Quest , Mythology , OC setting , Fantasy , Adventure , Hexagons 2024-11-27 6 December 2024 6122821 The Caretaker Quest #3 The new Hogwarts Caretaker and his companion battle the ghost of an Ancient Wizard and work on unraveling what is happening at the School Hogwarts , Harry Potter , Caretaker Quest , Adventure , Kektus , Caretaker , Mystery , Collective Game 2024-12-02 4 6116693 The False-Woman #8: A Warhammer 40k Quest You participate in a ritual. False Woman , 40k , Mystery , Survival 2024-12-04 4 6121545 Mystery Investigation Quest: King of the Forest The Mystery Investigation Team gains a new member and plays pretend in the woods Mystery Investigation , Ace , Lorelei , Calamitas , Jubilee , drawthread , Peekay 2024-12-05 4 6121388 Dragon Ball TQ Mystery: Chocolat Sirop Quest Your QM attempts to get into the swing of running an investigation and then crashes into the worst couple of months, quest on hiatus! Sorry. Collective Game , Dragon Ball , Tuffle Quest , Dragon Ball TQ Mystery , chocolat , AA , tbh most of the above tags don't figure in until way late 2024-12-10 -1 6122269 The Monster Girl Facility #8: Roasted Soldier Edition Mikhail and his men get beaten by Feng's forces and discover a beast in the flooded parts. A sidestory showcases the past of the facility. Monster Girls , Sci-fi , Death Squads , Mystery , Collective game , Original Setting 2024-12-11 11 January 2025 6142153 Olympus Incarnation Quest #9 Stranded in a hostile plane, Atë tries to find a way home Mythology , Olympus , Incarnation , Villain Protagonist , Greek Mythos , Female Protagonist , Collective Game , Eldritch , Horror 2025-01-18 1 6151986 The False-Woman #9: A Warhammer 40k Quest In flames, you come face to face with a serpent and a raven at the peak of the temple. False Woman , 40k , Mystery , Survival 2025-01-27 0 February 2025 6159531 The Caretaker Quest - Part 4 We experience a POV shift, get to be a fit German girl after the MC lands in the hospital and continue to oppose the plots of a vile wizard. Hogwarts , Harry Potter , Caretaker Quest , Adventure , Kektus , Caretaker , Mystery , Collective Game 2025-02-09 3 6157764 The Monster Girl Facility #9: Spider-wife edition Mikhail and his companions travel through Titania's chamber, encounter more subjects and traverse a high threat level containment sector. Monster Girls , Sci-fi , Death Squads , Mystery , Collective game , Original Setting 2025-02-09 7 6168593 Deities Adrift, Chapter One A multiplayer god game using rules created by GodScribe, ran by GodScribe as well. Multiplayer , God Game , Fantasy , Mythology , GodScribe , Collective Game , Rules , God , Creation , Worldbuilding 2025-02-24 0